PACE TWO THE GASTONIA, (N. O. DAILY GAZETTE MONDAY, JANUARY 23.1X22, s.. SrEnGER KffllMI i . (CfHrwtllMW nt The Dally Gazette.) SPEXCKK MOrXTAlX. Jan. Ms. r " . .mn iu the Wib! ,lor Saturday evctiing under the u- research extending over u period of two apices of ike B. T. I'. I". ianie nn.l anu-j ypari ,ag revived copies of oflirinl re 'i!e furnished by Messrs. Tom UaJli,' cwr(ljt !n the. Archives of the Indies" ,;j Sheirill and James May, furnished i at ,.viile, Spain, showing that the stiuc i tntertainment for the evening. A largo turv he now occupies was erected miim i erowd patroniied the supper and a 'ee j tlrm. between PjtiH ami Wl.t by one Con "'euro was realised, -which will be used tor , ZJ. Mt-udez. The King of Spain mr i.tue work of the IS. V. P. The feature ,.9,,, tlu.' building in 1004 a a resi st 1 evening ai the putting up of ldenoe for the Spanish governors of Fli.r ake to be won by the girl getting the:j(la ail(1 it Nt.rve, ,.ui.u llnf,i Florida ' Birgest Hamper oi toh.- ior me popular girl. Three girls were put in 4ie race, Miti tutw Abernathy MUj ".received the iarRfbt tiuniber when nine w.i eidled and thus won the take. ' Miovernora of Florida si -n' in Conn. il Frienda will be sorry to know that froln t,. Vo.r( j,-;fis to i j o ' and one jTida, dsttghter of Mr. and Mrs. II. J I. rrffrl.,B,t ; the punliase of n home for fTlowe a takea auddendly ck whdo ,j,e gv,.r.u.t in t. Augustine I i achool Thursday. Her many friends that' the housing iwtiialion in.Ami rii a Jiope that Bhe will soon reeoyer. Illore than jou year;, ngo ua little Ix-t t h; Mr. nd Mrs. Hansel, of (Jreennlle, than jt h:1 ,,. ,.19t f).. Vl,!lls, j,- jS. l. are Bpeadinj: the vnek in the vU- r(,ail. :JagU- .They.nrc iteming with Mrs. W.j ..To Majesty From the (iovernor IL. t'onnor T'edro Dc Vdarra on th Mtli day of .I.hi- Mr- Hobie Bide spent tho wek-end ! ,ary 5,4. ' Jiff hk Mn, SiJea. J ,;ln this city they have neve liad 1. SiiMr, John C. Hankin was a business ,1()JW for tho Governor mid when 1 ar i Visitor in Cnstonia Monday. (rived thev bidd me in n house wlihli Mr, and Mrs. Crier Watt of KanlOj wag uilt over the wan, and it wax so 'w)ent the week-ed hero with Mr. ndiol(, nl)l lIf1(, tI)Hf (.() (jovrrilors , jjSjrs.W. E. Armstrong. (here. The- Oovernorx were finitierrer. , !, I Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Thomas had ft ()() f jrijn,n , Domingo Marline, de' i I heir guest for the week. Mr. and Mrs.( vendano. Kven the owm hiinwlf has H'hailes Thrower and family of Clmr-i lu.v(.r 1kvi1 in it nor ,lilvP j i,,.,.,, ! ,1otte. Mrs.-Thrower is a sister of Mr ! M Hin( Jllv arrival. j gliomas. j "For thw reason, there leing 110 iiSMr. and Mr. W, E. Love, of Unnlo, j hmm, ,0 Jivp , wri Qonasalo Mendez were fuesta of Mr. and Mrs. I'atterson, ,u.(.ito) t0 )Hj)( ono ,, fnis in 'NVelnesday. . a good location. j;; Work iaprogmmng rapidly on the new j ,,u u ,,r0M)W(l 1v tI, (tiyl(.Mi f itftldltion to the weave suoiL ooms u. tie. plaeed in the building tit soon aa l M eompleted. - - . . ! .'1 The pcoide of -the villago are rejoio , Jlfg that the road, which is being built, rrom Ranlo is nearing tho foot of the I mnnntflin. The Woman V Missionary Union will !mreJ in the Willora next Ttiesdny c& r . t . 1 -m .. . 1 . .IWIie. Airs. mi., a. Jioore i trAiici-iru i " ;! at-this meeting and will take charge ,f the meeting, livery member is urged ;te be present. u:Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Petty and cltil- 'cfn-n went to Bessemer City Wednesday, to attend the funeral of hssie I'etty, nfnl child of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Petty, the former-a brother of Mr. Petty, Manys friends here sympathize' with Mr and Mrs. Petty In their bereavement. ' in Misses Georgia Cothey! and Bertha "rJav. ' t !.' Services were held in tho chapel Sun iflnv morning and . evening. . Her. C.L. 'Taylor of Tucknseege was "th guest of Mr. and Mr J. H. Sills for he week-end. ii. Mrs. W. F. Michael and children,. Henry Franklin, William Foil and Spen- 'ft-r, Mr, and Mrs. P. R. Huffstetler and ijiildren, Harry, Ashley and Lawrence iwre visitors in the village S.indny. t'-i Mr. and Mrs. C, C. Carpenter of Gas inia 'visited Miss Kuth Kills and Fay .fcl.orill 8nnday;- ,! V ' . Miss Ruth Sills went to Charlotte Monday, -where',. ghs had her tonsils re' moved. She was aeeotnpanied hf her pa' fnts, Mr. nnd Mrai J H.' Sill. Messri'-'Freeninn,"": JnVk' Dills, Boy Dills and Theodore Gibson spent Sun- irtlay at Mountain Island. Mr. and Mrs. Brysun Flowers had as their guest Snnday, Mr. and Mrs. Bob ill'utman of Dallas, Mr. and Mrs. Garling i J'lowers of Belmont, ,-Miss Ead of Bel- miont and Vernke and Ambroso Putman r naiiai. . V,Mr. C. R. Cross spent .Sunday at Mt Jaland. - ,uMr. and Mrs. Christenberry and chil Vlren of Gastonia, spent Sunday here witli Mrs. Christenberry rs mother, Mrs .IfVylcy Branch. ' pi Mr. Rufns Eastward of Belmont ppent 'itlio week-end here with his sister, Mrs IjTommio Flowers. : Messrs. J. B. Weaver and Ralph Wea Sfrer spent Saturday in Gastonia. 'f Messrs. Ed Fralc.vyW. F. Allen and F. 'A. I'etty were visitors in Bessemer City Sunday. m The many friends of Mr. Jake Taj !eur will be glad to know he is able to be out after an attack of the "fhi." ;! Mr. J, N. Denton was a business visi dor in GnstoniayMonday. Born to Mr! and Sirs. Frank Alex ! glider, '.Wednesday, January IS, a son. i Born to Mr. and Mrs. VU 1oninrpr. ',i'hurs,lav. January 19, a daughter. , . CLOCKS RUN FASTER AT ! j; . NIGHT THAN IN DAY TIME j ; BERKKLKY, CAL., Jan. 19. Clocks I 'run faster at night than in tho da.rtiiuo, j juseording to a -'discovery just announced! , by Dr. R, II. '.Tucker, n astromoncr at I JLii-k Observatory, which - i conducted I jiiear San Jose, Cal., by tlie Vn-i versify of rCiilifornia here. J If Dr. Tucker's diseovcTy -is confirm- ; jel, then, his friends say, day':g1it sav Jinjj has been in operation but unknown, vver since 1'ope Sylvester. II, threw n-i Stay his hour glass and invented the; Vlock in 996. However, the time saved Jia not been very great. ' : i An elaborate observing program was! -earned, out at the observatory to test' Campbell, director" of the institution! i Although the progrnm lias not lieon com-j piloted. Dr. (.'ampbell said recently, the Results thus far confirm earlier com-lu- prions that the clock do run faster at j jiUrbt. ' f i Tie program included observations of 4 hree standard docks and embraced n ; j:st Of star, whose positions are already, Jtnowa with high- precision. Each flight's' observations-extended from 9 p. .n. te 3 a. m. ; ! "The Ultimate cause of the phennnie-; Jiob is obsur,1 Ir. Campbell said. ; i 'ln the observations by f inula mental ' tnethodsj wlnre dependence . placed up-. on. the eontitancy of the clock rate!G. 1". H through the 24 hours of the day, more ,r less,, these, errors would rrach their liisximum values of between P.02 and P.OJ teeends n alwmt six hours from tJie.W. M. Morris inena eKeh of the obeervatioim. " '. Gastonia, X DLXIASES RACES WILL BE ( AMALGAMATED IN 200 YEARS rEIXCKTOX. N. J.. Jan. 20. pwf. essor Edwin Grant Conklin. bead ef the Jopartment of Bioloc "at Princeton , University, declared today ia a universi i wia in a uHivi-mi-j ?' that the I nite( lo pnt stricter ban up-' it honed to retain its1 ty scientific leetitre, that rtstes would have to , n inimigral Ion if present intelleetnal standing, Referring to 11m racial problem, be i tlee thereof to the last-named postoffice of such persons r-- '-. said that im S09 years there would be an! This, the 16th dav of January, 1922. " ' rnttto, tlS Zl J' H. MAXES, President TreaSurerrPriil,f S-.C. tween whites and blacks. . , " " . , ' , M-30 c 3 j OLDEST POST OFFICE BELIEVED TO BE Ilf ST. AUliUSIint (By The Associated Press.) ST. AVGUVTISK FLA. J. .. -. . ...:... . ownt j.o.iofli, building in the country. . in... ..... , ii....i,i. wn transferred to the Gmted Stales in j'l. B t!i, archives ut Seville were found 0fli(.jn Li tt.-rs mi. I I li-W. lies Nif thr Majesty here that Your Majesty Iur.)IHM u hoiw f (lonzulo Mender. 111 11 dwelliii" for the (iovernors. Thev SALE OF STOCK. Pursuant to a resolution duly adopted by 1li! Hoard of llirei tm s of t lie Pris cilla Spinning Company nt a meeting held on the l.'th ilav of .lamia ry, l!(22, I will on the 7TH DAY OF FEBRUARY, 1922 at n:.'IO o'clock A. M., at the office of the I'riscilla Spinning (',,., near Tfanlo, N. tell at public auction for ciikIi such shares of stock in the I'riscilla Spin ning Company, subm-ribed for by the persons named below, as viil pay assessments duly made 011 such stock, with interest ami necessary incidental Inn-iies The names of the persons who have of shares subscribed by each of said persons, the amount paid on such shares and the amounts due on calls or assessments on surli shares, with interest from the ' Name R. Winchester Rankin Gastoiiia, N . C. Amos Morris Gnston ia, . C. II. B. Patillo .Gastonia, N. C. t Fred H. Wetiell Philadelphia, Pa. R. F. Littlejobn Gastonia, X . C. Harry Shu ford Gastonia, X. ('. John Cochran Cramerton, X. C. 'v C. C. Cobb Gaston in, N. C. Sam C. Johnson Gastonia, N. C. Mrs. Grace W. Kehaya New York, X. Y. F. M. Francuin (J V. Harper) Gastonia, X . ( '. Frank Morris Gastonia, X. C. George P. Feathrrson Charlotte, X, ('. II. J. MeCorkle Iluntersville, X. C. AMoser Gastonia. X'. C. K. O. Jennings Gastonia, X, ('. T. C. Jennings, carp K. Jennings Gastonia, X. C. O. Hr. K. J. O'Brien, Garland 20 Ct. Apartments, Charlotte (' S- (- Jo,lllso" & R Caldwell Gastonia, N. ('. Miss Kunice Craiij G-istoni c ' Hoy Suggs K. 1". Hi 20 Gastonia, R. T. Pulham Charlotte, lo C. inkle Greenville, S. 20 T. M. Fayrsotix lo Gastonia, X. O. ' W. I. Fayssoux 10 . Gastonia .n aiPutionai enarge or cems per snare win oe amie, jue to ncte(mtTy incidental charges of advert ISement .'. .. r . , .t notice of thetime nnd jdace appointed for the sa An additional charge of 25 cents per on each share has been given to each of rwe.ltitlg everywhere tiutj here, i 1 reeorus pennon was ap-; M-H iT , X' " V" "7 .if fl",-'' : ,,,r,,n .Tu-'" il.HMwl Mendes agreed to take !., ash tor ine r.mrture ana it was pur-rha-ii (I for that prlee. IMPORTING SNOW F0 P.IG SKI TOURNEV r fBy Thf Associated I'n s.s.1 Ai:V. I1.LS Jan. - The second1 :ram l.d 01 snow imported from itara- . Vis.. tu make a vkiing holWav her, Mifuday, na .being (mcked on the nlido 1 have ,t 1 ox Rin-r Urovc todav and officiala inj whose principal office is situated 'at No. vhv.rpr of the nalional championship; Street, in th town of Mount. mirnament .-pr.-sr-ed the opinion that j Hollv, C'ountv of Gaston. State of ??orth ' condition would In- id. al. ' iCurolina C K. lintentson being thd" a-j ;!. gates nttendi.iig the n.itionr.T. akii KCnt therein and in charge thereof, up-i tshw 1 ,1111111 iiiceiin in riicai;o or.( it, .-it. th - met in which tlx' lea ding ki performers of the country have bt-en (lit ere Literary Lid Is Off. Some of our story wntcis are rttnniiif; ri.ft with their rimi'loa. II, iv are a few! -gathered in our laic reading: HcD'li-. quivered like a lighT outn. ' ' ' January 1922 file in my offiee.8 duly lie ed-ce-l neavcr to her until lie was . executisl and attested consent- in writing aba;-t as . los,- as the air in the sul- to tlw dissolution of saiil corporation, ex vv.iv." ! ecuted by all Jhc stockholders thereof, "But his mind, like In r face, was I which said consent and the record of the made up." 1 proceedings aforesaid nre now on file in ."Her hair drnpin'd on her pallid cheek like scawee oh a clam. ' ' ' ' He niu.ed niixioil'ily Wtl.V a Jiel'iOH in a t;ixi at her face, the lazes at the face No Need to Swallow Drugs. It is logical that pouring drugs into the stomach will not cure catarrh in the hen !. H.vornei, medicated a"r, reaches the sent of the disunse. Guaranteed bv J. 11. Kennedy & Co. failed to pay with the number i e Hub. Amount Paid Amount Due on Culls ! And Int. from Date. ! lefio -iHi.dii Int. from 9-1-20 i (120. 00 Int. from 1-1 21 ! fl20.ini Inf. from 4-1 21 : oO.l.iili Int . from 9-1-20 ."oo. (Ml Int. from 4-1 21 :!" ' duo. (id .Kid. (m n,t. from 9-1-20 I :;i(i.tKMnt. from 1-1-21 ' iO.oo lut .'Vwum'4-1-21 r.OO.Od f4. fr0M1 .-.00.00 from 4 1-21 (m-'m 200.00 Int. from 1-1-21 200 00 Int. from 4-1-21' '' - IJiiln Jut fr0U ..(.j.jjo '.OO.OO Int. from 9-120 iM'.dO Int. from 1-1-21 .'00.00 Int. from 4-1-21 "K' L,",,," 100.00 Inf. from 9-1-20 100. 00 Int. from 1-1-211 t 100. Oil l,,t. from 4-1-21 1011 1.000 Jut. from 9-1-20 1.000 Int. from 1-1-21 1,000 Int. from 4 1-21 '" 400.00 Hit. from 1 1-20 j loo.oo Int. from 4-1-21 j ;" 1 "'OO.I. Int. from 1-1-21 ' "'00. CO Int . from 4 1-21 j ,1" ' '100.00 I,. r,.,.;,,) j (loo. (.0 Int . from 1-1-21 iOO.Oo Int. from 4-1 21 j i0 1;'(i0 .-OO.OO Int. from 1-1-21 i .'00.00 Int. from 4-1-21 j 10 2O0.OH Int. from .t 1 -20 j loo.oo Jut. from 9-1-20 loo.oo lt. from 1 1-21 IOO.Oo Int. from 4-121 - 700.00 :,o.oo Int. from 9-120 2.-0.00 Int. from 11 21 2.10.00 Int. from 4-1-21 1 loo.oo loo. m Int. from .'i-l.'i 20 100.00 Int. from U-l-20 loy.00 nt. from 1-1-21 100.00 Int. from 4-1-21 "oo.oo 2-"i0.00 Int. from 9-1-20 y). 00 Int. from 1-1-21 f 25(1.00 int. from 4 1 21 .100.00 Int. from 3-15-20 2o0.0o Int. from 9-1-20 20.00 Int. from 1-1-21 2.-.0.00 Inf. from 4-1-21 ,0.0 2.jO.00 Int. from 4-1-21 2.V1.00 Int. from 4-1-21 T.'o.oo Ii0. from 1-1-21 l'.O.OO Tnt. froirT 4-1-21 100.00 Int. from, 9-1-20 100.00 Int. from 1-1-21 l.-.o.o(T 200.00 100. 00 Int. from 4-1-21 100.00 200.00 Inf. from 9-1-20 200.00 Int. from 1-1-21 200.00 Int. from 4-V2J 100. Oil 100.00 Int. from 3-1-2!. 100.00 Int. from 9-1-20 j 100.00 Int. from 1-1-21 100.00 Inf. 250.00 Int. 250. 00 Int. 2."0.i)0 Int. from 4-1-21 from 9,-1 20 from 1-1-21 from 4-1-21 .,00,(10 100.00 200 .00 Int. from 9-1-20 2(10,00 Int. from 1-1-21 2'rO.Oft Int. from 4 1-21 10ft:X" Int-fromN -1-21 100.00 Int. from 4 1-21 loo.oo 400.00 - IOO.OO Int. fom 4-1-21 share will be added to the above amounts nnd sale. , V sale and of the srun due the persons above-named by ninihg no- LEGAL . CERTIFICATE OF DISSOLUTION T ... . ' - fitat of North Carnlina, Iepartruent of Htate. ; T All t tt bom These Present Mav -i ... Whereas, It apenrft to my satisfac tion, by duly authentieated reeord'o the proceedings for tho voluntary disHBln f ion thereof hv th unanimou ensrntJtion thereof by the unanimous eonsent' f fltt the stockholders, deposited in nryi H stoekliolders, deposited in myi offiec, that the Ahierii'un I'roeessing j oBke, that the Alsace Manufacturing! (.omnanv. a cornoration of this . State K'omnany, a corporation Of this , State, f n whom process may be served.) bus ! complied with the requirements of Cltflp- ter 22, Coiiflolidatea Statutes, entitled! "Corporations," preliminary to the issu ing of this Certifbtlte of IMsnohition : Now, Therefore, 1, JK Bryan urinie. Heerrtary of State of the State of North, Carolina, do lercby - certify that the j said corporation did, on the 9th day of '"Y "' ""? provided by law. In Testimony Whereof, I have hereto set my hand and affixed my official seal at Knleigh, this !th day of January, A. 'f Signed) .1. BRYAN GRIMESTl M-F(5c4. Secretary of Sftite CERTIFICATE OF DISSOLUTION. State of North' Carolina, Department of State. To All to Whom These Presents May Ci uie Greeting: Whereas, It appears to my satisfac tion, by duly autlienticoted record of the proceedings for the voluntary dissolu lion theniif hv the unanimous consent of all the stockhol.hrs, deposited in my agent therein and in charge thereof, up 0B w,!0,n Pr0',ss ma-v. "e M''0'. . . ,,M , 'oflice, that the 4 Cnion Manufacturing i t all the stockholders, deposited in my , t onipaiiy, n coriratnin 01 111m ciaic, - is 1 iimcK, J. A. JCIlKins. ...1. :. fc XT ! ( 'fiinn-nn.' fi ciirrtir-itinti a!t llnu Kl?iti : , Ji - . t.. a v. mist priiifi;u oiucc is mi imieu 111 nu,: - ivi -- ' --1 v ailfucr J reeiliefc : j ra. JA'ivi'iipori j Street, in the '1'Awn of Mount; ' prim-ipal office is situated at No. jn(.k Fnrrar, . L. Pijdevwond. I liollv, County of Gaston. Slate of North' -Mtreet, in the Town of Mount, jjUfja j'recinct: J. ft. Rogers, J. II ; Carolina (C. K. Hutchison being the! Holly, (Wfty of Gnston. State of North Beatty . t'ral Black. complied with the requirement.s of thap-,'"1 whom jirocessa may be served), has complied vith the requirements' of Chap-1 complied with the requirements of Chap ter 22, Consolidated Statutes, entitled; ter 22, Consolidated Statutes, entitled t "Corporations," preliminary to the is-: ! suing of this Certificate of Dissolution: i Now, Therefore. I, J. Bryan Grimes,! corporation did, on the With day of De- i mber 1921, file in my office a duly exe-: cutod and attcstel consent in writing t j the dissolution of said corporation, exe-: euted by all the stockholders thereof, which said consent and the record of the i proceedings foresaid nre now on file in ! mv said office as provided by law. ' j In Testimony Whereof, I have hereto' set mv hand and affixed my official seal! at Raleigh, this 30th day of December, A. 1. 1921. (Signed) J. BRYAN GRIMES. (SEAL) teecretnry of State. M-23c4. ' .,.t,. ncntnT,n CERTIFICATE OF DISSOLUTION. CERTIFICATE OF DISSOLUTION. li 4 .. T . r .v r, t l l &tatej?f North arolinn, Department State of North Carolina, Department of gt,ltp fTotaAll to Whom These Presents May!,, To A' to Whom These Presents May Come-Greeting: , Come-Greeting: ' ' Whereas, It appears to my satisfac-1 . Whereas It appears to my satisfac tion, bv duly authenticated reeord of the! t,on duly authentica ed record of the proceedii.Es for the voluntary dissolu-1 Proceedings for the voluntary dissolu tion thereof by the? unanimous consent I ,.f ,.n tlw n..khl,l.. dnnsitl in mv office tT S Manufac nrini at. ?ornorltion of th 's 8t"t ? 5 ill 'nZL u !ftnntl nt Xo whose principal office is situated at No. -Street, in the Town of Mount Holly, Comity of Gastou, State of North1 Carolina (C. K. Hutchison being the agent therein and in charge thereof, np- Secretary of.State of the State of rsorthi ,...i:. ,i. v, a. nu.. i,A .5.i v nruiiiu., uu jiriri.,v im- om .. , J .. ...... , . -r. .T.r.a ta,U!l - I- 1 - ;T,.i. -! .cited and attested consent in writing to the dissolution of said corporation. exe- euted bv all the stockholders thereof.! which said i: .:,! r.... ;,, ..... :.i . ,.,i.i.i v. i.. : In Testimony Whereof. I have hereto i i ..'...1 .o:.a , -4i,.:i ,"M I II1V lIHIl.l il.lli fl lUAru ill.T cr. t PainUrr. ifltii .l.iv nf nAnAmhpr 4 mot j '- (Signed) (SEAL) K.:.Vn. statfl M 23c4. NOTICE OF SUMMONS North Carolina, Gaston .County Charles G. Graham vs Bessie. Graham take abovejia nor otina, to oi.taiu an aosoime mvorce oy i the plaintiff from the, -defendant ; and the said defendant will further take no tice that he is required to appear before S C. Hendricks, Clerk df the Superior Court of Gaston County, North Carolina, on the 3rd Day of February, 1922, and answer nr demur to the complaint of ! the plaintiff in said actiou or the plaint iff will apply to the court for relief de manded in said complaint. This the 31st day of December, 1921. S. C. HENDRICKS. Clerk of the Supe- Voir Court TUT 1 A I M -' , Carpenter & Carpenter, Attys. ' ' ' NOTICE OF SUMMONS. North Carolina, Gaston County. Annie Graham Ingle vs. Tom Ingle. . The defendant above-mentioned will take notiee that an action entitled as a bove has been commenced ia the Supe rior Court of Gaston Connty, North Car- olina to obtain an alK.h.te divorce try the plaintiff from the defendant; and th will faitW W n. tiee that he is required" UMo S. C. Hendricks, Clerk of the Snpfrior Court 6f Gaston Connty, North Carolina, ! r, ' n 1,e r. Itaw'ttf to ! , 3r Day of rtoruary, 1922. the nlamtin m said action nr thu hlaint. the plaintiff in said action or the blaint iff wilt apply to the eeurt for relief de manded ia said complaint. This tbe-31st day of December, 1921. H. C. HKXDRICKS, CTerk of the Supe roir Court. - - . . M-3-e 4 Caneuter t Carpenter, Attys. The dcfcmlant above-.Kntionea will :."' . ','Tl ', ' of notice that an action entitled as i ;""-""? ' ;.'",,i"r m" 1 , I s been oAniineneed in'the Supc- "' V . . ,Ui Court of i;eimty, isonn .ar- - .... ., ': .. " s . .. i a. ww . iiiiiiif I't sit. ivin nn nr ADVERTISEMENTS CESTIFICATB OF DISSOLUTION. State of North Carolin.f, Department of Mat - - - - - , 1. 10 . To All to Whom These Presents May Whereas, It appears to my gatisfrfe- tion, by duly authenticated reeord of the proee'edings for the voluntary diftsolifj prineipal office is sUaateir at i6. Street, in the Town of Mount Holly, County of tiaston. Stat of North Carolina (C. K. Uutcliison fcoing the Wt therein and in charge thereof, up - on wnuiu pruccsss may oc serveiu, lias eompHed with the requwements of Chnn Conwdidated Statutes, entitledfta a tote of -4ho onalified voters "('oTnorations.'". preliminary to the is suing of this Certificate of Dissolution"?' Now, Therefore, I, J. Bryan Grimes, Secretary of State-f the Stato of North Carolina, do hereby eertify that the saW corporation did, on tho 30th day of De-j ecmber 1921, file in my oflice a duly ex3 eufad nnd attested eonsent in writing to wie uissuiiiuoii 01 sain eorporauon, exc- reH,w.ctive ,)recincts now 'provided for euted by all the stockholders thereof, votinff for tht, picetion of jnembers of tho which said consent and the reeord of the. General Assemby, and that t4te follow proceedings aforesaid are now on fila in ; ing rpgitrars nnd judges of eleiftion are my sabl orli.-e as provided by law. hvT(.),y appointed for the respective pre- In Testwnony Whereof, 1 have hereto! oim.ts as j,ereinaffer set ont: (The flrst set my baud-and affixed my official seal; nam, 0,,p0!(to each precinct being the n BUKiKo, 1015 0--1.1 uii.y vt, A. ". J"l. u: . 1 1 dqviv , - T r f 1.' i.- frn - ......,.....-. M'7'1,,.1 CERTIFICATE OF DISSOLUTION. State of North Carolina, I)epartnicnt of State. To All to Whom These Presents May Come Greeting : Whereas, It appears to my satisfac- tion, by duly luithenticated record of the proceedings for the voluntary tttssolu- to uicrcot by the unanimous consent ( aroluia (C. Hutchison being the; t .. 1 1., irc-in1-t ' ? , 1" " K. " . ' Tlaour, W. S. Thornhurg. . t corporations," preliminary to the is- suing of this Certificate of Dissolution: ow, j nerorore, tsryan onirics, corporation did, on the .!0th day of De- cemoer n.e in my omce n uniy exe- euted and attested yonsent in writing to! the dissolution of said corporation, exe- euted by all tho stockholders thereof, which said consent and the record of tho , proceediirgs aforesaid nre now on file, in: my sal 4 office as provided by law. ! In Testimony Whereof, I have hereto; set my hand and affixed my official seal! at Raleigh, this .'10th day of December,; A. D. 1921. " (Signed) J. BRYAN GRIMk.8, vr-AL) secretary or state, M-2.1c4. "on 7 L V I '.s eonsent ot " thp stoekr.ol.lerik deposited in my the Woodlawn Mam, fact,. ring "'Pany, a corporation of this State, hwe principal is situated at No. aatent therein and in chnrire thereof, up-! on whom "roeestw mny be served), has) ." "''" . t'I secretary or ta!e of the btate of .North , .. .. , ... ., . ,, ... Carnlinn. ln lrliv certifv tlmt tin. ani.1' eorporatio, did, on the 30th day of De-i f'" h,r V' my " ''V fute' ."' f'1 eot ' wTltln toi lD' ..ssoiui on or sai.i cor wraiioi., exe- which said consent and the reeord of the I proceedings aforesaid are now on file in; "1 as provided by law In Testimony Whereof, I have hereto; . in- , m., , , :S(,t my hiin.l and nflixett my ffiial wal, t Tkffiirh, this 'MHh day of Docrmbor. - la. Ik Uull i (Signed) J. BRYAN GRIM FX, l , (SEAL) , M-23c4. Secretary of State. (.COMMISSIONER'S SALE OF LAND. . , . . . . . .-. i L nuer anu ny virtue or a decree of the auction,"" for cash, at th.f courthouse door in Gastonia, Gaston County, North Carolina, on Tuesday, February 7, 1922, at 11 o'clock, a. in., the following de scribed lands, to wit: Beginning at a P. O. MendenhaU's corner and runs S. 5S E. 82 1-2 poles to a rock pile on Robinson's line; thence S. 19 W. U 12 pol.'s to a stake ami point ers; thence fc. MS W. (521-2 poles to a stake in branch Pasour's corner;. -thence N. CO W. 20 poles to a stake; thence S. I'v.ra n, it mil Kir uit Pasour's line; thence S. 58 W.. 26 2-3 i-j . t-H i,o es to Jn Rtk on poos MendenhaU's line; thence -with said line X. 3S K. 7(3 poles to the begin ning, containing 33 3 4 acres more or less. '.".. This the Cth day of January. 1922. ' JOHN G. CARPENTER. . M-3flc4. N '. Commissioner. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Tr. -"... . .u""1.. " j , . " 'VT.:' fv"; . ctmniy, .-ono iv.uui, 1 S SL,f!'! "! iw.c v t mv in I f lnS MIIHV l-Tli " vj. via . Decembers, 1922. n. !,, s i.r..j s v.. - . . ... , , . mate win picase dukc; uumeuiaic payment. This the I9th ay of December, 1921. J. V. STBOUP, i Admuitstrator of the estate of E. 6. Stroup, deceased.' Carpenter A Carpenter, Attys. M-J23c6. . , . .. f vine NOTICE OF Mtfl-fTRATICMf AND j ELECTION. Xoti-e is hereby given that pursuant to anAcf of the. General Assembly pass ed at the Kxtra Kt;sion of 1 920, rati fied on the 2.'lrd day of Augunt, A. D! 1920, being Tmer 112 of Public Lotalj Laws- 6t '1920. -and pursuant to resolu tin,,. n,iWi h nmird nf Viuntf t'ommissfoners at their regnlar sessionrB 7 o'clock, p. ni when they will lo , October 3rtl, 1921 and at an ad journed ; PtiWi'ly Cpencd -for; 'the. tnrrhaao .-fA held.A 'Jniirv 3rd. lttaa an ! .0,000.0O Btreet lmproyement lionds of elation will lie held n the 8th day of February 1922, submittiirSf to voto of the tjualified selectors of Gaston County the question .of issuing' eoujion bonds in 1 ttu gom 0f One Hundred Fifty Thousaml! Tif,llars (Sl50.000.tHI) for 11 tubcrcu - j tmt,. hospital, and further aubmittingl whether or not there shall annually feci levied a speeial'tax not to exceed eight eents on the One Hundred dollars (IIOO.OOJ valuation of property in said ! county for the maintenance and support! ,.t .....l. i,... ;.i uu.t'n ..;!.! 'iw' , ..,,.! their will asuforesnid by voting in their!0' TAwn of Bcfhioiit, -or, at the op- in-raiim-i,;,,..,,, a,( tf)e tWO following the! 4 1 1 1 et.a zi-f nlfwtiftn fnr ' Rnch TiiwinftV J 1 lastouIa Precinct NoT 1: instouia, J recmct ssk 1: a. it. an:i. ,,, i..,,. u.,i. v.i. . , J. D. B McLean, ii. K.onhson. J JnT ? ' f lastouia Precinct No. 2: Walter Ed-j .' judder must dniosit with thq si'.id - wards, A. u. troui), M. 1. eanners . Gastonia Precinct No. Z: J. B. HolIy - at eld; Geo. Gamble, C. W. Boyd.. GastoHut Precinct .No. 4 .y Mm En.- ,! ma Cornwell, A. iostner, Craig Smith. Hits. . v.-. kiLiumi, M uurio. ! Un ort Vt-c net: J. R. Ilen.lerson. It. it , t -n 1 - M. AVilson, J. K C. Ford. South , . . rk , t xi J h Point Precinct: P. L. Homley.j Kagiin, W. , coraon. - Mt. Holly I'm-inct: W. B. Rutledge, L. 1 uckcr, H. J. Htidniose. T Stanley Precinct: I. . Hov.s, S. J.j w T -11.1.;- .0 T tl ii, 11 iiiic, vj. j.. uienn a J rM fK u. 1 euyy ones Adams. H. C. Huffstetlnr - " - vi.. -.1,-11 u-v.: ir u Ti-... Snencer Mountain Precinct: W. G., Flowers, Geo. l'atterson C. R. Ctoss. ' I Lowell Precinct: P. W. Hand. S. J.j flnstnn. Xpil Tpflffnc. McAdcnville Prechiet : Ed C. Ray, W. p, Roberts, B. H. Watj-rs. jtomont Freeing: J. Ii. Gaston, C. H.i g)oan Harris. ! Alexis. Prceiiet: S. M. ' St roup, J. H. Rutlc(gc, A. h. McAllister, cherry ville Precinct: J. T. Allen, Stephen' btrotip, Jacob Beam. Carpenter ' Precinct : Jno. Riser, W. r Carpenter, Sfdney C. Carpenter, Mavworth Precinct: J. B. Caldwell, J. A. Leeper, J. W. McFadden. Riser's Precinct: T. M. Hovis, D. II. Harmon, S. L. Kiser. Bessemer City Precinct: Jt. D. Or-! mnnd. Will Oates, C. C. Clark. Baker's Precinct: S. S. Wells, Joe Pearson, Jake St roup. " ! And notice is further given that such; registrars will keep their registration books open at the residence or office of such registrar from January 14th, 1922, to February 4th, 1922, both inclusive,, le-. tween the hours of seven o'clock a. m.j nnd seven o'clock p. m., except that on the four consecutive Saturdays next preceding such election between Such hours, such registrar will attend nt the annul polling places provided for voting . General Assemblv. ami will bob- for the General Assembly, ami will reg- the polling places nt which the electors will exercise their right to vote are; Gastonia Precinct No. 3: At A. B.: t'ic Ait c. P.Ulott's Store. Gastonia Precinct .No. 4 At County! -?m' . . TT ninn '"," 1 w,nc,: At " Ln,0n Public oruoo " use. At .ew Jiope; j Public School House. Mt. Holly Precinct: At A. P. Rhync's Ofuce Stanley Precinct: At Farmers & ,r . ."IlTi 1T Morchints Bank Puiklinff. Cannier fs Prpfinct At William Ilin- UA Lucia Precinct': At J. R. ""lioger's Store. Dallas Prcfinet: Alvpld Courthouse. Glenn's Precinct: At Glenn's Store: ; Robinson's Precinct: 'At J. Robert uuinn's store. c vr,..,: r..;.,i,lt fit. Spencer Mountain Mills, inc. Lowell Precinct : At B. F. Leon-j hardt's Store. . I McAdcnville Precinct: At McAden-j Town Hall. ' l Belmont Precinct: At Town Hall; j Alexis Precinct: At S. L. McAllis-i tcr's Store. Cherryjille Precinct : At Town Hall, j Carjientfir's Precinct: '' At Landers Chapel Public School House. Mayworth Precinct: , At Store f Maves Mills. j Kiser's Precinct: At S. L. Riser's .inv-i a, Town? Store. 4 , Bessemer Cify Pecinct: At Hall. Baker's Precinct: At Store of Moun-i tain View Mills, Inc.' f And notice k further given tbfit a new registration will be had and none wilt he' allowed to vote who do not register anew! for this election. I An oracroi me onara, mis ru ajl of January, 1922 L. E. RANKIN. Clerk, M-30c4 , County lloard Commissioners. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. H.rinr nlici W administrator of i "-""l Vi"--,,.-' ,.u .1-. G' Cenn'tr. N'nrth! CaroUna.thia ia to otify .11 person, hav-i ing ebxinTs against said estate to present; - - nn n iiMnfftra r January 9, 1923 s r or this notice will be pleaded in bar of gny recovery thereon. AH persftn Who are indebted to said est aft will please make prompt settlement with the under signed. This 9th day of January. 1922 n n muvwFT.r; Admr. of ! M-F-13cfl William D. Wright, deceased, T TOWN OF BELMONT, NOiTirCARO . LINA, NOTICE OF SALE'OF . STREET IMPROVEMENT " ' , : BONDS. " '. Coaled proposaHiwilb be' ceeerved Jby Mayot and Hoard of omiiiLsionerg of Townof llelmont. Nortlv Carol inat- - l thc Hall in said town ok Toeaday, FebrBary 7th, 1922, V. town. '..-Said ..10ada shall bo-(luted January 1st, 1922, swill be of the d nomination of Five ' undml Dollars (JW.INJ) each, ai4 Five (5) of-gai.t ..- ""R''. rdcr as nnmbere'J, mature on , - ! """"J W" or mo years 111 , 1942 oaid bonds -will bear. in. .. terest at the rate of sut per eentuifi (6 - lM'r .-' per annwir, payaoie on tno tiTst ,lil-VB "f July. and January in each ''' Hitl prneirjnl-;.and intgreat f , wid lmnds; will he yayablff in, gold com of the Lnsjed fetatn of America of or eiiual to the present-standatd of weiirlit and fineness at t'W office of the Treasurer ticm of' the holder, nt the- oHice of the I'ark National Bank, in t lie (Sty of. New York, N. Y-, The1 'bonds will lie eoupon, bomls, with thev privilege pf registration! ; either s to principal only, or its to both principal and infeieist. f . . . i'roposals- imit h& enclosed in a s'al ed envelope marked on the outside "Pro posal for fr-'rO.OtHI.BO , Street Improve- PriVBonds" nnd addressed to II. H. OnS;-, 1 m1H T ., 1 ' ' . " ZTwlrlTt f .Briinhnt No an , t Town Treasurer, liofore making their their bids, ft eerti- the 'order of , tho , North Carolina, upon.. . :.....n.nt,i AM 4.., ... ........... 1 . - V ... . .. ' . . :"rt ".tl ,,r n sum or money or, or, in an ninouni ... , k .:.!.... th ...,n lltt! Mi I tu v"i ri iujii 1, i-a, will v. tw ftfe (tf b,,, fa 8?. w tC town aw,ill4t aUy loss1 resulting -" pr with the terms 'o . )m allowjE( v tlie bidder to eom ' of hi bid. No in- allowed umm the amount. of hrcks of ttuccesNful bidders, and spell ! ehei-ks will be retnntd .nnd. bo n)died jn t part payment of the Iwind.i. 'hecks of '1 unsuccessful bidders.vill bt returned H- i. 41., ...-n..l t.H l.tiwld TU.. T.fll. : . r oik 1 in) Mnaiu i i mlv : J"M t ! ti, (T, f ii i,o.i,l to the.. daU of All lJon(Js rnmt b(, mU at )eRS 11 par and aecrm .l interest. Ill if nuL.- tiiA Million nrtii xnavii it. . " " ",D Commissioners of the Town of liclmont,) Dated Januarv 13th, 1922. . .-' 1. B. GASTON. ' ' '" Town (Herk. AC. Jones, Attormv. M-2.'ic3. POFESSIOASUCAWJS. a DR. CHAS. O. DeLANEYl Announces the opening if his-. office in the Ragan 'Building. Prnctiee Limited to Genito-Urinary diseases. Dkj. C. SMALL "CHIROPRACTOR 407-408 First Nat.1; Bank Building Phones 535 and 845-J , Consultation Free To Ally T , G. B. POWELL OSTEOPATH 202 Realty Building Office Phone 161 Residence Phone 601 W. W. GALLOWAY . AUDITOR Poblic Aecouatant, Back Exam iner and Office Systematirer . Charlotte xnd Atlanta OfBcea Residence GASTONIA, N. C. aoe9 JOHN E. ECK I S -" Public A?ceuntsnt r i i Auillts, Syetepifl, - Cost : Finding;! 203 First National Bank Phones! Office 627 -. Eeaidonea 848-C CHAS. C WILSON . . - r. a. -., a Architect Member Am. Soc. C. K. Home Offica 804-5-6-7 Palmetto Building Cohanliia, S. C. Branch Offices .- . ' 20t First National Bank Bid,, Gastonia, N, C. " Ernest Coats, Mgr. 105 Davis Building, Wilson, N. C. , ,G. R..3enymaa, Mgr. i.i . n i j , i 1 - - " - NOTICE Or NEW TK AIN SCHEDULE ' - i. i.-,.. x '' V Piedmont & Northern Lite ' , . Effective Surday, May I, 19-1 01 account ef , addition of exprtrw aervice, following - schedule for depjirfnra . of tfai.. 'j,, f0u0cd! " Leave Gastonia . 7:00 a.- m. 9:20 m. v 12:15 p. n. ,! 3:30 p.m.' 4:S9 p. m. Leave Charlotte '" 8:05 a. m. I 10:30 a. m.-v ' 1:20 p. m. ' 3:35 p.m. b'.VO p. m P- m:. , " " ' 7:00 p. b.; 9:00 p. m. Y'i ' ff. m- 4:40 ' :" ' 9:55p. nt t nirrMTAVT A NORTHERN LINES 1 lAVJlUil A W. L, HOG AN, T."s. ' - r fifteen thousand people real The Ga tette every day. A small 4 mount will carry a message to them for yon. .ItV the cheapest and the beat. -

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