Veeklg mtn No, 150 NEW BERN, N. C, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 9 191&- FIRST SECTION POSTMASTER GENERAL OUSTS MR. BASNIGHT, R. A. MINN IN CHARGE Developments In The Affair Did Not Come Unexpected ly, Wrangle Has Been Going On For Weeks Postmaster Was Insubordinate OLD MAN KILLS HIMSELF. A. P. Bump, of New Hanover County Uses Shotgun To End His Life. THE NIGHT CL1 NOTRE m INSTATED "Who will Be Appoint ed To Fill The Vaca ncy?" Is The Ques tion Of The Hour. (Special to the Journal.) Washington, D. C, Dec. . Postmaster J. S. Basnight, of New Bern, was summarily dismissed today by the Postoffice Department for refusing to restore R. E. Smith, night clerk In the New Bern office, whom he had discharged. This action is the culmination of along controversy between the Postmaster, who is a Republican, and Smith, a Democrat, and which was brought to the department in counter charges filed by Basnight and Smith against each other. It was alleged by Smith that the postmaster ignored the civil ser vice rules by appointing a Repub lican youth, not of age, to a vacancy In the postoffice.. Smith claimed fie was entitled to "the place, which was a promotion, because of his long service in the postoffice. When - the postmaster learned that these charges had been filed against him, and before a postoffice Inspector could reach New Bern to investi gate the case, it Is alleged Basnight discharged Smith. Subsequently, the Postoffice De partment sent a telegram to Bas night ordering him to restore the clerk to his position. This telegram was ignored entirely by Basnight, according to Senator Simmons, who took up the case in behalf of Smith. A second telegram was ' sent to the postmaster demanding an explanation, whereupon Bas night replied that he had acted within his rights, under the law which he claimed gave him the privilege of choosing his assistants as he saw fit. Then the Postoffice Department sent a peremptory demand to to the Postoffice Department and Con gressman Jno. M. Faison became interested in the matter. The latte- came to Mew Hern and asked Mr. Basnight to resign from office, telling him that unless he acceded to this request, that an investigation would be started and that he would be ousted. This the postmaster refused to do and the matter hung fire for several weeks during which time Congressman Faison made several visits to New Bern for the purpose of securing information in regard to the charges against the postmaster. About three weeks ago Postmaster Basnight filed charges against night clerk R. E. Smith. These charges were trivial and in a letter to Postoffice Inspector G. G. Hemilwright, Mr. Smith denied them, singularly and collective ly. Nothing was heard in regard to the matter until last Saturday night when the mpostaster dismissed Smith from the office, claiming tnat he had a right to do this as the night clerk was on six months probation and that his work was not satisfactory and that he was a disorganization factor in the office. This action on the part of Mr. Bas night is believed by many to be the direct cause for being dismissed. Be lieving that he was in the right in dis missing night clerk Smith, Mr. Basnight ignored the demands of the Postoffice Department to reinstate him and his dismissal yesterday, followed. Smith Not Reinstated So far night clerk Smith has not been reinstated and George Howard, over whom all the contention started, was in charge of that department as usual last night. That Mr. Basnight expected to be dismissed there is little doubt. He told a friend last night that he felt relieved, and there is no denying the fact that he has. been under a heavy mental strain during the past few days. Mr. Basnight was appointed as postmaster of the local postoffice in June, 1910, and his term would have expired next June. More than six months remain before the expiration of his term, but regardless of the fact sibly come to the conclusion that I have decided to get out of the race for the post mastersh ip at this pla ce, there is no foundation for such belief, and I want to tell you that I am in the race until the finish. "I have not been out circulating petitions and securing promises un til today when my friends told me it was time to get busy. My friends have, today, secured several hundred indorsements from prominent citizens. I have been Chairman of the Democra- Wilmington, Dec. 4. A. P. Bump, about 60 years old, committed suicide early this evening at the home of a man with whom he was living two miles from the city. Placing the muzzle of a shotgun over his heart, it is presumed he pushed the trigger with a walking cane. No one was at home at the time He left several notes. In one he stated that his health was getting worse all the time, hence he had determined to kill himself. He had been a cripple for many years. Earl H. Bellamy, an employe of gov ernment dredge No. 9, was drowned from an oil bargee down Cape Fear river mm MiKUL, news ui wnicn was received here today. He slipped from the barge in an attempt to cast off the lines by which the boat had been towed to the side of the river. The body has not been revocered. He was from Wampee, South Carolina. RECEPTION FOR THE CORN CLUB MEMBERS PRESIDENT WOODROW WILSON WILL RECEIVE THEM EX TENSIVE PROGRAM. RULES FOR GROUCHES. Timely Topics On A Vital Sub ject. Postmaster J. S. Basnight has handed us the following "Rules for Grouches." Being on a timely subject and with his consent we are publishing the same: "Bartholomew S. Slavin, who is in Vt lH.l.ll V 11(111 .1111111 Ml 111V UVNIUVIU Executive Committee of Cve h of one of the Philadelphia sub- tic county for six years, and during this time the records show that the Demo- postomces is tired ot hearing com plaints about non-delivery of mail. In .,.. fc,- ; ( an effort to lighten his burden by mak- . ton tod J 1015 This i. in chronic containers think before good record I believe and I am en titled to the party leaders, registering a kick he has formulated and IDublished fhe following set of "rules:" some consideration trom , ... . . rosuiveiy no letters win De given i . ' i . i Tk. A nnl cpr in rnnrh out unul lnev are received. with the other candidates laste lasf you don't get a letter or a paper A thf nnahlo tn Mt 00 the daV yOU P " have the Post- an interview with them. Acting Post- master Iook thr0USh aU the other boxes master R. A. Nunn stated that he had and then search the cellar also. It absolutely nothing to say in regard to ought to be somewhere and he likes to thf matter . I hunt for it just to please you Just when the appointment of a J "H you friendjdoesn't write rave, at new nost master will be made is a matter I the Postmaster. Somehow he is to I of much speculation. However, it is more than probable that the office will be filled during the next few days. LOCAL MERCHANTS TO KEEP STORES OPEN LITER DOING With Christmas less than three weeks hence New Bern has already taken on a holiday appearance and from now until after the first of the year the city, especially down in the business district, will present a scene of marked J ll I . . OL r. . I. i The scene down in the shopping ,ot'" curing me pas. ween district is always a busy one, but lat I the senders of a number of the letters night seemed to be an exception. To I have placed the seals on the wrong side Basnight that he reinstate Smith, that there are ievefa candid,tes in the field for the office, it is the general opinion ot those wno arc laminar with the case, the he would have been allowed to remain in charge had not the present trouble arisen. Now that the postmaster has been dismissed and the bonding company placed in cnarge until some one u be appointed to fill the office until i . . ... 4 . .1 At last the blow has fallen. Not the end ot tne unexpired term, mere I 1 AA l-v unexpected, it is true, but nevertheless mucn specuiauon .... and gave him until today to do so Basnight, according to Senator Simmons, paid no attention to this demand, and Postmaster General Burleson ordered that the postmaster be summarily removed from office. The Blow Falls. swift and sure. The message dis missing Postmaster Basnight was re ceived in this city late yesterday after noon. The message stated that the American Bonding Company ofBalti- blame. "If he insists there are no letters for you put on a grieved look and say there ought to be some. He is probably hid I ing your mail for the pleasure of having you call again and again for it. If you are buying stamps make him lick them and piy. them on. That is part of the business he is paid to do, THIS FOR THE FIT OF THE PUBLIC. BENE- RECEIVES NEW ORDER POSTMASTER-GENERAL CITES THE RULES ON CER TAIN THINGS. Hundreds of letters bearing Red I Cross Seals are each day mailed at the Washington. D. C, Dec. 4 The Department of Agriculture has issued an official program for the annual re ception of the champion members of the boys' and girls' agricultural clubs which will be held in Washington, December 11th to 18th. The itinerary includes a reception by President Wilson, the awarding of diplomas by Secretary of Agriculture Houston and attending sessions of both Senate and House and hearings before th Sen ate and House Committees on Agriculture. There will be a champion member of the Boys' Corn Clubs from each of the Southern States; champions of the Girls' Canning Clubs from the Southern, Northern and Western States, and Girls' and Boys' Potato Club champions from Massachusetts, Ohio, Utah, Iowa and Michigan. Colorado will send a Sugar Beet Club boy as the champion sugar beet grower of the State and the sole representative of this club work which has recently been started by the Department. These champion boys and girls will represent an organization of over 150,000 boys and girls. While the Department will officially have charge of the program for the re ception, the expenses of the trip are being defrayed by the different States, counties, municipal authorities and private citizens. The members will arrive in Wash ington December 11th and will be given a "get acquainted" reception at the Ebbitt House. The President will receive the delegates on Monday morning, December 15th, at 10:20 o'clock. The program for the 12th includes a visit to different points of interest in the city and a trip to Arlington Ceme tery and Fort Meyer. During the morn ng of the 13th Secretary Houston will present the champion winners with diplomas, after which moving pictures of the party1 will be taken. They will then visit the different departments and museums. A theatre party will be given in the evening. Sunday, the 14th, will be given to rest and attending churches and meetings of the Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A On the following day the party will be taken down the Potomac to Mount Vernon, to visit the home and tomb of Washington. On the 16th a visit will be made to the Capitol where Congress will be seen in session; hear ings before the Committees on Agri culture will be attended; a visit will be made to the Government Printing Office and Navy Yard, and a theatre party will be given in the evening The two final days, the 17th and 18th will be taken up with visits to the Pan-American Union Building, Poto OF Onslow, Lenoir, Craven Jones Counties Face A Dilemma. THr-GiOCK LAW WRANGLE TO CQUR T Supreme To Court WU1 Be Asked Adjudicate This Matter. VITAL IMPORTANCE And THE JOWL JKLJ ' II HOLIDAY OFFER A MATTER lOF INTERESTED EVERY READER OF THIS PAPER. u faaual Mwprvpr it nrohahlv seemed I . .L . , .. . . . . , mac rarx, Lorocran Art uaiiery ano tne - --- OI (ne ,eer ana mese nave rjcen re-1 tnat tuny nity per ceiu. ui mc pupum- i . tion was out on a shopping expedition The local merchans have stocked their stores with an extensive line of hooliday goods and this naturally, attracts hundreds of purchasers. The majority of the merchants close their establishments at 7 o'clock Postmaster J S. Basnight has re ceived the following order from the Postmaster General in regard to the placing of seals on the wrong side of letters: "No adhesive stamps, or imitations I t t i , , .. ,i : ... l J - lk. nin.k V,,.- frnm MWI -Ml until 1 ' ' - . after Christmas these establishment. "therthan lawful Pf,ae "amp. will be kept open until a later hour in order that those who cannot come g the day will have an of doing their shopping shall be affixed to the address side of domestic mail matter, but such adhes- different legations, an auto trip through the city and a trip to the Zoological Park. The annual conference of club leaders will be held and a special conference on the Girls' Club work. feature of the week will he a con ference of the Department's lady agents who will be in Washington from every section where they are located and who will act as chaperons to the boys and girls. a -aJlZ ,. h.v will hv, n hesive itamP. Provided they do not uuwu ww. j . i I A : !..,(. .1 ill iv. ill auu ucDiicii icKinuic .awiui opportunity at night. will be. There are four candidates for the place. John Thomas, L. G. Daniel S. H. Lane and Frank Weathersbee Each of these gentlemen want the office more, who are on Mr. Basnight's bond, ind have excellent reasons to believe had been Dlaced in charge of the office, that they will be appointed. However, . . - I . ... . rr Following this telegram, R. A. Nnnn only one oi them can nil me omce I he local representative of the American and it is a matter of much speculation Bonding Company, received a message as to who will be the tortunate man asking him to take charge of the office, When it became noised around last and ihU he did. night that Mr. basnight Had been dis- At Dresent Mr.- Nunn is acting missed, the wise ones at once began postmaster in the city of New Bern. I to prophecy as to whom would be Shortly after 9 o clock last night tne appointed, ine general opinion oi mc clerks in Hie different departments public is that the race is between Mr. we summoned to the office and at Daniels and Mr. Thomas. Constitu- once Degan tne worn oi inspecting cms ui uun. mtu gomrv. --k each and every department begin. This the Post! Telegraph Company's office insiwction of the office does not, by open until midnight sending telegams . . i i . I . r . l W c: .... .......... !;, any means, put cne cvHmmaiiCT i ig acuaiui r . . oiiiuu.iin .vu.........fc in bad light as far as conducting these gentlemen, and urging mat ttLm Lmlnm nf thr ofiSre in concerned. I he use his influence in having one of There has never been any charges p hem appointed to fill the office. that he was not properly attending 8. H. Lane Talks. the financial and business end Mr. -S. H. Lane, chairman of the of the office, but is merely the custom Democratic Executive Committee, is rj tk Hniwtintr rnmnanv to have their I one of the candidates for the office representative look into the affairs I who up to a day or two ago hid not Deen of any such office under circumstances very active in the race. However, .which now exist at the New Bern I his friends say that ne nas just as gooo postoffice. I a c nance to De appoiniea to in omce Trouble Brewing For Weeks. as either oi tne otner candidates sua fhe dismissal of Mr. Basnight Raslhtve befun to mixe a ngni to gui been brewing for weeks. Some time him the appointment. taAUu)tlfclWinrii Spt,,ml" R M In an interview given a Journal 01 U MM taMfts.-rvtl dkmtmtm against Mr. reoorter last night Mr. Lane said: Bataight and these were forwarded "Although some of my friends have pos- HYMAN'S NEW GARAGE CREDIT TO NEW BERN LARGE NEW BUILDING MODERN IN EVERY PARTICULAR. IS postage stamps, and do not bear numerals, may be affixed to the re verse side of domestic mail matter. "All domestic mail matter bearing, on the address side adhesive stamps, or imitations of stamps, other than law ful postage stamps, will be returned to the sender, if known, otherwise they will be forwarded to the Division of Dead Letters. All persons using red cross stamps on Christmas packages and other mail matter should be governed by the above order." GEORGE LEON TILTON CONV1C TED ON SHORT NOTICE AT NORFOLK. Kinston, N. C, Dec. 4. The stock law wrangle if it can be called a wrangle in this part of the State, will be taken to the Supreme Court. This is the decision of the Lenoir county board of commissioners. Three counties are directly involved and as many more indirectly in the confu sion which has come out ot the mak ing of Sampson county into stock law territory. When Sampson chose to become a part of the fence territory it devolved upon her northern neigh bor, Suplin, to do likewise or build a long and costly fence. Duplin's legis lator introduced a bill to include that- county. Foreseeing trouble brewing for Lenoir, the commissioners imme diately got busy and requested that county's representative in the General Assembly to try to stave off the leg islation affecting Duplin. The repre sentative was given to understand that he was representing Lenoir, not Duplin, and that the latter was the county most interested in the matter pending. When Duplin became stock law territory, rather than expend many thousands of dollars in the building of a fence to separate this county from Duplin, the Lenoir com missioners had the representative from this county introduce a bill re quiring fences in this county. Now the trouble has developed with Craven and Jones, which counties were notified that Lenoir's stock law would go into effect on March 1, 1914. Counsel for these counties stated that there could be found no such law which requires them to do the fencing to keep Jones and Craven county farmers' stock from coming onto Lenoir's farm ers' lands it seemed to them logical that Lenoir county should bujld it Precedent up held their view, it stated. In contradiction to this, Le noir's commissioners held that the only precedent of which there is knowledge applies only to individuals and small communities, and that coun ties have not before been involved in such a mix-up. Stock of Craven and Jones planters coming into Lenoir to become a nuisance to farmers pro tected by fence from their Lenoir neighbors' animals could be impound ed; then the unfenced boundari(f might separate neighbors with hard feelings for one another. All the liti gants realize this, but Lenoir, with a decided advantage in the matter, it see ni3 to her commissioners, is in a position to assume a jaunty air and act independently in the controversy. However, to fo the "fair thing," the board will present to the commission ers of Craven and Jones a proposition to draw up an "agreed case" to be de cided by the Supreme Court, with the claims of each of the contenders out lined fully. The State's highest tri bunal will say whether Craven and Jones or Lenoir shill spend the big sum that the fences will cost. Onslow county, facing a dilemm similar to that experienced by Dupl and Lenoir, will vote upon the stock What to give relatives and friends for a Chriatmas Gift is "the question of the hour" just at this season. There are so many things that one can pur chase, but then one is never certain that they will prove acceptable and there is nothing more bothersome than to know that a gift sent some relative or friend is going to be some thing they have no earthly use for. Everybody reads a newspaper. It is something that is brought into ser vice every day in the year and it is something that is always in demand. There could be no more acceptable gift than a year's subscription to a good daily newspaper. It is something that will be useful and will be appre ciated. For the benefit of its subscribers and those who are about to become a member of the big family of Journal readers, the publishers of the paper are making a special offer for the holi days. The regular price of the Journal is four dollars a year and its worth every cent of it, too, but until Decem ber 24, a special rate of three dollars per year will be made for new subscrib ers only. -S .! On another page will be found a cou pon. Fill in this coupon with your name and the name of the friend or relative to whom you want the paper sent. The first issue will be started on the morning of December li$f Christmas Day, and along with it will go a Christ mas card on which will be the name of the donor of the gift. Every day in the yeac will the re cipient of such a gift be reminded of the relative or friend who' remembered them during the holiday season of 1913. Now is the time to attend to this matter. Sit right down, fill out the coupon and mail it to the Journal. A receipt will be forwarded to you and the paper will go to the recipient of the gift on Christmas morning. REFUGEES REACH AMERICAN SOIL Spent Five Days On The Desert Without Food Or Water. In the opening of the new garage by the Hyman Supply Company, New Bern has added to its list of motor driven vehicle hostelries, one of the finest in the State. The bnilding, which is located on South Front street I Norfolk, Dec. 4. When George Leon just opposite the Hyman Supply Com-1 Tilton was arraigned on a charge of pany's office and supply building, I bigamy in the Corporation Court was erected especially for the purpose I yesterday, he had no defense to make, and nothing has been left undone land within three minutes from the time that would tend to make- it complete I the case was opened was sentenced in every detail. I by Judge Alan R. Hanckel to serve The entire building is well lighted three years in the penitentiary, by large skylights during the day and I Tilton formerly lived in Goldsboro, numerous electric lights at night. I N. C, and it was upon complaint of his The floor is of concrete and in the first wife, who, with her three-year-old front cart is the storage room for the daughter, live in that towa, that w - , . machines. In the rear is the repair Tilton was arrested in Cincinnati, O., department and this is equipped for I several days ago and brought back he. e lor trial. LOTTIE'S NOTE FALLS INTO RI VAL'S HANDS, BUT JOHNNIE GETS IT ANYHOW. New York. Dec. 5. Lottie Dowling la question on December 15th, with wrote a note. According to the Dolice decidedly preponderant sentiment of the Tremont station, it was addressed lor tencmg, according to tne esti to fifteen-year-old Tohnnis Beck, of ate s of leading citizens there today. No. 2021 La Fontaine avenue, but it in In Onslow the fence advocates are de- .... . . I : ,1... "f ,,,l I- Rnno" some manner it tell into tne nanus ""u"l,,,k v"c r ...v .... f i.. ...i.i,. it,,.!.,,, I responsible for prevalent stock di- Finding his social corrcsoondcnce had "eases, and advance as other Dene got into other hands, lohnnic walked lts to be derived from the law the into the Tremont station last night and segregation of improved stock from r, 9 rmink nf rlirimn tn hi.ln inferior and increase on interest in him get his note from Freddv. animal husbandry. 'it's from a lady," was the only in Other counties in the section are MET BY CUSTOM OFFICERS President Huerta Exerting Every Effort To Gat igkV. Money. Maria, Texas, Dec 5. five days on desert without any food or wa ter than they could carry with them. the refugees from Chihuahua City evacuated by the Federilajrere today within a few miles of Ojinaga, on the border opposite Presidio, Texas, Uni ted States customs and immigration spectors left Maria to meet the ref ugees in tne expectation tnat loey would cross the border, and also to meet any contingency that might arise in event that any of the Mexi can Federal army officers should seek safety in this country. At the head of the fleeing army offi cers is Gen. Salavador Mercado, Huer ta's military commander in Northern Mexico, who evacuated Chihuahua af ter his troops threatened mutiny be cause they received no pay. Two thousand Federal troops, with mem bers of some of the richest families in Mexico, are in the caravan. Almost everyone in Maria has left for the border to witness the arrival of the refugees. Maria is about 50 miles from Presidio and is connected with it only by a wagon road tad a telephone. Villa Arumada, Mexico., Dec 5. Fifty-five hundred rebels forming the formation the poKce could get at first Uw taking notice, and if the Su- nucleus of the army with which Gen. from Johnnie, but he later admitted preme Court decided in lavor Le- it was from Lottie Dowling, who is fif- ,r. no man can P'" wnit tne teen vear. old and lives at No. 595 East lend will be. Very few of the coun- One Hundred and Seventy-eighth street Lieut. McCarthy assigned Policeman Silva to locate Freddy and get the note. He was found a few doors from hi home, at No. 1999 Arthur avenue. Freddy gave up the note. He didn't have to explain how he got it, for Mr. Beck appeared to be well pleased with its contents after a brief perusal, and said he was satisfied with the work o( the police on the case. He did not Hi- vulge its contents. ties could stand the expense of fenc ing from their neighbors, and it is possible that the whole eastern part of the State will be incorporated as stock law territory as a result of the present Lenoir-Craven-Jones dispute, Most children are dissatisfied with the behavior of their parents. And many a man who has the cheek to raise whiskers doesn't even try it. ny variety of work Taken as a whole the new garage is as modern and well equipped through out as any in the South. After marrying Miss Gertrude Jor dan, the1 sixteen-year-old daughter of Mr, and Mrs. J. T. Jordan, of Forty third street, Lambert's Point, on April i l rn.HM .A d:i a i YOSJ NOM UMni I OWN I . , . . . . ., , . . Ygjff QrOVe mum i mi H. iv, viMiru nil The Old Standard Grove's Tasteless nwt wfte in Goldsboro. It was dur- chin Tonic is equally valuable as a ing this visit that his first wife found General Tonic because It contains the a letter from the young girl Tilton iJZSLuSPSZl h,d nuuTid h. She informed the lo- onf iZky. BnBhira "Ponded Bauds up the WhoWBvstem. 90 cents, in Cincinnati. BODY OF CAPTAIN EDGE RECOV ERED. Wilmington, Dec. 4. The body o( Capt. Henry Edge, who was drowned November 14, when the steamer C, W. Lyon was burned Oft the t jpi Fear river BROTHER KILLS HIS BROTHER BY ACCIDENT. Washington, Dec. S. Clinton Gibbs accidentally killed his brother, James Gibbs, while hunting near their home 20 miles above Wilmington, wis found .. R.nsomville ve.terdav. While loadirw this morning by Captaia Stirling Single- hi, ffu- for oarnoee of shooting a cair, oi me tug ayiwg- i ne oooy was hawk the gun fired with the result that noaung in tne river nearly three miles j ame, WM .hot in the breast and death dhow where the drowning occurred. The Wis slmost insrant. Dr. J. T. Nich -.ill k t.L.. ... UIU.. I . . .... - """" 1 olson, ot bath, was culled but ar uisiien county, tomorrow morning, tor rived too late to save the young man's Francisco Villa says he will march to Mexico City, were to enter Chihua hua City, the State capital some time tonight. It is in this city that Vdla said he would gather about him 10,000 men to start south by way of Torreon and Za cateas, to Mexico City. The report that Zacatecas, with 30,000 population and the capital of a rich mining dis trict, already was being attacked, in dicated that the rebels to the south were in great numbers. Villa plana to have at least 20,000 men when he reaches the high plateau leading to the capital of the Republic Already equipped with machine guns, artil lery and millions of rounds of ammuni tion by his victories ia the North, Villa said he was no longer hampered by his inability to get arms from for eign sources, but could readily obtain them from the Federals who an re ported ia the lew umalajag northers strongholds to be ready to evacuate. burial. file. Piles Cured la 6 to 14 Dayt nisei user M OIN TMKWt tails to 1 awes , a nniTT

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