v fi it i If i t'l . ti.- t.t Wt ! M t H ' to t Ml Ml If if -PACE TWO STJIEY KffrTOGS ' HI ,,J;cirapoaiw!ee ot The Daily. C.awttoj Mi KTAM.KY. Jan. 11 ' The. young iM.-m.re tout ortitv n eajnyabh surprise! Mikity at th home f Mayor Huntley last j thstnnlny night. ,"- Mr. Jo tirabaen IWtledge. Jr.,. has a !Miosition with the Bank of Da I la a, now lift assistant eashicr. " Miss Both Mierrill, teacher of music ,;nd expression iu tke schoo.1 hew, ia right HSck o " " ii. Mra. Kob rt Wycoff, of Limxdntonis Msiting at her mothers. Mn,,M. B. ''J'eterson," this week. U,, Mr. llaber Craig has resigned bis po. Iiaitioa at the bank nrre,and will soon 11I..M far ClurlrtttC uImTC he will enter lt.lMir Uuui imi nl.HV0 tit Take 1L husinesstftumfen, G i. Jlf MrTAf-TfWwill. who ha been la?re . since t lie Christmas holidays will rtora to hi? woik.at Cwsntorn the J'Jat of this we-k or the first of next. I III, Miaa -Nellie Derr it now ia the taiik! fU-r filling tlu (laei yiaite ya aat ry tne I'tmng away of Mr. liuiien i.rai. J ?J Mr.' T. f . Moore, near here, i quite !ll urth m.i ui.iiti AttnU if tirfui-' chUl,H ieing irami n vup lime iiui j ;?arr illness wouiti lernniune in piifuiiiniua . It is rumored that the town authontiea 'raay dipee with tho miff of a ik- tieemaa. There aeenw to be a petition ;'ing eireuUte.1 with that end iu view. !l Mr. Jamea Kirby, who has rx-eu Uitc ill- for Hume time, is' bow at the nnr 'lofte aanitoriniu, where he will undergo j:(n oin-ration toimirrow. i;t-' Those Who love a good game of litisket ::ill will be interested to know that next 'Kridav. a the grounds here, Mr. Holly Sni ' Staab-y will play. They both are ! t-aiembera of the Cohnty League and play I S.a iroal game.i; Th ftunley team has i iiblnyed five ganiea and only lost. one. ip! id. HARVET RECOVERS. (Br The Associate Press.) ti! i;i !!' CANNES, Ja, 11. Oorge Harvey, ..Xmeriean Ambassndor to Great Britain, I iiCttended today's sfsiou of the Allied fdmily. C'own were laid for the follow -i (.ommittee fur the eleition for a tuber liHupreme Count il meeting, having almostMj: Mr. and Ms. J. D. Hall, I'rof.j hospital for (iiudon eaunty. ?4ompletely reeovered from the ahoek he j'gri.i Mra. . 1. Hall, Mr. and Mrs. J. 'auffered.in an automobile aetident on q uh on,i Mrs. Annie K. Hall. The SUNNYSIDE NEWS I?londay.'-'..The members of tho Council) piquant affair waa a family reunion, . Lheartily congratulated him on bis narrow"! for jt ua nwny year since all of! ; v.itn j' j-seape. Ill- ' ? He Asked .To Know. Ill "I want n shave," said the deter- liihined-lookiug man as he climbed into j'Ihe barlier'a rhair.'"I dont want a JlJiair' cut nor a shampoo.' Neither do I Ulrant any bay rum, witch bawd, hair H tonic, hot towels or face . massage. 1 i ' ion 't want the manicure lady to hold jlay hand ' nor bootblack to fondle my t! feet, I just want' n plain aha ve. with I. ita trimming. Do you understand iljhatt" , - jf, "Yea, air,s' said the barber: "WU1 t't'ou have some lather ' on your face, rfcirf" .- V ' , 10210 eleven cigarettss vv- ', v; r 4 iiii. a ft OTirec TURKISH Friendly VIRGINU Gentlemen BURLEY ThepcrfettblerJofthctHree perfect cigarette tobaccos . int one perfect cigarette one-eleven cigarettes HI' V.' tf Uf s s : Nothing will turn ambi 'I'tinn into ill-tmtvred than constioation. ni And nothinz ren Vxier the bedvmore liable to "'dangerous diseases than this ? same poisonous condition. I j! Don't U constipated! It isn't safal It !' I isn't sensible! - It isnt neoaaaaryl B ; I well but don't rely on ordinary ianatim , , , to help you. Try instead the newest ;ii scientific treatment for constipation JRICH-LAX i i , This preparation not only overcome con obstipation, but it does a way with all the i. i nausea, cramping and deranged digestion ii i caused by ordinary laxatives, tit Hi CnareatceJ at Oar Store. We an so (ore that 1 , kKb-Lax nU pleaee you that we wast yon ta ,ttrdyateoTieik. ll f. doesn't ul rao. ti k iac't 1 ' the beat laxative oteKine you ever weed, aiaipiy i 1 1 la wa) and era U pronajy rcluad the fun ; come co our vm am. a come ana try M ra ,,lpafcuat puce. , . . Jjr.L. ADAMS DRUG STORE, lit ii IAO I LlillAt ! C fla Mm 1 1 ; ' Mfcfflnnli ai mi EGsET OF UVE KEIYS 1 ITEMS FROM WSW fBy Mrs! AdelaMe S. Beard.) - Merchants Hold Enthusiastic Keetinj, BELMONT, "Jan. 11. The Delmont Merchant Association hclJ ita regular January meeting Monday ufternoou. Aa unusually trou.l attendance nan present on, t mm-a iatcrest manifested. A nun-; atractivc evening ia anticipated. A so ber of busim-as matter were brought bo-. twi ilur will b held after Ihe meeting, fore the association ami is upon. A: the visi'"ia" heiug guet Of the First Kenenij .liaouswien of a "ra.te at hom" Kjij.t it H. V. IO f. campaign win entere-i into w ith c ntliu-i. . Items'pf Interest, aam by all :.re.-iit, an4 the -TW1wh. - ,,. nt.mAoA coiamitW appmtNi to arrnge tor the, noesHarv a.lvertiaiatr .WtaiU: ti. V, lVxon, (it-orge T:ito ami , Krami. The iiiprehiints l'retudciit . .1 are anxnu to nuue it as auruciivc Posaiuie ,m "-' I I - . .1.. I . . t I Iia .......lt.l' ,,,. Hum ir.i.i in tti iinonr iturini; their i;Oou 1922. Preabyterian Woman'i Auxiliary. iB spite of tlie lai leMK-ut weamer a, splemli.l nttenuniue wa prem-ni iu me . January meeting of tlie Woman Auxi-, .if k. lrMtl&-frrifiii I'tiiirt'li which - I in the ehnreh parlor on lu.'fv rnK.n. The meeting waa preaid - l.y the president, Ml Anme kah nelil in Tile i mm-n pa nor on i m-s trtav anrrn ej 8m Hall. After the levotional exereiae, the butines program was Drouglit up, pfena were'diwuased for the holding, of j a spring hiismou study eutts. i ne ao 1 eietv also decided to furnish u room in ; the new girl 'a dormitory at Bimiinr Springs. j , The niisaionary topic for the after- j noon's study was China and interesting i papers .aere given by Miss ('umphell ouHk. Mrs. J J . Iiemly nuil .Miss Klixala th Hall Family Dinner Party. Rt'V. a ad Mra. J. K. Hall, w Iio have , reeently movel to Belmont, tho old' iKMiie of Mr. Hall, eutertameil at a. most enjoyable fauiiiy dinner part at ; tkeir home near town, having as guests; immediate uieiiibew. of Mr. Hall 's .1 K... tniniUiiT.lviirrraiim'iniiT i w v. around tho same board. InUreating Items. Mr. W. 1. Martin, of New York is, visiting Major and Mrs. L. F. Foster, the latter hia daughter, at Martini Farm's, in the-Toint. . . Mr. and Mrs. T. Franklin Williams and little son, T. Franklin, Jr., went to Aallabury, tinturday to visit Mrs. Wil liams f parents. M. ami Mrs. J. C. Dea ton: Mr. Williams returned home Mon day tint Mrs. Williams and baliy will re main for a longer viait. Mr. J. J. Kaell, of Charlotte, srent Thursday with Dr. and Mrs. C. It. Me- Adams, the latter his daughter Mrs. Alice Oastou lias returned liome!j,.i,n lWwraW Citv. -' (ifter -a visit to Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Wil-1 yrii Xo-vla Philips, of Kings Monit ion In. Gastonln. 'tain, is spending the week with her sis Mr, L. Wj. Williamson has returned U,A trS- S- h. Farrift home after in extendi! visit to, bin , tlSA H,.na Kiser of lesemer City, dauichler. Mrs. D. A. Huflino in Spout ; Springs. - '. . i Miss Mvrtle Williamaan' who is at student at Queens and Mr. .Lee William-j the week end with her cousin. Miss Kswie! son who attends the- Presbyterian t'ol Absher. . 1 lege at (liaton, 8. C. spent several days j , ... f hen. with Mr. and Mrs. George Leera-r. JUDGE DEVIN FIRES OUT The latter their sister, en route to their j WAKE JURY WITHOUT PAY schools from Bpont Springs where they, spout the holiday with their 'sjstrr, Mrs., jury Trying Bigamy Cc Told to Re- . D. :A. Huffine. . . . turn Verdict of Guilty, but Instead it. Bom, to Mr. and Mrs. 8. A. Benty at Acquitted. . ' ' . their home'in Mecklenburg 011 Thursday,, Rleigh,.-Jaii. 11 -- Firing a jury; January 8th, a daughter, Louise Bmith. : without pay gave to Judge Devin s court Mrs. Benty was formerly Miss Kunice; hite this afternoon elements of sensation : Smith, of Belmont. exH-rieneed in intuiy years 111 Wake. Mr. and Mrs. C. T Armstroug reThe jurist, trying a bigamous mnmnge . welcoming, a little son. C. P. Armstrong, tase iu which the womnii was mover to-1 Jr., bora TuelaV, January 10th. Mr.; Wards progressive pnlygainy nnd the man ; and Mrs. Armstrong have one prize boyiau aider and. abettor, laid the bdnb-n o ; already, J. J.; Armstrong. . ' ! I' ' , . i i The many friends in Helmoiit or Jlrs.;r. i'vi. "" " rVi 'i . ,W. W. Ward, of Charlotte were ghockfrei ner imsimii.i, iumi .-.. .-. .... . ...v and grieved to hear of her sudden pass-! tnte she got a divorep in Judge Bond s ing awav. Sunday night. A number, wort. Hearing ; th it the testimony was from here went ever Tuesday morning a tnnne up Judfre Hon, set the verd.ct to attend the funeral. Among them 1 aside. She unified Imt refused to were Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Htowe anditnke nonce. Muan while Robert Wood, Mr. and Mrs. L, II. Stowe. 'k'" ' '; 1,8 11 MU" "fvu tn... r-.v. 1 t;. ..-.. f.. ... I Intxer. aoiinltt beirnse, was refused ami i 1. .! ....... IU .,.,. liim.lav nf "Mr and Mrs. S. P. Btowe. Mrs. 0. W. Stowe has been indispoel i for n week past with a very sever? cold 1 . 1 , . .. e Li . 1. ...:. of South Toint til ri. uoi.i. .11 11101 1 viik, v - ....... ' 1 1 I 1 lias lieen finite sick ror several o.-iys mm an attack of gnp. tv... n.uriv fi-ir...l f Vr tiristian Alexander will hear with interest -at. the ihupwine court sjM-r..,te..ded bis her son, Mr. Norwood Alexander. W hw. the. jury, that the verdict was oe.ided to enter the I r.,bvteriRU :h.-! numdatory . One juror sougnt o exptaiii , istery and baa gone to Cobimbiu. S. C.'Mt was sent to h.a seat w.tl a withfrnig , 7 1. ss..,in..r,. fire "f words troiu tho mildest man on , to the Presbyterian Seminar; . f miJ(Mtaili, tho ; First Bantist Teachers and Officeri ofli'-O' wl,iebhi,d sonic Intelligent men on j Sunday School Installed Sunday. , - . . . . 1 BLLMOA.T, Jau. 13. An unussial and interesting service was held at the First Baptist church Sunday, January I Sth in which tbn oflicers and teachers of j !the Suaday school were installed by tqtjj pastor, Rev. U. H. Johnston, who to lioth officers a v.y iutt.Au. ,.i . n- i and teachers ause. mis was tne nj-sti i service of ita land ever held in the j church and was unique as well as help-! , fuf tothe congregation and Sunday, school. ; I The following officers were installed ;( j Surariateadent. D. P. Stowe ; assistant I suierintendciit.s, U i. i renhaw and , joe runon; acreiary, naipn rtruia - troag; treasurer, j . it. t.roweu; icacn-1 " " re a ''" Mia Addie Lcepcr. W. J. rancia; be- I nior Department. Mrs . J. I rancis. .Jlis. ii.mnie iiowara; junior iepnri - 1 lueiit, .lira v. , .witi. ..iti.v , j Intermediate Department, Misses Yebua Culp and Lillie Awe; Primary J'epart ; went, Mrs. Civ M. Oulhck, Mrs, George ! Leeper; Pianist, Miss Velma Culp. -District Meeting B. Y. P. U. At Bel ; mint, January 20th. i On Januarv 20th thflrft TT" 1 1 1 hil 1lflil jat the First Baptist chnn-H at B4mont BALDWIN PIANOS, UPRIGHTS and GRANDS - - . - . EDISON PHONOGRAPHS - - "The Phonograph with a Soul" PRICES RIGHT - : - THE the !Ltrift Midiinj of the l.astcra tce- tion of the, . , V. of Gaston coun ty. This Via Votuprise the churebe of First Baptist and F.ast Baptist of BiU mont, "Hickory drove, Cramerton, W Adeiwille, M..-' Holly, Tu.kaseege ad the new Centre View chureh at the Acme Mill. Kc . A.- league, a-lre-president of the inHton O-onnty. Associa tion will be in charge- of tho iwcting, An interesting program ia being arrang ed tiv flu- M. YrF; C. of the f irst ti!V tlut wn;rrli m.l a f rv ulensast ami li 1 .,f ... rvi. 1 al Kami Loan Aaoci;iiion- in Cinstonia . Tm-lai : I'raf. V. i: Hull .Messra.1 1 (:e,oi-K. ' l. 'ir. W. A. i.eepcr, Jr., and m. . .-mi Mr y,r., k f IiBr.r !..! n pnen.l- ... , 11m- ebv 1 l.ove lolte. ! Mis. KiK-HtM Wwlaesdny, .Mrs. joiui I. :.l Mrs. .1. l Wilson, of 'har- jlls ( j, Tiieker wcut to KinR Molnlflin Wcdnesihiv to atteml the fun- ' , f Mr, j ;0f0rth. whieh wag .'. . ' . . ,(li till,ri, Tm,rf.,iiiv imrinnf:. - i Mm Julia 10 ))eCn viw-l . ,M.r s()ij Mr Coi)1 ,..oni inninr-! turned home . WMnenduy. I ' ! Mrs. !ii9 Warren las been quite mekt for ere:.l dfiya at her home near the j Callahan, Kusmdl, Ky., fireman, waa kill Nationnl Mill. I e . H. Caldwell. trakenian, Chinn- Miks Kdwina Moretr.. of i.Tiarlotte, uto, Ky., and Louis K. I'erry, engineer, spent the week-end with Mr. una .Mr. jUH8cjt Ky were badly injured aud The M. Armstrong. , i senlded when the engine,, tender and Mr. mid Mr. J. M. Armstrong s; thr 0 , f rs n.freiaht train, on little dsiugliter, Kathennc Lounw, bi been re.il si-k for the past few, days. Mrs. .1. O. Belli n nnd ehi'.drea. Master, Billy and Utile Miss Kvelyn, of . t ity ( 1'oint, a.. nre inaking n:i exten.ieu vis-j lit to Mr Ilefliu's parents, Mr. and jirM o OiX. a nfii child of Mr. and MrR. , David Wright is quite ill at their home j y,,ut, iVmt. v j ir. v - Tl. Puett went to Oastonia! v.i,.K,l(,v to atteml a meeting nf the HKiSSKMKH CITY. Jan. 1. Misa1 Ava Tliornburg, uf Edgcfleld, H. C, was; the honsi- guese-last week of Miks Ada Nenl. i Mrs. .! Wright and little son, Calvnn,! sient Monday at the home of Nra. C; Moore. 1 Miss Alum S'nia who has been very. sick with tin, is improving. Mi y. H. Far.-is s;ent several diiys hist week with her brother. Mr. B. L. Foster of Chcrryvllle. Mr! Paul Kiser left Monday for Ra leigh where h ewill "he iu School ' the remainder of the year nf the A.' and K. Mioses Ada Nenl nnd Ava Thornburg sripiit Kmnluv with Mrs. Robert Little- . i,t w,.ii witi, her cousin. Miss', Kuth Kiser. Miss Klva Nie.ll. of Oastonia. spent, 'the COUple the couple went to GoldfOWn . They were niiiriiei. Inter' arrested anil held for court . Tl(f clerk today testifying for the couple hs tin- only witneas. On ' "is evutence Judge iHViii uisirueien me; jury to return B vej.iici or guin . 1 ne 1 !.jury Went mt and acquitted. Judge Ic 1 " n"UJ""' J""-T 1 j';, 1Hvil" or.(le.Z " J, "rr1 without pay and tonight Solicitor Norm wnl th(l gnni ivrv anofiier charge of immor!ll relnrioimhip. The woman's , k,.-i,,.n.i no tin itt i i otiai if in t lit jn-oseeutioii . He baa file.1 answer to t!l d;v(ir... ,.0!aiut.- The woman was , u,,rried he day nfter the "divorce. L()s ANOKLK-S, CALIF, Jan. 11. ! - v rf? s 0f the prosecution ,r con-' vi(.li()n nf Arthur C. Burlh. charged with' the Inuril,.r f j, Helton Kennedy, were! j0 j,,, ri.sunu.j' in Juiige. .Siilucy N. Mwvw, ,.urt ,1(.ro t(hlav r;srlv B(l.! j01lrlllllent w.,s ,.aj,.,i yterday becjinsel (lf tl)C illmss ,)f a bror7it.r of Judge! , B Asti Keyes, assistant district attor- j nev, is extiected to continuebi preaen- ujion to the jlrv on t!l(J tU of th . t, , ,,...,,,, k5,lod Kennetly Ktato that the ication of Mrs. Mudalynnc Olieuchain, jointly indicted with Burch, nnd whose trial' on the same charge lias been set to follow the present one. I Eat Heartily Without Fear. .' ' 3 . n, Kennetly At Company guarantees MiO Na Ktoniach Tablets to promptly . 1I 4 ... JlnnAa .lielvnaa ktn,l n rl rroa j tion, or inoiu-y back. v GASTONIA, (N. C). DAILY GAZETTE " - - ,Y THHEK-CA8 THIEVES ' " . ) ! APPRIHENUED; OFFICES i JIM EAST COMMENDED -T1AXLO, Jan. 12. ' Terharia ae of tUe leading auto theft inga in the eoun ty waa broken. U Inst wee, when aAieet , Jim Kaat arreutedjingle banned Kay .M, Smith foruwrly workac at the Bex tnU ning Co. Mill, of Oastonia, ilorrla Mtt. ler an4 Wiltinn A. Slett of ' ...AdrbnA MilK Mount Jlolly. , r" Within the Mint aeeeml ntOMha ak- nninrier of can anl parts of vara hiiTej been stolen in and $bou.t KanUi. Thoj mr belonging to Dr. J. O. Nolen waai stolen lawt Thursday night by the above named parties who Urft or plaeea un known to the orhefr. Owing ta the ef fieienev and ah'rtneaa of our ofticer these partiea ludnea were wwed and t hey ; wer traeed to Heath Springs, ..". Within a few hours they were flrreateil and forwarded ta tiatitoa county jail; wlnre they await the next , term of caurt. There re aeveral eha,rfea againnti these iartiei for 'auto theft. Thia . ia oaly one of several ease haniUeit in a niOAt ettiiient manner within'1! he paat aeveral da.va by our officer. Teoide own ing ears ean rest easy, when Jim Eastl i on the job. ' ' . j FIREMAN KILLED AND OTHERS ARE INJURED: (By Tha Asaoeiate4 Piemi I'OHTKMOUTII. O.. Jan. 11. J. O. the" Chesapeake. 4 Ohio Northern, plung-1 pl down a 1(NJ totit ewbankmnnt. one ml! fl huf mi,e ofik of 1 eary; thU MOrnfag x 1 Thp enaini' rolled over several times, and lundeLs upside down. Coljapae of a: huge nil, weirseneit ny heavy rains, was given as- the cause of the aeciderTft FISH Direct from the Bos(on Fish Car at Charlotte'.V 5,000 Pounds di Sale here Thursday, Friday and Saturday ALL VARIETIES 12 arid 15 Cents Per tb. On sale corner Main and York Streets, where the oranges are being sold. iio1 They'll Demand More HELP every member of your, family to liberal sli ces of our Bread. It's the best thing in the world tor . them. Of course they'll eat lots of it that's to be expect ed. But. don't worry, give them all they want. Our Bread is the most - nutri tious and greatest muscle builder they can eat. Only the finest top-notch materials go into - BUTTER-NUT . BREAD That's why it's Best, for you and Best for your Pocketbook. A 1 lb. Butter-Nnt, Now.. t.,r 10c 1 1-2 Tb. Carolina Maid Pullman, 'now .. . .. 13c 2 lbs. Miller's Crispy" Top, now ...... ..... 20c Carolina Baking Company Phone 63. Free Proof :Slroiiizedf;aSt , What a Difference! Tli barcillMlntiouwiU five yo idea of wkat woiKlcrfal iniproTmrt a tdditioa, of IS pouads uli in pcraos'i fifure. Kud ho IUUMZtD X EAST bauds wi(ht. that the flrst packaga will bring satiaractory reeulU or your money instantly refuaawt- you will be anuued at tke quick improvement lhVUNUtU EASV shows in yon. Get it today! WARNING! There are certain type of yeast which absolutely ns medicinal value. By inelatlng en IRONIZEO YEAST, and rotusing cheaper lanitailone a aubatitutea, you can be cure that you are taking m vitamine tonic treat ment which ia unauvpasaad in effoctivenaae, ' convenience and genuine health-building NolrtuIl Sifd Pachw 1RONIZE& YEAST Sold al all Drugti$t, A BANK YOU CAN - The Citizens w r-am $.wv mvmv V 'An X. a ST ta. Si 1 tK.a m SW-rwa haaa.air.a ;H 4 Per Cent Paid on Savings GASTON LOAN & TRUST CO. ' "Where Your Savings Are Safe.' . .. EVERY NEW YEAR, , HAS TWO HANDLES. ;; ) You can take hold of it by the handle of- Extrava gance, or you can take hold of it. by the handle of Thrift! V, - THIS BANK WELCOMES THRIFT ACCOUNTS ' t y - " A Dollar Starts One. - , The First National Bank GASTON I A, N..C "The Bank of Dependable Semca." , N . . ' - - -. The Piano Selected for RECORDS - - TERMS RIGHT at JSuiidsvvei Beautifies SJcin and, Gives; Nw Energy To Thin, Run-down Folks ' Do you need moreXflesh?. Am jon mo-' down, ptfle or scrawny looking? . Po Ton lack eneiyy or is your fckiq blatnUned; by huniilKiting piuipfes, blackheads or ' boils t If so, here yood newt for you I . ; Simply mad coupon balow for tha fumoul Threo Day FREE Trial Treatment of -lKONIZLD TiAST. Tako the re- markable tulJets two with each tneL ', Then get ready for a surprise! Watch the Quick Results! You simply will not believe your eyea whoa -you ee how quickly ur skin brgini to nwhn, ndbow quickly pimple, etc., bfirin tb diiap-. peur. Note the immediate inereue ia apmtit : and caerar. And at for puttinc mw, bard nh on your boner not tUbby nit. but aood Ana fleh peopln report gaining Ave pounds and more on tlie Very a nit package of IrMJNUtD - YKASTI, , v ; y ;, i- XtMt Best With Iron , ' The reason IRONIZeO YEAST brinns fuch... splendid results iabecause itrantainsa spatially cultured medicinal vea which is uneoualled for it ricboew ia the easeotiaj Water Soluble B Sitaminas. Also contains Ue correct amouat . fUe two other X'itnminea Kat Solubl A and Water Soluble C which are aquaily important to health, yet lacking in the" modern diet. Vitamiuos bring noe multa even if taken -alone but when taken wtth a proper amount , of' Mlly awimilated organic Iron, aa in . 1KONIZKD YKAST, the mult r secured tfltn i it kiUfth viuai (aw - . s Try Ironed Yeast Today SlmnlT mail coupon for the wonderful Three Day FKEK Trial Teat. Or ga to your druggist ml ek 1KOM.K1J YKAST on our guaranu guarantee FREE! 31 Amazing 1-Day Test ' Mail tbu eoupoa with your aaaae and addraetoTkelreaiaed Yeaat Com puny, Atlanta, Ga, Ky return' Bmil'yau will reeeive abeolutcly FkEE our famom S-Uay Trial TnataseaU Watck the Result I Dept. (; HAVE CONFIDENCE IN ' is this, bank.N Here we conduct the commercial .banking businesstojj liking pf.. a -'Business man, with system and dispatch. -Here ou can obtain (reasonable accommodation prompt ly, sound advice on your .business problems, and intelligent service.1 Nat'l Bank ia v i 11 1 19 irii rnv UUilKj - .. i i THURSDAYi JANUXRY 12,1922. ! : PROFESSIONAL -L DR. CHAS. O. DeLANEV Annnnaeea. tho opening of his office in -the' Bagnn BaHdinjt.: Praelie Limited to Gnito-Wiiiary Disease. dr.Al c sm aL'l CHIROPRACTOR ,407-40 First, Natl Bank Buildfij Phones 533 and 84 VJ ' CoMulUUoa Free To AH.? : G. B. "POWELL OSTEOPATH 202 Reftlty Building - ! I Office Phone 161 ' Residence Phone 601 'I W. W. CALLOWAY V AUDITOR . Public Accountant, Bank Exam. . bier snd: Offiee Syitematiser . ; ' Charlotte Mi Atlanta Offices - Setidencs GASTONIA, N. C, P. 0. Bos 358 ' JOHN E. ECK -1 v- i- Publie?Accountant .' Audita, Syitema,, Cost Findings x 203 First Natfoait Bang - : , Office 627 ; ,;... BtidHie $40L, ii " - eT CHAS. ,C WILSON jr. a; ;,a - - , Architect Member Am. Soo. C. X..' ; Hqipe OfiSce -, : " ' 804-5-6-7 Palmetto Building ' . ColuinbigiS. C. . . " Brunch Offices . 11. 201 First Nitkqnaj Bank Bli Gastoala,; N. C. " Ernest CoAti.'Mgr. T 10J Davis Building, Wilson, N. C,'. G. H. Berrymsn, Mgr.'., - ! - ' a t- i " - - -r CERTIFICATE OF. DISSOLUTION t State of North Carolina, Department of i- ;- ::$tatr . :;.. To AH to' WhcrmHlt'se Presents Mrty Come Oreet lug: . . ' I'.W Vhereas, It appears to my satijflj- I tion, by duly authenticated record of tlie firoceedingg for the voluntary dissolution ! thereof by- thViiiuinimotig cnitaciit of nil . ' I the Stockholders, deapoaitcil in my officf, i thai tho 'Antoniotjve,, Sides Company, - . 'eortmrationr-of tlua Ktnte,',whose priiu)- pal office.' is situfitetl'ln'tho' City of Uas j tonia. County of Gaston, ienite of North j Carolina, (W. H. Wray being the agent j therein and - in Charge thereof,'-' Updiv i whomproeess may In ai'rved), has eojn j plid with-"the reqnlremeats . of (Chapter 22, Consolidated Stotutcs, entitled' "Cor j porafions,"-.iifelijiyiiary to th issuing of j-thia Certificate ofDissolution : . "t j Now, Therefore,,!, J. Bryan Grimel, Secretary of ' Rtatq ; of the Style s of ! NorUi Carolina,"' li ' fiereby certify tiuit S j the saiircorpor!j.tinh'dll, on the 21st lay v, ! of December, 3921, file in jny office a j duly executed a rui. attested consent 4n writing to the diaaolution ot said corpor-: jtion "executed by 'all the stockholders i thereof, wliicL' snt-fonsent avt the ree- .. ford of tlie proceedings il'oresuid are now . oq" file in niy said -ttfftee as' provided by : law., p : Iu Testimony wniereofrv I have hereto set my hand nnd affixed niy official seal' at Baleigh, thia ;21st tayof December, A. I. 1821, I - ' j ; , J. BBV4X CRIMES, Va ' , ."aa. Secretary of State. ' Filed and recorded iu KocorJ of In ' corporations No." at 'page 2S this the ' 27th -ilay of December,; 1521 . - " . - H,. O.-HENDRJCKH, t' .,t1erkvHiiper;or Court;' Th l9 e 4 "';.,, - . ' ' J ' ' - t f8 Army Salvage , Co A 119 E. Main Ave. , .''.'' i j-1 : "' ' ;' ' at Saunders Pressing dub ::- . t - --' - All kinds "of Army, Goods Cheap. Ralif Coate Spe cial. ' ' ' ' '- Pfenning Heme Grounds aJU and plant for you. Co ap plets equipment for land scsp work. Send a snap- i wane. -sea? sjuggestrons, or V ask our landscape man t visit yoa. Come to our J'Vii'.V nnrsory, westaf Hickory i&S& Southern RaUway. HOWARD-HICKORY NURSERY Hiokvry, Herttt Carolina Fruit TrttM Al .. , ' Cataiot ree Subscribe fo Tha Dailv Gaiette. J the White House lVIUSIC ROLLS ; ,; PHONE 588 231 W. MAIN AVE - GASTONIA, N. C. " :,

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