! ' TIL 'i " 11 L ... HJ 'I' ,' .l-.J, ... '.-i ." "fflSM) '-" -il-L.- ... f 1111 , ."' ! .... 1 . J lAi.1!1 . I 1....-JMLIMI1 35th. YEAR NEW BERN. N. C. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 26 1913- SECOND SECTION OFFICERS AND MEN EXECUTED Members Of The Federal Gar rUon At Guaymas Put To Death. HAD PLANNED TO DESERT All Of The Commissioned Officers And Sergeants Of Tenth Ha tal lion Were Shot. Hermosillo, Mex., Dec. 22. The com missioned officers and many sergeants and corporals of the tenth bat al lion of the federal garrison at Guaymas yester day were executed at sunrise at that city, according to word brought here to night. Officers and men of the tenth were disarmed several days ago by Gen eral Ojeda, federal commandant, when he discovered that they were plotting to desert to the insurgents. Accompanied by three of the federal officers, who surrendered to the insur gents at Maytorema, General Obregon field commander of the constitutional ists in Western Mexico, last night re turned here to assist in locating the scat tered g.-oups of federal soldiers who had deserted from the Guayamas garrison. General Ojeda and his remaining trops are In Guaymas, as far as could be learned, but sentries reported that one of the federal gunboats had dis appeared. This was taken as an indica tion that at least a part of the federal garrison had departed for Mazatlan or Manzanillo. It was announced last night that the services of neither officers nor privates of the deserting federals would be ac cepted in the constitutionalist army. FIVE HUNDRED KILLED BY VOLCANIC ERUPTIONS Details Of Disaster On Island Of Ambrian, In New Hebrides Group Reached Sydney-Awe Inspiring Night Seenes. Sydney, N. S. W., Dec. 22 Incom ing steamers bring terrible details of the recent volcanic eruptions on the Island of Ambrim, in the New Hebrides group, in which 500 natives lost their lives. Witnesses of the disturbance describe it as having been so sudden and violent that they expected to see the whole western side of the island disappear. With a terrific roar, which was fol lowed with a rapid succession of artillery-like detonations, all the craters of the volcano entered into full activ ity, spouting flames and lava, and throwing out huge boulders. Great streams of lava were soon rushing down the slopes, cutting off the villagers from escape. In one in stance two currents of the molten mass joined and made an island of one entire section of a village. Here 50 or 60 persons perished. The scenes at night were awe-inspir ing. Flames shot into the air to a height of a thousand feet, illuminating the whole area of destruction. The ocean seemed to boil as huge, super heated masses of stone fell into the sea and streams of lava poured into the bay. Dust from the craters grad ually formed a black cloud which blotted out the stars. The bay after the eruption, was filled with dead fish and large numbers of dead turtles. The water in the river was hot. The British hospital buildings were wiped out, but previous to their des truction the doctors pluckily removed all the patients to a launch and es caped with them. BIG ILLICIT STILL 15 F Sixty-Five Gallon Plant Confiscated Near Town Of Vanceboro. OUND Pay $250,000 For Terrazas' Release. Juarez, Mex., Dec. 22. Although ne gotiations have been under way for pay-1 ment of J250.000 for his release, Luis Terrazas, Jr., today still was held pris oner by General Villa at Chihuahua. Th father, whose vast estate, together with that of the Creels, was confiscated through a decree issued by Villa, at tempted to procure the prisoner's re lease and safe conduct to the border, first through an appeal to Washington and now by the payment of money to the rebels. When Temvas, Sr., acujmpftoiedjthe. tedi-rals in their flight to the border the women members of his family re fused to leave. They arc still in Chi huahua, helping in their efforts tore lease Terrezas. Terrezas was not charged with any activity against the rebels, but was ar .ested because of his father's great wealth. The elder Terrezas was report ed to have taken much of his cash and securities to the United States, and Villa is asking for the return of some of it-. The division of the million acres of Terrezas' land among the rebtls is one of the planks of the revolutionary platform. ALLEGED OPERATOR IN JAIL 1 hssisSvaader -wst-aad besaga-him i The defendant-excused his forger i Looters Will Be Shot. Chihuahua, Mex., Dec. 22. "Anyone who hereafter loots or molests property of foreigners or Mexicans will be exe cuted. The right to confiscate property will rest only with the constitutionalist government." General Francisco Villa today issued this order as showing his intention to maintain strict military discipline. As an example he executed on the plaza a band of rebels who had been found guilty by court martial of sacking the home of a wealthy Mexican. While the six reb els were marched before the firing squad the stolen goods were returned to the owner. " All stores confiscated from the ex pelled Spaniards today were closed and sealed. Orders were given that no more goods are to be taken from them. Sheriff Richard B. Lane And Several Deputies Due Credit For Their Work. One of the most successful raids ever made in this section took place yesterday afternoon when Sheriff R. B. Lane, accompanied by Deputy Sheriff J. W. Huff, Samuel Lilly and Will Bonds went to the home of Leon Laugh inghouse, about four miles from Vance boro and after confiscating a sixty five gallon illicit still, took Laughing New York, Dec. 23. The procession of alienists began their march to the witness stand today in the trial of Hans Schmidt for murder. After Dr. Smith Ely Jelliffe, of New York, had testified for the defense, court adjourned early to enable Schmidt's attorneys to construct hypothetical question which will be put to Dr. Jelliffe and other medical experts tomorrow. Practically all Dr. Jeliffe's testimony was that Schmidt was abnormal. The witness said the priest complained to him that his bishops and fellow clergy refused to acknowledge his authority." BUSINESS GOOD. Satlsafctory Condition Down At Oriental. to tnts city and placed him in the coun ty jail. Sheriff I .am: arid several of his depu ties went to Laughinghouse's home ubout two weeks ago and made a search of the premises, but at that time they failed to find anything which even resembled a still. However, Sheriff Lane had reliable information that Laughinghouse was engaged in the business of illicit distilling and he mad: up his mind to catch him napping. Yesterday morning the Sheriff and the parties mentioned above, left New Bern in an automobile. they reached Laughinghouse's home without any delay and started a search of the premises. Laughinghouse was on hand and was at once taken into custody and kept under guard while the search was being made. The searchers found a spot which they judged to have been the location of the still but the object of their search was not to be found there. A close inspection of the premises showed that on a trail leading down through the woods there was a quantity of soot. Sheriff Lane at once came to the conclusion that the still had been hurriedly taken up and carried to some other point and secreted. This trail .of soot was followed up and in the center ot a marsh some distance away was found the still, it having been carried there when it became known that the officers were in that section Laughinghouse denies all knowledge of the operation of the still but Sheriff Lane believes that he has a strong case against him and that he will be con victed when the case comes to court John Gibson, dne of the prominent citizens of Oriental was here yesterday and while in conversation with a Journal reporter, stated that business conditions in that town were very gratifying just at this time. Oriental and surrounding section wai One of the sections which suffered considerably during the SeptemLet storm and flood, but the people there were not dismayed by the dam.-ige wrought and cheerfully started out again to repair the loss. That Christmas feeling is in the air there as well as in New Bern and, ac cording to Mr. Gibson's statement: the citizens are preparing to observe the occasion in a very t efitting manner- PlAsfrlrir I Bitters Made A Nw Man Of Him. 'I wan suiterlng from pain In my omach, toad and tawk writes H. 0, -and my twork rlfht. four bottles of Elect) Hitter QkiauwW feel Ilk a new man." jtf 60Tt. AT ALL DRUt STORE t. TIE MUHICIPLE TREE A COMPLETE SUCCESS THOUSANDS VIEW SPECTACLE A8 THE BAND PLAYS. ALIENISTS TEST1EY III THE SCHMIDT TRIAL COURT ADJOURNED EARLY TO ENABLE COUNSEL TO CONSTRUCT. of the signature of his professor at Mun ich by saying " I was in high spirits and good health and I entered into the per sonality of the professor. I was the pro fessor. So it was not wrong for me to sign his name." Dr. Jelliffe asked Schmidt if he ever played the violin in a bath tub, as a for mer witness had testified. "I did," said Schmidt'. "It was nobody's business what ah inspired man does. Heaven wishes him to do." During one of his visits to Schmidt's cell, said Dr. Jelliffe, another physician who accompanied him, pricked his forefinger with a needle and showed the prisoner a drop of blood. Instantly Schmidt's face became livid. "All blood is mine," he shouted, making a lunge for the physician's hand and trying to raise it to his lips. FIVE KINS TON YOUTHS ASSAULT LONE LOVER SHOW HIM THAT WAS STEEP ROCKY. HIS AND PATH Winston, N. C, Dec. 23. Five young men of the neighborhood of the Cas well Cotton Mill in the eastern end of the city, were fined in the Munici pal Court for an assault upon Kelly Alexander ofr the country. Alexander drove into the city to visit a girl near the mill. At the conclusion of his visit the swain was waited upon by the Ave and told that be would be given three minutes to leave the vicinity. He was willing to comply, apparently, but about the time he was well under wav la wheel came off his buggy. The tap was gone. When the three minutes had expired the delegation "commenced D0 H AND WEBB NOT IN YET West Virginia Senator Takes A Hand In TJte Matter. BALEY MARSHAL IN WEST New Bern's municipal Christmas tree which was erected on Broad street near the corner of Middle Tuesday afternoon by the City Beautiful Club, was last night viewed by several thou sand persons who were down in the business district of the city seeing the sights and mingling with the jolly throng of shoppers. It might be said that the tree was formally dedicated last night. The Peoples Concert Band furnished music for the occasion and as the melodious strains of several well known and popular selections were wafted on the air, those standing around were profuse in their commendation of the occasion, and the City Beautiful Club who are responsible for the erection of the tree. Tonight the tree will again be bril liantly illuminated and the band will again render a musical program. The public ts extended a cordial invitation to attend this event. firing" and an uncomfortable period for young Alexander followed. He es caped injury fortunately, but only by hastening from the locality. R. L. Johnson of the same section of the county as Alexander was the victim of unscrupulous youths of an other mill settlement. He also was courting a young woman here. John son's buggy harness was cut to pieces and he was required to stay in town over night. Country lads, in revenge, cut to pieces bicycle tires belonging to Clay Stroud and John Baker, young men who went from Kinston to Wood ington to attend a rural entertainment Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Barrington and daughter, Pauline, left "yesterday fo. Pamlico to spend the holidays. The stocking follows the flag, Shopping weather all the while. No cold storage brand of Christ mas trees. Senator Simmons Is Praised By President Wil son. "i. Washington, D. C, Dec. 23. Sana- tor Goff, pf West Virginia, success fully blocked the confirmation of W. T. Dortch and Charles A Webb, who have been nominated for marshals to succeed Dockery and Logan, when he sent a telegram to Washington today asking that these nominations be held up until Ins return to the city, which will be the latter part of next Janu ary. Judge Goff said he wanted to be heard before these nominations were made, and of course, his re quest will be granted. Out of deference to Senator Over man, who is the acting chairman, the Judiciary committee today paved the way for the confirmation of Webb and Dortch by making a favorable report to the Senate. But before an execu tive session could be called, a tele gram was received from Goff protest ing. -This means at least a month's delay before the confirmations can be had. As nominations for judges and district attorneys cannot be re ported from the committee until after a regular meeting of the committee, the same delay will apply to Judge Winston. Judge Boyd today notified Senator Overman-that he had appointed J. M. Baley to act as marshal for the West pending the confirmation of Webb, Baley was chief deputy to Marshal Logan. Representative Godwin has secured a special examination for Luther Mr- Daniels, of Maxton, for postofnee in spector. McDaniels is a railway mail clerk. Mr. Godwin has appointed J. E. Elliott, postmaster at Thornwall. In a letter to Congressman Claud Krtchhv-every member of the House from the State pledged their support in electing him chairman of the Ways and Means committee to succeed Os car Underwood. Secretary of the Senate James M. Baker has presented Senator Sim mons with the first bound copy of the Underwood-Simmons tariff bill to come from the printers. The book is something that not only Senator Sim mons, but the people of the entire State may well feel proud. In addi tion to the autobiographies of every Senator in Congress, the book con tains a letter from President Wilson, written in his own hand-writing, in which the President takes occasion to again assure him of his high appre ciation of the work of the Senior Sena ator in putting the tariff bill through the Senate. The letter is full reads: "My Dear Senator Simmons: "I wcldpme this opportunity to ex press again my warm appreciation for your leadership in the great fight fo, this bill and my deep sense of the service you have rendered the coun try. Ability, knowledge, tact and pa tience combined to accomplish a great thing. I "Cordially and faithfully yours, "Woodrow Wilson." L. r. DANIELS TO TAKE CHARGE JANUARY 1st, His Nomination For Postmaster at New Bern Confirmed Yesterday - Thomas Appointed Income Tax Collector by Commissioner Osborne. Louis G. Daniels, who was last week recommended for postmaster in this city by Senator F. M. Simmons, will take charge of the office on January 1, his nomination being confirmed yes terday. John Thomas, Jf., who was appointed deputy collector of the in come tax, was also appointed by Commissioner Osborne and will take charge of his new duties on the same date: The news of his confirmation reached Mr. Daniels last night and the message relative to the appointment of Mr. Thomas also came in last night. It was thought by Mr. Daniels' friends that his confirmation would probably Senator Simmons was desirous of get ting the New Bern office in full swing once more after so much turmoil of the past few months and lost no time in having the successful candidate confirmed. Nothing was said in the message received here in regard toStepheoH.Lane who has been recommended for assist ant postmaster. However, it is believed that he will go into office at the same time with Mr. Daniels. R. A. Nunn, who has been acting postmaster since the dismissal of J. S. Basnight, will remain in charge of the office until January 1. be delayed until after the holidays but L. I. MOORE NOT IN RACE FOR CONGRESS Prominent New Bernian Declines to be a Can didateStates Reasons In Letter to Hie Journal. RALPH LOPEZ STILL' IN THE UTAH MINE BULKHEADS WILL NOT BE RE MOVED UNTIL AFTER HOLIDAYS. Btngham, Utah, Dec. 24 If Ralph Lo pes, slayer of six men, is still in the Utah-Apex mine, where he took refuge on November 27, he is securely sealed up and will be held a prisoner there un til after Christmas. Not a sound has Come from the mine since December 14 when heavy bulkheads were erected in the tunnel mouths to prevent a dash for liberty. Although Sheriff Smith, now in charge of the man hunt was confident today that the desperado is either dead or alive in the mine many believe he es caped shortly after smudges were lit on December 1 for the purpose of as phyxiating him and the mystery of the mine will not be cleared until the bulk heads are removed and the workings searched for the gunman's body. Other than the stories of miners who said they had encountered Lopez and talked with him there has been nothing: to indicate Lopet's presence la, the mine since November .10 following his killing of two deputies In the Andy tunnel. The pursuit of Lopes began on No vember 21, after he had killed a Mexi can. Before the day ended he had killed the chief of police and two deputy sheriffs. Preparations have been made to give the prisoners in the county jail, and the inmates of the county home, unusually good dinner today. aaaition to a very palatable mean, fruits snd confections will be distributed. J Mercantile busincM with .i. ,. ....... . m rtrlSlaft fiitnra Hast Iw. ZSm it.. :... t .L. ... L .-lBBBBBBB" wv au . unit.. w ! - - v" me wm, iivu i, 'vni .m ' unusuallv (rood dinner tndiv. InlMtHIll tOWtl. LOUff UUI land, MctHllum Mcbwain, Knott ..... , . ,. L. wiisVji Hobson Siwhon, George Wheel- , un vuiiuiug. ttui sail i a u.iu... a" coniecuuns will oc on.tr.- -Ai-ifJI. if tM K. i mm ..-- mi i u Nweu wj snuii Very few useless gifts wil) be din-1 A great many holiday "packages'! "Peace on earth," is found mostly jflSlH AstdrfeN BOX dMUW covered bv the recintntts. 'An tint ot Inm tk m4 mut ik. rk.un.. i. IBl Along about January lit the three candidates for the office of Congress man from this. district: Cong. Jno. M. Faison, of Faison; Hon. Charles R. Thomas, of this city, and George E. Hood, of Coldsboro, will probably make their announcements and officially "come out." It has been rumored that L. I. Moore of this ctiy would be one of the candi dates for this office, but this rumoi is absolutely without foundation as is evidenced by the following tetter written to the Journal by Mr. Moore: "To the Editor of Journal: "I desire that you state foi me in your paper that 1 have not seriously considered, at any time, becoming a candidate for Congress in this district at the coming election. I appreciate the compliment which your reference to me in this connection contained, but I find my time is occupied in the practice of my profession and I am not willing to give a divided attention to any public duty. I have been urged by many of my friends to become a candidate at this time, but the demands upon me in my practice make it quite out of the question for me to do so. It is an office of honor ind importance to the people and I do not believe it should be used as a means of gratifi cation of any personal ambition o occupied simply for the compensation but solely for the service that can be rendered to the people of the district Yours truly, Dec. 23, 1913. L. I. Moore." This action on Mr. Moore s part leaves the field open for three candidates That the fight will be a warm one there is not the slightest doubt. Each of the gentlemen named above who will enter tne race, have numerous friends and they have been promised their entire support. AT BINGHAM FALL TERM CADETS DISTINGUISHED IN SCHOLARSHIP AND DEPORTMENT. (Special to the Journal.) Mebane, Dec. 23. The Bingham School, near Mebane, has just closed a successful fall term. The examina tions are over and the cadets have re turned to their homes for the holidays. The deportment and scholarship grades have been unusually High and the boys speak of the faculty as one of the best that they ever knew it Bingham. The same efficient corps of teachers has been engaged for the Spring Term nd all of the boys say that they will return. School will reopen after the holidays, on Tuewlay, January oth. Major Adrian Nalle who stood first in the military department at the V. M. I. for four years' and who was first captain in his senior year, has been re-engaged to net as Commandant for the spring term, which is his tfth at Bingham. He will also teach military science and tactics in the department of Science. Major L. S. Gerow, a dis tinguished graduate of the V. M. I., will continue to be in charge of the de part men ts of English and German Captain M. W. Hester, a leading graduate of the Citadell, the Military College of South Carolina, Will continue to teaoh. French, Mathematics and La tin. Captain 1. K. Cobb will again be in charge of the department of History and Captain Charles B. Mr Cutchen wtU teach classes in Science snd English. The department of Bible, which for maav vcar has been conducted by Col. Grey, will continue in his charge. The Bingham boys distinguished oa scholarship and deportment on the reports Just sen out are as follows: Hassell Gibson, Preston Lewis Gray, Jr., Norman Harney; Frank Harris, Fred Jonas, Robert , Jones, Henry Johr Far Procte er ar SEVEN THOUSAND DOLLARS PAID TO BRUNSWICK FARMERS BY TWO BUYERS HOLI DAY TRADE GOOD. Southport, N. C, Dec. 24. The holi day spirit here this season has found its usual expression in Christmas giv ing. A few weeks ago there was I feeling among the local merchants that it would be a lean holiday trade for them. But contrary to this there developed a buying which has brought up sales to an equal, if not an in crease over last year. Two contributing factors to this trace to cause its increase, where falling off was looked for, have been the fishing interests of the Carolina Coast Products Co., and the Ocean, where a large force of men have been receiving good wages, and the large sales of holly in this lower section of Brunswick county, one buyer of this holly paying to farmers $5,000, an other paying $2,000, this being in i sense "found money" to the farmers. uniortunatciy. witn too many an extra quantity of "old boose" appears to be a necessary requisite to the ob servance of Christmas. While there is an increase in number of liquor packages arriving her this Christ mas, there is a decrease in the quan tity, and it might be added, perhaps, in the quality of the wet goods. OWEN H. GUI IS A CANDIDATE Ex-Judge Of Superior Court Will Be In The Congressional Race. MAKES AN ANNOUNCEMENT Is A Man Of Marked Ability And Sterling Char ' aeter. The announcement of Judge O. H. Guion which will be found elsewhere in this issue of the Journal, will be read with interest all over the State. Judge Guion Will be in the race for Congress next year aiding with: the several other candidates and his friends . believe that he will be the victor. Judge Guion is a man of marked abil ity. A shining light in the legal profes sion of the State and a gentleman of sterling character. It is at the request of his numerous friends that he will make the fight for election as Congress man from this district. irice bis retirement from the Super ior Cow bench a few years ago Judge Guion has been associated with his sons Rodman and John, in the law business under the name Df Guion and Guion. His practice has been large and remu nerative and it is by no means for mone tary gain that he desires to represent this section in Congress, but on account of the fact that he believes he can be ot real worth to this district. Congnessmari Faison, the present incumbent: Charles R. Thomas and George E. Hood, who will also be in the race, will have an opponent worthy' of their best efforts in Judge Guion and the coining fight bids fair to be oaa of the hardest waged ever made in this section. ALLEGED DISTILLER SENT BACK TO THE JAIL LEON LAUGHINGHOUSE COULD NOT RARE UP A iLHf BOND. Leon Laughinghouse, the white man who was placed under arrest at Ins home near Vanceboro several days ago by Sheriff Lane and several of his deputies on a war -ant charging him with op erating an illicit distillery, was given a preliminary hearing yesterday after noon before Justice of the Peace W. F Hill. ' .ft The defendant stoutjtf piutasgad his innocence, but 'the evidence aaaSjghl out by attorney GeorgT. WiDJs, wh represented the State, was of sue he . incriminating nature that 'Squire Hill found probable cause and bound bint over to the next term of' Craven county Superior Court under a bond of two hundred dollars. Laughinghouse made an attempt te secure bail in this amount but failed and was sent back to jail to await the term of Court. ' ASK FOR RESIGNATION OF POLICE JUDGE ASHBVILLE PAPER PRINTS ALLE GATIONS AGAINST JUDGE JUNIUS ADAMS. DIED. Joseph Slade, colored, died at the home of his parents, No. 10 Ash street J December 23. The funeral will take plac at 2 o'clock this afternoon at the Star of Zien Church, M. Spruill officiating Friends are invited to attend. Ashevillc, Dec. 24. Demanding the "voluntary or involuntarily retirement, from office" of Judge Junius G. Ad ams, of the city police court, the Asheville Gazette-News of today car ries ant article of six columns and a column of editorial matter alleging that . while sentencing bootlegger and small dealers in whiskey to the roads the presiding officer's law .firm,. Merrimon, Adams & Adams, has acted as attorneys for a liquor house in the collection of bills for whiskey atteg- ed to have been; of fit Mattery been operated for the past, two years and which is said to have been closed following the recent investigation by Judge Frank Carter in this city. Cos-fee of letters alleged to have been written by the firm to W. E. Sevier, proprietor of the barroom, nd James L. Alexander, proprietor of the hotel, are published in th lo- paper together with affidavits from P. II. Thrash and W. S. Dick son, p the effect that Judge Adatfts letted liquor bills from Sevier, ac cording to the letter's statement. GOOD DINNERS FOR THE MATES OF THE JAIL. ;n sold at jffitjsh.rrnrn Park HotwMch ha. For Sale PRINT

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