Weto mtn 35th. YEAR NEW BERN, N. C TUESDAY, DECEMBER 22 1915- FIRS SECTION KENNE hep BEASLEY 1TE0 SEEN Boy Who Disappeared Years Ago, Said To Be Alive. Eight 6ISI IN COURT Prosecution Wants D. M. McKay Sent To The County Roads. HIS MOTHER IS SKEPTICAL ALLEGED LIQUOR DEALER Mystery Which Stirred Eastern North Carolina Is Reviewed. Judge is Kenneth BeaBley alive? Has he boy whose strange disappearance eight years ago set all Currituck county, N. JC-. by the ears and caused the man accused and convicted of kidnapping him to commit suicide in an East Main street hotel, come back to unfold toe mystery long- ago given up. Mrs. S. M. Bcasley, the boy's mother when seen at her residence, 1722 Brown avenue last night by a Virginian-Pilot man, says her son is as unaccounted for as ever. But, from Elizabeth City, N. C, came reports yesterday that Kenneth Bcasley has been seen in Currituck county. It was a series of reports that drifted into Elizabeth City, according to the Virginian-Pilot's cor respondent there. When he disappeared that February morning in 1905 Kenneth Beasley was a bright-faced lad of eight years, the youngest child of Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Bcasley, a prosperous and happy cou ple. If he were living now he would be 16 years old, but his widowed mother does not believe he is living. She still mums ne was killed in some manner by the man who was sentenced to life imprisonment and who took his own life when the Supreme Court of North Carolina refused to grant him a new trial. One morning Kenneth Beasley went to school a short distance from his home. That day Joshua Harrison farmer neighbor of the Beasley's, whose daughter Nina was little Ken neth's teacher, called and took Ken neth Bway from the school house for a ride. That was the last seen of the lad. though Harrison claimed to have put the boy down in the road near his own home. After many days of weary searching the boy was given up and.. Harrison indicted for kidnapping No" trace' of the boy was ever found and after a hard fought trial Harrison was found guilty. He was given a life sentence in th penitentiary. His attorneys appealed the case and while the appeal was before the Su preme Court Harrison was admitted to bail, which he put up himself by selling his farm and other property. One day there flashed over the wires the news that the North Carolina Su preme Court had refused the appeal and there was nothing for Harrison to do but serve the sentence. When he heard it the convicted man was stay ing at a hotel on East Main street and rather than hear the prison doors clang behind him forever he blew his brains out. Soon afterwards Mr. and Mrs. Beaa . ley moved to Norfolk. Three years ago Mr. Beasley died in Norfolk and since then Mrs. Beasley and her 18-year-old daughter have been residing on Brown avenue. Mr.,. Bcasley has two brother living in Currituck county, but she said last night they would have informed her if there was any truth in the re port about her long lost son returning Virginian-Pilot. Asheville, Dec. 18. Police Justice Ju nius C. Adams returned to the city last night from the east and when asked if he had any statement to make regard ing the letter published a few days ago by P. H. Thrash,, in which, among; other things, it was charged that his firm had represented certain liquor houses in the ction of bills for liquor sold to the Battery Park hotel, he said that he had nothing whatever to say although he ad mitted that he had read the letter. D. McN. MacKay, one of the drug gists who was a defendant before Judge Frank Carter in the liquor investigation heldh ere recently, was called before Judge Adams in police court this mom ing on a capias, the charge against him being that he had broken faith with the agreement in which he had agreed to surrender his stock of liquor and his li cense to sell on prescription, pleading guilty to a charge of selling liquor ille- y, prayer for judgment in which was worker both in and for the nartv. The office given Mr. Thomas is that of collector of the income tax which carries with it a good salary and an expense I allowance of more than a thousand dol- a year . Senator Simmons stated last week that he would make the appointments in New Bern this week and it was ex pec ted that this would be done by Wednesday, but after that day had passed and no word had come from the capital city, it was believed tht he SOMEONE TRIED IT AND RESULTS WERE DISASTROUS. THE 5HEV LE DRUG Adams Is Reticent Complying With Request. In LOUIS G. DANIELS IS POSTMASTER Louis G. Daniels will be the postmas ter in New Bern to fill the office recent ly made vacant by the dismissal of S. Basnight. The fight has been a hard one from the very start and until the final moment no one could tell who would be the fortunate candidate. Many thought at first that each of the four candidates, L. G. Daniels, S. H. Lane. Frank Weathersbee and John Thomas, Jr., had an equal chance. Then the choice narrowed down to Daniels and Thomas and for the past few days it has been the general" opin- lon of those who were familiar with the existing conditions that Mr. Daniels would be appointed to the office and this was done. Senator Simmons' selection of Mr. Daniels as postmaster will meet with general approval. Mr. Daniels has done much hard work for the Democratic party in this section. He is a personal friend of Senator Simmons and stands high in the estimation of the community at large. Stephen H. Lane, who will be the assistant postmaster' if the age limit can be waived and he can stand the civil service examination, is another man who1 has done muchfor the party. For years he has been chairman of the Democratic Executive Committee and has been an untiring Mr. Hewitt would be removed at once. While it was the general supposition that this would be the outcome of the investigation, it was not definitely knswn ntil yesterday. Just when Mr. Hewitt will be removed was not stated, but this will probably be done at an early date. Naturally, about the sole topic of conversation, in this city yesterday was in regard to Senator Simmons' recommendation of L. G. Daniels for Postmaster at this place. Senator Simmons selection meets with general approval and Mr. Daniesl was yester day being congratulated on all sided. R. A. Nunn, who has been acting- postmaster since the dismissal of J. S. Basnight, is still in charge of the offiee. Mr. Danfetr will probablv not take charge of the office before next week, or Until after his appointment has been confirmed. The selection of a postmaster has, in a manner, detracted somewhat from the amount of interest being shown in the situation at the local office, but there are still changes to be made and until these take place, the public will by no means lose all interest in the matter. g continued for three years. Evidence was introduced from police officers showing that his business had shown a shortage of about 375 gallons between November and December 4, two days after the judgment was entered. No evidence explanation of the shortage was offered in rebuttal. During the argument by the prosecu tion, J. W. Haynes, stated that he had asked for a search and seizure warrant for the place of the defendant about me time me capias was issued put tnis would hold ov until SttWday. had been refused by Judge Adams. After . I I : ;j I . nc Hearing oi evidence ana arguments today, Judge Adams stated that he flight have interfered with the State in producing sufficient evidence and thereupon ordered from the bench that search and seizure warrants be issued for the place of business and residence of the defendant. As a result of the ensuing raids, the officers found three gallons of whiskey and six gallons of champagne at Mackay's place of busi ness but nothing in his house. Following Judge Adams' order that these warrants be issued, judgment in MACK BROWN 8HOT TO DEATH FOLLOWING ALTERCATION WITH NEGRO Lumberton, Dec. 1. A brutal mur der is reported to have been committed at Red Springs, in Ho County, this morning, Mack Brown being the victim, a negro named Dupress is charged with the crime. The facts as obtained here are that Mr. Brown was paying off a FARMERS UNION J. I KENLY NAMED ID HUD COAST LINE WITH ROAD FOR31 YEARS- HEADQUARTERS TO REMAIN IN WILMINGTON. MEETING CLOSES Organization Has A Plan Segregation Of Races. For OLD OFFICERS RE-ELECTED The Next Annual Session Be Held In Decem ber, 1914. To J. R. Kenly the Atlantic New York, Dec. 19.- third vice-president of Coast Line Railroad Company, today was elected president of the company, succeeding the late T. M. Emerson. Mr. Kenly's headquarters will remain at Wilnimgton, N. C. Wilmington, N. C. Dec. 19. J. R. Kenly, who was today elected preaidenr of the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Company, his been in officer of the road for the past 31 years, more re cently as third vice-president in charge of operation. He was born near Bai- ROBT. JONES CHARGED WITH SERIOUS CRIME Youn White Man Committed to Jail Without Claimed That He Committed Criminal Assault on Mrs. W. 6. Hobbs Arrested Last Night Shelbv. Dec. 19. One of the best mecrmgs in me msrory 01 tne scare Farmers' Union of North Carolina has concluded its sessions here adjourn ed tonight one day ahead of schedule. Since the last meeting three new coun ty unions have been organized, leaving only nine of the one hundred counties in which county organizations are yet to be formed. The state treasury is in $3,000 better condition than a year ago and business enterprises of the union are doing more business and are on a better basis than ever before. The main features of today's sessions were passage of a number of important resolutions and election of officers for the ensuing year. The old officers with the exception of (he executive commit tee were re-elected as follows: President H. Q. Alexander; vice-president, J. M. Templeton; state lecturer, J. Z. Green; state secretary, E. C. Faires. The execu tive committee consists C. C. Wright, of Wilkes; W. B. Gibson, of Iredell, and W. H. Moore, of Pitt, re-elected, and Clarence Poe, of Raleigh and S. H. Hobbs, of Sampson, elected for the first time. It was decided io abandon the policy of having a midsummer meeting and the next annual session therefore will be held in December, 1914. Perhaps the most important action taken in today's session was the unan imous indorsement of the proposition to have a law allowing neighborhood where most of the land is owned by one race to sy, by vote of a majority ol the qualified voters that in the future no land should be sold to a person of the opposite race provided the action is ap proved by a reviewing judge or a board Robert Jones, a young white man who came to this city about two years ago from Oriental and who has made his residence here since that time, is in Craven county jail without bond, on a charge which, if proven, may send him to the electric chair. Shartry'Defore 11" o'clock last night Mrs. W. C. Hobbs, who lives on South Front street, near George, called up the police station and asked that an officer be sent to her home. PoBceman A. L. Bryan was on that beat and with in a few minutes he had responded to the call. Upon arrival at Mrs. Hobbs' home Policeman Bryan was informed that Jones had only a short time before forced his way into the house and had criminally assaulted Mrs. Hobbs. The woman stated that shortly after 10 o'clock some one knocked at her front door and that she, thinking it was her husband, opened it without question. She claims that Jones at once grabbed her by the throat, threw her to the lloor and accomplished his purpose. M re Hobbs told the officer that si attempted to scream, but that Jones prevented her from doing this by stuffing his handkerchief in her mouth. Mrs. Hobbs' four children were in the house at the time and they bear out their mother in her told the officer that Jones told them that if they ever breathed a word of the affair to a living person that he would kill them. As soon as he had secured the details Policeman Bryan went in search of Jones and found him at a store on Middle street. He was taken to the City Hall and was then committed to jail without bond. Jones bears a bad reputation. Only a few weeks ago he was caught in the set of stealing a turkey from the coop of B. B. Davenport on lower Middle street, and is awaiting trial at the next term of Superior Court on this charge. He has also been in several other scrapes. The alleged offender will .probably be given a preliminary hearing, before Mayor Bangert tomorrow afternoon. SERE E FOR ASST. P. M. YESGMEN 1 0PEHH- TING III TERRELL Barrier In II. Path Of Lane Is Removed. Stephen CAN WAIVE AGE LIMIT Will Probably Go Into With Louis G. Daniels. Office more in 1847 and became a civil engi- neer of the Pittsburg and Conneils- lQf comlBiwiooers being e cessary to their peace and safety. The number of negroes who were working for the case was reserved until tomorrow him when Dupress gave him some im- morning. The prosecution asked that a ' pudence. whereupon Mr. Brown knock- road sentence be imposed in order that the law may be upheld in Asheville. Much interest attaches here to the final judgment of Judge Adams, since there can be no appeal on the part of the de fendant. WORK ON COUNTY BRIDGE PRO GRESSING RAPIDLY. That part of the draw which has de layed the opening of the county bridge over Neuse river has arrived and the workmen who are engaged in rebuilding the structure, are making all possible haste in getting it placed in position. It is hoped that the bridge will be in readiness for opening by Christmas, if not sooner. SOCIAL ACTIVITY IT liiRM LIFE SCHOOL ed the negro down. The negro is said to have left and finding two of his friends went to a house nearby where Mr. Brown kept a supply of dynamite to be used in blowing up stumps. Later Mr. Brown entered the building and after securing some of the dynamite turned to leave when the negro who had concealed himself in the house shot mm in tne breast, a shot gun gun loaded with buck shot being used. Mr Brown died in thirty minutes. The two negroes who were with the murderer are said to have been arrested while tonight all efforts to capture Dupress have failed. Sheriff Lewis and other officers are doing all possible to affect his arrest Acting Governor Daughtridge this after vill Railroad now a part of the B & O., in 1868. He was one of the en gineers of the Union Railroad in Bal timore and assisted in the construction of the Union Tunnell entering the city In 1882 he had engineering duties with the Richmond and Petersburg Railroad in Richmond, Va., later becoming su pe.intendent of the .oad, which afte. ward became is part of the Atlantic Coast Line system. He was appointed superintendent of transportation in 1884, general manager in 1891 and vice president in 1905. RECEPTION AMATEUR AND OTHER EVENTS. PLAYS The explosion of a number of shot gua shells which had been placed in a gas oven to dry out, caused considerable excitement on lower Middle street yesterday morning and originated blaze which required the attention ol three tire companies. The shells were the property of Pugh and Brooks, wholesale merchants, and had recently come in contact with water. The firm had rented the second floor of the building occupied by M. L. Jacob's commission house and it was there thai the trouble occurred. While no one can dsfinitely state just what caused the shells to explode, it is believed that the young m a who was attending to the "roastin; of the shells went off and left them la the oven and as soon as the best reached s proper temperature things began to happen. It is estimated that the damage will not exceed one hundred dollars. THIS SALE WAS SUCCESSFUL. ALLAN PEARSALL CARRIED BACK TO WILMINGTON Allen Pearsalt, colored, who was arrested in New Bern by the chief of police on a warrant sent to him by Justice Harriss, charging the negro with burglary, wis brought to this city Wednesday by Constable Davis. He was committed to jail and will have a hearing before Justice Garriss todav. He is thoueht to be the Derson I . . l w i n 1 noon instructed me umoerDnagemiH who broke into the holne f Mr itary company to hold itself in readi- Mettfcl Harriss at Carolina Heieht ness to protect the negro in case oH-d weeks ago. Wilmington Star. arrest. Mr. or own wis a son ot cost master Brown of Red Snrincs. UK. i. m . viipoa i,nuotn preamble recites "That the crowding of undesirable negroes in white communi ties makes social conditions intolerable for white women and families, lowers land values owned by white people and often drives white families to other sections. The resolution also declares that the immoral mixing of the races is the greatest menace to the suprem acy of the white race and demands drastic legislation on this subject The attorney general is requested to prepare the necessary blanks and circu lars of instruction for having the clerk of the court put the Torrens system of registering land titles immediately into (Special to the Journal.) Washington, Dec. 20. AH assist ant postmasters will be exempted from the civil service tinder th post- office appropriation bill, completed yesterday by the House Committee on Postoffices and to be reported imme diately after the holiday. STORE OF T. F. CONNOR VISITED AT MIDNIGHT, EXPLOSION HEARD BY MRS. CONNOR. The above telegram received yester day by the Journal makes almost cer tain that Stephen H. Lane will be the assistant postmaster in this city. When Senator Simmons recommended Louis G. Daniels for postmaster at the New Bern postoffice last Wednesday night, he recommended that Stephen H. Lane, who for years has been chair man ot tne uemocratic executive Committee of Craven county, be ap- ' . . . , . l force when the law becomes effective pointed assistant postmw Prv,ucU Tn,,, i anri th He.-l nf rnnrt a the age limit could be waived and he reauested to appoint examiners of titles could stand the civil service examination at once. (Another resolution asks the secre tary of the treasury to extend the time of his crop loans till March 1 The idea of having "civic service week" set apart by the governor next November was unanimously indorsed as . ' I k ia the short time which will w,c tan a tnfwimttnt frr rrottinu rnflli " MJ '"' " ..i" ' e, ft I . - . . . head., of the va-iou state institutions intervene Deiore ne goes inw tuc .u, i . j . a, .: and departments to gether to devise there was some aouot .ouut v-m plans for more effective co-operition. AS THE OLD YEAR OUT. THE PRESIDENT. Wsrren & Moore, the New Bern owners of the Rhodes Hill property in Noun Kinston, cleared a nice proht from the sale of the property Tuesday by Penny brothers, auo Divided into building lots bought from $150 to $1,250 the aggregate sum realised 'eijtoborhood of U6.00O. or- in too wotrgtit almost i much as was anticipated try found a ready buyer. ti which each, wis SAHP twW end e KiiMtn I Craven county's Farm Life School, which is located at Vanceboro and which began its first term a few weeks ago, is going rapidly ahead and much progress is being made in all the work. The social side of the school is one of the features which appeal to the tea chcrs and pupils. Tuesday evening in the Library a reception was given the faculty by Prof. Marshall and Prof. Joslyn. An hour or more was spent in pleasant social intercourse after which delicious refreshments were ser ved. Among those present were: Dr. and Mrs. J. E. Turlington, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Sears, Miss Elizabeth Moore, Miss Eunice Stewart, Miss Annie Net I Clark, Miss Reva Newman, Miss l"tence Wetherington, Miss Mar- Smith. The Girls Friendlv .nrietv d a bazaar in the auditorium last night and this was a complete success in every way. Today will be observed as North Carolina Day in the school and an elab orate program has been prepared for the occasion. There will be races Kv the boys. There will be a corn exhibit and also an exhibit from the Domestic Science Class. Prises will be awarded to the growers of the best corn by the county demonstrator, J. W. Sears. A play "King Winters Throne" will be given in the auditorium tonight and this will close the term until after the Christines holidays and the major ity of the teachers will (save tomorrow for their homes and will be absent uo til December JO. Government Radio Office To Send Out Midninht Call. 1 Thursday night Washington. Dec. 19.-The naval 1 The ?e0& Brick Company met and observatorv has arranged to aeni time signal to mark the death of the Gibbs, president; J. F. Rhodes, vice old vear and th. birth of the new It president; C. T. Meacham, secretary will be spread broadcast over both and treasurer. C. D. Bradham and .u. at .k. ,i w.. iII. V. Blades and the officers of the . uiiouul as i in iisv vvuiiucui uy iuc i aw', crreat radio aartinn at A,lil company were elected as stockholders ' 7 " I tl - u, 1 .,! , t on and a shins and shore stations "rc 'ly F"" enuinned with raduwrereivino .nn.ni. nurman and 18 one Ol tne most com " " -ri I . . . j. .ti c.. tut and even amateurs are asked to Pe.y equippeo m tu pri o. .tr li.ten for thi. .il and to ln,m The company, however, is planning th. observatorv if it n. receiver! h t " a number of improvements them. The signal will begin at 11:55 amon which wi" th dditioft m., 75 Meridian time, December 31st. SSISTAN MUS TP. M. T GET OUT sawmill. ThVe is a strong demand for brick just atVthtSytime and the output ol their plant is very much in demand. There is not the least doubt but that Senator Simmons can get the age limit waived in the case of Mr. Lane and the only thing that stood in the way was the civil service examination, lhers is no doubt but that Mr. Lane could have passed this had he time to pre- Newton, Dec. 20. Sheriff P. Lee Hew itt received a telegram this morning to come to Terrell at once and investigate robbery that had taken place last night in T. F. Connor's store- About 8 o'clock last night two strange men were seen going in the direction of the store. About 12 o'clock Mrs. Connor heard the explosion and upon an inves- tigation it was found that the safe kid been blown open ana near in casn Stefan. The men accomplished their purpose by using nitroglycerine. The han die had been broken off the safe and the liquid poured in through a small hole where the handle had been attached. Some checks, notes, stamps, etc., that were in the safe were unmolested. The men entered the store through the rear door by prizing the bars. About 1 o'clock Mrs. Charles Connor who lives a short distance below the store on the Mooresville road saw the two. men going in that direction. It is J supposed that they separated later and went on towards Mooresville. Sheriff Deaton of Iredell, and Sheriff Hewitt, of Catawba, who reached the scene of the robbery early this morning failed to find a definite clue flpof which to work. A diligent search is being con ducted and themen will likely Mfp" headed within 4 few day Mr. Connor conducts a Urge store at Terrell, 15 miles east of Newtoff. It was at first thought that some meirfrora that immediate neighborhood did the work, but the investigators ay that they were professionals. The State union did not endorse the sug gestion for having the State department of agriculture go into the business of manufacturing but requested the proper authorities to secure legislation for da ting this material and to frame legis lation thit protects the farmer fi-om spurious material. The committee on tobacco marketing declared that the dry prizery and sto age system formed the only practicable helpful and economic method to be con sidered. Addresses were made by President Charles S. Barrett, P. M. Comer, of Virginia, in addition to the talks and reports by North Carolina members. With the civil service examination removed from the office there is very indication that Mr. Lane will go ta with Mr. Daniels. THE EMPTY STOCKING. hangs SAFE EXPERT RETURNS AFTER VISIT IN CARTERET. Postoffice Department Sustains Thursday night of the Executive Report Of Inspector (Committee of the Eastern Carolina Bat, I Fair Association Company. iwo races will be held and prizes to the DANIELS IS CONGRATULATED I amount ol one hundred dollars will be awarded the winners, she prizes to be Senator Simmons Selection Msets given are handsome buggy robes. With Gsnsral An- harness, etc. An admission fee of proval. I twenty-five cents will be charged to the grounds. beats in the grandstand A mrssam received here veste.dav 1 mil be free of chage m W I a . . . ' . stated that the report of nostoffice The Fair Assocation Company have W. H. Marvin, the man who claims to be able to open any safe ever made, arrived in the city last night after spending--a few days at Beaufort and Lovers of horse racing will be glad to Morehead City. While down in that know that one of the best races seen section he opened several strong boxes in this section in many years will take whose owners had lost the combination place at the rair ground race track or which had itt some other way on New Year's Day. I become contrary and refused to be This was decided upon at a meeting I opened. Mr. Marvin, while in the city, is stopping at the James Hotel. inspector Knight, who recently visited New Bern and made an investigation of the record of Assistant Postmaster T. D. Hewitt and found that he was inefficient, had been sustained and that rented the grounds to J. Leon Williams for a period of four days either in the hitter part of April or about ths first of Msy. Mr Williams Intends having an aviation meat and spring races. JACKSONVILLE HAS LIGHTS. ELECTRIC There's an empty stocking hanging From many a little bed. Where" a God-blowa dream over Each sleeping curly head; And the vision gathers nightly Of a day that's soon to come Where little feet should patter To the music of the drum. There's an empty stocking nanging Bv a many wihd-blown door, That must wait in vain for Christ mas In M eray haunts of the poor; Aad eyes that now shihe brightly Shall, threugh a rain ot tears, See nothing there on ennstmas But the sorrows of the years. But out where splendor centers In the mansions of the Great. No cell will go unanswered- No tot will vainly wait; The Christmas horn will summon The Christmas drum will roll The tide of joy in magic Through the gateway of each soul. THE WC SCHOOLS CLOSE FOR THEMIS FIRST HALF OP TERM CONCLUDED YESTERDAY. WAS The New Bern public schools yesterday for the holidays and from nA iintH, January 5 the pupils and teachers will have an opportunity to enjoy, to the fullest extent, the holiday sea sen. The closing of the schools yesterday brought to a close the first hah of the term. This has been one of the-mmt successful in the history of: ths school and Prof. H. B. Craven and IHs eftctent corps of teachers are more than gratified with the results obtained. , The school, during the first part of the term, was somewhat cramped on account of the lack of room, but this datdoacy has been umanlirt and re Is now ample room lor every pupil. That Jacksonville now has is good lights as there are in North Carolina ia a fact. The "switch" was turned on on Saturday night for the first time and worked like a charm. By the first of January there will be over five hundred lights installed, and tl town will put up an appearance that will not only be a great benefit addition In the looks Jacksonville Progress. ranee mat win i to Pre efit, but a great I sppir at earn of the olac Hffffiffi But where one gift would brighten The dark of weary days, No reindeer's hoofs will thunder Out poverty's dreary ways; Aad so, for God's white season For some wee dreamer cause fton't you think that you might whisper Just a word to Santa Chsuar By Grentlaad Rice. To Prevent Over one thousand dollars was sent from the local postoffice. in postoffice and express money orders this watt. That this is as much as hat gone mm any town the size of this in the State. Wfcother or not this it a good record or a bad one is net our prediction. Wa know one thing there ia eame liquor in JscksonviUe eraoa writing ths article as to the number of gallons we have been informed that thaw is over five hundred gallons of -gjwr ... IZZi. Dl la the local office. What will K ne aaat AMTUHtrric hauno oil,.. t weak at this time? "O. Jaeatn las i t tenets Mt ma seals ,tMM;M NetsaaMeas. zx. wt. mjm DDIMT

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