1 T3W 'BEE SEM-WEEKY JOURNAJt NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA. NOVEMBER 6 1914 '..tf. IS But Little Manifested Ineisterlday's Election-Vofe Was Small THE CONSTITUTIONAL ITS Less Than a Thousand Votes In Craven County Elev en Out Of Twenty Precincts Show Vote Less Than Six Hundred. Majority of Northern and Western States Went Republican "Solid South" Stuck By The Party. Owing to the fact that the Democrats seemed o manifest but little interest in yesterday's election in North Caro lina, a light vote was polled all over the State. In New Bern, the vote was less than four hundred and out of eleven pre cincts heard from last night out of the twenty, the vote was but little more than live hundred. In the Democratic vote on the State ticket in the eleven precincts heard .from in Craven county the vote was 454 and the Republi cans vote 71.' The constitutional amendments carried here by a fair ma- jority. Whether the amendments carried all over the State is a matter of specu lation. J. W.- Bailey, chairman o( the committee on amendments, at mid night gave to the News and Observer a statement in which he said that he was not able to tell whether they had carried and that this would not be known until there was a count of the votes. Many counties voted against them, in others the majorities were not as large as had been expected. In Craven county, out of the eleven pre-1 cincta heard from, Dover and Cove' ...... -.i i.r.''rT' :-..jt-v"i if W- wnue tne soiia soutn neio valiant ly to the principles of Democracy, the North and West, according to reports, gave majorities ro the Republicans and Progressives. In some States out side of the South the Democrats polled up a handsome majority and many of their nominees won out. The follow ing jreports from the various parts of this and other States give the full votes in each State.. NORTH CAROLINA AMENDMENTS CARRY in ON SLOW COUNTY JACKSONVILLE, Onslow County, Nov.' 3 The vote in Onslow was not -as ngnt as naa oeen expected ana meCations are he wil, be elected by com wemocrais piieu up a imtjuriiy oi mure . man tnree nunureu. uuie araeiramrais 3jhe urTe carried nicely, and but few votes were cast against them. It looks as though the salary system was assured, for this county. The State and county officers received a straight vote. The Repub licans suffered a defeat, but it was not what that they had expected. '- . ' BIG MAJORITY FOR DEMOCRATS IN PAMLICO BAYBORO, Nov. 3 Incomplete re turns from all parts of the county showjNEW YORK WORLD CLAIMS VIC that the Democratic majority in this county are about three hundred votes. The Constitutional amendments car ried nicety with but a few votes against v them, ; Hood, (or Congress, received a very good vote as did the State and county officers.. ' An independent ticket had been put out at the last moment, but this received only a few votes. DEMOCRATS ELECT FULL it-,.:; .TICKET IN 1CARTERET. . Morehead City, Nov.'! 3. Indicat ions JaU tonight are that the Dem ocrats have elected their full ticket in Carteret1 county . The majority is Indications favor Republican, -guber-somewhat refluced on account of the. national and U. S. Senate candidates. fusion of the Republicans, Progrseslves and dissatisfied Democrats. The fight here between the parties has been a warm one, ' ". '--l : ' " i-. t-; ''-' I JONES COUNTY GIVES DEMOCRATS A MAJORITY Trenton, Jones County, Nov. 3. rNot all of the -precincts have been heard ; from in Jones county but indications are that the Democrats will receive majority of 323 or more. The total vote will be little more than 423. The amendments will carry by a handsome rhsjorlfy. ' However there was some voting against them. The county and State officers received the full vote. THE AMENDMENTS CARRY IN MANY COUNTIES. Rolc'gh, N. C, Nov. 3, The Amend Interest PROBABLY NOT CERTAIN ments seem to have received majority in Rockingham, Jones , Onslow, Pam: lico, Pasquotank, Warren, Beaufort, Gaston, Randolph, Pearson, Rock ingham, Durham, Wilson, Following' counties have voted against them: Iredell, Stanley, Vance, Green, By vote of S to 1. Hoke, Granville, Cleveland, Anson, Chatham, Cumberland, Edge tombe, Guilford. REPUBLICANS CLAIM ELEC TION OF BRITT AND LINNEY. Raleigh, N. C, Nov. 3. Secretary Grissom of the Republican State Com mittee, claims the election of Britt and Linney. GUDGER CARRIED BUMCOMBE COUNTY. Raleigh, Nov. 3. Gudger carries Buncombe. Reports from Ashev lie says District Democrat by small ma jority. Uncertain as to amendments . ILLINOIS JlINCLEr JOE GOES BACK TQ.CON- GRESS ' CHICAGO, Nov. 3 Returns indi cate that Uncle Joe Cannon has plural ity twelve hundred votes for Congress. SULLIVAN CARRIED COOK COUNTY, ILL. rUtr m II I W i Sullivan carried Cook county lor U.S. Senate by sixty five thousand plurality. Robbins, Progressive, running close to Sherman, Republican. SULLIVAN CLAIMS CHICAGO BY 50,000 CHICAGO, Nov. 3 Roger Sullivan carried city by fifty thousand. Indi- fortable plurality. EARLY INDICATIONS OF CLOSE RACE IN ILLINOIS. Chicago, Nov. 3. Early indications close race in Illinois Sullivan, Demo crat, Robing, Progressive and Sherman, Republican, close bunched for Sen ator, this city. NEW YORK TORY FOR WHITMAN NEW YORK, Nov. 3 The World says. Whitman will be next governor. Glynn carried Greater New York by forty thousand, but vote up State over' came this. ' . HEAVY .VOTING IN NEW YORK i-' 'STATE - NEW', YORK, Nov. 3 There was heavy x voting;, in ' Greater : New York for Governor Whitman, - He .has a good lead up State. ' ; Glynn is running ahead in Greater New York.' Early REPUBLICANS CLAIM WHIT- MAN ELECTED - NEW YORK, Nov. 3 Republicans claim Charles S. Whitman elected gov ernor by ; 180,000. James W.' Wads worth, Republican, been elect d U. S. Senator by large plurality. t' o, PENNSYVANIA PENROSE CLAIMS VICTORY FOR : - 'RADICALS - V PHILADELPHIA, Nov. '3 Penrose Issued 1 statement- saying Republican party hat carried the city by 11)0,000 REPUBLICAN LANDSLIDE " s IN PENNSYLVANIA Philadelphia, Pa., Nov. 3.Wa.ih1ng- Was ton party headquarters admitted ten ten o'clock there had been great Re publican landslide throughout Penn sylvania. REPUBLICANS CLAIM MA JORITY IN PHILADELPHIA. Philadelphia, Nov. 3. Republican State Committee estimates plurality for Briembaugh for Governor at 200, 000. Penrose still leading for senate. MASSACHUSETTS BALDWIN CLAIMS STATE OI MASSACHUSSETTS BOSTON, Nov. 3 Gov. Baldwin made great gains late this evening when 190 Boston districts and a hundred towns been heard from. Led McCall, Republican, by seventeen thousand. It is claimed Baldwin will carry State by ten thousand. REPUBLICAN CANDIDATES WON IN MASSACHUSSETTS BOSTON, MASS., Nov. 3 Fifty towns give McCall, Republican, two thousand plurality over the progressive and Democratic cnadidates. Congress man Green, Republican, was re-elected. OKLAHOMA THIS REPORT SAYs FIELDS LEADS. Oklahoma Cfty, Nov. 3. Incomplete returns indicate that Fields, Republi can, elected for Governor by scanty majority. For Congress Republican is leadirig. BELIEVED THAT GORE IS RE ELECTED OKLAHOMA CITY, Nov. 3- Indi cations are thatCoreVls- re-elecied-fwl the U. S. Senate. OHIO SENATOR IN OHIO IS IN DOUBT. Cleveland, N6V. 3. Democratic headquarters concede election Warren Harding, Republican, U. S. Senate over Hogan, Democratic. THE DRYS AHEAD IN STATE OF OHIX). Columbus. Ohio, Nov. 3. Prohibi tion and "wets" having closest of races. Early returns indicate small majority for "drys." RHODE ISLAND BECKMAN CLAIMS LEAD IN RHODE ISLAND , PROVIDENCE, R. I., Nov. 3 Scattering returns give Beeckman, Re publican, early lead for governor. BECKMAN ELECTED GOV ERNOR OF RHODE ISLAND. Providence, R. I., Nov. 3. Beckman Republican, elected Governor by five thousand. Republicans also claim elec tion two to three congressmen'; GEORGIA DEMOCRATS WIN IN 1 WALKOVER IN GA. Atlanta, Ga., Nov. 3. Hoke Smith and T. W. Hardwick,. Democrats were elected over . Progressive opponents by overwhelming majority. . Smith succeeds himself and Hard wick fills unexpired term of late sena tor Bacon. Georgia also returns sol id Democratic delegation to congress. ALABAMA CHAMP CLARK WINS . v " , OUT IN ALABAMA. Montgomery, Ala,. Nov. 3. Returns Indicate re-election of Champ Clark by about five thousand.' His Republi can opponent concede defeat, ; This is tenth time the speaker has been elect ed, says he will be speaker again if house it Democratic. ' -.', . sbtJTH bAMTA REPUBLICAN MAJORITY RE- ' DUCED IN SOUTH DAKOTA. Pierre, S. D., Nov. 3. Durke, Re publican, leading for senate, but Re publican majority . tint been greatly reduced. EqunI suffrage : apparently decisively beaten, ' ' MICHIGAN DEMOCRAT LEADS FOR ; GOVERNOR INj MICH. .' i Detroit, Nov. 3. Ferris, Democrat, leading for Governor over Osborne, Republican. . ' , 7T ARIZONA TEN THOUSAND MA-' ; f JORITY FOR SMITH. Phoenix, Ariz., Nov. 3. Smith, Dem ocrat, returned to senate by Hen thous and majority. COLORADO DEMOCRATS WIN OUT IN COLORADO. Denver, Nov. 3. Charles Thomas, Democrat, re-elected to senate. Gov ernorship and prohibition stilln doubt. OREGON ; DEMOCRAT RETURNED IN STATE OF OREGON. Portland, Oregon, Nov. 3. "Cham berlain, Democrat returned to senate. OTHER STATES DEMOCRAT RUNS AHEAD OF TICKET IN CONNECTICUT NEW HAVEN, CONN., Nov. 3 Practically complete returns indicate Republican victory in entire State ticket by comfortable margin. Bald win, Democrat, running ahead of his ticket. In U. S. Senator race' against Brandegee, Republican, is the', present incumbent. Republicans will probably carry three of five congressmen now Democrats. DEMOCRAT WIPES UP , THE EARTH BALTIMORE, Nov. 3-"-) locations at eight 6'clock, are that Jno. W Smith, Democrat, is re-elected U. S- Senate over Republican opponent by fifteen: thous and. Four districts return Democratic congressmen, one is in doubt and one is clearly Republican. CUMMINS WINS OVER ... CONNELLY INpOW A. DesMoines, Iowa, Nov. -3. Indica tions are that Cummins wins over Connelly, Democrat, for U. S. senate by large plurality. REPUBLICAN LEADING IN INDIANNA. Indianapolis, Nov. 3. Miller, Re publican, leading for U. S. senate over Shively, Democrat, by few hundred votes and probably will maintain this lead. DEMOCRATS LOST OUT IN CONNECTICUT. New Haven, Conn, Nov. 3. Repub licans sweep Connecticut, entire State ticket being carried by two thousand Five Republican representatives elec ted, not a district returning Democrat. Simon E. Baldwin, Democrat, running close in U. S. senate fight, but probably lose by three thousand. Progressive vote dropped from thirty thousand to five thousand. Republicans will control State Senate easily and house by large majority. EARLY RETURNS FROM VERMONT DISCOURAGING. Burlington Vt., Nov. 3. Early "re turns showed William P. Dillingham, Republican, leading for U. S. Senate over Charles H. Prouty, the Democrat Progressive candidate. Republican State and Congressional tickets also leading. NEW HAVEN GIVES DEMOCRATS SUPPORT New Haven, Conn, Nov, 3. Rc- turns from half wards this city indicate strong support for Democrats. ' Gov ernor Baldwin leading in race for U. S. Senator by small majority. Progress ive vote Nil. PROGRESSIVES WIN IN KANSAS Topeka, '., Kan. Incomplete returns ndicate election victor . , Murdock, Progressive, to U. S. Senate. . ; ., v THE REPUBLICANS .MAKE i'-A v ',. .:'';." wide cusses. ' Washington, Republican Congress ional Headquarters tonight - claimed Democraticmajority in house had been reduced to below twenty teats. ; Five seats gained in Illinois, where Senator -Sherman is said to have defeated Rogers and Sullivan by twenty thout and. " : .' . :, ' VOTING IN NEW JER- ' ' - V , SEY WAS . HEAVY. Trenton,' N. J. So heavy was the voting throughout the . State of New Jersey that after several, hours returns ar meagre Seems certain that Republican! will get seven, maybe nine of State delegation twelve con- BELIEVE LATEST E WILL BE FUTILE Confidence Grows in Paris That the Latest Offensive Movement of the Teutons Will Prove A Failure THEIR ATTACK SHIFTED FROM THE NORTH Ypres Front Expected to Be the Storm Center of the Fighting for a Time PARIS, Nov. 3 Confidence is grow ing here that the latest offensive move ment of the Germans in Belgium whereby they hope to gain a clear route to the French channel ports will fail. All reports here are that the Allies have successfully withstood repeated and violent attacks. The official statement of the Belgian general staff indicates a shift in the scene of the German attack from the north coast, where they fought so hard and stubbornly to the vicinity of Ypres. This region it is declared, already has been the scene of violent attacks and counter-attacks in which both sides lost heavily. The expectation here is that the Ypres front now will be the storm center of the fighting, for a time at least, as the German objective appears to be the route to Saint Omer, in the department of Pascalais, twenty-two miles southeast of the port of Calais. The news of the french success around Ste. Marie-Aux-Mines and St. Die, in the Vosges region, was eager ly received here. The developments in this quarter assured the French of a solid position in a difficult region where, it is expected, they will win a greater success. President Poincare's visit to the battlefield in West Flanders where. at Fumes, while practically under fire, he and King Albert of Belgium reviewed the French and Belgian troops, caused some fears for his safety, but also admiration for his bravery. The President and Belgian King, together with the French Minister of War,. Alexandre - M U lerand, reviewed the troops from the town hall at Fumes whilea short distance away the railway station was under the heavy shell fire of the German artillery. Turkish Troops Near Egyptian Border DISPATCH FROM CAIRO TELLS OF THEIR PRESENCE THERE LONDON, Nov. 3 A dispatch to the Daily Mail from Cario, Egypt, says: "The Turkish troops are reported near the border, which they have not crossed. The British are fully pre pared to repulse an invasion, thanks to the measures taken by the govern ment. "The public in Egypt are calm and not even aware of a Turco-Russo rup ture. A press censorship will bte ex-tablisbi-il lomorrow.'1 gressmcn. This is a loss of seven to the Democrats. DEMOCRATS GET GOOD VOTE IN MISSOURI Kansas City, Mo., Nov. 3. Entire Democratic ticket received large ma jority, Women suffrage overwhelming ly defeated. DEMOCRATS THE WIN NERS IN KENTUCKY. Frankfort, Ky., Nov. 3. Democratic nominee Beckham and Camden ele cted to long and short terms respect ively, in U. S. Senate by forty thous and. Five Democrats and two Repub lican congressmen apparently elected. MEAGRE RETURNS IN CALIFORNIA. San Francisco, Cat, Nov. 3. Meagre returns slightly favor Hiram W. Jack ton," Progressive, candidate for Gov ernor but race close between he and John W. Fredericks, Republican. Know- land, Republican, leading for Senate. DEMOCRATS WIN VIC- .TORY IN MISSOURI. St. Louis, Nov. i: Democrats claim 45,000 plurality for Stone over Atkinn Suffrage defeated decisively. -; Repub licans say that they have gained twenty per cent over 1012. ', , , ? - WHO THE SENATORS WILL BE. " " ' . Tallahasse, Fla.,Fletcher, Democrat, elected to U. S. Senate. Birmingham, Ala, Oscar Underwood returned to U. S. Senate. Raleigh, N. C, Overman, Democrat, elected to U. S., Senate. Atlanta, Ga., Hoke Smith, Democrat, elected to U. S, Senate. uEIN ill The United Slates Tired ol Talking WIRES A HOT MESSAGE TO CAR- RANZA WANTS TROOPS REMOVED. Washington, D. C, Nov. 2. Car- ranza, urging the United States to with draw her troops from Vera Crui, met with a sharp answer today when the State Department informed him in an agressive note that his wishes would be fulfilled if he would give assurances to this government that demands as to safety of the life and property of Ameri can citizens in Mexico would be looked after. Carranza had made no answer to this note at a late hour tonight. TURKEY WANT TO KNOW HOW TO BEG PARDON. Washington, D. C, Nov. 2. De layed messages from Henry Morgan, the U. S. ambassador at Constantino ple, received today say that the Turk ish minister and the agricultural min ister of the interior through a neautral diplomat have asked the Russian am bassadoer before his departure, what terms would pacify Russia and if an apology was necessary. ONE TURKISH GUNBOAT AND STEAMER IS SUNK. Athens, Greece, Nov. 2. The Turk ish gunboat Dubakreiss and the Turk ish armed steamship Kinaliada were sunk in the Gulf of Chespume by the combined British and French squad ron which entered the gulf this morn ing. HOSTILITIES BEGUN ON TURKISH FRONTIER. Rome, Nov. 2. Dispatches from Trebizend say that hostilities have al ready begun between the Russian and Turkish frontier garrisons in Armena. NAVAL ENGAGEMENT IS BELIEVED IN PROGRESS. London, Nov. 2. Heavy firing off the foreland, at Dover late thiSjafter noon leads to the belief that a naval engagement is in progress in the channel near Dover. Twelve shells were fired in rapid succession. The concuss ion was so great that windows at Deal were broken. A British destroyer and a German submarine are known to be in that locality. REPORT SAYS BULGARIA HAS ORDERED MOBILIZATION London, Nov. 2. According to a Rome dispatch reaching here tonight, Bulgaria has ordered the mobilization of her second line of reserves. The first line was mobilized some weeks ago. This action is taken to indicate some decided stand on the part of that coun try. TURKISH AMBASSADOR HAS NOT RECEIVED PASSPORTS. London, Nov. 2. It was officially stated tonight that the Turkish ambass ador had not yet been handed his passports. Reuters News Agency learns that it is still uncertain in diplomatic quarters whether the Allies ultimatum to Turkey was ever delivered at all, owing to the cutting of the line of communi cation. PROGRESS OF BATTLE IS HIGHLY FAVORABLE. ' Boun, (Via wireless to London) Nov 2. The progress of the battle along the Northern French front is regarded as highly favorable. The report that the French had been thrown back across the river Aisne at a point near Soissens "and the operation extended to the western front around Verdun, is considered the best news from the front in some time. The Germans have forced their way southward by night attacks. The toll of death on both tides hat been great. Fighting has not been resumed in Poland.' In Galicia events seem approaching a decisive point. A Cracow dispatch says that the Russians have been driv en across the San. J- Mist Gertrude Edwards, of Golds- boro, arrived in the city last night to visit Mrs. Isaac Cohn. ' ;' ' AUSTRIANS WORRIED Art , Anslout About the Cotton " ...o .'. Situation . -i ' VENICE, (via Parlt). Nov. 3 Tnt Austrian textile, manufacturers are greatly worried over the' Question of obtaining further supplies of. cotton from America'. They fear all their effortt will fail even though attempts have been made to obtain thit com modity through neutral statr. The stocks of coton in Austria are sufficient to lat only flw weeks, so that the situation Jn the piil) is becomi ng dcipcrate. En CRUISER IKSflTISfl SHIP . s -.4 THE VAN DYCK SENT TO DAVD JONES' LOCKER IN SOUTH ATLANTIC New York, Nov. 2. The British liner, Van Dyck, was sunk in the South Atlantic ocean this afternoon by the German cruiser Karlsruhe. , Two hundred and one passengers were safely landed at Para Brazil. - No details of the destruction of the oat could be secured by the wireless ations near here. Hog Cholera Serum To Be Given Out STATE VETERINARIAN MAKES OFFER TO THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Dr. B. B. Flowe, State vetinarian of Raleigh, appeared before the Board of Commissioners at the regular monthly meeting held at the court house yester day and made the proposition to them that if they would appropriate one hundred dollars to be used for the pur chase of 'Hog Cholera Serum' he would give demonstrations at a number of places in the county free of charge. It was decided that the demonstration be made at the following points: Vance boro, Ernuls, Fort Barnwell, Thurman, Havelock, North Harlow, Jasper, Dover, Rhem, New Bern (at Fair grounds), Truitts and Belair. At each of these, places a few hogs will be treated free . i of charge. The time for this work nas not yet been named, although Dr. Flowe stated that it might be the last of the year, as he has a number of coun ties in which to give the treatment be fore he will be able to get to Craven; ,l Including other matters passed on by the Board was the speed limit of motor driven vehicles over the Neuse and Trent river bridges. The limit heretofore has been five miles per hour while crossing these bridges. J. B. -Blades presented the matter to Board and asked that the limit per hour be made twelve miles, and a motion was 1 on it ;the State laws were consulted, - ' ' which says that the State has passed a law making the limit seven miles per , hour. After some discussion the limit was changed from, five to seven miles per hour. The jury was drawn for the Novem ber term of Craven Superior Court which convenes the twenty-third, for a two weeks' session with Judge R. B. Peebles presiding. The entire two weeks will be for the disposition of .( civil cases. Road supervisors were appointed for . number seven township. TO BE PLACED IN COLORED IN- SANE ASYLUM James Manning, colored, has been ' arrested and placed in the county jail where he will remain while arrange ments are being made to get him in the State hospital for the colored insane. BILL FDSCUE! OH BILL WHERE CHI II STRANGE DISAPPEARANCE OF ONE OF THE CITY'S EMPLOYES . The whereabouts of. Bill .FosCue. white, who for a number of years was employed by the city as driver of one , of the street carts, but recently naa iol- lowed the occuoation of fishing, is un- , known. It is reported that while under the influence ot whiskey Sunday after- noon, he went up Trent river in his gat hnat and has not been heard from eince, - and hit friends are uneasy about hit .; safety. A party went up tne river yes-, ( v terdav in search of him, but had not returned at a late hour. It ia thought by tome that he learned that . war rant had been issued lor hira ana ne nas t gone up the river to avoid being arretted ; ' GRAND OPERA SOON , To be Seen at the Masonic r; v'.'V;'.: ThtM';;:-'';v;;. The Duean Grand , Opera Company which is booked to play the Masonic t theatre the 23rd of this month, promises , to be the feature theatrical attraction 1 of this season. In order to secure thit , great attraction Messrs. Lovick and Taylor had to buy the show outright at a great price. ' New Bern't lovere of rwnfA mitA writ! An wi11 tn encupe thr.ir I eatt ahead of fiine, which can be done y leaving your name and the' number , of i ticket t at Wood-Lane Drug Co. K those who secure neats b( fore N(j V. 16th can get them at $1.00. I ' j.V:. v;'' " ' ' c ' wm a v! '! r to t'-c city j

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