PACE TWO THE GASTONIA. (N. C). DAILY GAZETTE MONDAY. JANUARY 30,-1522. r . J07 DEAD, 133 INJURED IN WASH INGTON IHIATEB DISASTER (Continued from rSe L) before dawn nnd soldiers from Fort Myer. lu had struggled through mile at kbow Saturday niirht to rejirh the " . I , V 1. ... . i m r AH dead and injured had lx-en remov- concrete but the enormous weight of ed early today from the Christian tne balcony was itself sufficient to Science - Oh una nearby .a large structure , tortured beams into fanta,- whica for more thaii thirty mx hours hud served as clr.iring housf for victims of tic shapes. the disat4-r. i Here again chance played a part Edward IL Sliaughnessy, of Oiicago, j jn reducing the number of victims. se)ndAitautI'OMit,;r(.(Jeral. ho Th(, frort rowg of the blIccnv four with his wife and two children wire a- jured in the rrash. was desrrilw.t today! nve tiprs deep, wwt' knowrf . " i ia a serious t-omtitiou with 'only a j served" stats. They were priced fight in g eiumco f'r recovery, above the sjercding rows and except No bdie had lic.ii taken out of the whtn thp nouse was jammed, enm theater iH the 1- hours ending .'it 11) . . ... . , todav. th.- fc.. body to be re- "only were not all occupied W ,:h moved Ving that .f Ur. .lame F. Shea, the sma'l attendance of last night, a Washington idivMriau, at I" o VIomj i probably on!;; a few had paid the cr last night. tra price f"i these seat". At: I manv .. , ,n i Washington, Jan. L'O.-One hundred and twelve lives were lost in the ; Knickerbocker theatre night when the rcof weighted by more than two feet of snow collapsed, which .buried patrons of the house under a crushing blanket of concrete, plaster and steel, according to unoweial but earfully cheeked records. ! Of the dead, 52 had been identified at dark tonight. The large majority -bf the victims, both killed and injur f'd, were residentg of this city, al though many came recently from ther places. Exploration of the ruins went on unchecked aft' r dark, I.. but those in charge believed few ad ditional bodies would be found. With out regard to their own risk, soldiers, marines, sailors, police, firemen and citizen volunteers had fought their way beneath the wreckage over prac tically the whole floor space of the auditorium. The exact number in the theater when the steel and concrete span of the roof buckled and feel under its three-foot load of snow probably will never be known. The stories of per haps a hundred who got out uninjur ed have been reported. These ac count for a few more than 300 in the audience that was roaring in laughter at a filmed comedy when the roof fell on them like a blanket, carrying down the front of the wide balcony in its crash. XNOrmany, me xncaier mis n.i r-, ery seat filled at that hour and near y , 2,000 persons was ttscapacty. The; same unprecedented snowfall brought death to the venturesome . , . . . few, kept the many at home. ; ' , i Street car traffic had been abandon- r . . , ii I ed and streets and Stdewalks were all but .mpassable drift.. TIUawa V. r hafin rtn timn Dfl vnt Till I Vt" uiiiiiai iii4UiJ y ns t.o liic tiiuiic il lho disaster. The ruins themselves dis close, however, that the entire mass oi stee.-neiu concrete u.ut roof had come down. The crash Vept the supports out rthe baleony, apparently, and this , it 1 I hinged down at an angl of 45 degrees, 1 1 .1" l 1L . ii r 1 adding to the tangled mass of wreck-1 7 ai. ' ui 1 Sage on the floor below. The building stands in an acute an- Agiea corner i r.iniitn BtreCl u.,u " 1 - 3 1. : . iV. I a. 1 i Columbia road, northwest, the heart Clan ",r " , T" " pamp t ax. At a 1 hundreds, and until the marines came of the most favored residence section 1 "U"UI ' , ,. .....i I ai. -a ti u r u canting up the police were powerless of the city. The narrow niche of the 1 c"I K 1 v I stage on which the screen was hung to fiht off the crow1- backed into the corner angle, while to I 7T ', . , , au 1 tA .u . i- , .u The right of the Navy department to the left from the stage the line of the o on n (tf6rilA auditorium wall runs in a straight or( , ve.,rs .,ftcr his discharge has line for some 2fK) feet down Eigh-!U'cn denied by Assistant Secretary Jteenth street. To the right the wall! R.M.-velt on appeal of the Amcricun l.e- - follows the slow curve of Columbia ' Kio" "f N"" Y"r road for about the same distance, and ... , . ,. ,. 1.,.,. . ' "Move tne house and )OH can lat the far end, paralleling the stage' if yvitli tll;s injumtimi. the ('avion JJfront, the back wall completes the au-; ,lale, Pa., j.ost of the American Legimi ditorium proper, also about 200 feet rolle.l up its sleeves and lxrninr possess in length. p'' " a lnr2''' commodious immsiou tor This whole space stood roofless to! 'N l"t,l'""w- ithe sky a moment after the first hiss-! h ...(k merican Legion ex sol ing sound of the breaking roof gavci warning above the music of the or-! chestra. There is only one survivor i thus far who has told of having heard ' that warning and seen the first pow-! ?dery hamlful of snow sift down over1 the head of the orchestra leader in ! time to make his escape. From his; -roll .v w, 'iiiu on 1 n tf main noor, ; he raced for the doors at the back, j A tn.ntA V.I . r t, . .. mn so, uiasL in air expene 1 as the- roof come down, hurled lim out; ? through the doorway to safety. The Pit a Death Trap. 1 Most of the bodies were recovered from the floor of the pit beneath the' wreckage of the balcony or from the jfront of the balcony itself. Follow-1 -ing the rule of motion picture audi ences and with an almost empty house to pick from, lho- on th? main floor had grouped themselves in the rrows of seats just below the fiont of.' i;th balcony. They were back far( enough to see well and the '-ont and iback rows were almost empty. g At the point they had chosen, the danger proved to be just double. Few Mdf those seated there could have es caped. Even if the falling concrete dabs and steel work of the roof miss-; ed them, the solid mass of the balto ny front came down on the first "wreckage with crushing wright. The -gleaming brass rail that adorned the balcony front lay spread over the "wreckage of the roof 15 feet below ;when rescuers reached the scene. Those farther back on the main floor probably all escaped. Th beams Uhat supported the back end of the balcony did not let go their clutch on ; -the wall. The wide sweep of seats they supported tilted down under the i -wreckage below, took the weight of ;tht front end and then stood covering the back rows of the main floor like a tent AH Steel and Concrete. The front rows of the balcony were ((round to a twisted mass of ruin in the fall. There was no wood I in the structure. It was all steel anil uf those beiiind .scrambled up the t;) I SBIf IV UlllMHiKIl IliailV uv .s.ii struck down in the hist blow when the imoi caved in. .Some were hurled down into the pit wreckage when the bal cony front fell and even some of these mm tied, with bruises. There is no record, however, of any survivor? among those in the foremost balcony seats. Frantic calls for aid went out as soon as those in the double walled structures, which form the h street and back wall of the auditoii , urn realized what had happvn'.-d. These two three-floor wings form the 1 offices, a store along the 1 t h street ' front, and house the stairway- a::d the approaches and exits both en that side anil along the back wail a::d they 'were not involved in the di-p.ter which was confined to the auditorium , itself. Later the store and corridors , became the first aid stations as the : mangled victims were dragged from the wreckage Sctne of Wild Confusion. Firemen fought their way throutrh i heaping snowdrifts in answer to :i :gene;al alarm. Police patrol fiile 1 with men churned and skidded through the white muck and in an ! swer to a summons marines from the ' barracks clear across the city came at double time, panting through the heavy going. At Fort Mycr, across (K rkr-r iht cavalrv was turned out ...,, ,,,, ,,., to the rc -- - hM with men shovt.,w, lh4,ir wav f ifa but finaUy four mule 11 antic anj, u , teams from the fort and tiom tns wa' , eneineer barracks were called on. ' " f , there At the scene of the disaster men of a Vmi! Th(,st, their w to the au. .1 I.ofnrs them n uiioriuni uouir iim. mvsterious heap of wreckage faintly lighted by a string of colored electric lights on the stage that still j he,,, inUct aml by the reflected glow . ... ,. ... ;,i ! from the leaden skies above the void w " 'V "".7 "! '.uut Minute by minute the crowds about ciL f , . T. , . thp the door thickened. The crasli ot tne " , . , .,. nlT,r I falling roof had drawn man, some' , T. ... of. who had relatives in that mass ruin and melting snow inside. The ,,rnM nther diers jiis! 24 hours to build a four-room-an I bath house in Los Angeles for a dis abled buddy whose home was destroyed bv fire. Kxception to the stateiinmt of (ion. Amos A. l-'rie.. Chief of the Chunii-al Warfare Service, that poison irs is "humane" is taken by William F. Dee- (.'an. nea.i 01 tne .Miieraa n 1..-BI..I. York. He lit. "O nrr 1 X-ray proof to nt of the State's show that tubercular ":ir veterans Has. 'inis of Atlantic Citv, X. J.. as the sM.- for the lt'L'.'l national cniiventinn ot the American Legion i being ured by iiiemlH rs of the Legion post there. Every "pair of kids" in town. White or black, tan or brown, We can reclaim, if you will say, "Kid Gloves" here to clean today. SAUNDERS DRY CLEANING CO. PHONE 144 Gastonia, N. C. EXPERT DRY CLEANERS DYERS When theatrical folks arrive in town, And take a "slant" for the best around. There' always one or more to tell The others if th?y would look swell GASTONIA LAUNDRY Phone Lucky 13 . Gastonia, N. C. "Swell" 'em uo like aristocrats. Make 'em feel JIke acrobats. Instant Service. HIP llirrfl I IPr IleartH," a tloHwyn production, ibo HIS WIFE Llitlisur JJassri" jkb Remarkable Recovery of Clif- i Tho Gastonian Theater is showing to- . .i,ay Frank Mavo in "Doctor Jim." ton l orge Woman Is Talk of 'TielHy -fM-einl. "Alice in Hunger- Her Entire Neighborhood, I Un,k-' ' m Tnerlay and Wednesday Con- , stance Talmadge is "Wedding BoDs." Health Was Undermined by Flu and She Became Weak As a Child Often Fainted. I T ot Mis. (). A. lirough- , 1 iy i'.kc. I'lll'ioji Forge, 'a . , i r h li , lir I ' le ill! ving been i : , t inn i! i-r ti-,1 a veritable ,. : .. v. ii neighborhood. In f.i-'.tj Hi' tli,- eiise her husband, nigtiuiaii. -.'.hi; 'I'm f'riu y i"jii l:u ! i iv wife owes !. . In' - : i'-i.ihii- ;Mi'l nothing else. Jler oustituiio.'i iiiel'i in ined bv the ' !hi i.iel . ! I --i : 1 1 m us wi-jjk iiinl help- ' auction, for cash, at the courthouse V. ,i 1.; hy. Sii.'t ! iuus she would 1 door in Gastnnia, Gaston County, North r .11 t i -. . j i- ii, ;i t'i.i' and f would 1 Carolina,, on '"! ' I on the !ie..ii.rH for help. Tuesday, February 7, 1922, I ! i::,.iiom an ni i . jau almost with j at 11 o'clock, a. m., the following de-ili'- I I . of inula;- and kept Up i Seribcd lands, to wit: I id:i; - : i now like a different! Higinning at u I. O, Meudentiall 's I ""-si I'' i... Mid.T our in ighhors ; eoriier and runs 8. .18 K. 821-2 poles to '" n.i'- .1 I; r. very, biiause 1 , a ruck pile on Robinson 'g line; thence 8. " '' o ii eves when 1 j J!t W. .il 1-2 poles to a stake and point- l'"k r 1,1 chiilige Taulae i ,.rs ; thenee 8. SU W. 62 1-2 pole to a I! j V.giiil.le I "i are an j i ;e,p,, riant part of ( i' i : - St 1 1 . 1 ; . ; K I : l; .. -i 'l.inl;.!- l.llll.-.r ' ! IV foil ; . I . I: r Tan!::. K( IIIU d ' V. Ui on lanuot hope i s..; i:.Ttorv i- ults lioai I ' I s' est a lilis.'li tig II free -:t r' of t lie bowels . I Hi. j-re absolutely f and a re soid on a pos- j'-." s: t ist'aet inn . ! l in (iaslonla by .1. II. ami by leading druggists ONi; (R i:l CAROLINA WOMAN ICIIM IliUATR DISASTER i I'.v The Associated Press.) I V VSIilMi l'oN. .(.iiiiiurv 2!. The i only I in uii Nli iIi raroliniuii killed ni i in- ki:h-kc, So. !;cr theater disaster i l.i -1 nit. hi a s .J iss .'a mil ie Lee ltiu- . wlio was n I,i I I a ii. 1 1 : .' o Ashelioro. ' en Hi III eliiidov ee ib'pil i t nielli . .Mi-s'ile-:! i-.iine working in the! j bore live venrs i iiL'H. S:i"iisnl iii lie Monographer for ! . ( '. ll.iinpier. now a iweinlier of the J lions-;'. Her parents, Mr. and Mrs. ' Thomas l.aiiihei I are very old. Mis .a!i)b"I Kindiiiited from the Mate eiillece for Woiiii'u at Greens boro in the eiass of l'.H.Y I hi- 1 eii,;, ins were sent In 1h W. V. ( ' lut ut I m-i s eoinpniiy. undertakers. b;, .Mr. 1 1;; in liter. H will be two ur j i-.ioie ila,s iiei',.ie the boily run be j Fred S. Wetzell slnplU'd oiil of Washington, Philadelphia, Pa Arrliir- Pell, ;in "employee of tliejR. V. Little john wni department, accompanied Miss j Lambert In the Ibeiiler. He. too. was j killed. His in. nic was in New Jersey, STATIONERY This has always been a specialty with us. We cany a big line of all kinds of line ' stationery. You will find in our stock almost anything in sta tionery that your taste may demand. Come in and ask for it. The price, too, is anoth er thing you'll like about our stationery. Spencer-Atkins Book Co. AT THE THEATRES j 'The Ideal Theater present today two I favorites, William 8. Hart In "John j 1'rtHroah ' ' nml Larry Semon in "The j Belt Hop." Tuesday. "The AeoJ of people in Russia. ' Breathe In Health. That cough or eold in the head can bo ended easily by Hywnei. Xo stomach losing, ftrenthe it through th nose and mouth. Money back if it fails. J. H. Kennedy & Company. COMMISSIONER'S SALE OF LAUD. Under nnd by virtue of a fleereo of the Sup-rior Court of Guston County, North Carolina, made this day, in the special proceeding, entitled "Mary I'asour et al vs. J. A. (Joble et al." I will offer for sale to the highest bidder at public stake in branch latour 'a corner ; thence X. t;o V. 20 MiIe to a stake; thence 8. ;n-2 W. 5 7 H poles to a stake on I'nsmir's line line; thence N. ."iS W. 26 2-3 1 pole Mendenhall's line; thence with said line N. :8 K. 76 poles to the begin-1 !ing, containing .'13 3 4 acres more or less. ' This the Cth day of January. 1922. JOHN (J. CARrKNTKR.t M .'tOet. Commissioner.! ' . SAIFOPQTrir'K" 0l-.C.VrOIUlS.. I'msuant to a resolution duly adopted by the Board of Directors of the Pris- cilia Spinning Company at a meeting held on the 12th day of January, 1922, I will on the ' 7TH DAY Oir F1TRPTTAPV 101 7 IH. VAl Or FEBRUARY, 1922 at 1 1 ::.(! o clock A. M ., at the office of C. ell at public auction for cash j "'"K Company, subscribed for by the persons named below, as will pay assessments j (duly niade on nwh stock, with interest nnd necessary incidental charges. i 1 "r m""e ol rn" persons wno nave rnileit to pay assessments, with the number of shares subscribed by each'of said persons, the amount paid on such shares and mi- .iniiMiiii.i ii uc on cans os ssesMmeni dates of such calls or assessments are as Na ine No. shares Sub. R. Winchester Raukin Gastonia, N. C. G2 Amos Morris Gastonia, N 50 C. II . B. Patillo Gastonia, N . ( 20 Gastonia, N. C. Harry Shuford 5(1 Gastonia, X. C. John Cochran Craincrton, N. C. CO. Coble Gastonia, N. C. Mrs. Grace W. Keliaya New York, N. y. F. M. Francum (J. V. Harper) Gastonia, N. C. Frank Morris Gastonia, N. C. George P. Feathcrson Charlotte, X. C. 10 100 00 0 00 10 H. J. MeCorkte Huntcrsville, X. C. A. Moser Gastonia, X'. C 10 E. O. Jennings '. Gastonia, N. C. T. C. Jennings, care K. (. Jennings !i Gastonia, X". C. jl)r. E. J. O'Brien, Garland j 26 ft. Apartments, j Charlotte, N. C. j Miss Eunice Craig 10 Gastonia, N. C. Hoy Suggs Gastonia, X'. C. R. T. Tulham Charlotte, N. O. 20 10 G. F. Hinkle Greenville, fi. C. W. M. Morris Gastonia, X. C. 20 T. M. Fayssoux 10 Gastonia, N. C. W. I. Fayssoux 10 Gastonia An additional chares of ti cents per share will be added to the above amounts due to corcjf necessary incidental charges of advertisement and sale. Due notice of tho time and place appointed for the sale and of the sum dne on each-ih re Was been gives to eaea of the pereons above-named hy mailing no tice thereof to the la at-named poetoffiee of such persons. This, the leth day of Jauuaty, 12J. J. H. IfATXS, Fretideat and Treasurer, Priscilla Spinning Company, MM e 3 NOTICE. All unpaid City Taxes will have a penalty of 1 per cent at law' w lUD u - i. uk .. V. a GRIER, City Tax Collector. CERTIFICATE OF DISSOLUTION State of North Carolina, Department ofHtate. To All to Whom These Tresents May Come Greeting : Whereas, It nppears to my satisfac tion, by duly authenticated record of the proceedings for the voluntary dissolu tion thereof by the unanimous consent of all the stockholders, deposited in my office, that the American Processing (Vinmntu- a iArnnvalinn tt tlii. ULtln whoso i.rincim nffieo .,l t v.'i Ktreet, in the town of Mount Holly, County of Gaston, State of North Carolina (C. K. Hutchison being the a gent therein and in charge thereof, up on whom proceas may be served,) has complied with the requirements of Chap ter 22, Consolidated Statutes, entitled "Corporations," preliminary to the issu ing of this Certificate of Dissolution: Now, Therefore, 1, J. Bryan Grimes, Secretary of State of tho State of North Carolina, do hereby certify that the said corporation did, on the 9th day of January 1922, file in my oflice a duly executed and attested consent in writing to the dissolution of said corporation, ex ecuted br all tlie stockholders thereof which said consent and the record of the proceedings aforesaid are now on file in my said oflice n provided by law. j In Testimony Whereof. I have hereto! set my hand and affixed my official seal) f Paleiah. this 9th ibiv ui .T.innnrv A (Signed) J. BRYAN GRIMES.' M FCc4. Secretary of State! the Priscilla Spinnnig Co., near Ranlo 1 such shares of stock in the Priscilla Spin- on sneii hna i.iii, ;ni.,..ui i... follows: ........... inn iiiiin I lie mount Paid Amount Due on Calls And Int. from Date. 500.00 Int. from 9-1-20 620.00 Int. from 1-1-21 620.00 Int. from 4 1 21 oOO.OO Int. from fl 120 500.00 Int. from 4 1-21 .'100.00 Int. from 9-1-20 .'(OO.OO Int. from 1 121 .'100.00 Int. from 4-1-21 500.00 Int. from 1-1-21 500.00 Int. from 4-1-21 200.00 Int. from 1-1-21 200.00 Int. from 4-1-21 1,000 Int. from .1 15-20 500.00 Inf. from 9-1 -20 500.00 Int. from 1-1-21 500.00 Int. from 4 1-21 100.00 Int. frem 9-1-20 100.00 Int. from 1-1-21 100.00 Int. from 4-1-21 1,,'ltlO L.VIO 000 . 00 1,50(1 600.00 200 . 00 2,000 1,000 Int. from 9-1-20 1,000 Iut. from 1-1-21 1,000 Int. from 4-1-21 500.00 Int. from 1-121 5110. QO Int. from 4 1 21 l.oflO 1.200 600.00 Int. from 9-1-20 600.00 Int. from 1 1-21 600.00 Int. frum 4-1-21 500.00 Int. from 1-1 21 500.00 Int. from 4-1 21 1,300 200.00 Int. from .1-1-20 100.00 Int. from 9-1-20 100.00 Int. from 1-1-21 100.00 Int. from 4-1-21 700.00 50.00 Int. from 9 1 20 250.00 Int. from 1-1-21 250.00 Int. from 4-1-21 100.00 1QO.00 Int. from a-15-20 10O.00 Int. from 9-1-20 100.00 Int. from 1-1-21 100.00 Int. from 4-1-21 250.00 Int. from 9-1-20 250.00 Int. from 1 1 21 250.00 Int. from 4 1-21 500.00 Int. from 3-15-20 250.00 Int. from 9 1 20 250.00 Int. from 1-121 250.00 Int. from 4 I 21 250.00 Int. from 4-1-21 250.00 Int. frnm 4-1-21 100.00 Int. from 9-1-20 100.00 Int. from 1-1-21 100.00 Int. from 4-1-21 200.00 Int. from 9-1-20 200.00 Int. from 1-1-21 200.00 Int. from 4-1-21 100.00 Int. from 3-1-20 100.00 Int. from 9-1-20 100.00 Int. fijom 1-1-21 100.00 Int. from 4-1-21 250.00 Int. from 9 1-20 250.00 Int. from 1-1-21 000.00 .o.rt 200.00 400.00 100.00 .ym.ofl 250.00 Int. from 4-1-21 200.00 Int. from 9-1-20 200.00 Int. from 1 1-21 200.00 Int. from 4-1-21 100.00 Int. from 1-1-21 100.00 Int. from 4-1.-21 lOOvOO Int. from 4 1-21 400.00 300.00 400.00 NOTICE OF BECISTB AT10N AND - ' ELECTION. Notice is heretiy jiven that pnrsuantj to an Act of the Gcnctal Assembly pass-; Bed en the 2.rd day of August, A. IX, 1920, beinir Chapter 112 of Public Local Laws of 1920, and pursuant to resolu tions adopted by the Board of County Commissioners at their regular . session October 3rd. 1921 and at an adjourned session "held on January 3rd, 1922, an c lei-1 ion will be held on the 8th day of February 1922, submitting to a vote of the qualified electors of Gaston County the question of issuing coupon bonds in the sum of One Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars, ($150,0U0.00) for a tubercu losis hospital, and further submitting to a vote of the qualified voters whether or not there shall annually be levied a special tax ndt to exceed eight cents- on the One Hundred dollars (lOO.OO) valuation of property in said county for the maintenance and support' of such hoitpitul, and such electors are, further notified that they may express, their will as aforesaid by voting in their! respective precincts now provided for vuiuiK lor i ne eieciion ui jneinoers oi iiiC tieneral Assemby, and that tho follow ing registrars and judges of election are hereby appointed for the respective pre-1 cincts as hereinafter' set out: (Tho first' name opposite each precinct being the registrar and the two following the; judges of election for such precinct), j Gastonia I'recinct No. 1: A. R. Ran-i kin. J. 1). Ii. McLean, li. K. Jonhson. Gastonia I'recinct No. 2: Walter Ed- wards, A. C. Stronp, M. T. Sanders. tiastenia l'r-einct No. 3: J. B. Holly field, Geo. Gamble, C. W. Boyd. Oastonia I'recinct No. 4: Miss Em ma Cornwell, F. A. Costncr, Craig Smith. Cnion l'r?cinct: J. ft. Henderson, K. M. Wilson, J. K. C. Ford. South I'oint I'recinct: P. L. Horsley, I L. Ragan, W. B. Carson. Mt. Holly Precinct: W. B. Rutledge. W. L. Tucker, H. J. Skidmorc Stanley I'recinct: 1. F. Hovis, 8. J. .fniilr in 4 Cnnsler i'recinct: Ira Davenport,! Ta,'k Farrar, R. L. I'nderwood. ' I Lucia I'recinct: J. II. Rogers, J. 11. I Rr!lUy t'ral Black. I Dallas Precinct: J. H. White, S. L. j ,,aourj w y TLornburg. j i Ad"S" H.'SHuffsteHer.0' 1Vtty' Robinson's Prescinet: Jno. C. RoBin-j sou, Marshall Robinson, II. 8. Dixon. j Spencer Mountain Precinct: W. G.' V'ln.. C. I,.4..nn C It Crnas Lowell I'recinct: P. W. Hand, S. J. i t';",ton' TeaK".e- B.Xberts!'B. II. Waters. ' Blmont Preeimt : J. K. G Ed C. Ray, W. Gaston, C. H. Slonn, W. It. Harris. I Alexis I'recinct: S. M. Stroup, J. n.l Rutledge, A. L. McAllister. Cherryville Precinct: J. T. AllcnJ Stephen Stroup, Jacob Ream. j Carpenter a Precinct: Jno. Kiser, W. B. Carpenter, Sidney C. Carpenter. May worth Precinct: J. B. Caldwell, J. A. Leeper, J. W. McFndden. Kiser s Precinct: T. M. Hovis, D. H. Harmon, 8. L. Kiser. Bessemer Citv Precinct: R. D. Or- mnnil. Will Oates, C. C. (lark. f Baker's Precinct: S. S. Wells, Joe! Pearson, Jake Stronp. ! And notice is further given that such! registrars will keep their registration; books open at the residence or oflice of 1 such registrar from January 14th, 1922i to February 4th, 1922, both inclusive, be tween the hours of seven o'clock a. m. I nnd seven o'clock p. 111.. except that on' the four consecutive Saturdays next preceding such election between such, hours, such registrar will attend at the j usual polling places provided for voting, for the General Assembly, and will reg-j ister in accordance with law, all who; legally apply to him to be registered, and! the polling places at which the electors! will exercise their right to vote are specifically set forth as follows: Gastonia Precinct -No. 1 At City Hall. Gastonia Precinct Xo. 2 Edward's Store. I At E. W.i trastonia Precinct Xo, Elliott's Store. (iastonia Precinct Xo. Court liouse. I'nion Precinct: At School House. South Point Precinct: Public School House. 3 At A. B. At County 4: I'nion Public At New nope Mt. Holly Precinct: At A. P. Bhyne's Oflice. Stanley Precinct: At Farmers & Merchants Rank Building. Cannier 's Precinct: At William Ilin-j kle's Store. Lucia Precinct: At J. R. Roger's; Store. Dallas Precinct: At Old Courthouse. Glenn's Precinct: At Glenn's Store. Robinson's Precinct: At J. Robert Quinn's Store. Spencer Mountain Precinct: At Store of Spencer Mountain Mills. Inc. Lowell Precinct: At It. F. Lcon hardt's Store. MeAdenville Precinct: At McAden ville Town Hall. Belmont Precinct: At Town Hall. Alexis Precinct: At S. L. McAllis ter's Store. Cherryville Frecinct: At Town Hall. Carpenter's Precinct: At Landers Chattel Public. School House. Mayworth Precinct: At Store of Maves Mills. Riser's Precinct: At 9. L. Riser's Store. Bessemer City Precinct: At Town Hall. Raker's Precinct: At Store of Moun-l tain View Mills, Inc. And notice is further given' that a new registration will be had and none will be! allowed to vote who do not register anew for this election. All bv order of the Board, this 3rd day of January, 1922. L. E. RANKIN. Clerk,1 M-30e4 County Roard Commissioners.: ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE. Having qualified as administrator of. the estate of William D. Wright, de ceased, late of Gaston County, North, - -CVirolinathis is to notify all persons hav- NEW ing claims against said estate to present; the samcduly verified, to the on or before January 9, 1923 or tkis notice will be pleaded in bar of any recovery thereon. All persons who are indebted to said est at 4 will please make prompt settlement with the under signed. Thia 9th day of January, 1922. C. C. CORNWELL, A.fanr. of SI-F-13e6 niliam D. Wright, deceased. Fiftaea thousand people read Tat Ga tatta every day. A small snout -wia carry a ssessatt to tben for yen. .It's the chesses aad tfca beat. PROFESSIONAL CARD1 rr runff Win.. A MTV AS tv. vui Jj -crMVt f Announces the opening of bis offlec in the Bagal'niil'b'ngV ' Froetiee Limited to Ceh8o-tfi0ary IMseasee. D R. J. C.S M ALL CHIROPRACTOR 407-408 First Nat. Bank Buildinx Phones S35 and 845-J Consultation Free To AD.- G. B. POWELL OSTEOPATH 202 Real Building Office Phone 161 , Residence Phone 601 arsBCiiK . i W. W. GALLOWAY AUDITOR -Public Accountant, Bank Exam iner and Office Systematizer Charlotte end Atlanta Offices Residence GASTONIA, N. C. P. 0. Box 338 j CtsaBaTOnSIiSSdEKSBBBasaB I JOHN E. ECK Public Accountant Audits, Systems, Cost Findings 003 f. 1 r i. Phones: Office 627 Besidenee eMfl L O NMMMMnM8MMM CHAS. C. WILSON F. A. ". A Architect Member Am. Soe. C. E. Home Office 804-5-6-7 Palmetto Buildinjr Columbia, S. 0. Brunch Offices 208 First National Bank Bld Gastonia, N. C. Ernest Coats, Mgr. 10S Davis Building, Wilson, N. C. G. R. Berryman, Mgr. BSTTBit It jmtftJW 39B Army Salvage Co. 119 E. Main Ave. at Saunders Pressing Club All kinds of Army Goods Cheap, cial. Rain Coats Spe- inf 2SZ2C2338BSE The Best Tonic FEELING run down and out of tune these days? Eat our Bread plenty of it, morning, noon and night. It will build up your whole system and make the good red blood circulate. It's light and flaky and easily digested and will add relish to your whole meal. Only the finest top-notch materials go into BUTTER-NUT BREAD That's why it's Best for you and Best for your Pocketbook. 1 lb. Butter-Nut, Now 10c' 1 1-2 ft. Carolina Maid, Pullman, now i5c 2 lbs. Miller's Crispy Top, now 20c Carolina Baking! Company Phone 63. CHERKTVILLE, BESSEMEB CITY AND GASTONIJtv JIT- NEY SCHEDULE. x Leaves Cherryville at 7:50 a. m. and 1:30 p. m. --' , ft- Leaves Gastonia at 10:30 a. m. and 4:15 p. m. Leaves Bessemer ITify for Gastonia 8 a. m. and 2 p. m. Leaves Beasemer City for Cherryville 11 a. m. and 4:45 p. m. FAKE: Cherry-rill to Gastonia '. 75e therryvil'e to Bessemer City -40e Bessemer City to Gastonia 35e We will get you there on time. We need your business to finance the line.