Hospital KDNIA DAILY ETTE n Weather: Local Cotton 161-2 Cents n Fair and Colder Last VOL. XLIII. NO. 32. GASTONIA, N. C, TUESDAY AFTERNOON, FEBRUARY 7, 1922. SINGLE COPY 5 CENTS Vote Wednesday For The Tuberculosis QMS 4 A PT7 HtAKLl 4,111111 VUltKS ABE REGISTERED FOR T. B. HOSPITAL ELECTION Gaston County Voters to De cide Tomorrow Fate of Tu- . . berculosis Hospital in the County Opposition Is gainst Any Increase in Taxes Short History of MoVe ment For Hospital. Wednesday, February 8, is the day for the holding of an election in Gaston . county on the question of -whet her or not there shall be built a tuberculosis hospital. The issue of the election are whether or not the county shall issue $150,000 in bonds to build the hospital and to levy a tax not to exceed eight j eents for support and maintenance. A new" registration was required by the term of the election. Registration in some quarter of the county ha been j unusually heavy. In other sections, n general apt by hat t haracterized the elec tion, and not much interest has been a rouaed in the matter one way or the! other. In the rural sections in the north- j cm and western sections of the county, j there is intense opjiosition to the mens- j ure. In Oastouia, Belmont, Mt. Holly and Cramerton, sentiment for the hospi-l tal is strong. According 10 Mr. John j C Carpenter, chairman of the campaign ' committee, the election will be deter-1 rained by the, vote of the four towus named above. Approximately 4,000 voters have regis-! tcrod for tin' elect i')n. A' partial list has been secured from Mr. Carpented, showing the registration by precincts over the county. Thin list shows a total of 3,786. There are a number of pre cincts, however, who9v' registration is not recorded. The movement for the hospital elec tion was boru some 18 months ago, and has been fostered largely by the women of the county. The late Col. C. B. Arm strong was tho first general chairman. Upon his death, no successor was elected until a month ago, when Mr. Carpenter was seUfted. The campaign for the elec tion has been tho civic clubs vigorously prosecuted by! of Ga.stonia. the doctors! and ministers and the public bealth nurses. Following is s partial list of the regis tration: Gastonia, No. 1 . Gantonia, No. " Gastonia, No. .1 . Oastonia, No. 4 . L'ljbinm'n ' HpenecT Mountain Tif rryville ...... Dallas Belmont Cramerton Mi'Adenvillt' Lowell tit an ley Lucia Bakers Kiscrs Carpenter's Alexis Glenn 's Union South Point o ::r.o r.::." :l -j .vo J.-)0 run 101 S4 til o." 101 111 10 DR. W. H. FRAZER TO SPEAK TO MEN'S BIBLE GLASS Annual Banquet of Men of First Presbyterian Church n i i f" i.l io do neia inursaay iik".: in Basement of New Build- j PR- Dr. W. II. Fraier, president of Queens College, will be the chief speaker at the annual banquet of the Men's Bible class of the Firt Presbyterian church to be held Thursday evening, February !. The banquet will be held in the basement of the Sunday school building. The ladies of the church will prepare and serve the feed Dr. Frazer is one of the best known after-dinner speakers in the South. His appearance here is being anticipated with much pleasure. 2o0 men are ex pected to attend the banquet. PROPOSE TO DIVIDE YEAR INTO 13 MONTHS OF 28 DAYS EACH "Liberty Calendar" Bill Proposed Would Establish Uniform System of Days and Dates Would Have New Month Called "Vern." WASHINGTON, Feb. 7. A national c-ouTenfion of business, professional and scientific men to discus the question of calendar reform with a view to endorse ment of a bill now pending in Congress to substitute for the present time calen dar one dividing the year into thirteen mouths of 28 days cseb, convened tirrre today at the National Museum auditori um under the auspices of the Liberty Cal endar Association of America. T h e "Liberty Calendar" bill, which has been introduced jn tho House by Representa tive Hehall, of Minnesota, with the en dorsement of tho association, would put the new time schedule into effect in to give the "other nations an opportuni ty to follow." The bill is advocated by the associa tion as affording standard time sched ule for every year which would definitely fix for all time the dates of every day of the week by the uniformed 23 day month division and thus dhspenso itb the need veuience of having to refer to these to Many Injured In Lexington Hotel Fire In Richmond (By The Associated Press.) EICHMOND, VA., Feb. 7. Three persons were known to be dead, twenty five injured, several probably fatally, asj the result of a fire here early today which destroyed (be Lexington Hotel and adjoining buildings. Several persons are, thought to have been caught under a ! wall which collapsed on the Twelfth Street side of the hoel. Many jiersonsj were injured in leaping from windows. Property damage was estimated at $130,000. The flames, starting in the Lexington Hotel, rrom a cause as yet undetermined,, quickly destroyed the structure and then j spread to the adjoining buildings oc-, cupied by ihe Havings Bank of Rich - aiond. the Penrl Laundry, Ihe Co-opera-; tive Exchange, the Andcrsou-Witon j l aiicr piani ami me v i.vue . oaunucra rnnting riant destroyed. which were practically j The known dear are: j Hiram 8. Austin, Fincastle, Va., who ; died in n hospital of internal injuries, j M. J. Fox, William sport. Pa., who died I on the way to a hoapftal. j C. M. Thomas, sheriff of Albcrmarle -county, Virginia, who' died of iutcrual injuries and a broken back EICHMOND, VA., Feb. 7. At least i four persons are dead and several re- imrted injured as the result of a lire which early this morning destroyed the plight, according to her sworn state Lexington Hotel and adjoining struc- ( nient . tnreu at Twelfth ami Main streets here.: jn a i,.ng(hy statement issued laRt Among those reported dead is C. M.; night Governor Kussell bitterly denounc Thomas, sheriff of Alliemarle county, ,,l the charge of Miss Birkhead as "an Charlottesville. Va. fcixty seven guests are reported to have been in the hotel building'at the time of the fire. 1 wo I the dead, at the Afemorial hos pital, are M. J. Fox, Williamsport, Pa., neck broken; and Hiram F. Atiii, Fin castle, Va., who died on the way to th ' hospital. ! Among the injured were: William O. ' Bailey, New York, badly burntsl about' the face: Paul Bigone. New York, frac tured hip; William P. Little, Ports-! mouth, Va.. and J. Hv Webb, Fincastle. Va. Besides tho Lexington hotel. ,,tl,rr buildings destroyed or badly damaged ' by the fire were the Clyde W. Saunders 1 " "K't . printing riant, the Pearl laundry, tho!00 an,, om' Wilson Paper Company. Savings Bank ! of Bichmond, Branch. Cabell t Co., and; ne "' wounu.M nvo women, i the Cooperative Exchange. O f the six- but J"? "c of '" a"tonitu-s. 1 tv seven guest, reported registered at!, ioihng an attempt to capture h.m ,t'he hotel, twenty eight were still unac 1,1 .h fa,I"S house, he eluded the pur counted for at 8:.".0 this morning. ' a ",osst; rm w',h nfl' f,or 80V' ! The following guests had not bee ac-! ,'ra.1 ,,1ou1"' .,vl'1'1' ,tl"' toivnsi,Pl.. re- counted for early this morning: ! ",""u'(1 J'rrica.)ed ,n their homes until ! Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Jones, Norfolk, i 5e "as fo.u'."1 ,,,ra,,V VK,im of om' of hls Va Klm-r R IVfTenhnnch. Vp-, I few remaining bullets. News, Va.; E. Maples', Norfolk; Herbert ' Dodd. Lexington, Va.; P. 1. Young, ' Richmond. Va.; B. H. Trice, Globe, Va.;' I. A. Crowder, Fincastle, Va. ; J. H. Hager, Boydton, 'a.; C. N. Hamilton, JarreMtsviile, Va.: N. X). Tucker, Wil- liainsburg, Va.; H. t. Cahoon, Fincastle, i Va.; W. P. Moorman. New Canton, Va.; W. S. Little, Seaboard Air Line Railway; II. S. Austin, Fincastle. Va.; ,1. A, Kir , si r, Columbus, O. ; C. H. linden, Oozct, Va.; E. T. Carter, C. S. Navy-: d. I. Overton, Nashville, North Carolina; .T. L. Kellam, Hampton. Va.; J. F. Uil , liard, Richmond; J. IJ. Jones, Norfolk; R. A. Pugh, Bowling Green; Thomas, ' Flanuagan, New York City; J. K Wood, (Goochland. Va.; William JIamlin, U. 8.! Army; and Galles, Buffalo, N. '. The belief was expressed that several: of these will be later accounted for. the hospitals. iM..i. ... . no-.. .1 a member of the House of Delegates, Tt-..: I II i;il. r-C 1 IKflmlrln l,n,. ' . i- j i .l. i u..t..l ... a I '"' , - badly injured aiKiut tue nacK as a resuii of jumping from a window. He was re moved to a hospital. His home is in Scottsvillu. Unknown Negro Killed. An imideiitifie-t negro man was struck, by a P. & N. passenger car on the trestle ( over 1-ong Creek, east of Mount Holly. last night about 7::0 o'clock and killed j ;lt.,.nmpanied in some cases by high ! instantly. Nothing was found on hlslwjn,H , Fajr tonight and Wednesday, colder body except a pocket knife and a razor. Freezing temperatures tonight, proha-j tonight ; nortwest gales on the coast, di and so far his identity has noo been rs-( j,iv South as extreme northern j mint"hing tonight. tablishcd. The body was brought to Gas-1 f.-j 0 ri 1 was forecast with heavv frost I tonia by the Ford I'lidertaking Company, , and though numerous' negroes have seen V- 1 I . .. r l.,,n nl.l,, iti j me nouy uiuiiv mmv ioi identifv him. . ' of yearly calendars and end the incon estahlish flip coincidence of "davs and dates." On ;t65 dav years the eld day! remaining would be disjKised of as "New Year Day" the first of the year, to In given no other designation and feTujned as a legal holiday. In "leap year"Nhe additional one day lap would tie disposed of by rreating a "leap year day" be tween the months of June and July, as a legal holiday. The extra month on the' calendar would be called "Vern," to in-'. elude the "Vernal equinox" and begin' spring. The proposed calendar would begin the i week with Monday instead of Sunday. ; Thus 1928 is selected or installing it, j advocates explained, because the next ' day after the first is a Monday. The; same dates for every month then would ; le fixed for each day of the week until the end of time. An estimated saving 1 of 23,000,(KiO a year now expended on ealtndars is one. argument of tho associa-! tion in support of the proposal. J DAMAGE SUIT AGAINST GOVERNOR RUSSELL TO BE CALLED AT MAYTERM. Judge Pat Henry, of Vicksburg, Will Defend Governor Miss Birkhead Said to Be in Pitable Condition Russell Denies All Charges. JACKSON, Miss., Feb. 7. The j $100,000 damage suit filed against Governor Lee M. Russell by Miss Frances C. Birkhead, of New Or- . leant, charging him with seduction and responsibility for a criminal abortion, will be called for trial at the May term of Federal court in ; thia city. e;opie 01 I lie tlociaratiuii ami Al iss n;rthead ' statement setting forth her alleged illicit relations with the governor wre procured lv (Jovernor Russell from fhe ,.lerk (lf the' court lust night :md he wag j conference until a late hour with friends and attonievs . Jt is understood that the governor defense, will be preparedby Judge Pat Henry, ot leksburg, ami James ( assi dy, of llrookhaven . These two attor neys defended Lieutenant Governor T. (. Bilbo several years ago when he was indicted for alleged bribe-taking. Miss Birkhead did not come to Jack son for the riling of her suit. She is now in Xew Orleans and is said to be :ui ! invalid as 11 result of the two operations I Ik.l 1... .... I . .... ,.-..w, i v.. ...., I her t?i. Inst, she underwent a surirical llllll I,aV i 'l til in i uriilil 'l. Wll .-.,' .... " operation at a New Orleans intirmarv, j wo hich time she has been unable to nn.t iu in l... in n l.itahle ! infamous blackmail CRAZY MAN WITH PISTOL KILLS THREE GEXKVA, Switzerland, Feb. 7. An automatic pistol in each hand, Battista Pestalacci. suddenly crazed, terrorized the picturesque Swiss town of Bellinzo na yesterday, killing three persona, wounding ten others and then committed suicide. ! He started at tlm railroad station where he held up a crowd waiting for : train, shooting and killing two brothers 'and wounding a third traveler. He then r1l",he.1 ,hr0l,Kh siJ- shooting pe- Ul I lift BiltHls one ot his victims later "'u- . " rcs,aUr.-.,n. j j nt i a ' j . . . i INTENSE STORM IS CENTERING OFF HATTERAS (By The Associated Press. WASHINGTON. Feb. 7. Warn ing of a storm of "marked intensi ty" central near Cape Hatteras, was issued early today by the weather Bureau, the storm, the Bureau ad vised, will move rapidly northeast ward and north, shifting to north east winds and gales. Storm warn ings have been extended north of the Virginia Capes to Boston, Mass. i Storm warnings are displayed on the Atlantic coast from Jacksonville, Kin., I In Un.lnn .,u The coast storm, the Wi'ather Bureau ., . ..... i wtol , win iiune i.ii-Kiiy hum iieasi v a I u move. T; and will be followed bv generally fair the weather tonight and WednewbTv in States east of the Mississippi river. The Cape Hatteras disturbance came from Louisiana, the bureau said, and was I .-itli-niteil bv iireeinit.'i I ion almost t'ctlcral lv east of the Missiasipjii river. SnoMBtorms iu Virginia caused irou ! i,k, to teh graph wires while points along I th(, m;,,lle Atlantic coast reported snow ; central Florida mid light to heavy frost in the interior of Florida. Reactions to somewhat higher temper atures, was promised for Wednesday in Teiincswc and F.ast Gulf States. i 1 Cotton Market CLOSING BIDS ON THE j NEW YORK MARKET WW vrvnis- r i '..ti.... . 1 ll,v, mio. a. s-.MvUlt tun's closed steady. j March lfi..V; May Id..;1.; July 15.SS;! 1 1 I I i i: i October lo.oo; December lo.oo; iP'its 18.H3. TODAY'S GOnON MARKET Cotton Seed , . Strict to Good . .49'Jc; ..16VicU Middling t COMMUNITY CHORUS PRACTICE TONIGHT. There will be regular practice for the Community Chorus concert in tha auditorium of the Chamber of Com merce at o'clock this evening. Prof. Hoffmeister urges that every member of the chores be present at this practice. Another opportunity wilt be gives to any who desire to join hut have not as yet done so. I I I !: PROMISES NEVER AGAIN TO DYE HER CATS NEW YORK. Feb. 7. Miss Mar- caret Owen, 22, a singer, has herl freedom because she has promises. Magistrate Hatting that she will) never atain dye, her cats to harmonue with her house draperies or the vivid hued clothing she wears. Mia Owen was hailed before the magistrate when agents of the Socie ty for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals testified she had dyed a valu able pet feline blue to match draper ies in her home. The animal died, witnesses testified. "If I consent to be lenient," said Magistrate Hatting, "I want you to go back to Florida and stop dveing cats." She promised. JEWIBEUEF CANVASS WILL BEGIN THURSDAY Mass Meeting Tonight at the Court House Canvass to Begin on Thursday Instead of Wednesday. hince announcement w:n made in Monday afternoon's Gazette in regard to the miirt meet in cr an I canvass f.,r the Jewish Ki lief Fund, some slight changes have been found necessary. The m:it meeting tonight nt eight oVIork will be held in the Court House, and not iu the Chamber of Coiiimeree rooms, as the lat ter will -lie in iim' by the community (horns. It hns nisi been ileeided, on ;n ei.i i t of the bond election Wednesday, to be gin the drive for funds mi Thursday, February S, instead of Wednesday. From February 1 to Pebruary Jilth a thorough canvass of the city will be made for in dividual subscriptions to the fund. A cordial invitation is given the jreneial public to attend the mass meeting at the court house tonight. Mr. A. G. II. Cohen, southern field director, will bo present and make an address, and then will Ik- several local speakers. The meet ing, however, will be short. SELECTING REVENUE SOURCES FOR THE SOLDIER BONUS (By The Associated Press.) WASHINGTON, Feb. 7. The prob lem of selecting -revenue sources to de fray the cost of a soldiers' bonus meas ure rested today iu 1he hands of the majority members of the House Ways and Means Committee and the Senate Finance Committee. Informing the ma iority members of the two committees nt White House conference tat,, yes'.r . that whatever bonus bill was enact. s. .: ! carry a revenue provision. I'res-i dent liardinjr joined in an agreement that the., should confer jointly on the question of how the revenue should be raised, with the understanding that when a decision n reached it should be sub niitted to the President vfith a view to his concurrence. ' JJiscussion at the conference of vaii ous mi-nns of raising the necessarv mon ey was miid to have resulted in no ecu elusions. It was believed today the inter-committee conferences will lein probably a day or two after the ap proaching conclusion of the bonus l.eai ings before the House Committee AMERICAN LEAtV'E MOGULS IN SESSION TOMORROW . DETROIT. Feb. 7. Prank .1. Navm, president of Ihe Detioit club, left to i day for Washington to attend the Ameri can League meeting there tomorrow, I when, it is ixpected vm:e trade mav- be i effected to bring an intielder to the locals j in exchange for Outfielder Bob ea. h. ! Manager Cobb also will attend th ! Washington parley, coming i.p fi -ni Ids home in Augusta, Ga., in respons, t0 ' Navin ' request . Tin- Detroit owners) nio unci rtam as i to the outcome of the trade negotiations, I but have let it be known that Kvereti fcs-ott, of the Y.'inki es. or doe liigan. of j the b'ed Jon. arc the out., inli' ld'-i s nil 1 will be conM'iel'i-d Ml an exchange. THE WEATHER CHAMBER OF COMMERCE CALENDAR. Tuesday. 2:00 p. m, Meat and milk in spection committee. 3:00 p. m. Franklin Avenue traffic committee. 4:00 p. ra. Department of Conventions and Public Affairs. 7:00 p. ra. Chamber of Com merce Glee Club. 8:00 p. m. Community Chorus. Wednesday. 9:30 a. m. Mr. Quicker s committee Rotary Anns. 4:00 p. m. Department of Publicity. 5:00 p. m. Community Ser vice Play rehearsal. Thursday. 5:00 n. m. Community Service Play rehearsal 7.: 30 p. m. Pythian Band. Friday. 7:00 p. m. Chamber of Com merce Glee Club. -8:00 p. m. Community Chorus. S FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 17th. 7f30 p. m. Membership Meet ing Address by Dr. Chas. A. Eaton. Governor Morrison is FOR INCREASED SUPPLY FOOD PRODUCTS IN STATE (Appeal by Governor to People: of State to Increase Raising I of Foods to Avert Disaster i 1 Threatened by Boll Weevil j 1 There Is a Hazard in1 , I ntAiartitrv lV. Art aii Pvami n ' 1 Food and Supplies Purchas- J ed elsewhere - More Hogs, Cows and Poultry. Xoitl Carolina has been pushed to a comparative position amniig the o' the 1'iiion in the production i: tarns of money crops lor the I ; but our whole agricultural life . . i- - V i -- i l :he fact that we have Id tit production of iutlieient on tic : a mis of (lie Stat.- to make r i. u!-ma I life independent, and Mate on o n. a rh Js vv i liecie f I ear give i; ieissl! crops, ca uses iiiilil I years of tin be -lor rut. ' ' A h ed ie i limit v ec,'!i lo -and the periodic of riiViorti to - 'llip ii inn- to the money up in prices, or ot.'ier i.r. M uih improve i'lc in the last few I ' weakllesl there is yet much to .lid to ''et out of a t : -tat I, I: is I'C i nt a ;.! Imrity dts-Iar-T b, i . is not a single tati in which there is o.l in value or quantity and animal lii of the nt.v : III the ' IH'lleli ' Ii 1 1 ill : 1 1 ra ise-l for th. c.ieuty. 1 iidcpi intent l of the approach of the Ho II Wtewl, this phase of our agricul tural life siioiil.l be strengthened through out the Mate; but the approach of t lie Boll Wnvil threatens a serious blight to a lar.- area of the State, particularly the gnat areas, devoted largely to the ; growth of cotton. Jf the Boll Weevil ; should have the devastating effect upon I tile crops this year in the cotton sections I of the rstate that it lias had in some of ' the Stales to the south of Us, and if t he ' people in the cotton sections of the State do not ruse more food supplies for them selves an. I their animals than they have j heret 'fi'i,. raised, it will certainly re 1 suit in vvidi spread suffering and destitu tion. This threatened danger and dis 1 tress can be largely averted, if it conies, us there is icasonahle ground to fear it n, av, and at the same time, a policy a I do). ted in the agricultural life of t he : Jstate which will greatly strengthen the whole life of our people, not only ill the cut t in sections, but in the entire Jslate. W e must so i.rder our iigricutture as not to niuire the immuiso out lav of mom y rendered necesary largely to ; buy tin food upon which tne people live who grow aioin y crops iu the Mate for the liiaiket. The small farmers and "eiiauts cannot stand the periodic slumps which in-, -ar i nun various cuiises. and the wealthier inn and large laud owners cannot withstand the Boll We-vil blight, if it comes, and In-. I th"ir tenants and fa i m laborer through ii. Having our fe, d eUewhcle and requires too iinn-h raising money crops capital, and is ten hazardous tor iu:r on an exti nsiv e sea 1 have iiiado i v e ii-.ten st and active iple to eligag. i (Tort t'l cx.'ite the ffoits of 'the Mat" I'ollege of tie- Agl leu Viticulture a nd Kngii"'iring. ural llepart nn nt, the IVpa rt- no lit of lobe it ion, and Ihe Health De-I'.-ii'i in-lit of tin- Mate Government to load tin- poop'e to organize and prepare -.itlmut .hlav to iin r. as.- the produc J'oii of food raisvd m tin- State for home c.-nsiiin pi ion. lo.t only in tim threatened areas, but in the whole State. These lit. at .lopartm nts of our State Govern ment are si-h-ndi-lly organized and eipiip Jn-d t-i help the people ill this .'ill im portant matt- r. and 1 in v are noiv moving wi'h i norgy thi-mgh their spien-lul r gani 'a! ion of i ' i r no -l to help. 1 a pea', to the JC" their a-tive eo of 1,e rat ni vhole S'ate f r in the nuivc- mi nt . We Must Increase Our Home Supply Of Meat. i ai t ' l-e- f p 'itai'lv in a Stati . ,li- call ill i v ot i'h n dcs-'i i i o'lr long ii i ito r se.i larg.- nr- raise h'y 1 -.on oi: a.- I tin 1,1 -nut o and ci.-aidv a- it call be i a t i." 1'nii n. U'c lnnst ii at sn iply thr ugh hogs We ,.i'i rai-e vegetables of .r an 1 P-..lni'-st t rv v i r v ii'. a ill V ii-ov n i . ' v . an I ,.! ibilMv k. CP 1 1 1 o I 0 i n than 11 ea n . I f vi . ice of 11. a be d"iie i isi v. hie in would hut r'-a'ii.'.e the s .na'ter. we -vvnnld th' inn make 1.,, meat Oiho: f.'.vi -lie:-! s. pl.-iititid in on t in- I'm n:. ' ' tiittiiiL: coiopar. lay. vvitii tic- 1 ivi'ivins it. win- i e i .-k- n. turk.-v and , ye, batter and n.i'k Ma'-', parti. -ul-ir'y ,,r food bill wail'.-', be t,i the enoniivn.S outlines-; hazard neenm vve now aniuialiv pa v. ' l.i.l. I,, iidi-ntlv of the IJoll Weevi'l threat. Uvaa-e of the periodic slumps in the prids of,.-! and toba-'en. row rais"' I a' i:--h i im rre -i i haarl njwn jmr-ba- ! -iipolic-i. tne Mate ought to tronu ii hnisly increase hog and poultry raising, hi no- gardening, and the MJppiy rf milk, butter and r'CS in the ."state, not for the purm-sc of making them our money rops. but in order to have abun dant, wholesome and cheap food, what ever vicisit tides n,av overtake tin monev crops: but the approach of the '.:' Weevil makes it ahsuljtc foilv not to do SO. I And furl '.or. iliiteiate. and unin ' foriinsl jieopie uiiijl.t to is- mad" more generally invar.- of the supreme impor tance to health of tne balanced ration, and of an 1 world's knowledge of the necessity of nutritious and varied foods. ' In furtherance ot the foreg iug pur- iios - . ami in co-Mcraiiuu nu "r i- : .ai. ,1.. kli.a.,. of Airrieiil'iir.- nud Kngineerinz.1 the Hoard of Agriculture, the Depart-! nient of Health, and 1 1, Department of , K. ucution. I atuieal T rne iH.Hvpi oi ' j the tt;ite to Lave community meetings, niel givo coif-iib-raWon t" this iinpor j (Coaliiiueai on inula su.) P F FflRMFI? RIITI PR TH 1 uiuiilii uu i llii i u T A Y I flR K f HAflfiFfl WITH THP iniLuiij iu uiinnuLu ithu iul HER OF FILM DIRECTOR ; Sands Is in Nevada and Sent to Constable to Hold Him - Funeral of Taylor Will Be Largely Attended - Plain Clothes Men to Attend. LOS ANGKLKS. CALIF., Feb. 7. A telegrajihic warrant charging Kdvvai l F. Sands, adas Kdward Fitz St rat luiiore, former but h r to William Hestiiou l Tay lor, with the murder of the iiiin director in his apartments here, was issne, by the Los Aug. les poiice department late last night and wired to Constable A. B. Berniug at Carlin, Nevada, according to information received by the Los Angeles Examiner this morning. The peliee acted, it was stated, follow ing the reci ipt of a telegram earlier in the evening from Constable Berning that he had under surveillance there a man whose description was said to answer to that of Sands. A complete iltScription of Sands was telegraphed to C-ns'lable Beruing with instructions to take the suspect there in l to custody, provided be answered the de tails pictured by the local police. Another angle of the case involved the 'h-ng ,'iml gruelling" examination, as the detectives described it, of a well known nint ion picture actresi at. her home. They declined to name her. tint 'admitted she was one of a number who have indicated intimate friendship with Taylor. ") i While these developments were in progress nr.d the police were sifting the constantly arriving 'Mips'' on the case tr -m varimis sources, preparations were bting made tor the funeral of the dead director this afternoon. This also was not overlooked by the police, for not only were ten uniformed men detailed to keep in order the great crowd expected to gather about St.' Paul's Episcopal pro-Cathedral at two o'clock thin afternoon, but a number of plain clothes men also were assigned to funeral duty in the hope that even there tiny might observe a clewrfo the murder. Taylor's body, eiad in the uniform of a captain in the British army, has been viewed by thousands of friends and others in the undertaking establishment where it lies awaiting today's rites. Men, women and children have gone there to see it, the film notable being in the minority, it is reported. But the shop girl and the vvorkingmen have niadei up in number for the absence of screen actors But flowers have come from nmnv mo lion picture sources, including Mary Mi ie Minii'r. film actress, who sunt a huge bnipiet of black prince roses. Mis- M inter took a last look at her friend Fri day afternoon. Mabel Nomiand, another actress, who w.i.n one of the last to see Taylor alive, viewed his body for the last time at the impiest Sat urdiiv. While thr funeral is in progress, eva rv motion picture studio in Los Angeies will tie closed. As the capacity of the pro-cathedra i is limite 1, half of the seats will be' sit aside for mcmbirs of fhe film colony, an the othei half for tin- public ill general. It is bi In ved there will lie ninny times as many ontshle as inside the building. Eight active pallbearers from tin numbers of the motion picture dire -tor's as'oeini ion and eight hoiiorarc niii s from ti e British Overseas Club l ave been named. In addition there will Lc a tiring sipiad of Canadian rxse:vue men. who will lire a salute over the cas-ki t -.1 the celin iery. The v.rv le v. William M.ieCorpia. k. dean of St. Paul's, will read the Initial si i -, ice. '1 In- i-o Iv will be taken to H.d'v.v"0 ! i-iineteiv and phu ed i na vault uetd re la'ivts -h t. rmiiie upon final disport ioa. A sci ntc I note dropped from one of T.ivlor's books wile police de!e-!ivis vi. n- making an examination of bis ot leets. according to the Los Allgeles Ex ani'rei, ii t i nei y id a follows 1 1, a rest ' I lov. was on the Marv M"iles nioao ra ine.i T: M inter. It rea V Oil I lov e v on 1 1..Y,- ' ' Yo.irs alwav s. Marv." The '"x" was two inches in height follow.' 1 by an i xclatnatioii point an inch in height. Marv Mih-s Minter did not deny au- P. & N. Station To Uptown To Temporary Arrangement by P. & N. Authorities Eventually, the Directors Will Build Handsome Station on Property. Lff'eetive within the next .10 days, or' ps ron as possible thereafter, tho 1 & N. passenger station will be moved from its present uptown location on Main' street to the corner of Broad and Frank-. lit, Tin. la.i.. nnf Ltihi .'b.ul.l I.,- i i.,ni..,r. iti i-, ,..,--i..i .t.J i ticket ofliee and nasttenirer station. Thei building will be reiiKxleTed entirely and ! converted into a rommcxlious station.! Acconung to plans snnounee.1 toony, a . .. . . will lw hnill inA iv -r.l nf thai prIM.rty. and trains wiiT lie run up to i 'the porch of the bouse which will lm , into a status u stform. A a station platform. A (ward renioviujr cotigesitinu from the slie-l will be built ovr: town streets in'onia. All large umbrella tOTiC' Car rirj; stop at this station. It Telegraphic Warrant Is Ono-ship of the h!t,r, according to tha Kxaiiiim r. "1 -lid love W iliiam Tay lor," she said, "I hived him deeply and tenderly with all I n admiration and resjx-et a young gnl g-.v.-s to a man with the poih anil culture of Mr. Taylor." " Taylor a -id Miss M inter met at Santa Barbara two years ago. He was her director. The latter went to New York with 1 1. company. The wealthy young New York man who was reported to have left Los An geles on the day following the killing of Taylor, and who was enamored of one of the motion picture actresses whom poliea have been ipn-s! inning in connection with the ra-i . was located last night by priv ate detectives. AccoMing to gave an a"cei:n' say pra. t icillv coiisi lera! io.i iu case lb was hotel. In!, rest for several davs thes'i investigators h of himself which they eliminates him from connection with the located ill a downtown bad centered upon him because he was said to U- a port- rejected suitor of an actress re infatuated with Taylor. Among two let) schoilt Tavior's lili-cts were found s, written in a well known 1 1 co le of straight lines and dels. One of these, deciphered, read as 1 otlows : "1 love you - Oh, 1 love you, "1 had to come down liecause mamma, remarked that I always seemed to feel rather hippy after being,out with you.- "So here I am camouflage, "Furthermore. I tun feeling unusual!? fine men cam on tin go. I w i t, e you later, God love you as do.' 1S22 GASTDN COUNTY FAIR TO BE FEATURED BY LIVESTOCK EXHIBITS Mecklenburg and Catawba County Cattle Will Again be Seen at County Fair Gaston County Breeder to on the Job. I'rospects for the Big Gaston County Fair in October surpassing even th mark set last (h tolier are already bright, so far as the live stock department i concerned, i: was sialed by the execu tive se.-r, tar.v of the fair today. Ina nuich a- the Jersey contest promise to In nni. I. hot'er than last year and cov' ring i wil.r t. rritory, arrangement! a- n.-'-v :'-iiig made t bring one of th tuns' Hotel Jersey judges in America t .nidge tin- dairy show. ; Allen spent part of Saturv -lay in Mecklenburg and while he -did not sis- all of the exhibitors who were live las; fall, those seen are enthusiastic uvr !, treatment accorded them hcnj: and fully iatind t.) come back with a laigir herd than ever representative of the best ill Mecklenburg. C.V;iW;.!t conii'y is expected to be on iik with the best that can lie rounded up ti en the famous herds of that coun-. tv. Fi em a-siuMUces recently received it is probable (hat some of the most fam ous Jeis ys iii Georgia, ehatnpions at , the SouShenstorn Fair in Atlanta, will b rntei.,1. While Gas'oii county breeders will hiv - opportunity to contest for aome premiums without opposition from th outside somo of them lire planning to go up nonius! vvLi'ever comes in the open to the world contests. $2,000,000 HOSPITAL FOR TUBERCULAR EX-SERVICE MEN SAN Ki;ANClCO. Feb. 7. T h tv government today completed the pur chase of "Joo acres of land four miles from l.ivcrinore, near here, and will con struct on this property a $2,000,000 hos pital for the treatment of tubercular ex service iiiea. Major I.. T. Grant, diree tor of the l'nit-l States Veterans' Bu reau in sau Francisco, announced last night . Be Moved From Jennings Corner yet whether the smaller city ears wilT make use of this arrangement or not. Preparations for the eonvertinj for the eonvertinj of this property into a station hays already In gun. i roni the mam line on I rankui Avenue u switch will be? built into tha property and the shed constructed. Ex- cavating for thia purpose has already ba- l,n- This arrangeinenf by the I. and H !., a - I- a. .... 1.. il. oniy Temporary, j-veniuuuy, w. ora idan of the director to erect on this profn'riy a handsome new station. Th new arrangement will go a long ways to- HM removiUJ cougextintt Irani jtte np- ui w 'iinwii ti at nv --

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