A wktv iMMfl the utviL nu nv ew stsert h j. i. LAND PWNTING ro Trkphyaarst jlaalBi s off 'ji 1 1 itft - - H h. LAND H 1 Ckl'MPLEK a B. ULKD0OB EDITOR Report sufcsrirnoN Oa jrw Six Moni! Thrw iionths RATES. ..$..) 'JO Ta JOURNAL carries rorapht press report! furnished by th Central New of America Press Association and tn addition to this, fully corers eastern North Carolina by special cores pondrts. TAIL SAYS ADKINS Neither Is He' Equipped With Herns or Hoofs Entered at the post office in New ItfrM ( , , 1.. - " ai ' ' TUESDAY, JUNE IS. 1U Who said that Summer gring in the lap of Spring? li r. "Wave of Prosperity After the War" pipes a headline in the Nor folk Virginia-Pilot. We don't care if it is n tidal wave either. Secretary Bran is scheduled to make another statement" today or tomorrow. About the best message he could send out to the people of this country, wou Id he to th that he expects to c rawl in a pull the hole la after him. in LOVISC EtyiUUASCC MR. ft. E. W1LUAUS fcr C I Maftsfi jraUMisf . .. ant 'smmumAmi J C UtkTftt tat MM effect hole and d h Its Over in Kins ton they placed the Mayor under artist tor exceeding his authority l personally turning two men out ot tall am piven a hearing today an unusual occurance to place chief executive of a city but if lie actually violate! he should be other citizen. will be rather Hi, under arrest 1he law treated just like any Captain police force, to his cap yi cart li . L. Bryan of the local , added another feather t erla w lien lie ran 10 irglar w ho had left no clue in his wake except a screwdriver. New Bern lias a pretty good poliei force but the pick of thein, when it comes down to a question of crimt detecting, is undoubtedly in favor of Captain Bryan. Its runny how people will get t fool not inn in their head and for som t rival real or imagined cause, com nit suicide, isn't it? Over in Rich mond Sunday a young bride picket up such an idea and as a result sht is now no more and t lu re an' hundred; of similar cases everv month. Death may be preferable to life in some cases, but knowing what is awaiting on the other i nd, it looks like the foils who shuffle themselves off this mor tal coil, would think long before tak ing the fatal step. Now her. ! la Bible does it say the aWril has harms, hools aad a fork ad tad, iw tit peopir ' the burning lrr, bt on tm oaaUmr.Y, il aays ha was mated perfect in beauty, and full of wisdom. ustil a was found in turn The fortgo ,af is one of the Main thoughts ol Evangeliat W L Adkins, which he ave in his address, "The Origin, History, and Destiny of Satan.' last night to a very large snd inter ested audience, at the tent, corner of Broad and Burn streets. He further stated that before the devil sinned, hie name was Lucifer. meaning day star. "He was chief of the angels and next in position to Christ. "A description of sa'i n, r l.uci- er is i:ien in Rzekitl 2Mb. chapter from the i lever-1 h .er.e and onward, under tie r. U 1 the king of Tyrus. Here it is , xpressly stated that he liecame exalted because of his beau ty, and the desire entered his heart to become equal with God. He said he would exalt his throne above (lod. (Isa, 14-12-14) (letting a large number of angels to sympa thize with him, he led them to war against Christ and the angels that did not join him, but they prevailed not, neither was their place found any more in Heaven. (Rev. 12:7-9.) Jesus said, 'He beheld satan as light ning fall from heaven. "From planet to planet the de ceiver went, seeking a foothold. He was refused allegiance until he came to this planet and succeeded in hyp notized Eve. Thehrst thought that he tried to instil in her mind was the same one he had in heaven, that of being (Jod. (den 3:5.) Had Uod demonstrated his su perior power over Lucifer, now called satan, innocent beings, having no demonstrated understanding of the results of transgression, would have feared their maker, and from hence forth would have served him from fear, rather than love, or else some of them would have started the re bellion again, thinking that satan was right in his attitude. Thus, di vine wisdom would have destroyed his purpose in creation; hence the long suffering of Clod in permit ting satan and Sin to run their course, that all of fckreatures might understand, Our antsw reps unity was deeply grieved tn teen of the death of Mr R R Wilhsjea, waa died at au boas at Craataa Thursday Bight Jan 10th He suffered several weak with the terriah- dima. tathsaa. Day by day he gradually hitf wanker. Finally his conditio becaaae alarsniag. but the thought of death did not frighten : in. His Mtfferings were great, but he bore them walk He was a true and consistent member of the presby teriaa church at Croataa, and was a fbithful and efficient superintendent of the Sunday school. Oh. bow much we do miss him from his work that was good! He has gone to his home in Heaven where he has already received his weh me and is resting on the bosom of his Savior. He was Go years and one day old II, leaves a loving wife, two daughters. hvc sons, one hrother ana a nost oi relatives and friends to mourn their sad loss. Wee i) not dear loved on. for w know that our loss is Heaven's gain. May God in His tender mercies comfort the bereaved ones and help us all to prepare to meet Him in Heaven. NORTH CAROLINA MILITIA MAY HAVE Two Young Men Have ft red to Do the Flyinf vn ILUnWlaKI IV JtarariiiPKi Of Through this earth life is sweet for all 'tis best By 'emptations and griefs 'till ye rest. He is living in love: for him no regret. God called and he answered, 'Tis best. Oh, how sweet it will he in that beautiful land! So free from all sorrow and pain, With songs on our lips ami with harps in our hands, To meet one another again. A Friend, G. L. W. Riverdale, N. C. Between Bryan and Dernburg, we hardly know which to pick ns being the greatest explainer. ill 1 point talking I hat to a that have When you read everv time you b newspaper man you can say "this is for political ion," you wil reached the stage of prominence. Deciding that he could not say ( nought in one statement Kx-Secre-tary of State William Jennings Bry an, has announced that he will issue a three part missive, giving out one section a day. After the final one has been ladled out to the public we ex pect that the great advocator of harmony will condescend to have a few more words to say. Senator Simmons, i n Washington, is making an inquiry into the question of dyestuffs which are needed i n this country. The greater portion of this has in the past come from Europe and, although attempts have been made here to produce the same arti-lc, these have not proven to be a success. However, the time lias come when something must be done and the dyes migh.t as well be labelled "Made in America" as other articles. The extension of the gas mains to Riverside is about completed. The big four inch main t lint was put down on Pastel! r beginning at Queen -and extending to Rivi rside, was connected yesterday with the main on Queen street. The residents of the suburb have been using gas for several weeks, but the supply was from a small piw and only a few consumers could be accommodated. Now that this Inrge main is in commission, the il eum pan . which is under the super vision of J. K. Palmer, is in a posi tion to furnish all the gas that the people residing in Riverside need. that the way of transgression is un happiness, misery, and death. Love, gentleness, kindness, and long suff ering toward the rring, would draw his creatures back to God. "However," said the speaker, "the time will come when satan will, with 11 lis followers, be destroyed. put it in the words of Ezekiel 28th chapter, 17th, 18th and 19th verses, 'Thine heart was lifted up because of thy beauty therefore will I bring a fire from the midst of thee, it shall devour thee, and 1 will bring thee to ashes upon the earth, in the sight of all them that behold thee. All they that know thee among the people shall be as tonished at thee: thou shall be a terror, and nevir shalt thou be any more.' Kvangelist Adkins will speak to night on "God's Definition of love." toRYAN TO ISSUE THIRD STATEMENT Says He Will Be Heard From Today or Tomorrow THE FORD IN MOTION PICTURES The Moving Picture Department of the Ford Motor Company has recently added some remarkable films to the Nation-wide service of the Ford Ani mated Weekly. One of the most in teresting of these is a scene showing the n i itary ceremonies conducted by the I'nited States Engineering Department on the occasion of the rilling the 'ast gap in the mil ion-and-a-half-di liar sea-wall in Galves ton Bay. A signicant feature of this, showing the national promin ence of the Ford Animated Week ly is the fact that the United States government wired to the Ford Motor Company announcing that to take these pictures a government tug would be placed at the disposal of the Ford operators. Ford photos were also taken of the two sea-raiders, Kron Prinz Wilhelm and Prins! Kite , now interned at New port Neyvs for the balance of the war. The two daring commanders, Cap tains Tluerfelder and Thierichen, and the crews of the German warships are shown and also the work of transfer ring the British prisoners to the steam er Cassandra which took them back home. Other new films are President Wil son opening the bas.'ball season in Washington; Regnar Ontvedt, mak ing a new world ski-jumping rtcord .if 1 ,"() feet at Denver, and operating of the new Bennett-Mercier rapid fin gun, firing 450 shots a minute. MACHINES COSTLY Best Plan to Purchase One Would Be By Public Subscription (RT W. T. ROM Raleigh, Jane 14 Adjutant Gen eral Laurenee W Young has oaWi from Henry K. Crowell and Harry K. Noland, of Asheville, to do flying for the North Carolina Natfoaal Guard in its effort to put aeroplanes into the military work. Mr. Crowell writes of a plan to raise the money for such machines and says: "it is my idea that if the State cannot afford to bear the expense of the same (referring to the machines.) the mon ey might be raised by statewide public subscriptions in the same manner as the French and (ieriuan aeroplanes fleets were built " General Toung and all the guard understand that the money must be raised by popular subscription. There is HO appropriation for such equipment now. North Carolina is undertaking nothing new in this plan, several states having tried it with success. The state is merely trying to keep pace. Both young men offering to aid in the raising of money by giving exhibitions or by any other plan, have had training with the Curtiss Company and un derstand the flying business. Governor Craig today named Miss Annie Fry, of Greensboro, sponsor for the State of North Carolina at the Guilford Battle Ground oelebra- tion July 3. The tiovernment was not able to send the troops to the ground as it had done two years in succession but soldiers will have their part in the big day. Governor Craig's office today made requisition upon the Governor of New York for James Hill, wanted in New Hanover county for the com pletion of a term of sixteen months. Hill escaped from the chain gang and of course went to New York. Want Farm Life School E. M. Rollins and W. P. Harris, of Henderson county, were here to day asking the department of edu cation for information and aid in a proposed farm life school. Recently two localities in the coun ty voted school bonds, bach wants the farm life institution but there is only one school. By agreement the community which is voted the farm life school will concede the graded school to its rival bidder. I er trw. DM I UWftaa wader hit a aaaaxl v ai jh" wai Mnarhaad City sad arrival fhs M Ram ysilaraay afWaoam rrom aera they Ml to WaattoaV N C . aad today they a Ol f ovar tha Baas of (ha Rafhavwa Drato aga DfcMat, rtoaratog to Norfolk the middst of the weak tr- MAJOR PORTION OF STOMACH GONE New Bern Man Undergoes Remarkable Operation At Baltimore Baltimore newspapers yesterday carried an interesting story telling of one of the most remarkable medi cal operations ever performed and in which the patient was 8. Coplon of this city. Mr. Coplon was afflicted with ( tumor of the stomach and three weeks ago went to the Maryland eity where he entered the Maryland University Hospital for treatment. The physicians found that the op eration was necessary and this was performed and all but about two inches of Mr. Coplon's stomach was removed. With only two inches of his diges tive apparatus remaining in service, Mr. Coplon will not be able to eat very much and, if he follows out the orders of the physicians he will, when he prepares to dine, take one spoon ful of food every fifteen minutes. If he takes as many as ten spoon fuls it will consume two and one half hours of time and if he eats three times each day he will spend seven and a half hours in dining. Mr. Coplon is one of six men in the world who are thus afflicted. The physicians are of the opinion that he will be in good shape within a short time and will live for many years. DON I FAIL TO RE AD Sunday's Daily Journal If not subscriber, phone or mail your subscription in at once so you will not miss any of the featuie stories we are going to run. tits: 3 Months $l--and Worth It i E. J. Land Printing Co. PUBLISHERS Phone 8 45 Pollock St. New Bern, N. C. To Oir Out-oI-Town Customers You are cordially invited to make our stores head quarters when hi the city and when in need of any thing usually carried by a first class drug store send us your order we will give it prompt attention and mail it to you' on the first outgoing Parcel Post. Brad ham Drug Co. The Rexall Stores Cor. Middle & Pollock Cor. Broad & Middle Washington, June 1-1 W. J. Bry an, at Old Point Comfort, todaypvid he will i ssue another statement Tues day or Wednesday on "the causeless war." An unidentified tuc is believed to havejburned and sunk with all aboard off the Virginia capes Friday. The cutter Onnntlago rushed to the scene but found nothing. It is thought she arrived too late. The Census Bureau today reported cotton consumption exchisive of lint ers to have been 403, R87 running hales in May, against 466,744' bales in May. 1014. Active cotton spindle exi or-s may exceed the same of May in last year. NEED HAVE NO FEAR OF REPLY The cit icons of Beaufort county are slftimli im' ocrtors of the good roads moi mi nl and are doing every thing within their power to improve the conditions of the thoroughfare in that section. One of the highways that is giving them so much concern is that leading from Aurora to New Bern. This is, at points, in pretty I nid shape and a nommittec has lieen appointed to come to Cra ven county and confer with th Board of ( 'nmmissioners in regard to co operating and putting the road in excellent shape. If this is Hone it will hp of benefit to N.w Ban as well as Aurora and if the citi aens of that county will do their share of the work, there la every , eaaon to believe that the local eom- The work of building a concrete floor to the building occupied by the New Bern Fire Engine Company, has been started and will be rushed to completion as rapidly as possible. The Fire Department Committee of the Board of Aldermen, was in structed at. the last meeting of the Hoard to liave this work done. The amount of freight being handled locally, by the Norfolk Houth ern Railway Company is very grat ifying to J. p. C. Davis, local agent for this company. Mr. Davis stated yesterday that while the amount of truck that is being handled in not as large as is usually handled at this time of the year. Business in other elasa of freight is very satisfactory. Mr. Davie attributes the small amount of truck to the low prices, and is of the opinion that it will he moved ia a larger bulk when the price increases. To Stop the) rfKAUWO OIL. ittoTlcklla i ntrsat with Dm assnt.' rOSTKK S ANTISKFTI N Gens la Oa Dai. Pa Boi'lin, June 16 America need have no apprehension about the Oer man reply, high officials of the Oer man foreign office today told the Unit ed Press. They said thoy were much impressed by the friendly tone of the second note. They said the note will not be answered before the arrival or Ur. Meyer Uerhard, personal em issary of Ambassador Von Bernstorff, and also indicated that the Balkan situation is occupying a lot o( atten tion at the foreign office. MARSDEN J. PERRY PRAISE STATE N. C. New York Railroad Mag nate Gives Journal Glowing Reports CHICAGO IN GRIP OF TRAFFIC TIE-UP Chicago, June 14 Chicago is in the grip of the worst traffic tie-up in its history. No surface cars are run ning. Fourteen thousand and Ave hundred motormen, conductors, shop men and ticket sellers are affected by the strike. No violence is reported. The men arc it ri king for m re pay and bettern working conditions. Big downtown depju-tment stores are de serted, and the shop girls are unable to reach their places of work. CHAMP CLARK'S SON TO WED MISSOUftlAN Columbia, Mo., June 14 At a luncheon at the home of the bride- ct today the engagement of Miss Helen Morton Itohnett, of Columbia. and Bennett Clark, mi of Hpeakar Champ Clark, of the National House of RepresentativML was announced. The Speaker, eon Is parliamenta Marsden J. Perry, of New York, chairman of the Board of Directors of the Norfolk Southern Railway Company, was very optimistic in his praise of the section of North Carolina traversed by his road in an interview given the Journal yesterday afternoon. Mr. Perry stated that all over this territory he sees great improvement along agricultural lines. Acres hat increased greatly and the farmers are cultivating ttieir land in more scientific methods. He attributes the growth of this section of the State greatly to the excellent railroad ac commodations that his company has been furnishing. He said that hit company had been giving the best services that it was possible for them to give and the response of the people has been very gratifying. While the growth and Improve ments in this section of the State has been wonderful since the Norfolk Southern leased North Carolina the Atlantic and road, Mr, Perry looks for greater things during the nest score of years. He said that the people have awakened to a rea lization of what there it in the soil of Eastern North Carolina and are going after it in a more business like manner. The Eastern Carolina far mer is raising lots of stuff and their product is of the beet quality. Now that the old time ideas of farming and other business enterprises has been replaced by modern ideas, Mr Perry looks for the next generation to be one of great prosperity Mr. Perry was also profuse la hit praise of President Young, of this company. He attributes the present prosperity of the Norfolk Southern to the efficiency of Mr. Young. Tn the party accompanying Mr. Perry were J. H. Young, president; B. H. Swart wout, vice-president; J, T. Avery, assistant isiintatj ; E. D, Kjrte, traffic manager; P. L. Nksh- chief engineer, of the Norfolk Southern Railway Company, aad E. C. Oranberry ..f the Arm of Paris Forbs and Company, bankets of New York City. During a part of the trip which extends over all parte of he road, they war HON. C. R. THOMAS TO MAKE A SPEECH NEAR GREENSBORO To Attend the 'Unveiling of Monument to General Nathaniel Greene OTHER JIOTABLES Many Prominent Men Will Participate In the Program Hon. Charles R Thomas of this city has been extended an invita tion to attend the unveiling of the monument to Nathaniel Greene at Guilford Battle Ground, near Greens boro, on July 3 and will make an ad dress there on that occasion. Mr. Thomas while in Congress was instrumental in securing the appro priation for this monument and the people of that seolion greatly ap preciated his efforts. In inviting him the Guilford Battle Ground Company passed the following re solutions: Whereas, Since its organization in 1886 the Guilford Battle Ground Company has been very desirous that there should be erected on the Guilford Battle Field by the United States Government a monument in commemoration of the life and ser vices of General Nathaniel Greene, Commander of the American forces at this great battle, and, Whereas, The Guilford Battle Grou nd Company and its friends in Greens boro, in North Carolina, and in the United States Congress, have ex pended much time and labor in their efforts to secure an appropriation for said monument during the past twenty four years and, Whereat, Hon. Chas. R. Thomas, Congressman from the Third Dis trict, North Carolina, has given cordial support in the United States House of Representatives to the ef forts to secure such an appropriation, and made the speech in the House introducing the hill which was fin- all passed, therefore, Be it resolved, That the Directors of the Guilford Battle Ground Com pany in special meeting assembled, do now extend Hon. Chas. R. Thomas their sincere thanks and apprecia tion for the very valuable service he hat given to the Guilford Battle Ground Company, to North Carolina, and to the soldiers of the American Revolution, and, Be it resolved. That the Directors of the Guilford Rattle Ground Com pany do now extend an invitation to Hon. Chas. R. Thomas to be the guest of the company on the occas ion of the un veiling of the monunttnt to Oen. Nathaniel Greene, on the Guilford Battle Field. Resolved. That a opy of these resolutions be given to the press, and that the President of the Guil ford Battle Ground Company be directed to forward a copy to Hon Chat. R. Thomas, aad that they he recorded oa th minutes of the Ouilford Battle Ground Company. la 6 tol4Daya mt n raw laito 1447. TW'i Mr. Farmer: Make your farm stand for something, rive it a name and use Stationery the same as any other business man. Write us for prices on and Samples of Letter Heads, Bill Heads Statements, Shippnig Tags. Envelopes or any other forro you want printed. Prices righ work and stock guaranteed. Phone or Write Us $ E. J. Land Printing Co. Phone 8 45 Pollock St. New Bern, - N. C. mdmrnQammmmmm SELUNG OUT Harmony Double Disc Records at Less than Cost If you like Music, come to see my stock of records as I am closing out this line, will sell them at your price in any number wanted. A. B. SUGAR, : Middle Street C. L. SPENCER Hay, Grain, Feedstuffs, Etc. New Bernf N C. Chautauqua Week Here June 19 to 25 For the Latest News Read The Daily Journa $4 THE YEAR eak teen, a m. urn rian of the House. 1

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