mmmt h, AMD 1 m 44ne of -MM, it mhl hu to a t h Wwlt of th ifui 1. L LAND hUnugnr M. I CBUMlLM. EDITOR a. . BLKD80B . mux Oneyenw-I"- TWw Month - ;J5TV CASHIER OF BANK AT ORIENTAL BLOWS DRAINS j OUT WITH A REVOLVER wjetta. But whan the has to wait Mkjrwfef from aoath a year tar IU snamy. WiiMtill MMI M buy for cask. If you v " Th JOURNAL eerrie Nptt furnished byahe Centre Newt of America Pnss Aoveiatio u4 is ddition to this, fully epee East em. North Caroline by spent nrtanpnndeti a utile, yen mil mm thus a lerg ma)ority f paept wUl pay aM their other bilU before tbay pay their grocery bill. M hy boon anybody wilting tar their saonoy. it i invariably the greear. An other thing that operate against the retail grocer is tba Lnrkia duha, gotta up by tba mMm in tba community People will order thine from a distance, giv ing a tbair axeaaa, that their groear doea hot handle it. when they have never given him a chance to handle it. They will order it, pay more for it in the long tun, than they would have to pay him and pay it rath Why don't they pay him cash, and give him a chance U cut hi prices? "The w holt sale houses and grain milles are today carrying the retail grocers for large ac mounta of money that they in-ore ra would be able to pay if the people would only do without a few of their pleasures and pay their grocery bills and then deal for cash. The contributor to the News is absolutely right in his opinions and is his suggestions were put into ef fect bv the people of New Bern and tl. tSeors-ian adminishes other towns in North Carolina they . ...... f its readers to pity the man wno can- would prove to oe me Entered at the post office in Na wbarn N. C.second-claas mail matt A THOUGHT FOR THE DAY lam sure It is a great inis- take always to hww enough t o go in whan It rains. One may heap snurf and dry by auch knowledge, but one mlaa- aa a world al loveliness. Ade- line Man. I Will Milter Ended His Life Yesterday Morning -Reason For Rash Ad Unknown- His Accounts Believed To Be Straight. ARMED POSSES IN GREENE COUNTY ' FEAR 2 BRITISH m. STEAMERS HAVE BEEN TORPEDOED Cleared From New Orleans on July 8th for England Seventy-Five Separate Part ita Lonkksf for Hor ace Busber SHOT WHITE MAN g$ Attempted to Kill Samuel Overby and Several Others Standing in front at a mirror in bis bed, room. J. WUl Miller, cashier of the Bank ol Oriental, at Oriental, yesterday morning fired a bullet from a thirty-two calibre revolver iato his bead. The bullet tore a gaping h ole and scattered his brains all over the dresser in front of which he stood. Young, in the best of health ana resnected by everyone wno kne v him, Mr. Miller was, presumaoiy, a man to be envied. A oevoteo wue and two children seemed to have made his cup of happiness complete nd his rash act is made all the more dreadful on this account. Aroae Early According to what information could be secured in regard to the ...iniHe Mr. Miller arose early in the morning, went out to the stable in the rear of his home and milked the cow, after which he spent some BOMBS ON BOARD Unknown Man Writes Let ters Telling of Plac ing Them not listen to a good joke. Well, the fellow who can't appreciate a real good joke is to be pitied but the fellow who has our sympathy is the one who has to sit and listen to a lot of stale chatter which is often palm ed off as an original funny saying. many firms. SHERIFF R. B. LANE- HAS SETTLED UP Farmers in this section who have Breaks All Previous ReC cut down their cotton acregage will doubtless be glad that they have done so. Contrary to the expecta tion of some few people, it is not believed that there will be any great ords in Collecting Taxes Sheriff R. B. Lane settled with or ce paid for the staple during the the County Commissioners yester price paiu ior v , . Thls g re coming sewou. - I ; . fnr )his settlement ihA loct. ron .1 I S I r.ili" the cause oi ww uu - . . . - t . . ..t.j0 ttlut that the demand at present ,s not lt - was- 'ITLZZ a . V ,.,1ru mlllintl I I IllS IB IUB HI l' w v. iwge ana inere rnA before the first of W.loo in tnre wtlicn can oe useu. . Ten cents a pound will be an ex cellent price for cotton, we and the man who has not a large crop on hand is fortunate. November in more than twenty years believe, Sheriff Lane and his deputies have been hot on the trail oi tne aeim- ouent tax payers for several months - . , , nd their efforts have heen rewaro- . . . , , i t V. J nnfineet. ed With in 3 aoove results. . ... , ';r"7"f It will also be remembered that ed with tne w y-p-.-- - . . , r-rSX aTE-- -a last nigm, ""S" . ., . o.i r- ion tnves and the first information ibh o ' . This is a new record nhoerinp . i aniHila, nil.'' with laree county thts counxy . " " tor Craven county for she has always the men wno -rr w amone the last counties in the the department w --awa - make mMmf and ?t"r r n7mb of deaths which has never been as early settling as are being registered just about don- the sixtieth county ui u nnmiwr of births and that I rX" .hi. to he incorrect. Mr. "THE POLLOCKSVILLE-NEW I ur v . law BERN BASEBALL GAME" (By a Member of, he Team.) Brown says that the department .... Anna evervthinit within their r-wr a ant the doctors, undertak rs and mid wives to attend to this We will tell you a story, matter and that many of them have failed. Now he has been sent here Much to New Bern's shame they say to begin prosecution and he is of Between New Bern and Polloeksville Corn- New Orleaaa. La.. July 12 Local early today had from the British steamshina Howth Head and Baron Nanier. which cleared here July 8 and sailed from Port Kads the fol- Kederal officials heard nothing Kinston, July l2.-evaatyt parate parties of Ureane couuiy scoured every mike of road in the county Sunday night for Horace Busbee. a young negre, who on Sat urday night shot down Samuel Over by, between 19 and SS years of age, white, on a Snow Hill street Some of the posse were yet out this morn inc. It was stated upon the best oi au thority that the prevailing opinion in Snow HiU Sunday night was that if Busbee were eaught, there would be no trial." Some days ago young Overby and ui iaviajf Jiaavealj Ik Hm idjn naV ban to rsaoan ftaaa a aaidm oa bel Hopawaa. la It Kavnlrad: rirat Tnat aa aaamben of Wood saaa Clreas w bow is u- a, . i a (a tba ai l af aar H.aeaaly Kaib.r rvoi sWtS all ihiaga for aar good reta aaaw tWt laved toar dnsk and trusted tlerir Lord mom Wr will mi her from anr sannailsi and in !' of oar for the npuft of hunuiity. There was aonr more loyal to the (Irate, mm that loved t a ureh and trusted their L rd mora th an she. We will mis bar trom our Councils and in all of onr efforts far tba uplift of humaaity . 3rd. That we express our love ana sympathy to tba bereaved family pointing them to Him who will bind every oroaen neart. 4th. That a copy of these reso lutions be spread upon our minutes and a ropy sent to the family. (Signed.) MRS. N. M. FARROW MRS. C. H. BARROW MR IDA B. 0OLE8BY .!. .aunaA-a WAN. A VWsV Lis & DO lit . a . a i : V. .avwaMsaaai 1 TOW MM a wts. a- as lowing oay. ana wuun re .uFJ - Busbee. to have bombs aboard The Baron luul "" "T- v.u Napier was Back ExuttBer Hik ui h dvarfc of In ititution of Which Cashier J? WW Hler Committed SuicioV Ln?citiiatioo 1b Prof -r u---NotlriBf Made Puhik Yet, iDs aooaro s - on tha rol. Each owievea u . w. - . . requesvea lur umci w , - A vile epi- the oDinion that when he gets through hia work will have had the desired effect. Commenting upon the manner in whkh some of New Bern's mer chants advertise their business, the Washington News anys: "A person who had never been to New Bern, and who happened to pick up the papers i ssued i n that city, would immediately arrive at the conclusion that Dunn's and Coplon's were the leading stores of that city. In nearly ever ease, a stranger judg es the size of the 9tore by the size of the advertising space i t uses." New Bern merchants, - and more especially the two mentioned above, have great faith in advertising and they will tell you that is was by ad vertising that their business hat reached its present size and state of prosperity. Not only in New Bern is there a movement on foot to get the citi zens to pay their bills but in every city and town in the country such is being waged and it is having some effect. Merchants cannot continue to do business unlaw they can col lect for the goods they sell and every time that a merchant is fore ad to oloee his doors, a community in th loser thereby. In behalf of the man who is thus imposed upon a subscriber of th Greensboro New write that paper tba following In tarctling lott.r: "I would like to write a few lino for yo ir paper and make a plan for the retail grocers of yonr ity and other cities a well. s 1 hT noticed a good deal in your paper about compelling the gro ear to keep elaaa and sanitary ttor. I irmly believe that there would be no trouble about jtnjt the merchant to com ply with nil th request of the public if in return thy could ol laet their bills, or if tba people would deal for easu. Then U an much mid nowaday about the Ugh ot of living and near ly everybody hlaaaae tba retail groan, whan th bin mi really reat en th peopl. Itiss known foot that all basin houses al low a di Mount for mm, tJkat soma On the afternoon of today. New Bern challenged Pollocksville, Who never lets a good thing fall, To come down on July the 8th, And play a game of ball. Pollocksville went over there, And at four p. m., they say, Was promptly at the diamond, To engage into the play. The play begun to run alright, Things were moving on all fair, And New Bern saw if thus it went, She would not in it share. She then called change of Umpire, Thinking thus to win the fight, As by some clyke of ruling, Pollocksville might not be treated right. But Pollocksville was quick to say, We will not permit this shame, For we come here to New Bern, To play an honest game. They were sure surprised that New Barn, Would resort to such a thing, For the New Bern Boy at Pollocks ville, Were treated aa grand as kings. But about this little matter, We will not make a fuss, But hope New Bern will treat her future company Better than she did u. Right here we say to New Bern, And we mean it not in fun, A prise is never valued, Unless honestly won. : .1 , 1 ...... me in mowiug " i.; thia he went to his room 7 . . .. j j w h found his wue anu eon ore . i He told them to go down stairs u hat he would follow them within a few minutes. i :..i ,i,;iinir that she wouia . IH i ii . 1. ... (. never see her husband alive again Miller obeved his instructions few minutes later she heard tne report of a revolver and a sounu f some heavy body had sirucn .ur . . . .1 1 I. .... 1- im floor. Quickly she rusneu o. stairs and into the room she had quit hut a few minutes previously ana there she saw Mr. Miller's lifeless body on the floor. Was Premeauai a That the suicide was long premedi- ttl is the belief of all. Mr. Miller never keDt a revolver in the home until the latter part of last week when he carried one there from tne hank and it is believed that at that , j . .... l,io Mimil to lime he naa maue u.n ,.,,,1 his life Presumably there is no cause lor the suicide. The affairs ot tne duk d intn last March ana I :n ii,itim ahiinft. 7ro tnnml to ue i n k -r r- Mr. Miller was complimented nnon the wav that he was handling the business. If there is any short age in the funds of the institution, the money has been taken since that time. State Bank Examiner Hubbard has been notified of the affair and requested to come to Orientf.1 as ouicklv as possihle and make an examination, and nothing definite will be known until this can be done. In addition to being cashier of the bank, Mr. Miller was also a member of the Board of Commissioners of the town and held other positions of trust. His family is and has been for years one of the most prom inent in the county and among the surviving members are four sisters, Miss Minnie Miller, of Oriental; Mrs, Mabel Gibbs, of Bayborq; Mrs. Garland Rice of Maribel; and Mrs. Wallace Gaskins of Stonewall. He has been cashier of the bank at Oriental for eight or nine years, be fore that time being connected with the National Bank of this city. Hubbard In City State Bank Examiner Hubbard ar rived in the city this morning from Raleigh accompanied by Fish Com missioner Gibbs of Oriental, who was in the capital city when news of the tragedy reached there. Mr. Hubbard and Mr. Gibbs will leave for Oriental at an early this morning on board of a motor ear and the former will begin making an investi gation of the bank's affairs as soon as possible after reaching there. George H. Roberts of this city is the president of the bank of which Mr. Miller was the cashier. Mr. Roberts was in New York yesterday and was notified of the tragedy by wire. He i expected to arrive in the city today and will go to Orien tal at once. W. W. Griffin, cashier of the National Bank of this eity, went to Oriental yesterday to assist in handling the affairs of the bank. , ft 1- W 1 A i.ith a . 1 7 . , . rm. u.,,h him to pas, it is said. consisting oi x, oe "---l . - , ..v m . a M: ll' 1 Ui.lFaut ItUri WM UIHIVU. Mead ceareo for uuo, ,. a He dw , wvoWe,f it with a general cargo au w altercation ceased in at Norfolk for bunker coal Thehope ' alleged, ana . . . ft : i mftfto. I there. reacnir nOT M. T " The next day Overby met Busbee sages mignt oe p.cKeo up - Hcderaf(na- coastwise steamer wnicn wou.u r; - ; ..,., AAinaA a . i .1., ..r ea a reiracnou. iuu" iier omcers o tne suppo & 0yn r w the two by, evidently afraid of the black. l iir ui o t lutiiiiat"'" kw- I .learners were suDDOsed to have walked Off , , . A . la homos aooara was con a,eu.u- .:: fc ter received late sunaay vy t,w .nH deveral Stl ift.,.r wa. written I Saturday night Overby and several "c"""""c'- , V ,,:., fronds met Busbee and two other col by a person wuo caueu bm - 4U ,ft : aw Hill ,, :j .K.t ho ored men on the street in Snow tint rearce. ine wruri wiu i , - . . - u E n,i. with the Busbee again refused to retract THE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE FAVORS TICK ERADICATION At Semi-Annual Meeting Last Night the Stock Law Discussed An officer later arrested Busbee and found a revolver on him. . . , ft. ' i. lint f m,v,.nH as far as Overby drew dock nursM- -r :"ftu. I". : and the blow was cut short when, quicK possiuie me wuyuu iu ""-J" 1 , j ac o,,.,.,,,,... .u .m. ..n,i ita. t as a nasa, rjnowe - ---. war munitions to the allies, and de- as . clared that neither of the vessels p W . ,. .. , j i von t lis siomavii. " probahly would oe neara .rum Moor He stated that he had enough dyna- wa8 mite to wreck the city. , fired at Had Bombs I , iv .Sfc. , hnt sted here TXJT'SlTm ber 22 last, having in his possession "ZTZZl'm ois- at the time a bomb containing w i'" - " pounds of dynamite which he jJJKSSi short as he turned fessed to the police he had prepared Busbee topped with the intention of sonsigning it a - v" w.u raA French line steamship at New York, WWters. rx " was re-arrested late last night and tbtba-AtSaS will be held as a dangerous and su- Busbee put his hand to his shoulder spicious character until the Baron Tiir. wapier ana me now,.. Walters' ammu- ii I MH1BUVU lUpo.uK' " " I ' i nition was expended, ana ne revurn SOME GOOD TALKS ) Stale Bank aUamiaer Hut arm at tmeatai yaataroay orai- inc and took charge of tba a air of tba Bank of Oriental, whose eaah iar, i. Will Miller, Moadajr aaarn iag committed suicide by trine a thirty-two calibre bull tat h brain. Oeorge H. Roberta, of this city, wno U the president of th institution, was the only living per son who .knew the combination of the safe and as be is in Near-York, it was necessary to get this from him by telegraph. Mr. Robert wired the combination a short time after noon and Examiner Hubbard succeed ed in opening the safe. J What bid He FlnT7 What he found there is not known. Reports from Oriental last nignt stated that not a thing ha been made public and, while rumor are as thick as leaves, nothing dennlte is- known. Mr. Hubbard i allow ing nothing to be taken from the bank building until a complete inves tigation can be made. Effort were made to get the insurance policies of the suicide, but these proved of no avail. A veil of mystery still surround the action of Mr. Miller in taking his life. His friends are staunch in their maintenance that his accounts with the bank will be found in ftrst r.i..2Wnriitinn and in fact this seems . ... i... ii, .r.mornl imnressioii miiouii tho Htizens of that town, h sucu iue wj ft. . . - . found to be the case, Members Cite instances ... . ri u that Where the Law Has Proven of Worth Hans Halle, arres The stock law in all of its many advantageous phases was discussed at the semi-annual meeting of the Chamber of Commerce which was tthS It! I Ufclt M.d uttli interes! been heard from; the police h-.11d ai the tima of bis brevious ar- i ,i i . i ii., ... ed rest was ne.a oy -Bloodhounds were requistioned and .tin. who endeavored to ry h in, , on Blood g g a charge o. nav ng nao n u - hoUnds tracked the session an excessive quantity of high J, , t w thft tr:i . 4.,va for the state black two mjles, but lost the trail at rm; ' , , , . farmhouse where there were tracks ascertained Jllfe'"J buggy. Busbee is be- been vioiatea. lmmraumij w i7- - - . . 0hil and -1 J-1 i,V...'ft. ro-arreat- lievea lO liave ouw.. H'll'Mf ITUri M 0UVUU1IUUO m-.-ww. I , n - iinvnn on ea mm on a cnarge oi . -r Overby, the wounded spired to WPV"0J state earner wunoui proper . . : ing the package containing tboLff LBSa3S ZaVa! W. O. Boyd returned last night from n basin visit to Pollocksvill . Craven Superior Court will con vene September the sixth with Judge Bond presiding and a large docket Is expected to be on band at tbi tint. Already there an forty moss on the docket, bt the majority of thee were continued from the last term of them will be continued There an varal ease for meat' tailing liquor and for gery and a few for aaaault with a dead ly weapon and on for robbery. Superintendent J. D. Stack of the Norfolk Southern Railway Com pany, General Store Keeper J. K Mahaney, Superintendent of Main tenanoe of Way John Dwyer and Sec retary I. H. Smith, passed through the city last night enroute from Nor folk, Va to Morehead City and Beau fort. They are giving out new sup plies where they an needed. shipment. When the case rece went to trial in federal court he was ntiv from New York to learn that his son, nl. ... , tt iu ..,o iv. in Memorial Hospital here, was ex pected to die. Mr. Overby hurried here, and learned that young Sam acquitted. Pearce declares in his letter that Overby, conscious and "bright as a u. -,;.i, wh M.n. dollar." has a good cnanoe. The bul Titer WliU 1,1 H II 1HUCL- . .. , . m 1 . ft , " I ... ; i...i;,.ft.,l in have missod the most , . , , ft 1 I I wh-'v ter, wno recently snoi, auu wouuuou - . , . v . ' . . j u i - danserous part of his abdomen, ine J. P erpont Morgan and who later aaugerou y lsu iLu w- .ft.of twat iJ victim is a nephew of P. 8. B. Har- ,m;""' ST. r".. per of Kinston, and Mooring, wound was Muenter who warned the pan- Pf,'u? " . ' , n sengers on the Lusitania not to take "; ' 7" the vovae. Mnenter, the letter r U8W" said, personally appealed to Charles Threats to lynch Busbee, who is 21 not more than five feet, ten inohes .ii . . 1 rronman to cancel nis passage. i , . . woiK .j Muenr's object in going to Glen -MjP-JJ Cove, where Mr Morgan was shot, JJ ; m was to do harm to Sir Cecil Spring- rv ,ru" t. ... . nu, that unless the authorities get Busbee before the other Marchers, there i Rice, the British ambassador to the :. i ii . i ftl ...;... .,.,;.! IU olWB V" TT; ru- r little doubt he will not be brought to Cecil was not injured, but Pierce de- ',,,ue a"r"" ' IU W U OIHH- clares that eventually he would fin ish the work planned by Muenter and that he would kill both Mr. Morgan and the ambassador. All efforts of $he police to locate Pearce were unsuccessful up to an early hour today. FATAL SHOOTING SUNDAY AT AYDEN MANY HOGS ARE BEING TREATED County Farm Demonstra tor Has His Hands Full J. W. Sears, county farm demon ttretor, ha returned from a trip through the Eastern part of the Greenville. July 12. When Jim county when be ha been engaged Johnson, colored, made some slight- for several days attending to the ing remark about Ernest Braxton, duties of his office. While talking also colored, near Ay den Sunday with a Journal reporter last night he afternoon, he did not know that he stated that he I having his hands was courting death. Such however full giving the serum treatment for was the case and when Braxton hog coolers. drew his revolver and emptied it A number of free demonstration eon ten tn .into Johnson's body, that were given in the county by Ur. r negro never breathed again. D. Owen but winter, and they had SWEEOISH STEAMER GOES TO BOTTOM Stockholm. July 14. The Swedish ackooner Delay, from England, with coal, ban bom and aanfc ot the Aland In the Baltic. The on fain and four of th crew a Braxton wan captured and wa the daubed effect. The farmers have brought to Greenville this afternoon seen what a great saving this treat- aad placed in jail for safe keeping Uent is and they an taking on to it until the next term of Pitt county very rapidly. Nearly every farmer Bnoerior Coart. the county who rale hogs on any degree of a large scale nave nao tne treatment administered to their hard and quite a number who raise swine on the mailer seal have h ad t he hog vaccinated. The concert given by the People Concert Band last evening on the wharf at the foot of Pollock street was largely attended and was thor oughly enjoyed. These concert are to be given every Wednesday even ing during the remainder of the sum- in this subject was manifested by the large number of members who were in attendance, On September 7 an election to decide whether the section on the South side of Neuse river and in Craven county, shall be placed in the stock law territory is to be held and to this is attributable the marked interest being manifest in the subject just at this particular time. Interesting1 Talks There were a number of interest ing talks made on the subject dur ing the evening and among those who had a few words to day were L. I. Moore, W. P. Aberly and C. E. Foy. Each one of these gentlemen explained in detail the benefits that could be derived from having tne stock law in effect and cited instances to prove that they were right. Shows Them F. G. Battle, manager of the Cra ven Chemical Company told of hav ing taken a party of interested per sons out to Graham Richardson's farm yesterday afternoon and show ing them the fine stock to be found there and on which a cattle tick has never been found. Mr. Battle took a number of photographs of these animals and will place these where they will prove of real worth and do some good. Mr. Battle and Mr. W F. Aberly were placed on the public ity committee who have charge of the work of waging the campaign to bring about the success of the election. Taken as a whole the meeting might be termed as one In which the eradi cation of the oattle tick from the stock and farms of ( 'raven county, was the predominating subject and that real good will come from it there is not the slightest doubt. of personal troubles of which friends of the.dcad man knew nothing about. Funeral Held The funeral services over the re mains .f tie suicide was conducted from the home yesterday afternoon by Rev. B. F. Huske, rector of Hhrist Eniscopal church of this city, nd was largely attended, Ihein. terment was made in the cemetery at Oriental, , Mrs. Miller i s said to be prostrated over the sad tragedy and . her con dition is serious. In the first accounts of the suiciae was stated that at one time he was connected with the National Rank in this city. Such an impres sion was gained from the fact that before he went to Oriental to take harire of the bank thore, he was l n the local bank getting a few points and instructions for his work and was not connected with the institution TAR HEEL BOYS. HAVE MADE G ID n any way. Was Despondent Several citizens of Oriental spent .. . -ft T . 1ft ftnj AM yesterday in new dwu asked to give their opinion of what motive Miller had in taking his life. None oould or would answer this question, and each seemed as much in the dark as others interested in tho case. It is known, however, that Mr. Miller had seemed des pondent for several days prior to the day on which he blew out his brains and this had caused him to have a failing appetite and he had eaten but little, in fact, had token np breakfast on Monday morning. Definite News louay If then is a shortage in the funds of the bank, Examiner Hubbard will probably discover this today and will, possibly, make it known to the public & sucu proves to be the case. x WAREHOUSES TO 0PEN0NAUG. 18 New Bern Tobacco Market to Open on That Date In N. C. Naval Militia Gain Excellent Records on Their Cruise Information received from Gard ner's Bay, when the members of the North Carolina Naval Militia have been engaging in target practice on board of the U. 8. S. Kersarge, to the effect that the Tar Heel boys have made tome excellent records and in faet have eclipsed all of their previous work. This season it is said that they have done even better and the New Bern division did es pecially good work. The North Carolina boys will in ail probability return to their homes on Satur day morning. Captain C. D. Brad ham, Commander of the North Car olina Naval Militia wa not able to participate in this cruise on account of urgent business matters which have necessitated him being in the eity for the past three weeks. The weekly weather forecast for the week beginning today in the South Atlantic and East Oulf Stoles is aa mar months and that the pobli follow: Tba week wW be one of will fully enjoy them a well aa ap-' g ae -ally fail and warm weather predate them, than I not the slight- except that seat tared thunder show- as t doubt. ers are probable. Misses Una May and Hazel Tay lor have returned from Hickory when they spent everl week visiting friends. M. B. Humphrey of Jacksonville spent yeaterday in town. John Panne, of P.J locks villa, N. C. arrived In th city met sight he local tobacco market will open Wednesday, August the eigh teenth, and it is expected that New Bern wUl be thronged with hundreds of farmers from all sections of this and adjoining counties. Both the Dill and Banner warehouses will be ready to receive the weed on this date. All of the principal tobacco companies throughout the country will have buyers on the market and the prices here an expected to equal that paid on any market in Eastern North Carolina. A. B. Baines, one of the proprietors of the Dill ware house stated yesterday to a Journal reporter that ail the companies who had buyers hen but year would be represented again this season and some of them by the same man. . He also fltoted that J. J. Gibbons, of Farmville, N. C, would be hen and would auction the tobacco at hi ware house. He stated that Mr. Gib bons, is experience in this work in North Carolina and adjoining States and it thoroughly competent of getting very highest price for their tobaco. The gaa freight boat Nina G. Wal lace Ml yeaterday for Arapahoe with a cargo of merchandise The gas freight boat Brooklyn was In port yesterday taking on a cargo of merchandise and lumber for Adams Creek. The gas freight boat Bernlee Cm arrived in port yeaterday from Bairds Creek with a cargo of water

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