t ' - rrr Weather: : Cloudy Z?ca Coton 17 i-2 Cbzfe VOL. XUII. NO. 61. GASTONIA, N. C, MONDAY AFTERNOON, MARCH 13, 1922. SINGLE COPY 5 CENTS GAS OvTVTTT A TTV A TTTT T T TV A F7IW E I I I 1 I I II v II II A 1 1 1 TT A llin OlliJUff yiMlCil Jl BONUS BILL WILL GET FAVORABLE REPORT FROM THE HOUSE COMMITTEE Secretary. Mellon' Criticism of Attempts at Amendment of Bill Will Not Result in Any, Delay Secretary of TreaS' ury Opposes Measure. (By Tho Associated Tress.) WASHINGTON March 13. r'avora- Lie report by the House Ways a n il J Mean Committee on the compromise soldiers' bonus bill without any import ant change in provisions was regarded as assured when tho committee met to day for final consideration of the meas ure. Although several committee num bers were expected to vote aginst the bill, h ctprovision for issuance of ad justed compensation certificates as was raid to command the support of a safe majority ai a "satisfactory" compro mise. The only amendment of conse quence which appeared probable. Chair man Fordney said, was elimination of tho requirements that a wr veteran must decide within six mouths which of the options provided in the bill he would eeji There was believed to belittle proba bility that Secretary Mellon 's crit iobi:i of the bill in his letter to Chairman Fordnoy would re.-ult in any attempts n t amendment or delay in ordering it re ported. Expressing the view that t;ic measure as now drawn involved a ' dan gerous ubuso of government credit," ttecretiry Mellon disapproved the provis ion for bank loans Upon adjusted sonice certificates as indirect and "forced" borrowing by the government . He con tended that it is both "dangerous and unwise" to seek to avoid paying the cost of bouus for the time being. GHOST OF ANT1G0NISII CAUSED BY ELECTRICAL ENERGY SAYSPROFESSOR , " Scientist Declare, Phenones. Caused By 1 rZ,M0 SUtions - BriwTne oil r . wwri r t Unl.irnan Illft Grest Radio Stations Braiding Cow's Tails Done By Farmer's Daugh ter. "(By The Acsocwted l'ress.) BOSTON, March bS. Edward J. O'Brien, scientist and author, declared today that the ghost of Antigonish was in reality the product of electrical "Pner-, y- i After a month's investigation in the ( Kova tVotia country, where he was lec- turing ut 8t. Francis Xavicr I'liiversity when th ehost stories lirst came from Antigonish, O'Brien said he found that; strong wireless currents between t lio , two great radio stations at Wollflevt,. and Glace Bay, N. ran through the valley at Galedonia Milli, whore stands; the home of Alexander MacDonald. scene of tho eerie events. j "The MacDonulds," said O'Brien, "will have to move their house out of, range of these powerful radio currents if; they wish to avoid the ghost like inci dents. If not, the house may be burned , lown when the utinosphoi is conditions are just right, as they apparently wot! When the tires were set around the barn." . The braiding of the tails of the Mac-; Donald cows, which has been consider-j ed another of the manifestation of the unseen influence, was done by Mary Kl len, the Antigonish farmer's foster daughter, because it was good fun, in the! pinion of u Brien. Harold Whidden, the reporter who had experiences of his own when he went to investigate those of the MacDonald fam ily, continued O'Brien, was ' compl. 1e' carried away by bis enthusiasm and real ly believed that a ghost slapped him." "Whidden slapped his own face when he suddenly waked in a temperature of 25. below zero and his numbed arm lie- came suddenly suffused with good warn. blood," O'Brien said. "Take the map, trace- the line, apply your svientitio , knowledge of wireless operation, st ... y .the curious effects of electrical currents in fires on ships and on land and von liave the solution of the fires charged a 1 gainst the ghost of Antigonish." O'Brien predicted that ir. i tint. n,. Franklin Prince. New York, director of : the American Society for Scientific He-' country unfo when it was feeble will have search, who has spent the past week in departed from it and our record in bis the 'haunted house" would fail to find i lory will be that .lriving tn barter our any other causes of the phenomena. J heritage for safety, wc h.t safety it- GE0RGE MURRAY GOING ! Mr. Johnson (piote.l many utteran.es GREAT WITH YANKEES, of Japanese and British statesmen giving (By 'The Associated Tress.) assurance that the Anglo-Japai.es,. alli JCEW YOIIK, March 1.1. The Yan - . .. . ti . . - miiewii.ni w.. ., ,,M"' " j solemn declarations were not to be bo the work of recruit pitcher George Mur- Oovernmcnt was folio, ray. 1m pitcfcM five innings yesterday . f h oH ,)V tal,,i(l,linl aeainst ine .ew wrieans ciuuiirn rts - i, -- . , . , . ... STO lttllOM VIUH an'i "I- ....... i Murray is from the Rochester Interna tional League club. Babe Kuth got two bits out of five tries, but failed to clear the fence. Coal Strike Certain. (By The Associated l'ress.) WASHINGTON. March V.l. Gov ernment officials were represented today as being without lioe that the threaten ed coal strike can be averted or that the proposed conference- ltetween the itera tors anil miners will be arranged. It was indicated that government interven tion at least in the preliminaries of th situation was practically at an end. Holding that a strike call April 1 is al most inevitable. Government officials, ac cording to the riew presented today on liigh authority, now are cheifly interst rd in Bering: that, a sufficient supply-of eoat is maintained for the country as a whole; European Comment on Demand Of United States For Priority of Payment For Rhineland Army unnor of- FINAL FAVORS Malcolmn R. Giles, State Su- n.nn'.. f nA !T, ".. j An ij V- tion: "America's bombshell," says: ! Moose, Will do AH He Can "Intrinsically the claim is not unions to Locate Mooaeheart ationable, and if the practical o fleet is to Linvvood. make some of our continental friends less I zealous to prolong the occupation of A letter received by the committee in. German soil this would be quite as much I charge of locating a Moose home at Lin- to the taste of British public opinion us: wood from Malcolm R. Giles, fcjtato Sup-; to American." I ervisor Loyal Order of Moose, says "the' The newspaper admiis it may be urged' Home for Aged Moose will be located in! Hint, a the l'nitel States in not partui-; tho South. Tho location will be deter-, pating in the treaty of Versailles, it has i-iined in the next few months, and any; no claim to money collected under tliat; effort to locate same in North Carolina' treaty and that the more correct course will most undoubtedly receive mv hearty would have been t claim it direct f roni j support and co-operation, and I feel that' Herlin under its own treaty, but thinks: Uastonia Lodge has undertaken a fine' the fact that America undertook the I work in endeavoring to convert beautiful1 Bhine occupation .jointly with the Allies Lin wood as outlined in copy of The' "does give her some moral claim for Daily Gazette received by me. You joint reiiahursenieut. " hate my hearty good -wishes and sup-! The Westminster Gazette, using the port." Xow is the time for Gastonites, as ii i .i .... . i i . i.vu us iiioinoers ox inc -nooae urucr i get busy, in an earnest effort to save this boaiilif.il piece of property to the lasting Sloi.,- and credit of Gaston County. j Mr. (iiles i, Supervisor for both Xortn1 and outii Cai olina and -will be a staunch; ally if the people of Gaston mean busi-j r.ss. I SON OF AUTO MAGNATE I HELD PENDING INJURIES. KALAMAZOO, Mich., March l.'i. John 1. Dodge, sou of the late Johu V . I : Dodge, millionaire Detroit automobile 1 .manufacturer, and Ilex Earl, of this I city, were held in the county .jail today, I pending further investigation into an au tomobile accident yesterday that, result ed in serious injury to Miss Knieline I Kwakemeck. 1! years old, Western State Normal School student. Miss Kusan Ntegena ml Miss Clemens,' also Western Normal students, who a Iso j wore in the machine, told officers Dodge and Karl offered to take them to their home from u dance, and that IMiss was received there with undisguised satis Kwukerneck leaped from the machine! faction at the einbarrasinent it was like- when Dodge, who was driving, ignored j 1 1 I 111 I Iklil HI ttt UUII IU I 111 I I 1 Will Hlg I - .se.' They charge he drove into the i country at high speed. Miss Kwakemeck was found at the, roadside bv a ia-sinir motorist who took her to n hospital. Officers declare a bottle of liquor was found in the ma i bine . NATIONAL BANK CALL. WASHINGTON, March l.i. The .mptroller of the Gurrency today issued call for the condition of all national banks at the close of business on Friday, March 10. Hiram Johnson Says Four Power Treaty A Quadruple Alliance (By The Associated l'ress.) ' WASHINGTON. March l.'i. Assail- ing the four power treaty as a "quad-! ruple alliance,'' (Senator Johnson, lie- .publican, California, told the (Senate to- this sort, of thing we looked forward in : day that its ratification would mean not the limitation of armaments conference, i only a rectssiou from American tradi The President himself really thought tion, but a national surrender under when he addressed the Senate anil pro threat of foreign powers. I seated the tn aiits, that the conference ! If the statements of the treaty's 11,1,1 l,rl" conducted in this fashion. In friends are to be accepted, Senator John- ,t"' multiplicity of his duties he could son declared,, and abrogation of the nt k,inw a" ,hi" transpired. He evi Anglo-Japanese alliance is to In- regard- gently was not aware that in all tho nun e.I as the chief puriK.se of the four pow- u,"' presented there is nothing concern- er atrangem.nt. then the only conclu- ,nK ,lie K'n''lde alliance. Indeed. ; slon is that the V nited Slates must enter ,hcro 1,a' nov" Crater secrecy con the "new alliance" to escape a threat " doc.miont submitted to our 1 of danger because of the old. 1"'l!"''. , ,, , , , , , It is true that two distinguisho.l "The argument for this present sur- n,,i,r- s;..,..,so ...- ..,..,..irU render of our ancient policy of hide non. lent, national action." continued the California Scator, "is othing in the end lt tll:lt om. WOrd langer. The Anglo- j:ir,:,noS). alliance, the gent lenient on the o1l.r si(lo , xr,os,.s us to danger. 1 xi.refrPt e have no choice. We must thi, treaty. ..j si,a vot,. against this trcav be ,;,. if any foreign alliance can ever sim ai. it. tins itiun. ii .... . .. ....... i. .i.: ;u .l, n.,,1 'must.' then the spirit which ma le this ance never was tnrecc'i agaius. tne . m- tea Plan's ami nseno.i inai n in -. - . ,. ,..., rj .i,:i, i.,i ,i .'ni.,,.s..l.. . I . l ..,., .... .. ...... libera tely deceived the American people. The present conflict in the Senate, as serted Senator Johnson, is not unlike that which was precipitated by the lea gue of Nations. "Kor the second time," he aid. "the Senate is asked to change the foreign policy which has prevailed in the repub lic since wc became a nation. The old familiar arguments ring out again, that we may be forced today to accept what yesterday we rejected." " From the beginning of th- eontot concerning the Leagee of Nations, some of us have endeavored to make plain that ', our positions were not one of aloofness or isolation for the I'nited States. We neither exert nor wish to live a hermit nation. I bclcievc in consultation ami conferences among the nations of the earth. No leagues are required for this; ; no alliances; no engagements to devise j efficient means to meet aggression; no' freezing of the status quo- by ambiguous j LONDON. March 1.1. Although i America's claim to priority of payment i lor the upkeep of the United States army in the Rhiiielaud has been featured in tho news columns, the lirst extended com-i ment appeared only today. J"e uany VJiromcie, nntlor tne cap- ! same, head line, says that there is not much doubt that every penny the I'nited ... i. .... :itt.. ........ .,f .I., . oiuieo ume iiac iu vu.i.i- "- Allies share ot the reparations. "America has already intimated that slut thinks the whole reparations que- tion a proper subject for discussion at Genoa," added The Gazette, "and we may properly asMime that this sudden ami unexpected insistence on her rights as a part of the same policy, and that. she wishes the curtain finally rung down on the reparations farce. Very possibly,; also, sho wants to take her troops' nway, and considers this a subtle way of per- suading her Luropean speed the parting ally. "This action by the associates to United htates compets te auics to race tne. iae, n tho cost of occupying German territory .... . .1.... in altogether out of proportion to the debt for winch the occupation is security. land that the whole scheme of payments and sanctions needs to be substantially revised. " The Morning Post's Berlin correspond dent says news of the American demand I ly to cause the Allies. Tl "V: nil.l iliki nun i in. .............. ' ' ' Germany to inaugurate an active foreign, policy aiming at. oimternuou oi ine treaty ot Versailles. The correspondent ascribes to tho !.e statement that. America antagonism to France being no longei concealed, the German demands are con qnering the eiiniy world. In conclusion he quotes; "Away with control commissions. A - wav with the reparations betraval. A - w. . v wid, tho locust idnBiie of armies of occupation Out of your trench Heir ' Wirth and up to the counter attack." I j treaties, so t ha; wronged peoples will be I forever without retires. "Openness, frankness, the sunlight of j publicity alone are required. To just I i the conference. It is obvious from their kn.A. ,ittlc ()r 1tllillR ,.on)., rllilI , it's makillK. T1. 1rr.lU- is ,,.,.,,,,.,! to the js,.,,..,,,. ithollt ,,' ol explanation au.l jth a ,,,,;.,, f ,1Ily inforln!ltiall . - ; Picket jig Continues i. r , . x, WT! .KhT'. ' '; Jlil'','h '.m 7" ..i.ins i.i nei.ii.' in iiini .ii i ill- jiark- stone valley textile plants nffevtetl by . , ,, .... , the controversv over wages and working' hours marked the opening of the eighth i week of the s'rike today. State militia j and mill guards kept t ie pickets from j the mill gates. A minor incident at the ! Crown Manufacturing Company's plant in Att Cl.oro, Mass.. just over the state line, win re a worker said he was attack ! ed and brui ed by thr.s' pickets, was thr j onlv .I ist ui ba in e reported. ' FLOATING LIQUOR PALACE BEYOND THREE MILE LIMIT NEW YORK. March 13. Plans for a floating liquor palace off New York beyond the three mile limit, are going forward, according to James V. Martin, the promoter, in spite of the announcement of Roy A. Haynes, Federal Prohibition Commissioner, that the vessel will not be permitted. Furthermore, declares Martin, a second and possibly a third liquor palace will be constructed, should the first be successful. In answer to Commissioner Haynes' assertion that he will seek to thwart the scheme, Martin says that there is nothing in international law that forbids a re sort of this character. Martin asserts the vessel will be as lirje as the Levithan, that it will be constructed in Europe snd that the investment will amount to $10,000,-000. HIS DISBARMENT SOUGHT BECAUSE OF GOULD DEALS "x i s 'i - j 1 1 r-; , S. J ' - A - r'y i Thomas L. Ch.idbou:nc. diaries upon which ths No at Yoik 3ar Association will ask th d '-Garment of rhnrn. T ruirthm.r-. it r CUSJi0- tat he aided "gco.j I Could .."-J - 1 flj (hg t.mS vhon it wa:. allecd th.Tt Gould looted the trtrsuiy of the M:3ou ti Pacifis Railroad of eeveial million dol lars when Mr. Gould was prcTdort of j the road and Chadbourne wan csuasc 1 for both Gould and the read. It is alio c.'iargged that Chadbourne, s o::ns(l for Gould, knew that tho lattar an tlu t.uit-: ea of the estate of his lather, lay Could, improperly took money front the trust in tne form of about $600 000 seCfet cunv mg:ons derived from the sale ol West orn iTnir.n nrk hv the p.-f-itp ii in nut r ni nn cm r U AUIII 1 If UlflVV l.lll h A yjj U I Lfi 1 J UUL1 I WHILE COUNTRY WGRRIES ABOUT THE BONUS BILL Runs Away to Florida in Effort to Escape Responsibility? "Normalcy" in Bad Fix Even Outlaw Liquor Traffic, Takes Advantage of the' President's Provincial Cred ulity. (l.y-II. I.. l!i.ai'.i AMI i TON, March 1-. -- The nblienu load, is hcie are in a ja.n on t '.mis. At heart the administration 1 'I'' '' 1 ll!.ving our cash to men 1 who cat. nut of the world war without I il wratch, but fear the results at the !''" " '"o im.i iahe seine ad ion. in. men wh put up the moiie.v tor the last two G. O. I', campaigns are soro over the failure ot t ongress to pin through a pro tective tariff bill, and are in no hniiior for a soldier's bonu. I'n sident Hard ing is on their i.e in the liyht, and ! threatens to veto any bill far additional j compensation unless it carries with it a i provision fur a saie t!.x, width is uu i popular in the house and s. nate. There fore, the f,.i,irres is nullum one wav and ' the White Hse the o.h. r. old Normal- cv is in a tight .lace and nothing about him so. ms normal. . Ti I i , ,rn.Kf , 6 . , u ' the old game of pits-ing the ..u.-k is ancient, but no American a luunist ra tion ever found more enlist;. lit us . for il than the present one. it w'ill bo recalled that at the niitse! of this i .ut reverse ! President Harding boldly look the r. I spousibility tor a bonus or no bonus from tlte shoulders of l'.uie;i. but s ion he began to waver and treiob e. and then i eonsonted I i a I.oiiim witi; (,,. nnder , stan. lin;; tlcit the saies t.-... or .some ; thills o'se akin to it would .;, t!.. bill:, i Mr. Harding has hopped a' .n! until lie lande 1 mi a hot one, and there he is to ' day skipping from position t.. p s.tion. ":i s hi I) ; t . m bt.ame so In t hill, lie j had to run away to Florida to . ..(T. The pa'h.tie figure in the while no ss ; ed op affair is iVvi-. t:i I v .M.'h'ii, who stands like a roc'.; wall in ti. mi- -t of quivering jelly fish. Notion.' ui'-v.-s the sturdy old Scotch Irish l'n si.vt. ; but he is the i.i'.t loiielv niaii in '. .'.';;1oii. ! He was deserted arly in the a."n ; n 1st ra ; tion by the White Iloii": and l'oi.res on the prohibition ouesiioii. and now l.o is like the bov that stood on tin- l.nrniii deck w-h.nce-fi!! but him bad tl .1 on the iKinus issue. He frankly ass. r's thai the govornm n'. cannot stand the drain of a Ik.Iius bill. lie thinks that it would mean fiiiamial ruin. The Harding best minds have failed to moke much iio.r. s-ioii ; they lloun.lor from pillar to post. The consensus of opinion n r.- is that the bonus will die in the senate, and that some t xeiise will be givcu for its failure to got throu,;h. GEN. CARR ILL. Pi'UlIAM. N. '.. March 1-'.. - The ! condition of General Julian S. I'air. commander-in-chief of the I nit.-I ('onltder-: ate Veti r.liis. who is seriously ill with; pleurisy at his home here, showed not : iinprovt nint today. Cotton Market I CLOSING BIDS ON THE ; NEW YORK MARKET I NEW YOKK. March IS. Cotton fu ! turs closed steady. ' March 1S.10; May 17.SC,; July 17.no; October 10.1-; IVocmber 10.LM. I 'TODAY'S COffOfl MARKET j Cotton seed Strict to Good Middling ...5ic 17)ie DEMOCRATS ARE SULKYtA DBflV AnnDnniJIATinMC Dili AND HAY STAY AT HOME' AmiUnUHllUllO: UILL (MiiE date of election;WII I PUT ARMY Tn IK nnn .MFM East Is Grouchy on Account of , &wlntwJ?&' Not Going Well West Car olina Not Suffering From Taxes, Cut Is Nearly an Even Half Republican. , U!.v W. T. Bust, in t; rceusbi.ro News.) ! KALKKill, March U. Xortn t'aro-' boa's off ear of lyJJ with v ry few impoitant candidacies before it is ac-j Kiiovvledged to be tho in. -at momentous campaign which the democracy lias had i.i a vu:n ti r-ceiit ury. That can be explained ly the 1. lated dismv. ry that the western lialf of .North1 'i'lvliua and that a line j.ulled a r,,s Hie state about where tlnilford, ji'ia-; Al.imaine will find the I'einocrats i'. -t w'th imi.v a nlightly better thau 100 ; e'ajiiritv. Th" east, which loe not vote l'early so hi in nuiiibcr.s, is overwhelm-) ingl.v Democratic an. I the .-ast always has 'inly h.i.lcd it if the nest chose to do it. , Tin-. t;roiir!i ainpaign year the east is on the! It lias been tax smitten aud if! threatens to stay at home, ft will not vote Uepi.hiieau; it has hate.l too long1 for that. Hut it can pout. Tliore is atii anxiety in the ,!omo. racy which apjH'ars' to be better founded than that which moved the late Jutico W. H. Allen to write homo when a young judge that he would sit but a short time the fusion Uts would gel hi-.i. There are man - Democrats now mind ed to write homo tliat things U not go well. The party is l.a.l v ul sot from within. Factionalism has hurt it great ly. Its governor i an irreconeiliable and his minister of politics a cynic. The t ra il I i of the administration lind them w lvo ill at ease abuiit 1hi executive. .vom,. nf those who tore their shirt, from nariative to col'ar do not go about the idiic e ami various and sundry are the lawyers who will not take pardon cases I ..cause of the affront offered some w. iM ago. J here is only one cohesive I, owe.- lilt II... .i.lminwtr,,.;,,,, 1 tl...t 1 ; ; , i.s an .'inc.-. iniwe are neaiiy an uiiea.' and those who hold them frieze to them. The west, which is so .Marely Hemo- ratic, is liurt little ti.y taxation and the east, whii'li grow: such rank Democrats, is sick unto death. The Jieiniblicans nro dead certain that they can carry tho tenth, eighth aul seventh districts and they have hopes in tho third. They would have no chance normally' in the thrt-'l, tmt it is never normal. I'luy came m ar getting the eighth in uio regular election two years two With taxes l.urdens'.ime the battle-! ground shifts from the west to the east, whtie a slay at-home vote could easily, do the tri k that, was done in. 1!1. Tho reiiisl rid ing of the l!)-'l legislature in such way as to take care of a Democra-, tie son. no was a most provident sort of' procedure, undemocratic and cynical as! it was. But the calculations wire nut, wiil.t.ul a busts. 'The conditions in I lie. east may lual.e a surplus of senators j noc . Ky.i ry. If things were going naturally there, would 1 ic liii tear. I ndoubteilly there is a national swing nwav from the enor mous majorities of ll'.n. But the nn- tion doesn't, moan anything. When the Democrats earned t 'ongress ami govt r . jinrsiiips in J!Mu with almost the samtv ratio as that marking the Republican ! landslides of HL'0, Tennessee went He-j publican. This year the tendency in I North Carolina is contrary tn that in the: "..'""' - V "' . ..' . , '" V "l" ""' )''l'" j ,ai!' ". ,.JU- 1,'ll"''-' "y ! IT1, V''"' ' ns year the tendency in North ( arolina is contrary tn that in t !. u j ,l:',i""'. ,Ti"' is''"' ,VI" o U' Jial did Con'-rosa fail to do. but what! Noita Caioliua iK iuocrals uctually did. t Roads Not Fast Enough. was believed at the special session . It of the legislature that mad-, built rapid-! ly in the east would nut only carry a: lot t.f prompt rity with them; they would : t.ilci:. 1 1 1 1 1 1 i i ilissatis'.'a. ' .on hecatlr' many hundreds would be employed audi set a talking pros) erity. But the har-: vests ar.: over and the people are still, erying out against tavs. The "sop": to the 1 in :. ii fanner who get a striking: reduri ion in his taxes isa'l riyht for poli- t iojil purpose, but the landlords can out - ! talk the t. nan!-. Ibis campaign is gt ting off to an alarming s'art,. And tl.eie in.' sundry individuals who trouble. There is J. W. Jiaiity, ivno rims on tin. eastern men's distresses. He; thinks tax's ale ton high. There is M.'lji Gardiit r, who buries hiiiee'f in a Sh dby law ofli.e and tots from the east move boosting than from his o,n section, which onlv :.-t that he sav the word.' There i-t A. W. M. I.. an. whom Governor Morrison an ; l.o'. A. I). Watts arc un .lorstotid to I. grooming for governor ' whatever tl.se betide. But Baihy and Gardner ar.- too dang. Tons a pair to take rhan.'t - wi'ii them. Besides, the farmers are bring stirred tip by anti McLean : propatrania showing that bt: was svm- path.ti- with the deflation which caught . the agricultural pet.jde in tho middle of the N...-I t xpensive fop ever grown and put 'h.-m at the m, r, of a market relu-; tive'y lower than any they bad known in' recent yars. i Ito I !.'!' lavs troui. st rit ' ed te The ; utter all is said. Iae t right, of the; ,i. v i-n "t so much the result "f j That is tin- acute h.vuiptom of the It has bad -I years of nun -' I tenure. It has grown accustom- victory an I I. as hecn.no card. s.-. irty has at. last fallen into abs ilute cynicism gain, just where it was in 1MH win n it thought itstdf invincible U'.;u:ft: it had the office and the election ma-1 chiner... It has them still, but if has what it oarrio.l in lS'.H great distress in i-trtnig'y agricultural tlistricts. It is Ixaring some load now. Stone and Alexander Worry Morrison-. (itivernor Morrison's protest that there l.. . mii. lt protesting is construed by . 1 l.oliti.al loaders tn mean that when the. ! I'.'J'! general assembly meets here there' ' is going to be same crawfishing. i . Nothing To Kick About. I The Stone-Alexander agitation isn 't, approved. Tlie governor lias been wou-j dering if some of the newspain-rs which! i do ilot like him will cneonrage tlicse mal-j cot.teiits to make war on the ndimnistra.-! (Coutinucd froui page . II ILL. GUI niUU I - .Bm Would Require Return to United States of All Trcops Stationed Hawaii and Panama the Rhine. BUFFALO CLUB WILL i-HRRiVE NEXT WEEK Luke Urban, Former Charlotte Catcher, on List of Players L. A. Potts, Native of Char lotte, Gets Try-out. (.astonia has been receiving some excel- thl, tota, (1p,,ropriate.l for tto current lent publicity in the Buffalo newspapers year and 71!)UG,0h8..s0 less than bnd as a result of the coming of the Buffalo IS1'1 estimates. . team of the International Lcatnic to' As drafted by a sub-conunitte headed . train here. Several news articles have'1''' ",,l'r'otaHve Aiithony, republican," i ;.. , ... . ... I . ,he would reQUiro the return arrie.1 featuring the Textile City. 1 '' """v vu" '"' Ciirrl Ul"1 11,1 ' t favorable if the usual Gastonia glad hand U given the athletes when they are here, m the opinion of one of tho tion on the Khilie. fans who has I ccn active in getting the' No limitation is proposed on tho nuntr city on the training map. j her of men to be maintained in the Phil'-', Manager George H. Wilt so expects to' ippincs, the committee's report stating, have Buffalo tomorrow or Wednesday; however, that fciecretary Weeks believes for Gastonia. He is in Buffalo today' mat under present conditions "some re froni his huni" in Syracuse winding up j duoti.m " can be made in tho force there. affairs at that end. The most of tho The contemplated withdrawals, it n-ns members of the loam will arrive ncxt: said, would leavb 5,000 men in the Ila- ; Wednesday. : waiian islands aud n like numljer ill tho In the line up of the Buffalo team canal zone. The present actual strength training here lire K. ('. Tomlin. Harry of the army was given try the eommitteo Heitmaii, Frank Werre, Dick McCabe, as about 1J.001) oflic.ers und 13.000 men, Joseph He. Idy, James Miller, pitchers exclusive of 7,1100 i'bilipiae scouts, who were with the club last season; l! An appropriation of $27,fl.'iJ,2tiO is bchwert and K. Bcngoiigh, catchers with recommended for continuance of work on the club last season; Edward Miller, first various river aud harbor improvements, baseman with the club last year; John' for which the chief of engineers re- .llti'dhl .ll.it I).... I It, il. !.,.., .,,.,.....1 k 1 ' null lllllh . 14)1 .111.) .L . . . " .' " 1 1 """"", I wini ""' ,'''"11 111 i.'-i; i . H. l)v. bought from the M. & O. League last 1 fall; Joe Hums, secured frOm the Head-1 : .. 1..1. i-iii i . ... . . . l iiiir oio u.r iiiii iMiiey: Aril r til Tier, second base man with Kansas City hint! j neason ; I. uke I'urhun, catcher with Clinr loue m u-ji nn.i nougnt D.v llie .-New (that sum suuieient to provide for a York Americans; Jack iSheehan, short-;" ininimuiu amount of development jsvork stop, formerly with Brooklyn; Gene and training along lines compatible with. Sheridan, third baseman, formerly with present conditions," and for maintain Hrooklyn and with New Orleans last ing Kdgewood arsenal in Bfandby eondi s.'ason; I'.mery Ketcliem, a Huflalo boy . I who was with the club last fall; L. A. I'otts, a ( harlotte boy. infielder. with the club for the first year; John Woineke, if 1,800,000 for civilian military training bought from Chicago last winter; John j camps. Norris, outfielder, with tlie club for thej Tho bill carries $7,740,090 for the or lirst. year; Mohnrt, pitcher bought from ! finance department to meet, in addition Brooklyn last winter; ami Kelly, lirst I to other expenses, the cost of maintain bnseiiian, formerly with the I'hiladclphla I ing n skeleton foreo Ut arsenals 'to Americans. OFFICERS ARE NAMED FOR Dfll I CD CVITIIIP PflUTCCT nULLLn OiNAIIIIU uUillLOl ! i . r t . r i Announcement of Prizes to Be Offered Will Be Made With- in Few Days Exact Date: Not Yet AnnouncedMuch! i a v nre?1 mong vuy 8 loung Fo,k m Approaching Event, ., At a meeting (Saturday of the commit-1 u'- '" ''" "f ''' Hkating Con-! test, which is to be held soon under the auspices of I'omuiunity Service. Inc.,' many of the details for the carnival were worked out. The exact date for this event was not deti rininctl upon but will be announced within a few days. It will j probably be on a Knday evening within' the next throe or four weeks. Officers for the contest were named as follows: b'efei-ee, W. I.. Balthis; judges, ' John I., li.nl. Mrs. Ihnncroit II. Williams, I'r.d. K. J. Abcrnethv; starter. I'rof. W.J I'. drier; timekeeper, .'. K. Marshall. ' ,lr.: scorer, l 'apt. Stephen B. clerk. IVd M. Alien. Honey City Manager Alexander, who is a member of tin committee, will provide two blocks fur this contest, the space be- ing on Second avenue between Oakland and South streets. These blocks will be, been shown for the maintenance of anv roped off and well lighted for the era- troops in China." sitm. It is probable that music will be The bill also nrovi.les 6,67O,000 "for furnished by a trood band. About fifty prosecution of flood control work on the prr.es will be offered ami a list of these, Mississippi river. A total of $400,000 wi.l be published this week. .would be available, under the bill, for TI k will be the first roller skating construction of additional quarters at contest held here and the young people ' (-..,.,, Kenning, Georgia and $33,000 of the city, i-spccially those in the city l0r,. recommended for the infantry schools are looking forward to it with a conducted there. . . gr...t .leal nt pleasure. , ; A list of the events has already been published in The Gazette. Mis Blanche; II. iserman. recreational director of Ccm- munity Service, and a member of the' eommittce in charge of this event, will' announce thi. week the methods for regis- trat.on by the who desire to enter. It ; i probable that Mie school pupils who ; enter will "ne asked to resistor with some one at the school they attend while others who are not school pupils w ill bo asked I t register at Community Service head-. tpiarte is in the Chamber of Commerce ' building. ' PACIFIC MILLS TO ANNOUNCE WAGE REDUCTION (Hy Th Aasorisretl Cresi.) BOSTON. Mas, Paeilje mills which March l:!. Thej mploy ,,i'l00 ersons . in lltoir plant at Uiw renco, largely of cotton goods, probably will announce a w.ige reduction within the next week or itwt. This statement was made today by , Edwin Karnhani (Jreeue, treasurer of 1 : i I the coriioration, which is one of the larg- est in the country. I The rut apiH-ars inevitable, lie said, but final decision to iminec it and on the a- mount of it, has uot as yet been deter- mined. It was probable, however, he! thought, that it would lie tho same as the retluction in llhode Island and New j Hampshire 20 per cent and tliat oth-; er cotton niill interests would liud it j necessary to wake a similar cut. i 1U IIU)UUU HlLll in China, Most of Men in and Leave Only 500 on ! (Bv The Associated Tress.) WASIIiXUTOX. March 13. ' Witi prutisiuiis wuicn ouiit necessitate reUue ! tion of the sue of the regular army to . Jl ,ouo eulihted men and 11,000 officers j the army appropriation bill, carrying . -70,3jJ,OU.b7. wan reported today by ; the House Appropriations Committee. -The amount recommended for the mili I tary and non -military activities? of thn I war department during the coming fiscal ' ear in it riiliirt'mn nf ; 1 1 ti fan) I mo am to tho L nited Htates by next July 1 oi . , lru"Ps stationed in Cliiua, 8,500 fr"m Hawaii, about L'.DUO men fron V""""" (,;inil1 ?,lt' uni1 a" but 501 men from the 500 of- tii'il-U !l flil lltitll in t liii i rmt r t Anmina. 1 '" T'",' , ir IHO air service auainst 13.000.00a reauest- ed and flM.BIO.L'UO for tho national guard about !,000,000 Jess than budget . . est iniaies. I'l,,. i... ........ I,.. I tnnnnn for chemical wnrfaro service. Ilm-larinir lion. An anuror. nation of 2.7."i(1.000 is roi'tiiumctided for supplies and equipment of the reserve officer., tr.tininif mrim ntitl i kroi-'alive th know ledeo of the method manufacture." ) The amount currb.! in tint bill fnr cti. , j count fortifications; the committee report- U0U,J ,10t provide for any new pro-, J ets, but would go entirely for muinten- ante of existing fortifications and for continuing tho construction of a limited : num,H.r of B4a t0U(lt RUUil. , ; f v The total recommended for rivW Wl harbor improvement,' about 13,000,000" monnt by the etiief of en- gineers, is arriea lis a lump sum ana lir(,j(N.ts tm wlli(.h work wuW fee eon-i t'.nu.sl are not specified. None of the appropriation will ro for new projects, however . , Kor subsistence of the armv tho com-' ...;.... ,...!. i iiim...n iinntek- l:i (ifionno l'ttmn 1-iat vonr' appropriation, the decrease beinjr brought - i,.,f i. n nl.i,.t '..... tv ration. -.Jt seems to be the fixed policy of the B,i,eral staff to station full divisions in Hawaii and Panama," the report said. "LVept in the times of emergency it is ( believed such a policy is justified, ;lH j, P()Ht s much to maintain theso ( divisions in Panama and Hawaii as i.tir rntir.. roirnlnr nrnm i-iwl 11. in tha irs following the Hpanisli -war. Commenting on the eost of maintain ing troops on the Bhine. tho eommitteo calls attention to Germany's failure to niiv the cost. Thn committer lihto do ela're.t that "no mlcauate reason hai THE WEATHER . . North CarolmS, increasing Cloudiness nd warmer tonight, probably -rsm in we?t . Prtlon Tuesday rain and warmer 0n tne coast- ' ; CHAMBER OF COMMERCE CALENDAR. Monday. 2:00 p. m. Curb Market Conference 3:45 p. m. SL Patrick's Day Rehearsal. 7:30 p. ra. Choral Society. Tuesday. 7:30 p. tn. Chamber of Com merce Glee Club. Wednesday. 7:30 p. m. Textile Superin tendents Club. Thursday. 4:00 p. m. Bosrd of Directors. 7:30 p. m, Pythian Band, Friday. 3:00 p. m. Gastonia Sunday School Superintendents. 7:30 p. m. Chamber of Com merce Glee Club. 1 ?'!!' 2 2

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