NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA, DECEMBER 16, 1903-FIRST SECTION 35th. YEAR POSTMASTER TO BE APPOINTED BY WEDNESDAY Believed Selection Will Be Made on That Day HE THOMAS M Back From a Conference With Senator Simmons There was little or no change yester day in the New Bern postoffice situation and those who are interested in the out come of the mixup are still on the qui viva with expectancy. Yesterday morning the delegation who, on Thursday, went to Washington to confer with Senator F. M. Simmons in behalf of John C. Thomas, Jr., urging that he be appointed to fill the position at postmaster of the local office, re turned to the city. The delegation saw Senator Simmons and held a lengthy conference with him but received no assurance that their favorite would be appointed to the office. (Neither did they receive any intimation that Mr. Thomas would not be the fortunate candidate. The members of the delegation feel sure that Mr. Thomas will be appointed to the office. On the other hand the friends of L. G. Daniels, another candidate for the office, feel confident that he will be selected. They have excellent argu ment ;at hand to bear up their belief and are making a bitter fight to accom plish their end. It is almost assured that neither S. H. Lane or Frank Wea thersbee will be sleected for the place, but it i believed that if Mr. Daniels is selected for the office that Stephen Lane will be his assistant. In case that Mr. Thomas is selected it is probable that another man will fill the assistant's place There are several persons mentioned for this place but, co far, Mr. Thomas has not stated whom his choice will be. George Wood, at present a dispatch ing cleric in the office, wants theofficc of assistant postmaster and is putting up excellent reasons why he should be given the place. Mr. Wood has been in the office for fourteen years and is thoroughly competent to handle the assistant's duties, say his friends. Whether his aspirations along this line wiO materialize is a matter of specula tion. It is believed that Senator Simmons will make the appointment by next Wednesday. He has informed several of the Washington neswpapc- men that he intended ending the matter this week by making the appointment, and it is generally believed that this will be done by that day. Being such an important matter, the affair is one of the sole topics of con versation. The eyes of all New Bern and surrounding territory are turned on the Federal building and new devel opments are awaited with much anti cipation. Acting Postmaster In Charge. R. A. Nunn, attorney for the Ameri can Bonding Company of Baltimore, Md., who were on the former postmas ter's bond, remains In charge of the office and, although uninitiated in the affairs of the office, is conducting the business in an entirely satisfactory manner. Mr. Nunn, however, is not after a job of this sort and it is believed that he will be glad to turn the affairs over to a new postmaster. Howitt's Resignation Asked For. When postoffice .inspector Knight came to New Bern to look into affairs he found that the work of the postmaster and his assistant T. D. Hewitt was found to be unsatisfactory and In his report to the department Mr. Knight stated that they were inefficient. The postmaster has been dismissed and Assistant Postmaster Hewitt yesterday . received a letter from Congressman John M. Faison, who is very much in terested in the matter, asking him to Being familiar with th fate which befell his superior in the office, it is believed that Mr. Hewitt will comply with this request after Senator Simmons has appointed a new postmaster, ra. RETURN THE CHILD LABOR LAW COMMISSIONER SHIPMAN SENDS LETTER TO S. M. BRINSON. S. M. Brinson, superintendent of public instruction in Craven county, has received from Commissioner of Labor and Printing, M. L. Shipman, a letter relative to the duties of county superintendents in regard to the Child Labor Law: Commissioner Shipman in his letter says the act goes into effect on Jan uary I. 1914. that copies have been sent manufacturers, copies being sent the superintendents to give the parties not familiar with the act. "This law," he writes, "as finally enacted, was not opposed by representatives of the manufacturers, and you should nna little difficulty in securing their co operation in the effort to being about a strict enforcement of it." He con tinued: "In handine you this law, I wish to assure you that this department will be pleased to aid in bringing about a proper respect for it by em ployer, employee, parent or guardian, and the public generally. I take it that you are sufficiently interested in the education of the children of your county td see that their minds are not dwarfed bv confinement at a ten der age, nor their health impaired by premature employment and long hours of service. "On lanuarv 1. 1914, vou become the factory inspector, as well as the superintendent of schools, of your county. This is an added respon sibility of deep significance, but 1 feel that you will duly measure up to the new standard set for you by the General Assembly. Strength to your arm and may glorious results crowe your efforts. Although a tabor ot love the reward will be worth while. "Assuring vou of the hearty cc- oneration of this department at any time it may be needed, and with best wishes, I am. The act prohibits a child under twelve from workiing in factories or manufacturing establishments, and none between twelve and thirteen to work in a factory except as an ap prentice and only after have attend ed, school four months in the preced ing twelve months. No person under shxtecn is permitted to work in a mill, factory or manufacturing estab lishment between 9 p. m. and 6 a. m., no child under sixteen being allowed to work at night, nor a child under thirteen allowed to work in the day in a mill, factory or manufacturing plant, without a certificate front the parent or guardian showing name and age, and when under twelve it must be shown that there has been school attendance for four months out of the proceeding twelve. Violations by em ployers or parent is made a misdc- MARINE NEWS. The gas boat Fanny Brevard, of Gat tin's Creek arrived in port yesterday with a cargo of sweet potatoes. The schooner Maggie, of Witt, ar rived in port yesterday with a cargo of oysters. BARGAINS AT J. J. BAXTER'S DEPARTMENT STORE. J. J. Baxter has announced that he will continue hit big special cut price aale on ladies coats and suits for several dayt longer. This it an excellent opportunity to purchase goods at '""TrfftaSrlHrWy "tew ' prices. Its easier to talk than it is to ac quire the woods wing habit. ther than be put out by the Postoffice Depart asset. FOR IIP TWO DOLLARS BULLISH GOVERNMENT REPORT CAUSES RAPID RISE ON NEW ORLEANS MARKET. New Orleans, La., Dec. 13. The Department of Agriculture's crop es timate of 13,677,000 bales caused a rise of two dollars a bale on the local cotton market yesterday. The figures were lower than most bull estimates and the marker immediately became excited, bulls taking on large quanti ties of long cotton while the bears covered shorts on a large scale. March was most active and its first sale after the figures were posted was at an advance of 22 points. The rise was rapidly widened. In fifteen min utes, March went to 13.66, a rise of 38 points, or practically $2 a bale; other active months were 34 points up. Realizing caused a momentary set-back, but outside buying worked the market higher than ever. March going to 13.40", at which level it was 42 points above the price ruling just before the estimate came out. Thit was a net gain over yesterday's close of 21 points. The close was very steady 19 to 20 points up. ONSLOW COUNTY GUY JONES LEADS MISS, DAISY STANLEY TO THE ALTAR. (Special to the Journal.) Swansboro, Dec. 13. On Wednesday evening, DecemberlOth, 1913, at 8 o'cllock in the Baptist church at Swansboro, was solemnised one of the most beautiful marriages ever seen in this place when Mr. Guy F. Jones led to the altar Miss Daisy Florence Stanley. ' ' The church was beautifully and tastefully decorated with rich green bamboo, and the altar was a mass of ferns and other potted plants. At the end of each aisle near the altar was a gate formed of evergreen under an arch of bamboo. While waiting for the bridal party to arrive Mrs. Richrd Swindell sweetly sang "Mine." At the song ended, Miss Rena Jones, who presided at the organ began to play the bridal chorus from Lohengrin and little Misses Minnie Ward and Bessie Parkin came in and opened the gates for the bridal party. The bridesmaids Misses Effie Blood good and Mary Parkins and the grooms men Messrs Sam Adler and Clem Sanders came and met before the altar. The bride came in with her mai of honor Miss Rosalie Davis, and groom with his best man Mr. W. H. WUIis. They met at the altar and Rev. Lamb, pat tor of the church, performed the ceremony in a most impressive manner. During the ceremony the Flower Song was softly and sweetly played by Miss Jones. As the joyful strains of Mendelssohns Wedding March sounded upon the air, the happy party marched to the door where Mr. Foster's automobile was waiting to take them to their future home. The bridesmaids wore white twist over pink with pink sashes, the maid of honor wore white net over pink messaline. The dress of the bride was of white messaline with chiffon drapery caught up with a silver buckle. The groom and groomsmen wore conventional black. The bride it the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Stanley and is one of Swansboro's most charning young ladies. The groom it one of the most popular business men of this place. Their many friends wish them a long and happy married life. They were the recipients of many handsome and useful presents. U. S. Senator Marcue A. Smith, of Aria on a, and bis brother-in-law, Mr. Hotliday, of Kentucky, tpent yester day at Slocumbt Creek fishing. Some self-made men evidently did the job la the dark. FO 0 Senator Simmons Accepts Invi tation To Deliver Prin cipal Address. NEWSPAPER MEN COMING Tuesday, December 30, Has Been Selected As The m Date. Tuesday, December 30, is the date which has been set for the annual dinner to be given by the New Bern Chamber of Commerce and invitations are now being sent out to those who will be the guests of honor. The principal speaker of the occasion will be Senator Furnifold M. Simmons, Chairman of the Finance Committee of the United States Senate and a New Bern citizen. Senator Simmons has already accepted the invitation to be present that this occasion. Among the others who will be the guests of the Chamber of Commerce at this dinner will be Edward Britton of the Raleigh News and Observer; J. E. Thompson, of the Wilmington Star; Sam H. Farrabee, of the Raleigh Times; J. D. Whichard, of the Green ville Reflector; Fred N. Tate, who is president of the North Carolina Just Freight Rate Association; D. T. Ed wards, of the Kinston Free Press; Frederick Ostemeyer, of the Beaufort News; R. T. Wade, of the Morehead City Coaster; Joe King, .of the Durham Herald; "Jimmy" Cowan, of the Wil mington Dispatch, and the editor of every other newspaper in North Caro Una. This dinner will be one of the most successful held in this State. Plates for several hundred guests wilt be laid and it is expected that every seat will be taken. New Bern business men and the members of the Chamber of Commerce are greatly interested in the Uproachtng event and have assured Secretary J. Leon Williams that they will assist him in every possible way in making the affair a creditable one Complete plans for the event are now being made and will be announced this week. MINSTRELS POSTPONED. Stag Club To Cot Capers On De c ember 24. The Stag Club have decided to give their minstrel show on December 26 in order that there will be no conflict with the musical concert to be given by the New Bern Public school on Friday, December 19. Tickets are now on sale at Edward Clark's cigar store, Wood-Lane Drug Company, H. E. Royall's, Bradham drug store, Pinnix drug store, Charles Taylor's cafe, Gaston Cigar stand and Kennedy's drug store. COLORED LOGGER SERIOUS LY INJURED NEAR JASPER. Otis Adams, a colored man who has been logging in the woods near Jasper, was painfully not seriously injured yesterday afternoon when he fell from the top of a car load of logs. Only meagre details of the accident could be learned here but it teems that" Jackson, who was employed by a Mr. Flowers had assisted loading a car of logs and for some purpose had climbed on top of them. He lost his foothold on the logs and fell to the ground, a distance of several feet. Dr. N. M. Gibbs, of this city was summoned to give the in jured man medical attention and he found that, in addition to his right shoulder being broken, that Iris left leg was also badly injured After having his injuries dressed the man was taken to his home No. Six-Sixty-Six TMs It a eraser! ptioe prepared etpueially or MALARIA or CHILLS 4 FIVER. Five or tlx dotes will break any case, and f tshen than at a tonic the Paver will not -"m. elt sett on the llvar batter than - dome! and does not grip or sicken, tic PLANNING ANNUAL NNER A. Kokovsofl Alexander Nicolaievltch Kokovsoff , the Russian Premier, is seriously 111 in Rome. He is suffering from an attack of erysipelas. HOGS BEING KILLED III LARGE NUMBERS COLD WEATHER MEANS THE FINISHfOF MANY BIG PORKERS. It isn't necessary for a traveler through the rural districts to consult his thermometer to learn that winter time has arrived, the rate at which hogs are being slaughtered through out the country showing that the farmers regard it as settled that there is to be no more hot weather. The recent cold spell of a few days was regarded by the farmers as an ex cellent time for slaughtering their porkers, and in the country districts the aroma of liver pudding, sausage and hog brain fills the air. Piercing squeals it early morning hours indi cate tht the hog killers are, getting an early start. Reports from the country districts surrounding this city are to the effect that some unusually heavy porkers have been swung up this year, and there is every indication that farmers' families are going to feast on pork and sausage during ,the coming winter. In many smokehouses the farmers are placing their hog meats in salt, thoroughly satisfied that the weather for the next few months will be such that there is no danger of their meat spoiling. THE STAMP LAW TEMPORARILY SUSPENDED. The postal law . forbidding the use of stickers or adhesive stamps of any sort on packages sent through the mail has been suspended until Janu ary 1. This is done to permit the use of Red Cross Seals and jhe little sentimental stamps of. Christmas greetings. Postmaster Nunn warns that these cannot he used is the place of the postage stamps, and that par cell will not be sent unless they are properly provided with the necessary postage stamps. NEW BERN POLICEMEN IN RECEIPT OF REWARD yS CHIEF LUPTON AND OFFICER BRYAN GET CHECK FOR $25. A check for twenty-five dollars was received yesterday by Chief of Police Lupton and Policeman A. L. Bryan, as a reward for the capture last Thursday of Robert Elliott, colored, and of Wayne county, who- escaped from the convict camp in that county a few weeks ago. Elliott did the wrong thing in com ing to New Bern. This city, of all others, he should have avoided. The officers learned Thursday afternoon that he was sojourning here and less than five hours later had him ia the county jail. Friday morning Sheriff R. H. Ed wards, came to New Bern and took charge of the prisoner. And many a man it sold without getting hit price. SWILL at Rev. E. T. Carter, Of This City, TO Preach The Annual Sermon. SENTIMENT FOR FOOTBALL ) Resolution To Abolish The Sport At Wake Forest Was Tabled. Shelby, Dr-c. 12. The session this af ternoon of the 83rd annual conventioa of North Carolina Baptists was givea over to the discussion temperance of aged ministers relief and obituaries. The reports were read and adopted. The aged ministers relief fund has been ia creased the past year but still larger offerings are necessary if the proper re lief is given the aged men. In the morning session the conven tion prbmptly and practically by a unanimous vote tabled a resolution te ask the board of trustees of Wake For est College to abolish football. The res olution was not discussed at iny length. The sentiment was entirely too strong against the adoption. Sunday school Serwt-arv Middleros. speaking to the report of the Sunqly school committee, urged the organiza tion of the distinctively Baptist Bible classes as provided for in the report. These classes are a part of the distinc tive denominational program as mapped out for the future Sunday school work. In the United States the Sunday school enrollment is less than 50 per cent, of the membership of Baptist churches. In the territory of the South ern Baptist convention the percentage rises to 55 per cent, but in North Caro lina the Sunday school enrollment is 75 per cent of the church membership. Prof. J. Henry Highsmith, of Wafce Forest college, presented the importance of the Baptist Young People's work ia a splendid address. The session of the convention for 1914 will be held with the Baptist churches of Raleigh, the invitation frota those churches have been accepted. The annual sermon will be preached by Rev. E. T. Carter, D. D., of New Bern, Rev. G. T. Lumpkin, of Oxford, will be the alternate. The convention considered State mis sion work. The work closed with a bal ance of $500 in the treasury after pay ing all expenses up to January 1, 1914. During the year the missionaries of the board have successfully laid foun dations for still larger work the com ing year. The total offerings amounted to $50, 421.. 63, an increase over last year of $2,489.72. Baptisms were 2,137. In the foreign fields of the Souther's Baptist convention the total baptisms last year were 4,532, an increase over the previous year of 300. This number is about one-third of the total baptisms reported from the 2,00$ churches of North Carolina and with a much smal ler relative cost. During the past year the board of ministerial relief reports larger receipts than in any previous year. The receipts almost doubled the previous year and amounted to $5,550.37. More men were aided last year than ever before. According to the report of the board of trustees of Chown college, located at Murfreesboro, the enrollment of the institution for the year is 150, eight above the previous high water mark. A new dormitory building hat bete erected at a cost of $2,600. MASONIC NOTICE. A special convocation of New Beca Chapter No. 46 R. A. Masons wil be held on Monday evening December 15. 1913, at 7:30 p. ni. Degree visiting brethren cordially invited to attend. O. A. Refer, Secretary. N. C. Mohn, H. Priest. The loctl cotton market was steady yesterday, the price being from 1 to 12 3-4 cents per ll. About thirty bales wee sold. A fool's idea of a good joke is oae he it able to put over oa the other fellow. It bn't alwayt love that enables a married couple to get along. Sotee timet it it common sense. Give people what they think they want instead of what they really Med and they'll go oa thaw way rejoicing. Inert would be no more tariff squabbles if it Were possible to tatt every man ia thie country according to Ma ewe psreoael veluedoa. BAPTIS MEE RALEIGH