PAGE TWO THE GASTONIA, (N. C.T. DAILY GAZETTE SATURDAY, MARCH 4,1 922 j ' . . 7g End of a Perfect Day J if ii t it r-.-.r. ar i i -- m ' r : utit i uci j . ..w. '.-.J ii - 1H ' ;r rs - -!y tsss s X ' is- ' ' ' - 1 1! l,j I I EUDGET CP LIVE KEWS ITEMS FBDM BELMONT (Cy Mrs. AJHaWa 6. Board.) Haton Har yisitori At Bit Local Meet' At a regular rommuniration of Bel mont Lodge No. 627 A. K. and A. M., an t-veniiiji of unusual interest was enjoy ed by all prenent. It eonist?(l not ouly of nost of the lo!p immlbers but a num ber of visiting Masons. Work in the third degree was put on. after whieh anj elegant wipper w enjoyed by the mem- j bera and visitor present. A larjpr num-lx-r of visitors were here from Clover, j H. C, Gastonia, Lowell and MeAdenvillc. The meeting proved to be one of the 1 Personals. i I Mm. Mary Ii. Full-, who ncikcs her. j home with her daughter, Mrs. V. ('. i'ul), sufferel a s rok" of p:ir:ilysii ' ( TueH'tay anil been quite sii k. Her leondition Thnrwlny though wji guni"- whHt improvfd. I Mrs. It. B. funRs underwent an opera tion for the remowil of her tiiiisiU e. ne(iji.v at the Clin riot te haiiatoriuni. ilie Htood the operation well mid u;is able to return home Thursday. Mrs. H. F. Leotinunlt, of Lowell, is upending several days with Mr. niul Mrs. 1). II. Cox. Born, to Mr. and Mr. Herman Nich ols, at their home at the Chronicle mill, on Wednesday, Mnreh 1st, a sou. ! Chief H. H. Mirigus of' the loeal pdlicfi' foree and Mrs. Miiigus and fomily have spekcer umim (Cm: r. -p.iii.leu: ! o!' The Daily C:iz, tie.) J-TKNi Kl Moi'N'TAlX, .M.mli I Th se ntv eiiim Ok funeral of Mrs.' Ma iy A':, n. iiM.t'n r of Mr. U'. Allen,1 v,.i i le j.l :it Long Creek i-iiun h-ne.-ir li' !.-;, ,v-:i1 :ir.ln morning were Mr. ae l ii. y. K. Aden, 'ervie, I'nley,' r i i i i r .nil Uurle Jiitudersmi Allen,, ;m;: :(!, 'ii ii ! . ell :' liie dei-ense !, Mr. and W. C. Fl iw . r.s, ' Mr. Tonimie l-'inw-j Mr. CiK l-'iowi --. M,-. ;:!i,! Mrs.;'i Fiiiwer:. Mi':-. It. A. T'-oniii-, ' M.:.:- Th-nun Mrs. A. 1!.' er. Mrc. Al!i n was a .sister of, s I'ai'.ve's ;:miI Fr.ihkiin Flow-1 Allen Miiee liwM in the village' friends were sorry to hear of teraoon with lira. W. W, "William and Mrs. George Msnly at the bom of Mn WilKams. Despito the ld weather a goodly number of the .member were present and a most iaterestingmeetiwg was held, Mrs. Owens conducted the le vutkinaU after whieh the secretary, Mr M.tnry ami treasurer, Mrs. Wilkin I gave their repoXs. Quite a bit of busi ness was tisnense, u'lth ana several ttrings for the benefit of the town amlj k'i m i ro .liamiuuaut A a Afipit la limifll. iy elean-up month whieh was freely dis-1 1 eussed, hrouglit forth a helpful talk f rom i Mrs. Lyneh, wha expressed her opinion I . as to the lu st way this could be brought j abinit. A committee with Mrs. Lym-h .chairman and Mrs. Durham were ap-j .pointed to meet with tlie town eouneil j ' next Monday night and ask for their aid) i in having the plans carried oat. During; ; the social hour the hostess served Kski-j : mo pie anl nabi o, assisted by Misses , Mildred Williams and Blanche Brigi, j which was greatly enjoyed. , Miss Wil liams gave a rea'Jiag, "The Groeery- Man's Ihuighter Home From College," i wnica was vcrv Hiiineruus aim ncu I (rii-oii 'it iviu ii.ill'.l fi rerr llfMiH:ilit iinti ..... ------ - - i-- , feature of the neial huiir. Miss Ver-' non of Greenville, S. C, who is visiting j Mrs. (). M. Vernun was a guest of the i club. j In April a new school board of seven will be elected here w hich is already j causing very much ' interest especially ( among the wnnu n as we understand that at least three women will serve on the new board. Alwnit six O! the prominent I la i-ies of tin- town, names have been I cast into Hie political pot, they are al-' ready outlining their speeches as thej 'best speokir" is jiromised the place by i the other ladies of the town. j Rev. and Mrs. George Manly spent1 V.'i -dne-n lay irglit at High Fhoals, j Mr. Hobhs. Mr. E. L. l'ronebergei , iiii'l Mrs. Miles Hhyne were business visi tor'; in Cherlotte, Tuesday. Miss Kuth fsholar returned to ('liar lotte Mon.iav after spending several days , beve with homcfolks. 1 Mr. ,lnl:n Rollins, Iieiniblienn, lias been appointed postmaster to suocecit, I !r. W. L. Onnand. Detnoerat. Mr. T?ol-i I litis entered upon his new duties Tues ; day morning. ! 1 .ir r . Fiv Mr. Ii,.,, 1 . ,. a . . . JII1MIM IlliU lilt n IW lit V III .U It. i. .1 . largest aa well a a one of the most en- . Mr. R. 8. Aliernathy has piircluiseit joyable ever held by the Belmont Lodge. Woman' Club Meeting postponed. On account of tho inclement weather and inconvenience to gome of those who were to iiare part in the program, the regular meeting of the Woman's club to have been held.. Thursday afternoon waa postponed until next Thursday at the regular hour. - AH members are "urged to remember the elinnge, All-Day Study Clast On Saturday. The announcement waa made last week of, the all-day Mission Study Class that the 'Woman's Auxiliary will bold at the Belmont Presbyterian church Saturday, March 4th, which air the ladies in t lie , congregation are urged to attend, wheth er thev are member of the auxiliary or not.1 The meeting will open promptly at 10:30 and a lunch will be semed at the church, the ladie bringing their lunch with them so that the wliole day will hus he devoted to the study clan. Saturday Last Day Of Bakery Naming - , '. Conteat. Saturday, March 4th, is the last day in the bakery naming contest and all the girls and ladies who have not as yet sent in their names should do so at once, as the hour of closing is 6 o'clock Saturday afternoon. Much interest is being mani fested in the contest as well as in the delight of the -eople of the community over the establishment of the bakery here. The equipment and machinery for - the bakery has already arrived and an! DaTid.on Glee Club here expert from Atlanta is expected here in c . , , . ,. , e , . A few days to supervise the installation .,vl,,ch "'8" school of -it. The management hojie to. be Auditorium. 10c8 s;-enf Saturday . sifter. Mrs. K. : Mews. I ( r-. - M aie; man her di atl:. Mr. Ji.iiii C. H.inliin in (i.'l:-t(inla, guest of lib from Mr. J. F. Jenkins the residence '. Vi!.in he is now occupying and will move his' Mrs. F. L. Wilson, of Gastonia, was a family there at an early date. Mr. j welcoai '.isitoi in the villnjte Sat unlay. Jenkins' family will move into the Mr. and Mrs. Sherrill, Mrs. Mary house vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Mingus. i Simae'iis anil Mrs. Kay Arronood were Mr. John Loftiii win painfully hurt 1 siioiip! is in Gaatunia Tuesday when he hod his right hand Mr. W. I.. Connor was confined to bis badly torn np while working in the room most of last week with flu. His Climax mill. He is getting along nice-! liicn 1. are glad to see him out again. ly so far. Miss Nettie Goins of the National Mill, underwent an operation for appen dicitis 'ednesdny at the Presbyterian Hospital in Charlotte, and is doing well so far. returned Thursday from Baltimore, Miss Zoe West and Mrs. J. L. West Where Miss West went to buy the spring millinery for the SI owe Mercantile Com pany. Mr. George Caldwell is getting along very well after having suffered a slight stroke of paralysis several days ago. Work on the new picture show is ner inat completion and the management ex pect to be aide to announce the date of opening in a few days. A string of world war medals (bought at ii sale) across his chest, the world's fastest-working beggar took 10 an hour from New York's theater crowds until the American Legion got tltc police in his trail. OSTEOPATHY Do yon know? That Osteopathic Physicians undergo a scicntitv' course of training whieh comprises four years of nine months each. That this course is the same as is taught in the best medical schools, except that NATt'HK'S WAY (Osteopaf.iy) is subsii tided for drugs and the course in applied anatomy is more exten . sive.' v That Osteopaths have the highest regard for bi-th major ami minor surgery, but they consider them us The Court of La-t Ap peal.' That Osteopaths practice obstetri-s, use antiseptics, give an , tiiloles in case of poisoning. . That it does not pretend to tie a cure-all. Thr.! Cure :s no magi? or mystery about the treatment or the result. It is simply APPLIKD COMMON SENhE. That it is not massage. (Osteopaths DO NOT Kt'Bl bat is a scientific adjustment of deranged body tissues. That it Is never rongh, never drastic never complicated . The treatments are seldom lengthy and almnt always successful. That it is eina!!y safe and beneficial for infants and tie aged. Its results are simple and lasting. Thst Osteopaths do genera) practice, treating limit acjfe and chronic diseases with remarkable wieiess. - That careful instruction as to dietetic and hygienic care is al ways giro by Osteopathic Physician in addition to their regular treatment. That if you want to know more ahout Osteopathy you h;id liest ask an Osteopath as there are many people who through ig norance or because they " have an ax to g' ii.d," wiil inisi-epre-aeut it to you That Osteopathy owes its stores:: to t;iose who have fried it fairly and then told their friemls. . Its mission is to fight disease and no other systems nf l ei- s-..- - ; : That the man who is kn on Osteopathy is the n:nn who is not up on it. This educational series sponsored in- North Carolina Osteopathic Associa- - tion, Inc. Mr. an.l Mrs. Troy Kelly bad as their ' guests for the week i ml Mrs. Kei'y's ; mother, Mrs. George Warren and chil dren, of Gastonia. The vVoinnn ' Missionary 1'nion of the; i Baptist church met in tie- church Mou-, day I'M-uing. The president, Mrs. W. L. ! A hornet hy, presided. It was reported I 'that tlie sum of ..:!. Ill hud been given; 'by the women to the Near East Uclief. Mrs. Abernethy from the W. M. P. and Miss Hertha llammett from the Suu-( beams were .appointed delegate to the) eoiifcretie, to be le-ld in thariolle.j ,Man-h 'Jsiii. Mi.-s Il.iimnett and Mrs. I 1'alter-ua v i re apiiointed on Hie pro-! j grain c'nuaiittee for next meeting. i Th- lb V. P. 1'. he'd an inte resting na-itii'g in tlie f hnpcl Sunday evning. Mrs. W . L. Abernethy led the pii-.. A veto In adopt ail Armenian orphan for1 one year i ,i 'rie'i, this making a total gift, from ',:ic'r Mountain of I :;ti.."iS i The ihildi'iii of the fourth grades cele bratid L.mgfoltow 'm birt!:.lay with M program wfii- ii tl.iy reud red before the -nt 1 1 m nool at ( iiaiel exercisi.s Mon day. A playlet of 'The Important Days In February-' was presented- by i I l'aa:iin Fraley, Albe Klmore, iiiley Gib son, Carrie flollis, Lewis Gibson, Lois ' A In mi thy. Anlei! Alexander, Non. ' Prancb. - i:irri'a Flowers ami Henry .Jenkins. A sketch of Heury Wads-; win fi, Li ngfcl'ow s life was read by Itf" Hum;;arui r. A poem, ''Beware," was gii-n by Cliireme Flowers.' "'Tlie l hi! IIimi. I of Hiartat'ia," was given in concert, by the entire fourth grade.' '"The Pslain of J.i.'e,-- read by Iliehar.l t Cross, end' d the program. Several songs I were s:ing by the entire school. , The pi cjple of the village enjoyed; hearing Id v. W. L. C. Killian, of Gas- tonia, deliver a fermoii on Klisha 's prayer " Lord, I p:ay thee, open his eyes, i that be may see.-' in the Chapel Sun-, , day inori'.ing at II o'clock. MisM-s Katie and Ferric Flowers en- ' tertaineii at sajii-e.- Saturday in honor of. ! Mr. and Mrs. 1.1... , Weaver. A iiiarriiie;.' ..f much interest 1o p. np!e I of t'n c mi. limit.', was that of Mit l.enaj Flow. r. a i.! Mr. I.'o.v 1 Weaver. Thei pany mot:, red ii Gastonia, February; -"itb aii-l were married by Mr. is. S. Mor ris in bis office at 1 1 :.'!' o'clock. The cereniiiey was vitnesed by Mr. audi , Mr-. Kwiiiiis-n: Flower ittid Miss Ferrie ' Flowers. Tiie bride was at t 'red in a prettv s iif o bliu tricoline. The bride is the yoaiere t daughter of Mr. La ban ! I'icivers and is a y.iung lady of many j adn.iiab'e ipta'ities. Mr. Weave r is the I tiiii 1 yiu of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Weaver. I H is is a'.l empbiye-' of tin- Sien- , ec r Mountain Mills. Mr. and Sirs. Weaver have both lived in the village ' mort of their lives an 1 have a host of ! friends wha r ill wish for them much . ha"dnc sS. Tl ey will make their home I for liie present with Mr. ami Mrs. ftim ' May. - Mr. an 1 Mrs. Laban Flowers gave a I dinner en Sat-.-rilay in Innor of the brido atvl groom. ! BESSEMER CITY NEWS- (Correspondence of The Daily flazettc.) BESSEMER CITY. Mflrch 2. The Home Ec-onumies Club met in the Domes tic tviencc room Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Nell Rhyne gave a demonstration in making hat frames, which proved to be a very profitable and interesting 'lesson. Quite a number of the ladies making frames. Mrs. Rhyne was assisted by M.i.ii Tatun and Dellinger. At the next meeting transparent hats will be demon strated. Miss TiePie Gamble was a-guest. The Civic League met WcJnesdjy af. For Raw Sore Throat sizn of a raw, sore little Mustcrole with At the first throat rub on your fingers. i It goes right to the spot with a gentle tingle, loosens congestion, draw out soreness tmd pain. i Musterole is a clean, white ointment made with oil of mustard. It has all the strength of the old-fashioned mus tard plaster without the blister. Nothing tike Musterole for croupy children. Keep it handy for instant use. 35 and 65 cents in jar and tubes ; hospital aise, $3. BETTER THAN A MUSTARD PLASTER niMkMrt-im PAR -TEE' NONE OF THE DEVELOPMENTS WHICH HAVE COME FROM THE FASHION PARK DESIGNING ROOMS POSSESS THE FEATURES OF ORIG INAUTV EXPRESSED IN PAR-FEE VOR SPORIIAND.BUSINESS IVEAR. V'"-llJv 1 l C" . CUSTOM sttricf riTHOUX THE 4NNOYAKCE OH TRT'Olf KtJDr-TO-WT-Ol i TAILOR tO ST USUION fJKV $37.50 up THE BACK REFLECTS J UNIQUE, TREATMENT WHILE THE FRONT: IS OF SUBSTANTIAL CHARACTER. PAR-FEE IS ADVERTISED IN THE CURRENT ISSUE OF THE SATURDAY EVENING POST,1 THE YOUNG MEN'S SHOP ImJsU m k.UUUi I is E M (1 m ffTl folflf ls3l41JliviilUl Ir o E I J t !( Sn tlulULU 4F , This original chocolate-coated ice cream I bar is a patented product United States f Patent Number 1404539 issued on Janu- . ary twenty-fourth, nineteen twenty-two. f Ask for Eskimo Pie by name wherever ice it cream is sold. Always insist on getting the genuine. All other coated ice cream bars are imitations and infringements. If any . dealer offers you a substitute for Eskimo Pie please send us that dealer's name. ioc '" jr: X' sxSt Ruitell Stover Company Jtr SHj. MalUn Building jrC sSwHi- Chicago tt ' jjjT Jp J f GASTONIA ICE CREAM CO aTni j i in i hi i tun ii i"ii i ii ". i-

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