rONIA DMLY QA Weather: Rain. Local Cotton 17 Cents VOL.XLIII. NO. 39. GASTONIA. N. C., WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, FEBRUARY 15, 1922 SINGLE COPY 5 CENTS ; 6M ZETTE -i ' . : k AD AM A flLrtUrtlHr. FOR LEASE PROPOSES COMPLETION OF WILSON DAM WITHOUT FURTHER EXPENSE TO U.S. Thomas Martin, President of Power i Company, Make Thia Offer to Secre tarv Weeks Increases Number . of i Proposals Government Has Keceivea to Four Plan of Power Company for Development of Project. (By The Associate! I'ress.) WASHING IO.N. J-ell. !.. Anotlir offer for nurcluiM' mid lease uf the gfv eminent s properties at -Muscle Mm; lis. Ala., was completed toilay and rangeinents made by its sponors, the aba mil Power Company, for iniinei! riling with .Secretary Weeks. The offer whs tendered by Tim ir- Ai de Martin, acting for the Alabama i'oler Company, of which he is president , with its submission the to!;tl number proixjsnls received by the government 1 its war-acquired properties j:i Ala bam: was brought to four. The new otter i oxnected to be transmitted soon bv Sei tetary Weeks to Congress, which has be fore it the offer of Henry Ford. The Alabama Lower Company propos es conipl-tion of the Wil.-ou dnin with out further advances or expenditure.-, by the United States," and the outright purchase of the Warrior power p'nnt, on the Gorgns river, which is situat"-! on ground already owned by the company. The properties would be leased by the power company for a peiio-l of - .wars under the, piau Mid be subject, to re capture by. 1he government'' at the ter mination of that tunc. Tiny also would be operated subject to the piuvisious ot' the Federal power act und.r an operat ing license. The ofl'er was outlined to Secretary Weeks in a letter signed by Mr. Martin, as president of the company. The Utter follows : "This company offers to carry out the following plan by which the Wilson Dam at Muscle Shoals may be completed and the nitrate pr,ib1"in of the Govern ment in connect ion therewith may be simplified without further advances or expenditures by the Vuitcd States: "1. To take a license under the Fed cral water power act, under which we will complete1 the construction of tue dam, locks and power house at Muscle fc-houls. know n as the Wils in dam, r dam No. '2, at our expense, with the ini tial installation of approximately LM.Ul'U horsepower, subsequent installation to be made in accordance with the Federal water power and as may be necessary to meet the market demands. "2. To furnish free to the 'Govern ment, or any one it may designate, from the hydro-power plant, IliO.uuil horse power, as required for the product inn of fertilizers and munitions of war. and for research in connection therewith; and it', due to changes- in the art, this use of such 100, 000 horsepowi r is discontinued by the Government, the Alabama I'ower Company to purchase and py for same in accordance with a schedule to be set i'orth in the license, this power to be the second 100,000 horsepower at any time available from the normal lion' uf the river. ":". To purchase tin- Government's interest in the Warrior extension of the steam plant of the Alabama I'owir Company and facilities, the Warrior and' Sheffield substations, tin- transmission line from Warrior to IShellield. ami the steam plant at nitrate plant No. to gether with necessary rights of way. lands ami housing facilities, and to pay therefor the sum of ik.'.OOO.liliii, less an amount to be agreed on to cuvi r the cost of lock,. and navigation structures at Wilson dam, payable in five equal annual installments; tbo tirst payment to be made when license is grantid, the re maining payments to lie made in four equal annual installments with interest at five per cent with the right to antici pate any urt or all of the same. "4. Tif operate and maintain the power plant, dam and fates, the Govern ment to operate and maintain the locks for which the power' company w ill supply the necessary power without expense to1 the Government. "5. The Government to transfer the license to the Wilson dam property rep-. resented by its investment and commit-; mcnts to date, free of liabilities and un incumbered, including the construction' plant, the locks and navigation strue-; lures to me conveyed to the Government in fee, on charge of construction. "6. Whenever the safety of the United States demands, the United kStntes shall have the right, as inure i fully provided in the Federal water pow-j er act, to take over ami operate the pro-j ject covered by the license for -the pur-j pose of manufacturing nitrates, cxplo-, sives, , or munitions of war, or for any, other purpose involving the safety of the. United States for such length of time as may appear to the President necessary; for such purposes. "7. The project covererl ny uie ense to be subject to recapture by i;,..l the i Government at the on.l of fifty years un der tho terms of the Federal water . ' pow .' n. Will aree to beniii , th ranstrnetihn nromiitlv upon the en actment of the necessary legislation and, trrantinu of license and to complete the! name witlnu a reasonable lime mereai ter. "To facilitate the carrying out of this llan, we may . find it necessary to organ ise a new company for the purpose, in which ease,, however, the obligations of this offer shall lie 'binding upon this rompany in all respects as if it were the licensee." The offer is different from those re ceived from Ford, Frederick . Eng struui, of Wilmington, N, C and so far . (Continued on inu:e ixj I ! POWER COMPANY MAKES OFFER OF MUSCLES SKOALS PROPERTY COMMUNITY CHORUS PRACTICE FRIDAY NIGHT The Community Chorus will held a practice meeting Friday night of this week at 8 o'clock in the auditorium of the central school instead of at the Chamber, of Commerce on account of the fact that the latter place will be in use for the address by Dr. Eat' on. Mr. Hoffmeister is particularly anxious that every member of the chorus be present Friday night. INTERNATIONAL COURT OPENS ITSvPSIONS IN THE HAGUE PEACE PALACE The Cornerstone of the League of Nations John Bassett Moore Is the Renreaentative F .i .I .. j . . I lief that hdwar.l t . t-ands, missing tor- rrom the United States 1 mer secretary huth r to Ta.vhir, had uoth- Twelve Nationalities Areiin to do with the case, were understood epresented. TI1K HAtll'K, Keh. l."i. The 1'eace Palace which rvnics during the war laiieleil '"Closed owing was the scene today to l)ankriitcy "j of the inaugural i of the permanent court of international justice, the cornerstone of the League, of Nations. The event was hailed by adherents of pacifist ideals as a new milestone in the evolutionary progress of the world toward peace or, in the: words of Lord t'urzon, "the beginning or' a new era of peace and concord mong nations. At the opening session the judges were! to take the oath to fulfill their offices; "honorably, faithfully, impartially and conscientiously." In their future sit-' tings they are txpected not only to clear I up such ihiuhtful points of international' law as may come before them, but also) to create laws whenever their need is1 apparent, like the I'ruetors of ancient J Koine. Members of the court represent 'l nationalities, and eastern and western worlds. The judges, in accordance with the law, creating the court, possesses the (pialifications required in their respective is required m meir respective j 1 irapiointmeiit to the highest p' ces, or are "jurisconsults', countries for judicial orti or recognized compctem e in mternation-' a! law." j The representative of the 1'nitfii, States is John Hasselt Moore, and Uie oihcrs present in The Hague for (he; meeting are: The President, or clief justice, tieriinnl ( ornelius Johirnes I.oiler, Holland: Dr. Rafael Alt a m ( revoa, ispain ;t'ommenlatore Dior Anzillotti. Italy; Viscount Hubert lay, (Ireat P.ritain; Dr. Max Hi! (Switzerland; Didiik Nyholm, Demn.1 Dr. Vorozu Oda, Japan, and Dr. Ail Weiss, France. The other two jud nr. liny Ji.uiiosa, ot j-irnzil. and lr. An tonio ,S de Hustainente. of Cuba, wire able to come to The Hague. i nree ot uie deputy judges are lu re: F. V. N. lieichmann, of Norway, Dcinc tiiu Negulesco, of Kuinauia, and Mich ai!o Yovnnovitca, of Jugo Slavia: Dr. Wang Chung llui, of China, being ab v. Mi!. AWAITING PRESIDENT'S VIEWS ON THE BONUS. WASHINGTON. Feb. LI. The Sen H'e and House committees charged with the framing of a soldier bonus bill con tinned to mark time todav in their con sideration of the question of how the necessary funds should be raised in ex poctation of receiving from President liar-ling a formal expression of his views in the batter. It was believed the let ti r which it had been announced nt the White House the president would send to the (hairnian of the committees for this purpose, would be transmitted today. At the Whtie House ye .terday the executive was represented as viewing as impracticable the financing of the bonus in any large sum at this time, by a b and issue, while at the same tun" no said to be unalterably oppos. -I to suggested eight point tax program a return to any of the taxes that been repealed. T'ae president, it was omphn i.e. not lost sight of promises made b or to have , ha. I He- publicans in the 1!L''I primaries, but his attitude, it was added, had to be that of finding a sane and defensible cindit ion of fulfilment of those promises on the one hand and having regard for restored stability on the other. UNEARTH PLOT TO GET MONEY BY BLACKMAIL. LOS ANGELES, Feb. 1.1. - Eight men arrested after a pistol fight ia which many shots were lired, are being held here' today by Federal agents charged with conspiracy to extort 2."i,ou0 from a wealthy Los Angeles business man, whose name was withheld. A ninth man, thought to have been wounded, es- caped. In the arrests the officers believe that I they h.ive broken up a ring extorting money from which has many busi- - Issvn ! ness men here by sending letters threat- "'uing death if they Jid not comply with j firs demands. One business man notified the authorities and a plan was arranged. One Federal agent said it was possi-; ble the arrests might lead to a duo to the murder of William Desmond Taylor, j A tyiH-'writcr of peculiar make, with which, it was charged, the threatening let Uts were written, "was f omul in the house rallied, it was said. THE WEATHER Rain on the coast and rain or snow in the interior . tonight, colder tonight; Thursday fair and colder. (ray lis-io 1 1 'k; ; Lire; ifli- V CONTINUE SEARCH FOR CLUES AS TO MURDERER OF WILLIAM D. TAYLOR Mabel Normand's Chauffeur Is Again Questioned Some Believe That Edward F. j Sands Had Nothing: to do! ?Sh.& :wR"d!KINE MEN HELD FOR Offered For Arrest and Conviction of Murderer. I (By Hie Associated Press.) I LOS AXUKLES, CALIF., Keli. IV ! The search for clews a.s to the murderer j of William Desmond Taylor, film direr-; tor, went on today with u re-questioning of William Davis, chauffeur for Mabel ! Norma ml, screen actress, scheduled for. ' this morning. (Sheriff's deputies, who cling to the he-, lief that Edward F. Sands, missing for- Normaml, screen actress, scheduled for. ' tllis morning. ' KlierilT's deoulies. who cliug to the he-, ! have ohtaine l some information which I made it ilesnalile to have Davis quizzed. ' ajjain by the district attorney, it was ' understood the adili'.ional information did not tend to involve Davis. The chauffeur previously has corrobo rated the statement of Miss Normand, who was one of the last to see Taylor alive, that the director accompanied her to her automobile whtn she left his a partments shortly before be was slain. Mack beunett, film producer anil man- ! ager a-itionr for Miss Normand, has been ques I bv a icpres ntative of the district attorney in the hope he might be able to give some information leading to a clew, but without results, it is announced, ttennctt said he would be glad to aid the authorities in every nay. Rewards totalling sj4,.jM) have been offered for the arrest and conviction of the murderer. Officials connected with the investiga tion had made no comment early today on the opinion of a Federal agent that the arrest here last night of eight men alleged to have extorted money from wealthy business men under threats of death might lend to a solution of "Uie murder mystery. ROTARY ANNS SHOW THE MEN HUW TO STAGE A REM VALENTINE ROTARY PARIY Wives of Rotarians Have Com plete Charge of Annual La dies' Night Program Im port Talent From Pittsburgh u :: c rr. : r to Hawaii For Evening's En I (aril Irsmorsf Mon Aro Vi. ' tims of Clever Jokes atj Hands of Women. i ind it to the women! istonia Kotarians. have attempted big things in the way of entertainment in times past, and they freely admit that they managed once in a while to get by with some things that smack of ness and of real brains, but the beat 'em Tuesday evening at the Rotary Ladies' Night when the had entire charge of everything clever-' women ! annual i women ! Thev not only beat 'em, but they grilled them, they roasted them, they extolled them, they praised them, they derided and ex alted them, and they sold five of them at auction like so many head of cattle or sheep. j From Pittsburgh to Hawaii, the ladies imported talent tn assist in the evening 'si entertainment, but they didn't need any extra help from the outside. What they - concocted in their own brains was enough and to spare. One of the features of the evening was the radio dispatches i i "'""(from the E.nt Pittsburg broadcasting ""' I station furnished through the courtesv of Rotarian .1. P. ISivens. The dispatch i es wero heard with startling clearness and furnished an t xperienee not en.joved : by many of the ladies heretofore. They were a bit bl.eptical of the second part! , of the Pittsburg program, however, for; it contained too many Gastonia and! ; Charlotte allusions. j lieginning with the unique way in; which partners were chosen, the eve-; , ning's program went off without a hitch,! ! or a bobble any where. Tho ladies did j , everything. Not but r-in-e was a man ul lowed the privilege of the floor and that' ; was at the conclusion of the program: when President Srpark thanked the ladies for the .wonderful eva ning. A group of i I four or five Rotary Anns each had; ! charge of some part of the program.! j Mrs. Jim Kennedy's crowd first took the dorr and gave a novelty song in; i which there were local hits registered' ! against more or less prominent Rotari-j ans. Rotarians Jim Heiiderlitc and Joe; time, according to a delegation of har Eepark fared rather rough in this the'. lotto Master Painters who came into The first onslaught. A wireless from Pitts-' Observer ollice to supply this ihforiua burg announced together with news'tiou. from Los AnceliN about the Taylor mur-i Bender had U'cu employed in the der mystery and from Belfast about ten more slifxitings. that Joe Scp.irk had or dered a guard placed around his home at night. Throughout the pveuing, at the conclusion of each course the women moved around the toble. taking theiri places loside a new man each time. Mrs.! A. G. Myers was in charge of the next! i .(.ml iiilii,!.! " Mil' . Mirinnrht- follies." a clever stunt by Miss Thelma Harbin and a reading by Mrs. Vrcl-MJ Allen. Somewhere nlonfe in the program, Mrs. Fred D. Barkley in charge of the music for the evening announced a traveling troupe of native. Hawaiian (Continued on ii2 siz) FOOTSTEPS OF A FLY BOOMING LIKE THUNDE NEW YORK, Feb. 15. Fool seeps ot a pesky house ny boomidg out like thunder as he leisurely a bled across a piece of paper wi heard by scientists who visited the Bell Telephone System's resea ch laboratories. Utilizing specially developed R c helle salt crystals and an ampli ler constructed by the Bell Compa: y, engineers and scientists listened So the promenading of the fly. " Tomorrow," sayl the engineer, "we're going to put a trained flek on a piece of paper and listen to hiiA tumble. We haven't been able, as Mr. Edison suggested on his birthday, to hear ants talk, but it is interest ing to hear a molecule washing its face." KNICKERBOCKER TRAGEDY Will Be Given Opportunity To day to Make Bond Jury! Recommends That AH Thea-1 ters be Closed. i By Tll,J Associati Washington, ivi,. men ordered held for llu- d Tress.) l."i.--Tlc nine jrrand jury in cnr.i!;er '.., ji.ry K l.i. ke' lrH kc I s, uliicll . a verdict returned liy the- . in connection with the j theater disaster. January : ; suited in the loss of !M liv S. H( Te Hi ven t the districi Kie :,;.ni. cistodv when an opportunity to appiar ; nt toriiey "s ollice today ! They uire not taken into the verdict was re Ditrict Attorney would be permittee under HO, (Kill bond urned Ins! niht and (iordoii s-iid lie;. Iii reinai nal lihi i; eaih. lie sniil lie I i case jirobably would he presented to i grand juiy, whiih is now in session, j the last of t his week . I Kased on the testimony of scores witnesses at the inquest which li nearly a w-vk ago, the cr.lict of the the by of a il 1 1 r j oner 's jury found that the collapse o! tne root ot the motion picture theater was "due to faulty designing and con M ruction and inadequate supon i-ion .'ii-l i insj-ectioii . " Among those ordered held , for the grand jury were R. C. (ieare, i architect for the building; J. II. Km!, i engineer who designed the roof struct j ure; Morris Hacker, building inspcctoi i when the theater was constructed, and Frank L. Wagner, the builder. j Iiecomniendations of the jury include I one that "nil theaters mid places where i the public assemble be diced ami kept closed until such time a their safety is ! assured . " The District Itoanl of ( 'ommiss! .u -r . ' haVI taker, no action on this to. lav IUKI KIKC. it Vas Hie . ' hi that i I would a n of! opinion of subnrdiuati- the ions of not be followed in this RAI7J A: " COLDER TONIGHT. FA IK AND COLDER THURSDAY i'TJv The Associated Press.) WAMIINUTON, Feb. 1.1. -The -lis tiufbuiice in the far southwest yesterday arlvanced rapidly northeastward a n -I t,Iiis morning its center was over (leorgia Jam! a secoiularv disturbance ha I forme. I off the Virginia capes, whence it will move imrl ieastwar-1, the Weather Jill rea II 3 II llollllced . There has be-n general and heavy rains in tie- Gulf and Smith Vllanlie States except I'loiida ami also in Ten ncs.sec ami snows and rains in North Carolina ami in the Mid-lie Atlantic States. ..In the South Atlantic States there will be rain with colder weather tonight and fair and colder weather on Thurs day. In Tennessee and the East Gulf 1 states the weather will be rain and snow this afternoon and posibly tonight eastern Kentucky and east Tennesse. in Storm Warnings are displayed en th Atlantic and East Gulf coasts and col wave warnings have been ordered fo Kentucky, eastern Tennessee, Alabnin; Georgia and Nor'h.'in Florida. PROMINENT METHODISTS HELP DEDICATE SCHOOLS (Mv The Associaten Press.) ATLANTA, Ga., Fib. 1.1. M ui bishops -f the Methodist Episcopal ('hinch. together wi'li heads of several church boards and city and slate educa tional lenders, participated in exercises ' here today in connection with the laying ; of the cornerstone of Stewart missionary foundation building on Gammon Si niin j arV campus, and the dedication of I'ete ; Hall and Croginaii c hapel :iX Clark I'ui j varsity, Iwo denominational educational I institutions for negroes. After llieir stop in Atlanta 1 iie party j of bishops will go to Birmingham, where j thev will attend the Central Alabama In- , titute for Nt groos on Thursday, and on , Friday go to Meridian, Miss., wehere , the New Haven Institue and Conserva- ! tory will be dedicated. This property, purchased by the Methodist Episcopal Church, is vaiue-l at fi(ii,0in. j ALLEGED BURGLAR IS NOT CHARLOTTE PAINTER (Charlotte Observer.) Arthur Dcii-ler. who is held in Gas tonia on a charge of entering the home of Mr. .1. II. Sei-ark. is not a Charlotte man at all but came here from DuHiiqire, Iowa, and staved here only a very short Sjepark home doing some painting on-1 when taken claimed; Charlotte as his home. This, the Charlotte painters say, is causing the local organization much embarrassment and nicmlcrs wish it plainly known that he is a "foreigner" and not a citizen of this city. TREASURER LACY IMPROVING. RALEIGH, Feb. 14. Messages from New York to-lay state that Jstate j Treasurer B. K. Lacy is improving. lle; probably will Is able to sign four mil--lion and a hnjf dollars of bonds for. which purpose he went to New lurk, it was stated. Bryan Will Run From Florida It His Duty To Makes It Clear That He the Office Would Standpoint of Duty Public Without Cares Ml M I , FLA., 1.1. - The TUowiii statement was gien oat oy Wiiliam Jennings Dryan today: " To those who Inue bi-en kind cin.ayh to write me in regard to the seMa!orship, grei'tings: ' I hme been actively engaged in politic, for more than thirty ytnis, iih Hi-' exception of less than sev en i.;i h, 1 1 1 v work has been done as a privali', auj 1 prefer 1o continue to - rve the public with out tin- ..-ires of ollice. If the lli'iii oi i .its of I 'Inrida fed that as a S uator I could render a service to the Mate and to the party in the n.i -ti ui Mi'licient t, i justify them in call ins upon in. to represent them at 'v ,isiiiui;tiin 1 would consider the liialtcr fiom the standpoint of duty an. I in i iiiiiiei't ion with other ehjini noon n.e. I.i.l I l;:iu' n,i thought of cntciing int. i a con'est for the ollice. '"The nominations that 1 have re SACRED CONCERT NEXT M Hi Community Chorus Under Di rection of Mr. Hoffmeister Will Render Number of Fa mous Choruses at Central School A Rare Musical Treat in Store For Gas tonians. M com .n.i: 'i ! ; night i to be gn It will I, of the C S o'clock the dale se for tin' j ii by the Commiinity given in the audi -n'lal school an, tin The i horns is coin- ' 'l -. toi - i 1 1 1 1 1 hour is post 1 1 o w ho hav about seventy live iastonia ns been trained for the pa-t three 1 week nnd-T t Iloli'meistir, a That the conci ie direction of Mr. Hoy i expert Chorus leader. it, which will be of a' sacn d ture, i vents : to be been -.ill be one of the bigcest luiisii a I is hnr-ll br has iii I he historv of the tow n doubted. Mr. Ilotrmeis. assisted in training this Hhinche Hoiserninn, head chorus In Mis -I' the local Community Service, undi r whoso a iis;dci'.( the concert is to be given. A complete program of the concert rtil! appear in an early issue of The a 'cite. It includes Counnd's- C.allia and s-iral other of the best known choruses. Local music lovers have in store for them in this concert a rare tr-'at an I it is expected that the school auditorium will be taxed to its capacity to take care of Ihos who desire to hear it. COLUMBIA STREET CAR MEN GO ON STRIKE iRv The Associated Press.) CIll.l.MIilA, S. C, Feb. II. - are no stieet cars running In Columbia todav. a a. I there is initio. iir to Indicate that Hi. i- soon r ii ny. stap - ompanv stale wl that Is' be Usac plaining that no r - will be a I'lsumpt on of serv Ku I W pre -id of 1 1n- compa morning that the and he cool. I not -lone. He stated had no pla it would b w;-. pi epa ing a statement, to !-u! the ly -l-ning the day x but re lupauv s posit. on. plans had I L. a mad for seining The . tin la at lug, f-.l tile service. .trike of cana an oarlv hour .1 was voted bv Wednesdav morn owing the liseharge Tuesday at' i es of the company . for the discharge of ti i noon of L' I (in). No reason is giv.-i t lif lin n . l! is stati - !!,,-,) (he sire.-! ,-r oiu pany ha, I- on opet.itiug at a los-. tor in .ntlis. and some months ago It was intimated by officia Is that so na thing would have to I., .lorn- to bring re eel'. In t'c ir -I. that thedisc-l.urge construe. I l.v th.-i pail of th-- i-onij of its e,-,rs tat ion of v ioleiice stiike. i ' lit t he i the men i men sav II Oll'v be it i a- a "-I-- HIV to ceas ' ' Tic re i in ooiniec! .i in on the opera t ion no i pec , ith the NEAR EAST IN MOUNT HOLLY TONIGHT. Rev. George M. Manloy, of Bessemer City, to Present Cause of Near East Suflereis in Methodist Church at 7:30 P. m Tonight at 7:.;o o'. io. k all churches of Mo-int Holly will mii'e in un iiiecting ;it the Mount Hollv Mi'tl.-,-!ist ' Episco Of tie -lest it 11 presci . (lev App will 1,1 ami I-'-Hollv. I al I'hur.'h, South, i.n-l th - cause . s,i!r-ring, starving, dying : a 1 . children of Armenia v-iil be ' .1 by Hi v. George M . Mau'cy, sein r City ami High Shoa's. ropriat-' and splendid selections rendered by a chorus of singers v. O P. A-l-r, (hairnian for Mt . will be iii chaige of the meeting. HEAVY RAINS PUT SAVANNAH An; inches I'STA, Ga., Job, af rain during the ! in the shed almve Augusta will wild the I Savannah river at this poiet to a stage of ;' degrees by tomorrow morning, ac cording to ii foris-at issued today by : tin- Weather Bureau here. Farm lands on the Carolina side leh.w- Augusta will . be uniudiite-l, it is said, but railway and i automobile traff ic will not be interfefred with. i ' ' ' . ! i - j IRISH SOLDIERS' UNIFORMS TO BE HOME PRODUCTS. BELFAST. Feb. 15. The uniforms of the Irish Free; State soldiers will bo entirely Irish made. They will be of a gray-green material. Orders hove been pliTced with the Irish cooperative cio'.n j in; niiiuufacturiiig society. -I' For U. S. Senate(HARDING'S OPPOSITION If People Think So Serve Them Desires no Contest tot Consider Matter From Prefers to Serve tne of Office. ceived two for Congress, one for the .Senate and three for the I'resi ' dency - have been tendered im practically without opposition, and 1 have prized them as expressions of confidence. No frieinl will ex pect me, at my period of life and when my political record is known to all, to solicit support or to take the risk of alienating thote pledged to aspirants. 1 am looking forward to congenial association here with Florida Democrats who have been my co laborers for a quarter of a century 1 am sure that, our rela tions will be pleasant so long as mv plans do not conflict wilh the ambi tions of others or with their personal preferences. ''Willi profound appreciation of the expressions of friendship and esteem that have come to me, 1 am, ' Very t ruly. WILLIAM .1 ll.NINie HliYAW LOCAL FIRM CONCERTS FROM PITTSBURG Michael & Bivens Radiophone Equipment Brings Messages From All Over World to Au dience Nightly in Gastonia Helped to Entertain Rota rians Last Night.' Michael & Hivens have recently install ed in their office a radiophone over which night iy messages and i-oncerls are heard from Fast I'ittsburg, Detroit, Newark and oth-r stations. From the plant of the Westinghouse Company in I'ittsburg concerts, lectures, news items, etc., are broadcasted every night. At the Rotary Ladies Night banquet Tues day evening at tin1 Country Club a spe cial amplifier was attached and the Lin guests there assembled heard very plain ly and distinctly the voice of the iinniliP ciator in I'ittsburg. In the office of tin' local firm on (South street, a group of radio enthusiasts gather every even ing to hear music and lectures t r .111 Fit t sburg . Here is something new in the world, and ties something that of instruction possesses possibili and entertainment thai surpass anything that civilization has v et developed . Imagine, if you will, a little radio phone receiver in vour living room or of Iii-', .with a dial on which is engraved such a list us this: General News, Financial News, Crop Reports, Weather li'eports, Ship Move ments. Sporting News, Songs and Stor ies for Children; Vaudeville Selections, Light Opera, Classical Concerts, Grand Opera, Church Services, Special Events, Washington, D. ('., House of Repre sentatives, Senate, General Political. Set the dial to "General News", ami .'(in will hear a! staled intervals, say on tin- hour, a series of bulletins from a i-'iitral news iigeiu v giving a resume of the latest news of the day. "Washington, Senate," and hear everything that is being Set it lo you will said with in that chamber. Set it, at the proper ' and you time, to "Caiir-h Services,' will hear the solemn notes of the voices of the preacher. the organ. Met it to "Speiial Event'," and you will hear the incoming President 's inaugural address, or the returns of an election, or a lecture by a famous scientist, or vvbatelse if of national interest at the time. BARACA CLASS BANQUET THURSDAY NIGHT Tin Wesley Haraca Class of Main Street Methodist church, of which Mr. U. N. Aycock is president, will hold its annual bampiet Thursday night of this week at 7:. Id oVioik in the -lining room of tin- First Presbyterian church, which jiu s been kindly offered for the occasion.' Preparations arc being made fur Job1 . guests, ami the dinner will be serve-1 by the la-lies' circles of Main Street, church. The attendance committee has seen a large proportion of tin,' class audi secured their acceptances, but any mem-; b. r who has not been seen by the com 1 mittce is cordially invited to be present . an.vway. as provision, will be made to take care of the entire membership of , the chis. j AMERICAN RANCH OWNER SHOT TO DEATH IN MEXICO WASHINGTON. Feb l.V Charles' Burrow , also known as I'harhs Miller. American manager of a ram-h near the city of M oiterev, Mexico, was shot to death 1-y unidentified rsons on Fcbru ary I. the State Department was advis e-l today in a despatch from Annr'uan Consul Bowman at Monterey. The de- partincnt has instructed ( onsul jaud the embassy at Mexico City to r- -RIVER UP. ipiest th" propor Mexican authorities to 1.",. Throe apprehend ami punish the jh tsoiis re past 4 hours : sponsible for the crime. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE CALENDAR. Wednesday. 3:00 Women's Meeting. 5:00 Textile Superintendents' Club. Thursday. 4:00 Board of Direcetora. 5:00 Community Serrice Play Rehearsal. -' 7:30 Pythian Band. Fiiday. 7:43 Membership Meeting. KILLS SOLDIER BONUS IN PRESENT CONGRESS Harding Pledged Himself to Soldier Bonus Idea in Ohio Primaries But Is Also Pledg ed to Business Stability Announces Opposition to Bonds nr Sr-i'al T.. - j-. w . nAauuu, 1 i W,- i u' ,':n I (''"I'.vright, lie-i', by 1'hiladelphixi Tub lie. Ledger.) WANllINtiTON, Feb. 1 1. President . liar. ling today declared hinuself against ; payment of tic ,oldiciV bonus through j :t bond issue. He is also unalterably op posed to the special taxes, including a return to the txcess profits tax, by which it has been proposed to raise money for adjusted compensation. This practically kills the bonus for this session, unless Congress should adopt yio sales tax, for the White House views seen, to leave the way open . to the adoption of the sales tax. But . tin- farm bloc abmo will kill the sales tax. And it is piqhnble that tho aroused. I business sentiment against the bonus . wll probably oppose the sales tax. Mr. Hnrdng will communicate his views upon the bonus in the form of a I letter to the chairman of the house ami I senate committees which are conferring ' op. oi the bonus. j His position is ju,t what it has been j right along. He is for the bonus If . means of paying it can be provided which will not cause a disturbance in business I iHlll'litlons. He is ole.lireil tn .1 Iw.nnu iUlt at this particular time. y bond issue is out of the question be ca)se it is doubt till whether bunds can liefs sold and because the selling of them ihl interfere with the big refundinir operations which government must uu dojrtnkc tips year or next. Mr. Harding became committed to the bonus when he was running in the Ohio primaries fir the noininution for the I 'residencv. Since his eiilrnnee hiln tl,u White House Ik- has a large sense of hi I responsibilities and of the difficulties of reconciling the bonus with the task of re 1 Moring business stability. He probably j regrets his pledge made in the primaries I but considers himself as -hound by it. j F.ver.v indication is that tthe soldiers' ! b.imis is dead for the session. Everv j maneuver of the past few days hus been I directed to putting the blame for its I death where it will do the least harm to ! those who come up for re-election next fall. I In this maneuvering considerable feel I "Itf luis developed between the White I House :-n l Congress. The represents i lives and tin- senators who have to face I their constituents next fall desire very much that the President should assume rt sponsibility for the defeat or postpone- mi'iit or the bonus. Thev feel thnt tlm President docs not come up for reelec tion and that he is stronger and more popular than they are. Accordingly they think that whatever he says or does will carry more weight with the country than what they can av or do. A postpone ment of the bonus at his suggestion similar to that which resulted last year from his appearance before the senate would probably cost the party less votes 1 than the failure of Congress to enact one or H (ill'-l holders than a rous, passage of taxpayers one or which , bond : Hi. GOV. TAYLOR PUTS IN PLEA FOR FORD'S OFFER WASHINGTON. Feb. 15. Gover nor A If A. Taylor, pictnresatio chief ex ecutive I loose a mem ' -ngrc of the eh- Sh, applan niittoe ot I ennessee. today, where her, to appeal - of the i'or-1 Government "s ais. Ala. He returned to th he served once as for adoption by offer for operation properties at Mus was received amid c by th.' a ml ilium House Military Com iately launched into a i vigorous attack upon the Alabama Pow er Company, which he declared opposed j the adopt imi of Mr. Ford's proposal. I "The Alabama Power Company," he n-" rt-'i. should not hold the name of Alabama' and oppose development of the Muse'.. Shoals projects. No man or . ..nipniiv is wil-ome in Alebnma or Ten ii. ss. who opposes Mr. Ford tho man of ail others who can help us and is . cpialiti. -I to complete the shoals, for we ! are in the dun!j- without it. 'Its completion means new hope,' he continue!. New enterprises, and business. We need them." CHIEF RECOMMENDS GRAND TURY PROBE. I.'ICHMONI). V.i., Feb. l.V Chief ef Police Charles A. Sherry, today an-noiuue-1 that following a week's inves tigation into the fin' which destroyed tin- I'xingtoii hotel here February 7, an-1 cost li known lives, he has recom mended to Judge Richardson and Com monweal'1! "s Attorney Satterfield, that results of his in-iiiries "merit a grand jury investigation. ' ' NINE WHITE MEN CHARGED WITH MURDER lil.LAVILLE. GA.. Feb. IS. With warrant for the arrest of nine white men. charged with murder in connection with the shootiii-r of Will Jiues, a negro, last Sunday night, in his possession, Slu riff Battle, of Sxhley county, was to d;iy endeavoring to locate seven of the men who have iiisapH-ared. Cotton Market CLOSING BIDS ON THE NEW YORK MARKET NEW YORK, Feb. 15. Cotton f tur'v closvil ideadv. March 17.96;- Mav 17.70: July 17.20; October 16.72; lVcemUr 10.62.. TODAY'S CDTTOS I.LXET Strict to good mid d line ..I7e ..513 Cotton seed

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