NEW BERN SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA June 11 1915 1 1U ttK VUItMJ UN r f 1 iic vitucus in vravcu County South of Neise River To Say Whether . - or Not They Want The Law. Board of Com Orders The misueners Election. T!i e advocates of the stock law hivo been successful in their efforts la ha ve the Board of CouaAy Com n'nl oners cnll an election on this proposition in the territory in Oa ven county situated on the South side of Ncuse river. A petition ask in? f or this election was presented to the Board at the June meeting held yesterday, and was signed by five hundred and seventy citizens of the county, all of whom nre qualified voters with the exception of thirteen. Election Called On the presentation of this peti tion, the Board was informed by T. I). Warren, county attorney, that as the petition was signed by as many as one fifth of the qualified voters of the proposed district, that there wa s nothing for them to do but call the eleo tion, which was done the date being fixed on the first Tuesday in September, th is being the seventh day of the mo nth. " . Many Signatures Before calling the election the TI J m . ... .. .. nuaru reierrea 10 tne registration! books, and learned that there are ! nineteen hundred qualified voters I in Craven county, but of this number ' only eleven hundred and eighty participated in the election held last November. The law requires that one fifth of the qualified voters in a designated district, before the Board can call an election. This etition was signed by more than one flh of tho voters in the entire eoun y and more than one third in the district mentioned. Some Opposition There was comparatively no op position to the primary on the South side of the river, but there wore quite a number here from the North side. It had been reported that an elec tion for the whole county would be asked, and this accounts' for such a large delegation from the section across the river, and one citizen came with a petition signed by five hun dred and fifty voters of that terri tory. Ernest M. Green Talks Before the order for the election, which had been prepared by the city attorney, was read and passed upon, Attorney E. M. Green addressed a few remarks to the Board, in which ht set forth his views on the subject Mr. Green stated that he was op posed to passing the law, since it had been brought about in the manner in which it has, and that he was not going to vote for it. He said that those who are agitating the question have axes to grind. He told why the petition asked for a vote on the question on the South side of Neuse river and not the entire county, and of how the North side -would le forc ed into the territory, but not being able to dispose of hHir cattle in a stock law territory. The discussion among the specta tors in the Commissioners room reach ed fever heat several times and i was necessary for Chairman Brad ham to request them to either be quiet or leave tho room more than onoe. The room was packed with citizens of the county who persisted that (heir rights wire being infring ed upon.- Rarely a day has passed by for the hit t several weeks without some fatal automobile accident occurring somewhere in this country and the toll of life has been heavy. In ninety per cent of the oases tho accidents have been directly due to the reck lessness of tho drivers of the machines and they alone are duo the blame. There is a faoinatiop in driving fast but the fascination is similar to Hint of the candle to the moth. Sooner, or later tho gratification of the de sire to bo reckless is going to prove fatal. Strict enforcement of the law regulating the speed of automobiles, the age of the driven, ete Is the only means of cutting down the ratio of these accidents. GERMANS TORPEDO BELGIAN STEAMER London, June 9. Capt. Wirth and 1 4-year-old daughter, and most of the crew of the Belgian steamer. Menapler, torpedoed by a German submarine In the North He, were drowned. Only firs of the srsw were rescued. Three Norwegian haw beta Kttlfli RrltUh Wftttri In tM imi twMiyVeur horn, Tin li? i ntiimt be excelled by nv which r b the farmers ia this section i! rr th- senator is at Dursi ion vuit. Mrs. Sim- J is in the city at present taking an active pari in the life here. IHKtt WNIAN SHIPS ARE SUNK Petrograd, June 7. Three German vessels have been sunk or damaged and the Russian transport Yenize torpedoed in the Baltic. A semi-official announcement today denied that the German and Russian Baltic fleets were engaged. It is said German torpedo boats and transports appear ed at its entrance to the gulf of Riga but retired before Russian warships, several being damaged by the Rus sians' submarines and mines. In the absence of Rev. B. P. Huske, Rev. John Hill of Choeo winity, presided over the pulpit there on Sunday and delivered one of the most inspiring sermons ever heard in New Bern. WAKE COUNTY IS SELLING OUT j . Disposes OI COUrthOUSe and Jail at Public Auction (BY W. T. BOST Raleigh, June 7. The county to day sold its court house and jail at public auction and hundreds stood on the streets and heard the crying of the auctioneer for a decent price for two institutions now entirely sup erannuated. The first bid of $625 for the court house minus the lovely lady repre senting blind justice and holding miniature fairbanks with a hanker chief over her eyes, was nt enough, but was knocked down to W. A. Myatt, Then Berry O'Kelley, a rich black man who has grown rich by making psychological purchases which carry substance with them, took in the heating plant for $75 and the plumbing for $85. The jail was next offered and then came a change. It was lumped and resold. The price was fairly above $1,000, i but the county is not going to hear to this. These institutions are not longer needed and they stand in the way of Wake's beautiful court house which is near completion, me oia court house stands on Fayetteville street but will be removed. The conditions of the sale are that the debris be torn" down and removed. A wealth of good material is found in both. The Brett Engineering and Con tracting Company, of Wilson, today changed its charter by an amendment, devoting $50,000 of its $150,000 capi tal to common stock. The Parks Land Company, of Charlotte, is chartered with D. P. Hutchison, E. V. Anderson, Charlis F. Dalton and C. A. Griffith paying the $1,000 stock. The Peidmont Land Company, of Charlotte, with $3,000 of its $125,000 (capital paid in, is chartered by B. D. eath, T. M. Barnbardt and J D eLanoy. THE FREMEN TO MEET AUG. 10-13 State Firemen's Tourna ment to Be Held At That Time August 10 to 13 has been design nated as the dates on which the North Carolina Firemen's Association will meat in this city and hold their an' nual tournament. James D. McNeill, president of the association, was in New Bern Sunday in consultation with the local firemen and these were the dates decided upon. The work of arranging the program will begin immediately and will he rushed to completion just as rapidly as possi We. The New Bern firemen Intend making this meet one of the moat saieasafal aver held in tbeState and will make their plsns accordingly There will he the mm I horse hose wagon race, the grab reel races, the quick steaming contests and other similar events and in addition to this win Ha demonstrations given by the two local triple combination fire fighting apparatus. The social sld of the tournament wil) ha given spe- i V "ww H PW a i 7 VM1 assured that tfttf wl VA"S "L 10 in JAIL nLiL Solomon Wiggins, white, and of ear Vance horo, was arrested yes terday by Jailor Baylisi and placed in the Craven county jail. Wiggins was indicted by lbs Grand Jury at a recent term of Superior Court for disturbing religious worship. He was summoned to appear at the last term uf court, but he failed to show up and a capias was issued for him. The officers were unable to locate him until yesterday when he walked into the Court House, claim ing that he thought that yesterday was the day that court convened. He was immediately taken under arrest and placed in jail. GERMANS TO REFILL USED CARTRIDGES Athens, June 8 It is reported I hat German artisians have arrived i n Constantinople for the purpose of iu- talling a factory to recharge usod cartridges picked up on the battle field. Miss Lalla R. Simmons, Mrs. J. C. Roberts and daughter, Alice, left last evening for Black Mountains to spend some time. MB U NO LONGER FORT. SAY RUSSIANS Petrograd, June 8 The semi official statement in German news papers that Li ban is a land and naval fortress have been denied here. Lilian ceased to be fortified and was com pletely dismantled in 1910. All stores and articles of value were removed last year. F. J. Jones who has been spend ing some time in Kentuckey engaged in engineering work, returned homo last night. ARMY CONTRACTS OF UNITED STATES ARE SPECUTATIVE Sound An Ominious Note No Specified Quantities Called for CITIZENS WARNED Americans in Germany Re ceive Orders to Be Ready to Come Home Washington, D. C, Juno 9. Another omnious note was added to the situation so far as tho United States Is concerned, when it became known tonight for the first time in history the army contracts recently ubmitted to mercantile firms, spe cified no quantities which may bo ailed for. Army officers frankly declared that the bids for the thousands of arti cles used by the army wore made on the understanding that an unlimit ed supply might be called for before the end of the fiscal year and that the principal reason for this is the possibility that the United States may be drawn into the European embrolgio. Americans Warned Berlin, June 9. American business men here have received orders from America to discontinue purchases and conserve their funds ponding the outcome of the Lusitania nego tiations. To acquaint the (Jerman foreign office with the State of American feeling, Ambassador Gerard, is pro- paring a big scrap book containing American newspaper clippings, edi torials and cartoons. What London Thinks London. June . London news- pa, '"a toaay interpreted Mryan s nation to mean that the Preai do i s new note to ucrmany is so firmly phrased that war between Germany and America will result. FOR D MOTOR CO. TOO BIG FOR MICHIGA.Ni TO INCORPOR ATE OUTSIDE LanMnir, Minh , June ft The Ford Motor Company, of Detroit, will have to incorporate in aome other I state when it makes its contemplated increase in capital stock from t2,ono,- 000 to 1100.000,000 According to an announcement of Secretary of Htate Coleman C Vuhsn today, theta is a statutory I limitation of MS.OOO.OOO to the mount that any corporation can ln eorporata for in this state This will necessitate the Ford Company's in- corpotatlng In some other state The chaiuro win make the Michigan treasury 11,000 richer, baaauar. of th InorsMfMi fo tha tha sampany si I foraifB eof pration will hya fiftf W PRESIDENT RIGHT HAND AIDE i GIVES UP OFFICE WASHINGTON, D. C. June 8 William Jennings Bryan, Secretarr of State, resiid from the cabinet late today. The resignation waj promptly accepted by President WilSOB and Robert Lansing, Counsellor of the State Depar trout, immediately became tho acting Sec retary of State and a few minutes later signed the sec ond note which ihe United Stater, is to send to Germany and which will fo forward jusu as quickly as possible. The general" belief is that Bryan resigned because he could not agree! with the policy of President Wilson in regard to the submarine warfare of the Germans. The correspondence between Secretary Bryan nd the Presi dent was made public at the White House DECLARES THAT THE ISSUE IS OF MORE mm EAT MOMENT The letters hinted pt a strong poscibility of war with Germany and contained the following sentences: "Gbc- ( nrincinleo German government a note out violating what I deem country and the issue involved is of such great moment that to remain' a member of your cabinet would be as unfair to you as it would be to the cause nearest to i. ; heart, namely, the prevention of war. I therefore re spectfully tender my resignation to take effect when the note is- sent unless vou A like, desirous of reaching problems arising out of the merchantmen, We find ourselves differing irreconcilliably as to methods Which we employed. It falls to your lot to speak officially for the nation and I consider it to be none the less my duty to promote this end which you have in view by means hverty to use." WILSON EXPRESSES REGRET AT ACCEPTING THE President Wilson in replying said in part: "I ac cept the resignation only because you insist its acceptance and I accept with more than deep regret and personal sorrow as our Judgment has every matter ol omcial duty of public policy untir now. "Your support and work for the purpose of the administration have been generous, loyal and beyond praise. We are not separated in the object ''which we seek but onlv in the method feeling about your retirement goes regret. I sincerely deplore it and we to work for the same cause even when w the same way." BRYAN'S RESIGNAT MAY HAVE BEARIN ON GERMAN VIE WASHINGTON, D, C, June 8 While President Wilson and Secretary Bryan came to the parting of ways in apparently excellent accord it was said that the entire cabinet is entirely out of sympathy with Secre tary Bryan's action. Instead of relieveing the president's embarrassment, the desertion of his post by Bryan at this critical time is said to have multiplied the difficulties of the admin istration. It was declared openly tonight that the effect of Bryan's resignation will be especially bad on the German mind which will not stop to consider that the Secretary of State does not constitute the government or the country. It is feared that the open support given to the Ger man methods by Mr. Bryan and his repudiation of his own government's policy will be accepted by Berlin as justifying the very acts of which the pending note complains. p-rJia3fIrrr3rr THE NATIONAL BANK I a a w t mi an ll ot New Berne, IN. I. u 1 11 m istuk n Lai Jnnl- M J ClltAMVAfll' M J TI ai.. i. a: i d-I. i. tl:. ca: Vfuij i-auuuai udiirt iu i ins ocuiiuu m m I till r.anltal Niirnlua and Prnflta SlflO flfiO On 111 151 ""':' r ' ""'I"'" IZi m Total Retourct voo.wiu.uo UH LSI mi . . . . . m a m 11 f inrprest nain on avina h rd arprij t r rT :? m 'wywnq nme ueposits WILSON'S in which I cannot join with to be my obligation to my prefer an earlier hour. a peaceful solutior of the use of submarines against which you do not feci at lATWNP concurred , on, practically bv which we stek it. My much deeper th shall : do n ntintiv worl c i hi. in I UNITED STATES MAY ADOPT THE SWISS SYSTEM This Would Mean That Every Citizen Must Be come a Soldier WOULD BE TRAINED imt.uv experts D V, n : 1 1 Cut al . i.-.t. ilv l a. I f. V. : r st inly mnliinr M l II thl ilopl r.t i'h iib! fiml r- f Hie II ti sro we to develop a aivdncss without mi li ra t: v. i' develop a dem oiie thai will not tak Nilati 1 purs sever;! ui away from peace-lit'-, bu i at the s;;tn" 1 million men well I iiulustr 1 av. lined h i : a f.-w h 1 subject In call to arm.; illl' The Swisf est Lo'liiMi in worn to be the ui tho de.Vivif re islnilinn method is tits, am the Al nry. si milar to i in is know n In r .Inii'Hi !'.! the robl-m. nr-d lie 1 . Secretary Oarri 'gard il as a possible American military as din-clod tho War boi h 1 he S,.'i ss and ids. Roth prepare ith-itit entire devc inilitnry tr.'ininjr. I'ncottracd and tho i the theory that rv son ice to I lie same exlenl they ol to study lain livid eth 1 v oil Ol I liille practi rv to tin In Svvil .erland cry citizen is u sol f physical inabil- ess mi nta him profi om serviefl. There are annul soldiers and l hey but few are assif military d principally to the work of Ideation. This military od- ucntion commences cloven ilh 1 he ca lol i olunlary or;;aui n 1 ii I in mar -Hi ti r, drill cist-; ol the manual attention is (riven and shooting for at the ago of eorpi. which are n for boy train i and sum ' exer of anus. Chief to gymnastics tho purpose of t iru iik out igoroil Ke;;ular military each ma:i at Ihe Recruit nre at om and anile yoiit hs. ervice begins for age of twenty, p supplied with a full 1 1 rTl 1 1 : 1 1-equipment, including a rille. These articles thej; take home and ret tin until tlv end of military si r ice at the age of fifty. Tho efficiency of the Hwiss system is sol forth in a report made by Col .,1.1 It- 1 who witut'siv'd and rajiortod to I be War Department, oa tllo niobiti zalion of a Swiss battalion. It wn offectod in tho most b rdirly Rmner, Colonel Boll says, between 8 o'clock in the morning and 'J o'cloek in the afternoon. It was accompanied by the most th. -'i iitspoelion of oquipmnnt, tnl ' , . . iis, anuuuni Mon i-.iid . i' n iio, i.' v fn l Overcome 0! jo mht i iua or navini? overy citucn train lor possiblu military norvice has nhvajjv Ihwh opponod in this country. It will,' of course, continue to DM strong opposition. U porhaps can never bo put into effect. At tho same lime there is a strong feeling in tho country today that a system which will be at once effective and not mili taristic and which will endure must bi established. Due of the , essential points of the Swh system and of any which i likely to obtain favor with Congress is that young men an withdrawn from civil life juat as littlo as possible. PASTOR TELLS RRIDES MAR RIAGF. IS LOTTERY New Yerk, a lottery." the (h-elared in hit brldea"at the terlan church. i ni Re 'Many marrlafoi fail IwtftUM they dq not prlu from th ATROCITIES ( THE MEXICANS WE NOT BEEN S fPED Slaughter and Cai ;c Goes On There Without Abatement U. S. IS CONCERNED Refugees Lose No Time In Getting Out of That Country Ma&hinlton, June 8.- One Entf !ihniun wns Killed Sunday at I'uipam, Mexico, and five other British t ubjects, including a woni j ii and a boy. fatally, wounded tatd a report today from Tumplco. U is said (lie casualties occurred in rind a fifjhl between Garran ci.sls who held the town and Villa Irccp? who captured it. The 'i i'ins v.'erc shot while .seeking , belter. Consul Silliman al Vera Cruz today reported that Obretioii'a ictory over Villa and Anfielc at "seemed to be confirmed." He iiiid it is rumored that Obreiion 'uit his ridht arm in the fiilht. A special train flyinsi the Bru sh P.atf left Mexico City for Vera Cvul yesterday with refugees. Villa and Anrfcles are fleeinrf. o North Mexico with a small bodyguard while the main army is beinfi pursued by Obrerfon, ac cordlnjj to dispatches to the Con .tHutionalist arfency here. Ob .c.'iojs estimated Villa's dead, de- e'-tod, wounded and captured at (0,000. lie said he captured all of Villa's artillery and troop trains and that General Gonzales Is storming Mexico City. TURKS BOMBARD BRIT. TRANSPORT Constantinople, June 9. One en i my transport was shelled and sunk and another transport forced to leave her ivnebo-ag'.i, by lEurkbdi forts, in, . the Dardane lles. The transport sunk is believed to have been English. ; It is unknown whether those aboard were saved. C. OF C. DIRECTORS ' IN REGULAR SESSION Met Last Night and Discus sed Many Important Matters Tho Directors of tho Chamber of Commeroo met last ovoning in the headquarters of that organization for the purpose of discussing any matters which might bo brought up before i hem. During the evening short but in teresting talks wore made on the agricultural anil industrial develop ment of this city a,nd surrounding section and those proved of marked ntercst to each ono present. There is in prospect tho location f a canning factory, a tobacco stem- mory and a prize house bore and the Directors arc heartily in favor of iving any possible aid to such en terprises ana will do so. After a few other matters wore disposed of the Hoard adjourned. COMMANDER OF NOBLE VAT- ICAN GUARD DIES Rome, June 8 Prim eCartrfUo Uos- pigliosi, commander of tho Noble iuard at the Vatican, and a member f one of the most aristocratic families n Italy, died today, aged 65. Miss Lesaie Muggins loft last night for a few days visit to friends in Ciohlsboro. Mr. and Mr?. J. W. Pellet ier of tlella sneul yesterday with friend in lite city. TEXAS RANGER SHOT MEXICANS BY Marathon, Texas, June ' Leo Burdette, a Tesaa ranker. ' wu ahot and killed near Fab 1 ens, ftsas, last nidht In pistol 'battle tth three MrsU cans, two of whom he seriously wounded. Both the wound) d Meairans arc cmic ted to die. The third 1 was betnrf pursued hy posse ' today. Burdette, whose home ' waa In Austin was trylntf to ' arrest the men. noma fjM ft visit to the JTiuttaWsiM of WutrB Vtrtiriift ftM Imwhi fW W1WHI Ml MtUm he

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