Have You Registered Folr The Tuberculosis Hospital Election? FONIA DAILY OA Weather: . Rain or Snow Local Cotton 16 Cents VOL. XLIII. NO. 23. GASTON I A, N. C, FRIDAY AFTERNOON, JANUARY 27, 1922. SINGLE COPY S CE OAS TO GO TO JURY T0NIGH1 Solicitor Ask Jury for Verdict of Second Degree Murder First Should Be Impossib Cansler for Defense an HarUell for State to Con dude. COXCOBD, Jan. . 20. Tho State does pot aik for a verdict of second de cree murder, but of first degTee murder against O. O. (Bed) Thomas for tho kill-J ing of Arthur J. Allen; h. V. taidweu otated in iiis speech before tho jury this afternoon. The statement waa nindo in reply to an argument by counsel for the defense this morning that Solicitor Clement, by telling tho jury that if they could not agree on a verdict of first de gree murder to render a verdiet of sec ond degree, meant that flic State saw it was losing its case, and had no grounds for a first degree verdiet. lit. Caldwell and T. D. Maness spoke this afternoon, each consuming mure than two hours. Only two more speeches are to be made, E. T. Cansler for the defense and L. T JTartscll for the Urate. These urgu- ments, together with tho judge's charge to tho jury, will probably consume all of j tomorrow s session of court, and the case: is not expected to bo given to the jury i before tomorrow night. Caldwell Speaks. Mr. Caldwell staled that the 8tat docs not ask for sympathy or n verdi rendered on "class prejudice. io; tttate asks for a just verdict under tJie i testimony given, b said. "It is not lawful for a mau to entry n pistol off his own premises," he wild. "The defense says Mr. Thomas had tlie right to be armed. Why If he had t right, then all men have the right. Thl best of citizenship ia criiedienec to th law, anil Mr. Thomas, despite his many and Varied character witnesses, did not obev the law, for IBs earried n gun in violation of tho law. THOMAS CASE EXPECTEDmerican Legion Is Resolved To Put Itself On The Map Will Launch Drive For Members, Formulate Definite Programs For Regular Monthly Meetings in Chamber of Commerce and Erect Marker For Gaston County Dead - Endorses 'Tuberculosis Hospital For Gaston County. A -. ! hiidorsemcnt of the proposed tuber- THREE-YEAR-OLD WHISKEY MADE IN" THREE MINUTES BUFFALO, N. Y, Jan. 27. How to make "tthree year old whiskey" in three minutes has been demon strated at a meeting of the city coun cil by Dr. Francis E. Fronciak, health commissioner. He mixed al cohol extracted from potatoes with fusel oil and burnt sugar and pro duced a whiskey which, he said, was commonly retailed far $6.00 a quart. The demonstration was given yes terday at a hearing on an ordinance which would impose a yearly tax of $25 and require a bond on all places for the sale of aoft drinks. culur hospital for Oastou county, the ap-i pointmentvof a committee to secure and; I erect u suitable marker or memorial to; ; the Gaston county soldiers who died iu the World War, the decision to launch aj j big membership drive and the outlining I j of a definite program of objectives anil ! aims for tho year including regular1 monthly meetings in. the Chamber ot'i WAS TREATING A SKIN DISEASE AND HAD LEPROSY CHICAGO. Jan. 27. Carl Oscar eterson, of Rockford, Ills., today is patient at the Cook county nospiiai fferini from leprosy. For five an he treated himself with patent edicines, thinking he had a skin di- se. "There is nothing remarkable a- out our accepting a leprous pau- nt." said Dr. Robert T. Vaugnan, superintendent of the hospital. "The Biblical reference, in the twelfth chapter of Numbers, has probably had much to do with the forming of the popular conception and fear of leprosy. You recall it reads: ' 'And behold, Myriam became lep rous, white as snow; and Aaron look ed upon Myriam, and behold ohe was leprous.' "Lepers are never 'vhite as snow.' The complexion is not- af fected by the disease. Myriam prob ably was afflicted with psoriasis, a harmless skin ailment." inin INTERRUPTIONS 1ILLY SUNDAY SPECIAL HAD Commerce auditorium, together with an occasional "feed" and social irnvtin OTAWniDH TRAIWIWfi were among the most important matters flllUillU I 11ll'MllU j transacted at an enthusiastic meeting of j J Oaston Post No. .'!, American Legion,! Thursday evening. l'ost Commander I V. II. Williams, presided and outlined I a policy of definite programs for the SCHOOL BEGINS SMYij Gastonians Given Royal Wel come in South Carolina City Chamber of Commerce Looks After Entertainment of Visitors Returned at Midnight. Faculty of 'Six Expert Sunday School Workers to Have Charge of Methodist Train ing School Classes Meet Daily All Next Week at Main Street Church. j Legion to follow during the year. lie !i called for suggestions and idea and the meeting resolved itself info a free and informal discussion of how to make the . Legion u going affair. It was pointed out by many present that there is no in ducement offered Conner service men why thev should .ioin the Leeion . There was no definite aim in view otliw tlianniade fir the Standard Training School to say that "it was the Legion and all for Sunday school officers and teachers former service men ought to belong." It was resolved to make the Legion ho What causes so lutrsday morning ! attractive and its meetings so interesting I that all service men will want to join. The special train which left Oastonia It was decided at the meeting that the under the auspices ! post commander should appoint an ex ecutive committee of five whose business shall bo that of a steering committee or board of directors to settle all questions of policy and administration of the innny of tho cases ill our courts. Thugs' oZ the Oastonia Ministers' Association totiujr. pistols in their pockets " ana uasioma i naitiiier or i ommcrec, was Thomas admits that Ue killed the man. met at tho Spartanburg station by a It is un to him to do the explaining, ""'""''tee from the Spartanburg Cham- Mr. Caldwell stated. I ber of Commerce, Messrs. II. B. Car-j Legion post. "When he does this we find rushing president; A. M . Carpenter, city t Wlw nlso m.0mmended that cn- to his si.le Mrs. Lowe, whom we are not I editor of The Spartanburg Journal and ouragement be given the establishment allowed to mention. That's how shei ! J- Hpencer, assistant secretary, and1 pf otncr Legion wosts in the county out got in this ease. She is not mentioned i the 25:5 Oaston passengers were given a sill(1 of aMtonin . It was felt that this in tho bill of indictment. She could j rousing welcome. Dispersing for dinner lnoVl, would go along wav toward easily have been indicted as accessory to! "'embers of the delegation spent un hour strengthening the Ieion. rather than the act. But the State auks for no ver-j in the business district of Spartanburg timt u service men should belong to the diet against her. I tell you what has "lid reassembled at the rooms of the Oastonia post. been done. Thomn. i trying to hide , Chamber of Commerce ami marched in a A fommittM. ,.oninittt.(, of Wilbur Cun; behind the petticoats of a woman. None, ody to the large Tsbor.mclo where 27.. . h M T ,. .,, tii i 1 t . - i . t. . . l.i iinni ii lio.l hniin tntiit,ini I K voiiiiri t f mS u'.'Y."-.! T" T' I 7L::.t:Z' k :,I 1 A- Query and Kd C. Adams, was ap in a compromising position, nui x mu tell yon what Caldwell thinks. I don't allow Mrs. Caldwell to ride all over the country with tho same man every day, ii ml vou wouldn't let 'your wife do it." Mr. Caldwell stated that lie needed ; -nce ami me courtesies una iiofpnam y no character witnesses to tell about the "t the ushers were unstinted. During the .1 Tk,.,.,, II. .r (?h. ! Hcrvii-e the (iM.stoiiitcs were linked ..i .... i,..i i,,.- ..n.nii,..,:,...... to Maiul bv "the onlv Homer Bode-! of Jhe meeting was the decision to hold --.i ' Ihenver" wh'n nuked for their favorite regularly npiiointed meetings in a '"Bui love is u funnv thiim." he said,' "ng ...i ii. ..f i;,n. n-a fin.i if ivhidiniT comiiliinent tiastonia and the fine boilv fiome lieautiful, gentle woman around ; ot representative men ami women. Tak ary ,ri. the dead trunk of ft tree." i jn,a8 hi" subject for the afternoon.! niPMirn I nnim ,1.t-r. ! X'.TMrJSrnSi4,r''-!lilull CASHIER, LOCKED l ue ueieiiBc accnys uuhu ..nin,.n because he saw and knew Mn. Lowe," Mr. Caldwell continued. "Why! Be cause Thomas and Mrs. Lowe planned violence. Thomas left the bouse after supper to get a pistol. :.- .. -...i.i I-.--., men today keep their hands in their and Mr Low; He aaw AMen up street; P'-ls so long in an effort to reach a nnd got him to t;ike the woman to the l'.tlTO, M,im., Jan. -'7 - li.iilwa.v iiianan ments and their employes have a moial ubli;ation 1: avoid interruption of Haiti.- ami l!a- I'liited States ):iilroad Labor r.u.i: I 1 eii.leavoriiig to lead both tarriers and rail noik.rs to carry out this obligation. It.-u W . lloouer, vice- hainnan of tin- labor board, deeJarod to.lay before the l.jaton Chamber of I 'ooimcree . Mr. lIuoii'r, I.. . ,V. Hanger, public uiemJier. ami W. I.. Mi-Menimen, labor UM-ihb. r ol I he boai'.l, Hero guests of the I'hamb. r at a bin. Leon, where Mr. llooii ir voi.e.l the u;iiiii.in that America had uiinsi'ii through "the winter of our dis content'' an. I was now "standing on tijiloe. with the !:i;aii of the vernacular ull her lips, ' l.i t yo. ' ' ' "The hard pull is ovtfr, " the former governor of Tennessee said. "Tho farm er u the onlv man in the country who has renliv dellatisl. alone did not to be held at Main Street Methodist have the parachute of organization to church beginning Sunday a t'tei noon and retard his .Ic-vcnt and break his full. continuing through Saturday. February Tl," xl 1,'iV,'"l'",ry t,,k'? a" , , , . , . I nit1 iiationnl jondi in the epu hit of 4th. Programs for the school are beigjv.ir ,,. f.irl,wr will lmv(, his ,,Ura,.Uit mailed out today to all the Methodist I (thing uith him and will not be invited pastors, Sunday school superintendents, j to step out on a storm cloud and slide, officers and teachers in the county. While! 'lw",n "'' i-ainbow " I , , ,!-''' Hooper said he expiated the num- tho nliool was instituted primarily f or ,,( ,. (,f 1..,llrt.,v (,11,0V(.:J 1( ,,c ,arBuy the benefit of the Sunday schools of h,l( reused in tthet Kuing, that revenues; Oastonia nnd suburbs all the Met hodist would be inlarged by increased business ! Sundav schools of U.e comity have been 1 ,,ul auditions would probably justi-: ly a redin tnin ot rates wlncli i so Final arrangement are now being! BAH WAV lOMAfiPMPiVTQ H A If C ISOUTIIERN STATES IN GRIP HfllLHttl limilJlULUILllIU llrtTLgp A HEAVY SNOWSTORM MORAL OBLIGATION TO AVOIDkn. ' eit Known For Manv Yin r Tfllrriri Chances Are For More, r! Il A T f 1 1 I Tonight. 111 II I lUl fBv The Af1(;ntp, V. j WASUIXTOX, Jan. 27. Snowfall I" a deptli -which marked new records i for lleriod of f rrnil thro.. 4 Tennessee, and Vice Chairman of U. S. Rail-!i u" wc -reported today from several .-wui in i ii eiaus us an aiiermain or xna storm which lias been central oft th South Atlantic, coast throughout tha I early part of the week. With the j statement that "storm warnings remain j displayed between tho Virginia capes j nnd Capo llatteru.i, " tho Weather Bu reau ttoday predicted further snowfall j in sixteen Statte in the east and in tho South down to the northern Alabama Mi.tM.s.ippi line. Virginia reported tho heaviest fall in 1 many years during a storm which was ; tell practically throughout the 8tat last nir.ht. At Danville twelve inches ; was recorded, a twenty-year record be- intf broken. Street car service in Ly chbiiry was badly crippled and Kich ' niond reported a steady fall this morn ing. In (ieoryia th visitation consisted mostly of sleet with damage confined : largely to interference with eonimuniea j t ton. Savannah was practically isolated from emit iggimu territory until lats I last night . Florida faces ' it' tin- weather Declares Ben W. Hooper, Former Governor of road Board Before Boston Chamber of Com merce - "Winter of Discontent Is Over," He Says, and America Is "Standing on Tiptoe, Ready to Go. NO ONE KNOWS THESE SIX FRENCH SOLDIERS PARIS, Jan. 27. France has six living "unknown poilus." The men, their memories a complete blank ss the result of horron undergone during the war, are being cared for by the Government, which is seeking to establish their identities. They have been visited by thous ands of persons, but none recognized them. FIRST CHORUS MEETING SCHEDULED FOR TONIGHT Mr. Hoffmeister Begins Train ing For Community Concert Gaetonia Has Splendid Musical Opportunity. freezing temperature" bars in tho northern seel ion. the Weather Uureau said today. Mid snow probably will fall tonight ami S-ilur.lay in tjouthcrn New Kngland, New Yoik. the middle Atlantic States. North and South Carolina and in ths I'asiem seetir.as of Tennessee and Kentucky. The lowest temperature reported to the bureau yesterday was at Northfleld, VU v. here the unimaginative themometer Mopped at decrees below zero. The first meeting of those interested in the community concert will be held i this evening at the Chamber of Com ! imr.e at 7 :.'!() o'clock, at which time: everybody is urged to make a .special cf-! Deepest in 20 Years. fort to be present. I HANVH.I.n, Va., Jan. 27. Know Mr. Hoy L. Hoffmidster, of the Xa-j ",li,,'h, f''" "!1 niht' rar,-v to,lay me tional Coininnnitv Hervice whn i. ti l.nve i "r( l1 ""'lies, when' it had fallen CV- seata had been reserved. Kxecutive I.1 11 AVn II,..- .1 41... n;tiiiflil ii, i.. itui&ii m n uiii.-ii i u j 1 , . 1, ... i . , j uuiiili .1 i.i iiiiiii;i nrtm it im in mm, m - tdesation atter dinner and escorted the! ' - .i , ,, P, cure information and other! necessary members to the afternoon service. At' . , . ,. . . ,. , . , .. . . ,, . , . .i-iii i data for the establishment of n- suitable the tabernacle everything liad been ar-i . .. . . . ... , tablet or marker in memory of those ranged for their comfort nnd conven- - , , .. , -. . vice . Probably the most outstanding feature invited to send delegates. Mr. O. X. Wiisley, of tireeusboro, field secretary of the rjuiiduy school bourd of the Western North Carolina Conference, has been in the city twice recently perfecting ntrangemeiits f;r the school. A splendid faculty of six, .1--'ong them souio of the best known ami i t eflicient riuuday school workeri in I '.iithein Method iat Clum-h. have be. n i ured to teach the vai ioun class es. Tin. tc: Mrs. Charles Van Nop pen, of (irecnsboru, iiialruclor in the lie sinners Department, the i L'iviu the t. 1 ssent iul Llisim 3,1. ' ' III return t the iVTKiratiou of charge of the choruses, will bo present norjsjal to make the plans for the concert. I Mr. Hoffmeister comes io (lastoniaj normal, flov. Hooper ' hitrhlv "reeommended. hnvinir lout. enm. aid, tlie railroadit had a.-ci .mpliMlied the jik-tcd a splendid three weeks of musical I iiL-iDiiicB iii cuiiiiecuou wuu oiareN- iui.- uiiiiiiuiiii K-i-rvH-u m niaienviue ; i also a splendid concert, in Knoxville, ! Tenn. lu I.illington Mr. Hoffmoisteri I arranged a choral contest between the' various townships, live thousand persons ( heard the singing, and a silver loving; nip was awarded to NeiU'a Creek town-j shi' Mr. Iloflnieister training the lenly. Twenty -foot drifts were found. The fall is the deepest in 2t) years., Street, car tra..e was tied up. larger part of her time to thi- work and their t i t is said to be a crv tine uistrj.-tor. transition without any stnu; or serious disturbance. ' " A a rule, both management,.! and j cmph'.ven bale eo opt'i atfil cordialiy in I carrying ut the 'J'raii-iportatiou Act," I Mr. II. inner said. "Thi ban not been easy for either tilil . The railroads have ; had to contend with financial difficulties, i nil 1 hae l eui continually uh,jertcd to l lie ti'iiiipljiii mi ot taking tlie till in Deepest in Years, nciIMOND. Va., Jan. 27, A I heavy Kiiinvionn reached Richmond this imiiniiig. iteports from South Side, Va., are to the effect that the deepest snow in years in that section of th .State f i II there early today. set- Mr. Wundav also took occasion to tI(,l place- with a .letinite program tor ' O'li'li in.,,, I ili(T urtiiii.n'li.i t on i !, ,,r.l.,r nf his wonderful sermons with nil of thc "Sunday punch and pungeny. " A man! with a withered, cumbersome hand is: lsiardiug ' handicapped and but a half a man. Hej J I o i carrying a ueau weignr as are men j ...j I under sin, said the evangelist. Some UP FIVE CLERKS AND GOT AWAY WITH $30,000 place of the killing. The defense says: 'John, yon lizard, yod spoke to the wo man because you thought she was bad; and wanted to partako of her gencrosi-, ty. ' John sny he did not. Mrs. Lowe j cot out of Allen's car because she was1 bhe tolil Allen to (By The Associated Press.) MTTSnriJCH, Jan. 27. Five men dollar for the collection plates until their i walked into the First National liank of hands are withcreil. Others lioht a pack ; ,.,.., , , ,,;V ., i f . , ., , , . it 1 Crarton. a subiirli, this morning, mid at nf cards in the hand until it is not able . to hold a Bible. Every man has tlie!u'r k,,linB Harold Moss, assistant c.sh- opportunitv which was ''grabbed" by iir, forced five clerks and woman ens- the men in the synagogue to believe in tomer into a vault. Thev robU-il the Rev. liod. iKnnV r n,.rn.mii,k. iniii,ii ;., .....I. 1 Principle of ind trying to ft teliif L'X: I iiiujainieni ;i - i n i n niitre ijun Kl.v lliai (lie, Mrs. W. M. Walker, of Birmingham, j Labor B.iar.l consi.lerc.l it .int an.) r.'a - Ala., Primary lU-partnicnt. Mrs. Waik-j .sonable to give to tbeiu. Only a feircar- r has taught in many similar training! riersi hrive siicciimbed to thw tonij ta t ion, schools in the iSouth and at tho summer; and. in evi ry iustume, friction ami dis- I school at Lake Junaluska. content have resulted. j i Miss Anna Marie Hansen, of Winter " T1'" complaints of the emploies I Haven, I'la., Junior Department. Miss ; ',;,v'' '"'" "'' c itam i-rner-. to avoid I Uansen has for four vears been assistant: lt,:';," "tl hlb"r organizations, h.ue elementary superintendent working un-. ds. rgar-led the rights ot the majority. I der the general Sunday h.-hool board, re-1 gn-''iantvc I by the '1 ranspoilat mi, Act. -I eently resigning that usition to do in- I ,!'ut ' ''' carra rs have evaded the struction work in the Junior IVartment' s or't(r ''' having receivers, Rev. Kinniet. Higbtowcr, of Nashx ille, ' charge put 'iito rflect U'.' orders of Tenn.. Intermediate-Senior I), paitnie.it. 1 ,:,L' courts nhout submitting the mat-, He is associate editor of The Southern 1 ,l'r 1 I5":l"1 erlain car-, Methodist Sunday school literature and l" r'i ,:IX'' eiad.-l the wage dec:si..ns of lder He I lu" ''"'H'.l oy cuntracliiig or claiiniiig lo ia fr. T.... nn.l 1.5is ...,i,le unite :i Ten c.lMiac: ceilain classes or lli.'lr WOtK to utation as an instructor Jiinaluska school. I It Inches at Lynchburg. LY.M lll'.l liti, a.. Jan. 27 Stre-t i imi r uirt ii'n tn t tiiia iiuirniiirf V.llf groups also iu a joint appearance. j ,.,1,,,,,,.,, ,,,,,., ,,, rllMh h,7rB ' Mr. Hoffmeister has been unifnrmal- of a heave Hiiottstunii. At 9 : 30 o 'clock about II iinite.1 covered the ground. !y successful with his work iu this sec tion of the country. He is u musician of culture, refinement, enthusiasm and a mnet delightful personality. Though a young man, be in u mature musician with a tine background and a broad exper ience, an 1 Oastonia will enjoy and urn- Had in Raleigh. J.'ALKH.H, Jan. 27. Huow which Im! gan failing here early' last night had reached n d"th of seven inches at eight o'clock this morning. The snow ia gen- lit by hi experience by co-operating audi era! over the State. Street car service backing the local Community Service; iii'licr- was demoralized today. making this community concert a sue-1 cess. It is your concert and it is up to1 X'ORKOK, Va., Jan. 27. With the you, the people of Oastonia, to make it a temp- rat ure oi.e degree above freezing, succebu. snow began failing here early this niorn- TI1I4 tllllKI.'rll oi nortniiin. sv.ll l. .,!'". aecoin ia ni.'d by a heavy wind. Tho splendid asset lor Oustonm. Take n former n.'lKtnr anil lireiii.line 1 the Lake iad' I" ndent contractors. " Wh.-.t i r may be the merit of these J. J. The interim between afternoon and and negotiable securities, and escaped imMinir i-nrp.V She trtlil Allen to CO . . . a i 11 ! ni.rlil crrii'iv nnd fluent Kv- tho ileleir nt VP Iu. rZ-Zu. n ;ee7n, S a W , i, hi f Oh. omoWc toward the open country. x unman, cue ovum nan mm. ....... - - . - - . w,, , t. , 1 lie was gone Thomas passed in- the bigi 1.t of Commerce rooms were kept open Within an hour after the robbery a 1 ear and passed Lawing's store. Then, ami at their disposal and used as a rest Prty of city detectives on their v. ay to I j pastor of Rives, of Teaching. Mr Trinity Methodist lioanokeV has d me nun b thi- subject in V., Hives is diuicii at work ::s t raining Koanoke and instructor in rhools. Mr. M. W. Brabham, of NashviiV .1 . . .i.;i t. ..inn iii.tm ronLi. .via ii v invnaiions 10 supper wcre;,Mt ' o a. num.. m...! i.u lenn., ruuuav r-no.ii .uaiiaueiiu-n 1 . 'i 1,-. 1 ,i., T,,rit: received bv the members of the deleca- men on the North Side. The on.er to ; Brabham is a South Carolinian an 1 street. What made the sedan stop. if;tion and the cituens of Spartanburg jop was answered by a tusill.ide of someone did not holler as it passed! i were untiring in their efforts to enter-1 ots, and the car kept going. The de "I would lay my neek on the block1 tain. 275 seats were reserved for the . twhws lost 1. little time .11 unnng but . . , , '-.Z e iki.. In Ida imiinitalile war son overtook the bandits, who abnndnii- iacsei iiy mo rviucucp vi uiumv. e". i ......... ... .- t ... S..- l.i I M,. fti.M.l.. ,.re.i,.l.,.il ,1 fill-i'l.l III Rilf. I saw sne saw two ram. ue ,1 inB , . i;--- - 1 . i,,.ii,iinir in ear standing still. The other was a Ford! mon from tbe Old Testament story of the '"V''''" rnnan. me ncronso says ui u m-.n-i. v, .,a ,.., ... .... - - h detectives rlomdv on their heels nt,.i.i .i, i. nl a rirl, Anrl vet. tliev. spite the storm and snow the large tab- lnr alTPC,l'C!, easily on truir mvis ernatle was tilled at the night service.' While some of the officers followed ed their car and scattered. They dash- the vicinity of Irwin avenues, with graduate of Wofford College. He is at the head nf the rural Sunday s.-bool work of the Southern Methodist ihiirch and i recognized as one of the Inst Sunday school men in the South. The opening session of the school will be held Sunday, afternoon at .". o'clock when Mr. Brabham will make the open: inn address and the classes will be or to ce.htrnd.et her.' The defense says Ministers who joined the delegation : m nns i miners, wno wcie snsnenng j EanizH. There will be no session Sun Olobic is bad because ber daddy is bad."' were Reverends W. C. Barrett, .1. W.'tw firing shot for shot, others took Any nigM Heginning Monday and con Mrs. Lowe's Friendship. C. Johnson, C. J. Black. W. P Me-' charge of the car. and found what they j ,imlillR. through Saiurday tho schedule The testimony of Thomas himselfi Carter and O. 1 . OHIestue, of t.asioma. " "v ' - '-''" " , wiu .. follows; 7:1.) to x p. m.. first J. Roach, U. H. Kennington and "e bank. i content iiiiik of I he emplr.yes. it is evident ;thal t In-v involve jn ovocative situations. '. i.' ndi r somewhat trying circumstances, the iiipley os hate exhibited cinuienila ble j self icstraiiit. "On i ho o'hir li.inil, .raiti.nllv all I the cnrrieM have iiri.mptly put into r' ' f.'tt decisions of the. Labor Board with which thev -.veie not in thorough acerd j mid have struggled patiently and nir- ageiniily with discouraging conditions. ! "The rpie-tion will occur to yon, wi;l t'.e f.ar of the condemnation of public sentiment always six-ure the obedience, of the parties to the decisions- of the Hail-, Voa 1 Labor Board, or will there come a time w hi n pnv. iirest wiil induce one or the otiier t trample under foot the Board's decision and override public opinion? "I would not underestimate the po fency -f public opinion. It exerts n treniondoiis influence in this i niiitry of away bread and you will find some sub stitute to take it's place; take away tea or coffee, or take away any commo dity of life anil there's a substitute. But when you take away music there i- no substitute. Supposing wm.e great force were to take away from Oastonia for twenty four hours the music, the mother's lullaby to her child, the sing ing of the children, the musii. of the violin, the Victrola, the piano, th- other ins'rimiiiits, the soughing of the wind nnd the rustle of the leaves supposing this were to befall Oastonia, for only; twenty four hours. Can jou imagine1 any greater misfortune? Can ..on con ! ceie of any greater damper to the joy i of hung; Music has no substitute. It's a divine emaniatinn, a Go 1 given gift. hlorm i- the wi. su.il to lie the most severe since er of If JO. class period; S:t'. to 20 devotional ' ours. My ise A. S. Anderson, of Lowell. 1). F. Put-; Meantime the bandits hal run through period; S:2o to 9: Hi, last class period. ; the carriers nor their c is'num and A. K. Moser. of Cherry ville, the buildings facing the street, and cut j Sunday, February o'h. at 11 a. in. the' moral right to discontii aJ. O. Krvin, of Dallas, J. T. Dondy, of out of the back doors into byways and J awardrng of certificates v. ill take place atlon to enforce the l would convict kirn of 6ccond degree . murder, tho speaker said. "Did he use a Tistolf Isn't Allen rteadT There no nuestion aa to whether Allen had a'd- O. Krvin, of Jalhis, J. I. m-miy, or out ot the nack noors into hyways and awar.iinir Weapon. V (Belmont and J. A. Peeler, of Itesseme alhys. They were so closely followed j jn the various Methodist Sun lav scih! "Yon say Mrs. Lowe is a woman of j City. Two hundred and twenty of thr by the police, now reinforced by all the' f f)K, ,.jtv fine character. She says here that Mrs. I excursionists were from Oastonia and a-.ailable rrrervrs on the North Side, and . Allen is her friend. I believe if I 'tho remaining thirty three from Wallas, motorcycle men irom me oowmown ais knew my friend was in trouble, as Mrs.' Lowell, Bessemer City and Ohcrryvillc. itrict, that thry took refuge in a house ah- in n-Ken her Imshnnd was kill-1 With many kind words for Spartan- on Pennsylvania avenue. .i i vnulil irn to her to help comfort j burg, a warm place in their hearts for Stationing themselves at advantage . - . . . tl i f . I M 1..L. - ..It Til A Vr I fito rrrt tn W'l' MTU. A i i Mf. ftundav nt .M r. KlNrnraV(T. Ull i-tn.- i..s ' . . ' i ii. - - a t. ii a 4 , nn tl. i.rliti vhn urotinri'il in rnuh l1r:ra' lOBT Xia SllC evCU SO tlUH'n n m.im nire a nana io maiii' xttr mutn mp , ' V 1 11 mirl .Til. I jm TT I .1 c .ni4hiiii Irk Sinn i UVFSittll I tin ul.ilil nTT MtltirTn Plllirtr llllll'IIMk . " ,i mi in rri i t f t , A rfrt.ui puil ottr;ifil liv the-wails of the three orpnnn i.oysi ai.m p. m. 1 nursiiay nigui . Mr. . . - "' I t. lwn.m for the final session of the There is no evidence that she did. !. . Oraham. division Passenger Agenr,, '7' . itation.-.l agricultural .onfcnii. -e. Jnc , slopi.ir.g over bka i near. -.sthen: After an exchange or saois netwern i """ ! ..; . , " : . ' ' . ml irf.li. emen in the streets. ' r' a simnnueu o.si ii.ki.i. . m SECRETARY WALLACE TO ADDRESS CONFERENCE TODAY tBv The Assmiated Press.) WASHINGTON. Jan. 27. Consid eration of six rf tlie 12 committee ie- s and an addri s by Secretary of fjr. ,' Agriculture Waliace remained today as personal v n w is tint ni'itther. ciiii loves have the ontinuc railway oprr-' mam 1 of cilhrr' upon the other. "It must not be forgotten that there jre s.ene liihor leaders nud certain labor, periodical which persistently preach the. dianuietir.g doctrine that the toilers of this country cannot trust the courts nnd tribunals lnving jurisdiction of thcifj trouble. The Jlailroad '.u'-or Board, if moled I y a profound dejire to d. jus tice, n.av largely inunterait this de- Mriicti-.e pn arliinent, and that without UNDERWOOD ASKS APPROVAL OF HENRY FORD'S CONTRACT ( Bv i he Associated Press.) V. A.SHINOTON, Jan. 27. Appro va! of the Ford contract for purchase and b ase of the Muscle Shoala, Alabama, Government pruptrties when it ia sub miti. d to Congress next week, was asked to.i.iy .if N-.retary Weeks by Senator I'n. lei v, ,n.. of Alabama, in a conferene with the War Secretary. While I don't think the Secretary v. ill give an uipiuaiified endorsement of lb.- Ford proposition," Mr. Underwood : raid, Mr. Weeks told the Senator tb : contract would be sent to Congress next i week, accompanied by a report from him. 1 w i j hsie-j of tho contract cmbrac ; in' tho pnVosal in a legal way flrs known to lacking in support of ths j Secntaiy. One is the absence of a def , inito guarantee fur the manufacture of fertilize rs and the other, it was explain j I'd, is the failure to fax the amount of capital which the company Mr. Ford a , frees to create will have tn. finance ths i scheuie. i Nine of the eleven members of tbt j Ilnuso from Wisconsin, declared in a let- Pending Outcome of President : ,, r. t,wl ,J ' Secretary .Weeks that in ., p- I, their opinion the best interesta of the HardinR s Move to Bring Ja-; (()lintrv wollU bc m,rwi by 1urfl.njr oyef pan and China Together. the Muscle Shua's, Aln plants to Henry , t) . , ; Ford providing his bid was reasonable. (By The Ao. iated I re-O i transmitting a letter from tho dele- WASHINGTON, din. C7. After, Ration Hprcsentative lVck wrote Secre brief hearings beginning Tuesday, the j tary Weeks that he personally felt that Ways and Means Committee of the j "the farm interests of this country de- . House will undertake the framing of a ) manded that this project be turned over Kvcrvbody behind this civic ir. u sie for rfnl motives of self-in-; Oastonia and help boost this opportunity tn sing and ehjoy music under n real rained lender. PREDICT EARLY fCTICN GN SOLDIER BONUS !.. tv kho ia & rood and line woman."i accomp.-uiied the train n-t.. - - I...I,, rvKirrin eoifntv. I lookmi nftrr ttiis rnnifnit nnd convenience X up jurvi . , .1 ,, a,. 1 1 ' v., - -- - - - t , . . Mr. Caldwell stated, and stop n.hbcriesj of the Oastonians. Ministers and pro. j the. -I-onse ami pon ( ommiiiiist. soliliers bonus bill at once for report to that body, where if probably will he the continuing order of bu -iness until pass- parlor ed, according to a program of action .agreed upon by republican niemliers. ! to Mr. Ford. "Mr. Fori, as ro other employer of i lalw.r, in this coantry." Mr. Be.'k con j tinue.1, "hat fct tha pace for higtl f i ficiencv. g oo.l wages, and low cost of by letting tho people understand mat (Continued on page a.) relit s CHAMBER Of COMMERCE CALENDAR Friday 3:30 p. tn, U. D. C 5:00 p. tn. Rehearsal Community Seryics Play. 7:30 p. m. .Chamber of Com merce Glee Club. iuv iwimidu.. ....u.v.o oi... i- - . . , ...v,..n,.j :. lover until to. lav. Tin .iv eiienu a ncany voic oi uian. io .r.; " , " .... . .... I rciorts cxiNs-ted to.av Fred Allen, cxeriitrve ttecretarv or tias- "" '" ""r" ..,-- tonia Chamber of Commerce for the!t"- bandits h:..l e-ail and a cordon, ;j .. . .i.....;i . i t. 'of police was thrown aroua.t Uie rnure !eiUties for the trip. Leaving Spartan-! section. The autou.obf,c used in the jburg promptly at 10 p. ,n. cverybo.ly;'-''? "as taken to sir,! silw rta !in the best of humor, without a com- ton where , was foum that the rear Plaint about cold and snow, tlie delega-i riddled with bullets. I THE WEATHER in Oastonia before tion arrived jiigdit. ! . i Mr. A. S. Bass tos purchased i through R. O. Cranford Co.the one ' third interest of Mr. It. T. I'adgett in jthe Carolina Cafe and Hotel. The bus jinew wll continue under the nuiuage ment of Mr. A. S. Bass. cither commit t. were thono tin and insurance; transortation ; com, price and read justmcnta; co-ordination of State .-. nd Fdleral legislation, and on a national forint olicy. Litth- opiiowitioii ainn-ared likely in i coniiideratioii of the icjiorts today, it j was k'1. all factions apparently hsving j acrepted lat uight s action, after con- MR. North Catolina. rain oa iderabh- b-Uate. on tlie marketing em- jniittee's rvrt as evidence of the dom the coast sad i jnallt tboaght of the conference. This r uriTViTjc it Meeting in caucus last night. House j production. In the matter of fertilizers U. C. WAIKI.1S AT . . . . Peiiiihlic.Mis a dm. ted a resolution nn-! be rn ilonl.t will Hn hle In readmp not CENTRAL SCHOOL TONIGHT ajrj11(f thi i,lstru tion to the commit-. only the fanner but every other inter-M-. . C. Watkms. interpreter an. t(H. an,, ,i,H.ar5ne that once reporte.I th i est which rests upon the farm a Tery render wdl appear at the central school m,..,suro s,f,i,i ..t U'fore the Hou?o ! creat rviee." ., ...I ;i Mir'. ....I t.ktii.'t.t irt :i iwrformnnpe ftrr .:i i ' ...... -v I - - . UUI1I U5Ml. the ln-n.-fit of the hool and the library. Tni. FHW.m ,as raj,i to h,ve given no His nrtisOi attainments are great. Hi instructions to the committee as to what dramatic ability is unnsual. 1 rohaoiy j revenue raifing provision should be iu- : " 1 this is heightcnwl by his tiieatrical ex-l corjrateil in the bill. It was under- j CLOSING BIDS ON THE , liricure iH-firo entering his lrrent: fc-torH to have been agreed that this' NEW YORK MARKET, work. But underneath all, ha possesses j should be threshed out by the commit tee ! NEW YORK. Jan. 27. Cotton fa that s'rong character and personality Tirst . ub ject to biter "raiicns action, i tures clonl firm. which are fundamental in acquiring tm Cous'derable sentiment developed durius i March lt.4 : May IB..0; July !.- TODAY'S COTTOS MARKET highest dtgre,. of perfection in the art ; the discussion, it waa said, in favor of snow in the interior this afternoon and requestH the President and Con-; of interpretation. Particularly is. this making th ch provisions of the bill tonight, colder on the coast tonight; Sat-1 grew to lake ste immediately to re-1 true where the jiortraynl of a big po-- es attractive than formerly proposed rosy lair, Wltni rising iemiciiuie uo Mgri. tm- value t inrni pro.iu.-is lo a j rrful ui;;n the interior. i parity wit It those vX other industries, j ouixid. vt rcuiurka'lu nouuil is rn-nd increasing the .k-sirabiliiy of Hie in- lunutce and home and farm aid Tpfions. i Suist t-Cood MtdJUaj SO: tX-tolier Cotton Seed 10. 25; December J5.32; ttj