J PAGE TWO THE GASTONIA (N. C.), DAILY GAZETTE j 1 TUESDAY, JANUARY 10. 1922. ... - -.-.if. PROFESSIONXL CACD3L '- LCV.'ELLLCKLSr (Correspondinc of The i)aily q.itette.) r. LOWELL, V - The "m Mr. and Mr. N. K Besa..of LewU, was -mdJend ok 'Monlay whoa their only mm. r, aged 1. dw-d. He had on- ..ty ben ill a few days, suffering from a hnrt be received in a fall,whil jump iiig and pitying. The funeral service j 'wi-rewmdwrcd by Bev. Waldrop, pastor if th Kantitit church at the home. la- ferment took plwe at the tfaady Plain T-remetery. - "5 Miss fcieltr .Lfwis. of Bladenboro, u visiting- her sister. .Mr. Wade Mitehem Miss Iva Thoraburg. of Bessemer City, is visiting- her sister. Mrs. W. IL: Holmes. 11 Born, is Mr. nnl Mrs. John w. Groves, 1 .January 3, a daughter. . T -f-- Mr. ani -Mr." J. n. mman naa as their dinner guilts oil Wednesday. M " ind Mrs. Frank After dianer . they enjoyed the moi-ie ' " The Old Neat. V in tiautonia. The-Lowell traded school began again after the, Christmas lniidays, on Moaday. -'.Ml the teachers' were 4ik in'', their! '"jilaees and 1h '' teachers and pupilaj '"seemed anxious to hi gin work and make' I""1"". v. ir...-'v. ........ eount most. .Visa Mary Stockton, who . congestion in the grammar grade depart- j nAnt fikr tpatiiiiir several l:iMa ill addi- - tion to her music classes. The superin-1 pendent, Mr. V. J. A, Smith ha installed! a complete laboratory in the school j building and is expecting his classes to- ; h good worZ in chemistry this spring.! - This is quite a-'rtVedc) addition to the, 'j-hool and w feel glad W has been done,' .41 II just anomer nig nrt luvwiru -."iitjt the Lowell graded srhool'one of the ;tbcBt in the State. Lowell has inaaV Tspid progress along this line in the past: Jour yean?. ' Mr. A. W.'Titman has been appointed IT TUP TiiriTnrii ; hi inn inwmw :' . ; ; ! k4.The Gnstonian Theater presents to day and VVelneday Norma Tahwidge asj the moiling (tennrita in "The laiion '.v Flower," a First National pietHre. ' rThe Ideal offers ".Tho Daughters 0; ' Deri I Tan," added attraction. "Klirt-i ing With Fate." Coming, Wednesday j ana Thursday "Dangerous urrc. -- liead," B auper speriul. ;J?,PANGEROUS CTJKVE AHEAD!" .-: MATBIMONIAL TBACK '' 'If You Hare Beea Married Only Five t Tears, Yoar Matrimonial Express z rj- Must Still Negotiate Sorhe Daagereus Si)' ' 6 ! While the first year of matried life ',..fnay be the niost dangerous the one .jshose eurves are most apt to upset lhe matrimonial express the. danger spots .' re not all passed by any means. It is generally said that the first five years are. the worst to get safely over, but 7here are!dangers ahead even ten, as 4,Knpert Ifiighes' great plcturof married . isJife, "nfrtigerous Curve Ahead!" eonv .Mng to the" Ideal Theater for two. days, i V a-.k..j.... The dangerous rurve that confronted Mr. and' Mrs. Harley Jones after half fi. dozen years of married Jife, was soeinl oimbition on the part of the wife. That ambition to bask in the sunlight of th socially elect eame near riming her. life, tiut the power and sacrifice of another love prevented swh a catastrophe." "Dangerous Curve Aheadt" is Rupert Jlughes ' first storj- written direetly for Ijjhe screen. 'It has been magniflVently i" produced by poldwyn. under the skilful I and sympathetic direction of vE. Mason j Hopper.' Heading the cjutt are two fa J mous Goldwyn repertory prayers, Helene j Chadwiek and Ricliard Hix. Others la the east are Kato Lester, M. B. ("Lefty") Flynn, the famous Yale athlete. Edythc Chapman, James Neill. and others. .'.' fJhree VIRGINIA Gentlemen TURKISH 1 The perfect hleni tithe &tc9 perfect cigarette tobacco in ojic pcneci cigarette one-eleven cigarettes ' II fl'TH AVE. Complete Landscape Service Planning, plants and planting, dm tni see s. Witt mi Hickary, Centra highway aad Southern Railway, aartk side. If J m can't cams, ead va Kaapshots at skrtclKS CasXstieahilietMsMr HOWAR D-HICKORY NURSERY Hickory, Korth Carolina O Pnr fee Ah Cwirlnf Prr Aim-tias ia Tm Daily Caaetta. U - A DR. CHAS. p. DeLANEY' - ' a v . Annnunees the; owning of bia offiee ia i the Eagas i IUildwig. . Traetiee Limited . to Gen itoTrl nary Diseasea. Facts you sEdiald keow o weep yoo The question of greatest importance is not what you will be allowed for your old oar but the price you pay for the new car and the value received. You are money out if allowed $100 more . for your old car, yet have to pay a $150 higher list price for a new car when the comparative value is not there. '. . A purchaser's less is only postpone when trading allowances are made above a used car's real'value. The deal that may ap pear most satisfactory to ycu in the begin- ning may prove to be the most expensive in the end. ppy- a car No one receives anything gratuitously in this wojrld r- don't be misled by false allow ances. We believje that any sales policy which en- courages the giving of fictitious values for used cars is an injustice to the public. We wish to establish definitely -the fact that the Buick Motor Qompany has never fol lowed this policy - rather has always based the price of its product; upon actual costs and when costs came down corresponding- ly reduced the prices of its cars to the pub , lie without any camouflage whatsoever. A BUICK FOURS " 22-Four-34 Two Passenger Roadster . -r- - $ 895 vi-i'J22-Four-35'Five Passenger Touring-. - - 9SS V ",22-Four-36 Three Passenger Coupe r 'r.;-i.(-i 1295 1395 22-Four-37 Fire Passenger Sedan BUICK SIXES 22-Six-44 Three Passenger Roadster;-. 22Six45 Fire Passenger Touring 22-Six-46 Three Passenger Coup 1 1885 . 22-3ix-47 Five Passenger 22-Sixl8 Four 22-Six-49 Seven Passenger Touring -a- 1585 22-Six-50 Seven Passenger Sedan 2375 Ask abovtt the G. M. A. C.Torehase Plan , Delivered $1025 1065 1475 1580 $1365 "jL 1395 Sedan 21 65 .. . . I - - - ' Passenger Coupe ' '-, 2075 s $1555 1590 2105 V2400 . 2310 1795 2625 Comp are Buick Va lues and Priceis withaH Others GASTONIA BUICK COMPANY When better automobiles are built. Buick will build them MOVIES BY DAYLIGHT! A FRENCHMAN CLAIMS THE INVENTION. I - i ' 9 , v' V; -wxf Y' ' . c ..sHi Vi i IT -1 Ctwi'h2rfA" fire; Insurance " Are y6u fully covered with insurance againsVloss by fire? . - " ' - ' Fires are frequent during the Winter monthi and we will be glad to write any additional protection you . may need and will appreciate any part of your 1922 Insurance business you may favor us with. THANK . YOU. . . -y Vr .' ' 'y '. ' t i'r The Williams I Insui -Bob Williams ' : Tom Revelle sGazette Building Telephone 125-J C&stonEa, N. C 1 ssr-WM lira wfc iaai st i' -- Mr. Ernest Bertrou, a Frenchman, has just invented a moving picture machin which will clearly project "movies' in full daylight. This pfioto shows a demonstra tion ia progress. . Note that a black sheet replaces the white one now in us.. . .. ; Retopping, Repainting and Repairing A U TOM OB ILE S y"4 - '' . x ' 1 . When we do it you may know It's done right We guarantee our work. Prices as reasonable ai consistent with- first-class workmanship. r.'i V ' . ; , KLUTTZ 4 : East Franklin v ' Phona 367 DR. J. t SMALL CHIROPRACTOR 407-408 First Kst. Bank Buaainj" Pbsnes 535 and S45-J ConsultstiOa Ftee T n:, - C. B. . POWELL . OSTEOPATH "202 Realty, Building : Office Phone 161 - Residence Phone 601 1 1, 1 .Ai..ii ""rn inn W. W. CALLOWAY t AUDIT0B -public AcconatmC Bank Euov. t . lner and QEke Syatematixer ' " Charlotte ud AfUata Offices Residence. GASTONIA, IT C. P. '0. Box SS8 - ; v JOHN E.'ECfc Pbb1i AeconnUnt ; 'Aaflita, Systems, . Cost FlndlnM , 103 First National Bank .Offlea, 6S7 '.t ,", Beeidsnos 84S-L oa)ae)s)faie)e9teos CHAS. C WILSON V . : T. A. r A . . Architect u. Member Am, Soe. C. 1 Home Office . I 804-5-6-7 Palmetto Building 1,. ColcmbU... C. , ; -Branca Offices aOS First Nations) Bank Bld GaetsoiAr 2H. C. Ernest CoaGr, Mgr. 105 Davia Building Wilson, N. C. G. K. Berryman, I4jr. v I , j III ' 7 -.ir ,i 'H'-'Uj...:,r,rr-'T'i Army Salvage Co.4 119 E. Maip Ave. v at Saunders Pressing Club :. SiaKh , .:- All kinds of Army Goods' Cheap. - Ran CoatsvSpe.; cial. .:,,: l: ,, S NOTICE OF SAIK 30,000 GRADED SCHOOL BONDS, BESSEMER ' CITY GRADED SCHOOL DISTRICT. v. Soaled proposals' Will .be. received ly the Board of Trustees of Bossemer C3ty , Graded tirbool Dlstriet, -North Carolina, nt .the Town Hall .Basemer City.'N. t', until 10:00 oVloik, a. m., : ;' y ' January ioth', 1922, when thoy will bo .publicly opened, for ' the Twrehase ot . $;10,000.00 (irnded Stdiool Bonds of said Bcsnier City Graded School District, of tho denomi nation of 1 QOO.OO each, and dated Oeto- her t, J921. , ' ' ; ..- ' Said bonds will mature serially, one' bond October 1st in each of the years 1924 to incluaiv.jind two bonds Oil October 1st i each of the years .19.) ami 1951. . Principal and intercut will IhT payable in gold eon of Jhe I'nited Htates ,ofk America of the present stan- ! dnrd of weight and fineness, at the Na tional Park Bank in the City of Nwt York,. N.,Y. -.".. I ' ' ? ' v The bonds Vill bo'eptipon bonds; regis tcrable at the .option, of the holder as to ' both prinripal end interest, bearing; ln- ' terest at the rateof six per centum per5 annum, payable semi-annually on ApriL lt and October 1st in each year. .' Proposals must' 'be Enclosed in a sealed enrelopc, marked on-the outsiile "Pro- . posal for bopds". and addressed to '0--.. M. Vernon, .Secretary ct the Board of Trustees of Bdssemer Cit Ortded S-hooi Pistriet, Bt-ssemer City, NYC. Bidders tfiust depotU with saiq 8eretary, before making their bids.or present with their bids,, eertifted eheek drawn" to tho or- def of the.Boafd of Trustees of Bsse--' mer CltyGra(ed School District upon ' fan Incorporated Bank or Trust Company, ot a- sum of aioney for, or in an amount equal to two per htui of ,'tlie faeo amount, pf bofliW Vnt for to seeuro tho, Said Disfrlct agn'anl. any loss rosultin'j . from the, failure -of the bidder to eomply ' with the terms of his bid. The pur ehaser must jayarned interost from the date of the bonds the day of de livery . 4 - .:'. The bonds esnno bisoM at less than ' par and scerued iuterest. Successful bidders will be furnisiifd with the opin ion of Messrs: l4eeH,'' Dougherty and Jloyt, of NeW York City, that tho bonds, are ralid and bindihgi obligations of Bessemer City Graded School District. The bonds will je1iw'pared under . the snperrision of the United 8tates Mort- rage, and Trust Company of New York City, which will certify ss to the Kuuine r.ess of the signature! iof . the ,sald Dis- trict officials ajnd the seal , impressed thereon. , -.' - -" By ordetjof the Board of Trustees of ' Botemer City Graded 8choo! District The right to rejoetany and all bids is reserved. J). M. WITHEBS, Chairman. O. M..VEBNON, Secretary. . 19cl0. ' - OFFICE FOR RENT. A nice ground- floor office with lights, heat, etc., is avaik able to professional man or! firm or individuawho does not have very manyjcallers. Pds-' session at onc'el..: . GAZETTE PUBLISHING CO. A

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