A' : TTACE TWC THE GASTONIA, (N. O. DAILY GAZETTE FRIDAY, MARCH 10, 1922. ptt rr-iwr wtVJQ iTBJSFROM'iEmONT iBelraonf New Picture' Shi. to-Open iSaturday Salendid Opening Program. Safurday will V a munieiVu'i KV " ithe development of "our town, ;t : miirt.s. " the owning of two of the mo Ingres ! sire of our flew enterprines, the ,lpw ,a'- ;ety and the picture show. , 1 ispieture house will lie lnnwu u y Theater, and will le under the ot nerslup jof Messrs, C. L. Albright nnd l 0ra tly Gaston; ami will I? Uxated f. ' llP Kuilding recently t erected by M. ,ssr'-JPntrk-k and Current of Gasloniii,', ""' ibakerv occupying th? other portion", 01 the building. The management S!S I that they expcet t give the UeltitA. " . people an up-to-date and fir tt-t 'r.ss jiiv -;ture show; the buildup will be v.vii vcii Jtiuited and fitted up wit'a eomfort.-ibl;-1 j seats, while the entertainment offer -d Swill be good clean tiling. Tiny als. ex- i 'jjeet to put on some pictures especii.lly j suitable to young people, and for thia they have booked some of Herbert Knuf-1 (man 'a educational reela, each picture be ! ingr a leaaou within its-elf. ? The manuirenient announces that the j altow will be ok'H every week day except j Thursday. Wednesdays and Saturday I the boura will be from to 10 p. in. j ;Ou other days it i!J Ix'gin "bout :!:.itl. I A splendid program eonaiatiiig or i t reels will t shown Katurda.v, with the following features:. Tom Mix, "In the JiotiKh Diamond;" a Monkey Comedy, ...,; inA A Tmv Vull of Trouble;" Mntt and Jeff Comedy, "Wedded Hut j Not a Wife;' Fox New Service, and j iho Gaston County Arm iatiee Day tVIe-j fbi-ation. The first, alio will open But Jurday at 1:30 and the admission will be! , i 10 and 20 emita. ' The people of Belmiint have been look-, ing forward with much' interest to hav- ' J ing a good movie hue in the up town I I section, and the cpenuiK Hnturduy will j be weleomed, by the pleasure-necking ( crowd. . , i J I, j. T. Club Plans Activitiea. j The I. J. T, Hub held a meeting M"n- day night at the home of Mian Helen 1 $ Luwia. Most of the evening was given j I over to the discussion of buainess. The! girls are planning ta take a camping I trip during the summer, also to have j I hikes and other out-door features. A uniform eonindtteo was appointed to e leet material and pattern for their out- J ing costumes. I X good attendance of members was present Mondar evening and the Rirls' " are ahowing murh enthusiam in tlie.r plans. A inusiuil program was enjoy- i ed after the completion of busmoe. i y :; . Peraonais. Mra. J. W. Erin of KiiiRS Mountain It here with ber mother, Mra. Mary H. Valla, who eontinites critically ill at the home of ber daughter. Mra. W. O. Cuip. Mr. Ligc Alieraathy returned to Wake Forest ttumlav Bight after spending I several days here with his parents, Mr. I and MrsH. 6. Aliernnthy. 1 Mrs. E.- D. Maynard was taken to the I Presbyterian Hospital in (Hiarlotte on I Friday, whqre alio Jiaa undergone an operation. Siie ia getting on Very nicely ' o far. SMra. J. B. Watt, -Mr. Jamea Watt, of Steele Creek and Mr. Walter Watt, o? Charlotte, vintted Mr. and Mro. J. M. ,. l'reasley on Sundasr. ., , -r Mr. B. H. Bennett, a former resi "!ent of Bidmont was e. visitor in town Monday. Mr. Bennett has many friends hero who always are Klad to see him in town. , I Miss Mamie Ray, and Mrs. B. L i Hughes, of MeAdenville. were visitor I Monday, of Mrs. 1'. K. McAdams. I Mr. j. K. Bolio, of High Point, spent I Tuesday night in town. i . Dr. and Mrs. E. Halt Hand, of Pine- villa we irueste Sunday of Mr. and Mra. D. P. JStowe. Mr. Logan htowe. of Xew Hope, has j heed a patient at the City Ho-ipitel in tiaatonia suffering from n aeve"e car buncto. The Men's Bible Class of the First Baptist Church are making pinnw to hold their annual bnlinet on Fridnv night March the 17th. Thin i an event that is alwnvs antieinnted with much m- J lerest by the nienibe'! of the class, a news fkok bethel. Oorrespondeiice of The Dfiily Gazette.) BETHEL, ( S. C,. .March 8. Mb.a j Jllanehe 'Glenn had as week-end guests, I ilr. and Mrs, Ralph Glenn and children, f jof Colnmbia, S. C I I Mrs. G. W. Nickel and the family of (Mr. John Nichols ajient Monday after- Jiinon in Charlotte. i t Her many friends nnd relatives are I "oneerned over the condition of Mrs. J JSydney Hogue who is quite sick with f pilenrisy. - . st Mrs. Auten. of Charlotte, is visiting fMr. aad Mrs. J. B. Ford, the latter being J ' sister of Mrs. Auten. , MJss He!en Brandon and friend. Miss t J'armit-hael, teachers in the schools of I (Jlickory, X. C, sient the week-end with ents, Mr. and Mra. DISCOVERS THATH DANTE .HAD AK IL7VEGITIMATE SON ' (By The As juted Press.) JJOMK. Ma.vh Ji. - That lfcuite hud n-iiilrgiliniat son is tlu announcement : m::iU public by l'i-ofe; r t orrado Utrci.' a uoU-d Daut.- tu-holar. in juil.luJi'.' ;i document dis.overe,! by Professor Praii e-o l.u.stt in flie slate 1 1- -hives :it I. in a and dated Hi-tolier 1. Lies. ! The do...iiniil is witii'ascl !". "Ti., i anni, if D-iiite Alij ti-ri . t !'r icuee.'' 3n a:- much as ra ?:i'-r Dante Aligliieri was Kuortil to vis! 1 in-i: .-inl as the poet ':: ,-l-iidreii ;en -;-H d I'ii '.in, Jaso;dio. Al-io.i'.i; and I'. Hlin-, K,ri i concludes t'wii C-iovanni :nl! iiuve l. i ,i the illegitiiiuit s".ll of lanvt. 'i !l W;--' 1 noi an iiniu'itai ifm-i. nn .n I'.-in!.- -. ! day. "PAY-AS-YOU LEAVE" PUW PLEASES PICTURE 1VIEATI.U (My The A.e:ate, 1'r ,.) BKN'D, i'i!i:.. M ir, n :i. - , raa' : " jiu.v a.- .'"i. 'lave'' piaii n .!, f ! I:' i' Monday by i, uei'ion jii.tnn- Dir.-,!, is, , is resulting hi !,ixa ' hois s -n! a v ast as largi' reven.ie as f-.nm r. v .n Ihv,' dee!:u-atii'!i today .1. f!. fcl'i:rus. -m,i.-iager of t i-.c theaters. Many sft-I :..v at i '' "Id rate, a I'n'. pav lo :in.: r-ii-,;,.' ii'iiic wall; on' witlma: di pi.iR Koine .'ia!,Z' 'l! ''' a '""r- It i.-f option."! v. t !i each a!;'oM ln'V mueil hc.iliili '. '' v.'ielii.T In- pa;! :; all.. CBOUSE NEWS. ((.flrrepAjnrteiK offhe Daily fjawtte.) CKOriSK, March k. Mrs. .loan V. ( " iKj, at , 'iM-Of'.l, litesidellt of the Wom an y .Miionary !M-iei v o! the I li!lel ! I.H'.in ra.i v, and ii' North Carolina, and , ti Id -ef -I.-iry nr the sa:ae. will be a I ii- lo' ia lis ('rouse I.al'uran ia-.!ornte; ti.i ftu-i will -:ik Tiiur-d;:y't I-.. :.! ."-.ai al Si. I'.i.:!'- 'ai.rch, ; ' : .. '- .:i'i-nilis at l":'ei o VlQck i .': ' " -t : ; l-'ri l;.v ai'u" i" n tit 'J:'M ', . :;ie! !';. lay e. irng at : il.id, M i.i.ii: '- a ,iiMiiiiicnt i..; t!ie t.i:..ioenr-. w ..rkers of. ' ; s' i . aiii! v i'l .'outole. .la'.i' a j i. , -t il1 ( l'e 'or -;. oil'-. The poo-i io.-l- . 'l a- ..-.'. or ui'l jireach a i a' r" . aiojt ::t x ae i m-'1. i' ' . T!. -e Vull he .)' to i.iii". '-i i ui-oh at lte!.-u! . j.liii'a'j '-jiaa i, hit'idav morn-' 1 ' .', re i; . si I a I 1 ; . t !lc p.lstor. ' riaui.i , .r'u-i.u, vktlii Mi-. ( '..liiioiius Har ! .-ii-ui ,- ,. j.-. iioji'jiit.M ii In o'. !.,ck. The' .n ' i ' 'I'O pre- . i S '..,tk r.iin- i ! ion :: . ;, a .. , ( , k. l.very- r .;.-!: ii.-.'t i. : 0 Harvest in flie Fall J Mws Brandon's paren I !T. K. Bramlon. I Atiit-n interest is ix'ing taken in basket-1 Jtinll by the pupils of Brandon m-hod. ' ; The boy's ti'am met Bowling Green on) jhe home ground Momlay afternoon with' a!"a wore of 24-20 in favor of Bowling! m Green. Tuesday attemoon the girl's ;H team played (lover in a well-matched 1 game resulting 11-1" in Clover's, favor.' (Mr. Cost man. of Clover, ref creed the! H raine. ,'" LONDON, March fl. Kdwin Ifam it' tiel Montague, the secretary for India. tendered bis resignation today and it' :;j was accepted. ii People who hare lieen rhenmatie suf- j i fcrers for years yes, even so rrippled J that they were unable to help themselves . J,, have leen brought back to robust i . health through the niighty power of : I.'lieums . j Ht ' Iiheuma acts with sjieed; it often brings in a few days the relief you have I ... longed for. It helps antagonize and .tt drive from the systems the poison that "cause agony and pain in the joints and "muscles. X - It is a harmless, inexpensive remedy, . but gratifying and quick-acting, and is "the one diseorerv that has forced rheu matism and sciatica to yield and diaap-j pear. ,. If tortured with rheumatism (any . form) get a bottle' f Eheu ma from J. H. Kennedy Dmg Co. today. If it does not rid yon of all rheumatic suffer ing your money will b returned. FOif HEGISTKR OF DEEDS. i f'i.- ;. hh'itii' ' iii --a a eaiiuitiaic ) i -Mill ia i in- i.ti Kegisler of. -. of G.intO'i Mair a -'il.jei-l to the i ' ,,je I Jeti" : . : pi i ma ries . ; . . Ill i.I-v .: m i: . . I . rr i iiiiisr'iriff'Mssnss-.i'siJM Hmelf PLAfVTS OUT OF THIS 0tP fo Go AIL AROUND mm II. I ! 1 Jf you vvantthenewestSpringstyle, we have it. We buy only from the best style producers on Fifth Ave. and if the style is right, we get it. If you want quality, we have it.We are very critical of the fabrics and the workmanship that go into our clothing and unless it is up to our standard we won't accept it. If you want low prices, we have them too. We buy in tremendous quantities for a big chain of stores. We get quantity discounts and we gladly pass the saving along to you by marking our prices very low for such splendid quality. If you want the convenience of a charge account, right here is where you will find it. Your name is good for anything in our store on a Charge Account on, your own terms of payment. WOMEN'S DEPT. Spring Suits In all the new lovely models and colors. Come and look at our stunning sport suits. Coats & Capes Stylish sport coats, wonderfully attractive capes in bright Spring colors. Silk Dresses Te finest as sortment in the greatest variety we have ever shown. Skirts All the new styles and materials. Spring Hats Stylish, very pretty and very reasonable. Summer Furs For the, cool evenings. Raincoats Selected for qual ity and guaranteed to satisfy. m i .' . . . .. 1 .. . .. 1 ..'. :'. v.,., . .77 . AY, VAWv-V i II f Ifji''.. .i' 'i .a! Tar.A ...Tift V.1 "ai-f.M- -41!? .' ' : . VT.f.y Mi'H IU II I (0yr1lil ' .1 i : Nice - Rat H O. K. LUNCH SPECIAL DINNER EVERY DAY 35 CENTS ' 114 N. Marietta Street .sorr oni: knjii or mkat i MASH I'. I) I'dTATOIOS , I i.-i ki 'i I Iie:;ns String Ilea us Ntewe.1 Corn l'.:.-. ( .;1,1.:, Spaghetti HKSSKI.'T: f'offee. Tea or a.'i'l; ens J.Y.MILLER . Phone 154 SPECIAL ORDERS Heef StelV j I'ork Sausage . . . ' 'l.-iiiiliniHer , lini.st I'ori; i I'i ied Ijivei- i l-'ried Ki- i ' IJ i ." ins a ml V.h Sliced Tomato Half (irape Fruit Hot Cakes 25c 30C 30c 40c iGC 30C 35c 15c 10C 15c , liow Soup 10c ; ' :.ke or Tie, per eut 10c ; CotTee, Tea or liutterniilk 5c i Sweet M ilk 10c THANK YOU CALL AGAIN SEE KLUTTZ For re-topping or re-painling your automobile. Only ex pert workmen. Work done promptly and satisfactorily. Let us tell you what your car needs and what it will cost you. Our prices are extremely reasonable. We paint signs, too, the best only. KLUTTZ AUTO REPAIR SHOP East Franklin Ave. Phone 367 i u m lav tt wiv mv aav raasimizuiHU. mwaavu a wa mvwu am ma via. wra m am w a r jni sra m BntTpm MEN'S DEPT. Spring Suits-Sporty English tweeds, Blue Serge in single breasted and con servative models, mixtures in all the models, and plain fabrics in blues, browns and grays all at very low prices. Hats All the latest Spring models. Trousers A good assortment of pat terns and sizes, all good materials. Raincoats Good and durable at very low prices. Boys' Suits In mixtures and serge, belted or without belts. Some with two pairs of pants. ( Down as low as 15.98. Something New Every Week A 216 West Main Ave, r niTIATT TVT TN T TVT JN JtiD 1 U U 1M JJ 1 1M KJ TIRE PRIG Excessive Profits Eradicated. Constructive, Co-operative Tire-Buying Effects Huge Savings for the Motorist J As members of the NATIONAL CHAINDEAL ASSOCIATION, we have joined with progressive dealers throughout the United States in gigantic, co-operative buying and, by sheer forcj of merchandising power, have made it worth while for manufacturers t sell to us at rock bottom prices. These prices are passed on to YOU plus an infinitesimal profit upon each of thousands of tire sales thus extending to you tire prices that can rot be matched the world over. Member of the AssociatWrO fl m We feature Doss Mileage Masterpiece, Extra-ply 10,000 mile Cords and 8,000 mile Fabrics that invariably , outrun the guarantee tires that you will be proud to own both for appearance and travelability. Superb value at regular retail price extraordinary value at National Chain Dealer Association prices. Here are just a few to tempt you 30x3 30x3 Vs 32x4 32x4 Va Cord 14.75 21.75 27.75 habric $ 7.75 9.75 15.50 19.85 33x4 34x4 34x412 35x5 Cord 22.50 23.25 29.75 36.95 Faarlc 16.40 16.95 21.15 24.25 Other equally astonishing offers Every Day The shrewd, keen and discriminating tire buyer particularly welcomed. Orders may be forwarded by mail and will receive immediate, careful attention, Snd 2.00 with order balance C O. D. Auto Service Supply' Co. ' F02 REGISTEK OF DEEDS. ' .' - I hereby aauouii.a 'uiyif If a eaiililate -for the offiep of Kogintfr of Deeilg of Gruton County, ujort- t the net'von of " the Iemoerntie primaries. ' HOWAHD K. THOMPSON'. FOE CLERK SUPERIOR COURT. I liornby nnnoiiiico myself a eanillilnte for the offtpe of OleTk of the Suxrior. ' Court of Caston County, subject to tW net ion of thp Demop.ratie primaries. R. C. HEN'DRICKR. FOR COUNTY TREASURER. I hereby onriounre ipy-self a eanflidate for the office of 'Treasurer of Gaston Comity, subject to the fiction of 4be' Democratic jirimarir. ' '. CTJAIG. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER ' I lieroby announce myself a candidate , for County Commissioner from Dallas township, subject to the action of the Democrat ic irimaris. JOHN F. PUF.TT. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. I hereby nnnouiiee myself a candidate for re-election as county commissioner from Dallas townsliip, subject to the ac tion of the Deinoi rntie primaries' J. V. STTMMKY. . FOR SHERIFF. . I hereby announce myself a cindiilnlo for Sheriff of (;i.stou enmity, Riibjwt to the action of the Democratic iirimarips. R. A. CIUMSTKXIH'nY. Airline Ave. and Falls St. Jimmie Neal, Manager ESS FOR SHERIFF. I hereby announce myself n candidate for Sheriff of (iaslon (bounty subject to flu" nctiou of the Democratic primaries. V,. 71. RHYNE, FOR SHERIFF. t hereby nnnounce myself a eandidatp for election to the oflbe of Sheriff of Oastrn county, wibjivt to the action of the Democratic primnries. W. NRIL DAVIS, Castonia, X. C. FOR SOLICITOR. I hereby announce myself a candidate for nomination for the office of Solicitor of the Fourteenth .Judicial District sub ject to the action of the voters in tho Democratic primary .Tune 1)L'2. RTKPHKX D. DOI.I.KV. O.Ttonln, X. .'., february 27, 1022. FOR SOLICITOR T de-ire to any to my friends, tho citi zens 'of the 1-irh .Judicial District, that I shall be a candidate for Solicitor in tho Democratic primaries to be held on Juno 2, 1 . I shall sincerely esteem your interest in my behalf. JI sp ctf uiiy, (!KO. V. Wf I.SOX. "'PROFESSION At." :as" CHAS. C. WILSON ARCHITECT Gastonia, N. C. Wilson, N. C. Columbia, S. C. DR. CHAS. O. DeLANEY Announces the opening of his oflfiee in the IJasran Iiuilding. 1'ractice Limited to Oenito Urinary Diseases. DR. J. C. SMALL CHIROPRACTOR 407-408 First Nat. Bank Building Phones 535 aad 845-J Consultation Free Tq All. C B. POWELL OSTEOPATH 202 Realty Building' Office Phone 161 Residence Phone 601 W. W. GALLOWAY AUDITOR Public Accountant, Bank Exam iner and Offica Systems Uer Charlotte end Atlanta Office Residence GASTONIA, If. C. P. 0. Box 35$ John L. Stacy Surveyor Phone 201 Surveying-.- Leveling Office with Cunningham ft Ware, Over Vin Sleen's. Night Phone 'No. 40, Clover, S. C. t JOHN E. ECK 2 Public Accountant AuiJils, Systems, Cost Findings 203 First National Bank . Phones: Office til 'Beaideaoe 648-L W. B. MORRIS. 0. 1. Registered Optometrist Eyes Examined u Glasses Fitted Office: Torrence-Morris Jewelry Store

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