if I If , - i ' f i i PAGE TWO THE GASTON I A, (N. C). DAILY GAZETTE FRIDAY; JANUARY 27, 1 922. ir f s-' FT"? A ITTi A iTrir h 6 . -:.' .. . ft ft " 9 onini AT o im Von- o NEID 9 DON'T MISS THI M ONEY SAVING OPPORTUNITY SRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, U. S. A. GAINED 85,000 COMMUNICANTS (By The A.sho later! I'rem.) S PES MOIXK8, 1A.. Jan. 2H. An fv-tte reuse of more than S.'i.OitO eomniuni SfiUHts of the I'resbrteriun i'hnreh of the :l"iiited State of Amerira during 1921 ! MUST CHOOSE BETWEEN AGRICULTURE AND INDUSTRY WASHINGTON, .inn. 2i. - The Vu ted bt.'iti'x is iipproiirhin; :i .'.inl if im. l' iidverac foml l.iiliiiicf unci must d. !! j whether to retain ;i proper ratio tx't u .v 11 , iifjrieultijre ami industry or permit tlir DLI.L( ll ill . was announecd here hy Dr. Lewis iny-' latter, to take a dominant lia.l at Hi - jnour Mndfie, of I'hila.lelphin, Penn.. ; , n.jjturo of the former, lr. P. i. i!aU, tated elexk of tin- hur.-h. Dr. Madge; director of s. ientilie work of the Ih-rart wa in 1' Moines niaktiiK erraiigi'iiK-Hts ' .,,, (,f AuriruH inc. declared in an a . I for the ounual general osnenildy of tlic:tr,.M today In fore the national nyri'ul denomination to he held here beginning! tural conference. May 18 and eoiitinnir for tm day. "Ti,,. critical period in which a Ir Dr. Madge announced that the nuinVri termination must In- made is , at of eommunieanti of tin- eliiirch now ex-, hand,'- lie detlniv.il adding that tlm Mtu feed 1.700.000. Thin, he announced, it. uum r,.,,ir(..s complete re nrnanial em gain of more than S.j.OOiI over last ' 0f the national life, nine.- the prol.i. m u; year. The elmn h alxo has more thnnl, increasing the food Mipp! for an i:. !- 400,000 Sunday Kchoot metnliers. , j,,,, population must concern nerv in. I a-- Contributions during last year. Dr. try. Mudffe aaiiL exceeded 47,0u0,0fl of! which more than $l.2U(i,Ol0 wan neiit .- x for foreign nii.swons, if. 1,701. 000 for ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Home Missions and mora than l.OOO.Ooo ; . for education. Tb I'roHbjTian ('lunch has uilnifitoni of the Oospi'l. Tho General A twin My is tlie tint iotin.1 legiidative boly of the church coiiijioseil of both inini.stem nl laymen, ndminis tering affair of th denomination through 46 pyuofi, corresponding ai'- tlu jiroxiniately to atates, and 0 pre.tbyti-r C:vS t'ATHER JOINS I'l M IN HIS FIGHT. HAMILTON. Cm., Jan. 26. The I;sv. W. Di-M'icV, n?nro minister, of Wa'shlng'-or, D. C, today joined his son l-imt'.u. ai-i will aid bim tn his fight ajainyt t''fo;tition to Nor!:naf N. C, io i.:cc a c:: of inciiicg to riot. Vht ildcr ne;;:o counselled his son a--t.i hiljiv; h..pe, and intimated that he vuul'i (o !o Ottawa to plead the younger UuMock's caze with Dominion j'.ovei n pier I c.licials. i.Y. i O'l. I,m I 'in 'care the for sil.- ' The imdersigued having (iia!ified as ( administrator of the estate of . T. Jlawkins. ileceased, lato ot (jaston ounty, Xortli Carolina, this is to noti fy all persons having rbim against said estate to file them, properly certi fied, with the undersigned on or before t-.v I,'.-; li ! .-t.-l i ." o ' , C li!' ies, corresponding to rongreisional dis tricts. In an offieiI statement concerning the church, by Dr., Mudge in the recently is sued Prebyterin llnndl0bk, it i r--orded: "Tlio Pre9b3-terian Church fitanda, as it bait stood during its entire lilstory, for the unconditional sovereign ty of God, for tho Bible as the only in fallible ride of faith and life, for sim plicity of worship, representative gov ernment, a hijih standard of Christian living, liberty of conscience, popular education, missionary activity, and true Christian catholieitv." 23rd flay of December, 1922, or this notice will be pleaded in bar o.v their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate' payment. This 22nd dnv of Deember. 1!21. C. J. HLACK. ! Administrator. J B. L. Sigmon. Atty. F-J27ctiw. I i i cr i:'i ih lain.. I, nV r ! i . li. Itv.s'. . . f f-iii!; h .viag 1 t!.i r. of. t H i Mcndjv, at 12 ..'elo.-k bidder ;i! palili t'olirt hliUs; in;; ile-i-ri ():., I,.' tar . 1". in OE REAL ESTATE. ! Io i rl ee (p' ;( power of ..I .n ;, Hi" ' t ;:.'!c;e d rd ee . T. I '. n aad Ada I'riee e;i C. i'rv,' tu : i .aai-. rv liotr ieiv.-.!. iariiig il.vte I'eceui-! i. 1:M I, due ami payatili- ' ! i n l sit.v days ii ffer t n 1 r di'i d being regis-! !i;'" oft ice ot j e deeds, etc . , for j sv'.l mortgage deed 1 n duly assigned to rh Ii'21. togi-th- v. r of M: 'a t herein con- i-:-igll!lle!it 1 . ,1'llv rc.'is- ii'.i. pane office of ! I i'i ee.'ou c unity, lie- 1 a mad" ii' the. p: nielit ' ri-in .1 assignee "ill oil ' I-'cbruaty 20, 1922 a. on, sell to the highest :!Hftioii for cash, at the follow- Igaii Vl"l '.: !e .Mar loor in (las'onia, tl .1 real i date, lo-wil : i v.i.ieh is siniate a ni .a C.i.sloi;ia lownvhip GEORGIANS ARRESTED CHARGED WITH LYNCHINGS (By The Associated Fres.) ATHEXS, GA., Jan. 2b. Jim Doo ley, Hamp Dooley, Herbert Thomas and Cal Hawkei, all white, were arrested by Hicriff Maieys, of Oconee county, lute last night in connection with the alleged lynching and illegal killings which have been staged iiithat county of late, and following indictments made by the grand jury yesterday in session in Watkins ville, Oconee county. The two I'ooleya and Thomas have been placed m the Clarke county jail iu Watkinsville. The time of a hearing for the meu has not Is en act. (Since early in December. Jit ate and Federal authorities have conducted an in vestigation in tan Oconee county killings and it was authoritatively slated this morning that yet other indictments ami arrests will lie made soon in connection with the recent killing of the three ne groes, Aaron Birdsong, West Hale and George Lowe last December. SOLDIER BONUS WOULD MEAN MORE TAXES WASHIXGTOX, Jan. 2(1. Taxes on necessities to raise fun. Is for. the soldier bonus is considered inadvisable by fcs'rre tary Mellon, it was indicated today at the Treasury. The Secretary in a let ter recently sent to Chairman Fordncy, of the House Ways and Means Commit tee, reiteraed Ins oppnsitioa to a bonus but ttated that if it was decided upon it RbouWlie provided through additional taxes. The Treasury, it T.as explained today, will not until requested M-nd specific rec ommendations a to sources of revenue to Congress but the lic'ief was expressed -that any additional taxes up-m such "TPieeessitics. as tea. coffee, ur iigar would be praeticnl. Vnme attention' to passible furUur, taxation UKin tobacco may lie given, it was indicated, although the Treasury was understood to believe that this com modity comes almost v.ithin the necessi ty tlastdfk'jition. FIFTEEN MILLION PERSONS WILL STARVE IN RUSSIA. GEXEVA, Jan. 26. Nineteen mil lion Mrsnns are suffering intensely for waat of food in Russia, and l.'i.OtitlMMj till certainly die unless succored. Dr. 8. Nausea told the Iaugc of Nations' iuternstional committee on relief in Kim Ma today. Ir. Xansra sail he was dis- Kitisfud with the way iu which the Ktis i.-ia governmeut ha.l acted tinder the J ngreemeiit signed on August 27. the traniortation situation esvially leav ing inn. h tob e desired. In giving tle new iletails of the situ ation in Kussia, he declared the total )opulntiou affected rag 33,000.0(10, and it was now too late to nave all, even if the workers ere-ab!c to use the rail road lines at full capacity. As a matter of fact it would only le possible to more sufficient grain between now and the harvest to are 6,000,000 or 7,000, IhmJ persons. , - The Best Tonic FEELING run down and out of tune these days? Eat our Bread plenty of it, morning, noon and night. It will build up your whole system and make the good red blood circulate. It's light and flaky and easily digested and will add relish to your whole meal. Only the finest top-notch materials go into BUTTER-NUT BREAD That's why it's Best for you and Best for your Pocketbook. 1 lb. Butter-Nut, Now.. ioc 1 1-2 lb. Carolina Maid, Pullman, now i5c 2 Its. Miller's Crispy Top, now 20c Carolina Baking Company Phone 63. ton co. ed and Ii"g .11. U ; ! I 'o 's iin. L'o f. coi i'. r i rails a s'one . a 1'ri line . V.i... I t hoi" e ' . s feel fn.io W . M I'' ' 1 1 1 re" i ourt h utoie ; 1 cot-(ias-s.-rih- ! -.ortli t '.'li olina, :: nd iiVtsI s fili.-i" : . sto'ii mi Price's .'Hid I from A . ' . S: i imp 's I'l' 2 K- ';,iS f''''t til 's line; theme a new . I'l fee! to a stone; :l'i fei I to a stone ''ll . line; 1'lCllce S . S,'! in i 1 1 s i i 1 1 14 . contii iniag i acre. I.e the same V. cap" the it S'lle I Thi- . Hi: l:i:!i i:!'y sai.l inortgage re-.t ; her .m. of .lani.ary, lie''.'. A. l(i.. Assig to I-- i ; PROFESSIONAL C.Z&3. DR. CHAS. O. DeLANEY Anilo'.i.i.'es to. in the i'aga Limiied to (u opening of his office I Uuihlin. l'r;iotice ill "-Tr'.na' v Diseases. DR. J. C. SMALL CHIROPRACTOR 407-408 First Nat. Eank Building Phones 535 and 845-J ConBultation Free To All. G. B. POWELL OSTEOPATH 202 Realty Building Office Phone 161 Residence Phone 601 W. W. GALLOWAY AUDITOR Public Accountant, Bask E-.nm-i-nPT and Office Systomatizer f-j Ch.-.rio;e acd Atlanta Offices Residence GAST0NIA, N. C. g P. 0. Box 358 JOHN E. ECK Public Accountant Am.ite, Systerui, Coat Findinp 203 First National Bank ruones: OiBce 627 ' Kcsidence 646-L Tsilorint cpenin at th Ycvat Mea's Shop Thursday, Friday aad Satnrday. . ' 27c2. e Army Salvage Co. 119 E. Main Ave. t Saunders Pressing Club All kind3 of Army Goods" Cheap. Rain Coats Spe cial. , CHAS. C. WILSON F. A. A Architect Member Aai. fcoc. C. E. Horns Office 804-5-6-7 Palmetto Building: ..Columbia. S. C. Branch Offices 20S First National Bank Bid Gustonia, N. C. ErR"st Coata, Mgr. 10S Davis Building, WUson, N. C. G. R. Berryman, Mgr. Register and Vote! If you are interested in helping those who can not help themselves, if you want to make your coun ty and town safer and healthier, register and vote for the Tubercular Hospital. Books close February 4th. REGISTER TODAY. D. M. Jones & Co. J. Y. MILLER Onion Sets, White Fish. Just received fine lot of Peach and Damson Preserves. Phone 154 THE Dawning of hope and SUCCESS u.u L-'iVs-' Money is success! And the how.- .:id success will come with the firm :r.tio:: to save! ino.il v m eel success eanv in me. nave , :.'! el ilir hope for future happiness that is right-i-v'ily uin you. And save with that end in view. Lei oV:- Savings Department serve you and let us c::'.c!!d to your use every facility we have to offer. "Our Service Makes Friends" . . j'; ' Anaxional Bank NOTICE : Register sure before Saturday, Februa ary 4th, to vote for Gaston County T. B. Hospital on February 8, 1922. Wade S. Buice, Kiwanian. '.3.i- rsjwsisswiwii.isaMsstri 3 s f t" una BB:r.?& ar.'.iMAia B m at r au(f tu. 4 'k af 3 IL d -t-rr 4 Per Cent Paid on Savings GASTON LOAN & TRUST CO. "Where Your Savings Are Safe.' Rubbers A e Great "Savers" That is all Rubbers are for to "save." They save shoes; they save health. There is no use taking a chance with either shoes or health. Get over the idea that they are "too much bother." They are lots less bother than a full grown cold will be. Wearing rubbers is simply a question of being sensi ble. No month in all the year is more dangerous to health than uncertain January, with its mixture of every kind of weather and even bad under foot when the skies are clear. Why take a chance on the Weather Man? We have Overshoes for : MEN -WOMEN CHILDREN- MODERATE ACCOUNTS WELCOME. Any small but sound and progressive business, or any beginner in business will find a.welcome here, and that we will do all in our power to render just the banking srvice that the business needs to enable it to make the most of the opportunities in its field and per haps to develop into a larger one. The First National Bank GASTONIA, N. C. "The Bank of Dependable Servic." NOTICE : Register sure before Saturday, Februa ary 4th, to vote for Gaston County T. B. Hospital on February 8, 1922. R. N. Aycock, Kiwanian. S. N. Boyce, Kiwanian. Robinson Shoe Company ran - A- V Just received a fresh shipment of mules. Sale or exchange on reasonable terms. Invite your, inspection; if you don't find my prices attractive I shall not expect your business. Can use your good paper and offer every accommodation consistent with good business, , . . ..j A. A. Farrar Mountain Island, N. C. "In Business Thirty Years." llil I fICV Mt:fT 1 "

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