PACE TWO THE CASTONIA, (N. C). DAILY GAZETTE THURSDAY, MA'fcCH 2, 1622, rr hi ili , iii hi .li iii !!: i 'ii i'ii lit iil iii in 0" I til ' kU ft I I I 1 Li f I La I I IIIU3ARB0NE OF Ult BEST PRODUCERS Ml' liti itt uiCariy Spring Vegetable Responds jjjj to Liberal Supply of Best ! - Sol! Available ?t f . , Ut liFlANT IS OUT-CF-WAY PUCE Ml' ...' , 1,,tiong uarecn pence wnere Moots win i Not Be , Injured in Cultivation (if ft' of Rett of Garden Good Location. Is t ; " Rhabarb,' or "plpplnnt," ns it Is, jjeomennies called, cminot he grwvn mil 'iersallv: hut Is llmlteil to certain ilefl- ijjhlte sections. Information as to hfiihetbef rhab.irb will or will not grow !'n a given locality can he obtained ' "from the local seedsmen or from nelgli ll tiors who have had experience In grow jiiJC it Rhubarb is propagated by planting pieces of the roots secured by divid ing older hills, and six to ten hills will sually supply plenty of rhubarb for! f!j the average family, Motes the I'nlted i;j Mates iiepartmont ot Agriculture, i :! Rhubarb hould be planted exactly jij the same way as nsjHirngus, that Is. jij the roots or crowns shoutil he covered jj four or five Inches In deeply spaded iii id hi ill Rhubarb a Generous Producer. .(. c i - - I and well enriched soil; there is little I danger of having the soil too rich for rhubarb. ' The hills should be three , t and a half to four feet afiart. If umre J than one row Is planted. I This wonderful staple of the family garden can generally be planted along J the fence where it will be out of the I way uf cultivation. J The thick Ieaf stems are the part t used, nd none should be pulled from the plants the first year after seeding. 5 but a large supply will be available , the second eeason, and the hills will, J as a rule, continue to produce satls- factory crops 'of stems for several years, after which they, should be dl J vlded and reset vUhnbarH (should receive the same attention and treutmem during wln- ter as asparagus, and the plants t j should never be allowed to ripen and , seed. The roots may be brought into , th greenhonse, pit, coldframe, or cel lar during the winter and forced. By placing a barrel over a rhubarb plant much longer and tender stalks may be grown. This Is one plant ftat dos not thrive j In warm climates. If is most popular, especially Jn the sections whore It Is grown. In the early part of the spring. Tlie use of rhubarb Is principally for making pies and sauces, and many lousewlves can the steins for winter I use. I CHICKEN FENCE WIRE HANDY Small Gardeners Will Find the Woven Two-Inch Mesh Valuable Tafcte Place of Stakes. ! flowering I vegetable and - v.u vu i m:iesiuiiv grown on chicken feuce wire. In the fall the wire can be taken down and used for Kocceedlng years for similar purposes. I It will enable the small gardener to raise more vegetables and tlowers than Jf they were allowed to lie on the i ground and spread out over valuable ! space. Cucumbers, liimr arrt riirrrMng string len, nasturtiums un. I nuieerous oth--er egtablea of Fpreading variety, as t.,well us almost any vii. .flowering plant can lie successfully trained on i.the 1re tn'llis" jern)i;Mng of the use . of the ground space ordinarily covered by rlntu lein' iis'd for umli'tliiiig else, (ilve Uia r.:ie plants plenty of air and miir-hliif. and water when neeiled, and "Jbey will give an excellent accounting J rf themselves on the wire. It's the persistent advertiser that wins. Keep your ad ia The Gasetee all tie tims aad watch the results.. TO GROW EARLY CABBAGE Cabbage Is one of the moat deed-able of our early green or leaf c ops and honld lie included In every home garden. The seeds si should lie miwn iuiihi-s hihi me v iilimf et In the curden about k thi time that ilnriser of frit N past. r a few plants ran le pur chased from the seed store. Cab bage reuire u rich soil, and the plant if the smaller earlx nits KlioilM he wet IS Im hes' In eaeh direction for luiml ulriv tlon. It l ii good pi mii to pour a littie water around the roots ty u ni ii juniu il i iT-iiii vi iu the garden. I. TOOLS THE BUSY GARDENER NEEDS Hoe, Rake and Spade, the Com bination Soil Tillers Find Abso lutely Necessary. WHEEL H3E IS LABOR SAVER Little Implement Suitable for Small or Large Garden; Trowele Are Handy; Spraying Outfit Are Es sential. With the first warm days of spring sounding the earth cull, there Ii :i hnly wcurrjing ni'otiiiii for the tools of the gardening cult. A gardener can get along fairly well with four, a spade ; or spading fork, a hoe, n rake, ninl trowH. It Is even possible to get along without the last, lint who wants to? The art of gardening Is reaching ' such a point of speclul development ! thnt there are tools for almost every i thing and the wise gardener by a care ! fttl selection will ease his work as j much as possible by securing nppro l prlate working tnilements. The greatest labor saver for gardens of any extent Is a little wheel hoe. T1W saves ninny a heaihiche, does the work thoriuighly, ai.d lias appliances for various purposes XVliicli are iiitei' changeahle from a little plow share to cultivators of various kinds. It can he used in the smallest garden. There are numerous hoes of various types and designed for different pur- ; poses. The pointed hoe for making rows is a convenient tool. The hoe i with rake teeth on the back of the blade is one of the very handiest all- ! around g-.irden tools for light work there is. It is particularly well adapt ed for women gardeners. Three toothed ' cultivator hoes do a fine Job of stir- ' ring the soil. Scuffle or shove lines as ! they are sometimes called that can be pushed Instead of pulled, permit hoe- ; lug rows which are too close to walk between conveniently. Trowels of various shapes to suit 1 various plants are now on the market, I stiff, sharply angled small bluded trow- : els are ideal for splitting off pieces j oni perennials which have grown so 1 large they need dividing for their bust growth. They are tine to set under a recalcitrant csrrot or parsnip whose leaves are so tender they part com pany from the root, leaving It In the ground. Long bladed trowels are especially j ndapted for digging holes for gladiolus . or other bulbs In the spring and tn- Necessary Garden Tools. lips and fail bulbs later in the season ' and equally vseful in digging thciu up. ' There are little hand rake; wLb-h ; are Just the thing for hand cultivation among plants which need special care : an(1 thp pnr(h kppt 5tirr,,, Sprinkling cans and sprays must be added to every well regulated garden outfit, especially a spray. While looking over spraying outfits get in a supply of poison for the pests that devour and for the fungus UJiat Mights. The seedsman will tell you what to get. Hordeaux mixture for fungus pests, paris green or some other ; arsenical poison for those that eat the , leaves, and a tohacco poison of some kind for plant lice are stamlard. Often j they can be bought in combination. j National Garden Bureau. i FRESH VEGETABLES EVERY DAY j -Wlia ia a back yard good for? It j ,maj made to supply the average; ; family with fresh vegetables through I Ml fcl HI log KUWID, To prevent .the spread of a smallpox epidemic, American Legion men by day and night guarded all roads into Mans field, Ark., to stop entrance or exit. V 1 FUR FARMING SUPPLEMENTS NATURE'S EFFORTS ' ' . IN FILLING THE WORLD'S DEMAND FOR PELTS . . e-:y - - " . V'i ' M Of- BICM FfO YjT jy Pr-vi Ar&Diicklr nine iffl 1 .Jr...r X : i Vl : V UND TKIRN B I TMFltt,FHHION 4l ...V r V' - Tf t in' ' ALlKSLY BDNCM OF3ILVCR BLACK FOX Conservation and propagation are the slogan of those interested in the fur industry of Canada. With out. conservation, which means wise laws for the protection of fur vbearinpr animals and strict enforce ment nf those laws, these animals would soon be exterminated. Even with conservation of the best sort, wild animals cannot be protected from starvation in bad years, nor from the ravages inflicted by larger carnivora, so mbn has turn ed to the domestic propagation of many fur-bearers. but Prince Edward Island continues Tlie fo .breeding industry is, ofjto lead. In 1919 this province ex- course, the bif est money psoducer. ported about 1,000 foxes of a value I TIRED OF BATHING, .... V Even at Palm Beach time sometimes hangs heavily. This photograph shows how a group of New York women and girls passed one afternoon on the beach at that Florida resort. From left to right are Miss jean Lyttle, Mrs. Ed Friedman, Miss May Cohan and Miss Janet Crittenden busy at their knitting. The insolent alarm clocjt that went off at the wrong time For a little while it gave the call at 7 a.m., and was useful. When it began calling at mid night and 2 o'clock in the morn ing, it became a nuisance. When tea or coffee stimulates the nerves at mealtime it seems pleasant, but when it gives the wake-up call at midnight and leaves nerves hungering for sleep at mid-afternoon, the pleasure is . gone and serious harm i3 cn the way. This often happens. Thousands of people have iaw Of r n.r ?y t" y jr." i PUPS BOBM ANP RAI5E0 IN CAPTIVITY I The little maritime province of Prince Edward island was the birthplace of this enterprise. In 1890 several breeders were en gaged there in the business of rais ing silver black foxes, but they guarded with great secrecy their methods of handling and breeding the foxes and of marketing' tha pelts. In 1910 the industry experi enced a wide development and fabulous prices were paid for breedine stock. Fox ranches are to he found nil over Canada tndav. THEY KNIT FOR CHANGE ., as pleasant and far more safe, to get the comfort of a hot meal time cup of Postum and to know that there's not going to be any irritation to nerves afterward. Postum is delicious and satis fying, and it contains no element that can harm nerves or diges tion. Postum is a safe and de lightful drink for every member cf the family, at any meal. Ycur grocer has both fortM of Postum: Instcr.t Postum (ia tine) mtd Inctcntly In tie ccp by the addition ct boiling W2t?r. Pssasn Cereal (in packages of larger buik, for those ,ho prefet to make the drink While th trtx ia beta prepared) by boiliufof 20 mifiattfa found it fully Postum for 'Health. - VTlicre's a Reason" Wade by TtSintxx Cereal Co., Ir.SL, Ditilo Cnek, KkK Am ex.Esiv& bououit FOX AMD ERMINE PELTS FKMS SCK CSlMMK K of about $300,000 and 2,500 pelta that fetched $75,000. But the fox docs not monopolize the fur farmers' efforts. -There are in Canada ranches for the propaga tion of muskrats, beaver, mink, raccoon, martirw fisher and skunks. If they are provided with sufficient land on which they can live as in their wild state, and are supplied with food when the weather or un usual conditions demand it, they will thrive and multiply and yielJ the farmer rich returns. Each jKt sees more and more Canadian farmers settine apart a section of their holdings for th raising of fur-bearing animals. Where wild animals are caught and used for foundation stock, the cost of starting a fur ranch is very small. 'Raccoon ranches do very well on the outskirts of towns in which crnrbaire can be collected for their feeding. The present popu- larity of raccoon fur makes the "coon ranch" a paying proposition. AT PALM BEACH A , . ... i JAM?!: 4 5 mm? : it ; STSEET IMPROVEMENT V JIES0LUTI0W. He it resolved, and Ordaiiied by the City Council of the City of Uastoala. : That Kast Main Street from Broad ftireet-Em to Avon street be improved; said improvements to include the grad nig, wulcning, extending, or otherwn a altering wherever aecessary, the Btrects, and the laying thereon an as phalt pavement with tlie necessary con crete bane, al: o theonstrueton of curb, gutters, drains, and storm sewers, and if in the opyton of the Board it is deemed ailvMB'blc, either contemporaneously or thereafter, the eonstruetion of j-econstruc-tk)i including grading of sidewalk or fhlewsllt; all ef said work to be done un der and in accordance with Chapter 5f of tlie I'ujilic. Laws of 1910 and amend ments' thereto. And be1 it further resolved1 t&at all prop erty owners along said streets, are here by required, at their own costs, to make all sewer, water and gas connection a I Aug said street with their property, on or before the L'Oth day 'of March, 1922, jn such manner as the City Manager ahali ilirevt, and if not done by that date, the said City of Gavfonia will make neh con nections, and the costs thereof will bo as sessed against such property where the coi.ntctioa .ire. made, and same will lie a lies thereon and collected as the "cost of making the street improvements as here in stated. Anil tie it further resolved and or d.iirred, that one-half of the total cost of such improvements as shall be made as above stated, exclusive of so much of tin; cost as is incurred at street intersec tions shall be specially assessed upon Iho lots and ptirceis of land abutting direct ly on said street whers snch Improve ments are made acrording to the extent of their resiiecf ive froatages thereon by tin eqmil rate per foot of such frontage, mm-li assessments neing a Hen on saut priqicrty. ami that the terms of pnymeut lor such 'work by the said property own ers, shalV bv in cash or ten equal annual installments, bearing interest at the rate of six per cent per annum and shall lie payable and collected at. the same time tbat taxes are rolltvtert and each install ment thereof ahull become due at the !auve time that other taxes are due, tlit. first installment becoming due next after the completion of said improvements. I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted by th. City Council of U.istonia on the 7th day of r'ebrnsry. 1922. . ti. I'KY, City Clerk. j . STREET IMPROVEMENT RESOLUTION Bp it resolved ami ordnineil by the C'ly (Council of the City of U.istonia. That Linwood Street from Franklin Avenue to the corporate limits lie im proved, said improvements to include grading, widening, extending, or other v.ise altering wherever necessary, the said street, ami the laying thereon an As phalt Pavement with the necessary con crete base, also the construction of curb, gutters, drains and storm sewers, and if in tlie opinion of the Board it is deemed advisable, either contemporan eously or thereafter, the construction or rccmistructon, incluKng grading of side walk or sidewalks; all of said work to be done imder nnd in accordance with Chapter CO of the Public Laws of 191a and amendments thereto. And be it further resolved that all property owners along said street, are hereby required, at their p.wn costs, to make all sewer, water and gas connec tion along said street with their proper ty, on or before the 2trth day of March, 1922, in snch manner ns the City Man ager shall direct, and if not done by that date, the said City of-Oastoniu will make such connections, and the costs thereof will he ynesessed against such protierty where nie connections are made, and same ifill be a lien thereon and collect ed as the cost of making the street Im provements as herein stated. And further resolved, and or dained that one half of the total cost if Such improvements as shall be made as above stated, exclusive of so much of the cost as in incurred at street Intersec tions shall lie specially assessed upon the lot nnd parcels of land abutting directly on said street where such improvements are made according to the extent of fheir respective frontages thereon by an equal rate per foot of such frontage, such as sessments being a lien on said property, and that the terms of payment for such work bv the said property owners, shall be in cash or in ten equal, installments, waring interest at the rate of 6 per cent per annum, and shall be payable and col lected at the same time taxes are collect ed and each installment thereof shall be come due nt the same time that other taxes are. due. the first installment be coming due next after tho completion of said improvements. I hereby certify that the foregoing res lution was passed and adopted by the City Council of Oastonin on 7th' day of February, 1922. 8. C. FRY, City Clerk. STREET IMPROVEMENT RESOLUTION. Be it resolved and ordained by the City Council of the City of Gastonia: That Chestnut Street from "Franklin Avenue to Third Avenue be improved: said improvements to" include the grad ing, widening, extending or otherwise altering wherever necessary, the said street, and tht laying thereon an As phalt Pavement wit h the neeessary eon-' erete base, also the construction of curb, gutter and drains and storm sewers, and If in the opinion of the Board it is deemed advisable, whether contemporan eously or thereafter, the construction or reconstruction including grading of side walk or sidewalks; all of said work to be done tinder and in accordance with j Chapter 56 of the Public Laws of 191o and amendments thereto. And1 be it further resolved, that all property owners along said street, are hereby required, at their own costs, to make all sewer, waTer and gas connection along said street with their property, on Rtn. 4h Onth ln nf Unnlt 10"!' 1 in sueh manner ai the City Manager j shall direct, and if not done by that date, the Said City of Gastonia will make such connections, and the eosts thereof will lie assessed against sack property where the the cost as is incurred at street inter connections are made, and same will be a lien thereon and collected aeJhe cost of making the street improvements are here in stated. And be it further resolved, and or dained, that one half of the total cost Of wen improvements la shall he made as above stated, exclusive ef so tauch of. the cost as is incurred at street inter-, sections shall be specially assesed upon the lot and parcels of land abutting di- rectly on said, street. where' such hn-" ' , provemesU are made according to the extent ef their respective frontages there oa by an equal rafo' per foot 'of 'suck frontline, swh assessmente bia a liea oa said property, and that the term of payment for such work by the said prop erty owners, shall be in cash or ten- equal - ' annual installments, bearing interest o the rate of six per cent per annum and shall be payable and collected- at the same time that taxes are collected aad cack Installaient thereof sRall 'become, due at the same tme that other taxes are" -due. thw first installment . becoming due Heart after the completion of said ' im provements. .-'''.,'..-"' I hereby certify , that the frejping. ' ; resolution was passed arfil adapted ' by : the City Council of Gasnouia onf ho 7th day of February, 1922.- ".."', " fe. G4 FHtrC3ty dcrk? ' STREET IMPROVEMENT : ? resolution ' ;;r Be it r'co!ved 'and Ordained :,ty the City Council of tho CSty'tyf 1 Cilistortia: : That Fourth Street from Chester', "to YoTk StrerU be improved? Said improve--meats to inrlude the grading, widening, extending, or otherwise altering wherever necessary, the said street, anil the laying thereon an. Asphalt I'avemeut with the necessary Concrete Base, also the cott- st ruction of curb, gutters, drains, anil storm sewers, and if in the opinion' of the Board it is deemed advisable, either contemporaneously or thereafter, the ." construction or reconstruction, including grading, ef sidewalk or sidewalks; all of saiil work to be dono under and in accor dance with Chftptcr f6 of the l'nblie Laws of 1915 and amendments thereto. Ami be it further resolved' fhut" all property owners along said street, are. hereby required, at their own costs, to make all sewrr, water nnd gas connec tion along said street with their proper ty, on or before the 20th day ot March, 1922, in surh manner as the City Man ager shall direct, and if not done by that . date, the said City of Gastonia will make such connections, and the costs thereof will be assessed against such property ' where the connections are made. and , snine will he a lien thereon and collected as the cost of making the street improve ments ns herein stated. , And be it further resolved, and or dained that one half of the total cost of such improvements as shall Ik; made as above Rtated, exclusive of so much of the cost as is incurred nt street intersections -. hIihII be specially assessed upon the lots anil parcels of land abutting directly, on eaid street where such improvements are made according to the extent of their respective frontages thereon, by an equal rate per foot of sch frontage, such as sessments being p lien on said property,' ami that the terms -of payment for such work by the said property owners, shall bo in cash or ton equal installments, bearing interest at the rate of 6 per cent per annum and rIiiiII be payable and collected at the same time that -taxes are collected and each installment thereof shall become due at the same time thnt other taxes are due. the first installment becoming due next after the completion of said improvements. " I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was passed and ndopted by the (Sty Council of Gnstonin on fh 7th day of "February,. 1922. 8. G. FRY, City Clerk. STREET IMPROVEMENT i RESOLUTION. Be it Resolved and Ordained by tho City Council of the City of Gastonia I That Kouth Columbia Street from East Franklin to Third Street be improved; said improvements to include the grad ing, widening, extending, or otherwise altering wherever necessary, the. said street, and the laying thereon an Asphalt Pavement with the necessary concrete base, nso the construction of curb, gut ters, drains and storm sewers, and if in tho Opinion of the Board it is deemed ad visabc, either contemporaneousy or there after, the construction or reconstruction including grading of sidewalk or side walks; all of said work to be done under ami in accordance with Chapter 56 of the Public Laws of 1913 and amendment thereto. And be it further resolved' that all property owners along said street, are hereby required, at their own costs, t inuke all sewer, water end gas connection ; along said street with their property, on or before the 20tb, day of March,' 1922, in such manner as the t-ity Manager shall direct, and if not done by that datc. the said City of Gastonia will make such con nections, and the costs thereof will be as sessed against, such property where the connections arc made, aiid same will be a lien thereon and colleced as the cost of making the street improvements as here in stated. - And be it further resolved and . or dained that one-half of tho total cost of sueh improvements nsf shall be made as above stated, exclusive of so much of the cost as ia incurred at street intersec tions, shall be specially assessed upon the . lots and parcel of land abutting direct ly on said street where such improve ments are made according to the extent of their respective frontages thereon by an equal rate per foot of such frontage, such assessments being a lien on. said property and that the terms of payment for such work by the said property own ers, shall lie in cash or ten equal. annual instalments, bearing interest tat -the rato . of six per cent per annum. and shall be payable and collected at the same time that taxes are rollfciei) H.d enen'Jastr. ment thereof shall -.bftMune dne. at the same time that other taxes are Auc,' th . first installment becoming"fliie ney after , rrie coinpieiiou 01 sum iuipiti-"- I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted, by the City Council of Gastonia. On the-7th dav of" February, 1922. V 8. G. FRY, Gty Clerk. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Tlie undersigned having duly qualified ailminiatrntor of the estate of Bessie Taylor, deceased, late of Gaston eoun- . tv. North Carolina, Wore the Clerk of the Superior Court of Gaston county, notice is hereby given that aH claims against said estate must be exhibited and filed with me oa or-before '- February 1. 192 duly verified, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. A'l parties Indebted to said .estate are re quested to make Immediate payment to the undersigned. " WALTER M. TAYLOR, ', Admr. of Ecssie E. Taylor, Belmont, Th-M2c6. N. C.

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