Bern No 150 NEW BERN. N. C, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 2 1913- FIRST SECTION IN NEW BERN The Occasion.. A Usual, Was Observed In A Fitting Manner. SERVICE AT THE CHURCHES ON TQ CHIHUAHUA fS NEW SLOGAN Flushod With Victory Villa pets To Move From Juarez. Ex WILL LEAVE THERE TODAY Many Visitors Spend The In The City Amusements. DaJ Plan Of Attack Has Been lined To Strike From The North. Out f Thanksgiving Day in New Bern was! El Paso, Texas, Nov. 8. "On tt ?. . i . l i - I 1 nmngiy ouservea ana, as ..sua., pcu Chihuahuar ., thc newMt 8,ogan of by in a quiet manner. the early con8tj,utionaiist army- in juare, Gen- part of the day services were held at CTa, pancho via,s rebe, army 0 000 many of the churches and these were men flusm.d with kg reCent victory near well attended. At practically all of juar over the federal army of Chihua-. these house of worship, contributions wi movc ou( of ,uarer a8ajnst for the pow d needy were taken Chihuahua city today or Saturday at up and these, which consisted of money, the ate8t accordint t0 announcement food, clothing, etc., were dstnbuted mad this morning by the rebBl during the afternoon. , himself. One thousand men under the Many New Bernians spent the day command of General Aguirro Benavides out of the city, some visiting realuves wil, be rft tQ Garrison juarez. and friends in nea'by towns and cities ..If l do not heaf by lomghl while others attended the football that the enemy .. again coming north. games at Richmond and Norfolk. ward j Mnd my army against tnc There were many visitor in New Bern 8tate capital immediately," slid Gene.-il slso. At the hotels special menus via .., Mieve that the federas wh 0 had been prepared for the occasion were dcfeattd Tuesday before Juarez, and the genial hoBts of these hostel- haye by thig time reached Chihuahua, ries endeavored, to their utmost ability, but k ig not imp0gBible that) hemmed to make their places seem homelike. in ag they are they wi ake another That they succeeded in accomplish- ga,y nortnwara. ing this end was evidenced by the praise In cage thig happens my army will of the guests. be eavjng here by tonight to meet As for sports and amusements, the enemy If the Huerti8tag have not there was a sufficient amount of these come north fey tomorrow night I will to gratify the desires of even the most mQve againgt the capita, and thig time fastidious. During the ea'ly part of ... relinauish the seine until thc day there was a big turkey shoot the city ig m our handg out at Ghent Park and this was large- ..Thig time the fight wil be briefi i ly attended. During the afternoon wkh the artiiery we have cap- the-e was a concert by the Peoples f he federal it wiU be a .-v . i I -1!.. ' Band t tne same piacc ana m.s wrts lcoir,paratively easy matter t0 hammer followed by a game of football between I their fortifica,iong in thc capiUi to If they choose to come oiit John Loudon H II GENERA RABAGO .Hn. John Loudon, who was recently appointed by Queen Wll helmina as minister to foreign aff airs of Holland, has for the past five years represented his country as ambassador at Washington. His wife is a daughter of J. B. Eustis, a former American ambassador to France. thc team of the Ghent Athletic Asso cmtion and the Sophomore Team of A. ft M. College. During the evening New Bern's three theatres were open and these were largely attended. So fa- as is known there were no accidents and no disorderly cenduct to mar the ob servance of the occasion. GUINEAS REPORT SHOWS LITTLE COTTON GINNED CRAVEN'S SHOWING IS FAR BE LOW THAT OF LAST YEAR. The cotton's ginner report just issued shows that during the present season that 2,716 bales of cotton were ginned in Craven county up to November 14, In 1912 the number of bales ginned up to a corresponding date numbered if KILLS HIMSELF Tampico Seriously Menaced By Rebels, Is Private Mexico City Advices. jtG.Sdimcuot)pyFP' VILLA'S TROOPS MARCHING Huerta Appeals To Bank Man agers For Cash To Meet Pressing Obligations. RAISE STANDARD Of TEACHING President Reynold Addresses Instructors On Timely Su jects. MUST BE HIGH REQUIREMENTS Trgued A In For The Of An Advancement Compensation Teachers. pieces, side the city to fight us, the task will be all thc more simple, for it has been demonstrated what mv men can do to them in thc open field. What we will .io. do when Chihuahua is ours is too far During the present season and up in theifuture today. Thc way to the to November 14 Jones county ginned City of Mexico will be more open than 2,631 bales, Lenoir county 5,503 bales ever before, will it not?" 0nslow county 1718 Pamlico county Overland and by train General Villa sN.". will rfpnart from luarcz. The Last season these counties ginned the problem of sufficient rolling stock to following number of bales: Jones carry his' forces has been greatly leS- 4,9r9, Unolr 11,374, Onslow 2,718 sened by the capture of fou federal and Pamlico 4,089. It can be seca trains in the recent three day battle, from the above figures that there below the border has been a ,arge decrea9e ,n the mount Chihuahua will be assaulted Irom gmneu. i nis was causcu uy -three directions, according to the rebel crop which was brought about by un- onH..i.rhif nrovidimt thc fed- favorable weather and the encroach- i. .k ,.; rWl lulio ment of various diseases to the cotton rrdD uiv .... j I Ar,a'. column of 800 men, now while in its early growth oneratin; in the Uuerrer aisinci oi Western Chihuahua, will move on the A 1LROAD PRESIDENT ILL ranital bv wav of the Mexican North- Nashville, Tenn., Nov. 28. That western railroad, striking the city irom John W. lhomai Jr., president oi tne the west. Nashville, Chattanooga and St. Louis will.'. ,rmv will strike from thc railway, who several days ago suffered Mo,,h while 2.000 rebels under General an attack ol plural pneumonia, has been r,K whn are located around critically became known here today 'Santa Rasalic, will move up from the Physician tonight, however, saiil that c...k i. i ...imnted that nearlv 10.- he has shown much improvement in the imn m. ra he concentrated by the last few hours and is now practically the scige o"t ol danger R.ileigh, Nov. 28. Members of the cachers' Assembly and a vast audi chit of citizens generally, heard with great pleasure and approval the an-, n'.ial address of President A. C. Rcy nnlA of the assembly tonight on "A Professional Bodv of Teachers and I Chihuahua rebel chieftain for How to Secure and Retain Such alof thc capital Body." I The first money being issued by the I Chief of C Police and Mrs. Lupton He insisted that there must berehes resulted in Juarez being closed "returned yesterday from a visit with such high and uniform requirement! tignt as a drum today. The merchants I relatives in Pamlico county for entering upon this work and pro-i absolutely to accept, and snut tcctitn of those engaged in it, inp their places of business. Villa ..rHcr to induce men and women oflthreueas to break in their doorj and proper capacity and training to take confiscate their slocks. Juarez mer up the work is a life profession in- chants, who refuse to crept the cur stead of as a stepping stone to some rency, will be fined 500 pesos accord thingtclse. The home, the school and ing to printed circalsrs issued this spccia'l triining best calculated to morning hy Colonel Juan N. Medina, develop teachers really worth while, rebel garrison commander in luarei. were treated forcibly, the speaker de- The refusal night of a Juarez daring that none should teach ex- gambling house employe to accept ccpt those who relly inspire in child- 50 peso bill issued by the constitution- rcn a desire for knowledge and who alist bank and tendered by a rebel of- . o-.ntilitv that will command ficer. Lieutenant F. Casares, cost the respect, along, with nobility ol cnarac- Mexico, Nov. 2f General Antonio Rabago, military governor of the State of Tatnpautipas, SSBed himself after losing Victoris, the capital. The sui cide of General Rabago is not admitted by the government, but the news is contained in an authoritative private telegram to his relatives here. General Rabago, as military governor, was re sponsible fore the garrison when Vic toria was attacked by the rebels on November 17. It was not until this morning that Victoria had been captured. General Rabago, it was stated, had evacuated the city. Among the incidents connected with the capture of Victoria one is related of the execution of Captain Thomas Jamez. He was told that his life would be spared if he foreswore the government, but refused and was marched to the place designated for his death. There he distributed among the firing squad all but one of a package of cigarettes. This he lighted himself and signalled to the officer in command to give the order to fire. That Tampico is seriously menaced by the rebels is indicated by private advices which say they are moving southward from Victoria and today cut the railroad 40 miles north of Tarn pico. According to late dispatches the man agers of the branches of the London and Mexican and the National Banks at Tampico have been instructed to close their establishments and remove the archives to Progresso. President Huerta summoned the man agers of thc Bank of London and Mex ico and the National Bank before him this afternoon and explained to them the necessity of their financial assist ance to meet thfcobligations.jjf the National Railways on December 1. In terest payments of the railways, due December 1, aggregate 801,000 pesos gold. It was to raise this amount and the interest payments maturing Jan uary 1 that E. N. Brown, president of the National Railways, went to New York recently. The gross earnings of the railways since December, 1912, show a decrease of practically 15,000,000 pesos gold. Losses on fixed charges and on proper ty, track and equipment aggregate many millions additional. Failure to meet the payments in De cember would, it is claimed, have the right of foreclosure, but as such action would have to be brought in a Mexican court because the company is a Mexican corporation, the difficulties to be ea countered are obvious. life of Canares and another reDeil shot Casan's. M.1M1CI J " w . '. ' . ... 1 I He said the present system of exam-1 the bullet tearing away nis lower jw ining am) licensing high school teachers land causing a wound from which ne i... r.rviH..,l a neceus on wmcmidied several nours iaicr. n ... k..iu m efficient Drofcssional or-laoklier from Casarcs' command, who ..:.. u .Mcherm. The State Be- lattemDtcd to avenge the shooting of hit pnrtmcnt of Education has already I chief, was killed by a bullet from the urenared to be pressed upon the next I patrolman's revolver a few minute cBilsature for enactment of a bill forlafter the shooting ol the lieutenant. bringing teaching up to a professiona standing. The bill will give opportunip for those now ia the service wni are deficient to bring themselves uy to the required standard, those fail ing to qualify in proper time to be elim inated from teaching service. Atonu with raising the sianoaras oi liment there must, nc argucu, . nt in eompeiumton to at hold the best men and f equipi BIG CLEARANCE SALE STARTS ON WEDNESDAY u'omen. There was also tonight an address I'nivcrstiy. on the Montesorn aysi Examined." This was of keen pro fessional Interest to the teacasrs. J. BAXTER TO SSLL HI8 EN TIRE STOCK AT A REDUCTION. trning, J. Baxt I good I Sprains, Bruises Stiff Muscles are qilckly relieved by Sloan's Liniment. Lay it on no rub bing. Try it A-hU Snk d DUoutod Hip. f lt mv .nlrlK and (ill-located OB- hlpbr faUliiort Of s tUristanr wTndow. Wnt--on cratebM far foor I month. Then I started to nee your I Liniment, eccordlnf to dlrecttone. 1 I . l. u l.lnin. me WMHtemillT. 1 Siwlll nerer be without flosnt SMT- ' SLOANS LINIMENT I Kills Pain MeodMiocapcehu n-tm "Stosn'e Untawat has done MM I mod Uun sorthlna 1 hsw ew tried f..tiir ininte. 1 cot my i I kuU. that I nod to stoo 1 vim. m m . I estthMTwooM hae to hand tales . tort I a I At .n Dhn. 9U. 50c. 4 1100 end for Boon' free. IsettweUTe book of .arses. ostUe, hot and IjlHlf. MOrsss r v Albert. C. Sc limed em an of Madi son, Wis., has been appointed Uni ted States minister to Norway Mr. Schmedeman was born In Madi' son and has been active in the Democratic councils of the State for years. He succeeds Lauritz Swenson of Minnesota. FOR IMPROVING BAY RIVER Board Of Engineers For Rivers Wants Information About Proposed Work. OF INTEREST TO BAYBORO Interested Parties Requested To Submit Statements And Arguments. Mil LuKKLNUY Restricting Credits Are To Meet A11 Provisions Of The New Bill. NEW MAP OF NEW BERN IS JUST ISSUED RAYMOND R. EAGLE COMPILES AND ISSUES SURVEY OF THE CITY. McADOO ISSUES STATEMENT Declares Funds Of The Treasury Are At Their Disposal. The River and Harbor Act approved July 25, 112, contained provision for a preliminary examination of "Northwest prong Bay River to public wharf at dam in town of Bayboro, North Carolina." Thc required ex amination was made by the District Officer, and pursuant to favorable recommendations thereon, a survey was authorized. The report of the District Officer on the survey is favor able for the improvement of the local ity to the extent of recommending an extension of the existing project to the mill dam of a channel 50 feet wide and 10 feet deep, with a turning basin just beow the dam, at an estima ted cost of $9,337.50, provided that local interests contribute toward . the improvement $2,700. In accordance with law, the report has been referred to the Board ol Engineers for Rivers and Harbors for consideration and recommendation. From the information presented, the Board is not convinced of the advis ability of the United States under Washington, Nov. 29. Secretary McAdoo issued a statement tonight decla ing that if banks throughout the country are, as repo.-ted, restricting credits to meet provisions of the ex pected currency law, they are mak ing a mistake. He announced that the resources of the treasury will be it the disposal of thc banks to aid them in complying with the new law. The statement in Dart said: "The Secretary expressed the conviction that the new law will impose no hard ships on the tanks and that the trans fers of capital and reserves to the DroDosed Federal reserve bankj will be accomplished with little or no in convenience to thc banks and to gen eral business. The Secretary said that the Treasury Department had large available resources at its command that he should not hesitate to use them for the purpose of aiding the banks to comply with the new law and that in is opinion the banks could with perfect safety proceed with the granting of accommodations to their customers in the normal and usual way. "The Secretary said that he did not of course, assume to advise thebanks he only wanted them and the business nublic to know that there is no ground for apprehension and that the attitude of the Treasury Department is to be helpful and that he thought it could be effectively helpful. He said that if any banks are laboring under the impression that the new law will necessitate or occasion a re striction of credits they are control led by error. "The Secretary stated that up to date the banks had called upon the Treasury for only $34,661,000 for crop moving purposes; that these deposits were, under the arrangements, to be returned in four instalments begin ning December 15th and ending March 1st. After spending three years in the work, Raymond R. Eagle, a prominent young civil engineer of the city, has at last completed and issued a map of the city of New Bern and its numerous sub-divisions that is a credit to Mr. Eagle, and will be of untold erorth to the many business men and corpora tions who have purchased one of them. In 1875 H. A. Marshall compiled a map of New Bern which, at that time, took in efery part of New Bern and was an excellent piece of work. Naturally New Bern has greatly enlarged since that period, but up to a few days ago there was no map of the place, but the one made during that year. Realizing that New Bern busines men needed a new survey of the city, Mr. Eagle, three years ago, began this work. The map which he has issued is based on the one made by Mr. Marshall, but, in addition, a number of new surveys have been made. Every sub urban section has been included and there is even a map of the Glenburnie Park property. Each section of the city and the sub divisions are indexed in bold letters so that it is a very easy matter for any one to find either. Riverside, Ghjnt' I.arksvillc ,or any other sectionnwithou t the least trouble. Another feature is that, by using the map, one can tell just how great is the distance from one point to another. The scale is three hundred feet to the inch, and by meas uring one can estimate, within a few feet, the exact distance from one point to another. A large number of the maprisave been disposed of and it is safe to sJrf'lhat man mou- will be placed by Mr. Eagle during the next few days, for no business house or public institution should be without one. NEW COMMANDER ON THE CUTTER PAMLICO CAPTAIN W. W. JOYNES OF KEY WEST, FLA., IS NOW IN CHARGE. WHO PURCHASES THE THE HIGH AND LOWLY HELP TO FIGHT "THE GREAT WHITE PLAGUE." "In selling Red Cross Seals, looks are deceiving," says a well-known Washing ton society leader, who each year has charge of a booth in a large deprt ment store. "Aristocratfc-laalviBSX men, or elegantly dressed women- With dia monds on their fingers, buy cents' worth of seals, while little children empty their pocketbooks of all their pennies. Only the other day a little boy came up to the table with nis mother. "Mother, how many stamps shall I buy?" he 3aid. "As many as you have pennies for," she told him, and he turn- Captain W. W. Joyncs, of Key West, Fla., arrived in thc city last night to take command of the Revenue Cutter Pamlico. Captain H. B. Westl his pocket book upside dowi) has recently been suspended lor a term i g orty.five of six months and Captain Joynes At one of the other stores, where the will r in command of the Pamlico I. lU . - .l Ann- e,, amr , . , , . . , . , I luuuiu is ileal l uv uwi wi. v.w ... taking any additional improvement . . . iod at this locality at the present time Th isina season f tne Pamlico I , .l. ..r for the following reasons: tomorrow or Tuesday and - .l.. o ..a T.w. TW. The total amount of waterborne com- L weeks ,ne wi cruise around . tuberculosis children taken merce at this locality is not large, . . w,rs of Eastern North Carolina, I ........ .-.u .u- oj r t,i. and it appears that only a small part 1 inipections and rendering any wme ,ktle col. of that reported would utilize thel . di . d mariners that I . Ua1Z k ZL .t..fei proposed improvement. may be necessary. L.ii. -wi... fh.m .mnk. HoinV" Thc existing project reaches the main Ifl:rial ners0nell 0( the vessel!.. " ............ u. ti. CAPITAL CASES AGAINST WHITE J part of the town of Bayboro, and the K u (oow: Capt. W. W. " e he what the improvement now aesirea w.,n., .,. .Joyne,( Coinraanding officer; l.ieut- she told him they were to l to the nature of an auxiliary or supple- . c Executive Officer; Second I . , .L ... 7 ,., , .... ineip me ic uiuuin ... . . . II II l ... . 1... .. !. I I I.I. I ' .... l.ieut. rv. .v. Diging a penny from his pocket, he put Officer Lieut. H. Y. Butler, Chief of . . ,tArted to uke . Engineers; Lieut. E. A. Coffin, Junior) n.ckj , twentv.nv(. He was told that MURDER CASES BEING TRIED AT GQLD5B0R0 MEN CONTINUED UNTIL JANUARY. mental channel for terminal purposes, i which is usually provided by the local ity affected. The channel proposed is narrow, would not be easily maintained, and is Goldsboro, Nov. 29. Superior court in session here this week took no recess for Thanksgiving bu continued work on its heavy criminal docket. The capital case against Herman Bizzell, thc negro I believed to be inadequate for the pur- bov charged with ambushing and kit-1 pose desired ling his father, all the morning session It appears practicable, Dy a reason being consumed in securing a jury and I able adjustment of rail and highway the case is being tried. The grand jury facilities, to locate a terminal on him also returned in a true bill for murder inn deep water if the present arrange atrainst the three white men. Franklin ment is unsatisfactory i " i . .. 1.1, .. .. .... Stobbs and Pigford in the Powell case. All parties interested in tnc proposed When arraiened their case was continued improyenimt arc invited to Mibmil under oraver of the State until the Ian within a period of thirty days from the aery term on account of the absence of Mate of this notice, statements ana material witnesses. Bond was fixed at I arguments bearing upoi Afcfijifccssity ti (Hid h .nl at a l.r. I,r ...nii.h, fur the improvement in the inleiiM Utohbs and Franklin had not twfn able of WirljW'Wl't Such L r.,,-;k i,. iu,nj Tk. i :.., I Hi. i.mnt vavvlvlHHvi to the I iu iuiiii.n ...v miiu lu'J I 7avavvwwrivajj Cll nnnrl nt h.uij. ....... l .1... It,win of RnainCCTS tOT It I ,11V il I III II I jii'i I 'mi IIIH .1-111 il .HE ia.11. clerk and reelsters offices, convict I Harbors, Southern Buildit ramti and countv home, finding rondi- iimton, D. ,." Should a heariag bo tions satisfactory except some minor desired, this ean tie arranged ny corres repairs recommended to the county pondence wuh the boara. dome, and were discharged by Judgc Daniels. Friends in the city were surprised to learn today that Leslie C. Lane, secre Itary and treasurer of the Goldsboro Fur niture company, was married to Miss Alii e V. Nealon at Old Point Comfort, Va., Tuesday. The bride had been in for about a year until re re she was superintendent of a Union Teieraph company's Line Officer. NEAR DEATH BY SMOTHERING . i it i j t he stamps were a cent eacn nu ne comu only have one for his penny. Crest fallen for only a minute, he took the seal and stuck it on one of his papers. Start ing out the door, he turned Bad said as a parting shot: "The next paper t Sell is going to bring two cents. ButHtuband, With Aid of Ord-i, Effect! Her DelireriBce. JOB NOT GIVE YOUR FRIENDS USELESS GIFTS No. 666 BBBHEZaa vrul hfesk SOT tSS, sod Mr stock of ev Goldsborc cently wh the Westc I school. Conrlu, ew Bap the coppc llr.fOLS.SlOM.lK. touches were given the hurch Wednesday when of records were deioited and the cornerstone formally sealed Into impressive ceremonies by the pa BOOST! Boost, and the world buosts with you, Knock, nd you're on the shelf. Foe the world gets sick of tl who'll kick, And wishes he'd kick himsel Boost, lor your own arhievt TVanttr. N C Mr. Helen Dalton, of Wtm DamS in HIT ICM avi, ottea almoat smother to death. Medicines pitched me up for iwhfle k.. ik.n I wmilH art worse mm. ruvtl- ly, my husband oecMea ne wanwu mciu ii. r4rai the wr man's tonic, to he It dPd me mote good thw iJr3sS- c neal ma taken. laaAssasI man v of mv Mends to a J . " . try CantaL and they all nrney nave k.. ku a.,4 nrver Wilt be. a RMSOCnM to comna're with Cardui. I believe it ts Is, p- most round, i the Boimter, will not Mtler than l o Care a Cold In Osw Day , kt UUTIU aaOa00awla-. U .oua-h and Wisaastis sa4 wsrka o Um DfsaBtsta nlial tasan tt H tans ts ears. b. w. oaovn a akxMtan aach tea. as. tor all woaanly trou bles. For orer t0 reart. Cardui htaWea re- If vou an a woman, give IIM iruu. tt ilSad wrely help yV uit ha. million oowft. OK a botfle of OmM -4af. SPUGS OFFER ADVICE xU PROSPECTIVE CHRIST MAS GIVERS. New York, Nov. 29. -The fight again st the useless giving of ( hnstmas pres entsnot to give less, but to give dU criminately and intelligently is spread ing throughout the country with the approach of the holiday. The Spugs s the S ociety for the Ytt ventkm of I seless Giving has named its member, are suppl copies of tm-mliershlp cards and by laws with which to inaugurate braaci societies in various part of the countr) Every Spug must wear a membei hip pin and pledge himasUvto aid I gainst th 1 he cost ef the pit rwwi jajfrvvfaMK en row sass sap w4-afs sssa, asat i Tiaalraant lar wwasa." a SMa wrssaw. P.