NEW BERN SEMI-WEEKLY JOURMAL NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA APRIL 30 1915 NOTED EVANGELIST THRILLED HEARERS TUESDAY NIGHT In a Mifrhtv Annual tU WWt0 tfked tbOM wbo la a augmy Appeu ne , chri.tian. to iUnd u Mt Urged Them To Oyer Atu thMe hd ukeB lMi 0 n. J Rev. Wharton asked those who were C0II1C JUtail. olU aUd "ol Chritian but wanted to be in .1 j T i 4! ' elass, to arise. A goodly number Ueatn anfl 10 ACCept arose and thus signified their intention Io..c a. Tk: 2..laf wanting to lead a better We. "HUS UCII up V1UI I An tfter meeting was held after (.roof I waut1 UaJ the main service and at this many Him---Another meet- ome ,oved one nd or wteen miu T L I6 r longer tne "uppliestions to ins lonipnt Him who can save all were vent TT -1 iiuavenwaxa. To Address Children During the evening Rev. YVhar- ton expressed himself as being more Declaring that unless one ean over come sin, satan and death in the literal; sense of the word, they cannot be'tnn pleased with the great interest saved from destruction. Rev. H. M . Wharton who is conducting the great revival meeting at the Dill tobacco warehouse, last hight delivered a thrilling discourse on "God's treas ury department and t he blessings tb be deriVTO therefrota,'' The speak er talked for more thaii an hour, making his points in such a clear, eonoise farm that the attention of his audience was held in a rapt manner and (hat his words sunk home wbji evidenced by the large number of men and women who stayed for the after meeting and asked for prayers for themselves or for some ved ogc. Two Blessings III opening his sermon Rev. Whar ton sn id that the same temptations which aasejieB Jesus wheri lib was on lh,?wr identical with those which. iy ''iucking thousands of men a nd women to destruction. He declared that (he devil tempted Christ through the body, telling him when he was hungered and athirst that to acknowledge him would mean to have his physical wants gratified. "Jesus," he said "told satan to get behind him and that is what you should do. Don't let him tempt you through your physical wants. Hie Last Tolh . In illustrating his points at this juncture Rev. Wharton told of "an incident which occurred in another city and which showed how some men give their body to the devil. He said that he one night was right in the midst of a great meeting and that a drunken sot who had gone the pace that kills, clambered up to the side of his platform and began -k) serum hie up upon H. The audience seeing that the mate-was ahoui to break up the service, clamored for him to be put out. Raising his hand Rev. Wharton asked that the man be allowed to say whatever was on his mind and as the poor old drunkard staggered to the front of the plat form, glancing out over the vast audience with bleared eyes and lips working convulsively, he told them that this was his last talk and that he wanted to urge all parents to train' their children in the way which would lead them to the straight and narrow road and not to let them travel the broad path to damnation. He point ed to himself as an example to bodily gratification and wrong training and ended with a plea for the parents to keep whiskey out of reach of their children. Through Ambition Rev. Wharton declared that the devil got control of many through the ambition route. He illustrated this with the manner in which satan tempted Jesus when he was up on a high mountain and the devil appear ed and told him after pointing out fertile fields and verdant valleys, that these would he give Him if He would bow down and worship him. The speaker declared that satan being shown in the revival by the citizens of New Bern and of the goodly attendance at each of the meetings. Last night the crowd was even larger than on the previous night and it could easily be seen that those present were warming up to the mat work which Is being done Rev. Wharton announced tnat on Thursday morning he would visit the New Bern public schools and make a talk to the children there and every parent who has a child in school is Urged to see that he or she is on hand to hear this talk. Tonight another great meeting will be held at the Dill tobacco warehouse and the public is especially urged to attend. WANT TO SUPPRESS LIQUOR NEW COMBINATION FIRE ENGINE HAS ARRIVED IN CITY "William EUit" Demonstrat es Its Ability to Throw Water SHE'S A BEAUTY Fire Underwriters to Send A Representative Here Today Raleigh, April 37. Collector Bailey tonight issued a letter to the state press calling upon all North Caro le to assist him in the sup- of illieit manufacturing of in his district. collector's appeal does net in- pnats i-m n it ... eiifh and I Spick and spaa as a new watch the big six cylinder motor driven combination fire engine purchased by the city for the Atlantic Steam fire Engine Company from the Ameri can La France Fire Engine Company of Elmira, N. Y.. was yesterday morning unloaded from the ear on which it pame to New Bern- from the factory and dining the day. was puts through a number of tests by K. L. Weyant, the demonstrator who wa sent hem to illustrate how to pro perly operate the machine and to point out each separate part of its innards. What jt Did The engiao,jras. first' token down to the foot of Craven street tad the pumping mechanism started up. Then came the demonstration. To those watching the performance it seemed as t hough the giant maw of the mar chine oould not be satiated and that water oould not be gotten into it fast enough to be pumped out. Eight hundred and some odd gallons of aqua pura shot through the hose in one minute under a pressure of' one hundred and twenty-five pounds. Up and down the scale , went the pressure and tile water continued to shoot forth, showing plainly that the machine was "it" when it came down to - a question of throwing water. Underwriters Today Today the last and official test will be made and if found satisfac tory the machine will be turned over to the city. A representative of the Underwriters Association will also GERMAN RAIDER WONT MAKE DASH Newport New, Va., April 27. The German amxiiuWy cruiser Krou Priai Wilhelm, whisk will IJ Intern ed at the Norfolk nary yard for the remainder of the war, was St a pier here today filling her coal bunkers. Work of coaling was to be 40 m plot ad late today, and the cruiser taken probably Wednesday to Norfolk for internment. The William will be interned at the request of her oommaoaVr, Cap tain Thierf elder. Official notice of his intention to intern was given late Monday. He said he had intended to attempt a dash past the British and French warships on the capes, but that the illness of many of his crew from beri-beri would make that im possible before expiration of the time limit fixed by the American govern ment for repairs to make his cruiser seaworthy. A RAILROAD TO Ml MITCHELL TOP New Service Is to Be In augurated At An Early Date MANY APPEALS BEFORE SUPREME COURT TUESDAY Fifteenth District Cases Come Up For Consideration ONE CAPITAL CASE Defendant Charged With Entering House To Com mit a Felony Postoffice Robber Gt$ 2 Years In Fed. Pi sm Mta-I .7 .i, .1 ' T nnflAtnmnn fltivil v nmnnrr 4ut from visitor tfl-afe 08 no V?W William Ellis, member of the Board of Aldermen, Ex-Mayor and who was nsl ru mental in securing the machine, hns been honored ' by having his name placed on it and hereafter when a fire occurs and the truck starts up the street with its Klaxon opened wide it will not be an unusual oc curence for one to hear someone re mark, "There goes Bift ElKs." For the present, the. truck is being kept at the New Bern Oarage on Craven street. rom officers chargtkl with suppression such admissions are fro quent. Bailey's star deputy, Stell, has smashed an incredibly large number of stills, but they rise up again. It is conceded by prohibi tionists, not by Bailey, that the new liquor law against delivery has heart ened the booze-makers to take big chances. Collector . Bailey ' letter fojjows: "I desire -the cooperation of the people of North Carolina in sup pressing the illicit manufacturing of intoxicating liquors in my district. I believe that we . can entirely sup press blockading if individuals throu ghout the district will cooperate with ray deputies and myself. The fol lowing is a list of my deputies and their postoffice addresses: W. A. Smith, Red Springs; C. F. Tankers- ley, Henderson, C. H. Jenkins, Eliz abet h City; I. M. 'full, Kinston; J. F. Linsey, Norlina, J. R. Kennedy, Wilmington; E. Q. Richardson, Raleigh; John Morrison, I locking ham; Edward James, Robersonville. You may send information to them or directly to me "I wish the public to be assured thai I will hold any information as confi dential; and that I will appreciate any information tending to show that my deputies are not exercising proper dili gence in this undertaking. "I wish also to point out to the public that the suppression of illi cit distilling is the duty of the local sheriffs as well as of the collector and his deputies. My judgment is that we have reached a point where with proper cooperation between the peo ple, the county officers and the col lectors office the manufacture of ii always kept his foot on the loud jquor will be entirely eradicated in pedal when he ran up against an .the 56 counties in this district, ex- ambitious man or woman and that tending from Quilford to the eoast. they must be very careful, "If the devil ean get you to doubt one book in the Bible, he is cutting you loose from your mooring and there is no telling where you will drift." declared the speaker. Unsearchable Riches "There are unseachable ricbos in God's pardoning love," said Rev. Wharton "and any of these riches arm ours if we ask for them for Jesus It is my earnest desire to achieve this end," FRANK SANDERS IS OUT OF JAIL A JOURNAL AD. THE REAL THING Charles Taylor, proprietor of the Railroad Lunch Room in the union passenger station, is a staunch ad vocate of advertising in the Journal for he knows that be gets results every time that he makes any an nouncement through its columns. Now, here's an instance: In weeks gone by Mr. Taylor has been nerving a dozen or fifteen milk shakes on Sundays and considered that a fair business. Last week he decided to cut the price to five cents each and placed an ad. to this effect in the Journal on Sunday morning- Just out of ouriosity Mr. Taylor decided to keep an account of how many he sold during the day and when he totalled up his figures at the close of the day's business, he found that three hundred and fifty of this variety of oold drink had gono over the counter. An increase of from fifteen to three hundred and fifty was brought about by a Journal want ad. There's a moral in this. If you want what you want when you want it, ADVERTISE IN THE JOURNAL. The announcement which has just been made that passenger service would be inaugurated on the Mount Mitchell railway this Summer, en abling; visitors and particularly those who gather at Montreat, Black Moun tain and Ridgecrest for the confer ences to reach the. top of the highest peak east of the Mississippi, will be of surpassing interest In New Bern. The news is carried ih The Black Mountain Eagle and is herewith re produced : It is not known how th$ trains will run. Some of the officials think that one train per day will be put on while others want trains to run only three times a week. These matters will probably be decided by the num ber of passengers that avail them selves of the advantage of this trip. They have not decided definitely on the fare that will be charged as this will have to be worked out on a scale that would pay the: road other wise the officials would nWbe willing to take the big risk of carrying pas sengers. The news -at. this decision by the officials of this road will be learned with great .delight. Many of the tourists who come to Western Caro lina have as their highest ambition a trip to the top of Mount Mitchell but they are unwilling to go through the hardships which this trip has hereto fore necessiatated. Now it can be made with the greatest ease and the tourist does not have to worry about the entertainment when he reaches the summit of the highest peak east of the Rockies. The commissary of the Perley and Crockett Company will eater to the wants of those who eome to the peak and the goods that they buy there will not be at a higher price than in the stores at Black Moun tain. The officials also think they will be able to give (he passengers who wish to spend the night on the mountain comfortable sleeping quar ters. Those who have made the trip to this high peak in the past know something of what it means to 'rough it' under blankets, sacks, leaves and any other material that oan be secured when night fall comes. "The trip by rail can now be made in one day and give the tourist plenty of time to see all of the beauties and grandeurs of Mount Mitchell without the fatigue and hardships of past days. By the old method at best it took two or three days to make this trip. Only the strongest and most robust oould go. Now the weakest person oan go with the assurance that fatigue will not result because the public has been assured by the offi cials of the road that every effort will be exerted to make the trip pleasant to every passenger." Kaleigh, April 27. Fifteenth dis trict appeals today in the Supreme fourt included the capital case of Allison from Iredell, in which Alli son was eharged with entering a house after night for the purpose of committing a felony. The only points armied were the submission of the facts to the jury the defense contending that insufficient evidence had tceii offend lo justify a jury verdict. The jury decided strains! Allison upon purely circumstantial evidence, footprints figuring large ly in the issues. The case was ap pealed from the court of Judge V. J. Adams. From Rowan County THE FRIENDS OF FORMER CASHIER ASK FOR MERC V Governor Craig Appealed To For Clemency For A. W. Hicks FALSIFIED RECORDS Has Served Twelve Months! of a Sentence of Two Years Sam Jones Yester Convicted of Breal Itff Postoffice li Kellums in Onslow Coanty --Mike Joseph ars Before Judge r and Admits Liquor Ben an Tried---- teresting Case Today on. f Oft M Two years under the tnUdage of : his Uncle Samuel s prisoa wasdea d Kaleigb. April 27. -Collector A D. associates down at the Federat prisua Waits of the western district. James at Atlanta, Oa., is what was handod A. Hartuess, clerk of Irt-dell county to Sam Jones, colored, who.. fleeter Frank Sanders of Newport, who was placed under arrest but Fridav has said 'ask anything of Mo In His piorning by U. 8. Deputy Marshal name and it shall be granted." The Charles H. Ange, on a warrant eharg speaker declared that there are an- ing him with illieit distilling and the ......i.. 1. 1.. . ti: -..-i.i. 5 ... . , .. .. from-, in iuiiuiB (retailing of spirituous liquors with graee ami that Out tor ton grace Of I out a goventaWht Heease. waa given Ood not a one of hu hearers would! a ss ihiinary hearing jtordsj bo os sitting before at that moment. .foM, j. g. CoauassaMsMc C. & HUL Many Want rrayer The sermon was one of those that touch the hearts of every one who hoard it. There were 'many sbinert present and they wore greatly im pressed by Urn glearness with which the grant evangelist Disced before them the necessity of leading a better oneration of ah Illicit di.UlUrv ui life, of seeking Ood's raving power, in faot that they knew IllUe or aotfe and of accepting Him m their sav Ing about Wffl fwthv than that he mi raw eeaw w mr rMtugf HvTijltf aWM AMhoagh the garararanat theaght that they had a strong oaee against the defendant, they fell absolutely flat In making this out, the witnesses swearing that they had never bought whUkey from Sender, had never heard of him being engaged la the "I KILLED HER'i DECLARES SLAYER Bristol, Vs., April 27 "It ws I who killed Mrs. Wilson," said Luther Canter to the three neighbor men whom he tailed la that he might make a confession. "My brother, James," he oontinued, "had nothing to do with it. I seized, gaggttd and Mr. Wiimm after oka had a alarm. Kadndiag bet tt a fesJaieea oondttio. I thot her 1 earned the shotgun from the honse because I expected to aeet bar husband and I would have killed him. " Canter denied assaulting the won- an. From Ho wan county the case of Tobe Lyerty, charged with and con victed of the larceny of a $50 note was argued today, the defendant being a merchant of Rowan. The evidence was that H. A. Pethel show ed Lyerly a "pretty' as Hie plain tiff witness said, and that Lyerly took the fifty dollar bill and sub stituted a $2 note. The jury convict ed Lyerly in the face of a good deal of evidence that Pethel had been to various places after the alleged lar ceny and was not entirely .sure of the place of loss. ftttf Civil Action The biggest civil action before the court is that of Williamson, New York broker, against T. J. Jerome, the Wachovia Bank and Trust Com pany and others. It will be heard Wednesday. The case was set for today but could not be reached. The alleged facts are that the defendants employed Williamson .to sell "SfSOf,-, (XX) of the first mortgage bonds of the Salisbury-Spencer Hailway Com pany and 2,045 shares of the capital stock of this railway for H0,IKX), the Sale to be made to W. X. Colcr and Company of New York. This was four years ago and the plain tiff Williamson was to receive $.",0(H) commission. Colcr and Company refused to exercise the option, refused lo pur chase the $190,(X)0 stocks and bonds and the defendants sold them to W. J. Oliver and Company of Knox ville, but Oliver and associates fail ed to make payment and the deal was cancelled October 10, 191 L One of the defendants went to New York to sell the bonds and by aocident met a member of the firm of W. N. Color and Company who asked about the Salisbury-Spencer Railway. Ho agreed to pay $130,000 for the bonds and received the 2,04s as a bonus. Attached Bank's Money Plaintiff Williamson had no com munication with the Colcr Company he said after Coler refused to exer cise the option, but Williamson at tached large sums of money in New York banks owned by the Wacho via Bank and Trust Company, of Winston-Salem alleging that the bank was a party to the contract. Tho defendants set up fraud in the alleged representations that the bank was a party to tho trabsaction. "cun ningly and fraudulently so framing his complaint as to entrap the de fendants and induce them to enter an appearance in said action in New York." A. H. Price argues the case for the defendant and Col. John S. Hen Superior Court, Capt. T. H. Vander lord, Capt. W. H. Burton and other liowan and Iredell men today sought for the second time executive cle mency for A. W. Hicks, former bank cashier, newspaper man and pro minent religious worke- who is now serving two years in the state prison for falsifying the records of the Spen cer branch of the Wachovia bank. Upon Mercy Only The visitors today put their appeal purely upon mercy. Mr. Hioks has served a year and his friends think his punishment has been heavy. They did not tell the Governor that the Spencer banker was convicted of a technical wrong, but that be was convicted upon the evidence shown in the records of the bank, but the punishment is already great. The governor told his petitioners that ho had never been able to see the "tech nical" wrong, that it was a long wrought wrong and covered up fin ally by perjury. He thought the, newspapers had rather overdone the "technical" side of it. falsified Records Mr. Hicks' offense was the falsi fying of records in the Connell .case Connell being a merchant who moved ett a .migiiiy scale, and left the mm pressidn. that hi? Was . a rich Man He has been the unquestioned bene- ficiary of the Hicks misfortune, the merchant, getting overdrafts in the thirty thousands before the crash came. When the Connell checks came in it is said the cashier caged them and kept his '.'cash" in a cigar box. When Governor Craig was appeal cd- toan December he was told that Mr. Hicks received no money as the result of these wrongs, that ho was deceived by a "crook" as it was put The Governor delivered a shar lecture lo his big audience then an? .animadi verted somewhat upon the perjuring of oneself to protect a "crook" Tho Governor thought a man's offense but little less if he al lowed somebody else to loot a bank than the taking of money for personal use. Nobody is opposing the pardon. It is urged for the Spencer man who bore so honorable a name so long and was very popular that ho Jjas a large family in desperate condition on account of his imprisonment and that a year in prison has told upon him more than a much longer confine ment would have impressed itself upon a man of less fine sensibilities day was convicted in Federal Court here of breaking into the pus to Hi at Kellum's station in OnsloW count a few weeks ago. Jones swore 'till he turned (gray in the faoe that he was inaocnt; that he had never had any intinwon of breaking into the offloe anaTMfe. he was a honest as the dnM ' long. The jury however, . m t agree with Jones, in fact tBej ' Be aded that he was just about as crook ed, a fellow as oould be found where in the State and jn"M of guilty was rendered H. O. Connor, who is so ably j jng over tbis term of court, led him to a term of two yesSrs djoWjir in Georgia. Mike Joseph Submits ' tin liasee. mm mm i innrit'i BOOZE i DEPOT TO BE REOPENED When tho law cutting down the boozers' supply of liquor to two quarts a month went into effect on April 1st. a great many of the old toper had on hand s supply sufficient td Mist OcrjVrod Carre way, a tu deal at tho Itate Normal College, Orteenboro, returned to that rMtetdar nlr ibort vM here with Mr pwu. RAW COTTON- HAS BEEN BARRED London, April 27 Exportation of raw cotton from the United Kingdom was, specifically prohibited in a ipe- efrJ supplement of the Official Gae ette, issued today. The prohibition covers all foreign ports in Europe and on the Mediter ranean and Black seas, except those of France, Kusnia, Spain and Portu gal. Russian port on the Baltic are included in the prohibited areas.' The demand of tho British public for a specific prohibition against ex portation of cotton has been insist ent, but tho government heretofore has contended that tho export has been prevented by the general block ado against Germany. A. T. Oerrans, superintendent of the local plant of the John L Roper derson for the plaintiff. T. J. Jerome tide them over Tor a couple of wee Irs and Assistant Attorney General T. ' and but few of the quart package H. Calvert appear with Mr. Price. Mr. Jerome is one of the defendants in the action. The defense is fraiid from first to last and oil' that "ground the oourt is asked to, -overrule the lower court in Rowan coiinty. ' Colonel Henderson's brief makes the point that vituperation does not carry conviction and that mere al legation of fraud is without weight. He disagrees with Mr. Price that the defendants were entrapped into ap- uearine in New York oourts. He also oitos portions of the brief that make no answer to the plaintiff's contention. It is an Unusual case. ALLIES ARE MM KING THE GERMAN DRIVE London, April 37 The Allii are cheeking the German drive in the north. French troops have reocou pied llctcs. The German attacks against Ypres have boon repulsed, said General French today. Allied areoplant are bombarding German f liquid joy came this way from the Virginias for the first ten days. As the conserved supply of spirit uous frumenti began to evaporate and the thirsty began rolling around iJnith a parched appearance, the' or ders for a quart began to come into the local" postoffloe and were trans ported to their destination and in return came the desired "atuph." This influx of quarto haa become so heavy that the Southern Express Company have decided to re-open tHelr dispensary on South Front street which was closed when the law went into affect and hereafter ill whiskey Will be delivered from that place and all money order for tho same will be issued there. " . , , -; L " Among the most iaterea disposed of yesterday was. the U. S. vs. Mike Joseph, chanred with retailing spiritual! - - uor without a government lioaasa. Joseph for months made his habita tion in New Bern and did a thriving business selling liquor to the thirsty. In is said that he was a per ambulating saloon and could hand out Bint or a quart at any time. 5 officers got warm, on Joseph's trail and be wttrt dow ta'nasMiRr & V. S. Marshal Charles An go bad his eye on Joseph before he managed he get out of New Bern and a shar time after his departure to the" Car teret, county town, the revenue cr went after him, placed him under arrest and brought him to New Bern where he was placed in joii for safe keeping. . That was last Decern hw and wbaa : the case wag called yesterday i defendant submitted and m the fact that he had been confined ia jail for such a great length ol he was let off with a sentenoa I months and a fine of on hundred dollars. Uefrvudiuii Case The last ease to be taken fore the olose of the day' was that of the United States vs. John Robinson of Beaufort who was placed under arrest In that town several weeks ago on a . charge of using the mails for fraudelea pur poses. Robinson claims that bja is a victim of circumstances and that he had no intention of defrauding any one. The facts in the ease are that he ordered goods from a number of houses in Virginia, using various firm names when ordering, and that, he had failed to pay for some of goods. The evidence in the ease was I and a recess was taken until this morning Cnd in the meantime Judge Connor Will consider It. Notorious Case This morning the famous aasa of U. f. vs. George Henderson aad a man named Watson of PoUookrvfUa will be taken up. In t his ease the defendants are charged with having broken into the express ofSoa at Pollock m lie and stolen a number of packages of whiskey. Tho thong oc curred some months ago. There ago quite a number of witnesses to bo examined in this motion aad it, wil without doubt prove to bo vary la terestlag. j 1 ? LuiuW Comnanv. snant vastardav at Balhavtn ttsndln to bu.laes. "'"' And, fMlroad mtlojM. In FIRST .CHURCH OF CHRIST SCIENTIST i. The Wednesday evening meeting i held at 8 o'clock at wkiah tout. monies t the healing power of ton Christ Truth art gift, fha fcubjlo U oordlaUy Invlvti 1 pi THE GERMAN FLEET IS ACTIVE rrtroiFis April Gormaa lolttc tact U rd to be active. On a It baa bombarded two ItoUadoo MasidRft rS fbjbtlad ' contlaulnd Gwrge Nfaboll has eity from a visit to h spent several day sfttb jmjjgjpjmmfesr nor v . i r b RCfaasVRx al anrjam nsjn ChrUt Truth art glrao, fh buUII j, Moor, of PaUMkrrtQ, agggt 1. I-..L-- ... .. matUri, yawgium, jwimwauj twrmm lygttgrMy IS Rp J

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