PAGE TWO THE GASTON I A", (N. C), DAILY GAZETTE FRIDAY, JANUARY 6, 1922. - A full stock of New STAR Brand, all leather Shoes at 25 off. This is sale where you not only get the best shoe made for the money but you save Look over the list below, pick out what you want, an d come. the opportunity you have been looking for. If it is Shoes you .want. Be 25 on every pair. ' - i - sure to visit, this ii I Two Bays, Satedtay ;iMd:.pffld!&:-:SS"-Q M ii i' i i . ii It" ; M (GASTON dOONTY ill it Men's All Leather . Shoes, special per pair $2.48, $2.95, $3.48, $4.50, $5.98 Ladies' All Leather Shoes, special ly priced, per pair $1.98, $2.48, $2.98, $3.48, $4.95 Children's All Leather. Shoes, spe cially priced at ' v . 98c, $1.25, $1.48, $1.98, $2.48, and $2.38 Don't fail to attend this Big Shoe Sale. V It means a saving to you. Remember, only' Two Days, jSAT- UKDAY and MONDAY. PE . MINISTERIAL ALLIANCE, k Ml ill III ill III III I To Meet Monday in New Baptist Church Ml it Charryville Annual election I Officers Many Important Matters to Be Discussed Every Minister in the County Urged to Be Present. On next Monday, January D, at It 1 1 10 'clock. Rev. 1). V. Putnam, tator, ami 1 1 fcke-presideut of the Allianre, will throw J ! Jopen the iIoom of the handgome new Bap J aist fhorffc ia Ch'eriyville to welcome the timemtpra of the Uaston (imty Ministe llpinl Allianre in its rojrular quarterly J J Jmeetiiif. Rev. J. M. Hester, ptor Jjjof the Shelby Baptist i-Unn h, will -le- 1 fiver ,aa addrrns at the 11 o'eloek hour, illto which the public is eorlially invited. 1 1 At noon the aiininters will' be ' dinner !! quests of the domestit selenee depart- 2 J j iient of the- Cherryville high school. Im S I piirdiately after the diunet honr the min- rj fistera t will go into exeeutive session, for JJthe 'election of offkera -attdy to discuss ; J jwveral urgent and important matters of j j umitiess. . If will alone be worth triivel itpng many times the distaitee from any' llgiart of the eouty to' inspect 'thia mod JJSrn ami handiioiiie r!uitvh building ami jjjinany good points may. be gained by 5nBtortr of churches. with future building adns. - It will be. the first visit of the H aastor9 lo tb'is part of th county and ll'ou are assured of a welcome as ouly Ittho good people of Cherryville know hv i i Ito jrive. Let every minister announce a. .. . . . ...a... ;;to iiis congrecation Himiay tnat no "is " I 'IP" IF3 ex 3 M t m .PMce "Si Effectivb December 24th ' f." , It. I friiT to Cherryville' Mondtry morning., and every , visitor 1 1 il.ood roads prevnil- 1 1 prom any part or tne county may oe at odiome again for the evening meal. J J j The secretary of the Alliance will be to convey three or four to the I pneeting and provide a way for all Mho IHlesire to attend from (Jastonia, II ." .. I NEGRO PLEADS GUILTY ill ' TO FRIGHTENING GIRLS lit GREENSBORO, Jan. 5. Mack Vil JJliams. negro, found in the dormitory at J 'North Carolina College for Women at Jll 1 : 30 o'clock Sunday morning, Decem ii.ber 11, entered a plea of guilty before Manage u. . erguson. in Uuiirord su- i 'icrior court to a charge of entering, and 1 1 - was sentenced to serve lor three years in 1 1 'the atate penitentiary ' l I The negro, about 45 years of age, was f found in the room omipied by iRss t ,Busie West in the woman's dormitory at llftbe college. Miss Josephine Jenkins, a It (room mate, was in the room with.Miss j ' 'West -at the time. Both stated that 2 1 the negro" left immediately when told j jto, the girls screaming for him to leave lltwhen first discovered.- . - The negro declared that he remember JJfed nothing cf the incident, saying that i ; (he must hava been under the influence of t It dope of some kind. The negro admitted J'Jliaving taken several drinks of Iwhiskey. The first charge preferred was that HfOf burglary, hut the solicitor accepted M la plea of guilty on a charge of entering. l The negro trill begin serving his sen- Jtence at once. t . 'CROWDER NOT YET V ! READY TO LEAVE Prices of all Essex Models, incluning the New Coach, are reduced as follows: Touring . . $1095 Coach 1345 Sedan . (f. o. b. Detroit) ..1895 i i Ml Scott . Motor Company . AN , ORDINANCE TO AUTHORIZE THE TOWN OP DALLAS TO IS . SUE $35,000 OF BONDS. 1 ; FOR WATER SUP- ' ; PLY SYSTEM. Be it ordained by the bqard of com missioners of the town of Dallas, N. C Section 1.. That the town of Dallas under and pursuant to the Municipal Finance Act, do issue its bonds for the pupropse of ' constructing a water, sup ply system in and for saisHown.' . . Portion 2. The maximum aggregate' principal amount of sup bonds shall be i30,000.00. , .u Station 3. That a tax sufficient to pay the principal and interest Y said bonds shall be annually levied and collected. Section 4. That a statement of debt of the municipality has been filed with the Clerk of the Board of Commission ers pursuant to the Municipal finance Act, and is open to public inspection. Section 5. The average assessed-valuation of property subject to taxation by the municipality for the three fiscal years in which taxes were last levied as shown by the said statement is $1,132474.00. Section 6. -The - amount of the net .debt of the municipality outstanding, authorized or to be authorized as shown by said statement, is $46,000.00. , , Seetion 7. That this' ordinance shall :Jakc. effect, tliirty days after its first publication, unless in the meantime a ''petition for its submission to. the voters i filed under the Municipal Finance Act, and that in such event it shall take effect when approved by the voters of the municipality at nn election as pro vided in said Municipal Finance Act. . The foregoing ordinance was passed on thV 6th day of December, 1921, and, was first published on the 23rd day of December, 1'921. , , Any action or proceeding questioning the validity of .said ordinance must be eommenceij. "within thirty Hays after its publication. A. R, HOLLAND, . - perk of the Board of.Cominissioncrp. AN ORDINANCC TO AUTHORIZE THE TOWN OF DALLAS, N. C, " TO ISSUE $35,000 OF BONDS FOR SEWER SYSTEM. ; N Bp it ordained by the Board of Com- nnssionerB of the town of Dallas, N. . Section 1. That the town of Dallas under and pursuant to the , Municipal Finance Act, do issue its bonds' for the. purpose of constructing " a : sanitary sewer system, and Jn and for-aid town. Section 2. The maximum aggregate principal amount of said bonds shall be $.'15,000.00. if Section 3. That a tax sufficient to pay III Last mam Avenue be incurred under ordinances" or other proceedings, passed, 'taken or pending, ' exclusive of debt incurred- or to be; in. ' ' cnrrecL-in anticipatioh of the collection of taxes of the current year, or the aalo of bonds as follows! ' r f ' ', . Note Temporary Loan for electric lighting" fixtures. . $ HOO.OO Electric light bond ($10,- , . : i ' ;: 000.00 bonds isamf- irior ". '' to 5 years ago 5,000.00 , Reat "Estate (City Hall).... 5,000.00 Proposed Water Bonds 85,000.00 Proposed Sewer Bonfls...... 33,000.00 Gross debt .............. $S3,000.00 ' (b) The deduetiops from said gross debt are as follows! . . - - . . , 1. Unissued funding or refunding bonds. Nomf. ".- I 2. .?he amount of sinking funds or other funds held for the payment of any part of the gross delt other than exist ing debt incurred for revenue prodiie ii'g enterprises and hereinafter deducted $2,000.00. j 3. ..The amoifnt ofj uncollected, special assessment levied or o, be levied on ac count of local , improvements for which any part of the gro debt waa or is" to be incurred and, apjiicable to the pay, ment or part of .the gross debt, none. -4...1 The amount oft bonded delitv-included in the gross Bjbt and incurred within 5 years prior fb date of this stute- ment, none. ; ' 5." The amount of' bonded . delit in cluded in the gross flcbt andtn be in- " curred for water purposes, $35,000.00. Total amount of deductions, $.17,opj). (c) The amount (hereinafter rcT-r-red to as the net delj) or the difference r between the gross dtbt and ths deduc tions ia $46,000.00. )' , ,T (d) The assessed'valuation pf prop erty subject to taxation by the town of Dallas, N. C, for eacft of the three fiscal years in which tajefc were last levied, and the average therejof are a? follows: v. 1919 $ 476.711.00 J - , 1920 1,554,503.00 t v 1931 1,365,309.00 J ' Average 3 years ..I.... $1,132,174.00 (e) The percentage that the net debt bears to said averagf assessed valuation :, is 4.08 per cent. j : . ' - Witness mv hand this the 6th day of December, 3921. " , - A. R. IfOLLAND, : . - t. , Town Treasurer. " Sworn if ant. suljcrilied beforo me, this the 10th dav of aeember, 1921.' . A .E. MyMIYNE. : , . . I Notary Public. Mv commission expires March 1, 1923. F-J13c4. f INVLTATI0N FOR PROPOSALS. Sealed proposals wil be received ' by the principal and interest of said bonds ! Tha Standard Hardwara Co., Gastpjia, Ml WASHIXGTOX, Jan. -fiT" Major (General Enoch H. Crowder, special rep- 1 1 iresentative of the President in Culm, has M 'jiostponed for sj'veral days ris depart-! ! J Jure for the : Fnitcil States. ; General j J 1 1 Crowder called the State Department on! i I ithe telephone from Havana today and Jt stated that his work Was in such shape' J ! Jthe he deemed it impossible for him to I (leave for several lays. Officials of the f i State Department said that the delay in ; Mij4'neral Crowders departure was with-j J Jout particular! significance. i "" I i I ' ' ' ' : I HPE6SHING AND DAWES . J INSPECT OIL FIELDS. J FORT WORTH, Texas, Jan. 5. A IHarty wchih included General John .1, tltPershing and General '.Charles ' Dawes, planned to leave Texas, to inspect oil fields, it was announced by Colonel i t -i crwmiK aiiti ircncrai J jDirw-tor of the Budget Sljhcre today for Mexia, 1 MlA. E. ill ilfcov. I Humphreys, Texas oil 'Operator, j SPROUL NOT TO TAKE SENATORSHIP j i i-ii.Air.uj-HiA,. Jan, .-. uover- 1 1 Inor Sjiroul was expected today to name j J j Ja snrc-wir to Senator Penrtme within Jjjthc next few days. He announced-last j 1 1 night that be would not resign' to take ! ' I Mhe ieiiator!iip. ; ' i -.- - . . ; I'll Iff - J M s So He Was Fired. ' . . "What happened to your new clerk!" 'Too business-like..' He wrote an im-; Important letter the other day that spelled' i!:a We order forme.", . i , J How was that!" . y ! ? ? f tie nosed Joe letter iiy saying; 11' Hoping for your immediate execution, "'we remain.'" ' S Duy the CU CU tprlnglets "window hade7-and eliminate spring troubles. Sold by Ga tonia Furniture Co. 7c2 Country Glub Brick A delicious 3-flayored Dessert that will please. Composed of French Vanilla, Chopped Apricots and Swiss Chocolate. Ice Cream, the "Velvet Kind," Cream of Oeams. " V " - - . Order this today for your Saturday and Sunday Dinner, delivered to your home By J. L. ADAMS DRUG STORE - S. FLEETWOOD KIXG, Mancgcr ' - PHONE 15 - t$i itrii imiv, ks? mm (i-l-fr 'iXrfn' 'tZJlh 4 Per Cent Paid on Savings .-.. : t GASTON LOAN & TRUST CO.. ."Where Your Saving Are Safe." - Retopping, Repainting ahd Repairing : , AUTO MOB I L E S When we do it you tiiay know it's done right :We irantee our work. Prices as reasonable as consistent with firet-class workmanship.- - y ' KLUTTZ East Franklin . Phone 367 shall be annually levied and collected. J Section 4. That a statement of debt ef the municipality lias been filed with the Clerk of the Board of. Commission ers pursuant to the Mjjnjcipal Finance Act, and is open to public inspection - Section 5. The average assessed valu ation of property subject to taxation by the municipality for the three fiscal years in which taxes were last levitxl as shown by said statement is $1,132,174.00. Section 6. The, amount of the net debt of the municipality outstanding author ized or t be authorized as ehown by said statement is $46,000.00. ; - Section 7. That this ordinance shall take effect tlifrty days after its first pub lication, unless in the meantime a pcti tion fof its submission to the voters is filed nndertlie Municipal .Finance Act, and that in Bitch event it shall take ef fect when approved fiy'jtbe voters of the municipality at an election as provided in-said Municipal Finance Act. -j - tT1iq foregoing ordinance was passed onthe 6th day of December, 1921. and was "first published on the 23rd day of December. 1921. . Any action or proceeding questioning: the validity of "said ordinance mnst be commenced within thirty days after its first publication. .'. - A. R. nOLLAND. Clerk of the Board of" Commissioners. Statement of debt of the town of Dai la's, North Carolina, made and filed with the clerk of the Board of Commission ers of said town by the treasurer there-j of: After the Introduction and before the final passage of certain bond ordi nances entitled 'in ordinance to author-' ize the town of Dallas to issue $35,000 of bonds for water. suppy system" and "an ordinance to authorize the town of Dallas. N. C, to issuuj bonds $35,000.00 for sewer system." All done in pur-! mianee to section 19 ot the Municipal Finance Act 1919. " ! I. A. R. Holland, being duly sworn,' de heTeby certify that I am the duljj elected and qualified treasurer of - the ' town of Dallas, N. C and th chief . financial officer thereof, and that: j (a) Tfis total amount (hereinafter; referred to as the gross debt) of the out-; standing floating indebtedness of the ' town of Dallas, X. C, and all bonded debt of the said town out standing or to' HN. O, until 3 o'elocty P. M. Januarilu6, 1922, and then opened at the olfl.Mof Unh K. White, Superintendent of Con struction, Garotte' Balding,, for the con struction complete, (jpxeept heating -and elevator) of a three ttory and bSsPment store building, Gastohia, X. C. ' ' . v Drawings and spocifieations may be obtained by general contractors upon ap plication, and must tie returned on tho day "ot opening "TjiJA. A deposit of,, ($10.00) ten dollars be required or each set 'of drawings andV specificatims t issued, and said depssit refund ed when the drawings and specifications ' are returned. Plans' and 7 specifications . may be seen at Builders Exchange, Charlotte, IV. C, and;Columbia, S. C. ' , IL li WHITE. 1 Superintendit of Construction. rr6c3. ... ' ',, . - ivv , , ADJflNISTRATdR NOTICE. V .The "undersigned. having qnalified'ns ". administrator of tho1!-estate of, C. "T. Hawkins, deceased, late of Gaston County, North Carolina, this is to noti fy all persons ' havijig claimrf against: , saiit estate to file thrm, properly certi- . fied, with the undersigned on or before t the ' 23rd day of -December, 1922, j or this notice will bJ pleaded in -bar of , their recovery. AH jersons indebted, to -said estate' will pleoie make immediate , payment. i " This 22nd day of Peember. 1921." .' C. J.i BLACK R. L. Sigmon, Atty, Administrator. F-J27e6w. Army Salvage Co. 119 Ei Main Ave." at Saunders Pressing Club .All kinds of Army. Goods Cheap." Eaia, Coats Spe cial. V ':r':: ' ' if

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