s - PAGE TWO THE GASTONIA, (N. C), DAILY GAZETTE SATURDAY. JAttJARY 14, 1922. Mt IM 'I : ! - UI, ( mi Ml' Ml ,' Ml Ml !. 111 '1 !! f! ! Ml f.i 5r :i tn i?! ' . j Hi' :n ... 1.1 ' til: u. ai ,u ii. i';. it Ui III -lit' i.i l Ml il. ilk ilS (.. to jii Ui it Ml ll, iii hi, ill t.l ill iii .C :t Jtt nt .,'! Ml !l !!i m Ml i't ut Mi ! in M iii ii! ill . lit a M l l Hi Itl 11 Itl "! I?l I Mi t ll III mi. Mwooyli yuwpwwi.1 ora r " ' ": SUNDAY AT - - . f t ESI ' i' m -i tirrtv .mn X Directory Showing Where Service! Will Be Held Tomorrow In the Churches of the City and County oft AH Denominations, Together With New Items Concerning Religious Gaston. t:liCZ . Hit NEAR EAST RELIEF. : . .. . .. . Oucc again tiie litresung cries oil ii: tarvimr mi I ilvinsr . children come! M direct to the ears of O8toiuti from thej '.'rfhrlstian liin.l of Armenia and the !X-nte n'l dew.liite eitien of the Near) 4;t; Laiit. tianton miiit.v ;u tn uiintrf ui' W3 of World War orphan, atthaj !'!-redieu0iuJy low eost of .0U per year J t , ... . 4 i,ji.i " .Ul. f.l ,lniint nillt I'll till. ' "U nU"T AIT."' I V'lUMUV - iil who otherwise will 1 left in the street il'to die and be enrted nwiiy to a general -': dnmpinp ground and potter's field. lit' AH paBtori in tin eomit.v are urjre.i to J.j, lay this needy and worthy 'can' on tliej t'ia and the emmty. Mr. .1. n. M parKt jjj han been asked to assume tin- presidency! ),i and Mr. W. .1. Fiamis. of Belmont, the ;; vice-presidency of the tinstou campuijiii. Reverends J. II. Henderlite. city chair-; 'r.' cau and 0. H. iillespie, comity chair-' man are worWfiig as a unit for city and' Mi county for tli adoption of l.'U of these J." orriluuis nt tif.0M each. 7.!S0 or aliout : 14e per capita of county population. Ifj Jjl'tho pnntorii will earnestly and prayerful-1 , ly eall the attention of their 7oplc to J!! the iuffering, and urgent need of relief funds, from now until rcbruary Jo ''! Ji, ton county will "go over the top" in in, the true Gastou spirit. IM Representative men and .women from K..r..h l.fl,l..t s, l,iwd and every town, church. cotton mill district iu the county have i . .i... ...i..;. n..i heart of their people ami prepare ior:ioiun i ru..,. .. - im.r nuim (iv ,. ,,stor Hev ( ' (iaston'a quota of 7Jxu duriiiR 1 P-r- enjoy a cel to-Rether" lunch m thc;, J " "M J'i iod of February 12 to 2. Mr. A. !.: o.ial rooma of lh- Ariiistuonit Memormi . ' 1 ; ;-l:Mver president of the. Citizens Nation-, church. Rev. B. V. Lone, pastor of the! J; '' ; .. -. l, f ui-al Bank in the joint-tr.siir'r for Uimto- Wild Avenue I'renbyleriiin cluiivh andj n ( h ,', .. f, IMI'U BBK1 III KTIV "II UK' iim... v... - - !:!'-.. - .i. : ..u-v,. .......... o'lVoide. " Sunday school meets 1(I:M a. ',' man guffrrs through the oppression of jJJ error, of justice, or tyranny, there i! your brother." Y.x. ' f'"He drew a circle which shut me out, fj ' Heretie, reheL a thing to flout; MJ But love anil I had the wit to win. t" We drew a circle that took him in." " Mark ha 111. u 1 Charles B. Armstrong Memorfal Presby j'li terian Chnrch. ,H At Sunilay school tomorrow morning, itl class buttons will lie distributed and the handsome attendance banner will he I..' ureseuted to the ehiss nearest to enroll- ,JJ ment. Special nesfrion. of the Men'siat 9:40. a. nt. Preaching by the pas-I u, Bible class nt 1ft a. m. The pastor will tor, Rev. Dr. James H. Henderlite, at 11 ! iireuch at 11 a. m. and 7 P. m; A Junior I a, m. and 7 p. m. ! Christian Endiwor Society will be or- ni'eumzed tit 6 p.'tn. Subject of morning' ui. sermon "Christ's tliurch anl Our! '"Church." Subject of night sermon, 1 IJJJ "Thp One Important Thing to Know." j Ht' m 1 Ml) 1 af sa,fra.?awucjsajw'g " ' ' ' ' ' TME UHUKCWtS MJ Activities Qft AH Sorts, In J A yo eordi.l! :mi hearty welcome ii 1 1 I'nioii , oil at the i iinreli Uy the mile t' road on -h.im Hi-oad Mtreet. Piedmont Chapel. Sunday si hool meet.i nt i. in. M. , nnyne, Miiejinieuneiii. i n .u uiiiK (.. II. UUUa immediute.v after ; ''. ...." '" f". " KtifhteouMiiwis which hxwi. intod HiKhteoiiHiiec mimic and wincing-, all jMojde eiiminiinitv rnrdiaity invited. of the Boy Scouts. rt oVloek SeontR of ; Toiiijrlit at entniismsiic o:oin master win spcah in me Iioys and their "1)adn."( L. 0. 0. M. . A II memliers of the Loyal Under of M(IM ..r). uriced to assemble nt Maose tomorrow moriiiiijr at ! a. in. and ,M)irih to tlu- hiist Baptist cliurcl ......i t .,- Men's Bible class. Rev i-li it ri-ii in ai- T. II. King is cxiecting every mcmlicr of the Order. Sunday, .Inmiiiry 22. First irst l'rcsb-terian Men's Hilile clas, Suti- : ,inVi January t'onvention Bibl l.ls-. First Baptist church. First Baptist Church. I reaching 1 1 a. m., by piistor, subject. "A- Working People." Preaching :.'!(! 1. ut liy mislov, sulijcct. "All utie W. 11. Wray, suiwrintemleiit. uieels tit 6:.'I0 p. in. B. Y r.'s 1 West Airline Methodist Episcopal I . Church. Sunday school 9:4,1 a. in. R. P , Propst, mijNrintemleiit. A special class; I for men. rrniciiiiig it a. in. uy ine ,). 2,:,uim dmmond he 13 alleged to ! pastor. Praise service 7:(mi p. in. Hold.; i,!IVo s-toh n ilurinij the hul.ltip. nceonling ; Gardner, leadu'. Prenching 7:.'l(l p. 111. 1 to word received by Atlanta, police, i by tin; pastor. Praise service 7 :'!0 p. 111. ; Detectives ai rested D.ipre, who later 1 Wednesday. You will ls welcome here. ; (.(ini'e-d, according to Detroit despatch lite v. ieo. Studson DeLano, pator. t hirtlv after be iuquitod at the post- I ollice for mail addressed to " F. H. I'ark- , First Presbyterian. rr. The diamond h ad been pawned in Sunday school and Men's Bible Class, Holy Trinity Lutheran. : Seriee. at Holy Trinity at 11 a. 111. and at Grace Lutheran church, : Bessemer City, at :i:.'IO p. m. Preaching by the IT NEEDS NO ARGUMENT IT IS A MORAL ISSUE THAT MUST Bfe FACED IN GASTON" tOUNTT Dr. W. S. Rankin, head of the State Health Work, declares the building of a Sanatorium to properly treat such cases as develop jn the county to be a moral issue, rather than a business one. It is estimated thathere are upwards of seven or eight, hundred tubercular victims ia Gaston county. Pub ile health authorities can account for considerably more than 400 open, avowed cases. How many more there are undiscoveredand in the incipient stages no one knows The cost of treatment annually of these 400 or more is estimated at $250,000. The loss to the community in earning power is easily $250,000. The County can take a forward step in the prevention of this, annual loss by the issuance of bonds in the sum of $150,000 for the erection of a modern Sanatorium, and. levying a small tax rate for the maintenance of trie institution. ELECTION ON BOND ISSUE FEBRUARY 8. REGISTER TODAY. WILL YOU ilHJ: (This space contributed by Gazette Publishing Company.) 3 .(g juiym.-'. chapel at- 2 n' m. Luther League every Sun-j day ui 1 tors .i ri- Ii. in. at Italy 1 rinity. welcome at all siTiict. St. Mark's Episcopal. MurkV Church, l.on Armmgton Hotel, itev. .1. A venue i w. (.'.! ncn r 1 1, l ii r,M,frtr - ll...,- I mini u . . 1. ill i I..., i ii.'i-. .. ... VI..., 1 1 i'i!ii ( 1:1 H4 it. it .' ii'.,ii.i..7, !'..,! l,n,l rmon 7 -in' ' vVedn.-.v 'erJ Vice I i. in. .All ;ire ttehomi ICl'V. ( ieorifc l. ii. ii.t. y. l-ri( lilllclies: Moiii Jt. iImv s t 111 ehnrire. " lioais: Sun - .luMii htireli, ilih I: ml 10 ;i. in., .M.jriuiit; 1'r.iyer illid i riiHin I ! ;i. in. m. Amlrew's ( hiircti, Hesscmer 1ty: Sun-liiy m-IiooJ In. ii. in., KvenuiK j'ruv ,T iiii'i rmoii 7:.l'l ji. in. A vveu-oiiiv ih iinur'! ti i-ryoiii. Eaat Baptist. M-hool nt !i.-4.i : i!lur, Jiev. T n.t 7 ii. in. i'.. Sunday ilij; liy tin 11 :.. n. . . in. , n. I'reach . 11. King, at V. i V. at li Loray Baptist. rliool at !': ! a. in. 1'reach '. .1. Bhuk, nt oiniiig subjei t The Ledger. ' ' :i.-e Jlonie llasi South Marietta St. Baptist. Sunday school' nt f: l") a. m. Preach ing by tiie pastrtir. Rev, W. 1'. McC'arti i, nt 11 a. m. aihl 7 y. nu B. V. I'. I meets at ( p. in. Main Street Methodist. Rev. :. I). Rozzelle, of Ml. Hilly, will preach at ilie morning service at 11 a. in., Rev. 11. II. Jordan at the evening service. Sunday si liool at.T:4"i a. in. Both sections of i lie t'omriules of Ser- ice "ill meet at ti : t-i. ATLANTA BANDIT IS ARRESTED IN DETROIT (By The Asvuuited Press.) ATLANTA. Jan. II. Frank B. 1)U. ' pre, under indictivent h j murder as a result ot the killing ! man and the woiimling of another dur- I ing a jewelry store robbery December l.'i, was found in Hetroit. Mich., yester ' i i i. . i i . . i , ,i ii. I uav, iicn lie soiii;iii in nave h viiaiiu nooga pawn broker send him 400 more hntlanooga for ..'Iini cash, according to jmlice, who aunoi. need ihey discovered it there. Detroit di spati In n Jitt said a coj.y of a letter received by The Atlanta Constitution two duvn ago purporting to luvs an i', Svas f come from Hupn omid ill tiie Ui t-! Iter's room in Detroit. 1 dieted the "Prachlree I not Is- caught. The letter pre- larnlit" would 1 .. .. i . BUDGET OF LDTENEWS ITTI99-nnttL Drittnvr ULXiJ rnUi.J DLUUill r, .r . , , . . , my .v.rs. Ae.aia0 o. r-eara., j,. Meek jc,ril jMbo, Morri8 Commnoton At Belmont Presbyterita j Lotti Will lvey are wpcrtdinjr the coro Churcb. Sunday. ! inif Tvoek-ewl in Lowell the Kueta of The regular qn.irterly eommunion willfMr. T. '. Rnnkin. The young ladies ! olweivetl nt the Mflrnont IJreOyter - i church tt tiie eleven, o Yloek servite uii-ly iiiorriiiis, January J.Ttli. In the iiilermisi(ni Ix-tween baUmth whool and Reaching .i meeting of the session of the cliiindi will Ik' held in order to eive an with tin- iliiir. li prior to cominunioiu The S. l,li:!t li M-lnml ivill nittkn. ;i . ftiwi.!nl rf- tejiHiK tor H.iiiMlical )ioi miswion ' Sundae innriiiii;' and a liberal eontri- IllltKill is CXI -ectcd. Personal. tiii Rcbool building Wednesday after-1 The first basketball team of the Low- noon, with a. n0'' attendance. Ti h e el! iiiili xhuttl iuul the second team of ' president.. Mrs. A. J. Oweun, presiding, i Hi imont hiiis staged a jjood KaniejyuiU! a bit of extra buiincs Imides tl. 1 1 ) 1'ridiiy iit'teriioon, the Helmoutj routine was disposed of. Miss Boyden.j team winniiiK hy' n. worp of 26 to 1 l.j community nurse, gave a splendid and! Tiie name was well played niul ran quite i encouraging report of her first iuoith'j i hv-e until the Inst. The referee wu Mr. work. She found conditions here; both,: Walter Hall, of Belmont. hiancin Hy find sanitary, to be in good i Mrs. 1). A. l'creivnl. of Rock Hill. S.;idia'. She found nu'enaca of poverty! '., is spending thu week-end here as tlieithw ,Voa dependent on charity and the ' jriicst of .Mr. aud Mrs. Fulls tiarrison, j health of the people was good. H h e the latter her ilaughter. j asked that the people get more of the i Rev. .1. T. Dendy went to tiastonia, j lMioiiting spirit. Khc added that when Fiiday to attend a called meeting of the the residents of a town kicked the place,! Ivings Mountain J'rudiytery. they were doing themselveH an injury, I ... Iil.. . II1 I .....''. i.imii, n,..iy iiiiui.Mis. iiuuiu ii-iui!i llieir lionre at the t'hronicle Mill, a ui, Tliurfilay, January 12th. Mr. Ross Itntchfnrd, of Gastonia, wai visitor in town Tfcnradnv eveninc. The ninny friends of Miss Lottiel Man 1 will be iiitcmdod to hear that sheian cxtenshe program was nrranged, sev- j has accepted a poaition on the teaching eral .oioiiiitter... i.i,iiii...l ie.,f-..ui. ' i force of the (insdotiiu public, aehools, be- j incuts will U served fn-e. ,j ing located at the West F.nd whool. Miss 'flic Home Economics Club meets I Hand is making her home at the Arm-j Tuesday afternoon iu the domestic n-i-. strung apartments? j ree rooms. A full meeting isMesired. I Davidson Boys Honored. Mrs. W. V.'. Williams has been ill j Mr. li. L. St owe, Jr.. entertained at ! forsecinl days with grip. j inner at the home of his parents in Bel- Thp friends of Mr. C. K. Whitney iiumt Satinlay evviiine, having as lu!""11 '" u,in conrmed to Ins xuesis seteral colleg friends, Messrs. j Kay Doubles, of Richmond, Va V. L. Hiiod. of Baltimore and Mr. Higgens, of the I'niversity of Pennsylvania, who is visit inv in HnviitsoM in th inttrest of , organizing a clumter of the Phi (Jam-1 J"il""l ' f the year. Miss Williams has j ' ma Delta fraternity. Mr. Davidson Halli,H'ea Jlel' r'or several years and has won! ... - I Itin iiti f J.. t t ... . I -ir. L'ilVlUSIIU Hjlll. - ...n.r, niMI 11 (WnN ni l.'i.) fnrimU,. friends who hoiie she will was also present. Covers were laid forj hursred with -eight and an elegant four course dinner ! lling of oneived. . j Mr. Sanders Recovering From Operation. The many friends throughout this sec tion of Mr. Jeff Sanders' of McAdwi-villi-, and formerly of Belmont will hear with interes t that he is recovering nicely from a very .serious oMratioii that he underwent, recently- in a hospital iu Sparta tilling, S. C. Mr. C. H Sloan 1 made triii to Spartanburg to see him j Snadav and found his condition quite favorable. Personals. Mrs. A. ('. I.imdierger ami Mrs. R. L. Stuwe attended the reception giveh iu (iastonin Thursday afternoon by Mes-;the dames Glenn ami Lovo in honor of Mrs. w. I',, l.ovc. Misses Annie Zurig, Klva ILnll and Mr. Alvin Johnston went to- Ch;: rlotte Sun ily niifht to attend the concert given by j tiie Fiske Jubilee singers. Mr. L. F. CrensliHW went to Kings Mountain Thnraday to attend the faner ! al serviees of Mr. I. B. Goforth. Mr. and Mr. B; M. Witwifcvof Union. wi-re the eueM Wednesday of Mr. . andj Mrs, drover C. Stewart1, th former being i :i brother Of Mix. Stewarts. ' taiirht' in Lowell last ywr- aiul left, nianv wiirm frienl there. Mrs. Oeorne Fisher, of Snliwbnry, wan the Ru't' Moiwlay unit Toetday of-Mr.' and Mm. T. O. C'rowell. 1 BESSEMER; BRIEFS. t orrespomience or ine uauj uazeite.; in'cceui-ii etnv i.. m T . H I. .,,, i,..it i,i h l.ii.. mnm mt . att inpy jir H )mrt or it. To Uelp out with a good cause the League decided to! give- a (;orge Wasiiingfou j)arty at the 1 home of Mr. and Mm. A..J. Owens,; rriday night, February 24tli. A silver i offerinir. will 1 iikpii'TTf !.. .I., 1 uumr nils past HCI IT inrottgll llltlCSS. Miss Noll Williams, one of the first i grade teachers, was not able to take up j her duties after Christmas because of ill, health. She plans to rest for th . C ' 15 "'' nojie sno win x re to ,lt'1' health. - Her home i Lmeolntou. Miss M-Corkle, of Si ts at States- ! ville, has succeodeil Miss Williams Prof. A. H. Ballard wag busiiH'ss visitor to Charlotte Thursday. ' ' NATIONAL CONFERENCE ! ! ON AGRICULTURE MONDAY I I WASHINGTON. Jan. 13. Plans' for presenting a picture of the nerieul- 1 turn I situation in the United States have been completed for the national confer- j once Aliening Monday week. This pie-j tine. Secretary Wallace said today, will be drawn through the medium of speak- ers from the various sections, addressimr ! gathering imiiiediatelv following the opening mjm'is'Ii of President Hardin. i "What can we do about it f " will be. taken up at the Tuesday morning ses, sion by mveral short addreaeea of :i coimtructive natuie, the Secretary il f lared The Burnpean situation and its rela- tioa to the condition of American agri culture ia also planned for presentation TlMvnlay with rclutesl , suRKeirtionii, the agricultural secretary, said,' , Morning Keaiiona of th -eonferoncc probably will Ih devotM to open discus sion and the. afternoons to meetings in ; which tm delegatea are exiweted to aiv I range for 'the more lystematie carrying i on of the work - i Problems of n general nature' will lie laid before the delegates at the moriuiig ' conferences, Mr. Wallace wild, tiie fjuen- tioa of marketing probably, would come iip Wednelay. Production, trnnporta. j tim, finunciug, together with marketing! nro looked on- by afrieuJtural ofTii ials as otlie ira perl matter to bo wnsideW ; ed. . : TJt present emergency of the farmer J is iijivcted to be rst considered, but la-1 ter nu questions of a permanent agrieul-. turiil policy, will hove, the major place i mi the program. Food supply for an i increasing jHipulittiou, intelligent utili zation of Ihtf land, wieutiffie agricultu ral research, and conservation and re- newal of forestry are some of the mat-1 tcrs for deliberation wider the permim. i cut part or. thu program. . TUe CirIet la Self Adjusting, and has neither hooks nor eyes. It simply slips over the head, clasps at the waist and smooths out ugly lines. If your dealer can't get it send actual bust measure, name, ad dress ?v 41.50. We'll send the Circlet prepaid. Sizes 34 to 48. Nemo Hygienic-Fashion) Institute 120 C 16 St. New York, Dep't M. PROFESSlCi ALT CARDS. 11 1 1 . DR. CHAS.' O: DeLANEY AtTnousoM. tha opf-aing. of liia officii in the. Iiagaa- Buihling. I'ractice Limited to Oenito-Uriniry Disease.- DR. J. C. SMALL CHIROPRACTOR 407-408 First Nat. Bank Building Phonea 335 ui 845-J ' ConauJUtiea Fre To AJl , , a. B POWELL. - OSTEOPATH 202 Realty Building Office Phone 161. Residence Phone 6Q1 ; srn W. W.GALLOWAY, AUMTOR PnbQe - Aceonntant, Bank Exaes-. iser. and Office Syitematixer -Charlotte. tM, AUanU Office; Residence GASTONIA, N, C. .;'-;-, -. P. 0.,B0I,33:; , , T , JOHN E. ECK , ,Pnblic Accountant ' AmJlta, Systems, Cost Findings W3 First National Bank y 5 Phanaa: -: S OiBeav 627 Besides 846 L Z . m MMNININCHHNaMl tilt: , CHAS. C. WILSON, r. a. -, a ;. Architect ! Menjber Am. Soc. C. K. , Hoais Office . 804-3-6-7 Palmetto Building ; '; Colombia, S. C - Branch Offices .' -".-!; 208 tint National Bank B1&V t" Gastonja, N. C. Ernest Coats, Mgr. 10$ Davis Bnildhg, Wilson, W, C. Or 8. Berryman, Hgu ' . NOTICE. The regular annual meeting of tio .stockholders 6f the Home Building & Loan Association will, lie- held. Tuesday, January 17th at 7:.".0 p. m. in the com pany's ollicea iu tins Realty building. Fol lowing the stockholders meeting there will be held 'the annual meeting of fhu directorft. K. B. BR1TJAIN. tre T A. J. RANKIX. Sec.:& Trenv 17c4. . .