A ;- '. 7 v - V GASTQNIA : cottc:: ; ') : K CENTS TODAY ' 4 read the va:;t ads on pag c g ' V.J ... V nr--2 C7 TES , :i".:v-.7v GASTONIA, ri. C, TUESDAY AFTEHTiOOM, MAY 4, 1S20 , I SINGLE COPY S CZ:JT3 VOL.XU; NO. 107. . LY CW FETE L'3 tiL.il Di L.lLa cL... ..TC4 S 1 1 c - ..3 - - r l.w iC k,Lli..tWli r.Er.c::.:iTS offer e: t y ,. '-" ' ilSS j ...... .LiTS itoaE V E..nGi:iS F03 D0U.H3 CAY nvj;isEA:.::iFCit3E WiU jielp OGcials to Locate J Grawe 'of One of - Hi Five I Wire Had LiredVkh ri 4 Three Wire at Same Time. :. " .'ioy ANGELES, May 4. Guided J. Vsly by Walter Andrew Wataoa, alias , "James B. Huit, alleged bigamist 'and . murderer, Los Angeles eoB?y officers ex- pelted 'today to renew the search hi fca 'isolated and desolate portion of 'San Di eouaty for th grave of Nina Lee .Dfloney, one. of the five "wives ''Wat. Wni's said to" have confessed he killed. ;The( start was made from El Ceutro, ' l&if., to which point Watson -wan, taken Jfeom. hero last flight. - Before boarding h train Watson issued through bit at Rowley a. long , statement in which he re--viewed the aets set forth1 In his alleged "Confessions to the district attorney, and .janrladed .with, the ,uTy! ; , 'f i ' Is It reasonablo to . think that my '-uts are the work of a" sane '-man who U a position u, control niniHcu. . or t, jiaderstand the Ttek of exposure. e -He donrrihed . himself as i ordinary " Under hearted ,nd .eaeijy moved ; te nH tThe sight of sadness or distreea ifi ever readjTto help Telieve oeli eon; ,'; -liions. ; working as nest ho eonld fto ' ' nfik the world, better. '- " ' ; V . -.He 'said, .he ' had lived with three wives at the. same time in San Fran Viwo and risked detetrtion bysoorting hern to restauranta nd theaters and had nuhMi vj yf rase and : Jnsteaa or wamormg ior revenge give my artion dt BsfV tf ' : . -Kt ion jost consideration." $ i ; ' " . ' X"5nV wry ahow I am to be pitied ' auore than to he blamed 'for having 6V :vel0pedv IntaithU grange and nneon , ! tillable ebnditlon, for I am anything else h)f mf ' aatorat aelfc'W, v . "'In making,, the statement pimlie, the ' iaJWorney descriled Jt.es hU client ,"nn- ; Aided erbathnjatotempnt,, written in long . - : .. . ' . l ' tiaad bj( himeolf.' HEAVT VOTE ' EXPECTED ;ti ilN INDIANA TODAY. jMANA!X)Us; : Jn'd'..l.5iy .. V either s(hdlecp-roote.l ,Utret in , eaaimaiCT Isiexpeetcd toVpTxlwt', f tienvy'vtfte lHay in the In4inna prefer .'AirtJal primary,, Siwcjnl Interest' of, the jjtate and nation natnraHy enters- in the fnpublicav prei.len1 lal ntf t Ja. ; yhic fotrf , th ieadir"'jMqlrants' are "ask" ibg' support-of .Indiana, "VoVr. Major , enoral Leonard Wood.' tJoTernor'- Frank Ji diowden.-, of IllinoU, fionator ' Hiram W. 1 Johnson; of 'Calif orniaaid natdr. "Vtfamn flv Harding have all 1 had the 5 , vt nupport'of atote-whle organisations 7 ( arid 'iweh hac wanejjot a' eomprebaoaiya pWhins; tour of the state during the 'j laff two weeks; , AUewept the Illinois ocutive mairt. their ;inal appeal' to the 'imliaiwi voters (in , addresses last even- "inc.. . i i .' ,. ' " ;There are no candidates for. the lemo ! vrittie i nominations for president on the ballot land tlie Indfiina. law 'forhhhrthe wrtlnk in of nBrneu.' . ' " . W OF .done praetieany the1 same tning in owie tiei. :i----At:r-;i; ' t.'y t wonder' ' Be eontinned, ' if the V t-annot see' the jogteal position; of v :i MODIFY PEANS OF REBELS f (Bs Associated fress.' ' , 'WASHINGTON," .Mar - Belief was yhowa both in government circles and by xeyolutionary agents, here today 'when it ; became known thai J oar ex, Mexico, where revolutionary fighting alwayf has been a potential international danger,' had been . taken, by the rebels without a fight , While ; preparations'." for theaafeguardiag.1 of ; Americans at.east.poria of Mexico t?y the dispatch of additional naval units went 1 forward,' and -Qurraaxa 'a 'reply, to the ' hari represenUtiona made by this go '. rnmeat regarding '. the murder of , two , more Americans near Mexico City was .,watfea; the chief interest appeared, to ' be-; in the modified military planar W was . f aMiiffld tEe- eoupation '6f-the ' border J town ,ouM cans Ul leader . iTntn now tta rebels have taking , trom Jarrana haalf hi. tetritorj "l"1 JA0ZuV mhn have .watched the. developments to who have .watched, the . developments t the revolutions assume a few . rtjWiorn. COnuH lira u J,-K""" . Ilium iicicvin. Mexican agents tew.peysiat. in their as further dcfecrA. la the federal forces !.. wa ; mJm - af'imwni- - wfvi iWliBinir battle wm hasten ' the end of their struggle. V ; : . v H 1 . bw. Yaqui . Indians at Casae ' The occupation of Juaroa makes it poa-T.Grandes, the Sonora revolutionists today aible in the opinion of American military claimed Tirtual Control of the oUte ; of ' ?fm tJw.Mll leaders to divert their Chihuahua and. that the way; was paved Sonora fOTeoss to .the ( route southward i ffir an nneMructed advance againat Tor " m .:v. ...., tarA. Tnmm. Laur en from where- a eamDaign is to be miUt straleeic twint ia i northern Mexico. Posseasion of Totreoa ' its holder the advantage of operating . tkmmrlr th state of C2oahuDaWUr celebration followed. Federal of to Saltillo and Monterey as wel) as to. ficers unfavorable to the revolution were ' theaouth. ---' ---'" '! superseded. - Abel 8. ; Bodrignex. former "" .VAi.iJhstVndLia- the ra'r-ilrrgre the .national aeuator.. was' named provisionai rebels have made, however, lher 5w Stared on Carrspu ' Monday ! . r i m j r Ulrlit Exercues Proved Mdt Interesting Operetta. Giren at Night. :.--?-:iy : -hj Mra- Joe Cribble " jDALLASt May feather Ideal, training of the little-folksexeellent, 'and a large and appreciative crowd, were the three dominant features that marked the grand success of the "Mayday Fete ' enacted on the eampus of the ' Dallas graded school by the primary department Monday evening, ;' Vromptly at 6-0 'clock the ;varloya' grades yith their; teachers marched - from .the ichool building and greupedtfcemaelvea at intervals; ; .Tien,! came the Queea of the May, , littio Mf Viola Lineberger," dressed ia i aVro'KJ, of white with a long flowing train, prece-!-ed by six little flower girls aeeompautel by six little pages who stood at attention while the queen was seated on fh throi'.e in the center of the scene and the erown of roses placed on her head.'.-In turn each grade eamev forward and .rendere4 motion songs that were a delight to the hearers' ptad a reflection of most careful training, At the close all sang The, Stor Spnslpd Banner,' and it certainly would not , be, giving i juatico ' without handing4 one- overto, the , Boy Scouts here and there Injthe audience who im mediately rose to their feet, doffed their hats, and stood at attention ' during , the linging., ,.. A.'i .Those ' responsible for this new and most' entertaining feature of school clos ing, Vere Miss Violet Knox, "first gmde teacher; Mi$e Lela 1 Durham,: aeeon'd' grade teacher; Miss Willie Webb, third grade teacher;, MUw Dixon; fourth grade teacher. flfXf'tAFC- :f f Long before the appointed time, 8;30 si 'clock of the same evening; the large auditorium . was ' filled to overflowing ; te witness "Mid Hummer Night Eve,',' aa Operetta i in Xvt6 acts, presented by the fifth, aixth ahd seventh gradeRj taught by. Miss Anniej Hoover and Prof Line berger. ..Pine tops dotted. witn'bits. of cotton, flowers and ivy. vines-pictured the stage as a forest and little Ollie Ray as the child lost in the wood; S The herald sounded the ugle, the;' lights 'were ex; tinguished and only the glow from5 the lanterns if the WiIl-0-the-Wisp could be neon as jthey 1 fitted. , in . a. (.pretty, drill la hlack 'creie j paper (dresses and black hair ribbons ; f The lost child pleaded for the fairies to take her home. , Then came the. Queen of ! the Forest, Euth Bummey. dreMed In a white crepe paper robe with gold trimmings, and carrying. a long wand tipped "with a gold arrow head and, was seated on the throne at the center, pre eeeded by the little princesses of the for get-me-ota, . dropping flowers in her pathway and ( accompanied by two little pages and ten pretty airiea in vartons colored creje paper dresses and carrying wands wonn4 whh" the colors of tlie dress and tipped with flowers, .With, them alap were eight little greeA mischievous '.'elves. The songs and drills of all were greatly enjoyedand puly the appehrance of the dawn,, in a white robe and silver crown, disburaed thene beautiful : fairies of 'Mid- Summer Night, Eve. " . Tonight at ;30m V)ock the graduating exercises willl.take place JAUItEZ m - 1 - been nothing in the reports received here that has caused American officers to be lieve Carranxa will be forced to surrender pr run for a considerable period of time An increased restriction of his zone of operations waa regarded a not unlikely through '.the , cutting , of all his lines of communication both to the nwrtlr and to the- Seacoast, but even ' then' they Vindi cated, a loyal though .reduced army eould hold its own for many weeks "on account of orgaaixation and 'greater supplies The greatest 1 immediate 'daager- that official aad unofficial observen here pro- leased, to see, in - U actuation so. lar as it affected Carranxa,'. was that men aeing him in the, eouth. The hmg hook whose making the rebels began when Oiey f pfwmpt oi . . J Jaliac0 n starteu down too west coast, has - now k" troug"h the states of Col una, . ... 1 , . , V uiunoacjin, uu-Trro luu v .moreios .s " . CLAIM,STATE OF CHIHUAHUA 1 rtiintw 1 1 . m , - . - JUA8LZ, Mexico, ?Iay- t.r-Through xue oioohcs8 rpvmuuon 01 unares mo ' eapitulation f General Francisco Lrbal launcbel against Mexico City- '.. EvenU moved rapidly here today. At 2- 'clock the garrison revolted land ' a governor, ,'. ' v- ' - . . ' ; .' - " Dallas Paitor, Dewailinj Enor iL c r . m 1- moua Growth of Divorce ia This Ccuaty, PleacfslFor Hs "eatablahment of PUinj Vir tues of the Old-faahioned ,fiome .'- '.,. '. , ..-:: ' f ',' ' Mrsvoe Oribble PALLAS. -May SEeading'ihe Jedi- torlals of The Gastonia Daily Gasc tie! in Saturday V jasue concerning the many di vorce cases in Gaston county prompted Eev.' W; 8.' Hamiterpaator of the Dal las Presbyterian church,, to deliver n most forceful aermon Sabbath morning with the peculiar 'subject of VKeligion ia the five fo6 of. thp house. 7, a brief snm mary of which is as ; follows ,' ';'' -if. First I stating that-a' family religion campaign should be put on . having the one aim to : put Christ and religion 1 in every home? - As the home goes so goes the community, church, state and country. Beginning first with the kitchen,' a place that should be the most cheerful and in viting for here is" prepared the nourish ment of the body that houses the soul; but too often it Is a place" of toil and drudgery, closed to'the eyes, of visitors; Hero ia the place where mother loses her health under the 'daily- grind - without co-operation or word of encouragement or cheer from the members of the family who think that she is in the place she- ought to j be,: an awful.1 ptrain, that 'the strongest inaa: wonld go down ."under. The body' most assuredly effects the soul, bo for the text here; I would say, " What' soever you do, do it heartily as unto the The dining room,' ' Whether ye eat' or drink dd it. nnto the Lord,' ' advised the Apostle lauK unto his churches i. How can you expect the children to be. thank ful - when, the fatner, mother and mem bers of the family sit down to the food God has .' given them and many times grumble because 'of this or that and never return thanks to Himwho gave t. Even the dumb, anlmajs are tnanuut to their masters for the food they receive. -Next the bed' room, a room of quiet, a room of meditation , aa we lie pon our beds, Come ye apart and rest. "v Be-, fore closing our eyea u' sleep, , prayer should be-offered j as sleep w a type of death from which! we know not whether we ar to .wake . " i f ' 1 , P ;' . f The living room, 'Be ye kind and af fectionate toward tone another. ', ilere the - influence - of . 4 his room , tends-' to mold eharaeteri Many boys and, girls break loose fromvthls room because of the unattractiyeness and thoughtless actions of the . members,- of the family toward 'each other.'. f'-- '.- ! -vi t;: The,rficeptieiL room ' ' V not forgetful to entertain strangers vherebjr en a strangers whereby ;y ' tertain. angels uuawai j ."J Just Why. the .old' fhjpbjonedyospiyHlii. i'paaaing away j J am " itiiaiji. to answer 5 nere is me room wlierB-ftvo iufluence Others and others influence us, either lor good jr . bad.: Tell me the company you entertain and I , will tell you what .you are. . Is your nature, of entertainment 'gotwip or of a questtonable character f ! Ifemeinberithis in of a molding nature! A Story waa told of a 'hardened gambler. - who rev ceiyed hia first taste for sue hi ui, the re ception room df,;a re8iHWtallffamHy, playing gajiies for prizes. , Vhat kind of a homo; have youf Yt need -religion more than wealth. I The future merufcr ship of the church depends upon jtbe home. Take time , to serve God in the home. To make j everj' member of . Hhe home happy Jesus Must be the rguest in every room., .When religion, cornea into the homes divorce eases w ill cease. t v.. ; ' . ' . OVb VETERANS WOULD . ':'..' STAND GUARD IF NECESSARY ' V (By The Associated Press) 1 ' GREENVILLE, 8. C., May 4. Con federate veterans !who have declared they would get out their old muskets and stand guard f , necessary, today won their eontentiori Vhen he United Daugh ters of, the : Confederacy ; announced the outcome of its ref erendum against- the removal of the. Confederate, monument which, city ' eouncibnen -claimed, ob structe: traffic in, the heart of the busi ness iection,- f' t- a w 4 ': . : PROGRAM FOR OPENING - DAY A. R . P. SYNOD, MAY, 3 0 r 10:30 a. m. Sermon by Rer. J. W Carsea, ;D,, D.,,of .New'i berry, S C;'.v5r- '" !"! -'11:30 a. m. Synod convenes, AJl . uVi w. r - , . ' - 1 i noon ailourn for dinner '..i -' a 2:00 Pi m Devotional exer- ' cisei led hyJDr, H. M. Henry r 1 ; 2:1S m, Announcement 01 committtees. ;; ' " -' - 3:00 p. m. Synodical com munion. Presided over by Rrr.'. 'J.-R. Edwarda; .V', 'i v :00 p. m. iwouonai cxer cisea, led by Cr. H. M. Heary. - : IS p. nu Addresa f Wel come, by Mayor pf Gastoaia, Capt., R G. Cherry. Reply by moder. ator, Rev. Jt. F.,Bradleyv.i, , .. ;. i-g-43 ;v m: Coaf ertace ; aa ' Edacatioa.'r' a l List of Conferences and Where They , Are to , be Held -i Wordi "Holy Catholic , Church" in Creed Iletamea. - , Bv Tre Associated. Press. V, . -t . 4 rtnvrmm m. - lf.'i. A ' km meeting of the Southern Methodist .col lege of bishops this 1 morning : when announcement-wan madeof bishops ' eon- ferehee atsfgumenta, ' it !, was also an nounod that a proposoit change la we wording from the creed from the "Holy Catholic ChurehM. to the.'! Holy Cliureh of Christ had been, defeated.- Six an nual coufereaees ; voted agaiast the change;? fMt P : The bishops were-' assigned to hold the annual - eonf erencW aa follows ) ; J Bishop E. B. Hendrix, Western Vir ginia. September -t I i Virginia ;Novem- rer 4, Baltimore April , 1921. - vt Bishop ; W, A. Candler North Geor gia,";Novemler 10; South " Goorgla at Moultrie, November'-''1I7 Florida,' at Tallahassee," , Doeenber : 8 . , V ' ,t -'', '.Bishop t James ; ; Atkins, 'i Tennessee, Shelbyville, ; October; 13; Memphis t" at Mayfield, Ky. f November 17; Cuba, Santa Clara, April , W2r Europe; Bishop" Collins Denny, Illinois, Odin', August' lfl I;" Kentucky,'---; Bept ember 18; Ivoulsviile at: Bussellyille, Ky., Sep tember 22 ; - Holston, Chattanooga,. Octo ber fl.1 ' ' '.t!' J"1"1' : - i:;;,: 4 Bishop il B MurrahiDeaver Far mington. N . M . . August 19 1 . Missouri. Liberty, September '2 ; 1 Southwest Mia- souri, Joplin,' September. 16; St Louis, Poplar Bluff, Jtfo. September 29. ' Bishop ' Wi H,. Lambuth, Japan, Kobe,', August 18 Korea, Choon Chun, September 81 Clna. Shanghi.. October lis Afr?caj Congo Mission, Wambonia ma," December ''15. t:i.1v..-'v "'" f''A I Bishop Edwin jD. Mouzon, ri Indian Mission, : near Idabei, Okla., September 10; .yTest Oklahoma, Ardmore, October 27 i North I Arkansas,- Sogers, November 10 1 Little : Bdek; . Camden, Ark. ; No vember 17.' -v, ff;.::'-f-vH ' Bishop .Toha Moore, Braxil. Catagautai Brasil ieptember 1, Central Braxil, Bib eirao Preto eptember 15r South , Brasil, CmaAlta, September 304 ! ::''u'i Texas; CVvuu October 2 ; . Louisiana, Da BWder; La-.oveiubr 3f orth Mia, issippU Cliarh'ston, Novemher-16 Miav hwlppC at Brook Jlavent December'l ;h ? Bishop" tT . V , W : Darlingfain Western North Carolina, ot Salisbury. OrtuW 80; apper South Carolina, at I Union, Novem tirr 3 ; North. Carolina, iai Bcky Mount, November. 17 South Carolina,. George town, November 24. : ; r j , Bishop II ,,M . Dubose; Northwest, at Spokane. Washn, Septjomber l;.;New Mexico4, Lns'Croe. Septemlier 29; Pacific, OaklnmV t?liforn'ia, October 13 j Ios Angeles at Los Angelesi pctober 20. , Binhop 3V..N. Alnsworth, Went Texas, an Marcoa. OctoWr. ft; North' Texas, ilcKiniiev.' October 27if Central Texas, Fort' Worth,' November ! 10 ! Texas, at llouxton. November ,8. ; f BishoV James Cannon. .'Jr.", .North Alalmma, a't .Gadsden,' ', November 10; Alabama, at Panaom J (Ity. Fla Ie- eeuiber ,1 ; .T.exas Mexican Mission, at o.vU..a1rn .WiMtMn fjviiAn miuinn. iii Aniviuu, "m."". - - . El iW, Texas- ; Mexico, it Dut ango, Mexico, '-il Owine "lo : ill health Bishop John C. Kilgo was relieved of , the presidency of th colloee of biahoi but will continue, it .was anmninced, to exercise such duties - ' i ,.t.- i,l Si as Bis iieaun ,wui j;rfiui. . - , CLEVELAND CARMEN REJECT. OFFER 75 CENTS AN HOUR '':rl-'7;:? .' - ' '; '.' Three Thousand Motormen and r Canductora Will Strike Ke fuse Six-Hour Day Minimum. CLEVELAND, , O ., May 4 -r' Union motormei$ aad conductors employed .by the . Cleveland Kaiiway, vmpany, ai mass meetings . last night and early- to day rejected the company's maximum offer' of ! seveuty five cents an hour, an increase of IT" cents, with a minimum six; hour, day and 4 voted overwhelmingly to strike' at midnight tomorrow,. .' Ap proximately 3,000. men will be affected Union officers were inslractea to wait until aeon 'tomorrow for , further .pro posals on complete eoncesains from' the company. If none are received they are to issue orders for the strike " , C When informed , of . the action .of the men; John J.; Stanley, president of the ebmpany. aaid: t ' . ' '.'There will be no more proposals from the Cleveland Bailway .Company. We have gonf the limlt. That's final, " , More' than 100 ' Cleveiaad ; , taxieab driver comprising mora than oae third of. the membership of the uvery chauf feurs rmions went on strike this morn ing following passage by city council last' night of a new . taxieab ordinance providing strict police Testations of driv ers, reducing fare rates and a finger prist identification- for 'drivers before licenses are fawned.", ' : . r PEKSHING TO HUNT ALLIGATORS i PANAMA, May 3. President Xmes to. Tisel Let evre, of Panama, tendered a dinner to General .Pershing tonlgKtt Twenty-three guests, all men, atteadel. 'General Pershing will hunt alliptors tomerrow. : . " ' ' .-' f -".' , ' "' ' First Cargairt Event of its Kind Ewer Held m Castonia Will v Attract Hundreds of .Visitora The merchants of Gastonia are prepar ing for 'the first 'Dollar Day,; Thursday May 6th, ever held in Jaatonla ;Not .only will there be unusual advantages and bargains Offered in ; exchange ; for ' the silver dollar, but there will be extraor J dinary discounts from other purchases . . '. The bargain aay u oeing wiaeiy aaver- j tiaed and local merchants are looking for ward-to one' of the biggest shopping daya in thejdstory of the city I ft is felt that by Thursday of. this week, if. the elear j weather oat luues, : the fa rniera will be well up -with -the bigger-part 'of their; spring plowing and planting, sad that j tbey and their families"1 will . be here in ! full force. , Visitors from all ' the sur rounding towns and communities are-ex neeted: some; who 1 have never made a habit 'of! shopping in Gastonia,' are com ing to give local "merchants the ouce-over. Gaatonia merchants say that they can of fer 'just aa attractive bargains as do' the CharlotU merchants on their Dollar Daya, Clover days and other special salesdays. Thrifty housewives are expected in Gas tonia from Clover to Cherry-villa, ' from Belmont to- Bessemer City, from Lucia to LowelL from Baalo to Bidge, front Bowling f Green to Bethesiia,'. from Dal las to Denver, front Stanley to Bunnyslde, from Mtr Holrytd MayworthPisgah to Panhandle and all Intermediate points. hoover Sisraf W IN CAUFOZIA TODAY ' (By The Associated. Press.) A SAN EANaBCO, May4--Whetheir Culifornia's delegation "of 26 loathe ire- pubilcaa national convention next June will be pledged to the candidacy of .Sen ator HiranV W. Johnaon,'or. Herbert C Hoover was the chief issues and the prin cipal point of interest, in. today's preai- dential primary.' ';J; -..',','". f''7,,,'v'V- '. '; Tlie "democrats and prohibitionists also wprelect ai eqnairumbr of . delegates .: The democratie list js unpleiged,w)41e the prohibition .delegate wiil, adtoaaU tlie nomination of Henry Clay Needhaiii, of Lor Angeles, as that party 's1 standard bearer;; SVA' ' Weather Conditions wert favorable for a, heary voti. .'. The1' registered vote of the state Is 1,11.192 of which 693,707 are republicans; 247,737 , demoerats1ftndl8j 215 prohibitionists. ,..The remainder are listed as progressives; socialist and scat teriaf..'. ' .''?. r;,f.:?i.i-fc.;r -The democratic hallot . contains 27 names, from wliich twenty-six ? will be elected. Henry II. , Childers, of Loa Angeles, who has doclaretl himself in favor of a more lilieral interpretation of the national prohibition liiw, 'is running as tlie Independent candidate ' on this ticket. . . ;,''; , f ' Voters were permitted to deiniuid any jArty ballot today, regardless of. party affiliation at the time of registration. - ' Kstucky'Msy Go for Cox ' (By The Associated Press LOUISVILLE, Ky., Msy 4-rApproxl-matcly 2500 democratic leatlerp ofK tucky a'sembled at their state -eoiiybu today to elect at large and dwtrivTfeJe gptem to the democratic national, con vention, a national cominitteemau from Kentucky, auP formulate plans in prei rntiou for the November elections. '1 ' . ' ".A niajority of the delegates to today's oouventioni "wiio were i elected ; Saturday at county mans conventions, are pledged to support th candidacy for tne'preei ihintial nominal iou Of Governor James M.V Cox, of Ohio. 4 r s , '; Tarty leabnw' said this . .would mean that tlie ''big four.',' delegation, and 22 district redrew en tativeos probably -would le sent, to the national eonvention, in-' strseted 'for. Ooju-J,'. '' ) ' ' if'-' 4 ' Wood Defeats Johnson, f ,:' . - (By The Associated Press.) i BALTIMOKE, May 4. Major General Leonard Wood ' defeated Senator Hiram WV Johnson, of .California, in an unusu ally light vote yesterday in the primarien for Mar-bjnd s preference ' for the re publican nomination for president -by a majority of 7,481, according 1 practi cally complete returns today. 1The few Aliasing precincts are scattered- and art not expeciea u materially nnfr.,nw tv SUltS.;- '-.-. ' , ! f!rtr!:''?..' - The 1 vote Was Wood ISfiO J oh neon s,n59. --- ' . - - . ... --.2 According . to the, returns General Mootl will have II of the!29 delegate. t the state conventions which win .name 10 delegates to the national convention. These win tie instroeted, in f accordance with the - state .election laws, to - vote ;a . . . 1- . , : .1 t a unit ior . vtooci aa long s iw 'pnnwientioua jadgment" he has a. rea sonable " chance of winning the nomina tion. . - . . . . . - - ; -1 ' ' '. -'There was no democratio content for the presidential aomiaatioa .and .- the stntealelegatioa wiH go to Baa Fv" cWo uniastrncted. .. . v . ' - .- - - . : '- Mr Fred M. Allen, of 'Oaamhev of Commerce ; left Monday night for Ifew Orleaaa U attend a meeting f Comxner eial SefreUriea of the Southern States: ccu:rnrviaHAVE glJiini-TifFi;c:rc:::;:: ''"; 1' 1 ! ' ' ' ' ' County Commissioners . Accept v ':.- Orfer of . State Board of Health For- Free Treatment ri -Ag ainst.Typhoid Fewer Thi : It At the regular monthly meeting of tha-- board of county commissioners held Mon day, Dr. C. 8. Maagum; special ' agent or tn state rioara or Heaitn, appearea ; , ,;. ;; before the . commissioners to ' urge . tnsj's'K ,v adoption "by them" ot the anti-typhoid' ; V treatment in the county this summer, Tha ,,, ' only Condition is that the county pay syj. .: Q'"';" nominal sum for the 'material used in' - :' the treatment, f physicians 'sent by-the '7 i n state Board of Health will administer : the-' :r treatment which consists of prophylaetia , ?'" inoculation. V--,'.'. .':, .'.- . :i i ' . .'- The eomnvsaioners accepted the props- . '-. . sition and during the month of July the-; ' v v treatment will be given free of charge toV 4 , every citiaen ff the county' -who wishes -'V'v'-" itThat- the anti-typhoid jUwtBint--nf'-p''- efficacious ' ia' the prevention of typhoid ' '. fever has been demonstrated on numer- ,! ' ons occasions and particularly in - the? ; ; -army:. - ,H ui;. , t Gaston county, together with ,Wse ;-;' :i -,' county had the highest death rata irw., typhoid, fever last year in "North Oaiw-',' ': V.. Una. ,Tbere wets 13 deaths in. each at V . ; these counties and the next highest :waa y';. ,v ' nine In Mecklenburg county, 1 Based en ',',' . : the' auinber of deaths, im Is' estimated I A ''l; there were 130 cases of typhoid fever int v th county; Ey:LD;::GFFi:.:iTS F03 ' :- ; 4 ? 4. AFHIL $337,269X3 ; vf Pace Set by First Quarter ;.of; ;i-'-; Year Beinf Maintained ' ia -'. Buildins; Operation ' Fire Loss 'Small. For MonllK'-'ir.?' "i - There' is no. let-up whatever ia build- lag operations in Gastonia, Previous re-t " liorts , showed that the permits for Jan- j .... . nary, February and March reached large, total and. noY. comes the report of ' City -.' Manager Alexander f or th : month' j of j April showing Jthati bsilJlng permits , to I ' ' tiUlng, 33760 ere iBsud,dnring thof V month. jlediction'a made by Th Ga-1' sett the first 'of , the . year that 1029 J would show the lafgesarnount of buiUH, ingf operations for any single yeof n ,tl-' , 4 town's history bid fait to be verified . j ; - Following ia tUty Manager Alexander reiMirt! aiue 01 ouiiiiing pennita lseueo ,s.ifft-i 2G0. MUAj AAXJ.:Ay'l.ii i Value . of electcic installation ; pirait V 1,721 Value of plumbing installatiijui, jWrniita, . . ' $3,050. .-A.. - :''- v s Loss" by ; fire in . .the . city, d unrig; jthof ', mrihtlt -of April ' '. tosaiiet:,''., only 24 11 ' ; . '. which ia a. splendid ahowina.-cFolldwiae ' ' is a complete report of the fire 4eiartc'; ment for the month l";'! ;., ; f . ' Nuhiber of alarms, 7; number of 'fjibje , a"la nns, 1 ' number of fires,' J. . ': f .i f . i; Caiwes --Shingle roof fires froin-. fiiiesij ,. 2:' oil stoves,: Is .startbig fir .by..rar)- .". sene; Defective j electric wiring, lfc!1 value of contents at risk, $3,82;' .total ( value buildings ami contents. $22,32$.; ' Values' of buiWii.gs.tat .risk 18,500; ' ; ' Insurance en contents 'at rink." $10,W0;?;4. total insurance at, riskj $15,700. y i , ; - Iti xu ran t-e loss- a' bwiliDngs and oa-, tents, $14128; tatal loss insured and'unl x insured buildiugs . aud contents, $153f.t $25,000 RANLO SCHOOL BONDS CO TO TOLEDO : Quite s number of important bnsiaess matters were cleared at the regular meet-; : big of the "county board of educatioa 'The' '4ZHfi0b Bank. school . building 1. v-, . - . v . .- .--7 mds were awarded at par to Prudden ( t- f Toledo'ohW i : ljt htm t . Plans were " agreed upon whereby Gas- .; ton county 'receive state aid for a ' pn-t mary county supervisor. - r . . ' - , A committee from Dallas composed ot Dr. a A. .Wilkina, Messrs., B. & Lewis, F. 1L Bobineon and E. L. . Hoiwer. was ; received aad presented the arrangements ' made to gain poasession of two acres of V Uud for the new school building, i;Thi ; was aecepte.1 and, Hwtion taken author ts- W.- Trof. F.P Hall, roimtyyiiperiB tendent, to take ImenvliaU steps toward the erection of the' building in order t i be i readiness" for . the fall term of school. . s. , -1 - ' ' ' ''. j '.' -. ' N0KTH CAROLINA CITIZENS AT GEEINSB0K0 CONFERENCE. i .toy The Assoctated press. - GBEENSBOBO, N. C, May 4. Educators and leaders in ! all walks of life la North Carolina, r. ; rrst utati citiseha from aQ over the rt.ne, tax pay ers and experts in educati.a.nl j r.l ' . from other: states, .are here to. toy i the openinsr of the eiticti' enr, f, r on edocation. clled to nwt ly V States Commiwioner of Pti:ic I tioa F, t'. l.laztos, to , eoi. 'crisis in education and f program for future t.lua'- meati is Nerth Carolina.. ... T