NEW BERN SEMI-WEEKLY TfiT TtXT A T NEW BERN. NORTH CAROLINA Jl NE 1915 - n -. ... RALEIGH FEDERAL COURT SEES ROW CONNOR HURRIES Distinguished Jurist Breaks All Previous Records There 29 CONVICTIONS Two Days More May Send the Number Up to Thirty-Six AUSTRO-GERMAN TROOPS CAPTURE FORTOFPRZEMSYL For the Second Time. Forces Gain Control of Im portant Point (BY W. T. BOST) Raleigh, June 3. Judge Connor has broken all Federal court records for convictions and prison contract s during the present term and today the grand total went to 20. Two days more may send the im posing list of bloekaders, nearly sit being whiskey maker? and sellers to an even 30. Marshal Dortch does not know whether he broke an other record when he escorted 13 to Atlanta shortly after taking charge of the office. The impression of old men who worked under the preced ing administration is that 13 was high water. Before .noon today the num ber had reached 27 and it was aug mented by two this afternoon. The Harvest This is the expected harvest. The tirirr act has been followed by an amazing boldness in illicit traffic. The officer of the collector's and the marshal's departments have taken more, distilleries in the two months under the Drier act than they had done during any previous quarter. Judge Connor has met this out break of lawlessness with firmness and old offenders who appeared to have gone out of business, have been, given prison sentences when their crimes called for it. Both District Attorney .Winston and his assistant, District Attorney Green, have been daily on the job. It has required both working hard. No suoh court has been held here in a many year The two departments expected the outbreak following the passage of the Drier act and put all men in the Held who could be spared. They naturally feci good over results. RUSSIA HAD IT Czar's Troops Took Fortress Last March the CHAIRMAN FLOOD PRESIDENT WILSON BELIEVES MEXICO CAN BE CLEANED Of the Opinicn That Men of Obregon's Type Can Do the Work CUT OFF SUPPLIES Thinks That U. S. Should Not Furnish Warring Factions Arms Berlin. June S. Pricmysl baa been recaptured hy the Austro (jennans, under General Mack ensen, according to official dis patches, from the Austrian head quarters. The Vienna official statement saidi "We have recap tured Przemysl." The city was first captured from the Austro Germans by the Russians March 22, after a five-months' seise, having starved out the garrison. The city was taken at 3s30 a. m. today. Another Report The great Austrian fortress of Pnemysl, situated between Leat hers' and Cracow In the. Province of Galicia, waa captured by the Russians March 22 last after one of the longest selves of modern warfare. Since then the Austrian and Germans have made a vigorous effort, to retake It, larjie forces for the drive eastward being di verted from the great fortress to the west. Cracow. Recent dispatches have said the Austro-German troops were suc cessful In their operations to the north and the southeast of Pri cmysl, and that the forts girding the position had been taken. When Pricmysl fell into the hands of the Russlana It had un dergone a seise of 261 days. The Austrian garrison originally con stated of 170,000 men of whom 40,000 were killed. About 120.000 Austrian surrendered with the fortress. GERMAN SPY IS IN LAWS TOILS Woman's Baggage Contain ed Incriminating Evidence OCR ACOKE PLANS FOR FOURTH JULY There'll Be Something Doing There On That Date Milan, Italy, via Paris, June 3 Isa belle Wade, agod 3 ', f Chicago, was arrested here today on the charge of being an accomplice of a Bavarian officer v ho is accused of espionage. A few days ago the police arrested a Bavarian officer named Martin fechehammer oh. susfi ion of espion age, iif had made several visits to the provinces of Brescia and Verons in the ar zone. It wis learned that Schehammer had lived in sovoral Italian towns Milan and Uouic included, and had many addresses. His close acquaint ance with Isabello Wade, of Chicago a singer, was discovered and the police found 'ho ro-"an living in an apart men' here under the name ol Margherita Mertello. Search of her apartment revealed a large package o' correspondence in oipher, military maps of important strategic value in the provinces of Alexandria, Udint Verona and Bassano. These were contained in a large valise, in which also were field glasses and a revolver. .From another package of German correspondence it would appe v that Isabelle Wade had had dealings with jtbe police in Berlin. The woman at first mainUiucd that she was Margherita Martallo and had reund'the valise in the street, but after spending a short time in prison she ad mi ted her real identity and d'clmd that Hehehammer had placed the T'dise In her hands, su ing he was s' adored by the police on 1 fro-cd be would be arrested a', any mom ent and that it was uoeecuary to 1 Ue the doVutu'a'i, A Vl'RY PG( RCOI MKY. ' Yts, a port eoCntry, 'None 1 1 os has a sou in the winter.'' "How do yt live turn?" "We had eaeh olter a Hitler WAITING ON LEGAL OPINTONON NOTE Will Then Decide On How Much Use It at Going to Be FATHER OF LAD KIL LED BY AUTO WANTS HEAVY DAMAGES WELL KNOWN MAN : DIES SUDDENL E. B. Elliott Succumbs tt An A'ta-k of Ap-poplexy Washington, June 3. Chairman Flood of the House Foreign 'Rela tions Committee called at the State Department today and said that even though Mexican military leaders will fall to get together, it - is believed that enough of their lieutenants of the type of General Obregon and prominent commercial men in Mex ico will be able to form a party to set up a provisional government which the United States could re cognize. It is intimated that the report is true that the United States will then cut off all supplies except to the recognised faction. Enrique C. Llorento, Villa's per sonal representative at Washington, today said the convention govern ment that Villa represents is trying to comply with the President's de mands, but some officials of Villa's faction are Sot working with him. He said Villa is trying to bring about an agreement, and will give serious attention to the President's pro clamation. Consul Hanna at Monterey today reported to the State Department that the first install ment of Red Cross Supplies has reached there, a carload each of corn, beans and flour. The food is distributed to all families Eliseo Arredondo. head of the Carranza agency here, said he be lieved the President's note was large ly due to the lack of relations be twecn the United States and the Constitutionalists, pausing the be lief here of report regarding Car ranza. Carranza ordered the fret THE CABINET MEETS Will Today Hear What Nat ion's Head JJa- 'n Say Washington, Jjne S fl l !'n -ideut will hae before him in a '. tm-i;-, , legal opinion dispoanwol (irmany's latest contention ifUMic l.usitania ease. He will thenkeii!' I -w 1 ! use there is for Germany to bo su' net tomorrow state positively .1 contention as to munitions and rot tania are irrevelarrt, Officials today sta' affidavits tending" to tania was armed in the light of from the eollector New York. Prepare Washington, Wilson, following Count Von Berj ambassador, was with the prepare can government's m amy's note on t! communication if the president hlmi forward before tH Interest in the . the president and storff was heigh ther details wet One important on high authority termination on the dent to ascertain1 would abide by in follow its own rules fare The conference L. J' Taylor Files Suit Against John W. Stew art and his Son James, For Twenty-Five Tho usand Dollars Plain tiffs Son Killed By Stewart's Automobile. entry of food to Mico CStt JwgifafrBg Aafimmmim note from sd In the rabi- OpMUOU will the (Itirmin prei'U'e t: on the Lusi- that Gcrmaa Bow the Lusi ao importance antra rv report the port of lonsc 3 President inference with .the German alie.vd today F the Ameri- xinso to uor- isitania. The ig penned by Qsnd it will go id- of the week. fcrenee Oct ween Ipt Bon Bern- totlav as fur ring to light. it was learned a renewed tto- of tho pre 1 ler Germany itional law or naritime war- cordial and of S'. war! a minor twti.ou' g' l-ln COM s by 1 1 A- a I' :::: to tl- .-. -c-dcul ,. -eurr'.ns in .' city It w dcys nr in v. h'.c':i .T;iii:ts, .e ;. . 11 1 ;; son of Mr. ami Mr--. -!. V. Sit war! ran down untl causeil the , i .1 l ! 1 of Earl King Taylor, the six-year-old s;,n or Mr. and Mr?. L. J. T:vlor, Mr. Taylor, through hi attorneys. W. D. Mclver and K. M. Green. !'."' filed suit against ,1a tin s SU vvarl and his rather, John V. Siewari for darn ages in tlw sum of iwcnty-f've lli-oii--and dollars and I he ease will me uji a! the next term of Craven Superior Court for the (rial of civil ::.;. In his complaint Mr. Taylor claims that yoirng Stewart was end r the age allowed by the e- for drivers of automobiles and thai he did wil fully and wrongfully drive I he au tomobile whit li killed his on. lie also claims lhat (he rather of .lames Stowcrl -willfully and wrongfully al lowed his son (o drive Use automo bile which t ansed I hi th a' !i of the lad. The Allegations The complaint of Mr. Taylor fol nd 11 summons in tins 11 U en - rw-d tit" n him and 1 iff prays lhat a guard:, be appoint- I In defend in his behalf. When fore. iaiii' ' nienl for tlamo' - . " I It SJ..(HM.(HI and tie. a.llio'1 !-l be UXed I' M l.KKKN". W. I). MtlVKK, riaintiff's MEYER GERHARD SAILS TO ASSIST IN MAKING REPLY Goes to Berlin to Help ti e Kaiser Prepare the Next Note b, t ft AMERICAN Carrie's Crcei art eeing F B- rn- ! Bt 1 tin 1 nth which shocked New Bern in, d lost night aliout six thirty k when the death angel laid Uis 1, I . H. Kiboit nd cull -d him r aril in another world, terday morning Mr. Klliott crura:- I 111 tin- cotton brolc-b-isiee was s t mingly in the -f health and att-ending duties of lis office. About Vlock lie V.13 across t he street his oflie-'. whi-h is located on lo-vtr Crave:i s;r. t. talking with a friend about a business transaction. Kroin t Here he went to his office e l was engiiretl at his tlesk until two forty the o'eloek. when he rt a arl -I to his son Sprunl. that his i ,t f, ; Tmniy. He h ft the desk !:vl it-d to a conch in the office hot jttsl he reached. jl he fell un-eoiise'.i-t's ;uul did nol regain con-i-ioiisui - before the end came about ! hr hours later. Drs. Poltiifk and Patterson were summoned, and all possible servioo giv.-n ha; medical skill could render, l.ii to no i fft-ct. The physicians pro liotineeil his trouble as a stroke of ! ajipopleNy. ilc fliiat- Mr. Klliott was fin v years of ago 33 r I MM! ! I ply t ideut proper? .1 the 1 i.t Ka f'rtjni t C.erii-a . yer G- r-Ambassa-..nal em iioti with IT -ip iirviven oy nis wse ana seven The services will be con from Hie home. 127 Broud his nflernoon at two thirty by the fftsior of the First church, -and inl to Polloc the body will isville for inter ment . .11 f..r (' he I'rt i-Aint 1 Tim a friendly nature. b,he intensity of days ago, it is claimed. He said Carransa controls nine-tenths of Mex ico's population and seven-eights of the territory, and has three times as many troops as Villa. Arredondo declared Carranza will take Mexico City within a week, "clearing up the situation." Ocracoke, June 4 An eventfnl Fourth of July celebration, rich in intrestinir, exciting and amusing features is being planned thht year fcy the residents tf Ocrwoke; It promises to be the biggest event t its kind over held at this popular re sort. Pony penning, boat races., swimming contests, baseball game, firework, dancing, and address by Stvte Superintendent cf Schools J. Y. Joyner, and many other features wi 1 be carried out during the day. The people of Ocracoko an- mak ing daborate prepara'ions for the celebration, which w i 1 tiff held on Saturday. July Srd. Boat will leave Washington on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, preceding the Fourth, and dally trr nsportation will be in effect from Morchead City and Boau- SILENCES GOSSIP BY MARRIAGE VOW Jersey Minister Wed Girl to Put a Stop to Talk Lusitanio incident and other viola tions of American rights on the high seas was emphasized by the president. A feeling of hopefulness prevodod the German embassy, where the con ference was regarded as satisfactory. The ambassador himself expressed the belief that the communication he had sent to his government convey ing the viewpoint of tbo president himself would enlighten the German foriegn office accurately as to tht American government's viowpoint and pave the way to a better, under-standing. is heen -f Karl :s such Of I I, fort. F.xcursions will also be run from (swan Ouartcr, Lake Landing, Kngl -herd and Wyscoking. Hun dreds of visitors are expected from all parts cf eastern Carolina. Ample accommodations will be provided for all who come. TH A N iTRlKES ALTO Aa a Result There la Conalderable Damarfe LnrgVshrpmmrsef truck are being taaoe from New Bern to northern market daily. Th. p crop , about nbawsted. but cahbaf anil trnf beau are plentiful. There were -several hundred crates of cab- bag and about the same number of law beta ban shipped from New Bern yenterday, Rom of the trunk that la being shipped; goth, la brought tg Maw par from parnu ti MUM T, .Of tftf IfHIaf part 'HufflkvVa., June 4.- -Luther Chur ch, a well known young man of Nor folk, was struck by an Atlantic Coast Line freight train near Driver, yes terday afternoon, sustaining interna) injuries the extent and danger of bis hurts having not yet been ascer tained. Mr. Church was driving a Ford runabout fii the terrific storm which was raging yesterday across a spur track which penetrates the trucking eel ion near Driver, and failed to hear the train blow. The train truck the automobile and turned it over in a ditch, pinning Mr. Church i l-tde. The train crew went to hi assist ance and had to lift out the car and out away the top before Mr. Church could be pulled out. He was placed on a cot and the train which struck him rushed hint to Norfolk. At Pin ner Point the AtUntie Coast Line bad a tug waiting and the Injured man waa hurried at onpe to the Pro- teitailt New York, June 4. The village gossips of Monroe, N. J- who have been rovell'ng in the troubles of Rev. Walter Seolt and Miss Beatrice Bledt, were surprised when the 't ouple were married at the home of Miss Ange lina, Fisher, aunt of the bride. The clergyman expressed the hope tbt the marriage would ailence the gossip which caused him to lose his pastor aba and greatly worried. Miss Bledt. Mr. Scott was pastor of tho Chris tian Church here until two weeks ago, when he resigned whil t the Board of Tru8tees were investigating affida vits that he and a young woman had been seen walking together in the woods on various occasions. The affidavits stated tl ere was no particular harm in a yo. ng unmar ried clergyman strolling through the woods with a young unmarried wo man, but complaint was made that the clergyman had bis arri about the girl's waist and was quite demons t a iva in his ofo tioh not know ing that other eyei were looking on. When Mr. Reott henrd that tho trustees were considering these affi davits he sent in his resignation, and it waa aoceptea. At that time every effort was made to supprs the iden tity of the yonng woman, but she wa said to be a prominent member the church. ' Mr. Hcott and his bride, who hao enjoyed the highest rosputatioa, lavsf decided to remain here and face th gossips who caused all the trouble. NICHOLAS D BOY FREED OF CHARGE of The weather forooat for New Bern and vleinity today is pn tly cloudy wilh moderate weU wind". Ruleltrh .Tunc 3. The c State against Nicholas DeBoy. elec tion official at tho first -division of the third ward charged with placing a ballot in the box that was not le gally voted, wits thrown out of court this morning by Judge Frank A. Daniels who. with the solicitor, was of the opinion that the evident was not sufficient to send tho cast to the jury. 1 1 was expected ny t hose who heard the evidence that wa given out in that, even if the case did got to tin- jury, there would lie a speedy ai-piittal. The grand jury late Wednesday brought in true bills' against W. K. Smith and John StUrdivant . Kach wants a speedy trial Mr. Sturdi- vant is charged with voting in this city- when not entitled 10 tin so AMERICANS IN BERLIN ARE SAFE Amsterdam. June 8. Ambassador Gerard has taken steps to safeguard Americans in licrlin in.cas of an un foreseen event. Ho has secured as surance from foreign S.-. r. la: Jagow that the embassy staff mid their familhs. American Bed Cross Workers, the Polish relief oommis- sioners and Amerlean. newspaper men will be permitted to leave Berlin in a special embassy train in the event of a breach between the two comi'ri s N-.v(li Carolina. Craven conn'-1" Superior Court , September term, 1! i-" Lee J. Taylor. Administrator of Earl King Taylor, vs. John V Stewart and James Stewart. The plaintiff complaining of the nt,frt: That Earl!vT 2. That Lee J. Tayr duly appointed adminis!;-.-. King Taylor, has ftiice' and entered npoii I he di his duties. :!. Thai on about '' May. 1915, the phi,: i-i" Karl King Taylor, , i ' Pollock Street, in (! ei Bern from the hoti n easl corner of Pel- 1 1 Easl Pronl to his hi-. -, ent's on lh" nor! Ii : -! .he same streets, wr.s in, by an automobile, tin 1 tht properly of Jt-hn V so illjnretl thill he beeam unconscious nnd wltlwmt consciousness died short Ij the saine day. 4. Thai at the lime f producing I he d. a! h 1 ' intestate as afer- aitl. t bile aforesaid was lieen nroncrtv of the tlef, mlai Stewart, to be opt rati d bv providctl by law. ,r). Thai at the lime of the inji'i the death ol pliiin'itl alt iu afort :ait'. 1 ue u f- nthtiil .la-ncs Stewart, was 111 t-larg hinerv controlling and the automobile. 0. That the defendant, James Sle- ive io 1 1. . n. it rj ie -1 i.mship 1'niieil St: It : v in n Se: ndinavian port- w::- ei - of three German Red Cross commiitsioMTs f.-- m this coun try. He is said Lo be influential in Germany. -Gerhard is expected to toll the Kaiser that be :ihmiltl send a I note to insuro,u 11 auH..lblrBettlement . lm Tr fctirt -TiiT.iit u-;- mm ijr. uernouta ' via Norwnv t-n June 12th. New Yorlt Report - MOTORMAN SHOT -' BY :;v of n: 'ing ' New South ' Htltl . par- oilier of -,nd si ruck report y of . Stewart; instantly recovering I hereafter .'t York herd, who i. i. 1 agent is sending to H on t In- s1 ea mer p -nhngen, il In (it d-thv i--s II ime, ; about five xboi W'ii't ing .line- I Mevt-r Ci understood to be the Amba:- -dor Beniflorff Berlin, sailed Thursday United Suites for Co came known In re to- rhard's : ccomiiioiltttions vessel v, re engaged by ijn two hours before snil-ir-.'-l be reached the p er minutes before the vessel I In ilii'iry plaintiff's antemo- .lthn him protHieillg in cast off. He carries documents be.--.r-ing the official seals of Great Brilirn. Russia and l'r::nce. giving him gue.r antee against niplestalion by officers of the Mlii s' warships. Mr. ("o booked from Ne Vork City. Whether he is an Amer ican citizen was unknown, lie car- lllelri..,! i,i iidililiolt to the otlS-ial llocll- W.'nu-nts signed by representaliM's of its the allied governments official papers I signed by American, German and I Austrian authorities, the mtture ol I which " as not nsftrrlivinoblc today. , h vvi;s assumed, however, the Aus- of lliejlrian and German documents were driving his credentials to the Gorman gov ' i rnment . At the hotel where Count Hirn wart, nt the lime aforesaid v,: the age of sixteen ye-rs. 7. That the defend.oiit, -b ' Stewart, willfully, wroigfuliv under storff stays when in New York, it wi s said today that Mr. Gerhard ha-1 V'. n rcgistcn-tl tlf're b:il had I t r.ntl yesterday, saying there he wig ing unlawfully permittee', authorized ami to Washington. direct, d the operation of the auto mobile by his son and co-defendant, James Stewart, contrary to law aa provided by the atatuteH of North Carolina and the. ordinance of ihe city -f N.v. P S. That the dtfcnd-inl Join W. Stewart, wrongfully nnd negligent- fHrrfn CaSe JAILED, BUT NO CHARCFFFERRED ALOUS LOVER William Roberts Boards Car And Fires Three Shots At J. Cleath State Petersburg. Va., June 4. J. Creath Slate, one of the oldest niotormen in the employ of the Virginia Railway !-, r O.mnmtv. for a number of years a reguler "oil tlie Pernda'fe Pa fit - ously wounded, while in charge of bis ear about 5:43 o'clock this afternoon by William Robert, a resident of the west end. Roberta hoarded the cam at West end Washington streets fnd after reaching Chappell street, walked to the front end of the running board firing three shots, one of the bullets passed through Mr. Slates left arm, another passed through the lapel of his-coal and the third went wild. Huberts stepped to the ground and was placed under arrest by Conductor J. J. Iuc,ll, in charge of the car and was hold until the arrival of the po lice patrftl. Huberts gives as his reason for shooting Mr. Slate that the latter was paying undue attentions to his (Rob erts') girl. Mr. Slate, though holding a po it ion as street railway inotornian, is among the most highly respected eili.c ns of Petersburg and is' held in high esteem by his employers. He has been regnrbirly in the service of the Virginia Railway and Power Cpm--,nv for ahoul fifteen years. He has three small children. Officer Racket! of the Hopewell po lice force, v, hose home is said to have been in Pennsylvania, was found dead near City Point today. A man named Tyler, whose ht.nn is in Reanck", is snitl to have shot Ha-l.ett to death, and he is being sought, though up to this has eluded arrest. A brother of Tyler's clam: i,.,i iV- shooin" whs accidental. Man ly paused to be operated in tin 1 g' ,l Incarcerated What for? tarnvti fif tin- filv of Ww H' rn. hw,- 11 (Wi mill wit littiif lro viding a competent, nhle and hrell.v L ... qtialiHed driver and operator of Ihe1 B. Pans, the insurance agent vMo 1 ' iuas eommitU'd to (.raven county "ftn"' ... ..... I -i - - - fi.. kta 1,,. mis ,111111. 0. Thnt the defendant willtilly, J in .... ; - wrongfully nnd unlawfully so ,mr- K. Castct, bad delivered him to he ated the machine and sulomohlle Khoriff, wo. orratgned b, fore Judge .f..M . m.Tliifri.t sneed Connor y.sterday morning, and was. nnd such negligent manner ''net the r, h-a-.-d on a Habeas orpus pro- automohlle struck ami killed dcn- ce.-ic, .... .,.--,, tiffs intestate while lawfully cross- R. B. Nixon. the street, of the city of New fun- h 1 SALARY INCREASED mt m m. SfnVnWyrSi't 90 Raleigh, June 4 The aalarjr of the Raleigh postmaster goea up from tS,40Q a year to I3.!W0, beginning the flmt of inly, which stsr.n the fiscal veer The increase waa brought about by the itxrease in the poet- offtee reeeipU here up to March IH. Th tlfee li In ehae fa Mttef Part M, Qatlina, bis pjade- avipf Wit lit, wiiui 0. IMPORTKIl CHEESE TO BE AB SENT ON MENUS Chicago, Dune 4, Imported cheenc on menu cards promises to become a Ibing of the peat within the next thirty or forty days. The war be tween Italy and Austria has put an sn ihn In! loiircc of sunnlv from Europe of these product. Jacob gence n Itnffnmii oreildent ftf J. H. lloff- fcpdai w. , ..... I ing Bern tO, That tht id Karl King, ceiiu u ful wrongfully and I of the def nflanl c and their negligen and operating and the the operation' of the aforesaid and 'of ead) of II. That by reason mrcI Justice of the Peace, on a ANOTHER STEAMER GOES TO BOTTOM !ei-,i-k. Snot land, June 1 Tie !..... h C i-et-mohtr-r Hnlvader. fr-m . p n'agin to Kngland, with a oar of timber, was sh lied and sunk by v O rman Aibmarine in the North - i. .i -; n todayt -The r.r.w was pi no vp( bv a tr: .-r aft r twelve hour in an ttpen hpat. j eommsnder of the submarine. .. i , .eld b the eopbun of the tial- ,,.,,!,,r that she was a net iral -imp aid that it did not malto that h ,., ,, din t t ike the cmo to Kngland. iff's intent alo, chart death by wil- trust nch 'if thm. lor 1 In equipping the i'iisu.pproprin'1 him. and wa1 udiT o two ,i rather il ills en over get mat It for fKlse impi - - Baas mm Miaui mat) A tV, trm Jmpotlrr. said atity tut tk MDpl.v I -nm. 4B li meat tt letnami fur ! m plaintiff Is fttiiM to HM of the tntd dfM MBI TO wit. Mo.OOUi war no nt Vt Tna Beat Hot Weathtf fMH fHHwl llfl If (s5fff fHfaM'l HIP, durjuf om KimiKHiHiioi lH IH fa-rtHf halt! i IH nnc pp

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