SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 25, 1922. THE GASTONIA, (N. O. DAILY GAZETTE PACE FIVE SUNDAY AT THE CHURCHES A Directory 3howIns Where Services Will Be Held Tomorrow In the Churches of the City and County " of AU Denominations, Together With News Items Concerning Religious Activities' Of AU Sorts In 1 Gaston. Editor., , ' Key. C. B. Gillespie: ." ' Mian Klijibeth . Martin'. TOMORROW IS THE LAST DAY , OF THE ACTIVE NEAR EAST CAMPAIGN NOW ON IN GAS TON COUNTY. GASTON HEARTS AND PURSES, j . ... . ... ... - - In the most representative . offering! possibly taken in Gnton county since the I strenuous and anxious days of tty World War, Oaston hearts have been tour i-hcd I by the distressing conditions prevailing in the Near Kast and Gaston purses have leen opened with a moat general und generous outpouring of some of the blessings an infinite Almighty has pour ed out upon u. Churches and Sunday schools, Hankers and day school, cot to . in ill owners ami operatives, merchant and farmers, housewives and young children in the homes have vied with one another to give pf their wtore, with which Ood has blessHl them, to relieve some of the dis tiesslijiid destitution existing among the wo!iiiJ and children of it stricken land. Coiliplete returns can not be tabulated before the-latter part of next week and the iieople of every outlying church, School and factory are requested to make nn offering tomorrow if lliey have not al ready done so. And thu will be the rr ward for Us nil, " Kilter into the King dom' prepared for you by My Father from the foundation of the world." LEADER FOR YOUNG MEN. "Mr. A. I,, furrie, a Btudent at David-! son college, who will later enter the Cos- : ld ministrv, is in (iastonia todav with' n view to becoming Director of Voung : Men's work in the First Tresl.vterian church this hiimiiur, during the vacation period. Mr. Currier, familiarly known as "Buck," has been the Davidson starl on the baseball diamond und hua just1 refused an offer of $:tiM!.tlO per month) for the summer to play professional ball.l preferring the work of the church to1 anything else. Ml. Ctirrie has tentative- j ly accepted the, position nod the young men of th First church and outlying ! f.tntion have a bright and busy summer' ahead. THE AMERICAN LEGION. i In all of our churches there are ninny! young men who served wi'h honor in the World War. Their gallantry, bravery and saerifley have been perpetuated in 1 the American organization of the Legion and yet many of our ex-soldiers remain stolidly indifferent to this (Treat institu tion which has been originated not alone for the preservation of war personnel mid records, hut for the upholding and protection of all sacred American princi-1 plea and ao the staunch adherents of good government. Kvery ex-soldier in (iasfon county should d. em it an honor I and privilege to be :v member of this' worth-while Autericin institution. Here is a noble work in which every pastor any every teacher of Men's Bible classes i can engage, the work of urging their j members to enlist in the ranks of the American Legion. In our failure to iuterest men and money in a tiastonia Y. M. C. A. what could be a more fitting memorial to (ias tou County's Heroes than nn American Legion Community Center. They are well able to do all of the Y " work in thid city with adequate building and equipment. The markers, avenues and highway portions can tgisily and with, little expense be erected to the present , genereation, but if we have a viniou for, the comiiii; generation we can not do bet-: ter, or as well, as in tin; erection of a handsome, commodious well-equipped As sociation building for the American Le gion, yoldiers you did your duty to your country in time of war and because of; this fine record you owe your undying al hsgianee and loyalty to worth whiUr. American institutions. Get into the Le- gion with the best you have. NEAR EAST. If you have been overlooked and had no opportunity to contribute to the needs of the standing children of the Neur : .Kast, please place your offering in an envelope and hand to a church officer to-: morrow or mail same to the editor of this column or to Mr. A. O. Myers at; the Citizens National Bank. ' I THE SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON, j i tor. Band of Hope at 2 :'i0 p. m. re- PracticaU Present Day Application Of I ning sendee at 7:10 p. m. An impor What "Faith la The Unseen" Will; tant meeting of the young people is call Do For Us Business Men Of Gaa-.ed for 7 p. m. Be sure to be present, tonia Interviewed Are Unanimous Con-' . cerning The Value Of The Unseen; Forces Of Religion la Every Day' ..Lif J "Te unseen realities o religion God, Christ, The Angels, Heaven have not oily helped me as a Christian man and father, hut have stabilized my busi ness dealings, carried me through sea sons of depression and uwde of me a bet tor business man. M. iVlurby. "Faith in Jesua Christ and belief in' the unseen power of Gmr have been the! foundation on which my family and busi ness life and principles have been suc cessfully built." W. Y. Warren. "Aa a physician I havo- come in con tact with so many failures of medical science and so ninny triumphs of the unseen-defenders of life and health that I would be a "quack" if I did not depend upon the unseen forces of religion tojManley, priest in charge: St. Andrew's' help mo in my work." Dr. Lester P. 'Church, Bessemer City; Sunday School; v(.. .t; vi n i Hi ti ;:... l ' q --.i power of religion I feel that I have been! . i " i " T, J auu ""3"'" wuuiii Havo. urvii poui0 wiiiiuul tucHi, j- uiou i p. nr. through faith in God, Christ, The Angels: - and Heaven." J. WTunberlake. Tha Gazette has two phones. " Call 50 , 'Ib the publishing .business as po,";i " . , ,. sibly in no oVher, we feel the great nVed" ntm; call 232 of faith in forces unseen in order tojif yon want to talk to tie aews or edi sueeessfully carry on the work, and Ij hare experienced the helpfulness of atoriaJ department. s3 firm faith in the powerful ipiseeii forces of God." K. 11. Atkins. j Charles B. Armstrong Memorial Presby terian Church. Owing to the construction of hard stir-! "Oh, well," said her son resignedly, faced road on South liroad Klreet thej"he'll get us all sooner or later, so we d street to the church is closed to trn flic, just us well be polite to him. " and tins caused postponement of the 1 . . Mrst Anniversary service, winch, was 10 have, been held tomorrow afternoon, to ., ., ..,.;. ,-.... ... K(lllU :ilU.u,;;us ,u.r(l i(,lui)rrow can drive- The- Cardinal Club met Friday morn :,. , s,.Illillo,.. fi..i,0i ,,.. Thi.:ing with Mrs. Tied Nark lev at !.er home fTlllll ltt-n -aiII fin, I ! trfMk.t r..-..l 1 lift end of Oakland gireet with a fev yards 'charming with drtfTodils. primroses and walk sews the common. .Sumley school j ciiieri;is. :,nd bridge was played at two tomorrow lit a. m. I,. K. Kim aid, super-' tables. No prizes were given and at the inteiuleut. Treadling hv the pastor. li close of the game delicious refreshments i a. in., arid 7:(il p. in. Subjects, "home j Heal Caves," and "Towers of Dark , nests.'' C. F.. St.cieties meet a1 fi:l." p. ; in, A eor.iial wehcine to all at this i church by the hide of I'niou r .ad on Houth It road .street. Piedmont Chapel. Sunday s-iiool tomorrow afternoon at 2:.'!(l i. m. II. Hhyne. Miperinteii j dint. Treaching immediately alter iiii- day school. An offering will he taken I tomorrow for the suffering children of , the Near Kant. A liberal auVani e ofJYr j ing ha' liein made d irir.g the week. All I lire welcome to this little church with it b'X. g'ad hand of welcome. South Marietta St. Baptist. llev. W. T. Mi ( arler, pas' ir, will con duct the UHiial M'niccs or- the day at u p-f ' U" ' . o V dl,l,l .H',j!'' ' aI!wr 'J A- ) ' r,1",,ll'"i!l " '"""I . "' VV, ,5' V .' , h" f"'"" :it !,ri Tw"y L. 0. 0. M. Members of the I.oval Order of Moose are urged to a-wemlile at the had on Main Avenue tomorrow morning at ! n. m.. where the members of Cntachee Tribe of Red Mem v. ill join them and proceed to the Men's Bible Class of the West Airline M. K. Church. There will be amide time after class for members to attend prcprhiug services at their ov.u churches'. Your own pastor will enjoy seeing your face in his congregation. Franklin Avenue Methodist Church. Kcv. W. M. Hobbins, na-''ir. Morning service at 11 a. m., r-Hiudav school at 10 a. m., evening serviie at 7 p. in. East Baptist Church. T!ev. T. II, King, pastor. Morning ser vice at 11 a. m.. Sunday school at U-.-iT, a. in., R. Y. T. I', al fi p. m preaching at Flint Mill at .! p. til ., evening -ervice at 7:00 p. m. Holy Trinity Lutheran. TVv. .). C. Dietz, pastor. Sunday school at In a. in., morning service at I I a. m., Sunday school at h'hyne's Chapel :.t .'! p. in., preaching at Bessemer City at 7 i. in., L'lther League at 7 . m. First Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church. Dr. J. C. fialloway. pas'or. Sabbath school at I a. itn morning scvice at 11 a. in., evening service at 7 :'M p. m. Main Street Ucv. A. L. St: Methodist Chcrch. 'i ford, pastor. Sunday school at 0:4o a. m I 1 a. in., subject. ' Hemedy For Sin." vice at (i:4.'5 p. in.. morning service at Tiie fJospel T'aul Cmirades of Se--Mildrel Williams. senior leader. Mrs. ,1. Y. Miiler will make the talk. Helen Anders, junior leader. K veiling service at 7: WI p. m.. subject of sermon lecture. "A Week fn Ibnia The Kterna! Ci'v. West Avenue Presbyterian Church. Rev. U. C. Long, jaytor. Sunday school at !:.!' a. m. Mr. C-thh A. Spencr. Su,it. Mr. I.. N. l"ntz, assist ant sapterintendent. Mnming service at 11 a. to., conducted hy the pastor. Sub ject, "Following Ood." Junior, Inter mediate and Senior t''lirl?i.-ir. Kndeavor Sisieties at i:l" p. n:. ne-etinw in separate rooms. Subject. "Rooks and a Pet ter Life.'" K renin sorrice at 7 p. in., subject "The Woman OiM "hang ed. " First Presbyterian Church. Rev. J. H. Henderiife. D. D.. pastor. Sunday school at i:4") n. m. Morning service at 11 a. m.. con bj.'ted hv tne nas- West Airline Avenue M. E. Church. Rev. Oeo. Studson IV Lano. pastor. Sunday school at 9 : 4" a. in. Trenching by the pustor at 11 a. m. Praise ser vice at 7 n. m. Treadling by the pastor at 7:.'10 j). m. Praise service at 7:l!0 p. tn. Wednesday. You will he welcomed' here. Episcopal. St. Mark's church Long Averyie and C. Johnson, X. Falls St., Rev. J. W rector; Jtloly Communion & a . m., morn ing prayer and sermon 11 a . m . . even ing prayer and sermon 7:J0 p. ra. Snn- iday School in Parish House, 9:b a. m . Men's Bible Class 10 a. in. AH are i welcome. Lenten services will he an nounced Sunday. Associate Churches. Rev. Georie M. - -: n I John's Churrh. High Shoals, Sunday l ui,i in . 1 , , ' "' i,ra-v "na-r-, ftTTH THE WDMEB IS - ' city m mm twain of latcrMt ia the Soda Lif of Gastonia end Gaatoar facta tad Fancies fox The Gazette'e Feminine Friend. ! ; Mr. Zoo Eiaceid Brecimaw ' Editor I ' Phon 4T Phone 747 1 BETTER SPEAK iTO MR. FORD. "Why, mot her," exclaimed a small hoy va:ki.ig with Ins parent t.nough the t Mr. Charlie Kurd. " I "I did.i'l see Mr. Charlie Vord," re I plied his mother. ' ' ltut why," she add led, "are von so much concerned over my tl j , not speaking to hliii o:i a crowdisl street'" CARDINAL mITU moo WITH MKi CLUB . BARKLEY. on Wt'st. Set oud avenue. The rooms Teie consisting of jiioldid vegetable salad, hot i roils, sandwiches, creamed chicken eith 'mushrooms, aad hot tea were served. Mrs. L. K. Foster, of Martin Farms,, and Mrs. Henry b'hyue, of Ml. Holly, wi'i.- the out of town members pri sc'il . Th's ciuli hold-, its nnx'tings hi month- 1 ly, on the second ami fourth Tuesdays of each mouth ' COMMITTEE MET WITH MR. AND. MRS. THORNBURG. The (iasfon Assoeiational H. Y. T. F. 1'xecutive Committee was the guest' of the president and Junior Leader, Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Thornburg ni their inline on South Marietta Street, Friday evening. important matters of busi ness were transacted, including final plans for the County Wile Training School to be held in (tastonia, April ! 14th. Alter the business of the even ing ;i social hour was enjoyed at which t time the hostess served a delicious ice course. Those present were Messrs. Tengue and Huiiigardner, of Belmont, Mr. Williams of Bessemer City, Miss Styres and Mr. and Mrs. Thornburg,, of Onstonia. B. Y. P. U. 'SOCIALS THIS WEEK. On Thursday night the Senior B. Y. T. I'., Section "A", planned t'uf a crowd of fifty to sixty and only twenty eight were present. They had a vt ry enjoyable occasion with the number, present, but the president, entertain ment committee and leaders were very disappointed in the attendance, as 1 hoy , had gone to considerable trouble to di'ior.ite and beautify the Baptist Annex, However, it was not amiss, ns the Si nior 4'uioii, section " B ", had planned their sicial for Friday night, mid nil dei oi a lions were left for them. Section "A" ought to have been to Section " B 's " social Friday night in' older to learn how to put it over. They I came out fifty strong and had one of the nicest and most enjoyable social of the season. Thev were chaperoned by ; Mr. and Mrs. If. (. Kisenhower and; Mr. and Mrs. M. O. Thornburg. If is hoped thufthey will be as loyal on' each Sunday night as they were in com- : ing to the social. U D. C. MET FRIDAY AFTERNOON. - j The (iastonia Chapter, V . D. C. held' its regular February meting Friday af ' teMioon at 4 o'clock in the Chamber of j Commerce auditorium. The,! ill's. S. A. Kindiey, presided and lei.d j no"s of a routine nature was- transact.!. I Hearts from the various standing . om-J n.ittees were heard and Mrs. frank I., j Wilsou, chairman of the North Car .,ina text book eiilolllittee, spike nf t'ie uoils of her coininitree in a'lempting to . iimi Hate unfair histories in the school of the state. The sta!" presi.l n', M's. Tli im.'h W . ' Wi'son, di-1 drive. I a silver loving cup won i by Nie-th Carolina at the general couvea j tiroi in St. Louis for the greatest gain! ill membersh'p lste n the ages of Is, and ."i, Mrs. Wilson alo ske in an ill- , terisTing ,v,v of tiie s;;.te ; ii.nal ( w ork . j It was decided to place ia the public ; library a copy of (ieueral Bennett II. Young '. book, "Dr. Onnder, of Young- . innd. " I'h profit from the sale o.' tids ' book go.s to the fund for the comple- ; i ion of the Jefferson Davis monument. T'ie raising of chapter dues to c .ver all expect s of the chapter year was dis cns.'d, this to be voted on at tlie next 1 meeting. AH members are asked to be j thinking over the proposed change in : dues and be present at the next meeting j where this change will be fully discussed ' and voted oil. Mrs. Kindiey read an interesting chap- 1 ter letter issued by the state president ; in the form of a calendar outlining j special woiK ror eacn mourn. r.xiracis from this calendar will be published from time to time. SOCIETY PERSONALS Mr. and Wednesday a few day Tuesday Mrs. J. Spencer Love left for New York city to spend j They expect to return homo I . a -- l. I iv eunesiia v oi ncii wee. u Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Wray returned Thursday night from a delightful motor trip along tin- east coast of Florida. Mr. and Mrs. CIvle C. Armstrong were wrti Mr. and Mrs. Wray and these huine this morning. i rrived Mr. and Mrs. Arthur K. Winget leave I today for New Orleans for the Mardi j (iras season. During the absence of! Mr. and Mrs. Winget Mr. and Mnr! ii- n u i:.., n-;n K. u-ith ttiu WiuirMt . ir . Ii,m..ii,a .., ...... . n - jm young folks. i Kope Elias. Jr., of Bryson City, has been appointed farm demonstration to mSl x "fh notntment t become effeetiva March - trained for his 1st. Mr. Elias was work at Cornell University. Mrs. Elias is a daughter of Bishop John C. K'dgo, of Charlotte. The only effective way to reach the j people of Gastom county ia through the! advertising columns of The Gazette 1 UP AND DOWN MAIS STREET ' By (he Mental Meanderer . (Somehow or other I haven't born able to work irp much enthusiasm ns an rinti-Mormnnite," remarked the Main r-'lreot Loafer who had heard one or mor addresses on tlie Mormon menace here ' recently. "1 don't doubt that Mormon i ism is a bin! thing, a mighty bad thing. where it prevails, lint so far as I have i been able to discovet it isn't a menace in ! this neck o' the woods, because there j i ;n. ...... ..i. ; i l , ' ..., .... ,.j v. .... .. thcy even go so far as to say that there ; are five hundred Mormons or letter Day JSaiuts right here in (iaslon eounti-. Now the? prnpogfinoisls have been in the comity prolinbty a week and I've beenj nr.; tor twenty live years ami i want lo; l ars arid 1 want to till you that if there are live Mormons in Oaston county to say nothing of five; i,i-....i-ti,..v nr.. il... folks T eve lit.-ird of. They rtainly aren't out s.iMi.iiu' from the hou.s.lops or making campaigns for recruit a tor calt l'iketnre when noliody i looking) "l see i Citv. rnderstand. I've cot no use fori" l"",t '' H'K" 1''" ''' " jt- i. if i.nir ... 1....1 .,u i.nvl re painted something needs to le don ! no nil it. 1 wouldn't throw a bit of cold ter on the enthusiasm of those (las-J water on toiii.ins who want to get w ot Ki ll up over ' Hi mailer. But it a lot of thiugs seems to me we've right here in our got II i h We the t that are real sure enough menaces. I had gone a step further and put the bat, L.. .lo.v'r,. 1.. re -lli.t if ue"" ""' ,,r ' W" """',' PlirVC.VOM of put rOt- things like they deserve to he fllllgl.t of I'llj' if we are to preserve the purity r home and save our ymmg folks es of usefulness there's one thing sine and that is, we haven't got! lime to wjiry about Mornionism ". 1. .'.'. made no comment but winked industrial insurance ngent (who d, ad much ; h, : at ih now it anybody does, just about going of: ) w ho was leaning a the Kime brick vail- and passed guiie on. "!n the spring a young man' lightly turns to thoughts of love the i.ianied niary's to gardening. fancy and If his doesn't Ids wife's does; which is all the s.'Hiie thing, balmy spring These past few days of weather has forced a whole lot of us out in the garden to look a l.iund. After about one more cold spell, when the petidi blooms are out and the :ap b'gius to shoot rapidly up in th other trees. Mr. City Oardetier will un lock the tool lions,, and bring forth the hoe and the rake and the spade and hie him up to his little garden spot behind the house. Of course, he will look ft- round to see whether anybody's watching j uddit ion to him. lie feels like they lire. We alllbers, to go do at first. Wife will say, "John, we '11 ; commit tee . have supper a little hile tonight so you1 .1 i i ... .i i . . .-i ; i. can g t Hint IpciI reuuy tor me r.iigiisu pi., " John will ttukle the soil like he does his office job every morning, villi an apparent iieterininntion to spade up th" Hiole blooming garden in one af- ternoon, hei ween quitting time (it the of- J fie an, dark. ' In ftbont ten minute his 1 arms begin to ache. In tea minute more. h ban slowed down to n snail's ; pace. When another ten1 minute has passed he suddenly remember that he ! due at a deacon's meeting at 7:.'M) and rushed to the house to hurry up supper. I The next morning, aore and stiff from; hill thirty minute of gardening, John1 will say to hi wife, "We ought to get; that garden jdnnted right away or it'll; be too late. 1 'm afraid I won 't have I time to do it all. Old Uncle Khen was' after me yesterday to let him make gar-; den for us. He, 'a out of work and real-J ly looks like he needs it. I'll send him down this morning if I ean tind him." And you can bet that .John timl Cncle l l -i ... . . i. . i i . w r.nen ine nrst liung nuer ne mm .iain street that morning. Occasionally, of eonrse, Mr. City ,ener's enthusiasjn lasts a little hit long er. Hut not often. "Ciimme a Whi.x Hang" said the; dapper young traveling salesman to Kd .l.l.iii.w At k' .lr.iir v-cul..!.' ,,. Vl V, ..... i,,,.:,,., ;.,.; the cigar counter waiting for something In turn up. "I'm sorry, my friend, but! we don't handle it," replied Kd in his suavest manner. "Bully for you said the Mental Meanderer (who, of course, reads that delectable specimen of litra- " v, J""' passed an ordinance put ' 1 f in Lf a fino of sc'A on nnv ' lierson. firm or ,,,...,, .'lrj, m,M(, 0flVr!( fnr nle, donates or distributes within tlie city limits of High Toint any copy or copies of the magazines oi periodicals known l the the Whixz Hang, The Wampus Cat and The Hot Dog. " " i Now if the High Toint city fathers , euee in the shape of periodicals they would not have gone wrong. Their ac tion is certainly commendable and the Mental Meanderer for one would like to see (iastonia 's city fathers follow suite. The stuff such periodicals print Is not fit to be read. It falls into the hands of boys' and iirls and has a most ilcinornb iinir effect. Heading these mags is not1 merely a waste of time - for that charge can be laid against the reading of scores of magazines which are considered alto gether proper- but il is poisoning the minds of thousands of people find de stroying their taste for good rending. SENATE COMMITTEE TO VISIT MUSCLE SHOALS (By The Assoilzied Press.) W'ANHINtiTON, Feb. '.'4. The sen ate agriculture committee was author ized. under a resolution adopted today by the senate, to go to Muscle Shoals, Ala., and investigate the projects there which tile government seeks to dispose of to private interests. The senate resolution, by Chairman Norris, of the agriculture committee, was amended in the senate fo increase ; the cost of the inquiry from $l,(Mlll to l!,(MMl and to authorize any Senator, in ,i g r'n nil lira I committee niciti to Muscle Shoals, with the Most Of Us Can. f Jed: Old Sponger iliiimS'lie could drink any number of high buljs i.., Kd : He could any given number Wavside Tales. V A Baby Weighs About 8 Pounds A Man 1 60 The baby is but a bundle of possibilities, ter or worse, is a finished product. And the difference between the baby and the man between your child and what you want him to be is simply a matter of food and education of what goes into his stomach and his brain. What a child eats is, therefore, one of the two most im portant questions that every mother is called on to de cide. From the time your child begins to walk, give him plenty of Light Bread. Wheat is known as the best all-round food there is. Wheat ground to flour, then further broken up and rais ed by Yeast into Light Bread, is not only the most nour ishing, but also the most digestible food there is. BUTTER-NUT BREAD Made with Yeast furnishes all the best food elements in such a form that the stomach can take and digest them practically without effort. Atk your grocer for it. Carolina Baking Company HEAD NOISES AND RINGING IN THE EARS ( Health Talk No. :: (By J. C Small, D. C Ph C ) Head noises and rinfirinfr in the ears are the natural accompani ment of catarrhal trouble. The ear passages and the air passa ges are connected, and the stop ping up of the air passages by mucous, as in a cold, extends to the ear passages and causes trou ble there. Deafness is quite fre quently an accompanying symptom. HEALTH FOLLOWS CHIROPRACTIC CORRECTS PRESSURE ON SPINAL NERVES IN DISEASES OF THE FOLLOWING ORGANS: Bf AO EYES EARS j VENOSE THROAT ARMS HEART LUNOS LIVER .UV j i wrinvn WAV CTAUIfU VV PANCREAS SPLEEN KIDNEYS BOWELS X ADOPuniy fe. nrrnwin N BLADDER Spinal cf,lumLOWIR LIMBS TrlE LOWER NERVE UNOERTHE MAGNIFY ING CLASS IS PINCHED) BY A MISALIGNED JOINT. PINCHED NERVES CANNOT TRANSMIT HEALTHFUL IMPULSES. CHIROPRAC- TIC ADJUSTING RE MOVES THE PRESSURE. THE UPPER NERVE IS FREEAS NATURE INTENDS. f4 Fi DR. J. C SMALL Chiropractor 407-408 First Nalional Bank Building Gastonia, N. C Office hours: 0 io 12, 2 to 5:30 p m. Residence calls by appointment Telephones: Office The man, if UNCLK BEN SAYS: "Kf -ell illf goo-' viewy, in ces . i n col SIS ill O lilt' OUt vim r !. .. e slip pi rs . A cold that aii'ecU the hearing is usually quite se vere in character, and is usu ally so discomforting to the sufferer that eerything pos sible is done to get rid of it. However, the fact that its cause is in the spine, and that the quickest possible relief is usually to be had from chiropractic spinal ad justments, is not generally known. The adjustments restore the full tide of spinal nerve impulses into the air passage tissues and cells and with this aid Nature soon clears the trouble. Deafness of 28 Years Is Ended Arthur l(. Thompson, proprietor of a steam laundry, states: "I was af flicted with dei tins-; for t weld y eight years prior to my trial of chiroprac tic spinal adjustments. I could not hear n telephone lingiug on Ihe desk beside me. After adjustments my hearing began to come back mid to- da is completelv restorei This s'atimeiit I make under oath." A K. Thompson, Chiropractic Re search Bureau, Statement No. 1 Wi ll. HEALTH IS ALL You can act for your health today by telephoning for an appointment. 535 Residence 845-J bct -

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