NEW BERN SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL AROjLlN- NEW BERN. NORTH C A may 18 1915 1 VAST AGRICULTURAL POSSIBILITIES ARE TO BE FOUND IN CRAVEN Since the Days of Baron -Christopher De Graffen tied This County Has Been Famous For Its Fei -tile Soil A Paradise For the Farmer and a Good Place to Live for All When old Baron Christopher De Qrnfeni led and his Swim settlers saikta up the river Neuse away back In 1710, (bey unknowingly lauded on one of the most fertile ipoU along the Atlantic coast, a spot which need ed only the touch of the ploughshare to cause it to blossom forth in yield of agricultural products which rival those of the far famed valley of the Nile and whlc h are unsurpassed at any spot in theis country, for it was in Craven county that these doughty settlers decided to oast their lot and from that day to this Craven's remarkable agricultural abil ities have been talked and written about. Its Location. Craven county is ideally located in every sense of the word. Watered by two mighty rivers and their num berless tributaries, located in a tem perate zone . where snow and frost are practically unknown, this section is Indeed blessed and is in fact the El Dorado for the farmer and the man who makes it bis life work to reap from the soil the mighty for tunes which it contains. Early History. For two hundred yoars Craven has yielded up to the ploughman a rich harvest year in and year out. Early in its civilized history farming was done on a rather small scale, but as time grew on apace and the popu lation increased, the number of the tillers of the sbil also grew and it be came known as one of the greatest farming sections in the State. v Fff ty years ago line farms were to be found on every side and many stately colonial homes were surrounded by hundreds of acres which were in part in cultivation. The mighty conflict between the States caused the county a set -back and for years there was a spirit of lethargy manifest and t he -fertile tion had for the nonce a brief respete Time passed on and again it grwi and prospered and today it is furnish ing and is willing to furnish to all, the means of growing rich in worldly goods and to him who cares only for enough to live comfortably, it affords a bounty. It has been ssrtdtrc,vjn;-;truth thsitrflcttehvhstt ythg can be grown here,- from a tropical -plant to the gray "ntoss of the frozen tundras of the North. Be this as it may, the faet remains that. the farmer, the average agriculturist and the man who uses scientific methods exclus ively, finds it adaptable to almost any variety of produce he may wish to raise. In the past cotton, corn, sweet potatoes, cabbage, strawberries, Irish potatoes, and other like vege tables and grains, have been grown here with profit. A few yeais ago it wat discovered that the soil was well adapted to the growing of the re nowned bright leaf tobacco and since that times the farmers have planted wide acres in this weed. Trucking Section The blimstih conditions here in Craven are sueh as to make the first truck crops of lettuce, strawberries radishes and other such products mature just between the time that the Florida pioduot is exhausted and the crop from other sections begins to reach the market and this causes the farmers to secure good prices for the products, which they are able to furnish to the world. Following the first crop of early truck the more staple crops, such as peps, Irish potatoes are ready for pie king and digging and forwarding to the marts of the world. Then come, the corn, the sweet potatoes she watermelons and eantdoupes and In fart it is just one thing after another until the fall when the to- baoco comes on, and then the farmer lays aside his ploughshare and lakes a uessjed rest and enjoys the fruits of his labors. Needs People. Craven's real need at present is more people. Many of the (arias are SOW too large and could with profit be cut up into smaller sections, and made to pay greater returns than Is at present tho oas the Invitation to coi its has been extendi answered the call, s and contented. 8 for all and those i S5?MSffrTo THE FAMILY NAME Belle Starr's Evil Fame Sur vive Her After Twenty-Six Years WAS ASSASSINATED spirited and far seeing cniieas. tak ing into considersplM that the water mute was much ton slow for the quick shipper, set about to put a network of railroads in this section. and while their efforts at first met many rebuff, they finally su esse dad in accomplishing the desired result and today Craven county is traversed Shot in the Back by a Ren by as good a system of railways as cgade Her Tomb one could desire to find. Still Seen uuwu rrom nunuis, a., mo Suf folk Southern hu run a line that enables the farmer living between Muskogee, Okla., May 15. The New Bern and the northeastern edge Starr family one member, of which, of the county to get his produce on Henry Starr, the Cherokee outlaw. Mtva or a train ana to noitou every w Rad c,ptured j few hours. From Beaufort to New , , n j x.T , X1A - fU I IU 1 1 1 IIC (VWU Ul OWVUU tMVCt eoaivs jltciu s ax vi vast iow wiu vvr vuv l Northwestern side of the county runs & companions had robbed two aa another line of the Norfolk and tional banks in daylight has in Southern while those in the western I eluded some of the worst and some part of the county can use the At- of the best citizens of Oklahoma lantio Coast Line Railway Company's Though Belle Starr has been dead route via Wilmington and from there these twenty-six years killed by an on to Richmond, Va and points assassin her fame as an outlaw further North. Then there is the overshadows that of most of her kind water route which is cheaper but I in this part of the country . It ban slower. been said that Henry Starr is her Couldn't Be Better. brother, but that is a mistake. Back T.v .. . &i ..,,t.. of them all was "Uncle Tom" Starr, tion facilities could not be very much f.the kdf rou ' I t: 1 C ski PnAaAbAA MatltH better, and the farmers here never "T"" ,u ",7;v Z murmur along that line. Combined nePnew' OT ""PP ' ' with this Craven county affords the fnrmPH artmA trnriA ma H a Of ftnll1"RA all of the road, are not good, but Tom they are a hundred per cent better than they were five years ago, and the County Commissioners are spend " I . t n-.-.l. n K !.. thousands of dollars each year in Pose e DO"lu uu" xne oia nouse oi ueuur nu n improving them, and in the course of the next five years there will be as much improvement work carried on, if not more, than has taken place in the past. five. Good Schools. Another thing with which Craven county is endowed, is a number of the best public schools in the State, and it is a well known faet that in I'kllrs J ova which Befit I and two liiathsy whisk Bafie oas ah each side One Alios Maakogee as reel Warns of the a .Win sht iter rife MudSws owned carriatf Ar ammunition at Jill I He. t.b.osesIM Atttre. is tna pobtssssiir daughter of a TO COMPILE LIST FOR CUPID'S USE Kansas Town Tired of Being Looked Down On By Dan. was nenry otarr s tamer, peue Starr was the wife of Sam Starr a Belle Starr lived in the South part of what is now Muskogee County, In a lonely retreat in the dense timber open fireplace, its smoke-begrimed rafters and its two small windows, through which many a watchful eye scanned the approaches to the place, is standing now as it stood then. Her Tomb. In the dooryawhts the grave of Belle 8tarr, marked by a granite headstone-chiselled by Joseph Daily, a rural stonecutter. It bears a rude riiiavnn orlnta linn Vi n a MS nYt tA a tiiflrH water mark. Right in New Bern, the county seat, the white population have four as nice buildings as will be found anywhere in North Caro linn and scattered nil over the re mainder of the county are numeressl80" institutions of learning which fur nish an adequate means of gaining knowledge, for the children of the farmer. Here in Craven county, at Vance- boro, is located the first Farm Life School ever established in the State, and this, while young in years is fast becoming one, of the greatest eduea its head a star, beneath it a boil and on its flank a "B. 8." brand. At the bottom pf the ato'ne"Is a clasped hand filled with'fifjiwirrk. The inscription tional. factors in the county and is regret i BELLE STARR. Born In Carthade, Mo. Feb. I. 1848. Died - Feb. 1, 188V. Shed not for me the bitter tear, Nor dive the heart to vain growing in favor each day.. AU That Is Asked. With excellent soil, with unsur passed climate conditions, with an adequate railway and water service and with unsurpassed educational fac ilities, Craven county is indeed bless ed and in future years bids fair to be come even more famous than she has in the past. Ti but the casket that lies here The 4m that filled It sparkles yet. MOVIES BROKE UP HOME. Bandits Refuge. In this cabin for many years Belle Starr reigned queen of outlaws, giv ing refuge to every criminal that came that way. In return each gave her a share of his plunder. If any That one in the surrounding country set Marshalltown, la., May 15. the first Indian marriage contracted his face in the direction of law and at the Iowa 8ao and Fox reservation or(ier ne was mw-ked as an enemy of at Tama is not a success is forecast tne lawless frequenters of the Belle in a petition for divorce filed by gtarr rendezvous, and many such Josephine Youngbear, a matron of wer ambushed and killed. Some copper hue, from her lawful spouse, more cautious, shut their eyes and John Youngbear. ewrs to wnat wag going on, and their The couple were marriedJMare.h 14, reww.d was the protection of Belle 114. Cruel and inhuman treatment, otmr-'s friendship. But this, too, was such as to endanger her life, is the al- ot without danger To be suspected legation rasde by Josephine, John 0f aiding, even by silence, the out denies tho charge and say she has not jawry at her homo was to draw the only treated hit wife as a white man Lnmjty cf tne Deputy United States should, but that be has put up pa- Marshals that rode the country, and tier.tly with a lot of nagging. many of these officers were no less He also alleges that his wire naa oru,i become addicted to the "movie habit. umA Womanly Traits. Belle Starr was not a wholly coarse Mrs. R. L. Thomas and Miss Bet- and unimaginative woman. 8he was tie Thomas of Beaufort leturued home touched by tho suffering of the belp yesterday morning after A visit to losst she loved to ling the old "wep relatives and friends in the city, w ." accompanying herself on the I guitar, and on occasion could dis Mrs. Frank Dorrickson of Eliia- course upon subjects that appealed beth City who has been spending to polite society. But also she eoud swear nice a pirate, ner roraanuc Inclinations were shown in the bright OREGON MEN "NOT FRESH." nolors of her garment when she went riding to the towns. If she ever shed at missionary who for flppi was at the Tallahassee Mission, fart h of Musko gee. One day Relofade up to the mission sod asked filadgiDg. saying she was pursued Msf her horse was lame and exhausted. Hem rtmrincd t here thiee da493Wrowcd a horse when she departed fsaving ber own until she should retjsgSlar it. Several years afterward Mitt Robertson was with her father at Mpula, at an In dian council. BeBnBtarr was in town, dressed in aVXkdy buckskin dress and hunting tjjpt with a pistol in her belt. The ettgfng room at the hotel was crowded at pinner time, and when Bells, entered tie only vacant seat was beside atiss Robertson. Belle recognised herand apparently was greatly confusedly reason of her garments. After dMier she went to her room and put op a plain dress, and laid aside her pistol snd was the prim of propriety a long as Miss Roberston remained' there. When Miss Robertson's father died Belle cried in recalling hew he had be friended her. Miss Robertson is in dined to think that Bell Starr was "more sinned against than sinning." "Uncle Tom" 8tarr, dead these twenty years, was of the Cherokee Nation and lived near Bnartown. He was a killer from the forks of the Crtek. Dldn't Know the Meant nrf of Fear His son, Sam Stser, was the hus band of Belle Starr, whose maiden name was Myra Belle Shirley, her father being a farmer at Carthage, Mo. Dunns the recent fight at the home or rony starriai rorum, me place haying been attacked by a band of masked men, Sam Davis, an old man of much wealth, sat on a high hill west of Poruwand watched the battle in which his brother and Pony Starr whipped their assailants, killing a number of them, and then escaped The wife of Saw Davis is the only surviving child ofVUftcle Tom" Starr Belle Shirley was1 first married to James Reed, whose father was a pros perous farmer nearRieh Hill, Mo., and of this union tiro children were born, Edward Reed and Pearl Reed The boy grew to manhood, and was killed in a feud at Claremore. His sister lives in the lower world at Fort Smith, Ark. James Reed took his bride to Texas and turned outlaw. In time a charge of murder was lodged against him. He was assassinated. "She'll Ruin Your Boys." Reed had lived with "Uncle Tom Starr on the South Canadian, and at his death Belle Starr went there from Texas with her two children. A kins man of the Starrs saddled his horse and rode a hundred miles to give "Uncle Tm" advice, when he. heard that Belle was making her home with him. His kirr-an knew Belle, and said to "Unole Tom:" "This woman is going to ruin your boys If you 1st her stay m, and get you into lots pf trouble. The only thing for you to ao is to lane vour pisioi uu kui her That's all I've got to say." "Uncle Tom" r. plied' that he had never raised his hand against a woman Sam Starr and Bell sloped, and the prophecy of the kinsman was ful filled. Shortlv after their marriage they established themselves in their retreat on the South Canadian, and there they lived until both died vio lent deaths. Sam Starr left Belle a widow one cold December night at a dance given at the home of Mrs. Luoy Surratt, near the present town of Whitefleld. Widowed by a Qua. NEGRO "JITNEYSii HOME WRECKED PROVE rTOttMfW FAR SAYS COL KEEl.ui Out In Texas Tkey Are Filling a Long Felt Want Smith Center, Kans., May 15. A Net "f the names of citizens who are igible for marriage is being pre pared by the City Clerk of Smith fa; n. i r- aud business men who are gle. rjaids, spinsters and widows. who live here and are responsible for the lily's reputation of being a Cu- nidlesF town.. The list Is being prepared for na- tien-uidc distribution. It will be printi d and copies wjU be mailed to f persons who will write to the Ciiy Clerk, inclosing postage. Sine reports of the anti-marrying attitude as.umed by citizens of this frertern lor.n and the largo number of unmarried persons who make the city theii home were published in many newspapers, the postmaster here has been flooded with letters from people in all sections of the Uni ted States. The letters assure the postmaster the authors are anxious to get married and request he turn the missives over to one of the town's unmarried citizens. Many of the missives are accom panied by a request to the postmaster to put the letters in the call box of some man or woman. The Mayor and the editors of the two newspapers are not escaping the flood of matrimonial correspondence; After trying to dispose of its im mense mail, the City Couneil met in executive session. Arguing the situ ation from all angles, it decided emer gency action is necessary. Tho City Clerk was appointed mat-. rimonial correspondent, and Smith Center expects to marry off its single citizens and double .its population within a short time. Austin. Texas, May 15. la Aus tin and other towns of Texas jitney service for the exclusive use of ne groes has been introduced. These ears are liberally patronised, and the new service is having the effect of greatly reducing the receipts of the street railway companies. When the "Jim Crow" law, which requires that negroes and whites be seated separately in street cart, was passed a few years ago, a movement was inaugurated by negroes to boy cott the street cars. For a time this organized plan of showing disapprov al of the race separation law had strong support on the part of the negroes, but gradually they again be gan patronizing the street railway system. Introduction of the jitney automo biles came as a welcome relief to many of the negroes, who object to being seated in the rear ends of the street cars. The jitney automobiles for negroes are owned and driven hy men-of that race. They run between the different negro communities in town and the business center. It it stated that' these negro jitneys are making more money than those for white people. Rapid transit jitney service is be ing extended to interurban traffic. Nearly every town in' Texas of more than 2,000 population it now equipped with jitney automobiles. Plans for the extension of existing street railway lines and the construc tion of new ones have been aban doned. Councils of the municipali ties are hesitating about imposing un bearable burdens upon the jitneys, for the reason that the new transpor tation service is in great popular favor, despite the financial injury it is doing street railway companies. BUILT OPPOSITION CHURCH Rich Friends of Ousted Pastor Build Near Old Church. Abilene. Kan., May 15. Last" faR a church case of more than ordinary interest was tried in District Const here, and the Rev. L. Brauer was de clared by the Court to have been legally ousted from the pastorate of the German Evangelical Church at Shady Brook, sdlflfcesat of Abilene-. Some of the members of the con gregation who were lifelong friends of the ousted minister said then that they would nqt worship with aaother pastor. The Shady Brook community is a wealthy one, and the Rev. M. Braners friends soon raised enough money to build a handsome church near the one of which Mr. Brauer was for merly pastor. The Brauer ohuroh has just been dedicated anil regular services are being held. LOST Pocketbook containing be tween 13.00 and $5.00, also visiting cards on James City bridge. Fin der please return to Hill Tailor ing Confpahy and receive reward. 5-15-lti. pd. New Jersey Man Wanted to Ship Animal. New York, May 15. Charles A. Walker, proprietor of the Gray Horse Hardware Company of Newton, N. J. walked into the Newton Post Office yesterday and - said to Postmaster George N. Norris: ' " ' "George, how heavy do you go on parcel post packages?" 'WVH go as heavy as fifty pounds. Charlie," the postmaster answered. 'Come on down to the store, George," Walker suggested. "I Want official advice." So the postmaster and merchant went to the hardware store, and pointing ont a papier mache horse in front of the establishment. Walker asked?" "Do you think they will take him by mail? You see I have him stamp ed and addressed to Hartford, where I want to send him for repairs and fittings for harness." "Well, Charlie," announced the postmaster, no doubt he's light enough, but he's too big of bulk. I can't take him." - Walker took off the stamps and called for a wagon to haul his horse to the freight depot. liable paradise. Hen Transportation. rhabst agricultural p with' duett of tl 4h4 fori Women "Hiked!" It Alone. Un- Unman blood there Is no authentic armed and Unmolested. record of it. She visited the families Kugene, Ore., May I V Five Ku- jn Ber vicinity and won the affection gene young women have Just finished 0f tno women, earing for them In a "hike" of sixty miles along the Ore- ther ajakness and carrying them food Far and wide g0n soast unarmed and unafraid of k, Belle Starr is not without her apolo- s of bears told them at virtually -4.1. and defenders in that section. place they stopped. They Recently Mrs. Mabel Janes of Ta- d packs weighing almost 30 m.k.. now an old woman, who knaw and took their ohances at Belle Starr in the old days, was skews better oath night. U photograph of Belle's grave. Tears ily boast that not one tiM the eyes of the old woman at and that It would ,n pointed to s sumach near tat for a woman to grave and said: "I planted that ss- gon alone without meh; Belle told me onoe that ah wanted me to plant a sumach at her I its Frieda ... k.n ah m-u nut unnW MMtnd. hompson gBC VM twining red sumach leaves t Mary Per- on B0 bridle of her favorite riding ha Hepburn. Wo-, when aha aikrd tne 10 make ""J tfct premiss, laving: Tin kaav, Jge' thf Mwtyt tailed a Jot 'I bo 1 walk s pro plaos, my u Dr. Bertha Htewar klnt and Mitt four art mtaban f Onto tmUy, Earlier that year 8am bad been ambushed by officers trying to arrest him. He was fired upon and Us horse killed, but he esoaped by spring ing into tht brush. In the posse was Frank West, a brother of Capt. John West of Muskogee, Starr belitved that his horse bad been killed by West. At the Surratt dance a big heap of logs in the yard blazed for the comfort of the guests, the house being too small for both stoves and dancers. West was sitting alone in tht ytrd by the fire, wrapped in hit overcoat, when Sam and Belle rode up on horseback on their way home from Fort Smith, where Sam bad to give bail for soma offense charged against him. Sam was drinking, and at once began making throats against West, who was warned to be careful. Watt said that Starr had no cause to quarrel with him, and seemingly dis missed the matter from hit mind About midnight Sam and Belle same from the house toward the fire Robe walking in front. 8uddenly the Isippid aside and West saw 8am standing with his pistol drawn. Starr fired, giving West a -mortal wound in the neck. West, tugging at his pistol, finally got It out of his pocket, and though struggling with death, fired at Bur. who njliaiajittd la ths darkness West wat tarried Into tht bouts tad laid on tht floor Tht IMI. of MfUgfllag hajaf heard in the darkness, a search was made and Starr was found in his death throes He was laid beside West who had just breath enough left to turn his face and see Starr died Then West gave a gasp and the two men lay dead together. Her Own Death. In the forenoon of Sunday, Feb. 3 1889, Belle Starr stopped at the King Creek store and gin south of the river, after having ridden toward Fort Smith for a day or two with July She took dinner with the propiietor of the gin, and at table said she had a premonition that she would be kill ed soon. She rode away about one o'clock, and was last seen at the home of Mrs. Barnes about 3 o'clock, where she shopped for a pone of sour corn bread, of which she waa exceedingly fond. Watson was standing in the yard when the arrived, and he at once left in the direction the wat traveling He carried a shotgun. Assassin Acoultted. At 4 o'clock that afternoon Milo ("Frog") Hoyt, a farmer, had jast ridden off a ferryboat on ths south hank of the river when be heard the clatter of a running horse, and moment later the riderless mare of Belle Starr plunged over the river bank and swam across. Hoyt soon same upon the body of Belle Starr in tht road. Two loads of shot had entered her back Watson was arrested upon a war rant sworn out by July. At Fort Smith merchants and butiness men along the South Canadian appeared In kit behalf and convinced .lunge Parker that Watson wat guiltless. After Watson wag shot and killed while a sonvlet la Arkansas kit rata ttm disclosed that he MsastiMtof BtUt Itirr, HORSE BY PARCEL POST. BRIDGEPORT SEES A FIERCE RIOT Bridgeport, Conn, May 15. Wile a rush order for 4,000 eases of ammu nition to replace that lost when the Lusitania was torpedoed, was being packed at the plant of the Remington Arms U. M. C. Company, in this city, feeling over the sinking of the liner and the war in general precipitated a riot that nearly coat several lives. Crowbars, shovels, and ammunition boxes were used when English speak ing workmen wee attacked by giant Hungarian speaking laborers. The foreman of the gang. Frank Devil t, was being beaten with a crow bar when he was rescued by Major Louis Hermann. He was taken to the emergency hospital with a deep dent in his skull and bruises. He will recover. Nicholas Neary, another workman, was beaten murderously wit h a shovel but waa resound. The foreign born fighters were repulsed after many minutes terrific fighting and lied from the plant. Philadelphian Declares Sun day't Crowd is te tractive One Philadelphia, May 15.--A bill for SI. 754 in damages among the being smashed furniture, broken 1 vanished glassware and damaged brio a-brae has been prepared by Col. Charles M. Keegan owner of, tVe house at No. 1914 Spring Garden 8t which was used as a horns by Bill Sunday and his party during their recent revival in this eity. "I'm going to present this bill to the Sunday Campaign Committee, and if they don't pay it, I'm going to bring suit,'! said tht Colonel today. The committee was the organisation that had charge of Billy's temporal affairs, ban. Its members know about tho. Mil and say they art not going to pay it because it is too high The temporary Sunday rotHence was overrun almost every day and night with delegations of visitors from local churches and from other cities, which may explain some of tho alleged damages. Whiskey Glasses Unwrapped!. Coi. K eegan's bill is a very interest ing document, filling five typewritten pages. One of the first t hings he com plains about is that more than 100 glasses disappeared while Sunday's party occupied his house, tfe as serts that twenty whiskey -ghtfan. which be had never taken from pS; original wrappings were fou nd. after a search, unwrapped, in a telephone closet on the first floor. Wails were gouged, he astffif Six doors were off their hinges, and the Colonel charges the modest ' sum of 94.40 for rahanging them. item in his bill is for carting 0 loads of rubbish, which he says the revivalists left behind. A five-foot jardiniere in the draw ing room was broken and patched to gether, he says, in the occupancy of the temporary tenants. Some owe broke a leg off a heavy leather chair in tht room Billy himself occupied. Heavy on the Piano Stool. 7WiamkJtttt: and the marble top of a table in a room on the first floor was cracked. Then a good many things are mim ing, it is asserted. Among these is a marble dog, which graced the Kee gan recaption room, the big toe of a status of a girl also in the reception room, a silver-plated syrup jug and much bed clothing. Col. Keegan refused to confirm a report that several bottles of ginaaul . whiskey he had left in a. padlocked . trunk in the cellar were empty and the lock broken when he took possess ion of the house again. Burns, preaumably made b vOsgan or cigarettes, were found on the Itry keys and mahogany sides of a piano. A Catalogue of Missiod Things- Here is a list of the claims in past: Missing: Two sets Havjland china, six oil paintings, nine bath lowols, three table covers, ton napkins, thir teen pillow eases, seven sheets, eigh teen bapr glasses, forty engraved water glasses t wentysix whitkey glass es, top wins glasses five cordial glasses ix ertme de menthe glasses, four champagne glasses, nine fancy stieni, one wicker armchair, five embroid ered soarfs, three silk eutaint, put Turkish rug, five books, one silver- plated syrup jug, one marble god one shade on front door. The broken things include: One jardinerc, five armchairs. One mahogany chair, one large leather chair, one French plush ehair, one corner lounge, one piano stool, oat marble top table. In the party that stayed at ths Sunday home were: "Billy" and Mrs. Sunday, Homer A. Rodhavear, tho chior leader; Miss Grace Saxe, Blenly C. Aokley, Sunday's secretory; Miss Francis Miller; Jack Cardiff, Sun day'! trainer; George Sunday, Jr. and Mrs Mary Schuler, the house keeper Sunday brought on from the Wett. Much Scrubbing Afterward Tho housekeeper was not. attupp. lous, say persons who went to clean the house Col. Keegan has charge for emptoyingjh and two men taw Miss Hasel Rooks, of passed through tho ajj morning enroute home ton where she has ben 11 rentnrd y?2 saimMlii. newspan Mrs. O. C N, C, arrive mom,! tig and Wade. id Wddon, ty yesterday if Mrs. J. N. ire be 1 0 letters tok. were unearthed in March, bore tos in January and February, to It ttmpeesd they lay under the bed a Santa were oat of alsnoan thirty chairs by tho time the Sunday part loft. There wore burned boles oa fi ve bitmaps and one bedspread Mrs. Jack Pierce ef Polloeksville returned home yesterday after visit to relatives, Keegan s I MP, room smUt S, B, Ransom of Oriental was a vitRdV tfl HW Beta jrettergay, PPTNT

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