: 1 . - FONIAMIC Weather: Rain . Local Cotton 171-2 Cents VOL. XLIII. NO. 13. GASTONIA, N. C, MONDAY AFTERNOON, JANUARY 16, 1922. SINGLE COPY 5 CENTS am QA2ETTE GOVERNOR, BEATEN BY HIGHWAY COMMISSION, IS TO SEE MR; HOOVER Squabble Over Distribution of Federal Aid Money ' Cause Gorernor to Visit Hoover Will Give His Views on Fed eral Aid Page May Be . There, Too. (By W. T. Bost, lii Grevnsboro News.) RALEIGH. Jan. IS. Beaten by a highway eommisioit which lie named, ! Governor Morrison ia going to Wash ington this week to lay the federal aid view of the executive before Herbert Hoover, if the news arising in Hulcigh and coining out of Washington is correct. Federal aid disagreement is tho trouble The governor swearing before his creature Wednesday after Kx'-C'ongress- man K. N. Hackett hud presented tho j (same question before the commission,, found only Commissioner W. A. Hart, of Kdgceombe in part agreement with him. Mr. Hart made n motion 1 fori the . commission embodying something of tho ; views of Governor Mjrrison, but thesj connmssion was dead against any such , division of federal funds as Mr. Haekett,: backed by Oovernpr Morrison, proposed, i Tho state this year lias $1,700,000 1 . :rrr coming from the national government. I " " at, s-si-ssr :::prikgess marvs wedding tionment is made on a basis of popula tion, area anil road mileage. It win Governor Morrison's propositi that the Jefferiwn.Wilko.boro road pet ML WIC 1 Ullit, WW far western turnpike the remotest counties running thro, in into Georgia get 5(Kl,0O and that Cur rituck Hound him Llizfibeth City eonncc-i tion be established at a cost of the other! .00,0t)0. This concentration of the!, LON HON. Jan . Hi. Princess Mary's fund and disruption cf the highway com-j wedding gown is to be of elot'i of silver, mission's plan brought the executive' of mngmiiei-ut design. The material and the commission iuto tin ir first sharp was brought by the Queen from India disagreement. The governor knew he i Home years ngn, and is descrivbed lis a was beaten here but he said that he did triumph of native manufacture, not know whether he was beaten fori The die s will have a train of ivory good and nil. Nobody coupled the gestion with tho Washington trip..- en When he gets to Mr. Hoover's ciflicc.nu. tho chances very much favor Mr. Ilnov-'ter it's directing him to Secretary ulluciy been passed down from generation to of the department of agriculture. When j generation . Si great is the care taken ho gets there it is understood, that! in the manufacture of tiiis material that Chairman Frank Pago will also be in only a few in-hi s are finished each day. Washington on his return from Chicago.1 The train is expected to be ready soon. It is known in Mato circles that Cover-jam) it will then be placed in the hands or Morrison taxes Chairman Page with of the embroiders. most of the work done by the commission.; Manv S4.i1llm.j, r-(r ,,,,. .(, wedding That is most natural. -Mr. Page never , ,,-iUh , ,.,, king's .laughter are afoot, was and never will be a go-down-tlic-: T,M, j ori M.1V(. ,lf j,,,,,,),,,, js opening a liner. He was originally appointed b.V ,,,,, i)r rull(l fr f, purpose, with con (lovernor Biekett. who named him on the j tri,utiuN limit,..) to on- pound sterling, endorsement of Will N. Kverett, of Rich-, i,;lll0r ),.,,,;, tiut Viscount Lasccih-s inond couuty. and tfenutor Dob Hums, of jfln(( ,,u r(V!l, ,irill(, 1;1V SH,,1( f Mooro county, both of whom vouched , tl(.ir ),(1,lovmoll ilt the beautiful villa for .his itneomman ability. These wero'w .,. i..:,,,.,,,,, ....,. vinreiice. Italv. the only voices lifted up for Page there we"r 5,000 for Plige'a opponent. The commission stands by its chair man. He bus a pheuomeiial hold on it j because he lets George do no work thatj the chairman should do. lie is in great i a stranger to pressure us was old Crov-j er lleveland, and the sheriff never felt: it. He has u powerful will, but he domi nates by knowledge. Neither geography! nor history saws any ice with Page. The, two counties which furnished an endorser I each, liis own and adjoining county, i Richmond, huve been the beneficiaries of, no filial and no neighlsrly legislation.! Kahmond hus been willing to wait ai Mooro .already has 'em. Die co;;iniis- sion dotes on Page and the Republican MIAMI, members know that politics could not fj,..,.-OI1 (pl be played if anybody on the commission j j (, , uesireii to tune a uaim ai such a k"11 so long as Page presides. Ho it bus become a w.rt of scrap be tween the governor and Mr. Page. The commission did its level best to keep down aud publicity of the disagreement with the governor, but he asked to be set straight before the public, and he ghvoi n his reason for asking the centraliza tion of the fund in these three districts that they have long been orphaned from the mother, have been ignored in the divi sion of the fund that was first alloted them in 1!19, and that when the pres ent 1,700,000 is apportioned there will have been about 6,KO,lH),0fill, all of which has been put 'into the larger counties. One Is Mecklenburg. He adverts to tho Charlotte Harris burg road, which is a portion of a feder al aid and state et retch. .The Raleigh Cary is another, and be gives these as examplea of tho advantage taken of smaller counties. In his campaign he pledged himself to do something for the forgotten sections which know they are in North Carolina only by their tax re ceipts and their military records, he de- cla res. Of course, the cliff fferenee is radical. j "T " K ': ' Tho commission reads the law to meanj81"1 Mechaeiciuu Smith. that if thw fcleral fund is centralized ; PMTirAnv,tt Nrvj r.niTtII.T f,,nd nrmortloncvl by the stat- for fOINCARE S NEW CABINET II" .ii,;.... In nhiet. sni-h ennePl.terimr I. -,.i.t.l t,i noirt . . must nf necesi-1 ;c I Si, mirl withilrawii. Any other nr- rangemcnt would be giving what the com mission regards nn indefensible advan tage. Oovernor Morrison's going to Washington sharpens this- disagreement. He evidently will appeal direc t to Caesar, but One of the subjects may be there to join issues with him. SOLDIERS ATTEND I SERVICES IN A BODY, j The liieinlxrs of the Hiwitzer Com- pany, l-0th X. C. Infantry,, of which j Cap't. S. H. Dollcy is commandant, were held under orders in Hie armory irom 4 p. in. Saturday to p. m. ocunay ior a period of drill, guard duty and iu Htrnrtinu. At 11 o'clock Sunday morn ing the company attended nervier otthe t West Avenue rroiOytenan ciiurrn in n body ami heard a-niost excellent sermon bv the pastor. Rev.; Kosuell t 1-ong. l-.in nf flu. lih-.il ims-t of the American Legion, and is said to t 1 the bn!r minister iu the county who saw actual service during tho late war. He enlisted as a private and as later commissioned aa a chaplain. Street Car Strike Ties Up Traffic In Virginia Cities; Thousands Walk To Work Motormen and Conductors of Virginia Railway and Power Company Went Out on Strike at Midnight - No Violence Attempted. 100,000 ALREADY APPLY FOR TICKETS TO PASSION- PLAY OBERAMMERGAU, GERMANY, Dec. 28. One hundred thousand or more visitors already have applied for tickets to the Passion Play to be staged next summer, from May to September. At soon as it was definitely known the play would be performed this year, prices here were advanced enor mously end there was apparent a tendency to hoard everything possi ble again-t the day when the ''rich foreigners," came. The Passion Play committee has taken this situa tion in hand and will issue price lists and seek with all energy to avoid any "profiteering." GOWN TO BE GORGEOUS j will Be Made of Cloth of Silver Brought From India Wea vers Are Taking Especial Care With Material. sug-jsiik. shot with silver, which is being wov by handworkers at Hrainfree, Kssex, edd Ki'glish silk manuf.'K Hiring ceii , where flic art of silk weaving has The villa belongs to a cousin of the bridegroom, I.udy Sibyl Scott, wlioi-e first husband v. us the lute P.ayard Cut ting, at one time secretary to the L'nited Kt:tcs embassy in London. LOST PLANE HAS ARRIVED AT ISLAND OF,BIMINI. WASHINGTON, Jan. lti. T h e commercial seaplan", reported lost off the east coast of Florida, has arrived at the island of Himini, south of the li.i haina . 'according to a report received by the Navy Department. Naval orders directing Vi'xdmscrs to search for the i aerial crui.ser have been rescinded. Flu.. Jan. Hi. While veri wireless messages received lling of the finding at Him- j,,; island in the Bahama grottp, of the lust airplane which put out from Mi ami last Friday afti rnom v ith five per nis aboard, is yet lacking, local offi cials of the airplane company are confi dent that the plane has been found and that all aboard are safe. An airplane was sent out at !l:.'.0 this morning for P.imini to veiify the wire less report, and this plane is expected back bv no in. In the meantime radio operators are trying to get in communication with the Hritish crui.ser Constance, which relay ed last night 's report, in an effort to get definite information. Tile wireless received last nigh! laved by th- British cruiser stated the airplane Columbus had found . re that the had i lost tlii rs off Andros Island, and i taken th-in to Himini . Howe ver, the wireless failed to ideiiti 1 f.v th" passengers, aud there is sr.me j doubt as to whether the e picked up bv : the Columbus are the ne ti who lef Mi- ' ami . j Those aboard the airplane wi i : I F. Kahn and II. C. Cre.udiiv, Montgomery, Ala., Clinton Le i) o Mo.-e d, of ' J .... I . li . ; . it- ii ii WENT INTO POWER TODAY -Al(lS. .Ian. Ih. I lie new ( ..I nn uu"' r 'oni roincare wen: into pi.w or today with the publication ia the of ficial Journal of PJ presidential dei rres, one for each minister and under secreta ry of State. Alhvrt Sarraut will be decreed minis ter of colonies, the post ho held in the Hriand Cabinet, when his acceptance, is received from Washington . Washington. Jan. 1H. The American Government has notified Cuba that she may negotiate a loan of o.(in0,000 in Hie United States, but that the conrlu- mim oi me iurtiur loan of f.Ki.ttOii.tMK) sion of the suggested by Cuba will dcin-n.1 uooii the t ability of the island authorities to re-1 iuc- jurincr ine lu tan Puilu-et it -nu said today nt the State Department i Shiffield, A'a.,"Jan. 16. A revised j I'roosni or flic ctvport Shipbuilding Company, of Wll "'least' and operation of g government i properties at Muscle Shoals, will J. i ma.lc shortly, Frederick Engstrum, pres ident of tho company, announced . here today; f ! (Bv The Associated Frew.) i l RICHMOND, VA., Jan. 16. Only a ! few street tars were Wing operated on ' the main local lines- of the Virginia Rail way and Power Company today follow-! ing the strike of its motormcti, eonduc-j tors and shopinenf at 1- o'clock last j night. Many of the'strikers were placed iu charge of jitneys and are oierating them along nearly all roufes" traversed ! by the traction company's lines. Despite the fact that jitneys were Is-ing operated both in the city and su- j burbs, thousands wnlftTtl to work this: morning, ami the street cars that did move curried lew passe nger, The L-l- I Jll will tippiic. h-?m niii iiiiii mi- niiinr wuuld begin nt midnight and most per nays arose early iu. order th it they might be at their posts on time. Policemen' were station' I at the car barns early this morning to afford protection to men placed in charge of the street curs. There were no attempts at violence to-, vard the few street cars that moved slowly along Alain and Uroad streets' early todiy. Certain sections of these! streets were crowded with jitneys. A second conference between M'rikcrs' ami lubur leaders was hcM this morn ing at nine o'clock. It was reported by hi-1 lior leaders early today that the men would not again seek a conference with the traction company officers and that J any further attempt to adjust matters j must lie made by Cue company. The j men are striking against a cut in wages. ONLY ONE CAR PORTSMOUTH, VA. ly lie car on the entire operating at ! o'clock KUWfllHU. - suburban run to Cilmertcm, which was! maintaining an hour schedule. I'nder directions of the city (iovernment, urban jitney buses were bdng' re-routed to su but'ban districts to care for the tratlie there. Juses were being despatch from a central point by police oflicers. Five cent city fares ami ten cent suburban fares were being charged. No reports of violence of any description had reached police headquarters or union chiefs this iiioruiii. POHTSMOI TII, VA.. .Ian. Id. -Piibiubaii districts alone today weft feeling the effects of the walkout of Vir ginia Railway and Power Company plat form employes, halting street car service here. The city proper was being natis fitctorily served by jitney buses and -volunteer drivers of automobiles. LESS THAN HALF. NORFOLK. VA.. Jan. Hi. Hum half of the cap of Hie Railway and Power Company in li ft the barns this morning. A of these were turned in latir as Lcsm Virginia i Norfolk' number a result , of the motorrnen and conductors being ; persuaded to desert their posts. Company otlicials claimed that the ser-j vice would improve during the day und, I while cars are being operated special on practically all the city and suburban; j lines, the service is badly disarranged.' ; There has been re disorder. NO INTERRUPTION. (By The Associated Press.) PKTERSBriiG. VA., Jan. If,. Lo iiil employes of the Virginia liailway & Power Company ignored the strike order of their union to walk out today and this morning saw no interruption i car ser- ice hi re. , RICHMOND, VA., Jan. Hi. Strikes' 'culled by platform men and shopmen I employed by the Virginia Railway and Power Company in opposition to a wage: i cut announced to begin today, were ef fective to varying degrees in Richmond,: Norfolk, wind Portsmouth, according to early reports to the main offices' of the' ' comiiany. In Peterburg. it was declared! ; the employees ignored the .strike order' and every car t r.w reportC'L today er I work. Only a few cars were being operated I here cm the main lines of the company,; and thousands were forced to wa'k to! j their work this morning. Many of the strikers wire reported to luive taken jobs: as drivers of jitneys which immediately modf their appearance in considerable! numbers. Four arrests were made wln n the po 'i.e broke up gang of strike svmpa- Hn.ers who were attempting to interfere v. ith n tern tion of siuglrTars. Charges of disorderly conduct were entered in each case. If ports from Norfolk were that le than half of the company's cars there left ihe barns this morning and that a number of these later were turned in when the crews were persuaded by their ledow workers who boarded the cars, to loin in the strike. Compiiny- officials claimed that service would improve dur ing the day and pointed out that cars were in operation to some extent on all line. . Cotton Market CLOSING BIDS ON THE NEW YORK MARKET NEW YORK, Jan. 16. Cotton fu tures closed strong. January 17.Cfi; March 17. 5; May 17.22; Ju'y Hi. SO; October 16.20. TODAY'S COTTON MARKET Cotton Seed ...... ."rr. . Strict to Uood ttiddlinjt; .45c X7Je KILLED WIFE. SHOT DAUGHTER AND THEN C0MMITED SUICIDE HACKENSACK, N. J- Jan. 16. Peter Pepe today shot and killed his wife, seriously wounded hit daughter, Mary, and then committed suicide at hit home in Little Ferry. Pepe recently had been arrested for non-support, the police said, and the theory was advanced that this anger ed him and led to the tragedy. Pepe't son, George, aged 19, told the police he wat awakened by the sound of shooting. Rushing down stairs he said he saw hit father chas ing his mother. She was bleeding from four bullet wounds. He carried her out of the house hoping to revive her, and she died in the snow. While cutside the home he claim ed hi heard other shots and return ed to find his sister unconscious in the dining room. He ran for the po lice and when he returned he found his father d?ad in th? kitchen. The girt was taken to a hospital where her condition wa3 said to be rerious. Mnlin nrnninu SUPERIOR COURT SESSION Judge T. B. Finley, of Wilkes faoro, Presiding January Term of Gaston Superior Court J Lee Henderson Appointed Foreman of Grand Jury. The regular January .Superior Court for the term of 4 i :i mI 1 1 II trial of criminal in o'clock Mou cases was convened at day morning with Judg T. .!. Kin!, y . of Wilkcsburo, presiding. The grand jury, us chosen by lot the regular panel of jurymen l nun MINI .1 . I inoned for the term, is as follows Mender on, foreman, K. It Keith Jan. 10. On-' erstone, J. W. Harrison, .1. K. Mnore local system was J. Palmer Lewis, K. . 1 . Riiyne, (iile: this morning, uH. Adams, .1. L. Hayes, R. A. Jack son, 1. A. Harmon, J. W . liuingard ner, .lames S. llagerty, .Miles llann.i, H. Cray Rankin, J. K. Phillips, W. L. Service, W. D. (iutes and Kdgar L. Lew is. In his charge to the grand jury oudge Finley made a most favorable impres sion upon all who heard him. He iin pressed very strongly upon them that they had been chosen according to a cus torn which had prevailed for hundred., or years to have charge, in a great degree, for a term of six months, of the admin istration, of law- in the county. They have supi rvisiory power to investigate he various county offices and depart nts and see that the same are being c ',l'-'ed to the best interests of tile ;m , .. . Tl:e alse luive the power to in ves'igati ad bring up for trial in the courts of ti-e land any cu-es whica havi Ihvii overlooked, acctdeiitnlly or purpose ly, by the duly appointed officers of the; law. He advised that tiny look upon; their term of si n ice ia this capacity as a patrictic duty which woii'd redound to' the benefit of the whole country, and for' the performance of which thev would be limply reward ed bv a fen" 111 CIVi do' well done. The remainder of of court was taken the up niointlig s with the .-.ii.il itiig r'nii' ot good In hHvior case of cases in which the hill of indictment ate judgment of the court es submitted were the s, and the In defend.'! 'it s v waived I to the the CIS it limit . j"dg 1 fiibinitte' Among follow ing Dewey P.arrett, sdling pislo license, plea of nolo contendere. inenl suspended on payment of tl C. M. Collins, carrying cone weapons, plea of guilty, fined .."ill the easts. isl s all d and Will Cox, drunk and carrying cotl of .-,ll cealed weapon, namely, one pair knocks, plea of guiltv and fined anil the costs. Fred Allison. carrying concealed weapon, plea of gniity and fined .t-Vi and the co ts. LAYS LOWTHOST OF" PTOMAINE POISONING Illy The Associated Press.) LOCI -VILLI;, Ky.. Jan. Hi.- Sci ence has laid low the gho-t of ptomaine pnisoi'iug, according to members of the National ('tinner.' Association, who are her:" fry the l.ith annual conveation of j the organization, which is mc-ting i,i con.juiicl ion with the Canning Machine ; Supplies and the ' National Komi IStok ers ' Association. Poisoning as it is ordinarily uiub r stood, i! was declared, is often due to impropi r diet or the careless handling of food on the part of the ecu inner. The vanguard nf more than .I, nun , nicTiibi is of the organization began to arrive from almost every important agr: cultural sc. lion of th" country. Speak ers at a dtinn r deciand that the ran I ne IN are spending ."i!i,immi annually in Original research and that some of the no'able results have been final eradica , tion of the danger due to botu'inus. i s pccially from canned ripe olives. Speakers included Walter J. Sears, of i Chillicothe, ()., and Henry Harden, of Casanovia. New York, Ixdh foruier president- of the canners' association; lr. ;W. II. l:'igelow.,c,f Washington. 1. director of the association's laboratory, ! n ml C. H. Itenthy, of Kan F-rancisc , vice president of the t aiitornia. Packing Cor)ior.ition . An extensive exhibit of canned goods and canning machinery has been arrang ed iu conjunction with the convention which will continue for five days. Mean while speakers prominent in the organi- lz.it Ions on the program for ms-tionul meetings of those w 1h conserve what was declared to be about 2.1 per cent of the nation '8 food tapply and whose outputs it was stated, is valued, acolillg to the V.li.r-il f.i-HH'lsi ! sllll CIIMI llflO . uuaUy. IRISH QUESTION SOLVED, mi mm situation iniULULjIIIL 11111 I ULIIIUIIIi UIIUIIIIU11 Sil d!y The Associated Pre.) ) l,ilMK)., Jan. 10. The Kuglish po- litica as t o call : br.;. till I! I.loy. to iv Th lining ine ' r. ,i rv , v. VVOu'i liesl . ! situation espeeially the question , when the lioverniueut I g Mi i.il elu tic n, has jlgaiil lM.'eli j lit iu'.o preiii'.in'in ! through the re 'Hui I'raiu-e cf Prime Minister I cieorgi' and the renanal from the' I . iid of the Irish ituation. I, w is a fairiy geie ral opinion a ti.e palitical writer-, in 1 his morn nei spapeis 1 bat the election, which, : iy was foi'i'shadov.i i for Fchrtia inil'l not occur then, and probably i i.ot be held In-fore May at the ear ' l! i saiil that Mr. I.lovd Oeoree ; '.! the matter informally with of l is colleagues last evening when nine coiu'iuicd thai an eariy elec rta.s uidesirable. ' Hi' H'.immis supposed to have he tiou v Am ' aiiou! t!us d.'cisioii are the 'i "si; , of In; mi i i ih I i to -irp and the collapse of the Can ii'i n iev, from i hivli Mr. 1.' yd hi ing.-. nothing to offer the elec- III" i : ' locate except 1 ,e doel.s: ,u to call II II III- terna t ieua I economic couteivnce at tie uoa . I'll ' position of li-ehiihl is also re , g'rde.i as placing a great obstacle in the I l,ay ! an -; rl ippial to the country. , The ::. i ! i 1 3 is being debatt'd of an ' spei !!"C, riy -.'!. veiimg 1,1 parliament for the' d parpose of pa-sing legislation -a. lor complete i -tabllshment of j ei. govei nuieiit of I reland, in w hieh Case The I li, diately 'lines suggests the eleeliini i tit -should fo.hin . Other reports s. assuming that parlia'ineiit i v.einlile until tie- tune already ! .latiuary ", whe.n it will take 1 ignnr-- In will not as arravged, , t . j Co- Irl: lell'h , nil;.. li leT lalion w hich it is uun- s! l e ot:t of the way before an it sat i.- ftietori iy be held, tent week will be or.e of i.rent elis-t , The (oliitcj activity, both the unionists and lib. t a Is having .important meetings' seh.-diile.l. Mr. Lloyd (leorge is to j speak befoie tiie ca.alilioii liiieral rn:i , volition on Saturday, (when it is supposed if ii'ithinj; ing the date a detll.lti ., tiou . previously transpires regard- ' ' "t ll ection, he will make iioi'ittiiceineiit in this connec- 1 BILLY SUNDAY DRAWS CROWDS AT SPARTANBURG srAKTANHl'IKi, s. C, :in. ." - Twenty thousand people have heard "Hilly" Sunday preach today. S.itch a urn ii il f.st ,it ii,n f ititere.it in religious ia, i tings has in c r been sih ii in thin state, an, I Kurh a day of worship has nev er known perhaps in Smith Carolitia. His day began with the meeting of (lie negroes of Spa rl, -in but;,- city and conn try, and mor- than six ihoiisand of them were present. There va singing nn, srnntiiig was uurcM ruined until the clos ing sci in s of the negro meeting in the talieine' V. It ixceeded in religious fer vor anv revival ever known in this city. A great colored choir under the leader ' saip of its oiMi director, a colored phy sician, sitigiie; ihe nongs of colored pen-; pi'-, had thrilled the audience, but when one oi the ciilmed minister mid, ''now let the congregation come ill we'll raise the iniii'," the climax was reached. Mr. .Sunday's sermon whs from the Iw.-nly tiiird I'salm, and lie preach, il a simple religion. From the aferiii.cu meetings hundreds wire turned away, and from thi- night .services thou-audi mild not gain ad miiiance To ine lalv rnai were taken at (i o'clock. All hour sea t s i ml a an half befoie the servi'-c. He preached tonight on ".Safety Fir-t," with the ten commandments .is the basis of his- sermon, making per haps the most profound anneal vet heard. At the ciil'ebld'ill i f the sermon he made tin- tl.st appeal lo the congregation, ask ing thus, who wanted to renew their faith to i ciino forward, and more than a hundred and fifty pressed forward to Hike tie hand of the evangelist. Tie-'l it-.- of Spartanburg has been ir. .wiled throughout ihe day. The trains brought crowds and every highway has I e n lieel with traffic. Mr. tsundav r sts tommrovv, and will resume hi pn-ai hing Tuesday. 512 JOURNALISTS COVER ARMAMENT CONFERENCE ' Ky Th; Associated Pr, ss.) WASllINTiTON. Jan. 1.1. Journal i-t-i of in. ; or less note, author of gr.-ater or !es standing an I plain, every e.iv n-eort'-is, till ta the total of .112 have be. .i i i- .still are engage. I in ti llinej the world what ncs en in tie- ai liiainent con- tw! ellce. An respoll d ha show i dhi-ial list ,,f th. accredited cor h uN as is. i-ing ci-arge of that practical ed bv the commit -press arrangements . ev rv country of size noted on a modem map has one or more press representative on the ground. ' Japan taking first place among foreign lint ior. with about 4u correspondents' I he li-it as published comprised only . those writers who had been accredited to the Mate Heparin, ei't. it was estimated that at hast h--,!r' vtit" act ive on t h tfiose a.s-ijaed di or its subiiliatv as many more probably ' ' side lines' ' assist ing rect'.v ti Hie conference act it ,eS. Mr. and Mrs. P. I. lliiftsicthr hi I. hen and Mr. and Mrs. V. F. Mb rid children were gin-ts .vest en la;, ami hue; of .t Mr. and Mrs. Ceo SjMTicer Moiint.iiii. e . Patterson Mrs. ft a ine an! Fii II. Ktird. at the of ( 'harlotte. 4 ti Mvers Park Club a v in compliment to Mrs. Harry Florslic im, , of New York, who was the guest for se ' eral days last week of Mrs. J. Lander Cray. Mrs. Kfird ' guests included Mrs. I Florsheim. Mrs, George A. Cray, Jr., , Mrs. Chariesjf. Gray, Mrs. Hugh Le-Gare i aid Mrs. W. A. Julian, all of Gaftoiiiu. THE WEATHER i grcssiouat itc.tal or Honor on tne uaitan i tsicH made cm a nuiii'r or wane men ny - North CaroPna, rain tonight nd unknown soldier by Major General Hen- ja party of ne groes on the. night of Jauu Tuesday, except probably snow in north- rv T. Allen, on Januan' arrived r'ttsry 21. H21s. H.illock is alleged to vest portion; slightly colder tonight. ' ;n FN A BP THAT OF WORLD WAR ARE BEING MADE INSANE BY TO NEGLECT Disabled Veterans of World War in Memorial to President Harding Protest Against Neglect, j Indifference and Profiteering Many Are Dy ing From Neglect Says Report of Veterans. HAS BEEN STUDENT AT COLUMBIA 41 YEARS NEW YORK. Jn. 16. Forty one yean ago William Cullen Bryant Kempt, became a student at Colum bia University. Today he is still a student, and hasn't missed a semes ter. i Having studied everything worth while and exhausted all the "olo gies,'' student Kempt, who is over 30 years old, is spending his time this year learning all about the paleogeo graphic development of North Ameri ca. He has many degrees including a "D. P. M." (Doctor of Perpetual Motion) conferred by his fellow stu dents. Some say that William wouldn't study when a boy, so that a wise uncle left a will providing for him as long as he was a regularly enrolled university student. Student Ktmot won't talk, only to say: "The more you learn, the more you know." DEBT REFUNDING BILL APPROVED BY COMMITTEE i (Hy fhe .oc.atod t'ress.) WA.SHi.yT(), Jan. Hi. - - The AI lii d debt refunding bill was approved to ila.v by the Senate Finance Committee after most of (lie provisions to which; Secret. iry Mellon, of the Treasury Ie muimcnt, objected, had lieen eliminated, ilcliiocratic ijicmliers of the committee voted i, gainst the bill in its perfected! form, written iu by the committee,! which wen- stricken rid, called fori semi annual interest payments, and for' inti ri -A tit a rale of not less than five per cent. These were the provision a gainst which the Treasury objected, on . Hie ground that they would handicap the ad in i n I st rat ion in the refunding ncntin tion with the foreign goverments. I'li ih r these provi-ions interest payments would have fa I It n due within fix, liinntiis after the refunded bonds had been negotiated, whereas the Treasury desired lo have the authority to defer I interest payments in the case of some countries not in a ( .dtiou to bejiin milk ing those payment within possibly year or two. The piovi-ioti limiting the life, of the' bonds to be accepted from the foreign (iovefiimi'iits to years retained in the bill but otherwise the measure prac tically is as approved by the House. It sels up a ciiiiimi.svsioii with authority, .subject to the approval of the President to refund or convert and to extend time of payment for the principal or the in terest or both, of any obligation of any foreign (iovernment now owiug to the Tniled Slates on account of the worldling war. The t-'e, ret.iry of the Treasury would lr- chairman of the commission and the board and the other members would be appointed by the President, subject to confirmation by the Senate. AMERICAN IS RESCUED FROM MEXICAN BANDITS i I'.v The Associated -i le ss. I III. PASO. TLX.. Jan. Hi. L. N. is! vie, or this lity. jirincijinl owner cf a .mill" at Santa Kulalia, Chihuahua, has received jievvs of the rescue of his broth er, A. C. Style, an American, from Mex ican bandits. A. C. HI yle, resident manager of the mine, was captured last , Thursday by bandits' who dcinauded -t HI.immi for ids r- -lease. Style was taken to a camp four miles away and a letter was written to his brotlur here demanding the ransom. The latter at once wired Chihuahua of ficials r iiueMtin that the amount be (ioveriior Liu iqucz. of hilniahu.i, and the mayor of tianta Kulalia er.t an ati loinoliile canying lights as ordered by i the bandits. Twenty other soldiers io . iiuloini.bih-s followed, reinforced by ; ib tnchiiu lit of inauntcd men. As tin first car app'oailu'd the rende.v on, the b, n fjlit ciiii.'ht sight of the si!dier' and tied, leaving Style alone iu Ihe carnp. Hi was in their custody Is hours. SOUTHERN FURNITURE SHOW OPENS IN HIGH POINT fflv Tho AawclntM Press. I -1111,11 POINT. N. I '.. Jan. H5. Will, furniture lien here from every State in the union, the Southern Furniture Kxpn Mtioii opi ne ( its mid winter show In re todav with fvei bin c-xhibitors reire- seiite.l. The exposition will continue for two weeks. Practically every Southern factory making furniture and kindred : lines is represented. FRISCH TO BE MARRIED. NKW YOHK. Jan. H'. Fraik I'riscb, of the Giauls, star bus. runner of the National League, is sliding to ward a real home plate-. "His engage ment to Miss Ada Lucy, playmate sine-e childhood, was announced today. The wedding will take place next wiutor. P.erne. Switzerland. Jan. 16. T h v Icniiipany of troops from the Ainc-ricaii fores in Griiuinv on its way to Italv l to take part ia the ceremonies" inciib-nt i J to the bestowal of the Amerie-an Cou- Basel MAMV VIPTIIIQ Y liMill HUII1I1J (Ky The Associated .Press.) WASHINGTON. .Liu. 16. Assert I ing that the more than :;,."50(l, mentally i disabled formi r service men now -placed ! in Slate institutions were victims of such 1 "grosc nejleci, iiidiffeieiiee and profi teering" as coiistitiieil a "black r proaeh mi the honor of the nation," tho Hisabled Atneriiaii Veterans of the World War, in a memorial presented to- day to President Harding, urges imme diate action by the Government looking to -the treatment of all such cases in Federal institutions. Neglect of these cases in State institutions, the memorial said, is committing to permanent insani ty many of tho victims, who by timely treatment probably could be cured. Describing the condition of "con tract" caws of this clasu in the institu tions of the State of Ohio ns typical of those in "practically every Wtate," the meni.iiial asserted the (iovernment had "farmed out the insane ex-service men of Ohio to Sbite asylums which are no toriously overcrowded, undermanned and inadoiptnt' ly equipped to treat and cure fur them." whi'e it has not provided one Federal institution fur this purpose in the Stat-. "For example," the memorial said, "in the Longvii v asylum of Hamilton county, Ohio, there ure 42 gallant sol diers who broke down mentally under the) sires of war, although Longview is so over, row ded that 2 ID of the inmates seep on the Hoar like cattle, every night." Gf the 2.")H menial ly disabled, placed in all the institution:! of tho Stutc. Of wham, it was said, physicians believe half might be cured, not one, the memo- rial a.-.serted, was receiving "medical treatment of any kind for their mental J diseases and curable cases are being"iflnJiAV iloeine I t i permanent insanity." None of the institutions, it was further assert nl, segregate their tubercular patients. An uverag. profit of if'MO on each pa tient out of the $.117.."i0 annual main tenance fee paid iiv the (-Iovernment, was jiIiowii in nVtires for Hie nines institu- : '.' tions of the Htate, c ited in the memorial, as recently having been' mado public by rf Dr. 11. S. MacA.veal, director of tho State welfare dcjiartiueot. The profit per m ti ii ranged from $276.06 for tho Ashen Stat.- hospital, to 4320.0:1 for tho Institution for Feeble Minded. In hundreds of case", it was asserted, ; relative's are refusing to commit mentally disabled veterans, who might lie restored; to useful cit iziti.-:!ii;i, to conditions In' the " contract ' ' asylums, most of whichi . the memorial said, are "nothing morel I ". than lock ups.' :' To make adequate provision for thr trea'metif of nil mental cases in Federal ; institutions, the organization urged that the Pnviidetit use his influence in seeur- , ing early action 1 y Cogress on the pend measure to appiopnuto Ib.tWO.OWV fur this purpose, emoting the reiiort of : tiie spec ial Senate committee that 4,373 more beds were urgently needed lieyond., . what would be provided by existing ap propriaUons. Muring the two years or more Ivefore Kede ral faiilities could Ih- increased te tiike care of all cases, the memorial urged that "infinitely more rigid supcrvl sion " of "contract" insitutions be pro; viile.l by th" Veterans Hureau and that to i- operate ia this nn independent. , ciinimissiou cif former service men be ap pointed in each State. It further recom-; nn n le 1 that i very institution receivinc money from the Government for the cart of disabled -oldiers, and sailors "lie j. '. ipi'iicd to si.etid every dollar received for the ben- 'ii ,,f -if h soldiers and sailors ex eliisiv. lv . " Kstablishment of Govern ment iltsp, 'tisanes, as part of the cmer- ; eetK.v s..-.iein for treatmeiit of mental case and assi litnce of the Government in organizing a program of community: .oi iai service to co-operate in that, work a!", v, a urged. DEATHS. Mils. MAP.THA KAKKfi. Mrs. Martha Clark Kaker, wife of Mri( Mile - Kaker. di.d Sunday night at her Inline on th-- Kings Mountain mid Cher ryvil ' load alter an illness of some tune. The immediate cause of her death was paeutnonia, which had set some days ago. Deceased was alicuit 70 years cf age and is survives! by two sous, Messrs. Sylvan. i. and lce Kaker. and " five d.-lt Mrs. li Mis. C ll.,vi. Tuesday cord M. g. iters, Mrs. Christie Hager, A . Kiser, Mrs. .V. L, Kisr, uil Hamcron and Mrs. Walter, Fuuertd servic-es will be held moruii'g nt 11 o'clock at Con- tl.o.iist ihr.rdi, of which Mrs. Kak er was a. linmlier. WILL ASK FOR RETURN OF NEGRO BULLOCK.' ( Hv The Associated Press.) JACKSON. N. C, Jan. 16. It was states! ;:t the office of Solicitor , Midyette here today that the) STs ill the case of Matt her HuHock, negro, un ' ehr arrest at Hamilton, Onf., would U j sent to (ioveriior Morrison touight, with ja riHjiient that t.ie governor ask thp (state i lVpartiiKiit at Washington to arrange for extrnditiou of the negro to North Carolina. for trial In Warrea county on several charges, growing out of the st- have been the leader,-

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