' : i -.- PAGE TWb" THE CASTOIfrA; (W. &7. DAILT GAZETTB FRIDAYAPRIL 8, 1921V BSBKIB& szaaxBssaiBasB! THE HOUSEWIFE'S PAGE Trade with the Firms Listed on this Page and H. C. L. will have no terrors for you ,The live Grocerymen, Mar ketmen and Bakers of the City Advertise on This Page The Wide-a-wake Housewives who Look for the'Best Quality for the Least Money Read this Page rcTC a RECIPES it MIL I l.'t (! ' . gal . nuts Whip cream and stir in ma rslmia How s, cherries anil iihtil uiar-h'iiall.ms are dissolved; .i.l I Ma. 't.iij. A cup nf r; r :i 1 1. - wine KENNEDY'S TO STAGE BIG ONE CENT SALE The following rsn very kindly rwii ril.ati I. nl I by l s P. Hail, of Belmont : Bread Pudding. 1 qunrt of milk. 1 pint of bread i rim.l irr-i line. Bread a i t 1 1 -'ale :tn i ! tetter jii li iittf. 1 cup sugar. 4 'gits (yolks). Butter size (if nil egg. Beat eggs, butter ami sugar thoroughly. Add bread cum together, then u.ll milk. l.i crumbs as that will make the ',rh' Tr.iik I ratio r Tie I bit ;l:i lette ' ritiillllllS this" n.p.-ti.y, w hi. li market page 11 li r.:ni" to 1I1 week the Mar! will ha vii an ' every Friday ' ,lim H.iliir is tlir high mogul ami lie knows Die grocery .111 A In '., 1 1 : 1 i 1 1 n liei n ell f'.r --uli, ;iv thirty veari) or t.ijv't hei s. Mi 1, .t ..ak 1. 11. Mil,;; A .1 Like Thirty Cents. dollar once, SSy- Flavor with anilla an.! In V.'hen done put on m. ringue made vbites of the eggs, one half cup of sm and lenron or eitrie acid to taite. layer.'of .raisins or jam on pud. ting lie fore putting on the meringue improve, it very niueh. -. . Charlotte Russe. ". 2 (taps of cream. ' 1-3" eup of chopper cherries. lb. of marshmallnns ( chopped ) . 2 tablespoonfuls of pnw.lere.1 sugar. . 1 tablespoon fnl of gelatine. np of nnts (chopped). Soak gelatine in a little col. I water; pour 'one-half enp of boiling water nvei of I ar A wax lint now. with food ami rents rf..rniing lofty, flying ami stunts II looks like thirty cents. PRODUCE MARKET. , (Corrected Weekly by Eggs Mens Hotter . Sweet I'otatoes Irish I 'ot a toes ! 'oiinlry Ham ' Spring Onions lav Teas Local Rexall Store to Hold Sec ond Sale of This Kind Next Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday First Sale Was Big Success. Next Tuesday, Wednesday ami Thur lay, April IJtli, .;ili ;in. Nth, K.iino ilv's lcall Ding Store will sL-iL'e an 'other big (Hie Cent .'sal.-, tlii-' being the seeonil cunt of the kind the local i all j store lias In hi. The lirst one t.as hel.l I last fall ami was a wonderful Miee s. : During the three .lay ;h- liel.l last f;,l ' huu.lreils of people alien. I.. I the sale ami j no thoroughly popularized Hie One Cut Hale that Kennedy's has decided I,, I make it a rcgulai semiannual iwnt in Harry Baber Co. ) (instonia. - j y 00 ) 07,.' The One Cent Sale ",s a sale win re you purchase one neui ai tne regular price then get a second item of the same l-'or installer Hie res; is :;o cell t s . ale this . A. lams, manager of 1 ' This ( Inr ( '. nt Sale proposition ami the CLERK KNOCKED DOWN DV DlOPiiu ODnum Standard Hardware Compa-j ny's Aluminum Sale Thi G1ST0NIA IS STILL PAYING TWENTY CENTS PER GALLON FOR MILK That DID YOU KNOW the housewives of discriminatiner Morning Attracted1 Ehor- Gastonia HbuAewiyes Are De- mous Crowd of Buyers Sale Was Advertised Ex clusively in the Daily (2av zette. rhahding: a Recession From the Old War-Tlme Prices on This Household Necessity "(instonia ought to have cheaper J milk," is a remark which has been nuiile 1 to I he Oazette reporter by several citi zens during the past week or so. One prominent business man who lives on York street stibl, "Charlotte is get ting its milk nt la cents per quart while , 'JO to 2.V ::o t( .".fic , $ 1 . L'o Mil. J .f.'I.IMl Bag . :i() to .'15c1 . . HI,. Doz. ! t.J . 00 Bu. KaxKma'Haisi'iB'iiWiBl;irBi:nBi'JSlii'fll!9( The Tacoma Refrigerator .I..i.,.ji..i,I.....u..Ii...i..i...iui mi . "' in: miiiii,i..mii.iiuii'i'',j- )jn;y - I'll I Xs tV - ami then eet a si kiml for one cent ular price of b'l all to.. Hi pas! cents; you j;et t(o tubes for .".I ,H pea king of the a ppi oa.liin : nniriii.it; Mr. Ivl 1 Keiineily 's, sa i.l : is an vert isi ng public kIii n I I realize that the prices are NO far out of proportion In the real val lies thftt we are compi lle.l i.i have strict regulations anil ailhcre to them rigi-lly. For instance, we are compelle.l to charge spot cash over the counter for every item ami every package must he can id a way. We cannot lertake to .leliver any articles so( in this sale. The Kav ing to the custom is so great in each in stance that our patrons are more than willing to comply with Ihese few simple regulations. ' ' Watch fur full page advertisement in this paper tomorrow. An employee of the Standard Hardware ' Company narrowly escflfte.! serious in jury this morning when the drtors of that store were opened at ) o'clock fur1 a special sale on (iliimiiiutn ware. As the crowd snreeil in he was (nocked- iIi.hii I. ut (un kly regained his feet and i-ij'-b ." -uur es.aped being trample. I upon. Sixty I l,ri,'e of 'e",,i- Thut is- tneJ' w-relf seconds after the doors were thrown! I"'.V'"K il '' "'' nrs of April and I Z understand that many people in town are still paying L'U cents. On our street, X however, we took the matter up with the dairyman some weeks ago and showed him that vve were due a reduction in I rice. So since tho first of April people in my neighborhood have been buying their milk at Is cents. 1 understand taste have found our large loaves of beau tiful, golden, brown bread to be unsur passed for their deliciousness. WIZARD EAKERY CO, South Street Phone 798 . open the 'stole was full of people, cits-1 turners who wanted to buy aluminum ware. And they bought it, too. The clerical force, which had been consider i ably augmented for the occasion, was! entirely innie.iiate to wait on the rrnrtd and some left to return later for their purchases. Before II o'clock over 400 GROCERIES The choice of one-tenth of all refrig erator users in America. Think of that in every State in the Union, from Maine to California, from Florida to North Da kota, thrifty buying housewives have se lected the products of the great factory whose refrigerators and ice boxes we are offering in a wide range of styles and prices. All Sizes - All Styles - All Prices. Don't buy until you have seen the Ta- For VFURNITURB CO. V Indigestion I)sp. psi.i. Sour Stom a' h. Heart Burn ami other digestive trou bles take a tal.lespDon fill ut FOR ADULTS After Each Meal It neutralizes (I... acidity, prevents fer mentation, improves the digestion ami ap petite. A I o excellent for Diarrhoea, l)y -cillery ami other troubles of the bowels and stom ach. At All Drug Stuns Kuykendal Chemical Co.. Rock Hill, S. C. however, that this price is not uniform' over town. It certainly ought to be, however." . Another citizen added, "I understand the drug stores and soft drink stands buy all their milk at Ct cents per gallon and that the ice cream factories here-! a bouts get the same milk at 40 cents perl gallon or just one -half what the hoii.se k. eper pays. That iloesii 't look fair to me. ' ' A leading citizen said that a few days ago lie talked to his dairyman on this subject and was told that the retail prietf :.f milk could not be reduced because of i the cost of feed. However, a little in vestigating done by tho (Jazette reporter this morning revealed some interesting f.icts regarding the feed market. Seven per cent cotton seed meal, the kind ordi narily used by the dairyman, was sell ing a year ago at tSO per ton wholesale. Today the price of teh same feed is $.'17 per ton. The dairyman, however, who buys by the carload direct from the mill can get this feed today for $30 or lilt" per ton. The drni. in the i.r'.ca nf l.nv l.nn nnt t,ow Puncher and Recent Candi- I ):,eii so great. Choice Michigan timothy hay sold a year ago at $4S per ton. The pi ice today is $.'12 or $.T.'I per ton. Judging by the reduction in the cost of feeds and the retail price of milk in ! other tonus and cities in this part of the country it looks like (iastonin ought j lo have cheaper milk. i pieces had been sold. At that hour the crowd had thinned out to a point where the purchasers could get waited on. I'nalile to push his way in at !:.'!(! The Cazitte reporter returned to the store at II o'clock and, Nearching out ll.e head of the firm, Wfylter Culp, in ipiiie.l as to how he was pleased with Ins .sale. " fine, tine," replied Mr. Culp. "It 'is the biggest sale we hae ever pulled off and was way beyond our expecta jtions. The way it is going it looks like we might not. have a piece of aluminum left in t he house by night . ' ' -Asked as to what advertising he did on this sale, Mr. Culp replied, "We car ried two advertisements in The Daily (ia.etle, ea.li less than half a page, ami that was absolutely every bit of adver tising we did, except in our window dis plays. You can tell 'em for me that (Ja.ette advertising pays." .... Best Patent Flours Melrose, Jack Frost and Eliza beth. . Also Tucksedo Chops, Dairy Feed, Scratch Feed and everything that is necessary for poultry . J. Y. MILLER 120 West Airline Ave. Phone 154 COMING TO GASTON COUNTY TO LIVE. Bill' Brady Former Circus of Charlotte former oil wild ; salesman, : "Texa 1 Man, I date For City Council Locates In County. Charlotte News. I "Texas Bill" Brady, I western, circus man and land recent candidate for commissioner; 'of puMic safety, shook the dust of this1 i city from the sole of his shoes Wednes-i day morning, climbed aboard Jim War , n u s big moving van and took his de parture for (iastonia. j Brady has quit politics and Charlotte I I for good, ami will spend his time here ! I after in raising cons ami chickens. He, I....1, r :l i . .. ; " i.i.iioy nun nun ami will occupy a residence near the capital of (iaston county. e i. . r f . i . . ne s.nip.,. me wm up Si )l0 n;ls 1M. i I'erme.l friends. The reason for his: change from city life to poultry raising' nas not given. It was presumed by! t fiends, however, that it was not due to' the need of a rest after his stirring j political campaign belt of two weeks. Brady jumped with one big leap into I , the limelight in Charlotte about a month j .-go when lie entered the race for com-j j i"siomr of public safety with the an-! enuiiecinenl that he planned to clean no1 a.ly stayed in Hie race' TWO IRISH SISTERS REPORTED TO BE VICTIMS OF BARBAROUS TREATMENT. A STANDARD GROCERY STORE Carrying a complete line of staple and fancy groceries, vegetables and fruits, in season, priced at the very lowest and a waiting your inspection and ordering. We deliver to all parts of the city, free and are always ready to open an account with those we know or who will make them selves known to us. IF WE HAVE NOT WHAT YOU WANT, WILL GET IT FOR YOU. STAR GPxOCERY he MELROS E FLOU 'he town. I! something more than a week when ip.it as suddenly as he had entered. But in the brief space of his political career his name became a Charlotte l nschol.l word. "Texas Bill" Brady, v.lo didn't heliev,. that powder would hunt or that blown boms 'Would hook, was the way in which he was known in Charlotte, Although Brady was quite certain that eeryl.od.v in town was for him for pul l.c safety coinin!ssioni r. he found out that a campaign wauld cost $.1,000. Ho he ipiit, expressing n willingness to make a sacrifice lo serve the sit y bnt nn un willingness to spend f:l,IIIIO to get the opportunity to servo his fellow towns- iiii n. Brady beaii his career as a wild westerner. He jumped from that to the (inns; from the circus to the oil busi ness and thci.ee into politics. He jump ed right out of politi&i into the auto mobile business and now he has turned his attention toward feathered fowls. Warren's van was loaded to capacity with Brady's furniture Wednesday iimriiing. Brady and his family accom p.'.uied the furniture as passengers on ! the van. The cargo was expected to reach (iastonia shortly after noon. j 98 lbs Melrose Flour 48 lbs Melrose Flour 24 lbs Melrose Flour $6.30 $3.20 $1.65 THE PURPLE. Stanley News Herald. Charity and Children relates the story of a young couple who were about to lie married. They eonld not asree unnn the ! coimtrv they should unite was a Baptist, the Why PajrJVIore when You Can Get It at PIGGLY WIGCLY CHEAPER? Come in and Get Our Prices Before Buying K- church with which The young woman young man a Methodist. The man said be would never agree to Tie immersed, therefore he could not become a Baptist. The young woman said never would she agree to Is-come a Methodist. The re sult was they decided to be Presbyter ians, flood! They eonldn 't help it. Any one ought to know that the combina tion of two great doctrines as those of the Baptist and Methodist churches eould not possibly result in anything but the VERY BEST. Of course, if you mil red and blue, you get purple. Presbyter ians! tea. They'll mak the very beet. ATIll.ON'E, IRELAND, Apr. 6. Two sisters, Misses t'na and Lena Shar key of Strokestown, County Roscommon, tire prisoners in the military barracks here after a series of alleged persecu tions by the Crown forces which have made their ease one of the most celebrat ed in Western Ireland. ' An interesting feature of the case was the determination of the two young : women, both of whom have visited the' I'liited States, to keep the American flag flying over their shop. ,(-The Amer- j ii-an Novelty Stores," at Strokestown. The White Cross Association's report on the afTair says the girls repeatedly raised the flag but each time it Was haul- i ed down and seized. "Finally the flag-1 pole wan removed and a threat made, with a revolver at the girls' heads, that' if the flag was again shown the house would be burned.'1 The yriung women's troubles began, it in said, When n retired police official con ceived the idea that they were turning j their shop into an amiiiiiuitioii factory because llu v had ,1 knitting machine in I their store. The sisters encouraged him ! in that.-lielief. When the joke on him, became public the aged police official I became the town butt. This made him j so angry, the White Cross report states j that, with the aid of a fellow constable i lifting as a magistrate, he had The sis ! t( rs arrested and they were detained in . a prison cell for two months. j After Ix-ing released, the report says,' "they were commanded to close their1 stores, which tyrannous order they ignor- j ed. Again they were arreted, and kept in prison for several months. On ) ing freed they tried to reopen their shop with the result, the report asserts, that their entire stock, valued at more than $ I'i.iiiio was seized and carried to the mil itary camp. Six mouths later, the report continues, "the military took back a dilapidated n ninaiit of the goods looted, and against the protests of the Misses Sharkey dump ed them into their store." Thia was sold at auction, realizing about $200. With that amount and a contribution made by sympathizers throughout the the sisters again engaged in South St. Opposite City Hall Phones: 410 411 Cash and Carry Come on down boys the water is fine and it aint going to hurt you if you are getting "pay for all that you arc putting put. : liiisines:'. j "The girls," the report says, "werej now persecuted by Black and Tans, whoj robbed the counter tills and removed . whatever of value that struck their ca-! pricuiiis fancy." Because of alleged j threats of night attacks, the girls slept ! at the house of their brother, a merchant.' Persecution, it is charged, was then! switched to the brother, whose "safe; was rifled by Crown forces and his prem ises looted." Finally he and tiia ai trrs were arrested. He is now confined in the Strokestown military camp. The total losses of the listers is esti mated at $25,600. 98 lbs. Good Selfrising Flour $5.25 481bs. Good Selfrising Flour $2.65 24 lbs. Good Selfrising Flour . . $1.40 98 lbs. Good Plain Flour $5.00 48 lbs. Good Plain Flour $2.50 24 lbs. Good Plain Flour $1.35 Good Fresh Corn Meal, peck 35 Statesville Hog Feed, 75 pounds $1.60 Good Timothy Hay, per 100 lbs $2.10 Scratch Feed, 100 pounds $2.50 X Granulated Sugar, 11 lbs. for $1.00 Rice, 16 pounds for $1.00 Good Loose Ground Coffee, per pound 15c California Peaches, per pound 25c Prunes, per pound 20c I Swifts Jewel Shortening, loose, per lb 12 1-2 5 8 lb. Bucket Swift's Jewel Shortening $1.10 4 lb. Bucket Swift's Jewel Shortening 55c S Tall can Pink Salmon , .15 Tall can 'Chum Salmon . ... .. .12 1-2 Yellow Cling Syrup Peaches, per can 25c A. B. Elliott Phone No. 468-L W. Franklin Ave. Z I s :