NEW BERN JOURNAL (Published in Two sections, every Tuesday and Friday at No. 45 Pollock Street. eTjTlandjprinting'company Proprietor. SUBSCRIPTIONRATES. Two Months $0.20 Three Months 0.25 Six Months 0.50 Twelve Months...- 1.00 Only In Advance. f Advertising rates furnished upon application at the office, or upon In qulry by mall. Published in Two sections, every Tuesday and Friday at No. 46 Pollock preciation from every United States senator." Raleigh Times, There is no doubt about the fact that Senator Simmons is the "biggest" man in the United States Senate and one cannot wonder that the citiiens of his home town. New Bern, are justly proud of him. If the Senator wants a thing done, its a safe bet that events will culminate just as he desires. f IN MEMORIAM JOHN BIDDLE. Three more days of grace after today for poor father. Then comes the bill collectors. However, there's one con solation. Its a long time until next dhristmas. We envy the country editor who, ia last week's issue announced: "There will be no paper next week." No such luck comes the way of the man on the city daily, and if he manages to coax the subsc.-ibers and advertisers into allowing him one day off, he feels anusually fortunate. Christmas has past but it will be one consolation to father to know that the bills will not begin to roll in until January 1, and he still has a few days in which to make merry. The parcel post has done a rushing business during the past three weeks and has greatly aided in the handling f the Christmas shopping. The parcel post, while comparatively a new wrinkle has proven that it is here to stay. Numerous changes are to be made in the system after the first of the year and this will make it of even more importance. The ladies of New Bern are to be commended upon the excellent work they did in the Red Cross Seal cam paten which was waged bv them during the month previous to Christmas Thousands of these seals were sold by them and the money obtained from these will aid much in the fight against the great white plague. That the New Bern ladies made a successful campaign is not by any means unusual. It is a known fact that they make a success of everything they undertake. It seems that the "investigating bee" has become an epidemic in this section. There have been so many investiga tions dvring the past few weeks that the prl 'ic has been kept on the qui vive all along. Now it is understood that one of the candidates for Congress from .this district is to investigate the record of another candidate. This means that there will be more revalations and sensations for the readers of the papers. The editorial writer oh the Charlotte Chronicle says that after Christmas everything look9 jaundiced to the eyes of those who were excessively hilarious. Evidently the brother got hold of the wrong brand of Christmas cheer and they do say that this will make one feel awfully melancholy. "What's the use of a man being a Republican?" remarked a gentleman who has followed that political creed for many years. "I have property in New Bern and I want my vote to count for something and not be a mere bagatelle. Henceforth I vote the Democratic ticket." There are a lot of other Republicans who feel about the same way over the present condition of a flairs and it looks as though that party will soon become extinct in New Bern. "Another Christmas should not be allowed to pass in Raleigh without a municipal Christmas tree. The people of this city yould be glad to contribute and the pleasure would belong to all the people. We heart ily endorse the suggestion for such an observation next year." Raleigh Times. The Times is always on the lookout for something which will help to advance and promote the interest of Raleigh and in advocationg the municipal Christmas tree they have struck just the proper chord. New Bern put the idea into effect this year and it was so much of a success and met with such popular favor that it will be con tinued year after year. John Biddle was born at the old Colonial home of his father at Fort Barnwell, Craven county, North Caror. Una, on the 31st day of March, IMS.' being in his 65th year at the time of his death. His father. Col. Samuel Simpson Biddle and Mary Powell, his wife, were the owners of this beautiful coun try place and dispensed hospitality with a lavish hand. No man was ever a more affectionate husband, a kinder or more indulgent father, he counted his own pleasures as nothing so he could gratify his family. He left a wife who has been his devoted companion for forty three years, seldom indeed have there been a more congenial couple. Mr. Biddle left seven children his oldest son Samuel Simpson died eleven years ago and his name is the first called when the "Lodge of Sorrow" holds its annual meeting. The memory of this young man's exemplary life and the silent answer to his name is ail that is left to his family of a son taken away in early manhood. -Now father and son are united in that beyond the sky Mr. Biddle was a handsome man commanding beauty of feature with grace of carriage. The last months of life which ended on December 1, mi, were passed in bodily pain which he bore with great patience. He said to his brother James W. Biddle: "I Jim both ready and willing to go. What a happy passing away! What a sweet comfort to those left behind! He was buried in the dear old country grave yard, within sight of the home where his happy childhood was passed The oaks around his grave are filled with grey moss that sighs gently as the wind whistles through them. He rests besides the sacred dust of five generations of his ancestors awaiting the summons of the final call. It is not death to die To leave this weary world, And into the brotherhood on high To be at home with God. A FRIEND J imininrnininitHBiBttWw H. P. Whitehurst left yesterday for Raleigh on a professional visit. T. J. Hewitt and W. Brooks Price left yesterday for Washington to at tend to some government matters. i Dr. J. M. Ward left yesterday for Shacklefold Banks after spending Christmas here. Leo. Sultan went to Enfield yester day for a few days' visjt. J. F. Spear left yesterday for Norfolk. S. M. Brinson spent yesterday in Vanceboro attending to some school matters. Coy C. Jordan, of Raleigh, arrived in the city yesterday for a few days visit. H. R. Bryan, Jr., left yesterday for Atlanta to attend a fertilizer meeting. Despite the fact that the hand of affliction has fallen heavily on this section during the past year, the amount f business done by New Bern merchants during the past month was much lar ger than that done during the corres ponding period last year. On every hand one hears the merchant say that his business was the best he ever enjoyed. Such a condition speaks well for New Bern and vicinity and shows that the people are a progressive set are not to be dismayed by adver sity. W. S. Chadwick left yesterday for Beaufort returning home. F. D. Perry went to Beaufort yes terday for a lew days' visit. J.G.Delemar left, last night for Dur ham for a visit of several days. R. T. Wade, editor of the Morehead City Coaster, was among .the business visitors in the city yesterday. H. M. White, who has charge of the decorating at S. Coplon St Son's big department store, returned yesterday from Norfolk, Va., where he spent Christmas. Dr. Jas. A. Duguid left yesterday for Vanceboro after spending several days here. C. T. Meacham returned yesterflay from Kinston where he spent Christ mas. F. H. Sawyer returned list night from Baltimore where he spent Christmas with his familv. L. L. Brinson, of Reelsboro, and Ed Bowden, of Oriental, were among the business visitors in the city yesterday! CREATES PANIC ON A PASSENGER TRAIN NEGRO KILLS HIS WIFE AND FIRES AT CONDUCTOR. 3, tar J-i.ia. ttin'iL;.tiiifh-wi.) I. INDEPENDENT AUDITS. It Is the policy of thejmenwho conduct the business of the Peoples Bank to provide every assurance to its depositors of entire security for the money which they entrust to its care. In accordance with this policy, periodical' audits are made by a Public Accountant. Your banking business is invited. Both checking and savings accounts are received. Asheville, N. C, Dec. 26. Passen gers on Southern train No. 36, arriv ing here this morning, told of the creation of a panic on the train a short distance from Hot Springs, N. C, by Fletcher House, colored, when he opened Sr.' on his wife. Bertie House, killing her instantly. Follow ing the killing of his wife the negro is reported to have opened fire in the train, shooting in all directions. The conductor Capt. Howard Craw ford, of Knoxville, was attracted to the car reserved for the use of the col ored people, i y the commotion, and the negro is iv sorted to have leveled his gun at the official, when the latter Miss Sophie Hollister returned last I drew his wPn from his picket and -t-u. i u;,. i,:.. ,..i .t, .,r,t shot at the unruly passenger. The viii ii in i una in n uu n in i l sin oifviik i - Mr. J. J. Summerell, of Kanona Fer tilizer Company, Norfolk, is visiting his parents at the Manse. He is accom panied by his wife and little Miss Nancy Lee. MJWV ' -V gym lb.. .. V SSS.W wi vm sssw several davs. NORTH CAROLINA, COUNTY. CRAVEN In a telegram to the Journal last night, Hon. (Jharles R. Thomas, of this city, but who is now visiting in Western North Carolina, states that he wi be a 'candidate for nomination to Congress from this district on the Democratic ticket. Mr. Thomas will make a more formal announcement as soon as he returns home, but his telegram is enough to let his friends know that he will be in the race. Mr. Thomas has represented this district in congress before and his record while there is an enviable one and one of which he can well be proud. It is at the solicitation of his numerous friends that he is again entering the race and it is safe to say that the other candidates will find in him a foeman worthy of the best efforts they can put forth. The Beaufort News sees the rumor that the Pennsylvania Company is to purchase the Norfolk Southern ,in the following light: "The Pennsylvania Railroad Compa ny has opened offices in Charlotte, being, as the Daily Observer gays: -'determined to go after the Southern business in a more energetic and dili gent fashion.' This move, considered in connection with the rumor that the Pennsylvania is to purchase the Norfolk Southern, is significant. The establishment of an office at Charlotte by the Pennsylvania is n nice Christ Mas present Jor that city but it would be an event of trerpendous importance aot only to the Queen City hut to the entire State especially this im mediate section if the Pennsylvania should, either by a new line or by pur chasing the No.-folk Southern, take bold of Lookout Harbor. The Penn sylvania is a great riilroid, and if it really h is 'it's eyes on' Lookout Harbor, there will be some big business going n at the Cape is a very short time." It will mean much for this section if the Pennsylvania was to purchase the Norfolk Southern and there is a possibility that they may do this, however, there is little doubt about the fact that the same interests that control the Pennsylvania Railway Com pany also have a share of the Norfolk Southern Stock and it is hardly prob able that they will take over the road utright and change its name when they can get a good profit from the stork which they now hold. "Those who marvel at the manner in which Senator Simmons "put Collector Watts"over," despite the objections of certain North Carolina politicians and despite the presi dent's objections to a so-called re actionary, might get a little light from this letter, just received by the senior North Carolina senator: " 'My Dear Senator Simmons: I Welcome this opportunity to express again my warm admiration for your leadership ia the great fight for this bill and my deep sense of the service you have rendered the country. A- knowledge, d patience imptish a great thing aithfully yours. arm and ip- New Bern's experience with the parcel post during the holidays has without any doubt shown the people that the system is just the thing which has for years been needed. The operation of the new system here was entirely successful and the force in the postoffice are being congratulated on the manner in they which handled the situation. There is just one drawback at the local office and that is lack of room. When the rush began the packages filled all available space and caused considerable inconvenience and it was not until yesterday that the place was finally cleared. It appears as though the government will have to make some arrangements for handling this increas ed amount of business, either by en larging the office or handling the parcel post mail from a separate building. The parcel post system, it has beea found, is going to cost more than its advocates at first believed, but it is here to stay, and appropriations for it will be popular. Touching the question of greater cost the Washington Post says: "The tentative theory that the profit from carrying small packages would lift the postoffice establishment out of the deficit column is still confidently adhered to by officials in charge, al though a damper would seem to have been thrown on it by Postmaster Gen era I Burleson's statement that the fl.OOO.OO appropriated for the service during the current fiscal year has been exhausted. Congress is to be appealed to for a second million to meet the cost for the rest of the year, and no doubt the request will be granted. "The new demands on the Treasury, however, do not end here by any means. Second Assistant Postmaster General Stewart, immediately in charge of transportation of the mails, report that the cost of handling all classes of the service last year was approximately 186,000,000, which amount will be in creased this year by about $10,000,00(1 presumably to defray increasing par cel post expenditure. As a method of reducing the heavier outlsy for car rentals, Mr. Stewart urges the estab lishment of railway terminal post of fices and a separation by routes el first and second class mails of pub- A man la mentally strong at sixty if be cast avoid falling love with a silly female of tbt By virtue of the power of sale con tained in that certain judgment entereP in the Superior Court of Craven county, North Carolina at the May term, 1913, in that certain action entitled George F. Anderson against W. H. Harrington and Mary Harrington, we the under signed commissioners appointed by the Courtjwell sell for cash to the high est bidder at the Court house door in New Bern, Craven county, North Carolina on the 5th day of January, 1914, the following described real es tate, te wit: Beginning at a stake on the Vance boro and Greenville road, Lizzie Pow ell s second corner, and running notth 73 east with Lizzie Powell's line 120 poles, Lizzie Powell's third corner, then North 15 West 36 poles to a stake, then south 73 west 120 poles to a stake on the Vanceboro and Greenville road, thence down said road 36 poles to the beginning containing 25 acres, and being the tract of land conveyed to said Ad die Waters by E. A. and Louis Forrest, by deed recorded in the offic of Register of Deeds of Craven county in Book 176, page 240. W. D. McIVER, Commissioner. D. L. WARD, Commissioner This the 25th day of November, 1913. Miss Alice Sutton left lapt night for La Grange for a few days' visit. Mrs. H. H. Hodges and children left last night for Kinston for a few days visit. Personals. Geo. Atmore left' last night for Stonewall to spend Sunday with his parents. latter fled to the rear of the car and jumped from the moving train, which was going at a rate of 40 miles an hour, iccording to reports. A ' message from Hot Springs to- j night was to the effect that the ne gro was only slightly wounded and was captured by officers of that town i immediately after he jumped from the train. The body of the negress was brought to this city. 490 IF YOU PUT MONEY IN THE BANK NOW IT WILL GROW INTO A FORTUNE AND KEEP YOU SOME DAY C. S. Wallace, of Morehead City spent yesterday in the city. R. B. Atkinson returned yesterday from Norfolk where he spent Christ- mu (.'has. H. Hall left last night for Washington, D. C, to attend to some business matters. L. D. Harris left last night for Rich mond to attend to some business matters. D.-. C. W. Bilfinger left last night for New York City to attend to some business matters. The above statement is absolutely true. You are spending not alone the money but the future of that money. to oettid of mosquitoes Jhat money you are now spending would soma day mik3 a Ten can Sleep, Fish, Huntor attend to any work . J J , . , nnurnnr im unttn thoutbemzworrkd by the bttinz or ainiiine goodly sum which would insure you GOMFORT IN YOUK of Mosquitoe. Sand-flies, Gnatsor other insects & J . , r-.i.iri l ij ii teMFtnSamfrvt 0LD AGE 0,r Protect yourjFAMILY should you die. Make OUR bank YOUR bank WE PAY 4 PER GENT INTEREST ON SAVINGS AGGOUNTS 4 TIMES A YEAR SURPRISE MARRIAGE TOOK PUCE LAST I MISS MARY E. DIXON BECOMES BRIDE OF ROBERT HANCOCK. Mrs. J. D. Daly, of La Grange, and grandson Clifton Jarman, of Rocky Mount, are visiting the home of her son Geo. Dalv on Pollock street. Mr. and Mrs. E. Ellis Williams, Mrs. R. P. Williams and Mrs. S. L. Dill, Jr., and children left yesterday for the Straits for a few weeks' visit. FREE BATHS Hot or Cold at the Midgette Hotel ORIENTAL, N. C. Located on the banks of Neuse river where you get the breeze all the time. Hot and Cold ronnina water. Screens. Serve the best food in Pamlico County. Special rates by week. Home of the Traveling men. MHKjrETTE HOTEL JUST RECEIVED A car of American Wire Fencing of all kinds and heights. Also carry a full line of Hardware and Farm Im plements, Buggies, Hack ney Wagons, Harness and a general line of Staple and Fancy Groceries, Dry Goods and Notions at low est prices sad invite all our friends to call and see us. H.A. Hart & Co. P.O. Grifton. Miss Margaret Stedman, of Raleigh, is visiting Mrs. H. R. Bryan, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. C. Ed. Hancock left yesterday for Beaufort, returning home after spending Christmas in this city. A marriage v hichcame as a complete surprise to the many friends of the con tracting parties, took place at the Episcopal rectory at "10:30 o'clock last night when Miss Mary Elisa Dixon, of Raleigh, became the bride of Robert Hancock of this city. Miss Dixon is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles N. Dixon, of Raleigh, and has and a host of friends in that city. Since coming to New Rem she has been connected with Fairview Sanatorium and has made a host of friends here The groom is a son of the late Sey mour Hancock and is an estimable young man. Mr, and Mrs. Hancock will continue 'to make their home in this city. The ceremony was performed by Rev. B. F. Huske in the presence of a few relatives and friends. New Bern Banking & Trust Co. Breaks Land Deep Mr. and Mrs. T, G. Hyman and daughters Elizabeth and Dollie Hyman left yesterday for New York ' City for aN weeks' visit. Mrs. C. O. Robinson left yesterday for Elizabeth City after spending Christ mas here. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Summerell and child, of Norfolk, arrived in the city yesterday for a few weeks visit at the home of Mr. Summerell's parents Dr. and Mrs. J. N. H. Summerell of this city. Miss Louise Thompson, of Jackson ville and her guest Miss Emily Reber, of WHhamsport, Pa., are in the city visiting Mrs. D. S. Joees. Mr. and Mrs. Clem Hooker have returned from a visit with relatives in Pamlico county. Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Shelton, the former whom is clerk at the James Hotel, returned last night from Rich mond, Va. Mr. Shelton went to Rich mond to attend a big family reunion and while there wed Miss Marvcle Bllett. They will make their home in this city. C. B. Foy apeat yesterday in La Grange. l Capt. Tho, Marriner left yester day for Polloksville on a hunting expedition R. E. Whitehurst returned to More head City yesterday after spending Christmas with his parent. sty. in this The sins of fal Arthur Williams went to Baltimore yesterday for several days' visit. Levi Wbeatly, of Beaufort, unsaid through the city yesterday earoute to Groaaville. LOCAL MARKET. Quotations by Coast Line Market: Young chickens 50 and 75c. per pair. Grown chickens, 85 and $1.00 per pair. Beef, 10c per pound. . Pork, 10c. per pound. Eggs, 30c. pT'r dozen. Hides 10c. per pound. Turkeys, 16c. per pound Local sf cotton market, by jjRjBall: 10 1-211 3-4r., no receipts quoted SLRANADK. O. Iit lady, list while thy lover outside Pours forth these fond accents that thrill thee. O, list, both thy doors and thy window beside, For fear that some thorough draught chill thee. The sweet summer morn's hanging low in the sky, And the fog's drifting wildly around me; There is damp in my throat, there i sand in my eye, And my old friend neuralgia hns found me. 1 O, list, lady, list, ere this thin search ing mist Subdues all my amorous frensy; The Pleiad's toft influence here is, I wist, Replaced by the harih influenza. And now, kdy sweet, I must bid thee "grid night," A night that would quench Hymen's torch, love, For a lut by the Are i much mure po lite, Than a song and catarrh in the porch, love. The wont saw. it mattT of w lo. staadhu s msd r the woadrll. old nMsbu IX Pttter't Aattsrptic IlUa OIL II teller, r! mi H..1, t Ihr tin lim. JSC. J0c.t1.0t DISCHARROW TAN- CUTS CLODS and PULVERIZES fc fenlte Makes a Perfect Seed Bed SEEDS Burrus & Parker Incorporated New Bern, N. C. To Farmer Union Members Our stock is the most complete in town and our prices are the same to you as always FARRIS NASSEF Departmet Store Middle st. New Bern, N. C Subsbribc to the Semi-Weekly Journal

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