PAGE TWO the gastonia; (N. O. DAILY GAZETTE MONDAY, MARCH 13, 1922. :et cf uve Kavs ; iTEKSFRpM mm (By Mrs. AdelaMa 8. Beard.) i i - The condition of -tiif of police Mia- sgns, -who ha been critically ill at le,viU Tenn.. of Mr. Carwi-e. mother of Presbyterian Hospital ia Charlotte, re-j luans unchanged, though hi friends arc noiH'iui 01 mm n .- .. . hold hit own thus far. Mr i. rail Garrison Is spending the week in flock Hill with her mother, Mrs. I J. O. Pereival. Rer. and Mrs. J. T. Bendy had as dinner truest Wednesday, Rev. and Mrs. J J. K. Hall. I Mrs. D. P. Stowe, who h bet n indis tpowd for several days, is improving. - Miss Agnes J one ha Bone to tttates Jville to spend- the week-end with rcla stives. I Mist Meek Beard 5 the jrnest of her brother in Charlotte for tlie wck-cnd Mrs. 8. M ni.t.. 1 ...It , u. v. etowe. Mr. and Mm Colie Cannon and chll-: -m . .. l ' Jdayt with Mr. and Mm. J. I). Tu.-ker.l Sthe latter titr of Mr. Cannon. Mr.: tihnnon is rer ..tM-ratinjr from a painf ul ! iajury reeeived In. a went railroad I d ! The many friend of Mia.' Katherine, to Xi0W "rM,n A . ii uv. i.u ... u i.,..-. ! faith. him ji t . ii'ii r mcitiiwr .f the honor that ha. been conferred on her thi. week at Gr..enl,oro, where ahe i. , , Jtudent at the State eolleKe for Women, j ? ,i I u i Mian Oarton waa elected as head of one! t . . , . of the houses end thus u a member of r .- i . vi ta student at B. H. 8. made a rerord for flierself whieh she is evidently keeiiina; np in lier eollejre eareer. Ma LOCALS J (Correspondence of The Paily Gaeette.) . VNIOX, March 13. On Saturday f evenina;, Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Henderson - fentertained at on oyster sapper. The .guests all had a royal time, as those who J have Iwen to that hospitable , home well I know. Those who were there, were Mr. land Mrs. Braxton ' Moore and Misses gMary and Margaret Moore and Messrs. iJieeee Patrick, tfampliell ' Ratchford, sBobinson and Miss Elizabeth Huffstet ler, of Union and Miywrs. Ben. -Clyde, Water Oaig;, Charles Huff stealer and James White of Gastonia. Mr. Carroll Henderson ia leaving us this week, for Gastonia. He will be with the Parker Motor Co., for a year he "has fln-en with the Beatty and Patrick store land garage, at Sandy Plains. Misses Jennie Wilson, and Ferrie Huff Istetler spent the week-end at the homes of their parents at Union. On last Wednesday the first meeting of ithe Mission Study was held. The - meeting wat vejy cnthnsiastie, the sub- jjeet was China,' and the pastor, Rev. G. A. Sparrow, gave a fine sketch of China land its finst apil present. The next f meeting will tp-on tWrinst Wednesday -Jin March, anV.the ub.jeet will be Mcxi leo; and there will 'be many Mexican Ithings on exhibition, which are owned ' in the eongregation, water jars, seapus, Mexiean flags, etc. ( n On Thursday Mr.hil Mr Hoe Wil son entertained at a spenil the day, the guests were. Rev. and Mrs. G. A. Spnr- row, Mr. and Mrs. Craig Wilson and two little daughters, Marion and Dor tkhyi and Mrs. Thomas Sparrow. ;6n Friday irs. Matije" Craig enter tained also, lierj guests were Rev. and " . Mrs. G; A. Sparrow. i On Sunday fliirnooji Rev. O. A. Spar row feld his ttsnnr'trjipotntment at the Crowders Creek sclioofiiouae. This is al wnys for the teeond JJujiday.' The party that 'from Union, was 3?cv. arur Mrsfi, ,'A. parrow and Mr. Vrroll Hendersoi' ani?, s Miss Pauline Maulden and -owing w the'eioseit Union rond, the auto rejfcistefft 40 miles, a long "way around; but. we-.will snoa linvo a fine new rond. v On the, Union rond is a lovely new bungalow, whii'h-l''h2arinir completion. This is to be flic home of Mr. and Mrs, Uobert Brandon, now of Gastonia, "but formerly of Union. - i - GEN. JULIAN S. CARB HAS MISERABLE DAY. ' - , Relatives feel That the Condition of " the General ii Worse Fear Compli cations. n,DL'J!HAM, March 12. -N'ews receiv ed here from the bedside of Gen. Julian H. Carr, eommander in chief of the U. V., tonight is to the effect that his condition is unimproved. - a" General Carr s)eut a very miserable dny," relatives at his. bedside stated to )i1ght. The extent of the complications which set in last Friday afternoon has not been determined. Relatives say, Iiilwever, that the general is worse off t(iaa he has bwn at any time since he Was first taken ill with influenza. He lias been eonriwtj to his room for more than, three weeks. Physicians arc watch iilfc every development in his condition carefully. , i E PERFECT CONFIDENCE ' Gastonia People Have Good Reason For ' Complete Keliance. J t"T6 you know liow j "jTo find relief from bncknche; ,;To eorreet distressing urinary ills; ; i. To assist weak kidneys! "Yout neiffhlmrs know the way j ,,Ifave used IVian's Kidney Pills; ' ' :jHfve proved their v.orth in ninny J tjt. - ; ; '.'Here's Gastpnia testimonv; ;Mrs. J. P." Jones, SOS E. Air Line j Ave., Gastonia, spys: "My kidneys; wre out of order anil I had such a lame aid aching back I could hardly keep go iaig. My head ached -a great deal and I. bad dizzy, nervous spells. My kid- j neys tcri'il irregularly and as Ponu's ; KJdney Pills bid done so nim-h good in I nir family I used them. In a short! time I was free from kidrey trouble and j nrtr lwck wss strong and well. " j -Price 60c, at aH (lealers. Ion't sim-j y ask for a kidney remedy get Doan 's j Kidaey Pill the same that Mrs. Jones j bad. Poster-Milburn Co. fSlo, X. Y. Mfrs., Buf- KIDNEY and UVER PILLS Ha, mm wwswVjd your nrmi ayvten nd rnuMi) trouble with jroar kiiinera sad lirr? liarvvnn pmrnnin and back. Uxbby appears nrool um ihmm nrtheeye!it If 6o, WiUim Kidiw vi Liwr fill. Fi t fl dnarrnU. f T e'fc . tdUim F8. Ca., trip. Cmlirt, Wis Far Sale by J H Eennedy Drag Co. Deaths MRS. CARWISK. W'av.I linn 1 . un r-.w. i.t ci.t kiirn k t I, i jM4i, r.;.!.,,. f ! ..soW i K..v. Mfs (. Vili:ljll,, (lf ,.itv Mr, .Williaro hud Im-.m hi Kmnvili.. at In r B,ot),r ' I,,,!-,:.!,. fr veral ilaii Other surviving children are Mr. Oniric Car wis and Mrs. Maud both of whom live in Knoxvil'i-. Iieei-ased was (J years of age and li:hl boon n loyal an, I faithful member of the cuiirch mih-c l:i r early childhood." Her htn-nvel children have the sympathy ! a !arj.v dumber of friends. MP' .ai:y !. PA I.! . M: r.KI.MAT, Dur.leti ImIV r r-h l: I i- . - ' - Jjuiiiiny nieiuii. i. ,'T Ihi.'p' of . ('. Cu!;,, :,t t hi vnnred Iijf!' f ', Stic :: " ' Kl'llfH Miiin.iMa: yt.p . s ii liMm of :.i,-.,M""",:'1;' ''S ,' ih" ; " I hi iv .)..:!' 111.''. :,:i'l ;"!m ' - " " ' l',ns ehara.-.-r ,,,d .Uymg !. t "ie ! evi r '(rule it a:m to ! In l. h lie- u "!'VU 1,1 -:.imdi or Kmit. -. Mount 'Tfa! vy Mrs. I-MI, sun, ,,, h.' r "f l,J"?'.v'"" ,U'V' time Khe h'lH beoii nn invalid. Shi- l a made her lionu' in lie niont fi-r mi . . ... t . . I'Oll-e, Kill l ihj si ion, t;k in :i kern ter.'t in the affairs of the tinn'v, I." iiiiti 1 cleat ami alert In the la-',. Xtr. Fnlla whs the owlist person to vole in I llelmo!it ill til.' presidential election, aa i also cast her ballot for the tnliereulosis hospital, her last effort to help in ill ine jjoikI to h"r l'ellontnan . The mother of 1J children, she ii sin vived by the, as folloWK: Mrs. .1. V . Uren, of K!-i2i .Mountain: Mrs. I. il. Crow, Kerslmw, S. C. ; Mr-. V. C Gulp, Belmont; Mrs. K. T. Cn'p. In men, H. C. ; Mrs. W. II. Mercer, o1' Glolie, Arizona; Mr. (i. C. Kalis, Kershaw. S. C, and Mr. .1 . I. I- it Throckmorton, Texas. she is alio i survives by 5S grnud-cliildren, 7") crcil jraiid-chllilieii anil eight cleat leat yrandeliildreu. The remains will be taken to Kinjjs MountBin Tu"s,lay inoruing at 11 o' clock, the funeral services beirg le i, I from the Kint Baptist chinch Tuesday afternoon nt 1 o'clock. Gastonian TO-DAY JACK HOLT In "THE CALL OF THE NORTH" From the Novel, Con juror's House by Stewart E. White. TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY Adolph Suitor .'' pr, 'Experience - WITH RICHARD 3ARTHELMESS u "YOUTH" A GEORGE FITZMAURICE PRODUCTION CAROLINA & NORTHWESTERN RAILWAY COMPANY. Train Schedule. No. 2, northliounil, arrives Gastonia :S0 a. ra. No. 1, .southbound, arrives Gastonia I 4:40 p. m. - Making close connection with Southern i Railway trains No. 30 and No. 12. Close connection with .'jonthern ' at j Newton and Hickory for Black Moun tain, Asheville and all points west. ' B. r. BJEID. D. F. & P. Telephone 823, of m lis. XA BARKER SAYS HE WAS AFRAID TO -GO ABOUT ALONE Had Such Terrible DIzy Spells lie Fell and Was Seriously; Injured Now Well and; Sti-cns Again After Thirty! Years of Suffering. ! ', eer- mrn-h ' en-l ! r i: "'. ' ' .a .1 . .. V.... 1.' i .-..a- "iiffi-r- .:. .a I ;i " ;! II :i n.i'-'R t an dawn li V Inn, :i i. i my r:t. Af ,, ;ir,;n; i I'.v ,i,i. ii.'.r, !'. r'.M . I I'. ; I "i I ..'!' t . 1 : I f . lAi !Y t I'l'Oh ,.fi. till:-.' i f, i,i .' y I v'i;i!d ,in. ; i.l'a-k -f ' :':'" ' I t' !:: "'1' Ul,,k- T:'"" i ,( h- - heltied I.."' f . " : i .i lioalth and' K. 'la.ol;.' V..v fa I-. Iimh :de a i,i- i, i ai'u m;:v o',' ' Tanlae U mM in (iastoiiia by J. II. Ki'iiio'dy lvi.' Co.. and by li-adin;? drug-: ji t-i i v ryy.l.'i'Vt'. i Ckzvved hands and faces needn't is bother. MENTHOLATUM soothes 3nd heals U chaps and chilblains quickly and gently w SPECIAL McL..r?n Autocrat Cord Tiros F'actcry Blemishes Siie Price ::ti .,,n I : $l'.'..".n :J ! Nen .:! ii." :,.. Xoii ski. I jl'.:!."! :;i-. I oa l( .'MxP'i Nan :-,ki-I '.Ml.!!!! ::.";.") Xoii ;-l;i. : :.m McLaren Allrood Fabric Tires Factory Blemishes Sire Price ,10x:! 'on Sl::,l $ 7.1.") :i(ix::'... Nen skid : 1 X I Nun Skid . . .'IL'x4 Non Skid . . ;s;ix I Non skill . . .14x1 Non slud . It. 7(1 lfi.ll." 1 7 . H." 1 H . 2T, The Bradford Co. VULCANIZING Tires, Tubes and Acces sories 122 S. Oakland Street, GASTONIA, N. C. prarwi NOTICE To Telephone Subscribers wi - J t-fH Our re;ri;lat ami have always ' speciiied timt I, ill-, are to iv fUJ ,,'i, on or I i fore the l"tn of tne in. nlh, or servi-e would be Mpemled, but in nn effoit to be as lenient as possible with our subscribers, we have not been enforcing this rule ahsi- lulely. tne i0 iiiHiiediate past . l!u:li, coii'ii-, impel :: ' i ,' ii:.:: u" li giiijitoe. , ff:'c' ivi m make if n force this March 1st, t j and we will t'lauk all suiiscrib ers t' make 'aye.,eat on or !-fo:-,. the l.'itii of ea.-h month, so that we uill not be force,; 4o disc:, n! iuue their service. If '.:' bills are not paid by th' time soe.-iiieil, the service will I, i!.se:mtiii'',ed without furt h:'r notice, and a charge vi' 1. for restoring it. Tiii app'i. s to both '.'( ) N nd i:t rai. srp.scinBKits lle'p i -s to i.-.ake t',e service the very he-. t by paying 'WH,ii, Iv . PIEDM9NTTELEPH0NE& IK NOTICE. The ofTw-ts of the I'ivision freight and Passenger Agent of the Carolina & Northwestern Railway Company are now located i.n Gastonia, fceing on the second floor of the Groves building over Loftin & Co. We are prepared to quote passenger end freight rates and give inrormatioa iu regard to shipments to and from all points. Telephone No. 823. CAROLINA & NORTHWESTERN RAILWAY COMPANY. -E. F. Rtid, D. F. & P. A. , f7 F1 s m COKPM.U m ?5s 9.' JS " Now That Taste is a matter of tobacco quality We state !t ai our honest belief that the tobaccos used i i Cheitrrfield are of finer ;iulity (and benre of better taste) than in any other t i;,arette at the price. LtZZitt U Mjtn Tubactt Co. H. B. PATTILLO Residence Phone 709 H. B. PATTILLO & CO. CONTRACTORS and BUILDERS Special attention given to Repair Work. We are all Practical Builders of several years experience. All classes of buildings. Let us figure your work. We have the equip ment and organization to do any kind of building. Estimates on insurance claims made on short notice. Office Over Schneider's Store NO MATTER what the size of a depositors balance with this br.nk may be $100, $1,000 or more the same courteous treatment, promptness and security is extended to all. We aim to please every depositor regardless of the balance carried. Your Account Invited. Member Federal Reserve Bank. . The First National Bank GASTONIA, N. C. 'Tat Bat f Dependable Serfica." SUBSCRIBE FOR THE GASTONIA DAILY GAZETTE the Joiners Threaten Strike ; J r. r'F 1 lr:' - - - .e Ft U it II .V9 CIGARETTES of Turkish and Domestic tobaccosblended J. A. SPENCER Residence Phone 532-J v -' T v i A 1 1 13 erne. IQ A. C. MILLER Residence Phone 277-X Phone 520 NOTICE OF NEW TRAIN SCHEDUL Piedmont A Northern Line Effective Sunday, May 1, 1921, oi account of addition of express service. following schedule for- departure of- traias will be followed: Leave Gastonia Leave Charlotte 7:00 a. m. :05 . a. 9:20 a. m. 10:30 a. ra. 12:lS p. ra. i:lo p. ta. 2:30 p.m. 3;35 p, a. 4:50 p. m. o:uo p. a 7:00- p. m. 9:00 p. m. ..Arrive Gastonia: 9:10 a. m., iv.M a. m., 2:23 p. m., 4:40 p. m., 6:55 p. ra., 9:55 p. m. PIEDMONT & NOBTHEBN LINES W. L. HOG AN. T. B. Call 50 and The Gasette aa mat wi& come to tee you promptly about that ad vertisement. . ' AKXOUaCEIENTS FOR REGISTER OF DEEDS." I hereby announce myself a candidate . for renom I nation in the primary, Jane 3, for the office of JEegister of l)reds of Gaston County, subject to the action pf ine iiemoeratu" rinni.'iries. - upward r. Tofpy!of. FOR REGISTER OF DEEDS. I hereby announce m-self a candidate for election to the officis of Register of Deeds of Gnsfon County, subject to the action of the Dcmoerati primarfes. :) G. C. ELLIS. ' Gastonia, X. V. . ' FOR CLERK SUPERIOR COURT. I hereby announce myself a candidate for renomlnation in the' primary, Jnne 3. for the office of (Jerk of the Superior Court of Gaston County, subject to tho action of the Democratic primaries. S. C. HENDRICKS. FOR COUNTY' TREASURER ,N . I hereby announce myself a eandidato For renomiation in the primary, Junev3, for the office of Treasurer of Gaston County, subject to tho action of -tho Democratic primaries. - ( C. C. CRAIG. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. ' I hereby announce, myself a candidate for County Commissioner from Dallas township, subject to tho action of the Democratic jirimaries. JOHN V. PUETT. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. I hereby announce myself a candidate for re-election as county commissioner from Dallas township, subject to the ac tion of the Democratic primaries. ST. W. SUMMEY. FQR SHERIFF. I hereby announce myself a candidate for Sheriff of Gaston county, subject to the action of the Democratic primaries. It. A. CHRISTENBURY. FOR SHERIFF. I hereby announce myself' a candidate for Sheriff of Gnstoa County subject to the action of the Democratic primaries. G. R, RHYNE. FOR SHERIFF. I hereby announce myself a candidate for election to the office -of Sheriff of Gaston county, subject to' tho action of the Democratic jirimaries. W. NEIL DAVIS. Gastonia, N. O., FOR SOLICITOR. , I hereby nnnounce myself a candidate for nomination for the office of Solicitor of the Fourteenth Judicial District, sub ject to the action of tho voters in tho Democratic primary .4 nne It, 1922. . STEPHEN U. DOLLKY, - Ga-tonia, N. C, February 27, 1822. FOR SOLICITOR - I desire to say to my friends, the citi zens of the 14rh Judicial District, that I shall be a candidate for Solicitor in tho Democratic primaries to be held on Juqol .'!, 1922. I elm 11 sincerely esteem ypuj interest in my behalf. Respectfully, GEO. W. WILSON. NOTICE OF SUMMONS. North Carolina, Gaston County. Walter Jolly vs. Ollie Jolly. The defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced, in the Superior I Court of Gaston county, N. C, to sever the bonds of matrimony existing be tween the plaintiff and defendant, anil ' the" said defendant will further take notice that slie is required to appenr at j the Court House of Gaston County on the ! 20th Day of March, 1922 I and answer or demur to the complaint i in said action or the plaintiff will ap ! peal to the court for relief demanded in said complaint. This 23th dav of February, 1922. S. C. HENDRICKS, M-20-c-4w Clerk Superior Court. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. ' Notice is hereby given that the under signed has qualified as administrator of the estate of Mrs. S. F. New, deceased, late of Gaston county, North Carolina and all persons holding claims against the said decedent are notified to present the same on or before the 18th day of February, 1923 afldressed to Wm. W. New, Admr.. of the j estate of Mrs. 8. F. New, in care of Man- gutn and Denny," or this notice j pleaded in bar of their recovery. I WM. W. NEW, Admr. of Estate j M-M27c. of Mrs. S. F. New. i ' . " 1 1 "". iir"; ' . ' SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM ! SCHEDULES. (Effective Sunday November 6, 1921.) Arrival and departure of passenger trains at Gastonia. , Schedule figure! published as informa tion and not guaranteed. Arrives Departs from for 4:06 a. N. Y. Washn-Atla-Bham 4:06-a 8:25-a Charlotte-Atlanta 8:25 9:20-a Bham-Atla-Washn-N. Y. 9:20-a 10:09-a Washington-Atlanta 10 :09 a 12:35-1) Westminster-Danville 12:35-p 4:40-p Atlanta-Richmond 5:20-p Danville-Wcsminstef 8 : 2S-p Atlanta-Washington 9:52-p N. Y.-Washn-Atl-nhm l:17-a Bham-Atla-Waslin-N.Y 4 :40 p 5:20 p 8:28-p 9:52 p 12:17-a Trains 29 .and 30 ruliman sleeping cart betweea Birmingham and .New York. Trains S3 and 36 Pullman sleeping eara between New York-New Orleans and Birmingham. J Trains 37 and 38 Pullman sleeping ears betweea New York and New Or leans. . Trains 137 and 138 Pullman sleeping cars betweea Washington and Atlanta t T. E. 8ossamon, Ticket Agent, . Gastonia, K. C. B. li. Graham, D. P. A., . . Charlotte,' if. C.