Y 1 " PACE TWO THE GASTONIA, (N. C), DAILY- GAZETTE FRIDAY, JANUARY 13. 1922." " SFO.'CEH LI0UM1 f CALUSDOTS met tbe Kings Miuntais highs ta a ' game "1 hiiskvtfiaK. The Kimr was hard f fought on both sides, resulting in n ware ! ..i . .: an ' : ' - . m i-r : M I (Correspondence ot The Daily Oaxett.) (Correspondence of The Daily Ciaectte) tain. t C. Cornell, Jr.. refereed ih ? - . " .a I lull . a - ts.l...l 1'. C.1!0. , - " I II Ulil TAI Jgg' 111 J ' r Llj.TP, Jan. 1.1 c-wmi xii-rum , - ... , r ! ' -.. r.m junjai.i, . i, 1 ivitnribiv nftrirnonn on the wrr jifiniiav Biominz miiT n iiicbiiob hi . , twa week. The wtTendsnre as spa-a The New Tears party gives at the Wil I Join Swtnrdsy earning by several mem i ln of the community was a source of "mse-h fdeassre- tut a large erewd. Miss 'Ccorgie Cathey had charge of the enter- did, despite the absence f c-uite a num ber of the small children who have the tliicken-iox. The school was glad to its ntcmtv Uis 'tainiag, pajirr race, potato rUCPf, popil-' "ricomr in it wunr jii- nrn-u, ni Jlaritv, pinning contest and a number of ! Winston SwU-m. who Ixgaa her dutirs as r.rW DimM were ontned isto ' with ' teacher of pii-ie this week . Mins Itricts much enthusiasm. String mnsie was i furnished bv Messrs. Jae, Sherrill, Toss iioliis, E. M. Mobley and James May. Hsm sandnWhes and coffee, hot rhoeo ,Jat aad wafers were served by Mr. W. L. tTlanor, Mr. R. W. Armstrong, Mra, Wf. A. Perkins, Mrs. Patterson, Misses ' Jvatie Flowers nnd Kertha Hammett. Mrs. Lpa Oohlsm.yth, Mrs. Chas. Jonea ind Mr. Vray Otddsmyth went to Gai toni Satiinlay. Mra. Hnldii Cloninffer of Stanley U eoni(s liigklv rtveiumemleil, haio, taught reeenltv iu &ilcm Colh-jte. -Mr. Mervhi t'mnur wa hostess ta Circle . I'o. One of the Hu;'ti.-t lies' Aid SoeV'ty, at her home on the 1jiII:ii Castouia mint, Tii?sil:iy nfternoim. After the buine-n meeting, a deiiybl fill soeiul hour was iient, dudnt; which .fr. riiiii mer serve.! linine-mu'lc cuddies. 'Mrs. f. ,i. ciuith liosf.ss to 1 ircle x! patnrday nftfirnoon on Kehoul c' urt. the Monarc h mill . haket l.;ill t:im will Jiy t)e I'Uiver mill team. Mm. K. li. Jritt8in, of tartoiiaf fH'iit Wediit-Biliiy fith Mr. and Mm.: J . H. Lewis. 1 MLi K;il-i'Lee Lewii was hIjIc to re-, turn to her lioino here Monday from the Oiarlotti- ?;inatoiiiii where she uinler Kent o'lefatifiw fr of!'ndiriti. Miw I'nrrie lixtm n a viitir to 1utr!otte TuesiUiy., J. Y. MILLER . Staple and Fancy Groceries . Quick Delivery '' , Onion Sets N Laying Mash Feed Phone 154 PROFESSIONAL CAKSX r D?. CHAS. 0. DLANEY Announeea the opening o'f big offic In -the Jlagan Buihlinp. Ptaetiee Jvimtef to Geuito-l'rfnary Btseese. ALEXIS NEWS ft- ( '.irri siondeiirc of The AI.KM i, Jan. 1;! - T :i il v Ciizittel f'.lr. mid Mrs. numU'r two at her home Tin sdn.v nixht. t Vred loiiiiiRi-r. of D:i1I:ik, route Z. neiit, (Juitc a auiulier ot vimuik iK'opie - at the Moruwetrh Die party wan chae.iie.l h.v Mrs. Mary White and MiKs r'aiinie KoliiiiMm. The boy and girts were lUcwed as trickily as possilile anil the costume cawed much nunriineBt . After careful iiispjetion, ; however, Minn Kathiyne l'nsour hiiiI Mr. James Jarrcll wire found to lie the' tackiest couple slid each received 11 prize. Various ic;tmci were played and' j the VietTola fmnished music for the oc-; About forty her sister Mr played here Wednesday nfternooa of this for thepyst week "iiuivk.1 Monday to week, when the Dallas hiRh scfc'ad Io.vs J Station . ' Of fjaminnia"' m January Clearance Sale . . w 1 1 1 Style, Scry ice. Value and 3? Satisfaction f ' " I.vKitinc fricada in the. villas? this week, joyed a " tacky -party i'( Mr. J. M. Crawford went to tTiarlotte; community hoiwe aturdiiy night. . Kridtiy where he eatered the Charlotte ' ''tanatoriuui for treatment. His friends , iiopo he will soon be able, to retura liionie. in .Bora, 10 Jar. ana jars, iroy neiry, "Friday, January C, a son. Hubert Clin lon. 1,1 Misa Georgie Cat hey spent the week in,l in Belmont with her parents. Mr. nd Mrs. A, A. Cat hey. J- MUa Bertha Hammett was a i8)tonm easion. About forty young people en chopper Friday. - j joyed this evening of fun. ilt Miss Mande Jtallard of Alexis is . lh siuipnteHt vaaie of the season was ' spending the week, with L. Abernathy. ; . Miss Ethel Williama inisitinjf Mr. and Mra. JSam Williams, the "former her brother. , Mr. J. H. ilhi. Miss Bith Sills, Mr. 'INesbit 8ills ami Titus "Sills were ins- , lonin vwitora Saturduv. -1 ! Mr. Joe fcherrill was a linsiness visitor j "to Gastonia Saturday. ,:; Born, to Mr. and Mrs. B. MrCansby,1 JSafurday,, January 7, a atm, Alson Lee. I n-.Mr. John Ckmingef waa a Gastonia; hofier Saturday. j ..The Home IVpartjnrnt of the Worn-, ( aa"a Bible Clnas met with the new, a superintendent, Mrs. W, L, Abernathy", j Jin - her 'home Monday evening. Thei J former Buperintendent raa preaent , and 1 gave a splendid report of tlie work (lonej by the former visitors for the pasti ?year. The nn'mltership was divided be- j tween the four visitors . ami literature ! Jwil! je delivered as soon as it ean be se-j r cured. After all tlu humitetM, was at-1 ftendeii to the ho less assisted by her ia- ', tter, Mhvi Maude Bulla n I served deliei-. y Joua hot chocolate nBd eake. Thow prea-l Jent werct Missea Anue Hovis. Katio: -(Flowers, Ruth tsllla, Mrs. Patterson and; jKev., J. M. ; Ballard and Mr. Burtia liovisv. ' : 1 ' " -! 2 Mr. and Mrs. George "Warren and' , Jchildren of Gastonia apent the week-1 1 tend with Mr. and Mrs. Trov Kelly, 1 Mr. Kelly Perkins of Behnont spent; ?the week-end here with hla family. r j ' Mr. Franklin FloweTS of near Dallas ; rwas a luisiness visitor in the village Bot-j itirdny. ' ' '.: -.' .... i ; Mr. Maxie' Thomns and Miss Mary-'i ., jThonias were visitors in Gastonia Mon-j .iy. 'C' '--"' ' ' ' 1 Those retHTninjr to Unlilo Monday toi ranter ' ai-hool -werj : Misses " Ruth Bills ! jind Fay SherriH, Messrs. Carl Bherrill, ' "TTidph "Weaver,' Maxie Thoiwa and Vrny; (ioldsmyth. . .'.. ' ..', 'yMrs. Lula Ingle , of. Bessemer. Clry is: yending .some time with Mr. and Mrs.' J. M. Causb.y, the former a brother of Urs. Ingle 'a - ' 1 Ti.eKdnv i1h the litters parents, Mr and .Mrs. L. M. Ie!lii.Ker. '. ' Misj. Vi'iin Aberii;ith.v i-j-nt Saturday night iitli Miss itella Afieriiathy. , Mr. 1.. H. )iliingcr w.vs in tiastonlaj Jraturday n Iwisinesn. 1 Mr. Wain SseUr-r.i, who working in Mt. Holly, spent the week -end with Mr.' Claude Mauney ' , S Miss Kn-ye s?troiiie, ,or primary' teacher, yient tile vci k-i n, ,it In r home in "Stanley. Mr. hurley Spnrgo mid family, of .Vtanler, s'leiiti Saturday and Kunday', with Mrj nui! Mrs. I.. U. Ivllinger, ! The tent show which 1i:i. been here' Iron', NOTICE 'TO CITIZENS We woufd be jrlad to have you telephone C23 and report any street lamp in your vicinity that does not burn, This -will enable us to renew same promptly there by giving you better service. " GASTONIA PUBLIC WORKS, y Light Department, Box 187. , D R. J. C. SMALL CHIROPRACTOR 407-408 First Nat. Bank Building r Phoaea 535 and 849-J , Consultation Free To AO. a B. POWELL OSTEOPATH 202, Realty Building ' Office Phone 161 Residence Phone 601 . . n i Subscribe TThe Gitstonia Daily Gazette 3f3 Saying of From 25 to 50 Per Cent Tb Help you, to be Always WclL Dressed thru our"C1xar&'it - . ANNOUNCING OUR ANNUAL JANUARY W. W. GALLOWAY AUDITOR . Public Accountant, Bank Exanv iner and Offica Syatematiser . Cbarlott aad Atlanta Offices Beaidenca GASTONIA, N. C. i P. 0. Bo 35 i JOHNE.EtK Public Accouataat Audita, Syateina, - Coat Fiadin-rt. 03 First Katioaal ank j ' Phones ' V Office 627 Beaideaea 84S-L NHNIIMeNHHIINl t OLNEY LOCALS. - il in t (Correspondence of The Daily Cassette.) Hi i jl0LXEY, Jan. 15.- Rev. G.N A. 8pnr-i I IXa n,l Mr. ft,. armor .n.l Mr It fl towe were the guests of Mrs. George a. jxan lajit Wednesday if! The January nieetine of the Woman's! f .fuxiliary wet with Mrs. lu C Torrenee her home in town. The attendance I iu good, and an intereating jneeting I xn9ii held. The study hour was mot ably1 y inducted by Mia. XeiUHawkins. The easurer r-iorted two barrels of fruit, , I i,he .hundred jars tf canned fruit, pre-j Mrvea, etc, sent to Barium Springs, at; ihrLstmas. Also reported two dozen jarSj f fruitw, preserves and jellies sent toitlie' JlirUiopaedk' Hospital. At the close; of i (the meeting a delicious .salad course waa! J f erved, eJiickeni salad, jiiekles, etc., .with! Jifc coffee. ' . .-. .- J Misa Kasie Iuman and Mrs. C. P. , f i obinson a ssisteil Mrs. Torrenee. The' I Jdaee of meeting in February will be an- j Jjipnneed later. ' s . I MiOn next Sunday afternoon at three I f "ti'cloe k, - Ber. Ai S8. Anderhan will j !'sch for as. Sunday school will meet roniptly at two o'clock. : I i i i Work is now going on Rapidly on the ' I In ion road. ' J J ! People who live en that road are tieing i J Jreatly ineohvenionewl by the closing of; I I (at road, as there are but few roads tiround the blocked road. Children go- Jig to school in town in autos, now have iV n iiw -.-r iu,t,i, viukui u n I ag to Union school have to detour over' 4, 1 most impassable roads. While some Msidents, between tho lo-ked gates are j Jijinost shut in. lit iraralccis 1 411 tf all WINTER APPAREL for the ENTIRE . FAMILY Offering Extraordinary Savings of from 25 to 50 on every purchase. Not only have our own large stocks which were already marked very low for the - holi days been subjected to this remarkable reduc tion, but we are receiving new up-to-date mer chandise from our Fifth Avenue Headquar ters which was bought at extraordinary prjee -coneessiofrs- -from- "manufacturers who were closing out their winter lines and needed cash. All the newest ideas in mid-winter styling at prices which enable us to pass the saving on to you. . -' omen's And Misses' ALL Fall and Winter MILLINERY Smart exclusive.- models, fashioned of finest mate rials. All shapes, sizes, and colon. Originally priced from $5.95 to $14.75 Now 1-2 Off Coats, Suits and Dresses COATS Cloth and Plu-h ia all the wanted mate rials, colors, styles and trimmings. Ac tual savings of from 25 Per Cent to 50 Per Cent. NOW $19.50, $24.50, $29.50, $3450, and $39.50 SUITS Latest models of mid winter styling ia Tri cotine, Velour and other materials. Ac i tual savings of from 25 Per Cent to 50 Per Cent. NOW ' $24.50 and $34.50 DRESSES Cloth and Silk mod els in a wonderful ar ray of latest styles of Beaded and Hand Embroidied ia all 'styles for miss and matron, originalIy$ $19.75 to $39.50 NOW 1-4 dFF CHAS. C WILSON F. A.', A , Architect v Mcmker An. Soc. C. X. f Hcwf Office 804-5-6-7 Palmetto Building Cohunbia, Sv C. Branch Offices 208 First National Bank Bld, , Gastonia, 1H,,Q. Erneat CU, Mgr. 105 Davis Building, Wilsoa, ,Nk C. G. R. Berrytnaa, Mgr. All Fur Coats, Fur Pieces, Sweaters, Blouses e.nd Skirts now selling at remarkable reductions of trom 25 to 50 off. A saving of 25 to 50 cehts on'the 'dollar. : ' ' ALL BLUE SERGE MIDDY SUITS Serviceable and warm for '-Drk bt play. Specially adapted for the miss. Styl ish models, originally pric ed from $14.75 to $24,50 Now 1-2 Off STATIONERY This has always been a specialty with tfs. We carry a big line of all kinds of fine stationery. You will find in our stock almost anything in sta ti5nery -that yourtaste may demand. Come in and ask for it The price, too, is anoth--er thing you'll like about our stationery. Spencer-Akins Book Co. publication, Bnkaa-ia--t.h ffeantime s petitio for its anbfclilon te the voters . ii filed under . the Municipal Finanro : Act, aad that ia such .event it shall take rffeet-when approved .by the voters of , . thn municipality el as election as pro vide,! in snii Mmk-ipa' .'iusce, Act. m .TIio foregoing ordinance was"-passed ' my the 6th iay of IVemjiei, 1921, and was fir.ft published' m"the 2lfrd day ef December; 191il.- .!- , . . .- Any action or prtsjrt diua- questioning the validity, of sctid .ordinnBeo musC'bo eownpem-ed with ia thirty days aft(r,,Jts publioation,' ; - . ; , ' A. If . nOLjAND. w Clerk of the Koand of Coainiissionors. , AM ORDINANCE 10 AUTHORIZE THE TOWN OF DALLAS,' N C, : TO ISSUE $35,000 OF BONDS i F08, SEWEK - 'SYSTEM. - He it ordained by tho Board of Com- missioners ef the town of Dallas, N, C - Se,etion 1. That the towa of Dallas ' under and pursuant-to tle Munieipa,! , . Finance Act, do iasuts its lamds for tho' purpose of ewnstriMtinsr, a sanitary sewer system, pnd in , and for said town. -. Seetivn'S. The ' maziinunr aggregate -principal amount, of said bonds shall be t;W,Ooo.oo. . Section 3, That a" lax suflicieut to pay-' " the' principal snd ipterest of said bonds . shall be ausually levied. and collected. Section 4. Tlut a-statement of debt-, of the municltialtty" has been filed with . the Clerk of the Board of Commission ers, pursuant to the Municipal Finance Act, and ,1s open to public inspection. - 8ecttoni 5. The average assessed valu ation of property subject x to taxation by the Municipality foe the three fiscal years "Hn which taxes were last lpvied as shown by said statement is tl,132,l74.0(iJ iSectkm 6. The amount of the net debt of the municipality, eutfltanding author ised or Jo be autliorixed as shewn , 'by suid statement is $ ltMOOj0. Section 7. That, this ordinance shall take effect thirty days after its first pub lication, unless in tlia; pieantime a, peti tion for its giibniission to the voters is filed under the Municipal Finance Aft, and that in such event it skull take ef fect when approved by' the voters of the ninniejpftlity at -an eleetkm" as provided ia said Municipal Finance Act. :, The foregoing ordinance, was -passed on the 0th day of December, 1921, and was first published on the 23rd day of December. -1921. ': Any action or proceedius questioning the validity of said ordinance must tie commcnced..within thirty days a?ter its first publication. . B. HOLLAND. ' Clerk of the Board of CJnnnLfsioners. - ' - '- r Statement of debt of the town of Dnl lns, North Carolina,' made and filed with the clerk of the, Board of Commission-. es of said town py the treasurer there-, oft After tie introduction and before the . final passage of certain bmid ordi nances entitled "an ordinance to author ise the' town of Dallas to issue .I5,000 of bonds for wafer 'uppy system',' and "nn ordinance to authorise ths town of Dallas, N.'C, to' iHSue nonds 35,0lt0.0l) for sewer system. " " All done ia'pur mianie t section 19 qf the Municipal' Finance Act 1919. . V T A tf. Tnllon.Y ' 1nin 1l.r nnrn.n do hereby certify jthat J am the duly elected and .'qualified' treasurer of the town af .Dallas, N.' C., aai. the chief financial offleertliefe6l, arfd thnt: v (a. "The total" amount-(hereinftfrer referred to aa lie jefoss. tlcbtV of the ont standing, ftoatinjfiiKteNedBess of ;- the towa of Dallas, X.".,jC. ami all ion)od debt ''of the sahl town outstanding or to. be incurred under ordinances or ' other proceedings, passed,; taken . or pending, exclusive f debt incurred, or to be in' cur red in anticipation of the collection of taxes of the current year, or the ante of bonds, as follows! -. . . .. 1 Note Temporary Loan for electric lighting fixtures. Electric light bonds '($10,- 000.1)8 bonds isauedi -prior ,- to H years ago ...... Beal Ktate (City Hall) . ;. Proposed Water Bonds,.... Proposed Sewer Bmrdsv. , . . t (.CorTesponlence i of The Daily Gazette) ! UNION, Jan. 1.1 One of these days' J je witl hsvc a n w road, but at present i t ate would be glad to own flying machines. ! lit This week work has begun in earnest Mi wlist is to lo the new asjduilt road JHom. the I'nion section to Oastonua. j,f;iie ohl road is being torn np, and the t sjates are kx-ked . No one but the mail , ' -arrier is allowed to go upon the section , J rom the entrance to the Little Mountain, I ead, to-the corner near the Mcdinnis 4ore. This necessitates all sorts of Vt srounds. Those near Cnion church ' Vrc having the longest trips, for they jfuive to-go to the New Hope road, and ke cross roa.li are by no means ia bejiu j fliful condition after these late rains. ""'Then, wera a number of school chil- . V'"U who went t towa te the highj i rkoi. uu hoy got; into ine locked out ; rspctioa and had te have his car at a : i oune and walk 'about i 1-2 mile "home, be " doesn 't need ssy warning, a Jot future trips. Another boy, who has ; ki marneit brother on the New Hope road i'Jn l tkcu biaisi-If aad his car to live, ' ihcre for a time. AH sorta ef old siilap-i I ridatcii buggies are .-eappearimj, for a S tUuggy and mule caa certainly travel a ; lou-t road better than a car. X V Hut although we are delighted with the rosieet of a new road, we wish for a flying nachine,vor else that it was sweet summertime,- N I You do not need cash to I take advantage of this re markable Clearance Sale. Come in, select tbe garment you want, suit, dress, or coat, all of the latest styles and best quality at CASH PRICES, tell the clerk to "CHARGE IT", , make a small deposit, then pay while you wear, in weekly or monthly payments, when you get paid. No embarrass ing questions. No inconvenience. Extraordinary Sale , Men's and Young Men's s SUITS ANt) OVERCOATS Our large stock of men's high type suits and overcoats has been replen-, ished by a shipment from a prominent New York manufacturer who was closing out his winter line and heeded cash. Hence we were able to buy at remarkable price concessions and are passing this saving on to you. We have divided them in two groups offering you ACTUAL REDUCTIONS OF FROM 25 PER CENT TO 50 PER CENT. ' GROUP I You'll have to go far ' to match his value. All Wool materials in a variety of models and cloths. , $29.50 V GROUP II The best clothing value in years! Absolutely the finest workman ship and materials in many styles $39.50 ORDINANCE. The City Council of tho City of Gnstoni4 do ordtiin and cnaeT: Section 1. That it shall be unlawful ' for anv iierson or Versons to park any I automobile, automobile truck' or any ! other vehicle on the South side or Air ' line Avenue between South ami Oakland Streets and on. the North side of said ' Airline Avenue between' Falls and Dallas Streets: , Scction'2. Any person or persons vio ! Inting any rr(Kiiou of this ordinance 'shall be guilty or a misdemeanor and j shall be subject to and shall pay a penal I ty of $10.00 for each and every offense. Section 3 All ordinance or arta ! thereof . iu conflict with this ordinance i are hereby appealed,' This'the 3rd day of January, 1923. ! - H. Q. CHERRY. Mayor jg. O. FRY, City Clerk. 13 e 1 i ) i , , . 1 t .' BOY'S SUITS . All boys suits in serviceable and sturdy models medium -md heavy weight materials in many patterns and. cloths. Originally from ' - . $7.50 to $19.50 ' , MOW 1-4 OFF. rtaotMixfbrthe entire family Just say "Charge It." It's Part of Our Service. I i u 1 1 a E i ZrJ a a i W 1 1 It a La QUrallAppaTel at Castt Prices' 7 I 3 r I .229 W. Main Ave. - ; C C. Brooks, Mgr. ! AN ORDINANCE TO AUTHQRIZt THE TOWN OF DALLAS TOIS- SUE $35,000 Of BONDS FOR WATER SUP- !" ','. .'' "PLY SYSTEM. v i Be it ordained -ty the board of eom j missioners of the town of Dallas, N. C. Section . That the town f Dallas under and pursuant to the Municipal , Finance Act, do issue its bonds for the , pnpropse of constructing a water sup i ply system in and for said town. : I Section 2. The maximum aggregate principal amount of said bonds shall be ' 35,00O.0O. ' , , Section 3.' That a tax sufficient to. pay the principal and interest ef said fconds shall be annually levied and collected. Section 4. That a statement of debt ef the municipality has been filed with the Clerk of the Board of CoinmLssioa ers pursuant to the Municipal Finance Act, and is open to public inspection. i Section 5. The average assessed vsm- ation oi property swojecx to taxation cy the municipality for the three fiscal years in which taxes were last levied as shown by the said "statement is" $1432,174.00. Section 6. JThe Jniount of tbe net debt of lha munieiDaiitT outstanding. j authorized or to be authorized aa shews j by said statement, is H6.W0.00. I Section 7. That this ordinance shall, take effect thirty days after its flrst1 $ 3,000.00 5,000.00 5.000.00 3.r,000.00 35,000.00 1 Cross debt $83,000.00 (b) . The deductionsfrom said gross debt are ss follows: k 1. I'nissued f undirtg or ref undi bonds, None. ?, ''" - j J , 2. The atfiouiit ol:-inking funds jar other funds held for the payment of nny part of the gross debt other than exist ing debt incurred' fo revenue produc ing enterprises and hereinafter deducted '$2,000.00. .f: sfii ' " ' 3.. The amount 'of 'uilcollHtcd special .assessment levied 6r to be levied 6n ac count of local improvements foj which any part of the gross debt was or is p be incurred and applicable to the,j)ay nient or part of the gross debt, none. 4. The amount ef )ondetLdebt , in cluded, in the gross 'de'it and' incurred within 5 years prior to date of this state ment, none.'. it '' 5, The amount of- bonded debt -eluded in the gross debt-and to bo in- curreil ror water pun'oses, jd,uw.uu Total amount of deductions. $37 (C) The amount ( nereinaiter. rc red to as tie net debt)' or the difference between the "gToss debt and the dednc- tions is $46,000.06. (d) - The assessed valuation- of prop erty subject to taxation by the town ef Dallas, N. C, for each ef the three fiscal years ia which" 4axeajrere last levied, and the average thereof are as follows: 1919 $ 476.711.00 -; 1920 534,."03.0ff- H ' 1921 1,365.309.00 . '''": Average 3 years :l.i"n.. $1,132,174.00 (e) .The percentage that the net debt bears to said avejayeassessed valuation ij 4.0 per cent. . , Witness mv hand this the 6th day of December, 1921. , ' . A. R. HOLLAND, , " H rwn Treasurdr. Sworn' to and subscribed before me, this the 10th dav of December 19,21. E. M. BRYNE. '' Notary Public Mv commission tfitptrta March 1, 1923.. F-JI3c4. .. - . ADMINISTRAIdH'S NOTICE. - The andersigned'balfjas qualified as -administrator of the" estate of C. T. . Hawkins, deceased, lata- of 5aston , County, North Carolina this is to noti fy all persons harts elating against said estate te file them, properly certi fied, with the nmk-rsigaed on or before the H i , ' 23rd day of DeceiriieT, t922, or this "notice will be jd ided in bar of their recovery. All per as indebted to said estate will please i ake immediate pavment. ... 1 this-22nd day of. Dcember. 1921. - -. ,. , . C. i BLACK. . . ' Administrator, i IL L. STgmon; Atty. F-J27c6w, c ifer- CJ- i . -IT A .1 i If . . Hi r I - Ktl ,1 y-,i ' V? 5 J ' -s. ?.1 JJ I-' 1. 35 ' i , y" -I i ,1 ft ' i rr .in f r V I,- k ! '. T-