2 A DAILY GAZZTTE I ..J FESS INTERESTED : llf AG2ZE1LENT TO. LIMIT - NAVAL ARMAMENTS (B The Aoeiate4 Presa.) :'-J .VOKIO,"Doe, 20. The Japanew pre i manifesting great interest in tha pro posal of Senator Borah, of Idaho, for s - "tripartita naval agreement under which the United Btatea, Great Britain and Japan jronld pledge themselves to limita tion of naval armament. In general the l nnapaperi- favor tbo idea, but regard Japan V present program as a legitimate In expressing strong approval of the Jiqrafr proposal the Mainchi Shimbun of Oaata compares Japan yearly expendi 'tax of 10,000,000 yen for teachers' Bal ance vrith the 500,000,000 yen laval ex- enditnrea. U declares the present rate or expen diture for the nary is suicidal and that -ft is the duty of statesmanship to remove eaoses which necessitate such large armaments. , Of the Tokio papers the Jiji Shimpo npi esses the hope hat the senate will Spaa the Borah resolution as a means of ifnlieving the world from a fresh outbreak ef rivalry in armaments. Japan's eight battleship and eight battle cruiser pro gram k not a menace to peace, this news paper insists, but America's intention to kmv the first navy in the world, it says, " -will eanse England to expand her build aries with the 500,000,000 yen naval ex ntrgemeiit "The Nichi Nichi Shimbun holds that .Japan's geographical and international position does not permit her to indulge im disarmament, but that eventually the world situation will necessitate a naval agreement. The present policies of the governments, it thinks, should pave the way to this end. If the United States -reduces her armaments tho others will follow says this journal,-and it argues that the responsibility for disarmament - rests' open America. Toy, toys, toys all kinds at special prices at Standard Hardware Company's. 24c8 WM:sss::ss$s:::::::::::::::::;:::::. 5 , LORAY MILLS CAFETERIA : : WILL SERVE ' , . A SPECIAL TURKEY DINNER ON CHRISTMAS DAY JFROM 12 TO 1:30 O'CLOCK FOR $1.00 - MENU: 7" TURKEY OYSTER DRESSING RICE CANDIED SWEET POTATO CELERY CRANBERRY SAUCE MINCE PIE TEA, COFFEE OR MILK r 1 I I : : i i Special Chicken Dinner Every Sunday 12 to 1:30, only 75 cents. Good Eats and the Right Price All the Time. MRS. ROBERTA H. REYNOLDS, Director. , Christmas Oranges Another Car Load of ; . First Quality - Florida Oranges and 1 Grape Fruit ' at ' Rankin-Adams Coal Co's. Siding 35 Cts. Per Dozen 75 Cts. Per Peck P. L. PLYLER Mfj'tMniniBiipaaMMMMMiiiMimMiBMa'MBiMlMClli' BUY THE GREATEST CHHRISTMAS GIFT IN THE WORLD - THE LIFE OF A LITTLE CHILD - FOR YOUR LOVED ONES AND FRIENDS. Millions of helpless,, innocent children in Europe will perish, unless the people of America come to their rescue immediately. $10 saves the life ofone child until next harvest. $100 saves the life of 10 children until next harvest. Do your part to save them. Mail the certificate be low, with your check, NOW, and you will be sent a Christmas card bearing the following inscription : "I am sending in your name fmd to a child in Eu rope ; this is my Christmas gift to you." Mr. Henry A. Page, North Carolina Chairman, Eu ropean Relief Council, Aberdeen, N. C. I (We), . of , N. C, desire to have the privilege of saving the life (lives) of ..... . child (children) until next harvest, and check for $ is inclosed for this purpose. This do nation is a Christmas gift to (ThisrSpace Contributed by The Oastonia Daily Gazette.) ayfliE;pw:ffiTM'n:"!'M:!i:feM 1 . w H SUBSCRIBET0 THE GAZETTE ILnsitemi2 What to Boy SEE OUR WINDOW AND STORE DISPLAYS Nunnally's, the Candy of the South. Special Christ mas Packags; also all the regular sizes. Toilet Sets Service Trays Perfume Fountain Pens Safety Razors Pipes, Cigars Fine Stationery , Manicure Sets Toilet Waters Eastman Kodaks Sterno Heat Outfits Ash Trays, Etc. Get Our Prices Before You .Buy "At the Corner On the Square." .KENNEDY'S "What You Want When You Want It" THE REXALL DRUG STORE Phone 84 Pri ice Adj U0E3 Sale at If Money means anything to you read this and profit. $1.00 dur ing this Sale will do the work of $2. Prices forced down below mans. " v V , .-. v,., s v.- v ; ufacturers cost We have swept away our profits with a loss lar- ' ' - ' ' ' - -'' " ' . ger than most merchants would be willing to take. V REDUCTIONS IN MEN'S CLOTHING Prices going to pieces. It is the quality 'that saves money (or you as well as the low prices by buying your Suit now. . One lot fancy Suits $15.00 values at . . . . ......',$ 8.75 $25.00 Suits for only , , . . $12.50 One lot Suits worth more than double the price at only ' $15.95 One lot Suits at a sacrifice, only ' . ; ........ $19.95 Young Men's $30.00 to $35.00Suits going at only . . ..... . $18.50 Hart Schaffner &-Marx Suits, Sale Price $35.00,' $48.50 and $49.95 These Suits are worth double the price, and our low prices do not mean, poor quality. We guarantee satisfaction in wear, value and style or another Suit in its place. i ' The Suits we sell at $22.50, $25.00, $28.50, $29.95, $34.50, $35.00 and up are all Wool mixtures and hard finish Worsteds. They are big values. You cannot afford to overlook these. BIG PRICE REDUCTION IN DRESS MENS WOOL TOP SHIRTS. GOODS $4.00 Value at only $2.95 25c Dress Ginghams at 14c $6.00 Value at only .......... $3.98 48c Dress Ginghams at 27c Arrow Brand Shirts and Silk Shirts 39c Value Outing Flannel at only. .19c at a big cut in prices. See them. 48c Value Outing Flannel at only. . 29c 59c Value Outing Flannel at only. . 34c BOYS' SUITS. 36-Inch Galatea Cloth, 59c value, Sale $5.00 Juvenile at $3.95 Price only 34c One lot Boys' Suits at only .$ 8.95 $2.00 Value Serges and Plaids at. . . 98c One lot Boys' Suits at only .$ 9.95 75c Value Dress Goods at only 39c One lot Boys' Suits at only . . . . $10.95 $1,00 Valiie Brown Serge at only. . . 48c One lot Boys' Suits at only : . . . $12.50 75c Value Serge at only 39c Widow Jones jrnd Hart Schaffner & 95c Value Serge at, only 48c Marx Suits at low prices. : $1.25 Value Serge at only 79c r,.nr.mrn. $3.50 Value Serge at only ...... $1.98 , ,A SUSPENDERS. The finest quality Brown and Red Mo- Jen.8 iC Va!ues aJ 2Z hair, $3.00 values, at only 69c ' JJeIS values at 35c 54-Inch all Wool Serges, the biggest val- JJen,s J,5val"e ' a. 52 ues can be had at only . . . . $2.48 Men s $1.00 value at 69c MEN'S SOCkS , STOCKINGS 25c Value at only lOc Ladies' Seamless Hose, 25c value 9c more THAk Enough for Christmas PRESENTS Some of your savings will pay for clothing, taxes, "in surance and debts of all descriptions. Pause and consider the value of such saving. MAKE THIS SPELL OPPORTUNITY for you and provide for the happiest CHRISTMAS ever ' Join At x Gaston Loan & Trust Go. - . - . 1921 Christmas Savings Qub now open I c .. i II .. 1 You Can Save 7 & i f! it