f T7 Weather: Local Cotton 16 1-2 Cents Fair and Colder VOL. XLIII. NO. 33. GASTON I A, N. C, WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, FEBRUARY 8, 1922. SINGLE COPY 5 CENTS OASTONIA DAILY IAi,jc 1 1 It FORMER ARMY TRANSPORT IS DESTROYED BY FIRE Forty Mile Off the Jersey Coast Caught Fire Crew Abandoned Ship and Rescu ed by Other Vessels Was in Constant Use During War Hauling Soldiers to and from France. NEW YORK, Feb. S. The former transport Northern Pacific which last claimed headline, in 1919, hcn she rashed onto a sand bar off fire Mind. with 3.000 American soldiers she was with 3.000 American soldiers she was bringing back from France today was destroyed by tiro forty miles off .'ape May, N. J. A truckle of the radio early (his morn ing brought word that lire bad broken out aboard the swift steamer and that fcho was a ma ml of flames. ) Later messages reported that she hud been abandoned by Captain William LLudti, and lier skeleton crew who were taking her to dry dick in (liester, Pa. Rescue of all her erew by steamships which had rushed to the seene next was , recorded. . The latest message stated that the ves j acl, blazing fiercely and listing hard tflj starboard, was drifting southeastward, j i NKW YORK, Frhr. Fire which j broke out on board the former I'nitcd I Hates transport Northern Pacific, off j i'ape May, N. J., nt l-o 'elock this innrii-! ing, swept through the ship and at dawn! was raeinir uncontrolled, saic a wireless dispatch received here at l:t" At that tune it appeared the be a total Ions. ship vvmiu j , . For a time there was ssmic alarm over j the iate of four i midlives of (he Sun bhijbuilding Corporation of Chester, Pa., who were on board, but the dispatch stated they had been picked up -by a steamer standing by. The entire per sonnel of the buiiiin,; vesxel vva believed to bo safe. The tire wan still eating its way through the ship at S:!iit a. in., radio ad vices viid, and at Hint time it apparent ly was only a matter of a few hours be fore she would burn to the water 'm edge. The Herbert (!. Wylie and the transpor tation, which picked up all the survivors, ttlnfiiii'd f'l luiivii fur I 'llitriilelnhia tllisi' ' i xorenoon. , The position of the burning vessel j was reported to be miles nort hcast , by cast of tlie r ivo atliom hank light- Rlim nr ahnnt .111 miles due east, of Cane' ....... .... - - ..... . , . .uii.ii.i ,V71,4I,.( ,MJ .,. I . Mav. ' I corner, while the workmen appeared t The wirehss calls for aid sent out by : ,0 concentrating their efforts on the the flaming utenmer w lirst answered j northeast corner of the ruins around by the Herbert G. Wylie and the Trans j VWIV the elevator had been. The eleva portation, -which reported at o o'clock tor shaft was a roaring furnace, accord that they had picked up boat,; contain i jj, t0 ti, iKut i10ft. ,.erk and it is not ing nu mbers of the Northern Pacific 's j believed that any one would hav e sought crew. j it as a means of cgrees. A tew minutes later the Wylie sent a, radio, saying she had pieced up -., boat containing the second unite, the second i all, Ash. occupied rooms on the third ami engineer, two sailors and one oiler or i fum-tli Honrs toward the southeast cor fireman. ner. Mr. Fierier went into the hotel The second mate of the .Northern Pad-, leaving his automobile outside. What tic, when picked up by the Wylie. asked i,,.,.,,,,,. f j,i, js not known. His name that the Transportation be asked if all does not appear on the hotel register men employed in the steward 's depart-j meiit of the burtiina .ship were safe, add ing "thev were virtunllv trapped bv the! fire." ' " j Tho Transportation replied that all the nun under the supervision of thej Northern Pacific's steward -were safoj and on board the rescuing vessel. The Northern Pacific was built in; 11H5 by tlie William Cramp and Son's; (Shipbuilding Company, of Philadelphia, I for the Great Northern Steamship Com-I pany. When the I uite l States entered the war, the vessel was taken over by j the American Government as a t ranspor! ,! and was in operation during virtually the entire period of the subsequent struggle, j During the early summer of lHUM'. tho Northern Pacific carried General Persh-, iug on his; trip through the Antilles and I the Carribbean, but she came to grief at San Juan, Porto Rico, where .she went ashore at the harbor entrance dosing the port for some time, i'pon her re lease she returned to the l'iiito.1 States. The contract for reconditioning the Northern Pacific had been awarded the fciuu. Shipbuilding Corporation, of Ches ter. Pa., it was announced here. H. F. Alexander, . president of the company, said tho vessel was to be com pletely outfitted in ninety days at an ap proximate cost of 30O.fiO0. fcho then wan to have loen renamed th X. F. Alexander and placed in servii by the Admiral linn between Seat! JHanFrancisco and points ou the soutlu; California coast. It was intended ship would leave for the Pacific cc on Mav 27. St EXPECT CONGRESS TO ADJOURN ABOUT JUNE WASHINGTON, Feb. S. Ratilica linn .f tli :irniH i-nnf prpniT- trentiea nml i ....I.,.., nf tl, n tnriff. Hnldiers' l.nn.iu I farm credit and merchant marine bills, I with adjournment of Congress about ! June 1, wan understood today to have been agreed upon by President Harding and members of the House and Senate ! Steerine Committees n the legislative eoal for the present session. This pro gram was said to have been decided Up on at the White House dinner c anference attended by the majority leaders last night. It was said to have 1 n agreed that th treaties, which the President expects to present to the Senate ihis week, would le given the right of way nntil the tar iff bill is reported by the finance com mittee, the two then to l considered al ternately,, The President was said to have been assured by senators that there was proset of little if any opposition to the treaties. JAP NAVY DEPARTMENT STOPS WUKA vn amra. TOKIO, Feb'. 8. Tho 'avy Iepart-' nient has ordered doekyards to stop con- st ruction work on eight battleships and battle cruisers now on the ways which are to be wrapped in jicconlanco with the Washington c.oufereuce "agreeuicut . North Carolina A Narrow Escape From Death In The Richmond Hotel Fire Mrs. L. G. Daniels and Daughter, Miss Drucilla Daniels, Awakened by Scratching of Cat on Door, Barely Escape From Lexington Hotel. (By The Associated Preas. RICHMOND, Va., Feb. S. A char- I '" ody. burned beyond recognition. the first taken from the rums sii.ee the Lexington hotel was destroyed fir early yesterday morning was round, by workmen at 1 0 : 50 o'clock this morning, This brings the number of known dv from the fire to four. ' ad; I RICHMOND, VA.. Feb. s. - Search' of the ruins of tho Lexington hotel fire for the bodies of several missing or un- accounted for guests today was expected to add to the death toll of yesterday's conflagration here, when three men were' killed by leuping from window.-, and nine- teen other persons suffered injuries that necessitated their removal to hospitals. f.v,.ral persons who buffered from shock and wlight injuries are not now in the hospitals, n,j,.f 0 police Sherry said early to ,iay that thus far there aro only three known dead. Laborers worked through- , ast nirjht removing debris in effort to find bodies in the ruins. Search is yet to )L. ,a.lc j,, the ruins of the forward l;lrt 0f the building, where menacing as ari. J(.t landing. 1 Bodies of from o to 20 persons arc IJIllll ll HI 11117 111(113 111 UHI Jll .IUCIUII lloUili ;i(.,.01ljng to t, ,st information gained by the police following an all-day! .,n,i all.n'ight search for missing guests Though workmen, aided by a tractor and many automobile trucks, labored all last night and this morning removing tons of fallen bricks and other debris, no trace of bodies has been found. Four per sons, three of them local men, aro be-; lieved bv their friends to have perished. They are: K. T. Cox, part owner of the hot.d; II. L. Miaw. railway conductor of this citv; Samuel Ash. of this city, and ' T. I). Pkrier. of Yonkers. X. Y. j t Side walls of the building were Intii down yestirdav afternoon in an effort to, make safer the work of clearing awayj ' . .' the itcliris, 1 ,- 41. rt .,nnr..l 'tilief' th,(t tl)(J wor1c ,iml b,,fn bogun ,t w,.ng j,;,,-1 of the building, as it was tin concensus of opinion that the victims WPr(. buried near the extreme re .or f H. i i...ii.i;nrT n...l 4n-...l tli., annthu-ect of-those who. it is believed, are buried ; the ruins, three. Messrs. Cox. Shaw and it is thought possible that he called on Mime guest of the hotel. The scratching of a pet eat on the batinooni door no doubt wived the lives of Mrs. L. C Daniels, and her daughter. Miss DniNilla Daniels, both of Raleigh, N. (.'., who were trapped on the fourth door of the Islington and narrowly es caped being burned alive. ' Mrs. Daniels and her daughter oc cupied a room on the fourth floor in the nar of the biiil.linii and were the only porMlI1s sleeping at that end of the hall, They were awakened shortly after vine k by the sharp grating noise made )iV t)10 ,.at f,cratching on the door. "I i,im r,l immediately out of bed." Mr ilinjols said, "and upon opening the bathroom door, detected smoke. I then .,! ,. lUMir leading into Hie hall ...,,1 .. ,,f ,,1, Mnoke rushed intc the room and the Haines wen not many yards down the hallway. "My .laughter and I did not have time to dress and went out of the win dow to the fire escape in our tight cloth ing. We jumped from the file escape to a roof beneath which was so led from the tlaincs that our feet were severely burn-( cd. When we landed on" the roof we were in an awful quandary as to how to , PTTV mTJNCJJ. A Vrl -A. A 'PROGRAM OF Linwood Street From Franklin Paved at Once Many Other !, M..H R,V D-l-Mtion Faces Citv Council. Jelegat ions from, many sections of the. li'y appeared before the city council Tuesday afternoon asking for paved street and sidewalks. The recent spell f bad weather and mud has aroused the people living on unpaved streets. Many of the streets have been almost linj.as sable for the past two or three weeks. Linwood street in particular has been a veritable quagmire. It is almost im possible for nnto traffic to get through. From tliat section of the city a large delegation was present Is'fore the coun cil seeking Telief. In view of the fact: that the county intends oon to hard surface the road from the city limits to; Linwood Collece. residents of this street thought this an oiiK)rtune time fori the city to pave the street from Frank-1 lin Avenue to the city limits. Those, appearing in behalf of the paving were Messrs. ltovd, Gillimn, Dixon, and Revs.' C. J. Blark and Ii. C. Loutr. Messrs.! Anthony and others from the) eoutit3- were also present. The council decided to proceed at once to the paring of this street. It was also ordered that tho following streets be paved, petitions to this effect having been already present ed to the board r , . . Columbia street from Franklin to 3rd Women Havei: get to the strict and we could not sec a i hoiiI anywhere, iut heard groans and , rHBtrcssing RUUU( ,., ,.,.. . . ; . ss broU tn Mass m oming from below. no other escape, we window of an adjoining building which window cxtcLiled above the roof. Our hands and feet were 'utjft by the broken gias.s, but wo were able to i our wa-v ,lmv" fliht ot li,i,irs to the urst floor ami into the streets. - , , TOLD OF TERRIBLE CONDITION OF JEWS, j j jrr, a. G. D. Cohen Addressed Mass I Meeting Last Nizht Local Men Also Made Pleas Canvass For Jewish Re- j lief Fund Begins Tomorrow. A small but enthusiastic audience of , liastonia business ineu. heard, at the court house last night, from Mr. A. (i. ; 1). Cohen, Ninthern field director of the Jewish Relief Fund, a graphic, descrip-! tion of the terrible condition existing I among the Jews in Kuiopc. Mr. Cohen made a magnificent plea for the starv- j ing and suffering people of his nuti mali i ty In those Kuroncjen eountries which! have never yet emerged from the horri-1 ble conditions brought about by the i World War. Mr. J. II. fcsepark presided over tho; meeting and brief but telling talks were mad'- bv Rev. lr. J. II. Hetiderlite, Rev. I ' A. L. Stanford, Rev. U. It. fiillespie, ' Rev. J. W. C. .lohnston, Iti v. V. C. Har-1 rett and Mr. J. I.ee Robinson. j Plans were perfected for the local, canipmgn ".c, eo,i,...e..ees , ,n,orro. !t 1S ''Xl'e-ted that (inntonia will, in this! '. 1 "n vious cases of this, kl' 1" ' lt.V l.V the down-j friVihleii nnil Niitleiitur lienti es nl the. ' loUoiung is the personnel ot the can- vaswiUK coininniei . fj. rroiuiwiii, Kirby, W. Hugh Wray, Chas. Ford, J. If. Kennedy, 1). Lelnvitz, Jno. It. Ran kin, Jno. L. Deal, Fred L. Hmyre, K. J. Rankin. Alex Sherman, W. Y. Warren. (jcO. B. Mason, M. Silvcrstein, A. A. Armstrong, R. C. Patrick, W. 15. Morris, .1. Hoti'gman. Rev. C. J. Black, Sidne' Levin, I!ev. T. H. King. S. Cianuise, .1. Lee Robinson, Treas., J. U. Sejiark. Cliainnan. HEAVY FROSTS ARE FORECAST FOR TONIGHT. (By The .Associated Press.) WASHINGTON. Feb. S. The coast storm, which was attended by gales and snow in the middle and north Atlantic states, moved rapidly northeastward ami j is cintered southeast ot Xova Scotia, the Weather Bureau reported today. A fall in temperature throughout the At- ! lantie tin. I east Gulf states was report ed by the bureau to have followed pas sage of the storm with temperature be-j low freezing early today, reported as far south as extreme northern Florida ind heavy frost as far south as Tampa, j Fla Generally fair weather was predicted for tonight and Thursday in the states east of the Mississippi river with heavy frosts forecasted as far south as North em Florida . Cotton Market RCLOSING BIDS ON THE NEW YORK MARKET. NEW YORK, Feb. S. Cotton fu tures closed strong. March 17.1"; May Mi., SO, July Mi. ".!; October 15. "4; De cember ir!S0. Spots 17.10 TODAY'S COTTON MARKET Cotton Seed Strict to Good Middling .49VtC' . lbViC i X j TITHORfZFS mfiiJ A A A . A M- m - -M a . STREET PAVINQJSrZI?. k'K Avenue to Cky Limits to B" Streets to Be Brought Out 9V, Avenue. Chestnut street from Franklin to ." Avenue. Stroud Avenue from Church street hestnnt. West Airline Avenue from Highla to Ransom street. Second Avvnuc from Chester to Clay st rest. Fifth Avenue from ("liester to Jack son street. Sixth Avenue fiom York to Jackson street, Thir. Avenue from York to South j strett. Fourth Avenut from (liester to York street." " East Main Avenue from Iiroad to Avon street. (Sidewalks were ordered for: Boyce street from Airline to Rankin street. Lee street from 4th to .ith avenue. Houth Broad street. West side, from j 3rd to 4th Avenue. j North Broad street, l.0() feet from! Long avenue. North Highland street, on , the east side. 1,5(10 feet and o:i the west 2,100 feet. ' side, 1 CHAMEER OF COMMERCE CALENDAR. Wednesday. 9:30 a. m. Mrs. Quicker committee Rotary Anns. 4:00 p. m. Department of Publicity. 5:00 p. m. Community Ser vice Play rehearsal. Thursday. 10:00 a. m.-Jewish Relief canvassers. 5:00 p. m. Community Service Play rehearsal 7:30 p. m. Pythian Band. Friday. 7:00 p. m. Chamber of Com merce Glee Club. 8:00 p. m. Community Chorus. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 17th. 730 p. m. Membership Meet ing Address by Dr. Chas. A. Eaton. 4 CHAMBDR OF COMMERCE BULLETIN FOR JANUARY MEMBERSHIP SMOKER FEBRUARY 17. Friday night; February 17th, in the Chamber of Commerce Au ditorium, Dr. Chas. Aubrey Eaton, inter-national i uthority on, indus trial relations, will address the membership of the Gastonia Chamber of Commerce. Dr. Eat on's address is in popular vein and is a delight. It created a pro found impression before the Winston-Salem Chamber of Commeice recently. Be sure to save the date the 17th. The Chamber of Commerce Glee Club will start the program off with some selections. Smokes will be provided for the members, but not until the com pletion of the preliminary pro gram. ! Plenty nf zip marks the iioeinning of j the new year's work of the Chamber of Commerce. The new administration re- ceiveil the affairs of the organization from the retiring board on January "ith ! and immediately got down to work. The ! new administration is as follows: I President, S. A. Robinson. First Yi.-c President, Wad.- S. P.ulie. i Second Yuc President, Ii. Grady Kan kin. Treasurer. S. N. Poy.e. Dila tors', G. ''. Andrews, K. B. lint 1. P. W. Garland, Ira l, Hay. s, W. 'i II. M. Yan Sleeti and Daiueron j H. i i a ins. Fred .' . S'ien was n e".ct,, rx.-e.itive ' secretary ioi the year 1!'L'' bv the n. c 'board at the lirs meeting January .".th. I Standing i oinmit tees : We ha. .n't i many of them, us. much work h do',,. In special committees --but souie Iii,. inn. have been named on the pi nuani nt do. parttnents for the year. The foil ivvine are the .standing commit ti p a -sig nun nt ., : Civic, affairs: P. W. Garland, dii". tor; It. N. ycisk. G. b'ush Spcn.. r, Mr. C. llighsiuitli, J. L. Ken. h i. k. Mr. Us car I.. Miller, W. A. .Lilian. Hugh Ii White. K. T. Switer, W. II. Wiav. W. j. irier. .Dr. J . W. Campbell, .1. Lea,, illespie. affairs: JI. M. Van T. B. McNeely. K.I C. Warren. .1. W. Culii. G, Adams, ;. P. ' Merchant ile Sleen, director Ada ins, W. Y. H. Marvin. II. Schneider, T. ti. 11 .pe. : W. 11. Poole, B. B. Gardner. ; Traffic and transportation affairs: C. C. Andrew,,, dire-tor; II. M. M. K... ; Chas. M. Mickerson, R. C. Simpson, M, T. j Out. !'.: rle Wilson, W. L. Welz -II. G. 1 G. Willis, .. C. Wagoner. C. 1. Loft in. ' J. B. Ri-ves. C. J. Hiiss. : Industrial alTi-M's: Ira R. Hayes, di ! rector; Ii. R. Ray. W. T. Rankin'. II. G. ) Winget. .1. M. Holland, I.'. S Mi. ks.m, j Katie Grov. s, ( '. K. '1 orrnice. .1 M. i Moore. S. F. Spi n ci r. T. AHcaiy. T. Ii. ; Loavitt. .1. Spencer Love, M. B. Wahs. Con vent ions a n.l public a fla i r, : Mannr ion II. Williams, director;' M. J. Ifudi ! sill. G. K. Bnrwell, R. G. Cherry, H. i Price Liin-berger. John M. Miller. III. White Ware, Geo. A. Gray, A. G. Mangum, P. II. Thompson, U. W. Stowe, F. M. Fran, urn, M. A. "a i pen : r. Ch.'is.,. Thnmpson. ity: V.. B. Brittiin. .'nr.etor: , . I ,hlU?, . . I'. v Hill , ' . v I . Il.llll nrr S U Hn!lfV. Atkius, A. B. Carter. W. G. Bam (('ontinued on page three.) niirril n HI HQ Tn TDIIU iDUITHLU ULUD IU I nrtlll IN GASTONiA THIS SPRING, j International League Club to , Spend Five Weeks Here n March and April Georg Wietse, Former Giant Sta Is Manager. Buffalo briM-ball club, of the its spring lternation.il League will tb) i training in liastonia, it was announced : totlay by local baseball fans. A guaran i tee necessary to finance the undertaking has been raised among the bast-ball l.n. i-, of Gastonia. The team will arrive in Gastonia March o and will be here un til April 12. The Buffalo club is man aged by George Wiltse, former New Y'ork National League pitcher. Games with other major league clubs, and with teams from the South Atlantic League will bo played in Gastonia. THE WEATHER North Carolina, iair tonight. 1 rV i TW quite - so cola in west portion; tnursaav1 and Kmaxmns are inning s ifijv jiarr fair, and warmer, 'in the work of getting the vote out. i PS?BEoUPns j for hk Tells Cardinal O'Gonnell, of Boston, That America Is Hope and Anchor-Sheet of the World. i By The Associated Press.) ! KoMli, 1YI.. s. 1 prc.s... unlioiiiiili I . on 1 ican people ;iiiil v 'i ri -i ri t he w ork tif l'c Fin XI ex-' dmirat ion ' ' for ii-i'd bis .hep in-f'l.- Wathington centi leu at bis reception of Caidtnal O 'Count il. of Pulsion, yestcrdiiv. " I vv:,- happy to see your peace Iming coi.ii'iv tal.e Mi" tirs' (-lei toward ameli ei iii ii ot tl w niniis! runs evil of a r ma- lm al , lust I i' I. III.!.' an. I . lie uiitilT said. I.ii.i my il :,ul lam add pre.ii wo , I have '! :. :.-i buira! ion foe the i iiergy iinl the great heart of our I" Ameii- .1 Mow - I ea i s. T! Iii- hand on the should, r, he add i i in. a r voting i. at , !. i fur -i-lii a. WMi' ilv prudence and 1 1 1 1 a t e ipialit ies of fnir peai e, your great moral biiily and your intinite 1 1 hope and anchor , ! . ' ' lle.su, justice and spirit ea -,i . rich' s make u,i sheet of tin- null The Pope epr appoint meat 1'ial profound .lis- es.e, I bis America ha. I iinl liis'ii repivseidd at cm.. In v.. winch elected him. IV'lliU "It vva, i gn-a! perianal .sorrow that on were i...t pre-' nt." Caidili.il O'l'oi.iieil t .'d the corres- p. indent that the Hole Father was much like an American. Amiability, modesty and sw, lines, ,,f manner were his dominant I rails, and his manner was ni '-t deiiaicralic. The cardinal added: il - u a man ot' t iie common people, and h: all lh" human qualities which world love Pius X. Tie has a I iniin I, and an alert tunnm-i . a made th cult iv ati d i,ci ruing judgment. He has spent his life witii books; was librarian at Milan and the Vatican; is a very closa student of nature, and all i mle f at ig i ble worker." I Ii -ci.s,iu the piobahle policy of the lew Pontiff reg.i i I Ihl' relations between the church and state, the Cardinal said that, while the Pope had no di ph. mat ie i xpm ience. the w hole world could In sure he would follow a couise of pacili cation and concilia I ion. i DEACONS' COOTiTiON AT LlfiCOLNTON NEXT TUESDAY Rev. Daniel Iverson, of Char lotte, to Address Deacons of Kings Mountain Presbytery in Session in Lincolnton Presbyterian Church Febru ary 14. lata si te ' A inula I I ' r, e if King's M . 1 1 m ' -i 1 1 1 I !u 1 ,i ucolntoii at t i laii'-li ri Tile- lav itia Pi- ii "I J.y IV I i I ll.i sbvtei la I 'liSt '.bill I'r, I I. 'lb I'l eav 11, v,i tier I.V . I PI.. i - Re X" Is W. A Mm lo ad i ag o ,' M i n uu ... I 'lii oiliai nt of I Mi gate ddr..,' .,! Wi R. A. Rainsaur. Response .1. W. Tiuul.rl.ike. Ad !;, s- i; v. (i. R. Gi!l. spio. 'n e I )i. as-i .u to Follew. I en h at' hur.-h l.'::'.!! P. M. Tuesday Afternoon, 1:45 P. M. Devotional Fx- reives -G A Bak. i. A'Ur.s-i ;h ':on p. M. I v. rr i !,,M, , X. ( '. . Mr. Daniel Fn e Discussion to Follow. ,' A pi "ii ii' uienl nf ( (ininiil tecs. B .s'ln.ss .Vessiiui. Ie port f ' '.eiiiiiiltce on ' ' IPllie tor Maintain Mo! Pre- ( f Ki TV. I ' - ' f ( X. ! M etiagr. A I ir ' lit of 't.nnti. it t gram. R.-p-'i-t ot 1 t inn omiint tee New Bnsiat s-. I!i a l::ig of M imit. s. KIWANIS CLUB HELD ENJOYABLF MEETING The 'egalar laiii-hena meting of Gas !'-.nia Kivanis Club, held at noon Tues day ii, tic Baptist Annex, was well at tended and proved a most eiijovalije and j n a ifi t :i 1 1 i niiitiiig. A coliimittee w;s ' a ! on ut .-.I to i'ii.isi,.'r the matter of .p.iniug ia the atteiulaace contest p'nu i in d to b. gin March 1, vvai.-h will inelnde i -ill tie' Kiivanis elulis in the I'liited States. Several matters of routine bus iins, vvsSyken up, and this was fo owed bv tJjc i rita ipal addre-.s of the day. delivered TA Mr. II . 1. . Morrill, of ("harbitte. a representative of the Alevm der 1 la m i Itoii InVifii. of Xew York, win. si.cKe mi "The Soul of Business ' ' Mr. Mt.ii r:'l made a most forceful and helpful Talk on the t en. letu-i. s t'.vv.ir.l improved methods and po!i' ies in mod ern burin 's ad minis! rat , on . A l,l.--iw(ii.l I'e'illir., i.l' the tmi till" l.-i. Iii-t,!,,, hitrodin tion of Miss Marie Torrem-e j ,,f Gustnnio. as a member of the rlub. Miss Torrenre was introduieil by Mrs. Until Mason Williams, tin- only other la- dy ineiiilH-r of the club, and responded with a most p'euiiig vtnal s..!n eut it led j 'Say D With Musi..-. " Miss Tor- . rente's election to full inetnliership in : the tlub, like that tit .Mrs. Williams, was in reeognii ion or mo great asMiniaurr she has so kindly given in making Tlie social meetings of the club nt various J times sii.-h delightful occasions. i Several sTakers urged the members J of the club, individually and rollcctively, to devote themselves totlay to seeing that the entire vole whs cast for thtf tubereu- I lewis hospital. Much interest was mani-not- feste.l in the success of this movement, I DETECTIVES ONTRAIL OF MANY LUES IN EFFEORTS TO FIND SLAYER OF WILLIAM D. TAYLOR Trying to Locate Letters of Mabel Normand and Mary Miles Minter to Taylor - May Issue Complaint Charging Murder Against Edward F. Sands - Miss Minter Is 111 Following Funer al of Taylor. 'Hv The Associated 1'ri'm.) LOS AXi.KI.KS, Feb. S. - J.oeali ,i, Mabel Xunitand's and Marv Mile, Minter 's h lteis to William Desmuel Taylor, murdered tilm director, the po sibility of tae issuance of a complaint charging murder against Edward P. . Sands, Taylor's missing former butler secretary; and renewed activity of de 1 I eet i v es toward deelural ions thai the sweetheart ot' a sere -a actre s was .,: near the Taylor apartments the nij;ht of the murder, were angles early to, lay '.i the police investigation into the inoliou picture inystetv . 1 The letters written to Taylor bv Miss Xnrmand and for which she near, he, I his llli'll'ttlll'lltnl V .'I 1 II I V I Itn . I 'I V J -iltt'l Ins , .,,...,,. ....... .,.;. rhr j ... I cording to thr leteetives wnrhiiig on the eas". The return was made, ii was d"cl.i red. by a man connected with t!,.- li'in world, who had taken them for nine ' ""known purpose during the confusion j surrounding the tin. ling of Taylor's ' body, ami had I n tbieale I with a ; grand jury investigation. Who made this alleged threat was no slated A representative of Miss Normand said the letters had not been given back in her. Captain of Met.s-tives Adams staled the police never hud bis'n in posses-ioa of Miss Xnrinnud 's letters nor of these written by Miss Minter, to Taylor, a! though the latter also, aciordiug to Cup tain Adams, have been returned to the writer. Miss Minter lias guards abound her liuisc lo keep away uninvited call ers, as he is ill, it is reported. Her al toiney, however, denied she had received the letters. William C. Moran, chief deputy I i s trict ,'itloniey stated a complaint charg ing Sands, or Kdwar.l Fit. Stnrthinorc, as he also is known, with the murder of J'avlor. might be issued today, depend ing upon developments. M.teclive Ser giant King, unsigned to the duty at ill'' district attorney's office, previous'y had made a similar statement. M was reported also that more infoi illation had been given to the police lo the effect a man in love with a screen actress, who did lot return his love but who was believed lo have had affection '.'or T:lor, had been seen near the Tay he- apartments before the in ii i- i i - r . A st. i.v told by Howard F. ll.nvs, ch..u, (".,;.' liir Taylor, that about : I ." o'eloik ; he night of the murder he returned to tin u pan incut s with Taylor's car, v. a, -..id bv the police to have satisfied I hem is la w no vva -i there by if a liim Mrs I ,,l.g-as M el.e.-lll. i a, i in r ma id i . F. l'.'ws ..ai, I,.. times but live vei I ' ilia 1 I.v . as t In i ifi r. lall' t'ie b. il I'll answer, e was a light apartments, he t-oiicliiiled Taylor did not wish to be disturbed, so pris'eeded 1" place the car in the garage. A ipiatrcl between Taylor and Mabel Xormaiil was described by Harry F.l hivvs, chauffeur for Taylor, according to The I. es Augele., Kx.iininer today. '1 :i- driving Mr. Taylor and Mi-s Xorman l I'r the Ambassador hot. I. while they had a ' tended a Xey Year's ev - arty, to hi r home,'' Fellows is r. purled to have said. "On the way tin". had a .piarrel, I don't know vv'.iat it vv.'m abiiul, but both were very much t xci1. I. Mr. Taylor tok Miss Xorinaiol horn and t h. u retiiriiid to his apartmei.t. I'p on arriving then, lie b-nke down aid Wepl On the following morning h" did u'. erne jewelry in a package and tick it to Miss Xormand at her home.'' Hairy Pe.ivey, negro house man fin Taylor, and who found the vlaui .liieet or 'm body, eonfirnieil Fellow,,' sta'. I. Ii'llt v . Fellows said that Taylor and Xi'imand were 'very affect i. matt I'.'l'ows left Taylor's house at o'clock Wt dnesd.'iy afternoon, on night of which T.ivlor was slain. Mi : th. II. was in tructed to be sure to telephone at 7:.'i'i o'clock, he said. He said that la telephoned from a girl's house at 7:"."' o'rlork and there being no answer from Taylor's home, he went there. He reach ri the Taylor place at :I" oV'oek and rang t..c bell and kn. ke.l at the door. There was no response, so he put up tilt ear and went home. I am vatistie.l that I am the man'. Mrs. MacL.an saw standing on t h t ' p..r. h an. I leaving the house,'' Fellow. ..-ioi. "I wore a cap and overcoat.'' Miss Normand had infoime.l the po lie- that vhe left Taylor between 7:3" . an 1 7:4"i o'clock and with Fellows tele . Iii. nine :it 7 o t Ork. is indientod that t inu tile murdt between 7 r was commit tfl vomr :iio and 7 :.V) o'clock. i CHARGES AGAINST MOVIE I ACTORS UNFOUNDED SAYS MAYOR LOS AN'GELKS, Feb. S. A reply to fl. critieisms of the motion eobny here, resulting frtiii the murder of William j (.),m,ii, Taylor, has beer, i sued by; livor I K Crver Tht ntt.nks beinir made, l.nrti.-til.-irtv , outside itit-s, against the morals of ; tm, go-eallitl motion pietnr.? colonv M!t "Angeles, are unfair and due,! lieve. to hastily formed conclusions in j Us ; people not familiar with real farts. suitl. ' The Arburkle rase ami the slaying I of the k-adiug unionists of counties Fer of Mr. Taylor 4 were Indeed' unfortunate I msmigh ajid Tyrone, in the I'lster ar.i, affairs, but it is not ju:t to eritici an, (were kidnupptil from th-ir homes early entire group of Jienple such as those en- J today . and taken to uitknon tlestin,i- -gsgetl in the motion picture industry for j tiens. Fiftiva rrtvt fc.-tre Ivea nia'hi lucidcnts, uiuny of them uot true as tojiii couuectiuu tvila the kiJuaining, ii j'ublislied broad east lately . I -os Angel, s i, proud of the fact that it i tic !ii,.':n)i j.ielure cajiital of the w...li Whiie my acquaintanceship with the p.-rsi.nnel of the men and women cn gn,",. T in ties industry is not large, I am peisaade l that there are huiidrtxls of e'ean, la vv abiding men and Womeu en-gair.-.i in lhe inotion picture industry, and in th. ii- behalf, I ask the oien miiid. .1 ji.dtjini nt, and tae even-handed .jiiste-e i I ,- I a.-tei ist ie of our American people. ' TAYLOR WAS "DUDE" IN DAWSON CITY. SANTA MONICA. Calif., Feb. K. William Desmond Taylor, was the dude" of I law. sou City, ill l'JH), ac cording' to a story told here by Adkdiert Bai'll.t. who said lie knew the slain film diieior vvr'l In Yukon. , Taylor had o.ie of the few dress suits ia I 'aw sou t ily, Har! let said, nud he wore i; upon n ppropriato occasions. He also won- tw Is, u sol t crush hat, and "tasteful haberdashery'' and was im mensely popular with the women. Ho was I'm: her described us a "crack" ten nis player a lei ea rd expert . MIAMI POLICE IGNORANT OF COLLINS' ARREST. MIAMI, Fla., Feb. 8. Miami city police have no knowledge of tho iiir)ort e l arrest here vesterday "f Don Collins, exeonviet. and tenderloin habitueo, ill e iiinect ion with the murder of William Desmond Taylor, as reported in N e w Yoik dispatches Inst night. The police are holding for Los Angeles authorities Tom Ferremlez, alias White, wnnted for' embi lement, Mid it is believed here that the arris;, of Fcrren.lez may have caused 'be erroneous report. TRYING TO CLEaV UP . STORY OF YARB0R0UGH (Bv Tin; -Wixiated Profs.) WASIIIXtiTOX, Ft'b. 8. Further efforts were made today by the Senate Committee juvi stig-.'.ting- charges that American soldiers were hanged without tiial in France, to clear up the alleged siio,.ting. .,f a soldier by a firing squad near Cunt, an Thierry, in July, 1918. Gemg W. Yai borough, a high school 'aihi-i of R aiaiia-, Alabama, who re I'litly t.stiii.-il th.it he was an eye wit- the -foe! ing a.s described by Cuj.t.iin F. P.. I.'d'.vard.s, of Fort Sill, 'Ida.. Ie- coiiiiiniiding iflicer, as a sol di' r ni.i.ve the average, whose general iepi;!a' 'on v. as excellent. Answering S. in'.ir Wi lson, Democrat, Georgia, t a w a - h. Ii iv.anls declared Yarbdrough , 1 i : n an nti.l that he would not t . b !i a' what he said under ...at a. Cap' tache.l ! e"t i lit', of till' t. acla. l believe t.,k II J 1 In ir e: un Kd'VM'ds and other officers at ! tie Yarboroiigh command, I. lii'Vv.vir, tiiih they never heard "hooting, either from the Alabama i r other.-, am that they did not s .ch an ex'iutioii could have !a.. without word of it reaching : rs. PARTY MAY BE LOST OFF FLORIDA COAST MIAMI, FLA., Feb. 8. Fears that a laity of three Miami people who left i " January 2s hi an open boat for tlie 's'.-iii.i ..f Bi.'iiiiii, 40 miles distant, were- in .i sipiail v it it-li came up later in d.iv . wire strengthened, totlay when h. I Pirn . . 1'y lir man, stepson of a mom- I .,f ' aitv. returned from Bimini w.'a 'a- ie. it tiiat the boat had never ! 'i' in a the harbor there. Pine went to B-'tuiui i.y airplane. Other searching parties were to go out today. Tl.tc-o in the party are J. J. Hart, F.ist. r p. tier of Pine; Linton Strang , and a Mr. WaUer. Hart recently mar lod Mr-. I'i ie, wln-no husband was kill ed about a yver agi. The slayer was I in v. r found. 846 VOTES CAST IN ELECTION AT 3 O'CLOCK , i" la to ; o'!ok this afternoon St vote- had U'.-n cast in theTubcTeular Hospital b n l election at tho four Gas tongt priiii.cts, as follows: Nl. 1 ' i.-i X... g' -ZOd No. 100 Nil, 4 200 TllM' $16 ' is- believed that these are practical- It Iv t vt i v one fr thij bond i.tue, as tho eppaneii's of the m -asure do not need to vote in t r ier to !e toimted. Figu'.es are not available ot tho tinifl of goiiitf to press from the other voting precincts iu the county. Chcrryrill townshiiv is known to tve heavily against the measure. It is believed, however, that it will tarry. LEADING IRISH UNIONISTS ' HAVE BEEN KIDNAPPED (By Th Associated Pre.) BELFAST. Feb. 8. A large hiimher la. I, '.vl.i.-ii have

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