i k ft PAGE TWO il 'Shinola" 15c Shoe Po l'1. i.'..' in all colors selling in this & "i'.ttf 8. -ivr'i sale at J jw-' --;..;.., jp- .,' IV;' ;,!.'.' Howell-Armstrong Co. Gasto&ia, N. C. STORE CLOSED All day Thursday, Febru ary 16th, this store will be under lock and key to re-arrange stock and mark down goods so as to handle the GREATEST CROWDS this town has ever seen at a sale. Special lot Women's Dull Kid low heel ' Pumps, that sold regular at $8.50, sell- !"!'.. $4.47 Beautiful Rronze Oxfords 'that sell for $10.00, in all . . j. 11 1 sizes, aciuauy seinng in thisSale -at $2.79 Women's Black Vici, Cloth Top Shoes, solid leather, Sure to please. While they r. $2.24 -asssnascsKESiancanaHnanaE Make Both Sides of Your Dollar Work "Daniel Green" Comfy Bed room Sliopers, beautiful colors, $2.25 values at . . . $1,37 Regular 50c fancy soft Silk Collars, all Q size!-, at tG or per do;en . . . . 97c ose, that $1.00, in Men's fancy Silk Hose, that would be cheap at $1.00, in this sale, per pair 47c Lot of several dozen new Ties that sold up to $2.50, to close out 07 quick at J I C Men and Young Men's good $1.50 Ties in this sale at C I ISifeWrajiiaakgagammBi warn f.yi.Lrrr-nr'rnsr: vy -t.- y, 0?!W shirts Tfi e'Hif iAIen: I'pver before have :-J &r?r ' wo offered such shirt val- V ;-,. Vi : 1 &s&'rj uos. Lot of fine dress Vv'?$ ll-i "$jfif Shirts in ail sizes and de- fepl! lP :-0Sh Arable patterns. Will not ; vi ' la(ie anl values up to if"'" - VV", 32.O0, in this sale at Crf TNES Special Man in charge to conduct this Pow erful Bargain Event. We have employed the services of an experienced Sales Manager, Mr. ( 'in;-.' L. Hobbs, of Charlotte, and turned our entire stuck ever to him. Giving him author ity to cut and slash th: nrice as he sees fit, with STRICT and URGENT ORDERS to SELL this STOCK' of high grade merchandise within 8 days. And sell it, I will; I have full authority to go the limit and am, going to give you the OPPORTUNITY OF A LIFE TIME to stock up for months to come at unheard of prices. J SRI OXFORDS Women's Black Kid Ox fords, Louis heel, all sizes, that would be cheap at $8.50. Selling in this Sale fl r- at Patent Oxford, Louis heel, OXFORDS For women, truly an oppor tunity. Big rack of 200 pair Pumps. Oxl' ;rd ; and low cuts of all kirds a n -A sizes that sold regular up TO aw.QU, tO ClOSP ullt MtllCri Your choice, per pair 97c everal dozen bovs' Caps that sold at $1 this sale at Men's and Y'oun V, tn go in 69c ; Men' new Caps for Sprin; regiuar Caps. at 1 the gastonia; HoweD-Anrisironi A. GET READY AND COME! Thrifty people, Economical People, Rich people Pcor people, the Logical Buying Hour is at Hand We can't tell you half the story, but we can say that Greater Prepara tions are Being Made than ever before. You Have Heard of Special Shoe Sales Probably you have attended special sales but when you attend this one all other attempts at Special Sales will have faded into insignificance. Considering that every dollars worth of this merchandise came from America's Best Makers and will go in this sale at such Unbelieveable Low Prices that will be the talk of the thrifty for years to come. S2S,000.00 STOCK of High-Grade Shoes, Gents' Furnishings and Ladies Hosiery. Goes on sale Friday, February 17th, 9 A. M. It is one of the greatest, if not the biggest sale of the kind ever held in Gastonia. This sale will be conducted along intelligent lines with a reason and purpose backed up by the best shoes that money and years of experience can buy. Thousands of items not mentioned here will be on sale everything goes nothing reserved. TELL YOUR NEIGHBORS Phone your friends KNOX HATS You know what "Knox" stands for in a Hat. Including all new spring' styles. f;f."au $4.95 B;f. $4.45 T"" $3.47 $i.00 Knox Derby Hats to close ."I"1 $2.95 f-yffgg-M'ii!;MTMnawwWMMiui. m m BELT BUCKLES Sterling Silver $2.00 IIucl at .... 97c 79c 47c $1.50 liuckkv at S1.0O lhickles at M H n 2 ... h . n a EVERYTHING SACRIFICED mm iJl JfLI& EL LBJxM.jRl S Women's Brown Suede -X - Awo-fM . Satin Top $9.00 Boots to , ;: esaasgsasBajflMBaiafcwiiiiiiB iinii n iiiriJwwMijjijM,Ajj.iwuA,iaiiiJMa3M J $3.95 T7T7 U I j $13.00 Bronze Kid Lace, . f Gastonia, N. C. You Have the Date! Advertising and Display (N. C). DAILY GAZETTE TOUNDING N .H. eforaary REDUCTIONS sounds UNREASONABLE, BUT ITS THE TRUTH $7.50 Reignskin White Oxfords for women, me- (0 Q7 dium heel at ..... Lot of Patent Pumps, good styles, $4.00 to $5.00 values, to close out this lot $1.95 at $5.00 Women's Shoes, Louis heel, good Via, selling $2.47 at $9.00 Shoes for Women in Dull Kid lace boot, while they r. $2.39 $8.00 Russia Pumps will actually go in this sale $2 9S Lot of regular $9.00 Champaigne color Boots for Women, to close out this lot at $1.95 ts to the first $1.97 $10.00 Grey Kid Roots to the first buyers at Phone 151 iii.iijinM-witf iii ii.li a. iimii iMnnunmm ii m i' nrst buyers flo on , You Know the Place! V V by C. L. Hobbs, f Oxfords :?.( Vici and Patent Pumps, ' 1 ;V'''l values up to $7.50, at Ext J C $50.00 CASH FREE Opening hour of sale Friday, S A. M. In appreciation and for general advertising,... fifty dollars given to the first 50 men and women to enter our door. No red tape. Just be here when the doors open. COLLARS "Arrow" Collars for Men in soft or linen, all sizes and most any style you desire. Selling in this 1 A Sale at lSrC Per dozen $1.47 HOLE PROOF HO SIERY For Men and Women. Ship ment of the new Elastic Ribbed Top to go in this sale at a Drastic Price-Reduction. SHIRTS Extra heavy Wool Coat Shirt that sold at $5.00. Selling in this sale at 1 $2.45 $1.00 Men 's Leather 69c Belts at BOYDEN & FLOR5HEIM Shoes for Men in Gun Metal Leather, at $5.95 "BATTREALL" Heavy solid leather Work Shoes for Men, selling at $2.95 of J last at Pi.i7 I V . ; $4.00 Gun Metal Oxfords I 3 V afr.. $2.47 1 . $7.50 Vici and Gun Metal V .' Shoes, for Men. to the WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY IS. 1S22. T 1 Entire Stock on Sale 8 Days lfHilg!7WyiiflHln'lil READ THIS Keep Your Cash and Wait' A remarkable sale only lasting eight days. It's like letting money slip through your fingers, if you fail to avail yourself to the fullest extent of these savings. So low have we sacrificed the price that we cannot allow approval purchases and must sell for cash only. HURRY FOLKS! We have turned the Clock back 7 years to get prices like these. SHOES Women! Think of it, selling in this sale $7.00 Patent with White Kid Top, top at $1.69 Big rack women's solid lea ther Shoes in all sizes and styles. Actually selling in this sale at $1.24 PUMPS Big lot White Canvas Pumps while they last at 79 c MEN'S Heavy Work Shoes, solid leather and built for hard wear, selling at $1.97 OXFORDS Men's genuine Russia Calf, dark brown Oxford, regu lar $6.50 value, good style and all sizes, to close out quick at $3.47 15c Large Bottle Clack Shofe Polish, for 9c Charlotte, here in charge of athe Sale 3