PAGE TWO THE GASTONIA, (N. C.), DAILY GAZETTE MONDAY, jAfdJARY 2. 1222. 4 t BESSEMER; BRIEFS. , I (Crreapon.lneo of TT)e Daily Cazetie.) ! BESSEMER CITY. Jsa. 2. Xr. i Ij . vj: U: : r ' tmk tair f rUs,s (ijr surprise Mid jbo- torr4 over to Gastonia, TuarsUy- and irr married at our . m. hy Ir. J. O. Lallowsj- at bis aoma. Titer planned to a" s it a swrrrt for atuatlimr, only i I S.FCOLESIYS ShKOtllCMlIrT ' KER BIGHT H1KD AT ALL i 1 "WVa I began taking Tanl.-.c X hfl-l rheumatism so I couldn't walk ami j I atavett't tr it siwl am as ! !i: t - t: if ii n- s t !! - i ti i! Si t i - ii ii 11 I f 11 !! ii IS Ii m i the shuwnU.-.W families taken iiU triM.'! a n,-v n!'1 M"- M- t ut aU swot ailL tc iraked oat. I j? K.ifc--wo.a. kohok tt. Mr. Beam Is the Kma daughter of Mr. r- sani Urn. VvriPr Jiorrow, prosperous farnwrs oa route two. Bbr is bow a member of tho Sunflysido consolidated srbooi faculty, tfw jKwitioji the has aeld for wvrial tinns, and i a young; Ttomaa of many accomplishments Jjr. llram it held ia high esteem by has friends and K prosperous farmer. The 8-ni; Kwftla hr ninny frietods Ttrb x 1b4 best wi-a. ; Miss Era Matthews jad Mr. Robert 6. Onoand attended a reception ia Cher-- ryrillo Friday fitgit. jrhva by Mr. Or mand't class mate at X. '. College, Mr. George, at the elegiiut heme of his parent;-Mr. and Mrs. John J. Gt'tfrge. Tha w-hool her will not resume duties until next week, the reason for tho ex tended taeation being that ome radia tors will be ilred in wrcral of the bnne- merit rooms and fitted op for classrooms,; and other jneeemmy repnirs. v Mioa Louisa Lang is apending the boll tlays at Camden, 8. V. ' The young people had a great time liere Saturday night watehing the old year go out. 8evernl watch parties were given and townrl the mitlnight hoar everything esmo out, and anek eelebrnt ing! The mill whittles blew, all ot the church bell rang, the tmnd played and other deinonNtnitiona given, My hawk nad afcowMer kitrt me ea- pec ia I ly. aud my aiuck-s Avcre an ho re I couldn't bejir m much u the weight of bed clrifhea ate . I calil't raiite lay right hand and 1 suffered ao much at night I conMn't aleep. "Whea I began tnking Teniae I had been in bed three week, and, a a won derful s it mny seem, it is true that by the time I tad, flnirnrd ths thirif bottle I was entirely free from Hieumntinin. I'm well and strong now, thaaka to thia non- derfnl Tanlnc." " -Tanlae U sold in onutonla by J. H. Kennedy ft Co. and by leading: druggists everywhere. TEN RULES fORD OWNERS TO ADOPT. (Briatol Herald Courier.) "How do oil Veep your 'ord from be ing atolenT"- .! In the pant two or three weeks aiuce purloining flivvers seems to have ' eouio a profeeaiou or a highly develo)ed art this question has frequently .. U'eu t aaked. At leant one or two ears Bret stolen daily find naturnlly o-nern'iire getting uiore and more interested in i means to keep their sheet iron bronehes j tethered in safety. ii ii i! tt 1 1 I J . 1 1 l . r if ii I M a .i . it.. ..: . i i , M . , . . - rriui m i itr an i hhihiii un a iam.y nmm u... , -"; brought, forth sure remedy for the! enjoyed was gven at the boine of Mr. tt f(fa tHMIpn.,m. , fhe Mkming Zaeh T. l'v. tost Toenlmy. ten rule, -win be a eertnin g.mrant,;! 'ZZSlA'ZiZZrL .Iw";," . "T '.I -V Mm stolen: - .! Hemove the motor from the enr there with tV.r enormous appetites were B, . not able to .ffert .t. Mr.ayne to the I g..' Swst rlmin ,, ,o;.k , l - - : 7--" i 1 ife N I lamer 01 leu jh , ,. . i.i,u 1 i.. tereatmg feature w the weigluug of , . father nnd sons whoso ""l"n' wenih , , , . fc (, . 7k" 2,?4? 'Tl ti! Ktortrify .il metal parts with the scales at .jO pounds. Mr. Lee 1 a ni i(w nnrt .,J. .f Uxington, 8. C. was pnt a.ul 1TO00 u o ; .pent tyrai ilay. bere v.mtmg n.uve.. M(J bfk seats. 1 and friends. - 6. Tut the ear to sleep with ether. jrs. Aiesanurr jnorrow nan u ji.iu. l ,..1. !.t; of the ear. - I 8. Kill Food Remittances, Instituted by Hoover, Save Many Russian Families from Death D. A. Jr, mid Mm. Lea Faker were tho guexts of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. C Kiaer last week. ' Tho young folks are leaving for their colleges and itositlons Tuesdny to tlieir respective plares. Mins Msry Ornutud to South I'oint svliool, Miw Mary HarrUl to the tonneau with ferocious bulldogs. 9. Build a barbed wire fence around I the space in which you park. 10. Go to bed and sleep in peace. I These rules have never been known to' Mt. Olivet. Miss Beth Fronebergcr tot Flsgah, Mins Bonnie Botts, Miss Mary Froneberger, Mis Kliiabeth White to Hickory, Miss Carrie Kiwr to Red HnrinifH. Miss Alma Kiaer and "Slim i Maude Rhvn to X. C. College for Worn !J en, Mr. Clyde Klaef, Mr. John Ormnnd, Z I Mr. Lee J'eeler to Lniversity, Mr. Kolert i 8. Ormand N. C. College at Hah igh, Mr. I James Roks inlilwctl to Krskine nt J ha? !f West,' S. C, Miss Tnln Cahlwell to In J'' dian Trail, Mrs. Buford Bm to tjunny l Fide, Miss Lizxie Harmon to Little 1 1 Mountnin, Mats la Matthews to Queens at Charlotte. " J1KS8KMKU vlTi, Jan. s. Mr. Smith who lives near here has a pet hound which was taken -with hydropho bia and bit three of his children, i'hey tore taking the Pasteur treatment at home. : . j Miss Ruth Davis has retnrned from1 Kings Mountain where she sflent some-i a lime visit inr relatives. It Mr. Charles Davis left for his work ' ' Wednestbiv- at Marshall after' Sttcndina-J Christmas here' with his family. A. camp' for the road-workers ia being built- in the grove on Jar. Ormond Or nmad's farm, getting ready for the toad-building. , Miss Mary Kroneberger, Miss Bonny Botts anl Miss Elizabeth White were the grouts of Mim Kuth Fronelierger at delightful dinner party, 8atarday at one p. m. Miss Catherine Sullivan, of Spartan burg, 8. C, U apemling a , few days withh Miss Bonny Botts on her way ts lnioT Collexe where she is a atudctit. Mim Botts will entertain at lovely dinner Monday at 6 p. nt. Her guttata invited ta meet Miss Sullivan are. Misses Mary Froneberger, tfclena Davis, Ltbel Hawkey, .Elisabeth Wbitrf, Bth Frone berger aud the 1uior gueat. Miss Sulli vaa. Mrs. riilip Allen aud children of (Vaaierton ent a few-days with her sister. Miss Mnttie Service this week. Mr. and Mrs. Brady Forbes and fain- !I uy of-Oowders Creek sciit Wednesday I here with friends. . - i i t II it tt tt tt BJ f) iiiga mm, jniss 1M-..a '7''J7i fail. Close , application to them will College. Miss Klto. Gsmblo to Rosindale. m 9 fJ f (lf Mrs. Pressly Morrow. Mrs. Ralph Arro- L... , . . . . r.ood aM?;Vw' U'ff ."BK , .K,'r watchont for the stolen cars. FRENCH PRES TAKES LITTLE NOTICE OF CONFERENCE PAR 1 8, Dee. 31. The French press has taken little editorial notice of the I proceedings nt the Washington ce1nfcr-i enee, its comment consisting of btief.ref-l frenees to th general situation, and Ik-l tug usnnlly critical of England's oki- iony There has bees no detailed com ment sines early this month nnd the news' f the conference itself hat been held to I brief agency dcntches hfaJ,'lf& ii " f 1 r SMMS' M f If if I ATHENS, Dc. 31. The Greek min -istry ef nuance announced that tlie Brit : ish Government has authorised the. com- plefion of a loon to Greece of 1.,000,00(1 r pounds sterling on condition that tl0 grentest part of the amount possible W used In the purchase of Knglish pro ducts. r. , 'JO A V W ....... ... T " :' DEATHS tt ii I! n !! it CRiMERTON KOSB MA BY VILLKR. ' Dr. Oscar L. Miller, surgeon of tliei Orthopaedic. Hospital, aud Mrs. Miller j have tho profound nnd heartfelt sympu-j thy of a host of; friends in the great, bereavement they sustained in the death i Saturday night it the Jolnuon-Fisher! Hospital, Atlanta, of their little two and a half year old daughter. Roue Mury.i The little body was brought to Gastouiu,! accompanied by the. sorrowing parents., on No. 3tt Sunday morning nnd wnsj taken to the Miller homo at the, where funeral services were held Sunday afternoon nt 3:30 o'clock. Rev. Dr. J.. II. Henderlite conducted the services, fob1 lowing which the little body was tender-; ly laid to rest ia Hollywood Cemetery.! i'bo pall-benrer were J. H. Sepnrk, A.' G. Mvers, EdC. Adams and W. IT. Bal thls. " . . ' Last Octolier this bright nnd unusual-1 ly attractive chil.l dewhiped spinal, trouble and, despite all efforts to nr rest the disease, grew gradually worse.. Two weks ago site was taken to' Atlnntn for treatment by Dr. Mike Hoke bnt it, was found Impossible to do anything fori her. j The package shown at tlic right means iffe to 800 Russian families like this one, consisting of father, mother and tight children, which the photographer snapped as they vVe in tlight from heir home in the' heart of the famine rone The smiles on the faces of the youngsters are due to the fact that the cameraman found some white rolls in Li gripsack and passed tliein out be fore he posed the refugees alongside in! road. i - Tens of thousands of the inhabitants of tlie vast territbry swept by drought are fleeing, they know not where,- in search of something to eat. The total population of the famine area is about l,(Xl),0lX), according to Colonel William N, Haskell, director of the American K'clief Administration's Mission to Rus sia, while as many more inhabit the food slHTtage belt and are rapidly nearing a state of starvation. , That' where the package in the pic ture comes in. When the American Re lief Administration discovered that its free mass feeding of 1.200,000 Russian children this winter would not even take care of 4ialf of the little sufferers, not taking the grown-ups into consideration at aU, Herbert Hoover, chairman of the orpaniration, broached to the Soviet authorities the feasibility of instituting a pood Remittance sjjstoj whereby friends and relatives residing in Amer ica could purchase for adult famine vic tims at an expenditure of from $10 to S50. a maximum rmantity of tlie most highly nutritional food and receive as surance that it would be delivered . to the aduit persons they designated in WIDE WOWtP PHOTO i Y: :: . .:; . ;. : : v-:- :-. -.'iZ -5 nii.' in, ,n XL. j: . Vjt; 1 v : t -; - asws j-, , A Russia. The Soviet autliorities gave their approval and for several weeks remittances have been going forward. The package pictured above comprised the first eight hundred $10 remittances forwarded from New , York on ' the Adriatic They were dispatched -from the A. R. A. offices m London try courier to Moscow and from there distributed among the warehouses, all stocked with foodstuffs, near -tlie homes of the re cipients. The warehouse notifies the adult in whose favor the remittance is drawn to come and get. the food. He receives flour, condensed milk, beans, rice, hominy, cooking fats, sugar, tea or docoa. and soap. . No one could pos sibly purchase in the United States at retail and send to Russia anything like the quantity of food that is delivered by the Food Remittance plan. Besides that, the American Relief Administration as sumes all tlie risk from the time tlie Food Remittance is purchased in Amer ica until i the food is delivered to the adult recipient at a warehouse in Russia. Applications to purchase Food Remit-, tances rnay be made in person or by mail to 'the Russian Department, American Relief Administration, 42 Broadway, . New York City. The applicant receives a blank which he must fill out according to instructions and return to the A. R. v A. with a money order. Remittances may be purchased in units of $10 tip to $50 for delivery to individuals, and ut to $500 for delivery to recognizee groups and institutions. Fruit Is picked from the ground nnd I deposited lu a basket as a new machine j is wheeled over it by liad. is ii it ii I s (I It ii if ji M it it it ti ? it 19 Colds Stop Quick. j ' Breaks vp a cold ia six hours; roth-1 jing gives quicker relief in coughs and; colds than Hyotnrt. Goes right to the spot and kills the germs. Money back 4 t IMIin. v. JVIHJII.UJ . (Correspondence of The Daily Gaiette.) v CRAMKRTOX, Jan. 2. Mays mills J i resumed work Wednesday morning, hav- j ing allowed only three days for Christ-1 i:ias holidays to the delight ol alii breadwinners. Mr. and Mrs. Stewar; W, Cramer have gone to RxK-kledge, Florida for their I annual mid winter vacation. Mr. Cramer' says he prefers that section to the fash-' ionalde resorts as he can secure real rest ' and recreation. . i The B-roiinos ' around tlie Bantist1 1. . .v. i i I tv. J : 1 1 i i riiuivu, fruinii uuuac, hiii .u , , h . 1 home have been re-graded, tlie terraced ; Fully Complied With A tiaatonia ResV Vart next the sulewalk has beep sodded' dent Famished nnd the UiMr parts sowed t grass.; nnrntdun- i,m,i rrm , n t-a mun m&w ni I - .. . . . "- " "i There arc few items wiiu-.h aiipear ini such a way ss t; add lesuty to the ssr- . - . . , . i , endings. The Hotel block has . a l Prtat 'tr u C ' levekd aad seeded to rve prejss-, PI'I than the statoneat published tory to sowing grsss la the spring. This:0"' Pta 14 from a eit-J removes the last unsightly objects along lc of Gastonia and can be thoroughly the main street. Though necessary 'relied upon. Ia the second place, it in-, while the building program was iicing ; dispntabrr proves that Doan'a 'Kidney' f is. OUR CITIZEH''S DEMANDS A Cast shed l if :t !f it !t t l , tl ' I 4 . t . : - -; it ;r- :. :' r i- mis ft?' 4L :-V: 1 ""Lij "I 1 earriea out tbey were a source or aa noyance ts Mr. Cranier far snore than to anyoao vise as )te takes great prifo ia seeing cvervtliing neat and attractive. Mies Bath Villis entertained on Fri dsy night in honor of two girl friends, ot'. Charlotte who arc spending the week end with Ucx, Games were indulged in until a kite hour and refreshments -ciupletc4 the program. Mr. Raymond . Morris, of Banffing them. more, .Md wlio baa oertt spending nis boliiiay vacation with his .mother and sister at the .Cramer-ton Inn has ret tim ed to Baltimore. rills dp their work thoroughly and temporarily. Bead this carefully: ' Australian' engineers bar invented twitches for us ia railroads srhere thrs rails Srs laid to accommodsto ears Of different guages. not1 "l ) E. A. fcinrtb, grorsr, W. Franklin j Avs., Gastonia, says: "I have had some i trouble ia tks past with my back and' kidneys. My back acbed a good deal! and I fck tired out and run down, ij got Doan 'a Kidney Tills and began tak- j Doan 'a made me feel like a different person.- The acbea and pains' left me tad I was entirely cured. " M-ii Y4. l, :s i i. w." , i v-f,-:-.. ? y- : ::. . . f v-;v- , . . :. " 7 Price 0e, at all dealers. Don t sim ply ask for a kidney mnsdy get Doaa'a Kidney Fil) the same that Mr. Smith had. Foster -Uiibsra Co., Mfrs., Buf falo, K. Y.' FIRST PHOTO FROM DISASTEROUS WRECK ON'READING RQAD. , Local paengcr train mt head-on on the Newton branch of the Philadelphia -and Reading R. R., about 16 mile from Philadelphia. Twenty-two are dead and many hurt. Wire, communication and reen work were both delayed by a evere - anowitorm. Few persons vr ere killed in the fir at impact but it 1 belieTed that many ;,.,were cremated, alive,' in the blaze because of the wooden coaches v c . . i -. - t r - To Our;Many Frieffds and Patrons, whom we have served for the 4?ar 'just passed we extend the sirtJLre wish for a most . i'. Prosperous and Happy ' ; New Year i! and may we serye you even stilEBet- ter in the future than in the pai i H. SCHNEIDER , -. Phone 206 Gastonia, ,N 4 i 7 i 9 22 ;i ; p1 iil ir- T 'r NEW INTEREST PERIOD JANUARY 1ST. jk ' ' 'V 1 1 A new jnterest period begins m our Savings Departrnfent January 1st. All deposits made on oi fore January 7th draw irUer est from the 1st at 4 per cnt, compounded every t h f!e e months. .. ?! - rVy . The CITIZENS National Bank :. f : tt- HEALTH THE ROAD TO A few more points may enlist you in' t. great army, of chiropractic enthusiasts. . ft If you wish to knowabout chiropractit, the OMY. man who will give you correct informatioiHis the Chiro- practic Doctor, for he is tife only,one whpKNOWS. He " - is interested in your welfare and can Prff to you that his statements are true. Chiropractic can mkeyou well.. , You can readily see how enthusiastic Ijam about thia wonderful science. I have unlimited confidence in it.' 1 am. positive that you will derive wonderfij benefits, be-, cause I know and because I see health "restirfed under my hands. My pateients tell me with smiling fices that they are better. I can show you testimonials, onbetter, I can introduce you to my patients who have suffered such af- flictions. as Rheumatism, Gout, Sciatica, a j varieties of. Kidney, Stomach and Intestinal troubles, thronic Head aches, Head noises. Fainting, different Nervous disorders,. Hysterica) Epilepsy, Heart troubles and difficult Breath- ing, Asthma, Constipation, Female troublesjand all vari-r eties of Paralysis. All these cases are on f cord and all; will testify to health restored by Chiropracjt c Spinal Ad justments. How can this help but make nw confident of my methods of healing the sick? "r ' li Therefore, if you wish to find out abouj Chiropractic, come to me. Do not make the mistake of gpjng to a ratfl ical man. He may know medicine, but hei as ignorant on f!ll5rrrmrtir an nnv Invrrtan nn1 triprpfm-b cannM foil you the truth. . Il , - - j x Yours very sincerely, v I j . jj DR. J, C. SMALU o Office Hours: 9 to 12 -2 to Si 20 -40708 First National Bank Building Phone 53S ' , v Residence Phone S45J . Subtcribe To The Gaitonia Oaily G&ette.

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