WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1922. PAGE TWO. the gastonia; (N. O. DAILY GAZETTE I ! it i i i f 5 I SEARCHING 1mw" inii'iuin i t.hh"ihi i v IK - fx -e J' Hi v -'i.54 yV-y ?vv . -vik The above photograph was made while noIicem?.i, hrerren vo'3tccr rescuers searched the ruins of the Knickerbocker Theatre in Washington, D. C. from which ti:e ba.i-.-s c i sr.ora than 100 victims were taken and more than that number were injured. Soldiers from Fort fvfyci- he'd L-acW crowds of the curious and anxious rela tives and friends of persons reported missing. I he roof cf ti-.c b. r.o v .'e theatre collapsed under a tremendous burden of snow, brought by a reccrd-breakinR storm, cc.v.'sir; ir ci an audience of more than five hundred. .3 ENDORSES THE HOSPITAL Lodge With Membership of i'More Than 200 Unanimous-! Iy Endorses Tuberculosis; f Hospital For Gaston County; "Every Member to Register i Land Vote For It. $ (By Mrs. Adelaide 6. Beard.) Jit the regular lueoting of Flrinlont j Lodge Xs. 134-', Koyitl Or.lcr of Alitor ln'td Inst night rfbohiiions unnnimoiidy tudorin(f the jirojiosod tulierciil.-ir hospi- tal or Uaston county wen- ininjittil, fu-' lowing iiriwentation of thu case for the lidftjiitjil by Mr. H. H. Oust on. Kvery mcmbor pntsoBt promised to roister and 1 vote for the hosjiit.-il. C. E. Hacr n.iaj tdwtl lodge reporter. The Ik'lmoat lodge, ogranijied seven j month ago i in a flourishing condition. , It one of the lurgest ludtrcs in thia section of tuu State, nunibi-riiig overj 200 niemben. -Woman's Club Meeting Thursday. The Woman's ("lull will meet :it. the: ' central deliool building Tlinrn.lny after-: noon for the reulitr Kelru;iry nieetiiiK. Tin program for the jit'tenioim will be ' in charge of the Health eommitu e who hse planned to mnke the meeting a vi'r.y iutrting one. 'Several local gentle-! men will be present and make health j talk to tlie flub women. After thoi program a soeiul hour will lx held.! Y.wry member of the dub im urged to be ; J)rmeiit for the meeting promises to be not only interesting urn! enjoyable but I beaefitinl ns well. ! Belmont Beats Gastonia By Score Of it. 55 to' 22. 1 'Tie Belmont boyit were victors over tlto tiastoniu five- on the local court Tues day afternoon b.v n score of "." to -L'. It ras a gotxl game all the way through, onf of the test that the local hoys have I'layed so far. Although too score was very one-sided, the (iHjitonia team put up-a good fight. No individual players Htarrnl, but the entire Belmont team sowed up exceptionally well. The game 1hat was oeheduled for Wednesilay with Kings Mountain ha liCCn postjtoned. At Personals. 'Miss Anna West ami Mi.-w Edna Hcrk eley, of the faculty of (jueetts College,' tliarlotte, aeennipnnieil l:ss Nell Hull borne from school Saturday and were gnests, of the Misses Hall fur the week end. All of the Queens girls. Misses Katherinc Stowe, Nell Hall, Klizalieth UMidy and Kuth fox were lioi.ic im r the wrl'k-end. i'X)r. and Mrs. C. K. MeAdams took: thir little daughter, Eloise, to Char lotte Monday where she had a tonsillar, operation iierforrueil at the Charlotte! anitorium. Little Eloise stood tin- ler-' ILun -well and was aiile to return I, nine Tuesday. 'Uesars. Bartlet Hall. Marcus Ree. I'atrkk and K. E. iSton. , Jr.. came home from Davidson for the week-end. Master Lester ftowe. the little mn of Mr., and Mrs. L. 11. is able to be orit after a week's illness with tonsilitis.. ; numtMT of Belninnt little tots have th' chicken-pox. "The latest victims are : Mater finiuuel Piio kmy towe. Jr.. and little Miss Majoria Walt l'resshy. The fllsfa9e is in a very iniiil form an.! all an getting along nicely. Miss Melva tiullii k. who has been miite fiek for the past ten days, with a severe eo4d is able to. be up. irrs. W. B. l'uett an-1 Mrs W. J. . Fjrancis ntteudetl the V. 1). C. meeting! in Jfastonia, Tuesday afternoon. QUMERTDN CVrrepondence of The T)aiiy (inzette.) -CRAMERTON. J'.m. M. Misses Mary Faison, Mary Houso, Eerry Huff rtetler, Vivian Bradberry and Mr. J. B. . Wilik went to HiKirtaiiburg to hear Billy; Sunday and were highly pleased with liin sormona and the courtesies shown them by the people of tspartanburg. Ur. T. JI. Ford who has lieen quite ! S1L i reported a a improving to the de-, light of his many friends. ; In sliding down the cement walks by; the depot Alonzo l'riee had the niisfor-i tuie to fall and strike his bead on thej pimnent, knocking him unconscious. Drj Miller win called and at last reports he! wa recovering. j Tner la a fe.-linjr, smnng tbe ehildTen tliat the mrrlis, should be reformed sol thst it irill be safe for their parents tol e them. i RUINS OF WASHINGTON THEATRE IN WHICH MORE THAN 100 DIED !. iwummi LOWELL LOCALS (( "orrespon Jenn of Tlir T:.ilv G.i EOWEhE, Eel,. 1. who enjoyed two of Mr. Anions ! in. -i :iiid:ij ' )ov erlul si rmous in JSpa rt ;in;.in t; : st Thursday Here: Mrs. J. V. lie;. I, : i -. 1'. VY. llainl, Mrs. .1. H. Titman ; nd Mrs. Tom Eonl. Messrs. .1. K. b'ei.l. . II. Holmes. I.Y. W. J. lo:i, h, Ke. A. i-. Anderson, Mr. ,1. '. t ,-r.i liter. K. i. ii. II. Ki iiuiiigliin, Mr. 1". I'. Mi.rpiiy and Mr. I.en is Andi isnn. Mrs. Isl.i Mill. r. of Ho, k Hill, K C, Rpent 1h.' jaist week wil-ii Mr-, r-. M. Hobinson. Mrs. Miller is .ilieiv. a wel cuiiie vixitor here, this having on.-e lie. a lier home. Mr. Paul Clark, of Citi.uiooL'a. Tenii.. was a business visitor in town l.i-t week. Missi'M Eon i so Cahlwcli. Mvrtie mi I Xell Titman soctit the -as! wi-.-k-end in Spartanburg, S. ('., the guests of Mi-.-Nonic Nelson. While there Mr-. A. '. Cleveland, sister of Misw .. Isoii, gave a very enjoyable thirty for them on S.-i t ur day morning from II o'clock to 1. They bad tho pleasure of hearing .Mr. lE.r.ier Kedeheaver, Mr. ."sunda.v's singer, sun; and talk to the school children of .u tanbiirg, on Saturday nftirnoon, at which ineeting than two Imielred chihlreu took a stand for 'iirist. Eatc in tile aftermion on batiirdav they n most inspiring talk by Mi-s Elorem-e E. Kinney, one of Mr. Win. lay's work tTii, on ' Kesponsibility. ' ' Tin v were also fortunate (nougli to bear three of "Billy" Hunday 's wonderful sermons, and one of Mrs. Asher's, (Mi-, .sun day' assistant I good talks, which m;n!o their two days in rp:irtanimi(j oui'e in teresting and enjoyable. Miss Tliclma Titman. wiio i-; in . at Queens College has bei-n :,t lion.. hei.i si. k for a week or more. li is i .e.e.l tic! she will soon be able to re-nan 1. r studies. CLOVER CULLING S. (Correspondence of The D.iilv li.-iet',. CEOVEK, S. C.. Jan. :;o. In. Clover ptojde are looking forward to t!.c coming of the I'ue West Woman's '. al lege lilee Club and Erskine College ( n chestra conil.ined, Thursday uijid ot in.s week. The (ilee Club consists of aU.ut L'.j young women and the orchestra of about eight young men. The conceit c.ili be given in the new high school au.ii toriiim. Mrs. J. ,1. Cam;. lu ll -pent last week en. I in Charlett" with Mi-.s Eia:ikie l at rin. Miss Kuliy Carpenft r ; nl hi-t week-, end with her parents- in Maiden. Misa Hose Burn-, of l.owiyv idc, -petit last weekend in town wi'h le r -e-t. i, .Miss Kh.ra Hums, who i- tea- uir.e tnc fifth grade hi rc. 1 Mrs. Claud,. Meliill, of ( h.. rl. .-i . has returned to her home elter a v:d to her parents, Mr. an I Mr. .1. II. Curiv. Rev. and Mrs. ,1. K. Heininll :i'te.l ed the Billy Sunday meeting m S-cit ,n burg lait Week. Mes.-r-. (leoige Prince an ! d:i:ii-s N ty of (liarlette,-spent last Jsnn lay I n. guests of Miss Eo'.iise Smi'h. Miss Charlotte Ali'uti. of ("ua r;..t te. vi-itcj Mr. and Mrs. . I.. l'i!-imons last week. Miss Annie Eee A-latiis id'. . friend, in York, last week. Mr. and Mr,. John i:..bin-,.n avd daughter, Miss Martha, and Mi. an ! M KjI. Brandon, of (i::sionia. -o. ,,t f-,ni-d.'iy with Mr. and Mrs. J.dn ,. s-initi;. -Mr. 1. M. (Jainn Pa'Toti, Meek fthcrer and John l'r. -s!v S'n'.-!i sj.ei!t Monday in Charlotte. Miss Louise t-'niiih -pen Sunday in Spartatii.urg, where she attended lol'v Sunday's meeting. Sue wi'l t.-av,. Tues day tor New York to spend two or thrct. weeks. Mr. M. E. Smith. Mts lam. s J. Me. k Smith. H. E. Wright :,.,.( M. II. v,-' an I Mi-, Louise Smith. si -nt 'as: Ti: -. day in Chailotte. Dr E. W. J.'resly. of (.ire. ir. ilh , sp.--i: Stiturday in ( lover on ;.r.f'- -:m::i! b.:-i-Hess. The many friends of Mr. A J. Q.iinn are glad t. know that he is iinpriviug, after ling seriously sick for ten .lni. Mr. John Matthews, of Moo e-vi!!e, was a visitor in town Thursday. Mr. John ("aiinn. of Columbia, spent last Thursday here. Rev. O. E. Jones of Cohimhb. former pastor of the Baptist church h-re, spent Sunday with friend". Mr. M. E. Smith and son. Edward, and Miss Annie L-e Adams were vi-itors iu Gastonia last Saturday. Fine motto: -NTer put off toda what; you can -wear temerrow. J i A jirl isn't a jewel because she ha: a rick setting. 1 WW ki:fn in if he st IN PRICE CUT While Couv.tiy Anxious To Learn A n. ..-t , TWa., ttrndwr, Pll.ctin Iabr H re Of Elaborate Pre-! ;r,'iM"1 '"'"f l'1' UJ pr.r.-,t.or. Ear B.g Buainrn; News Out "'" ';"u,"'; ,,'"f ta: J-'"'"a y , is not guilty ot lorging the late Th- ' ', dure lioo-evt lt 's name to a note for i0.- Vv he ' i.:.a.-;-e pi .... .' . !''. According to the letter, Covel im- '.'..;. - ..i' in p. ti. .u: alteration persi mated Colonel Koosevelt, signed his Mi- tn . i. i c.-i a. .el ;n ti;.- famous nnme and got the money. Mrs. Burkett .'. .' pi in! br.i.el. a-.t by Bodge i ci-en! ir was convicted in New York city i.r.'l. l . c. : ...nths ago. The of forgery in connection with the case. r.csi. w.-.s i....e:-a: ;:l. m' bv the most (.'(lcl traid he is now serving a term in a j i ;.i ! tiie ef ouiilic curiosity .New York prison. .!:.' . tie- . :', '.C.en hi'ge Brothers first' i 'on ! said he had been a "Rough !.;!!. in.. Hi;' il wc-e about to mar- Rider" and ha. I .also worked for Mr. Ket a i .i ti.. .i i. !':;-'. I to t.-l! what I'.urkett while living in Danville. Ills. ! ii.. I oi a .. r i ..a going to be. i hat J,. said be greatly reaenihled Mr. Roose-v.e- a :n'o. . I r and often had forged the former i'.d . ! ,ate t led f..r a com- President ' name to papers. He said .;. : M. I i .-. I I. n e i .; lv on imblic ; fr!i. Ilarkett had no iden she was duped. : :.!ti ft ion. -,! .;;- it pertains to the. j a ,ro...!'t i.i-:e-c; cue ,,n January vy,,,l ..,. .,.. bread is cnmin.r down i ' w .' . i u 1 i ' a e in e.i d that they were'. ale -ul l.i i,i-i; a sal . -iant i.a I t eduction iu the i rice of j!,eir i and then declined' to till what !.. pr'aa , . o uhl he. I he laeie fa. ! t hat thev vculd nut tell un'il -'i ' ri;i r I i' a I evi-rvone ',.i"t to' kn 'V ', ia- ' iv . '.!.!: ! i. " . II. Ur.r.. t!c Hodge Brothers deal- .r a... v. a . a i.. . . ii a ,, the siiliict ... . . .. .. a,: .... the or ler of the iot. go i; ..i, !.l.di, wl.eti mil' on '.'.i- 'i i -1 . a i ''. . I , ' i !' tli. re wasn't a . liaia - - aa i -i litli" a ! v;t n ce iiii'oMiia tii .. oi..t;c.-e i.ri ,..." Then- were good te.lsl.le, tile M.'.i.. .-aid, W II V tlie lip : ' , slain' i ... ajveu on: iii tiiis particular! .'.'e.e, "an I il would he sure to turn out' t, " I bit the -1 ' .- ant t lie ..';. .lenler nine- ii ; . v:iv it lias been C'liiiK " '." I !." "be .le.iler I.I ha ' a a i lit n. i 11 in l. ..!- Muter i- ... . iirre.i. Tliat t'. lluw I I ! ooablv wanle l tin' ill . .aie liiis'iu.'-. reasaii. or r . a' a'si i ,-. I '. rla, pi lie .' it .'' .' li e.. IP . II lll.U , he i'..- I'.'l Ilia. 'I'll.' e-, at " ea'l. ll.lW.'Ver, '.-. - ..a., t ' a. a iinil.i las . . ! ' a -. 1:1 ;;:e te liave : i. . -'.- . a uia ail ' In si . . !. 4 ' an. I be r. a I lews. :i !.!) a...! et' nmKinR - i. a .'- ii 1 1. a a in- . it a . i'.-inii t" -nit :n..r Ii i. in 'I'." - H. I'. tia.i! ' . I 1 :..i en .u " ear; to 1 . . ; it i.ll.'i' ! .'li .' be- :.- i; .. I '. . : t v.a Ian- I. rued ; : ..I-.- .- -'. t p. :...-n '- V. a v.e aie ix-inc I- e " r. ' ' .11 tiai.!, tl. - " e '.a-1 . ' ae r : Ci ta aa T ion : . I ii .! .. I ime, et . ..iir-. i. -i i . I '..I- al I . i -I.e. I, I. lit 'la 1 '. a aa -eiits nil t lie .lay .a in. a" i 1 w' be lie. e-sa rv ;-..rt; - :. i a:i ;. ...jr e ' a . ' ! I ; ' I ' l! a I a i: a'lil er-. u- fi '.'t it, T a' t li i.t'.. .p. STBMAGH TRGB8LES (adtuTia LaJy lir.d Scrc?.bz Like btJipcj'ion Until Sis Tcck DIiclDrz-jgct, Then Get Al! RkM. Eejinr-.'", lid. 'Tome time afro 1 bad a vh-li .r-x-ll, ec!!'thns like ind pes'. loa. ' vriU's "tra. Cljr.t l'i-.-.enek, oi j;o.Ke C. Ulis rl'icc. ' I would j;et verj ?'. k at the siouiscb, anI ep:t or vciiiit, C::if-ei-,lJy iu tbe morn!r.s:". "T'eu I b.r.n tbe use of Thrdfordf 1'.!: r '(! ! -nvr-h. aftrr I tad tri-.-d olhei r'.'riii. . . 'i'hc a.' rt 1 .-'.! i,ia nrre t'.t.vtliias that 1, an 1 I t-ot all i;ghr. "i b .vn t fr-irel tnj-tttrr: . bettei than I'll; raurtr. Ti-'aen t-niTerlnf trom t:-.n'l": :asod br cfnstlratlan It i3 ra 1 .re. Can le taken Ir er Vjlvss &3 tho case calif nave tirr.c'.-.eb sic't ttomaet, indi ccr titiaii&c, ci YitT tbaTtceab'.e cj-irj-.ojiJ, Ukt '.ark-Drnught to help koep yoot yz.' M ,-vp frvm poiacn. Tl.j;'.r.-'.U r. ii rr.adt 'rom purely vii'et&bla inzi'tditxta a'-trt i,i Ro.t!?, natural Tray, f ad baf r.o tal r'fr-rtfects. - It usy Is sa'elj taktr. Ly yotma; or old. Get a T"- tie or Eladc-DrancM t vay. z.z'.zt vLi-tee f.;eauiue, Tb1ierd'a s. ro-r irzzUla. KC-1U , J, JM. I, HI. I. v-'J 1 f ' SAYS MRS. BURKETT IS NOT GUILTY OF FORGERY NEWPQHT. lXIL. Jan. i'.E A : : i.: . - l v...- S s ' "' -'. " ' l,,,.,,'.! ,-.. ,illrh A Fair Offer. Accept It. We extend a cordial invitation to any- one suffering with catarrh to call and see Hyomei . We will refund the mnn- ,,v jf Hyoinei loes not relieve. J. H. Kennedy' & Co. j 112 a C H B R H Bora ES3t U it ttsCC ii H n EH! KMP GA'STONIAN TODAY CONSTANCE TALMADGE IN "WEDDING BELLS" THURSDAY AND FRIDAY 7000 PERSONS APPEAR IN BIG SCENES OF DECEPTION See what she did to win a throne! mr mW hf i V -Zt&L v-. I THE real life-story of An- ill i iiiiJ i! ; .-j fi i :i Deception, A ROMANCE OF LOVES BEHIND A THRONE , m PRICES: Children 10c; Adults 30c annauncE a substantial reduction in the prices of their cars effective January .,1922 W.EWray E. Airline Ave. Phone 78 - if ji 'fit, I'ne Boleyn. The girl who mighty King Henry VIII. She won the crown of his queen, tore the mask from his intriffuea. unlit hia m- pire, then went the w a v f Ie other wives of the world's worst husband. Adolph uKor present t.i PROFESSIONAL CARDS. DR. CHAS. O. DeLANEY Announrea tbe oK'nin of bin offiee In the Kagan Bwliiirig. Praetice Limited1 to Genito-lTeinary Diseases. DR. J. C. SMALL CHIROPRACTOR 407-408 Fint Nat. Bank Buildiiit Phones 535 sad 845-J CoasnlUtion Free To AU.. G. B. POWELL OSTEOPATH 202 Realty Building Office Phone 161 Residence Phone 601 W, W. CALLOWAY AUD1TUK Public Accountant, Bank Exam iner and 0ffic Systematitet Charlotte tnd Atlanta Office Healdenca GASTONIA. N. C. B P. 0. Box 358 mill HW'BIIIWFiB III i II ! -'"ff-'MTfflHaW a)4ca)ofoce) inUM t? rir Public Accountant Audits, Systems, Cot Findingi S03 First National Bank Phones : Office C27 Evidence 848-L oceoea)eea CHAS. C. WILSON F. A. A Architect Member Am. Soc. C. E., Home Office 804-5-6-7 Palmetto Buildrnj! Colunbia. S. C. Brunch OffiecS 203 Firat National Bank Bld Gastonia, N. C. Ernest Coats, Mgr. 10 J Davis Building, Wilson, N. C G. R. Berryman, Mgr. The Best.Tonic FEELING run down and out of tune theSe'daj's? Eat our Bread plenty of it, morning', noon and night. It will build up your whole system and make the good red blood circulate. It's light and flaky and easily digested and will add relish. to your whole meal. Only the finest top-notch materials go into butter.nut bread That's why it's Best for you and Best for you? Pocketbook. 1 lb. Butter-Nut, Now 10c 1 1-2 lb. Carolina Maid, Pullman, now 15c 2 lbs. Miller's Crispy Top, now 20C Carolina Baking 1 Company Phone 63. , NEW CHERRYVILLE, BESSEMER j CITY AND GASTONIA JIT t NEY SCHEDULE. leavei (lierryville at 7:."0 ! 1:.".0 p. m. . -. j Leaves Gastonia at 10:.10 4:1 j p. m. ' ''-' ' Leaves Bessemer City for a. m. and a. m. and Gastonia 8 Cherryrille : a. m. and 2 p. m. : ' j Leaves Bessemer Cfty for 11 a. m. and 4:45 p. m. .-. FARE: I Cherryville to Gastonia I Cherryville to Bessemer City. I Becseinef City to Gastonia, . 75c 40e 35o time. We I We will cet you there on need your business to finance tbe line. HOTICB.- The offices of the Uinwoii ?reifrht and Passenger Agent "of the Carolina Northwestern Railway Company are now located in Gastonia, bc!ng on the second floor of the Groves building over Lof tin k Co. '''' We are prepared to quote passenger and freight rates and give information in regard to shipments to and from all pointsj Telephone No. 823. CAROLINA ft NORTHWESTERN . ' . ' RAILWAY COMPANY. 1 . i 7i .1

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