4 PACE TWO THE CASTONIA, (N. O, DAILY GAZETTE TUESDAY, JANUARY 3, 1S22. -.KL'iG l.!C:.!tlS HOLDS.- tfTHETHEATHES - SWAT 0 PHILADELPHIA The IaVal Theater presents " today "The Heart Of The iitme" mid "The Arixonrv Kaneer. " Wcdnesifcty ' and if 'On. Ijitcm and Most Cor- -Xr""V Kan nor. elfkty and, VL-yn r lrser na vl.Thurly. Rurcrt Hughes' he grip . r 'jfMUJf Munnnen fageantsi .,in ,lorv tlf hom)1 - The oi l Xest." Held In City4 in Year More I. ,' Ta U,(70Q View pectac ular Parade. Tho (lat-tonian Theater offers today Elsie Ferguson in fc':rid and Profane 1-Oic, " lu.-r greatest stue tuct-es. tit en tit PHI l.ADKLl il IA. Jan. . Kirnr, i:imn hold swav in 1'hib.doluhiu. At! "THE OLD VEST" GRIPS iJ Jl.r mad of one. of tho largest amidmost! MpST HARDENED CRITICS 1 1 ri;ooua lsiunmert' new-nuts in the -) People n writ or produce moiion f Mtory of the rity's ' unique pew years) pictures iimally keep their emotioH well !! I rvtvta ok, ho ninrrhrd between Hue of , incheck. Tiny arc mi hiuy watching "cheering humanity weinked on both sides i tecbniisl effects tluit thy M.of Bruit 4 street fn Sorter street to IMGirard avcaue. For aevcral hours dur !!!iusr the iMira-lo Broad street M trans J I (formed into, a airway of fantasy, raiui- tiii-ry 4 mystics. " H More than Jl.tWO ierous, n present -ig stones of cr j?ar' clubs, took I JJjiart in the pagcumt and incidentally roiu tlipettfil for tl2,0W in prUc offered by tbe city and other thousand offered by; ; : Nmslnes houses. Xhore were rancy ttress- HioJ clubs, the costive of some of whose: I tcaptaius were reported to have cost ' "iiinay time ax muii as the amount of , lJnT prlte Ibry mi gift fiu; t-oinie vlubs, liiwith niutli ainucemeret ; strintr lian.lg of 'it threat riot y, and re of lloata lc-; j'whof antirs furnilil the ppoetatura; J Jit'tiii( evrtits of himcric a well ' I I llirosent day interest. III Thotisauil of MTui! went without Mlhvp lant night in tinier to obta-iu jxiliitn JJJof vantage nlon tlie ine of nianh. IflMoftt of the iniiiiiiiii'r ' orKnnuuitioiiK lllliclil dauees Ix jfiniiinu lit miini;ht nnij M'lbe- motion' jiicture limine proviileil eutef J Jt.Tinmt'Ht for othent. ('fown. jorkeya. I j fl'loopatraK, enimiiana-es, anil Ksorter t(freaki, in their otume n-ady for the; I p."irale, oavortcrl tliroiitfh the eafM anil, JJKtreeta of the doirntown section thriffh jj Jnut ta night. " ! I 1 " Ml s Couldn't Break The Kale. J! "That enshier in a tool fhup." J;"U0W 0f" . lit "A thug ifith a. revolver onlernl him ""to hanl out the Iinnk'x hikIi voxtrrchiv. flux ue Mill ne row i in r tiv n unwm ine hug vras ili'ntifiti This took the fel- ffiicw o abatk, hp hesitated a moment I Mind van nahlied.' I not have tune to b't ibiir t miiiii in riot. A tiotaV exi-eitioii to' this u.-m miide r eenlty, however, Wiien "The Cld Xi'ft." wbirh conies tn the Tlrffl Theater, for two ila. H I'.lmxl.iv Tlmvolay. wan, tt'm'.J.I a h:iL. .irKanixniiui , H.-itlu r-d 'nt the t'uhor I'ity1 hkonu r. that IiikI studios. Just Kts Kbm. A- vdw i,ivtwia ninn l,micrli n m,t, I j jtsr cud a friend nked him tb give him jti lift. They found themiadviei in -fiouton Transcript. Ti' 51 w ..... J MANY VICTIMS OF ' . ' BOOTLEG LIQUOR W ICY., XKW'OlfK. Jan. U 'our vietisis of hoot leg liquor, received at Ik llovue httital, today, nwHlcd aad th toll of t! new year's Kvei. which ilaimed three eertaiit properdntainod ia ft mort. gago executed f U. '. Harper and Wifa to K, ti. PoWte.a4'4'dvertie4 to toe aoJd on Jnuary iW,11 Y- at eleven o'clofk a. m. waspulMjiiy in)uiuucel ..at the front door of the : cfcuYt' hous that for dead and front aeoroi to hospitals. Three f hiek ..of tiiihlrt""-'- -'foT-v,oter jiwt of them were uniHmseious. and one had 1 3 frnetured skull from a fall," S SHOOTING IN BELFAST. , IJF.LKAST, Jan. 2. (Sporadic cx change of Khots that had Ijeeiv proceeding f tweaty foue Luurs or mem, between members of tlie rival faction here with out neriouf nnult, Ijecame graver today, la the early hours two men, were shot1 anI badlvwotiaded. Another was slight-1 )y wounded when a bullet grazed bis! neck. - - - ' ' Three Mora Deaths. NEW YOHK, Jiut. 2. Three deaths j liy violence were recorded on jiolice new year-blotters today.. 15 hi nee Keller iuid Charlea llimer',' botlr 2R, vera found dead of bullet wounds in miner's lodging huuo room this morn ing. Tho polir are working oa a mur der aad suicide theory.' i ' Thomas Kenny, proprietor of a aof drink parlor, was shot and killed in his establishment. Peter J'errant, a state prohibition enforcement agent, was ar- restcu oa!a charge of Iionucule. causes the ale v." - vi.Mtlnuetl uiitii Tuch- (Jay, Jflnasry J'u32s t 7te heur nf eleven o'clock a. ui. the amepln iis wiore aaveniseit. t . Ilour of sale 11 o'clock A. if,'; ! ' Terms of sale. cash. , This, January 2nd, 1922. ".; V' ' E. B, r'OKQEa. MortgftitwCV Bulwinkle & Oierry, Attys. - Jon -9c2. MORTGAGEE'S SALE OF LAND. Easy to Set Stomach Right. j If your stonmch ia out of order or dis i treiwed, no waiter from what cause, Mi-LO-Xa stomach tablets will giv instant relief in easo of indigestion, acute or j t hron ic, or money back, v Guaranteed by J. II. Kennedy i Company. . " - NOTICE OF RE-SALE OF VALU- lnder hnd bv virtue of the turner of I sale contaiued, in a mortgagn eed made ly J, . Uariier and wife to K. B. Forbes tinted Xovember 18th, 1918 and reeorded 1'iukr and by virtue of the por of ialo contained in a certain jiiortgago tleed tlclivered by. W. II, Stewjart and wife, Bertie, tttewart, to Ixda Manhfac luriug Company, recorded ia fcik 10D at pago 1USJ, to aeenre certain Jiulehted neto said eompany, and ilefault hav ing been made in the payment of said indebtedness, the undersigned .will sell . for cash, to the. highest bidder, at tho courthouse door in (iastonin, C. on Monday, January 9, 1922, at' ll M. -thi following describe lands: ' . Adjoinmi tho land of J. M. Reinhardt nd being designated as two town, jot in the town of fttaaley, being iiarta of tho land bought by Clara fciniith ot kJ. 1?. fimith known as lota Xo. 7 and' No. 'K, an gliow.i on map registered in "Gaston County! ! ''' , i ' Lot Xo. 7: ileglnning nt nr stone, corner.tot Xo. 9, on, alley runs thence S 74 ft. 'o a stake in an alley ( thus the S 11 tlegreee 33 minutes W'44 ft. to a stake in eornfY of lot Xo. r tto'w Xprtlr74 degrees 1 minutes. 394 ft. to a stake in nlley; thence N 13.'dfgrees. 30 minutes West 44 feet to the begin- ' nimr. ' ' " ' i 'Lot Xo. 8: MLUS DOTS STANLEY LADY CELEBRATES 1 SITY-SEVENTH BIRTHDAY t Co! rc)ondiin i' of The Daily Uaxette. ) : ' rjTAXI.KV,rJini. 2. KrioiuM and;,'. , ' " . ., relatives tif Mr. :ih,I Mr. W. M. Her-! (t'fM'ondence of Tho Daily Gazette.) iiihii gave them a .-jrpriM' birthday ilin-: DALLAS. Boot Xo, 1. .Inn. 2. --Mr Hundoy, and Mrs. C. O. Rallard nnd childron. of ; Cherrvville nnd Mr. and Mrs. Jim Mtaf- Uiually the Way. fwinJod street. no. I Tfu. His knocking badly." , '' j Hi ''Don't be a foot' wns the tlf'Tl That's my knees." When the rales managers emerged' from the projection room nearly all of tUeui hud tears in their eyes. (Soon they were sera nmkiug their way towards the, Mtudio tehgrajili ofliee. It wn learneil later fthat nearly every one of theui after reply. juciure oi iuiMir-iove i;iii '.! telegraphed to hut .mother. "The Old 1 Xest ' ' was written by Huiei't Hughii' . and directed by Reginald linrker. At i tier lit 'their home in Htaalev J.-i'iiiiry 1st. in honor of Mrs. Herninn sixty-sevoutli birthdtiy. A 'boikiteons din-, ner of good things, with i-oITee and nf-' lerdiiiner mint was served pienic style! in the . tilling riHini. Chistinas decora-tion.-i were used. In the center of the -M.. 1 1.. i I.:., i i . u iif- 1,11 jr Wlllll- I'lllllUMV CilRfl i . i . ..i ... i fith ,it....v.. ,.1..t, ii L I"'Pulnr teachers at Kettle Bhoals, roM bud iiolderH around which was bank- ford and children also of Cherr-ville, pent thet'lDiNtmas bolidays with Mr. find Mryr. Lineberger. Misses lilanche Kobinson, Lna biiulnir and Miss Jennie Wilson, visiting homefolks this week. ill . Jft Il "One Hundred and One Famous iPoems," (iMith new nnd old,) ArUrnft. I kle luxe bindinif. l..i(): nr bound in !f boards, 50 ceuts: or bound iu strong ! ? liia iter. 30 cents. A most desirable vol-i Jji:me nt.a trifling cost. I pay postage. I you, ' or, above nil, to go home nndei'j IIIMail or telephone your order, or call. J. j her, then this-picture would give more j ed the ( (irisfiiyis evergreen. The f'jllowiHij. children of Mr. and Mrs, Henmni mere present. Mr. and Mrs. . .1. (iemmer iinl children.' of Lih's ville; Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Klam Rm baby, of Liiieolntou nnd Mrs. H. Black ' Mr. and Mrs. George (ocker children, of Charlotte, visited nt " There ' been a murder and Jnl in my koine,"-said an excited worn. nu, "hut 1 cau prove an ahb. I want to retain you as my Jawyer It, ought to bo a very simple matter; I was in anv other city whea it happened." A supple matter!" returned the htwyer. "flood lord, no! Why, before the newspapers get through you'll need the best legal talent in the country to handle your film rights, vaudeville oon- our! tracts, and all thnt." are' - tWhere Words Failed. I The new cuard was not familiar with T. l ! 1 1 in Book Xo. 133 page 33 in the office ofl Sl,7?7" 01 " the llegister of Deeds for Gaston Conn- ,'T.&.H ! ,v. curing th payment of etain in-, Leo and the home of Mr. A. A. High 8nturday and iSiiiiitay. . " Xlissi'H Bertie and Isnlsdle Huffstetlcr spent Saturday night with Misses Lillie ffl". XORS WORTHY, The Book Man, Ar-I real joy tluin Juiington Hotel, Qa'sfonia, X. Ck 3pl. made." it '.. ii. i .ii,. I r r--t - - tho concbisioii nf tin niettire this sub-i title is thrown on the screen: "If this, ",MI, -'"Uirm, nt l lmilotte. otliyrs pros-; nn.l iliim Linefjerger. x picture rbould persiiaifp you either to n.. j ent wore Mrs. J. O. Allen, of Liucolnton, jr LpVviH 'riiornburg, of the Uni member your mother piously, if sTie'i !,M,'r ot H'"m. 1, v- ''' r-1 versity, at Columbw, 8. C, is sending dead; or, if she lives, to send her a long! "K'r '''. Rev. H. H. Jordan. Mrs. th l0Iitlav9 with his parents, Mr.' and love-letter or even a telegram saying: ' Dellmger mi l children mid Mrs. ' jjrs. L. A. Thornburg. l am well. I think of sou and fove """". "r "a11".'., Misses Ruth and Sudie Friday visited ' Misses Verlie and Roan (loninger 6un- The Swedish ' government bus ' sub-1 dnv afternoon. , i a certain, railway run iu .Wales. Canto it station wiueh rejoieod in tho jiamo' Llunfairfoehnanplllgogerych. For ' a few minutes he stood looking at the signboard in mute iielplessncss. Then pointing to the board, and waving his other arm toward tho carriages, he fail ed, "If there 'jmnybody there for her, this is it!" Western Christian Advo cate, Cincinnati. any other pud lire ever t sidized the ninnufntiire of pent bricks i Mr. O. T. Fridav was for insulating building floors and walls. Thursday on business. in Gastonia I In tlie last ten years the. exploitation of MitdagRH.ear'aN jninernt Tesourcefi, fcmong the riehest in the world, has nioro than quadrupled, debtcdiu-s tlierein stipulatod, default in tlupnymett of which line been made the UfiiiriniKin-u mil VU I; I Tuesday, January 10th, 1 922, at 11 'clock a. in. at the court, bourse door i ntlie eitv of liastoma, Oaston County, Xortu Cai I Una sell at mblitf out cry for cash the I following described lands-aud premises, to-wit : . ' Beginning at a l'ost Oak. runs Xortb 34 ht 30 poh'e to a stake; thence North 2 East 06 1-2 poles to an iron : stake; t)iWe South 84 1-3 West riS'poTe ! to a stake; thence Xortu 75 West 28 poles to a stake; thence South 32 West If 1-2 poles to n stake; .thence Xorth S0 West 381-2 poles to a stone i thenee feotwh 34 1-2 West 00 poles to a stone; thenee South 65 West 23 2-3 poles to creek; thence Houtu 20 Wes 121-2; pole to a corner on crock; thence 75 Knst 13 oles to a stone; thence ftouth H East 46 poles to a rock piles-; thenee fcouth 74 1-4 East 103 1-2 poles to a corner stake; them-e North 22 East 14 3-5 poles Co the beginning; contain ing by estimation 72 1-2 acres, more or less: The sale, a iigtioe of which appears) tibove by E. S. Forties, utortgngeo. of j ft. to a stone, corner; thence .'with an alley South 74 degrees 16 minutest Jiast V 190.8 ft. to a stake ou an alley? thenee X. 12 degrees 30 minutes West; 51 ft. to tho beginning. ' ' Said map referred t4 above 3a reeord ed in book of deeds 71 nt pago 204 sad -205, in the office of . tho Register of Deeds for Gaston County. N. C" '.e This Scomber Otb. 1921, 'U if LOLA MANUFACTURING COMPANY Mortgagee. GEORGE B. MASON. Atty. TaJ3c4. ImproveYoiirUoiflc Surround It with shade trees, evergreens, shrubs, fruit tree. Our trained men will help you. Send a snapshot f . tions no cost to. you. jji- w nw loaay. ,'.) HOWARD-HICKORY NURSERY . Hickory North Carolina r . Atkfarmit Cttabt of Southrrm Titmjtet i I! !t 11 if if lr I! ii i ii ii i i ii i it n ii ii ii n ii !! ii ii ::1 I i i II : ji! in if t WnasMaBBaaasaasBBaaaOTaMaMaBMaMHBaaHi ears YoMinig Ob A foe Imscm Founded JANUARY 3,1905. Our Seventeenth Birthday JANUARY 3, 1922. "Still OUR FIRST OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS: R. P, Rankin, President. , C. N. Evans, Vice-President. ' A. G. Myers, Cashier. DIRECTORS: Edgar Love, ' R. R. Haynes, J. A. Glenn, Dr. J. M. Sloan, j' R. P. Rankin, , Robt. A. Love.' C. N. Evans, Our First Statement, JANUARY 11, 1905. RESOURCES Loans and Discount ., $ 46,193.50 U. S. Bonds 12,500.00 Premium on U. S. Bonds 556.67 Cash and due from banks . . . . 46,295.80 Young Because A Friendly Welcome Never Grows Old" . ' .' i -' ' . i. '.- IT PLEASES US TO SERVE YOU Total K)5,545..97. LIABILITIES Capital Stock (Paid. in) . $ .13,000.00 Profits . . . -. 1,205.48 Deposits v . 71,340.49 We desire to take this opportunity, at the beginning of our eighteenth year, to thank our many friends and patrons for their past favors, and to"flssure them that at all times we will endeavor to ir-erit their future consideration by constantly improving the serv ice which we render. v . . 1 ' ' Our Motto is and has been : "IT PLEASES US TO SERVE YOU," and we mean it. When we can favor you in any way we sincerely, hope that you will not hesitate to call on us. y ' OUR PRESENT OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS: A. G. Myers, President, ' Jno. M. MillerJII, Cashier, C. C. Armstrong, Vice-Pres., - Jno. A. Hunter, Jr Asst. Cash Jno. R. Rankin, Vice-Pres., G. G. .Willis, Asst. Cashier. .. C. C. Myers, Vice-Pres., ' . : DIRECTORS: W. T. Rankin, Chairmah;V 'iy y B; G. Rankin, : C. C. Armstrong, A. G, Myers, D.M.Jones,, , A. K. Winget, W. D. Anderson, C D. Welch. Our Statement, , DECEMBER 31, 1921. RESOURCES Loans and Discounts '..... . . y United States and other Bonds . . Stock in Federal Reserve Bank . . . . .. . . . , , . . . . Banking House, Furniture and Fixtures ......... Other Real Estate Cash and due from Banks . t c'.i Total . . $3,808,297.12 1 . 340,694.29;; . 18,000.00,? . 28,473.24 y 14,569.28 y , 543,200.98 . '.$4,753,234.91 LIABILITIES Capital .. . . . . ; . , .$ 300,000.00 . Surplus . Undivided profits and reserves A. , Circulation : ....... Rediscounts ...... . ... . Dividends Unpaid Deposits '.........' . .,. . .-. ; . . . . Total 105,545.07 Total - T . f a 300,000.00 . . . 153,882.55 . ....300.000.00 ... 857,847.40 ... v 18,000.00 .'. 2,823,504.96 .j $4,753,234.91 TOE CITIZENS v TIOMAL BAMC . GASTONIA, N. C. V "RESOURCES FOUR MILLION . SEVEN HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS" i'.