Cg GASTONIA DAILY GAZETTE Local Cotton 17 Cents VOL. XLIII. NO. 14. GASTONIA, N. C., TUESDAYjAFTERNOONi JANUARY 17, 1922. SINGLE COPY 5 CENTS FORMER SERVICE MEN IN STATE COMPLAINING OF DISCRIMINATIONS Republicans Are Disregarding Preference Prov i s i o n - . Ousting of Women for Men in North Carolina Postoffices Jars Democrats Bui win kle .and .Overman Are Hear ing From Them. (By H. E. C Bryant Observer.) in Charlotte The very Over thb WASHINGTON, Jan. 36 old nick is coins to be raised disregarding of tho preference provi sions of law in favor of ex-fcerviee men ' in tho appointment of postmasters and the substitution of inen for women by the Harding administration. There were signs today that, leaders aro waking; up on thin proposition, and will try to undo what they have done. Tennessee repu blican congressmen are back pedaling and will try to satisfy demands of world war soldier Frank A, Hampton, private secretary of Senator Simmons, recently charged that American Legion men here wero sleeping at the switch. Hit) warnings has aroused Tar Heels. 'alc K. Burgess, department adjutant of the North Caro line branch of the legion, today wired Representative Bulwiukle, who is an an ex-service man, as follows: "W. H. Forbuslt, who is n veteran of the Rainbow disvision, lias passed the civil service examination for postmaster at West Durham, republican executive eommittee for county disregards his priority claim and endorses man who was not ia service. MeKandon has urged me to do whatever we can for Comrade For bush." TO HAUL SNOW FROM IOWA TO SKI TOURNAMENT CARY, ILLS., Jan. 17. Wanted: Ten thousand load of snow to tnsko winter sports possible. . With the national ski tournament only five days sway, and no snow on the new slide here, members of the Norge Ski Club hare arranged with the Northwestern Railroad to have the required amount of snow brought from the nearest Iowa point where1 snow lies. As many trains as are nec essary will be pressed into service by the road to avoid postponement . of the contests ' Men from many States and three foreign countries will jump in the meet The new slide is one of the largest in the world. Made of steel, it stands 1 IS feet high and is built atop the highest hill at Fox River Grove, near here. The chute is 360 feet long, and more than 100 ieet is permitted for jumping. JURY IS SELECTED TO TRY 0. G. THOMAS FOR KILLING ARTHUR ALLEN Policeman Swing, of Kannapo- av,; lis, Days He round no Weap on on Allen s Body -The .Accused Man-Told the Po liceman He. Had Killed a' Man Who Attempted to Hold Him Up Trial May Last a Week. I INDIANS ARE SEEKING. FULFILLMENT OF PROMISE r MADE 70 YEARS AGO SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 17. Eight Indians, representing the scant 20,000 that remain of the race in California were en route to Washing ton today to seek fulfillment of prom ises they contend were made by the Government in treaties signed seventy years ago. The Indians declare their ' tribes were deprived of 7,500,000 acres re tained under the treaties and $1,500. 000 in goods, including needles and thimbles, promised for cession of other lands to the Government, has not been paid. The purported treaties were found recently by a rtli-gious worker in the Indian fields after they had been lost for years. ROTARiANS PUNNING FOR CHARLOTTE MEETING Local Club Will Visit Charlotte Club January 24 Nine Ro tary Clubs in This Section to Be Represented at Inter- i """noon's testimony City Meeting. (Jastonia Rotarinns are planning to go to Charlotte oue week from today, Jnn. "4th to attend the big inter-city Kotary meeting. Rotary clubs of nine cities will send bij delegations to Charlotte. The following letter sent from the Char lotte club to every Kotnriau in the dis trict is self-explanatory: January 14th, J!)U2. Dear ltotariali: it is a known lad that many a man Letters like thi are stirring up ex-!ll,vrr becomes a real Hotariau until he service men in Congress. It was stated, I Htt' liftn t Conference or an In today, that hereafter every man ccniing I ternationnl Convention, up from North Carolina for a post office I The Kotary Clubs of Rock Hill, Gaff appnintment must have a clean war re-1 ney. (iastonia, Hickory, Statesvillo, cord or a suitable excuse for not being iMooresvillc, Concord, (Salisbury anil CONCORD, Jan. 16. O. G. (Hef) Thomas will be tried before tho follow ing jurors for the murder of Arthur J. Allen, Concord master dumber, who was killed in Kannapoiis on the night of October 23th; J. V. Hitch. M. D, Klutzz, V. C. Kluttz, U. L. Blackwel.ler W. T. Durham,. II. I). Kudy, 1. W. Smit W. M. Auton, V. J. (line, 1$. L. (iraf, W. J. Bailey and W. R. Arey. Thly were selected from 17 regular jurors and :tl members of -the special venire drantu : last t riday. The seici tion of the jui consumed tho greater portion of todav session of court, but four witnesses bein examined late this afternoon. Vestimony as to tho range of the bid lets in the body of Allen featured the J. V. Swing, Kannapoiis policeman ; -Dr. T. X. Bpen- j cer, coroner; J and Dr. S. K. Buchanni, county health iffiniil- m'jm'i, fit., n-itniiuiiN f.tillml un,l tint lu, i'., .-..,... ,.v.....i.,.i ,,.-t;,.',,l..,i,. ' ''t Tuesday to to tin. exiiininntinii thev nin.l.- oil Allen's! '""IV af tl,is ,it-V- body. , Swing testified that when he readied the scene of the tragedy after being noti fied by telephone, he found Allen's .body lying just in front of tho home of O. S. Ovcrcash. The body was lying face downward. He found nothing in the man 's hand but a Ford switch key, and found no weapon of any kind on the bodv. From the scene of the trairodv he went back to police headquarters he! ph'ted an addition to tli OPEN DOOR" IN CHINA AND SHANTUNG . FORM TODAY'S PROGRAM QUESTION TRIAL TO DETERMINE LIFE OR DEATH OF KU MUX IN OKLAHOMA! Arms Conference May Be Facing Most Critical Stage of Its Entire Course -Will Take Up Question of Manchuria and Japanese Occupa tion m Siberia. STANDARD HARDWARE GO. TO ERECT FINE BUILDING Handsome Structure, F ou r Stories High, to Be Built on South Street Next to City Hall BrownHarry Com pany Gets Contract. The contract for the new building .I-,- ii.. .. .. i ... , , M. Simpson, undertaker,!"! "u t",",ar" ""'-..ware v.ompany , u i it ij k i. ai mii-- uu 1 1 n in w I ht I v on Eleven Prominent Citizens Carter County to Face Trial on Charge of Murder Grow ing Out of Recent Attacks of HARDING COMMENDS MODERN HIGHWAY SYSTEM I fBy fho Associated Press.) J WASHINGTON, Jas. 17. An other meeting of the far eastern com 1 mittee to continue debate on tho subject j of the "open door" in China and fur- - . . . rin.,l,. I j iui-i uiai ukiuu oi iuo oiianiung question Dy masKea rvien rvi a a e, u "M,,v- "hc- ueiweeu tnu jaiianeso and Chinene dele- N5ght Attack on On;, Joe! met Has Done More For; sates formed today' program for the Carroll 1 General Good of the Coun- i aru, ,0l,fw,'n"'- .i(i).H)Ki;, tM.A., Jan. 17. A i-h? hh h, in the words of Btate At-1 t iiiirv tJeneral . 1'. 'r(eling, "willl mean the lite or death or tliu Ku Klux j provement has done more for the general today when clev ltu.4t t . it in it ..ilnnii. ,-.. I... fi.r r.,111 I f. I .... II i: rr, i i,..c..v,. i, ..,. r ill I. ..,. i..i .;.i 'textual form V '.'I..MD ,1. 11.111.- I . ... 'V 'I" l'U-ll III lll. .IIIIT-I jiimi in district court for t rial on charges I lean Jioad Huil'ler ' A.sMoiatioii, to Ik-j of murder. I read at the oneiiinir HCHxinn todav nf'tlie fBy The Associated Tress.) 1 tlll A(i, Jan. 17.,. !.. ' .,.. iihiii mi (in- Keiirrai tlfin nf t Ai ma, 1 will be called here good of the cmintry than development of .,".,,,, ,, IT neii of Carter county's the highway H.vstem. according to a let- :,' . 4r citieiis are to be ar-,'ter from I'lesident Hauling to C.ilonel j 1 , , J efendaiits, all weil known busi- 1 ',00'1 "on. I CongrenM. South street adjoining the City Hall Wa. "''- profeiedonal men of the county. I l'"'r'' I'r''t -v !u'"r,-v "".veral . " - . . .. I 11 IT l..lllll I I Hit 1. l.i.rl.. I the Brown -Harry ( om-i n,,,v nniong Hcvenieen arrcMeu lot low-1 " ' ,,J " ""ni-im-iu Work will begin at i '"K attack by nine masked men up- ":' 1,1 r,,,-,t .y'"r. j,r " ome, it was (dated bv Mr. Brown, of i on .ne Carroll at His homo la Wilson j K'"'" tt. MiitniLtini, firm. Hirl. K wi.ii., i- the niudit. of December 15 when tlnTu I of I"' ,'."nt ry than the development of consulting architect. j "i "ii, oue of thein ( airoll, was tu tally door" djgcUKsious today the delegates of the other powers represented iu ths far eastern committee had before" thrru for consideration u ' coueerete "defini tion" of the American view of what on'- ffective application of this This was supplied them iu yesterday by tjecrctarv Hughes, after opening the debate with a reaffirmation of tho "open door" io licy iu China, and was underutood to have been baaed ou the Secretary's note of last July to the Chinese minister hero concerning a wireless concession to the Federal Telegraph Company, an Ameri can corporation, its rights iu which were disputed by other powers. .. I ho ( lunexe und Japanese continued Charlotte will hold an Inter-City meet ing in Charlotte on Tuesday, January L'4th. We expect a large delegation from each Club. Tour Clubs have stated that'tliey will come 100 per cent strong, uid Yf wish very much that every Club rrlnm u-itl K.i n imiMiini, itt,l oflnv. noon uniting, as well as the regular noon "luncheon. At these meetings we will discuss Kotary and Kotary princi ples. (Such men as Joe Turner, Duck i'errin, Kogers Duvts, Joe Bepark and others have been asked to talk on Kotary subjects." An "attendance tirizo ' and a stunt trophy have been offered, and everything is being done to make this meeting ns much lik a District Confer once as possible. We are sure that every man who attends ijill gain much inspiration and tary education. We will mail vu more dc un ex-service man. American legion organizations are lie coining more .active. Any lea'.k'is who wish to play politics, and aid the repub Jican party against comrades arc going tn lift flinirlntl mt nn.l .lcnrimii'id. This Wiu iiiinln nliiiii in fnn.'niiinii-atintiii com-1 eollld have such a record. ing to North Carolina congressmen. Within the last few days, the legion has become criticu! of the administration.- In ft letter to Director of the Vet erans Bureau Forbes today Hanford MaeNider, national commander, declur--etMhat thousaud of .cx-servico. men are in need of hospital treatment but arc prevented from entering govfrnment i'n Btitutions becntise their dependants would bo left destitute. Mr. AincNider called on Mr.,Forles to afPiet, "prompt adjustment and jiuymcnt of the comiien satiou claim of eWy disabled veteran." In' Western North Carolina, where the HiiniM-rnt imiiniiitcil nianv women to' "c will mail y.u more comph-t postmastcrships, the republicans are!"'1 ,,,,Jit Wl',k but tyo want you now putting in men. In some instances theyl,f "'ke vimr plans to be in Charlotte have been almost brutal in scram-101' 'bite. We want you here! ble for jobs. ' ' Kotanly yoiirs, ... , , i Itor.KKS DAVTR, v new move in uie nimirn.i iniiu-ni, where the republican leaders have been trying to oust Miss 1'earl I'urker to give her job to Clyde Jarrett, was made to- :Lsm.rir,c t :rs,xioNCE proud hapsburgs wUl .be to let Miss I'urker out. and put w w ,ml U Jam tt on the payroll. This came after ! NOW LIVING IN PflVFRTY Senator Kimmons had refused to permit j ' ,,u" UIIHU III I UILIIII the confirmation of Jarrett when his t nomination was scut to the senate. It Many of Them Are Now Sup is said that Miss Darker is a hard work-1 portinR Themselves by Sale ,iir ..t, , ,ai 1,1.. i-m,t,r M., itlifl, I '111,1 ll'lU lll- m - " . AMiJf,! U,Ml'li; ,1UI1I11 X-IUM.", - pendants to support. Miss Maude (in-en at Whittier wTTI have to go to make a place for a man republican. Mr. F.mnm D. White, at Junaluska, won first honors in the con test for the postotlic'e. Hut the republi-i cans arc bent on naming ' Mr. stated, where he was notified that Thom as had been there and asked for him. He then went to Thomas' boarding house where he found Thomas, and where Thomas told him that he had shot a man. wli.i had tried to hold him tin. Un cross examination he statjd that Thomas! the Legislature. left word nt police headquarters for him to come to the hoarding house for him. Thomas' Versaon Of It. Thomas told him "apparently with I candor" just what had happened, (Swing stated. According to Thomas' statement to the officer he had stopped his car in front of Ovcrcash 's house when he saw a Ford, which he had been folio uiug, stop also. A man from the Ford walked bnck In Thomas' carl and asked, "Cap, are you following; mc!"J' Thomas told the ollicer that he said "no" and the man then said, "Throw up your hands." Thomas told the ofticer that he then shot three times will receive much l'o-1M fgS( as. he could und left. The officer i 8l.j'100J our highway system," 'resident ilnrd- i . ' l iu s leiier sain. ' i ne fnK iu nn .imr. The building will be one of the most , ' 1 noiis niu. but brtfi.r iii,.tl,,l i,.,n, ;,, i today their effort to clear awav colluter- moilern and substantially built in Gas-i ( 'ginally, itUin were held for '"r- ptivwiciil construction and in the rein-'0' points involved in ths Shantung set i tonia. It will be four stories liijrh, and''1"' witnesses tor the 'state ,;,, f tm, ,.ininunitv to highway de- ; tleinent jiending a final attack on the een ! of heavy mill construction throughout, i but at subsequent -sessions of the joint ; velonmeiit. has lAkinir f.,.-.,i i.. ! trnl liroblems. of conditions for restora- The front will be of pressi-il brick. JM j examining trial of seven of the men be- j Mlst mcournging v.ny. " j thin to Cliina of the Tsingtao-Tsinanf u size it will be 8l)xloo feet. 1 fore .trot ice J. W. Hatcher, the cases i prior to assembling, it was said, more railway. Meanwhile until the bhantunjr The Hrowu-Harrv Co. litis also com-' !IK;""sl ,'""r' ""' Baptist min-, tm in.uim delegates were iu Chicago j issue is settled and both sides indicated Spencer .b.un- ,l",",1!",t"" ,"" mouon or rue ( reiireseutnig every State Government. ; today thero were enough things yet to tain Mills, a weave room "it bv U feetj i!"'secuuon inai no eii.ienc.e was ai nunu : ,,nd mayors ot 4,7:HJ cities and towns. ! he discussed to occupy many meetings This firm has also" recently been awarded.' '" ',""l;,,.t lM, 1" w."" '!",' r", , I : mort' t,H' fur astern committee, at the contract for the State Colored Nor-! ( " ""s 1,1 "'"',)'''','"ber, the , HOSPITAL OFFICERS TO th suggestion of Secretary Uughea is may School at Favetleville which will ! 1aV' ,lli,r!,'f. niore than 100 men from 'DISCUSS CARE OF VETERANS i ''' deferring consideration of the Chin- cost 1.-.0,0(H. This is one of the new -"';'re nud the surrounding county, a 1; sSOciate,t Dress 1 'CHt for ',"i action m the buildings authorized bv a recent act uf '""'.d and with buckets nt tar hud pil- w.' ...1 " ' it ,n i 1'a,llous "twtnty demauds" and al- .i iviiim ij, aincreii in a, iannc ... 1 3 no ox tue uuistioii or spheres or lnUuenee, in charge or all government Hospitals; addition to these questions, the serving veterans of the world war began conference, having proceeded on the de a five days' series of conferences here ..lured nf liUnn.ina ...k. lmore iiolice detective, tiii today called by Drigadier General Saw- it...ts uoon which j "get " Joe Carroll. A statement to au-! .ver, president oMho board of liopitali.a-j oasiest, h;us yet to take up the more dif i thorities bv one of the defendants short- tion, to work out co-operatively the most i Hclllt (Itl.'Ktioll , ftf rul.,.liitrl!l n.l ! l.v iirter his arrest was 10, lUe atteet ttmt j euicieni means oi curing lor lormer scr- , Japanese I Sims had persuaded the tin ml of men to' vice patients. Nearly a hundred officers; thouirh in nccompauy linn that night "to round up were orueren 10 report, uiciuuiug tne, come,- most of the delegates privately scv.tal - wet' car dealers and bootleg-! heads of ull public health hospitals, sol-; concede that th eonferencs may b fae gcrs." i 'Hers home, officers of the medical lc;iUK tIU mo8t e,itical utags of its entire I' liable to find Carroll's residence, thej payments of the army and navy and the course. " ' .ight mim then called nt the home of": veterans bureau. ; Meantime, final agreement on the Paci- John Smith in W ilson uli.1 one of their ; J he opening session was to be called to 1 flc fortificutions clause, of. the naval nmn n r. a relative or Hniith. innde him owci lea v. roll : THE ROANOKE RAPIDS HIGH SCHOOL BUILDING "town of 3,509 Peoole Has What Is Said to Be Finest High School Building in State of North Carolina Cost Half a Million Dollars Local Board Has Inspect ed It. lows juM live miles south of Wilsjii and lat er sent right of their number in two au I tomobilcs miller the leadership of C.' (J. ; Siuis. occupation in Siberia. . AI- BKKNT DRANK, HILL THOMSON. Comiiiitt. of Their Jewelry Some Are Writing Memoirs With Lit tie Success. did not know whose idstol Thomas use but stated that Thomas told him earlier in tlto day that someone had stolen his pistol from his car. A"en was dressed in n pair of blue pants and au army fhirt, the officer stated. The scene of the tragedy was on a dark street. Swing stated, where no electric lights are lo cated. From where Allen was lying it j was about ."0 feet to the front of Frank j Seiner's home the officer testified. Thorn i as told the ollicer that he went to Over- rash's to see about some papers, Swing testified. Most of the questions directed to Spencer, Simpson and Buchanan dealt with the location of the two bullet wounds in the body and the range ofi the bullets. Spencer stated that in his' opinion either of the wounds- would egatiuii from the (iastonia city 'id returned Saturday fri,m a ler by General Sawyer in an address ; treaty, uuon which the Jaoanesa are a sick bed and guide them to Car- on the present status of federal hospi-j awaiting instructions from Tokio. ap liouse, telling him, according to ' talisation covering methods and facilities i pears to have been held UP by political ti e testimony of Smith's wife at the in use iu different parts of the country developments in Japan resulting from preliminary bearing. hat "you nrc in tho care of veteran patients. opposition in some quarters to the Brit- forced t do it as I have Ism'ii forced." 1 On Friday, President Harding is to jgn proposal amending the original plan When the nu n called nt Carroll's . addresn the conference. ' hy limit iuc the lone of the" fortifies- . jfci Btatus.quo to a region north of the SAN FRANCISCO CLUB 'equator. GETS $75,000 FOR PLAYERS . I SAN FKANC ISCO, Jan. 17. Three i HENRY FORD TO ADDRESS letters brought good cheer to the Sani FARMERS AT MUSCLE SHOALS. .' Francisco clubs of the l'acinc Coast; Hy The Associated Press.) II League yesterday when a single mail! WASHINGTON, Tan. 17. Henry . ( Hy The Associated Press.) Ci i:KVA, Jan. 17. Scattered Ward. ; throughout Kurope, the members of the Miss Honnie Kate Megan has had to get ! once proud house of llapsburg are all out to make way for a man nt Weaver, j living in relatively poor circumstances Miss Abernrthy was let out at Con Hy ( some of them in poverty. Springs. Many other similu'r cases could j Ex Emperor diaries and Kx-Kmprcss 1jc mentioned.-- I Zita. who were sent to Fum hal, Madeira, Intimation's coming to Washington us "guests" of the Allies, are supple foretell a storm of indignation from ; men ting their allowance by the sale of North Carolina women. Tho republican i some of the family jewels, rgaji lata tion is steam mlleiing them out Archdukes Eugene and Ferdinand of ofliees they think they are entitled to. i have been permitted by the Swiss (iov- Democratic congressmen are unable .to ernmcnt to remain at Lucerne, it being stop the discrimination against women j found after an inquiry that they had and cx-serViee men. I nothing to do with Charles' ill-fated at- 'Jarrett claims that, he is entitled to tempt at restoration. consideration an an ex service man. He'. Archdukes Max and 1 redenc are hv refnsed the Andrew office while the ilem- i ,n ,rfI Arch.luchcs Joseph.i in Bava- nernt- wern, in. altlinuuli l.p Kton.i first i : Albrccht resides with his mother r.. in ll,,, wniea eniereil Alien s nacK caused ueaia. as it penetrated tiic Heart. i lie imiict . roo, kitchen r.iucii emcrcii ine iieati mail s i.-ii; shoulder penetrated the left lung, he ; trip of h.. ...ctioii to several of the larg-' er cities of the State with a view to find 1U17 OUT. ihi' b.lint ;.l.,l mnt methods of Bil.ool architecture. Among '"' their summons to the. the schools visited was Ifoanoke Kai.ins. 1 trout door and at their command to The following facts concerning " the j ,,,r,,w, ,,H ''',"I;H ,,n'iv l,is1 r,'v"lv''" . school building in that city will be of iu. ! 'oiiiide.l one ot the men who attempted, tcr(,8t to wrest it from him. "Koanokc Uapids. is a town of .1.500 , Tl,(" 'I"1''1 Uie' screams of women aud i iipoi.Ip .l,.v,.i t;i r ' snouts oi men, a C'1" imuie ensneii, also; 14 1 ' to - in. , .... , i ; i.., i i ll 'u I ,1...- .. ..1 ..1 ..I I A-.T nun YT.l :n .jj n. o -... i m 1bIx I I ... i . i. . I .... i in -.' ii.ii'M ,t .'....ii.-., i'i ti ii it. n i-.HTfc!. n;t,ri-)(fii iiij; ow; lis : r um win uuicss ins oouiuetn roup OI,- " Yet there was opened in that con. ' w,l liv''1' 1,''x, 'br. When the fierce ; payments for players sold cast recently. the American Farm Bureau Federation: : munitv on Monday. September It) wlei': i ''"'"''ange uf rille and .itol shots sub- Twenty-five thousand dollars was from 1 at its meeting at'. Muscle Shoals, Ala-? is said to be the biggest and best high i ,,,a,,l;,',l "u n t'0(1 in ,11m New York Nationals as part payment bama, Januaiy 20, and 21, the American suhool building in the entire st'it'- I their auloiniibiles, Carroll's lifeless body ; for First Baseman O 'Council, $ lO.ObO i Farm Bureau Federation announced tO-- "It was erected at a cost W'lialf a' "a" pi'ke.l up off .his doorstep andJohn ( was from the New York Ameriiiiiw a ; day . '. ' million dollars. .Smith, a few minutes Inter, was found ! part payment for Pitcher O'Doul, and: I ne Sout.icrn group of the -American "The structure lei ,.!, min, i on n street in Wilson not far from t he I 10,0(1(1 was from the Cincinnati N'a- ' Farm Bureau Federation .comprises the,," "It cont-iins -in nii.lilori.ini uith ,'s.ene of the engagement, siiflering from I tioiials, the cash end of the consideration -Mates of -Maryland, irgiina. West Vir- Sating capacity of -000 I "llllr' wouums which wuinn n.u nunis iven nir cnorisiop aveney, some I'lHj cause. i nis neaiii. ers uiso uguriug iu i ne ueai. i.v, shortly before body, clad in a suit of iiilding an imiyf.: ' inasiuiu, diinn' I - 1 .... 1..., ...... nave i.iuii'.i iaiai, uui uiai i ne one. t.i'i,.,.., ; i,.,;i,i: I lie loMowiiii; noon, Sims ' ilea khaki unionnlls, was found lying in the pasture where twelve hours before, he had planned to administi r punishment to Carroll for his allig.'d activities as a I mi if 1 , " cr ere I- ll.;i- ; , ' , . , . i r.ii,. ,i. Wittli. Hie man nn.) was wouuueii ner Sincer Mated that he found no wc:i-1 to th venerable buildims in l he er. ai 1 the affray, iruidcl the authorities to , ni..rJ i.( l......i, .,t nrr.i .....i f the pasture win re Mms was .lis bridge. The building is constructed of shell face brick, trimmed with tile, con crete stone and pottery. Modern reiiuire- meuts of light and air are met by its ml sixty windows, many of them of heroic size. A 11 of the class rooms are outside rooms and the out side walls of these rooms are practical ly one big window. ' Till. v-i 111 i 1 -i 1 i nn nm nf stated that .lie believed they would cover thc wst mviletu tJIV Two of (h the holes in Allen s body if placed om, hea(inj, furnaces manufactured ins 4iuoy. lie .coiuu 1101 recognize any' music room and sewinsr room. Wk niintn frn.n Tin. Mn-,..h.. l..., stated, after breaking the left collar Jicrai, bone' r , . , ! Aichite.lually the building is a xuubo o wrr-yvn. v-u . .beautiful example of the classic E Lpon examination or me ,.o,iy v oro-; sinlilar i,. pons of any kind. He alio stated that: Allen was wearing an. army shirt. He sow marks on the man's shoulder which; ho be powder burns but no such j burns on the back.. The clothing which I was identified as that which Allen was! tw.Q lim,iri.j wearing on ine nigiu oi ine irageiiy. was then brought in. Dr. Spencer said he rould not identify them positively as tho clothing that Allen wore. He ex-1 nmined. the two holes in the shirt, and REASONS FOR AILMENTS IN THE SHOE INDUSTRY MOW YORK, Jan. 17. Irregularity of piece rates and the uneven flow of work are the chief ailments of the shoe in. lustty, Sanford K. Thompson, consult ing engineer iii industrial management, today told members of the National Boot and Shoe Manufacturers' AMSoein-1 (,," VtHlitiist' ' 1 ti ! Organization, need 1 i x ii, un.. nun. Hit., nill. H nielli oer .',.,nim U 11 it V llllits til ginsa, .North and South Carolina, Geor gia, Florida. Alabama. Mississippi, Ten nessee,- Kentucky, Louisiana, Oklahoma and Texas. In addition delegates will I be present from 15 other States in the corn and wheat belt sections of the, Mis si si ppi valley. ' Many of the delegates to the Muscle; Shoals meeting, it was said, are also del-,, egates to the national farm conference,, which meets in Washington next Mon-f lay. and wilt come trom Muscle Shoals on . of more efficient develop initiative' frequently l.een used as ll meeting )f jiV(.r ,.,; tee on elimination I i i i." "l ' ll. 1 I.eaL'iie or Kit' :.. :., .. - . ' ' . ' v. """l" '"v nwiwiing Inr kiiv. tlcmncnits feel thnt he is lie-1 18 Staying at a Villa ing railroaded in now. TUCUTV TWO CTITCC IPPCDT I IVL.11 1 I Mill UlftlLU nUULI I FEDERAL AID FOR MATERNITY large music room; there are three largo and well-equipped rooms tor the domes tic science department. "To quote again from The Koanokc luipids paper: He could have gone in then in the regu-1 Isabella at Budapest; LeoK.ld Salvator ; IK)wder burns on the clothing. On croii' i'r, ,.,.,,,' j JuipL'l ti, is siaying at a vina near narceiona ; ; examination lie stated that the scene of . i . .-. ' t,....i, v. i: i i ti .i:...,5i., huh uiai jiic sihii "i : ,uost modern atiparatus; the auditorium ; r." alv. . r ' rz:!?r:,:r "a r um there is a t .....w ..... ....... .. ... i., ..oj.,,.... iiinn in unv nu ii nril' i.liiuini;. n. ing lodge at Salzburg and Archduchess .stated that he did see powder bums on Maria Announc.iate lives alone in t'.e tie dead man's neck and that in his chateau Valnux in Lichtenstein. opinion the shot which struck Allen in Some of them have attempted to fat- XL. aluuldcr was fired at closer ramie , ; v.. ..i. : i.... n.;k , , . , , - , ,. ...mi i.ivuiin- nuiMnn, ....I. ...ii. iaan mc Mini wi.irn rnirmi ms ikich. xTi.a mi.;. 1,., .n, rJ...ii...,.l more or less indifferent smcess. I.itera- J. M. Simpson testified that he was ,, , 't- i.w.t.- nrr..Z tare in the form of "memoirs f rom ( jir.-s'nt wh.n the post mortem examina-: Xothin seems to" have been left un.ione r,'nt on 1,10 K" K1,lx Kla" r""m- laniius mciiiwrs o; ine ramuy, nas "mi UII WNN made in Ills undertaking par-: h ,i,.;,., ,.,i i.;i,i,.r r... .i, ...., - refuse.! to testify ns to Ins connection presented to editors, but none or them.ors. He identified the clothing brought , ,.,,, a i i i.i. f .u,, i,;i ' ' have shown great enthusiasm to publish in,4 f0rt as the clothing he fook from' f ' 'ho '?, ir , ine oooKS. Allen s bodv when he dressed him. His .... ... .. , u-i,.,i b.r.'e box in the "uroi.eitv i , , , ,, ine non uki iaiiniin-ii in ei iiiims an. I ' 7 " . ' ,, CEORriA rTnk- riQHIFP description of the v.ounds an. tlie rangel wit,, th(, ,.qlli,m,,llt of antll(.r d:lv it ..., -..ntaimd. Ninrtivn questions. . all GEORGIA BANK CASHIER , 1m, )U M, ts was very similar to tha , cens tbat , ,(l0 new Junior.scii)r ' pertaining to the Km Klux Man. were OUTS YEAR In FtW. I (,fr,.ri,l l.v lr. Six-nccr. He did not , . . , . .. . ' ...L...1 1,;... .,..,1 I-,., in answer a covered and told thein. U was brought out at the prelimary trial, that the place h:id Kin v u 1.1 n ' M.. J nr. ,f 11, ... l,.f..,. I- 1 ... " ."" .ry: "!"" ,na,."I,,! r'M'--of the major southern crops such as eot " " resentanve ractorv na.l met piece rate t...i i,,i,i ..,.. ,,,it ,,.i,; ants ill the case. 1 increases riiimin.r frnn, 1! to Vliil neri 1 1 .1..... ' 1 r " - I- la I.M.ill iJ.MIl.-?,, jwin liirill 11IUIUCC UTV cent since 1911. Another factory, he, n thc program of the meeting. Other said, mnkiiijr 9.01)0 pairs of shoes a day subjects expected to be considered In i had viried in its weekly output as miicii chide the American cotton growers asso as j.airs. ! ciati.,11, development of dairy and live- He advised s study of styles in shoes stock industry in the Southern States, to determine the limits to which fancy 'and corn syrup making, styles ji'iojil.I be carried, and a closer' The meeting will be organized in Flor survey of market condition ' ence. Ala., and an extensive inspection ; of the Muscle Shoals project is expect- ,; (Br The Associated Tress.) WASHINGTON, Jbh. 17. Twenty two States already have accepted the Federal aid for maternity care authoriz ed in the maternity act and its probable "ureeptancc by most of the others has been Indicated hy Slate officials, it was announced today by Miss Orace Abbott, chief of the children's bureau of the llepartment of Labor and a member of j the Federal bourd of maternity and m- I he custodian of a local lodge hall. 111 which the K11 Klux Klau rents rooms, testified .;t the hearing that on the night . of the killings, on.: of the defendants and another man whem he did not recog onize, left the "property" room rented by the Ku Klux Klan with bundles 1111 iIt arm- The defendant admit ted in a signed statement to authorities that he was one of those who later met in the pasture. 1 Lfforls of the prosecution then w re direct' .1 toward establishing the Ku Klux Kla a's connection with the inci dent and the exam.naiif.ii of witnesses ended abruptly when Frank Bourland, who. the lodge- hall custodian testified. TWO WHITE MEN KILL GEORGIA NEGRO. IxiniLAS. lia., Jan. 17. Investi gating the killing of William West, a negro, a coroner's, jury here yesterday returned a verdict that he came to his death at the hands of Leon Wooten and Vernon Kite, two young white men, liv ing near I ndgen to to bo made by the delegates. , MAY HAVE CROSSED CONTINENT FOR NOTHING CAMBRIDGE, Mass., Jan. 17. Frederick R. Wedge, graduate of the t prise ring and the University of Ariio . na, seeking to get a post graduate de gree irom Harvard University in his with the organization. He also declined hind West to carry them to answer the pr isecut ion s iierv a to 1. ...1. i..,;i.i;,,,. ,i... , ...... ... (By The Associated Tress.) J j notice any powder burns before or af ,-, - -,,,,:, tluVi. ,h T,rr but one. HAMTT.Tov r.u .in,, 17 r.Mra i tit washing the body, he statol. In his , , .- . wnsation was urn.lii.-ed at the first inn rMi-ra iiaurii ik iui. , ----.-...,.-., .. .. . . . -... . . .... ... . iusiihu u , .iimiii iu a iv.d. ruuu iu . . faut hvgiene. eharged with administra- Stanford, Jormer cashier of the Bank j opinion either bullet would Have caused . carniDtt . 1 day of the hearing .L.. i. of Waverly. Harris count r (Jeoraia. tftis i death. ; roll's biotlior. arose lion 01 no-un. t.l : v.-" V." - e.j T. D. Fiw of tho States Dehiware, JHinnc- mie yesieraay senience.l ny Judge u. 1 . "u"- . , sota. New Hampshire, New iMexico and Munroe to s rve one year in the State . Ir. Bnchanan fct:it. .1 that Allen 11 ,! hv nction of ' lieiiif entiarv after tie had entered a idea body was lying in the road when he , leffiKl.itiirrs. while 17 have done so 1 of guilty to a rharge of eaibexzlement in ! rmch d the wi-ne of the tragedy . B . . ... . ....... . I '.I. . . .. M , ...'1,1 I a 1 ... A I. ....1.. Officers learned that Wooten nn.l Kite ! fortieth year, may have made a trip mine from a ; half wsv across the continent ia freight party near here. It was while on this ; car and caboose for nothing. "Kid" mission that the negro was shot and kill- j Wedge, as he was known in Wisconsin ed. Officers have been unable to locate , lumber camps and in boxing circles two either Wooten or Kite, although Woo- ; decades ago, dropped off a train jrester ten telephoned the sheriff he whs going day after a 2,000 mile joruney from Ar fo snu-eiider at once. -No motive for j iiona to enter Harvard graduate school the shooting is known by officers. , of education. To jay it waj learned that ' i Harvard authoritiea had bean trying to Married 68 Years reach him for sometime, by mail aad W.M'KON. Iowa. Jan. 17. Mt. telegraph, with word that his qualifK and Mrs. James Collins. Sr.. of this city, ! tions were not considered sufficient for and! when Walter Car while 011 the wit : ucs stand and accused Bay I.. Beede. lo ! cal automobile dealer, and one of 1he dc fend-ints, of killing his brother during are celebrating their 6sth wedding 11-. admission at this time through thier povernors, under ilic pro vision of the kill permitting such ac ceptance within a period of six mouths after the next legislative session fojljw- li,r 1 1 tififtftnWIlt ' . ' " - The thc bill in it June Years, with an additional f-i.OUO and a -proportional- share of 710,0H1 based on S),iiltioii if thi'se amounts aro matched by Stste appropriations. .The- aid is conditioned ou'Uie approval of plans for its Use bjf Federal board. ' , . coiinc-ction with a shortage of 16,000. Violence at Norfolk. that he made a hurried examination, ., ,lf K,riVn f h,r. 1 there and Liter hel-d inform the antoi.. emi,ove8 '0f ,j. Virginia Railway and sv. Ho testified that he saw powder i...- r,.,ni- h. ro fmiml ih (By The Avsoiiate.1 Press.) ! burn" on ,,,e n' '1 "r l'"'.,u,a,i maI!' without a single piece of rolling stw k NORFOLK. Ya.. Jan. 17. 'First i MW nolu 0,1 1,,c s,,,rt "l,cre 1 . 1,u"lti moving this morning. The Methislist latiuit here adopted res- upon city officials to in- I ift ir ii lti.-s between the slightly, injured by flying glass wheaj li j$ olid Jodgi-n near the spinal column. f company and the men, aud the city eouu METHODIST PREACHERS WANT STRIKE SETTLED liiy 1 lie 1 ress.; . i. n,. . ...... ---. : j" , - ,,. " IIIBTSMIU'TII V Jan 1 T TI. 1 he ficht . niversarv' today. Mrs. Collins is M, ts enactment . ' j NORFOLK. Ya., Jan. 17. Firat i nonP on 11,0 mro ,,r. "eij moving this mo; i States ncr pt ing-receives under attempts at violence siuce the trtrvrt j-flr j -itero.l the bark. Thc bullet which en-, Ministers' Assoc ill lU.OtK) for the fiscal year end-! strike began yestt r.lay, crurre.1 in Nor- j tenL the shoulder broke thc left r-ollurj oltit ioiin calling i lunc ."0, and $-,0P0 in succeeflinat f folk today. A nonunion conductor was! lmnf and tlie first rib. j.unctiired the left j vestigate the li years and Mr. Collins is 91. They were bom in Ireland, t u- - I 1 I ..1 ri.n ,n(.n .t I In, 1,1 1 1 let 1M. M lllllft nW!i fil through the window of his ear this morn-i indicating that thc man sho; was either ing. A pile of cross ties, thrown across leaning forward, or tliat the . person the tracks. Mocked traffic iu FuiruivuutJ shooting was towering abov'" the man Taik, a suburb. - - - - , Continued on paj;? i). ril has been suimuoiied to special session loiter, ill a signed statement before :i notary i iiblic at Wilson. Carroll reiuuli ated liis testimony at the hearing aud de-: Allamake county. i 1MJ7, and settled on dared he knew nothiny of the identity of a farm six miles of Waukon, bought at nm- i.crson i.nrti.-i'iatiiiir in the attack-six dollars an acre. on' brother. Tlfe following day. how-"t Ten of their 14 children are living, 3 ever he issued another signed Matement ' whom were with their pannts today here, denying that he said he eould not! WOODR0W WILSON FOUNDATION. to i The Uat-t to afknowlcdge receipt of tj.; following rontribntions to the Wood row Wihsm Foun.latioa Fund: William L. Balthis Lewis U. Balthis.. ; A. C. Taylor, Staiih y-. . ... THE WEATHER F. E. Stubbs. . .23.0 .' i'J.OO 5.00 . 1.00 All contributions sent ir The 41;tetfa ideiitify nny of the party of ' masked , i . - . . . : .. . men ami ucciariuz inai ins insiuiiuiiy ai! . In.. n i ...ii ,. A .li.fittil ..tfit.i.L., 9..W. ' 1........ ' . ,,..t 7, - .1 " r . t . ... . . .V W -"- ...... 1 V. i II,,- f,W. I , . ' ' , , the .city. Jitney buses, under police Due to coiTditions here, growing outi North Carolina, probably rain tonight will be publicly ai knowV-lged aad tho supon isioir. today were operating iu tla-j wf au investiafion by tho attoruey-gcu j and Wednesday; rising tempetature in1 motiey; r-n.ittl to the Mate- Treaur,.r city aud suburbs. (Coutimic-J ou prgc 8.), 'interior, fresh easterly winds. j promptly, ., . :

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