J THE gastonia (N. C). daily gazette ,WEDN5DAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1922. PAGE TWO THE TH BABY IS Chapel Hill. Wo are writi-n; directly m! DEATH RATE SHOWS i Tar Baby and to others there. IU llflT U1TCD f PlfU ' v""r J"'1"""'1'''"" attention t 111 nUl VlAltn AbAIN this matter We in greatly MWreci:.t, j vour aid. We have "no iiariieitlar ?ii,,e A BIG DECREASE ! COLORED CITIZENS THAZ Charged With "Deliberate Vwant to ' t ion or (liiriicsr li harm Tnr Haley, be Theft of Material" by Kan- a State College Student Editorial Board Has Resign ed. CHAPEL HILL, Kill. 20 Verily, whtMi it rains it wurs. The Tar Hatiy is in bad again. Kollowisi closely on Hit het of the scathing t) -n u n-i.i t i on of: f I'miilrit Chase, comes the charge tlmt it is guilty of "iU'Hberate theft of ma-, ferial" snl the resignation of its stu dent editorial Itonnl. ' The .'orth Carolina tluijitor of Siifma JV'lta Chi Journalistic Vratcnnfy is in j receipt of fl letter from the chapter t I the Kaiix.18 State Agrisultural College; eoBrerning tin- "Brown Uuil. ' the lui - morous j'tihlicjif ion if t.'int college, t-harg- .-ing the "Tar Hul.j " villi the ilciiberate theft of material from that magazine; nnl asking tin- North Carolina Chapfer of the fraternity to furnish it with in 1 formation camerning the relation he twecB, the "Tar liaW.v" ami the I'niver sity. .... The fiigma Jelta (hi Fraternity is writing the Chapter nt Kansas State Ann ' rultural College, stating the exact status of the "dtsrejiutalilc juihliertt ion of this ueijfhliorhood ., " February 7, 1022. . North Carolina Cha)ter, , Sigma Delta Chi., I Chapel Hill, North Carolina. Gentlemen: In the Tar Baby of Xnvcmlicr 21 (Vol. !?; No. 10) Tte have found the marked forty-nine pieces, totaling ierliai: three pages, of material. which are identlenl ,,with a' like jiiuiiber of jiieres tnililinhed in the Brown Bull, ifay I t, 1!21 . The ir tieleii are identical "with one exception, i Which we Jlieve tafe a typographical mor. ', Tar Baby; did not give credit to the Browit'Bull or.to any exchange. If ' ,yoif 'can give us thin infor mation we '' woiild - fjiiito appreciate it. Perhaps you AvjJl wish to make mime Investigation. Vvee4eel that vou tin- game t'lin iv i tli ii! i. n M.iv v, decern ry lenient., i' c:in 't let (! hi 1 At W. i if ho lioiic for rtn enrv Fraternal!.". V. li. i;i..f'K !.':": iH.'I Osage. .f:.iih:.ttan, K: , it 'hat. line t- light also "'' dent I i fi i-i.t i I. oar. I, I. .:! : 'e, Cirny Jr.. of -ipn--t N tic lit ill Ijf t , THE All iLLXJjy KXAN : V VSIHN'ITOX, Feb. 21.-The death' (1 the Assneiate.1 i'rew.) - rate in the I'nited Kt.ite decreased to; SHAWXKK, 0KLA Feb. 21. The) !..:oii p.r H;ii,tMiii population in l!l2(l,drtor of a m'wspKT oflice, where this :'ro o l.H'H pi r iuufKHi in I'.HO, jiccord- morniriK ' paiier gtill was in the making, j iii - to fn?-i" announced tMlay by the wan oieiied Htenlthily here lairt nihti All ne gruiiis showed and a su foot m-gro enterel, "I'm .1 iate l.ut the most pro. JookinK for the (Mitur,'" lie ieiid. e.iv itA,ir.led in trie ' In the editor's dftiec, the negro laid a' li.fui' in irtality ' tinder: slip of ' paper on a deiyk, aid: "We! . the l'.'-'i rate -"bilniz iiiilud folks who U on de riijlit aide won-' i :,, t ,;i i- I with !.'l.f'H:s di rt if you will print this in you pilcr.j .i vl ;..' nt .'tiiont i c has an oriiaiiinshiin which believes t . l a- ruiiii a-1 in doin' rignt. But Mah, 1 can't tell you; , I .-. r iiM'd from my name." - ( And as he finished njienking ho rolled1 MRS. SEXTON" LIVED 1H DREAD OF THE FUTURE t, ; resiKied, making fi i I, ; publicat'ioa t ( 'n j ill i :.s :iu i I n i versify . I In an eiKtoiial in a rv .' i-m.c ii,.- Tar Heel, th- snident-' -.-iii-we. '.! ! neuspaji I'l'- Te r It:. I a a ,;:. ' denineil i,i Iu'e-t; t. :,!:-. I' ed.', a::: ' ' follow ,s ii; , r: : j lt Is aiii".'.,. inci'ii-i''' i- a: a 1 1 1 : yzine iH-g.aaiu in the I. !.- : ery r. a i success that lirst a'temhil i' iiiul.l -.'n,: so low as the pre enf p 1 1 1 I ; 1 ion . ('".a j Distent ly, it is in-iste.i in prititii!; tiie ' filthy, consistently ii has coupled it name with dishonest taetlidds of certain Mien connected with it, runs slent !y it I, as liee.i low anil rotten and of i lies! ioiia iile lean "e.-ty. Much of its tna''i!al l.as been boldly copied t iom o'h r nu (.'n.ii s . Men coniitcteil w ith the ear. iial ion ;,;ivr : left a trail of bad clicks all or, i Surra ! Carolina . The phiee-uf riiiti:i h:u. been ihnnged Hevcal tinns, nucu at !':) t i la-eiiuse the corporation was uiarkedlv j .slow ill the pnyineiit of bills. Slock in 1 1 he corporation has. been sold at me tia;;s j of Cniversity alniimi who Mere not : ware Jthat the magazine ivli in no manner an organ of the I'nvier.sity . Many of ihese i miadeeik. the corportition places al t'v I iloor of one of its former ofiiu rs v. Im is j now Hought b the Ian for I no I click. 1 paused by ti ; tn and certain ot'ier ciinies' of which he. is K"'".v lie this in it iiiav, 'a Juan or a corporation is known by .lie ' company it keeps . "The I'nivcrsity i determined I ia! I none shall judge it by the "Tar Ha by. The word that there in no relationship I should be sent to nil North Carolina. The HtockholderH of the corporation. fij . .. .t t i.:.-t. i: : ZZ ,-.-r( 'ii """I the Htat-e. Mhmild feel th- 8ame rcpii'- . yoo hay comimre with, tltt- above men- ' . ,. ., ,,, .. , f lnl .u. Tt..'.-nh .Tk. ! ' "C'ciatltig the wealth ot thc.r , lianiex with :uch u paper. They s louhl I icall for a tn lenient from the corporal ion . Belief here i.s tlmt it is. on the verge I ,fe i t' 'IV in U aye i rate a' rat ', int i'tlf ,f ti'e !ll:.lW!l. i.i 1"! '. Tie ..r, i f i::,-mn e groi.p di en . r I'"1." "I. i in a I! .-. largely to t! 'i 'o: - . t v j'S. .;v. The ' '. th a re:. , IHM tol I I : . 21 t, s ; ! am' a. ilcniS tad' I re.asa.l frma M!:0)'.in,: : m an flit pI a. r :. for w hi.- . . a::, lit', . The ,. I ' h art -I. .:u l''l r liiaop'i. approxi- Hantinarfbn Woman Could Feel j Herself Getting Weaker Day by Day and Nothing Seemed to Reach Her Trouble. e -li.-.t se. fr ali-.iit fur tiin his big white eyes toward the door and :,.-,sl j,er The note which Jie members of the Kit f i nips was ed rates r. and t nliercii- li-e ten year r loii.'HHi; for oti.n!Hi, arid nephritis, !! a aec-idenls of I to 71. in increase in were can- , leased from , and pucrper i organic di p'rtict ieallv no of 1 H..J. ti jide a hasty exit, left read: "To th. K lux Klan : ' : " (Ireetiiifjn : " We wish to thank you for yotir eourt-'. on- for helping to "top dishonest and i tit-' iiioniTT pnict ices in this section of tlle town. We will appreciate any future' steps that you may tke to completely! wipe out these practices. (.Signed) "The Colored Secret Haying Society of South Town." j The note is .--aid to, relate to the al leged whipping of two ngro youths irattirday night. It was printed. 1 Chini Health Now Completely Re-; stored Sne Pours 'Out Her Gratitude to Tanlac in. Re-1 niarkable Statement. "It was : imply reiiinrkiible the wny Tanlac n stored me to health 3 year ago iind the effects hove been, lasting, foo, : uh I haven't had a return pfLjniy of irly old' trotiblex uliiee, " caid I Mrs. J. A.' Sexion, 221 1 ' Kig!itlt Ave., Huntington, ! W. Ya. , "My health had been steadily failing! for more than five years as n result of i stomach and liver 'troubles. I just liy- ' ed in dread all flie time ot what was go- ti To Ford Ovms! . Don't let your Ford go to th6 bad. Keep it in good order. Let us look - ft oyer. We ' . guarantee satisfaction and our !p).ices are low. Notice that blattering in your Ford? ' Let us change the; transmission .band and prevent rear-end trouble.' '.- ! Notice Our Low Prices : Changing Transmission Band . With Starter' . Grinding Valves . : Re'pairing Rear-End ........ Tightening Connecting Rods . . Overhauling Motor .$ 2.00 . 2.50 . 2.25 2.75 v 1.75 10.00 McADENVILLli MATTERS M Cat. rie.l in M' W e;. Wat! M lotle A. ia -;;mdere , ' ,- A FH .N VI !.! .! :. - and Mi - ' ' a Saturday 'l.t eeri'.irui:! b ' '. The Mailv (ia.ette.) I' b 2n. Mr. Floyd rvelt wa-re lliiir e ii retnon'v be W right. Ksq. si Cussi" i 'ook loir tn li'iniioll. lot I irinlil vef fhM I w:iu feels that if it can be protected. ,u.lI1r w,,ker dav bv dav. fram its friends it can t;tke car,, of its "Tanliie cerfainl'v .raved a wonderful eiuiiies-Chicago Daily News. i blessing to me. ft brought me health land strength and-for the past year I hnvcli't .Jjaowii what it was to have a touch of indigestion or a- bilioiia iittack. I'm truly eifthusinstie, about, Tailing and there is nothing toogond for me to say about it . " Tanlac is sold in Gastonia by J. II. Kennedy ltrui; Co., and by leading drug gists everywhere. The capture of Will Hays may prove the biggest mail robbery the movies havH yet staged. tit; I'aul Pioneer-Press. Give us a trial and be convinced. Yours for Better Service " Night arid Day Garage 902 North Marietta Street Phone 894-X You see, we must teach Haiti a lesson.! What does she mean by being so small find Inlpless.' Zanesville Times-Record-' cr. night by He v. Mr. doobtedry wilL 'sa-nre aeudhig you -peal fra 11 ' Mr. Mount . in t re! - a I laa I rie.l S- 'nr.! n-e . .Iibn Tai'iierjuid fnmilv, of Char-i-i!ed rt I:l1ivi here Sunday. ". I'asour. F. 1-. Kirbv. C. 0. Hum i.i! .II. M. Jrtnufolt., all of IVdmoiit. Suednv Ifrc with ivlfitives ;iip Subscribe To The Gastonia Dailv Gazette. - . : '" . V that Mi. C. K. Tate . land Sninlav to is going on there lored to the' new prejuiratnry tioned issue of Tar Baby. The articles in Brown Hull, nc inartra with the mim- ber of the page ujion which they will ' lv. ,.,l I,. T..J 1., l. . ,..,,.. ..,,. ,1,.,, .1 . JVe aaoiiM like to have the names of i" T"1 ' 1 , . the staff Of the Tar Baby 4f November I ihf Zh0J "''! " f:,l,:" 24,1921. We should nUa like to have ! of filUl ",to f",'"r,' . information a to Tar Baby's connection ! "That is the best course. Let the ftt the Uniersity, and the relations of the j whole structure of it be destroyed thai North Carolina Chapter with the Tarl" "'', better, and cleaner thing may be Baby, Any other information or n- j" retired out of its ruins that may not on'y -'. .'plnnatio.it .with which you can furnish us I nu organ of the l iiiversiiy but a will be very gratefully received. j credit to the great name of Carolina . , Brown Bull holds the copyright certif- j This seems to be th ntini-iil of the iente of the Brown Bull of May 1.1, 1921, students as a unit am!- of the village. (the issae in question.) The action of Tar P.ahy sales here are deplorably Tar Baby is without donbt infringement j small. In fact, The Virginia I.Vcl, the of copyright. The action of the Inral i humorous publication of Virginia l ui organization will depend $ large ex-! versify, has many more sales here than tent upon the regpon::e received from I does The Tar Babv . t.i the bai' Company Iin;r of the Southern Power big tiwer ilfliit . GYPSY CHIEF TAKES BATH AFTER 40 DAYS (liy The AiMoclnted Press.') XKWAIIK. . .1., Feb. 21. t Fonr t 'en g'pv failii"', who make their, hniies in. the Belleville district, near lu re, are tuakvi'.' hnlalay to'dav, for their ; -h'e-r'. Hen jMoyt, has taken a bath and i hat'gid his liiieu. Thir is the lirst time the ceremony has occurred in nt leas' forty days, for the, din f un f irbid'hai bv the traditional laws of his tribe to touch his body with, water. yhae. or e'-n change his clothing, l"i!il that lime has elapsed after the d nth of his wife, his is the day. and the chief's follower, are giving evidence of .apl'ini'-:s. MADHOUSE OF CRUELTY AND DESPAIR" v AMERICAN OFFICER CALLS ARMENIA Captain Paxton Hibben Tells Touciiing Story of Homeless, Starving People Succored by Near East Rejjef, , ' Emaciated little girls With ; (inched , r and unreal faces, their !' clotblnr a mere piece of torn sack- ing: held together with thorns for ptns. paraded listlessly along the j aids ofthe train with uplifted, j scrawny Jirms and cupped hands, i rhtnlngr a scarcely audible prayer : l for food. Their great dark eyes .looked out from under tumbled hair, uncombed tor months, per ' haps years, seeing neither the train ; nor us. God knows what they saw, . those fathoinless eyes ot a girlhood i that had never been God knows ,l what they had seen,, in the years of wandering from place to place, un . 'protected, unloved, uncared fori" I. Thus Captain Paxton Hibben de ; scribes the Journey of the TTnited ' States "rmy officers who aecom . panted Major General James G. .: Harbord into Armenia, In an article, "Salvaging a People." In Holland's j fasraxlne. Dallas, Texas. Captain Hibben is a well-known writer and i war correspondent, author of Con ', stantlne 1. and the Greek People, 1 who was with the Historical Pec--: tlon. General Staff, A. E. F., during i the war. ' , ; ' People Lack ETerything j' . "These desperate, destitute people who haVe so land to cultivate no ; food to eat and no clothes to wear, v and have teen iithat condition for five years, now,", he calls the more . than half a . million Armenian . refugees wandering from place to place seeking food and shelter that . does not exist. "Under the old Tsarist system, the peasants plowed with a charred atfck plow, drawn fcy three to six span of oxen. Now the oxen are dead they were killed tor food lonR- afro. There are no honest-to-poodness plows, no culti vators, 'no reapers, no hinders." Nothinsr Is left in this country of misfortune. Captain Hibben de clares. "Not a pair of shoes: not even a broken pane of window frlass nothing but the flotsam and the jetsam of war and destruction." . Captain Hibben describes the ar rival of the American Near V.tH Relief workers at Erlvan. the capi tal of the unhappy Armenian Re publie,,wlth Its war-srutted r'ailwav elation crowded with hundreds of , homeless refugees. Hundreds of Homeless "All about, on the fr round, close to the walls for shelter from winds, Under freight cara, in the meager covering of dusty hedges, -In the open everywhere little groups lay on the dry earth, hundreds and hundreds, almost all women, with a few children. Near them pitiful bundles of rags that constituted the I whole of their worldly possessions: three stones and a bit of rusted tin made the stove upon which what cooking there was to do little ,. enough -was done. Thev lived Where they lay at ntght without nener or pnvacy or anything they could call their own. Sometimes. seemingly for no reason, a little . rroUD would sack un the handful of rags that served as cover to ''.v;:;.;.l) tr Tor- oii i. poln' - "Ta - thr.t . are i a ; lvinu i i die,! .'i:: g-Ofii n-.i cart e,:i stieets a and pie!: hel l t pi Rut it Ir. Not It ing 'r:y atmight, without shelter or privacy." :.-c.i -rc bcinf: fed by tlusi' Americans." ' ."c-t.iirr Paxton Hibben'" vte lly l-Tien'ient upon ositv of the people of f tales. tiie the gener-CisrteJ u-. as .1 : i-' i i n 'lli-i i w -i i I : was. fleep tinder, and move off. They eiimoea on rreignt cars and went vomewhere else, onlv to find things the eame or worse. Acaln they settled down In abject, patient. In curious misery, to Await God knows what! 0 Alonr the road fmrw the tat!Ti , to the town more grour of refnrees were ramned. In. annxlllno- nilunr i n rient cr tne roia a reat. barren field, where huge holes ej Been dug and ft lied in again. like." ur:iiat:s Oilost ( "iKs'.iaas Tou have to io:neniler always." Captain liiliden as. "thai Armenia Was an organized nation and the Armenians a conscious people .a thousand years before there was a single organized nation In Europe, save 'Greece and Itome. For twelve hundred of their twenty-five hundred years of existence as a people, they were independent and self-governing. They were a (Chris tian people In the year "3 A. r. The Armenian klncdonj was the first state In the world to adnnt Chris tianity as the national church in the year 301. Ther Invented their own alphabet such as It Is at the same time. They have a literature older than the English or the French or the German or the Spsn Ish.i and ages older than the Sla vonic literature. They have an art and an architecture and a music of their own. Thev were bankers and traders and artisans when the in habitants of the British Isles were painted blue, and the people of France and Germany went about clothed In skins" !! Near I-'ast Uolief Work v j a i "There are thirty-three Near East -v'nel.ef ( n-pbariares. large and small, '."in Urivau-r-iuui, about 7.000 kiddies ajiluif the Americans are looking alter. .Through the Near East He lief, ovir fifty millions of dollars have pone Tm help the Armenians In the pnst three years. Over five hundred Am. rieati women and men are woikiaf; in t tie Near East, un ci, t nisi; ely but effectively, to keep A strange and alien people from starvation and detrnctiortj One hundred ten thousand little chil dren arc being fed by the Ameri cans: sixty-three liospi'als are kept running, with 6.rei2 heds, always full. And when an arpeal la made to the great heart of the American people to keep this work going the morTi-y Is always there. "For the Idaliom that was roused in these in everv land whnpe people went forth to fiirht frr what they believed 6 be riicht and true, is there still. The formalists at Ver sailles foreot It: they dealt nft In human realities, but In the artiflcal Impalpable theories nf boundaries, governments, spheres of Influence, secret agreements and zones of ex ploitation. . "But an Arce-iran erlrl sitting on the mud sidewalk of Erlvan. With a dead woman's head In her lap, dis covered in a moment what those pitiful old men at Versailles will never know that the world Is a hnmar place and its people are all kin." . ' Ontaln Hihhen appeals for the -I sn S Si Ttat now Alt la ehanveA the American officer writes. 'With all 1 eontinuation cf the work of merer of their proud tradition the Ar-1 being don bv the Near Eat Ttelief. roenlans. victims of - an- Incredible throueb subscription to Cleveland tlatnrv nt neeseetitlnn liv' hA TI fir..! era t-finrer nt that Arpanl- VVhere they were new. monnda off Turks a nd beirTet K. iV itii Miinn 1 Madiann Avenue. New rUi ms.rke4 then; where, they art1 Cbrstltn nations fit the worlfl, are' Toric - - BIG CLEARANCE SALE At H. .P. STOWE GO'S. "... THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY and MONDAY Four Days Only-Commencing Thursday, February 23rd RUGS One-third off on all Rugs in our stock for these four days orily. Now is the time to buy one for Spring. TWENTY PER CENT OFF ON Dress Goods, Silks, Ginghams, Cre tones, Draperies and Linens., 20 to 50 per cent off on all Blank ets, Comforts, Quilts, Sheets and Pillow Cases. SUITS AT A BIG SACRIFICE Ladies Winter (Suitst just ONE HALF PRICE for these Four Days. Ladies Spring Suits at a reduc tion of 0 per cent. 12 Ladies' Dresses, good styles silks and Cretonnes, at one-half price. , One-half price on heavy Sweat ers. One-half price on Middy Suits. r I BIG BARGAIN COUNTER 'One big counter of Ginghams and Outings and Percales worth . twice the special price of 10 cents GINGHAMS AT 12 l-2c Yard 2,000 Yards of Good Ginghams, all size checksand plaids, values 25 cents, for Four Days only at 12 1-2 cents , DRESS GOODS 1,000 Yards Silk 'Crepe de Chine, Georgettes and .Velours, values up to $2.50, to go in this Big; Four Day Sale at only x ' r a 98 cents V : One-lot of Dress Goods, Silks, Pop lins, etc., values up to $1.50, for these four days only, at 48 cents SHOES! SHOES! SHOES! - . ', ' . : No old junk. . All new and up-to-date shoes. Best makes. For four days only we are "offering 20 per cent off on all new Spring Shoes and 33 1-3 per cent off on all Winter Shoes. 4 BEAMGUARD-HOVISSHOE COMPANY v (Downstairs) MILLINERY! ( MILLINERY! All Winter4Hats going during these four days at one-half price. New Spring line just arrived. v Ten per Cent off on these for the four days. -It. will pay you to visit our Millinery Department. MISSREID (Upstairs) -L P. ST .r.r.'iuV OWE - COMPANY j in 5a S-M H.

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