ONI A OA L1QME ' Weather: : Local Cotton 17 1-2 Cents Fair and Colder VOL. XLIII, NO. 63. GASTONIA, N. C.f WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, MARCH 15, 1922. SINGLE COPY 5 CENTS CHICAGO IS 10,001000 FlpEARLY THIS lill, DESTROYING EJ1M SQUARE JillNUS. lilLL mm I UK ' Hill INr Ivl I H nil I Mlh! mi iirc conn nnirmui CHANGE FROM ORIGINAL " Will be Formally Presented to -; House Next Week as soon as Speaker Gillett Returns from Florida Two-Thirds Ma jority Is Necessary to Pass Bill. ' ' (By The Associated Press.) j .WASHINGTON;. March 13. With only a, aingle chunge from, the torm in; which it was approved last week by thu Wv. ,.,! M , .Wmitteo. ma iorit V. ! - ; the 'compromise soldiers 'bonus bill was; reaW todav for formal i.rosontutiou. to tho lioiwe. ft tnriivi.i l it v.'tur- day nt a metjtinfi- of the entire committee, ! tho vote licing 19 to o, with three Demo-! cruU and two republivans opposing the measure; ' . j Tlie time at -which the bill will be call-' cd up will not, bo determined. Chairman Fordney said, until the return here Mjii-j day of Spenker (iillett, who is u nuvst : of President Harding in Florida. Hepuh lican leaders have discussed a plan to have tho measure taken ni next .Monday under a auspensioH of Hit rulei. with p:s-. sibly ten hours of debate, Imt thin plan would be contingent iint.a the iieakerl entertainiiiK U motion tor siiuieii.sini and, passage of the bill. Dispatch from Flor ida hurt night iiidieait'.l llijl Mr.' Cil'ett ' might not consent to .ms:tnr,iti:)ii of the; li:L under such a plan, a.- ;t v.ould shut; off all -amendments. i A two-third riiajurity would 1) 1 ii:ceti sary to t'ass. the bill under a 'suspension of the rules, but proponents still 'insist! that 'despite contiiiueil opi.,itio:i in ;m 1 ' out of - Congres the meas'iire will ;et more than the two-thirds majoi ity, i There was cvntinued spe -u'at iu today among Ilousft memlii r as t wlu-t her ' Speaker (iillett wcul i l.r e back to. Washington any expression t' the view; of President Harding on the bill with its bank loan certificate plan. Chairman' Kordnry says lie does not expevt the President to semi any message to him! Supplement iiiK the executive's last let-' ter in which he suggested tfiat the bonus; bo paid by a sales tax or the legislation' postponed. ; 1 ll only change m.-i lc m the inn tiy the ('Utile ronimitfio before it was r derinl out would pcrinifV; nks rtutlu.i ied to lend money to veterans on the ad justed service certificat m to rcdisviiuiit, them for other banks. The securities. however, would not bo rel seoinitable by tho twelve 'regiivial Federal reserve banks. Speaker (iillett, be for.- his departure for Florida, with I'i'-m, lent llaidin;;. told Chairman I'ordney net to depeti-l en tircy upon a suepensiun of the rules ;,s n'meaus of getting the bonus bill before the House. This1 was disposed t d,i.v by Mr. I'ovl ney after his attention had been i ailed to tho 'dispatches from I'alin ISeai-n. Mr. Fordnev explained thai, the bill enuld ie taken up next Tuesday y or later under a I that he was not frcj discu.ssUm hi Hpecial rule and add opposed to full and the floor. , ' "I inn willing tie turned on the bill.'1 it tin s-ii 1 - Miiniighi the Miehij. member, who will direct it ourse in the House. "I will recall that we put the first bonm bill through uuler a suspen s'ou of the rules and that there was nut ' a ripple on tin- water abo'it Indications today were that tic com pleted bill would not be presented to the House until tomorrow, us the coinniitt;e report will not bo completed and printed before that time. THE WEATHER North Carolina, fa:r and cold;r to night, orobably l'ght frost in north por ' tion, Thursday fair and colder in south portion. No More Cotton In New England Says Report South Has Ousted New England in Production of ' Cotton Goods Removal of Machinery Is Be ing Considered, Important Factor Declares - Eastern Finishing Plants Said to Be a Counter-1 acting Force. Thai the South has definitely wrested the supremacy in textile manufacturing ' from New KngUiud is evident from, a! statement appearing in ttw New York! Daily News Record of. Tuesday. Thetei will be no more cotton mills built in New! Kngland, according to the informant of i the .News HeroTd. I onsnteration is Ix'ing; mill help is more efficient than that in given to the tuking of machinery from; the South is a myth. In the South, New Kngland mills ami moving itvto the! there is American labor-eakiiig. read fouth, it is. said. The article from The' ing and writing Knglisii. Compare this Record reads thus: - with tho state of affairs in New England, ov.. l, ...... !, loaf nf ..(.it ,n I Wherer it is nn extremely diffi- ,;iui.,,;it in onf Vn-rb.r.r ' an imivr. i,m f, ;n tl.o .ottn irnn,U nuirSetJ iiail yesterday. "Tho lalwr situation, as demonstrated in the .current strike, has i m.i.ln it. niuiarent that them is BOW but i . m .. .:ii . . 1 1 that is the South. As we know., tnej South has Wen moving abend with new i entire industry.. It would pot nulls in mills-two spindles for every one in New all Htates on a equal basis. As it is, England but from now o. the ratio' the variation of labor laws in the differ will favor the South even more. j "nt States is a great handicap. "It i.4 a tnatter of fact that there arej. "Iu wvll managed Southern mills, it Iatanyt, tolay, where toutridvratioa ia - ' .: Poatiauci oa paja i). Gaston Post, No. 23, American tit ni i-egiuii, r cuib uig lviemueiampi: . , W . . . nr . : urive na uistnct jrcaiiy meet j State Commander Byrd Ten Counties in Ninth District to .Hold American Legion Rally Here Thursday, March 23 -Plan Big Membership Drive to End on That Date With Banquet. ' . , ' -I'lr.ns for an intensive membership j ?b"ry, March 18 .ml. enang a woe later, .iaren aj witu a uig " state-wide America Legion rally ana! baiiimet for all the service men in the.! . ....-"- . , '.i i ii ! co'juiv" ugciiier witn me mapping out of u Legion program for the year, fea tured"' the meeting of Gaston Post, So, 2:'., American Legion Tuesday evening. To form a. climax, to the county-wide membership drive (here will bo a dis-1 trict rally held iu Oastonia Thursday,-! tho 2:trd, at which will be present State Commander Hyrd, of Ashcyille, Adjutant' C'ale K. Burgess, of Raleigh, together with the executive coniinitUe of tlie j State organization. In all there will le i 30 or more State officer and executives! here for conferences and the rally. I Coirty and post head from the ten i counties iu the Ninth Congressional dis-1 trict will be in Oastonia. In addition; to the v Hi tors, every service man in thej county is invited to be present for the rally in the afternoon und the feed that will follow in the evening. j For the membership drive the entire, county has been allotted to chairmen, and the message of The Legion will be; carried into every part of tho county.; Tho territory is divided in tho same iiuiuner as characterized the bounty-wide drive for the Armistice. lay celebration I last fall. iu addition to the membership enm pnign, the Pos adojited ft number of res jlut ions pledging the membership to leitaiu olnectiveu ana lunis during tne year. Chief among these were, the ! speakers from the Post, who shall from ' Americanization program among the. tilm to ,. ,.lk(, ,ltirt ; tu. ,.111K, or imblie schools of the county, the cure of;otlu,r ,.xereises of the differ'iit schools' the disabled veterans in the community.; witl, thl i,oa f , Xlpaijnfir to the MuijmIm ! the establishment of a suitable memorial; lm,vi.t. courtesy to the flag ami to th-l to the Gaston soldiers,- the permanent t nti,mal aiithem. CJ) The active partici (elebration of Armistice Jay in the" ,,0,, 0f ti. ,m; i tn patriotic exer-j county and the adoiftion of a . regular, ,.ist,s ; h,.i,joiM( .Imrche. etc., throiiglioi-: program for Legion meetings. J the 'county whenever desired by the o.- Tho meeting was marked by an abuu- gaitizhfioii planning the exercises uini dame of jiep and was tho most largely that the enminittee get in touch with sin h attended meeting of the year. Another' organizations. It is expected that the, meetling will bo held Thursday evening committee should lift- discretion in. the' at which, time the filial plans membership campaign will be of the : worked ! out. ' The following is the text of the oils resolutions ofterVJ ami passed a n -at ! the meet ill'; f ' He it resolved, that' it is the duty of the Legion as a whole, but especially of jthis local post to assist as muck- as pos sible all ix-service men whether members of the Legion or not who are sick or in a position needing material assistance, be it further Kesolved, "That a standing committee be ap- p linte 1 from the Legion to consist or t .vi. members of the medp-al profession and one additional Legionnaire who shall j inquire into and investigate ' ai cases, which shall come to their notice and it snail be their duty to co-operate to the1 fullest extent with U ) Tne War Kisk (fhVcr of the l'ost, The local chapter of the American lied Cross, (if) The As-' undated Charities or any other organiza tion which would be of assistance so asj to be in position to render whatever as-1 sistance is possible and necessary. It is understood that no monies shall be appro priated fn m the legion treasury without; permission of a nn.jjrity of the Execu tive Committee. Iir" coiinei tion, it will; greatly asuist thiVcotuniittei if all l.e- i ginnnaires will rport worthy cases con,- j ing under theif notice. ; "He it rejrfived,. that a committee be! appointed Intake ) and put into iffect1 .!ans fi.rXi suitable memorial for the deaf win died in service from Oast on; Mills Be Built Uing given, more or less seriously, to; taking machinery from crtaiu New, KngUind Mills, and moving it to some' structure in the houth. leaving the Last-; em buildings stand. Thin.-offJiir.se, is; to n-et awav from ihe New F.nuhiitd lab-ir; handicap. The story (hat New Kngland . cult prooosition tn -ret a weaver to watch 16 automatic draner. even tfeiiiirh they he mven hy nnlivi.Juai motors, ami a- juire little attention. For National 48-Hour iaw. "Tl,OTO i l..,f .. Ve.le.-il 4S-: "our law would be the best thing tor tne i. . . - . . . . i l v. . . I . .. c,,- tin. nn 1 . 1 and Other Officials from i 1 1 ll O ivr . a vu wig coimty, following the linen gestiom, put forward in the of the sug reeent jiu j - t f. , . J " . - ,, . Bl! ,l '"l'd. that tne celebration i ui niiimiin' ..ay oc mane 4 i .. i t . an annual I event and that the Legion lend itse.fl whole hearted y tu this affair, lie it J in -ther resolved that step be taken well in I advance so as to make, the celcbrnt.on or the day comp'cto in every detail. , "Hemlved, that a Ending committie J,e formed which ehall subm'-t to the postl t the next regular meeting plans where-' ljy meetings can be mado interesting so aa furnisli an incentive in getting! members out. This committee t.) take in-; to consideration the advisability of put-! ting on wrestling bouts, baseball games, , getting speaker here of national inter-' t.st Mli other ideas which mav from time To time suggest themselves. Kesolved, that Gaston Post No. American Legion go on rteord as favor ing he teadung in all public schools of the county proper courtesy to our Hag I and the national anthem so us to fos'etr! in the hearts of our future citizens, H'lightful company of singers. Mr, love for country and a reverence for tii: J Kiehelhorgcr, who is the "Miss Monta it lis Id for which we fought. He it fur-'gue" who has given her name to the tli. r, ' j company, is one of the mosj charming Kesolved. that we assist in u material ' accomplished wouteii. nnd artists in way by lending our assistance and co-1 country with a.gmnotfs contralto operation to. the Gaston County Teach-i 11 chanifm? manner. W.e is an l on ers Association hy the appointment of a' or L'raduate'of the Lniversity of ( lucago cninn.il lei. w ill, full imwer t net which I aul is a lady of rare gifts and grace. shall consider and put into effect the f(liinii-iinr nbin Ml The ,.ii...intiiiei.t of matter of the scdis tion of speakers so n to have the1 men participate in er cises iu sihools in their immediate vicini ty. "He it further resolved, that this com-j luitteo be instructed to put before the; post at the next regular meeting plans, looking to the Legion taking the leadei shi) in all celebrations of nil Hvatrijtie latum during the coming year not com ing under the heads above ineiiti ined. "He it. farther resolved, that a pr.i.0 of cash or a suitable gold medal be offer ed any bona fide pupil of un.v of the ,.), ,,( .),,. , ,,n'..rii-,r tl,. bci-'t es elect(.l fay on a subject wlJch shall be si l-v the oniinittee and as coming : l he lietid of t he .Americanizalioii uii.li r pro- gram iiituned ainne, jueges to le .select ed by the committee and a time -for siie intial ( the pr .-ivii seht lel. I "He it resolved, 1hat Gaston Post No. 21! set as a mark for I92J. .".(10 paid up members and that to attain this end, a committee be appointed with full power to act, to consist of three men one of whom shall bo chairman, who shall out -line and put into effect a meinberdiip drive, the plan of getting ineiulers to be oiganizcd somewhat on the order of the pii'ii whereby men were invited to the' Armistice Hay Celebration, NovihiIht llth, last. j "The committee is expected to use its own judgment but it is suggested "that subcommittees be appointed which, nhall embrace, the territory covered in i Ihe Armistice Day celebration drive and that this commitp'c, as a whole, shall meet not later than Thursday cveniug. lo co-operate with the a hove com niittee otherwise ing members, b than in actual secur-1 it r..-lv,.,l tl.f, t - committee of three men be appointed to, arrange for a dinner and entertainment ' to take place at the. wind up of the 1 meiiilH'rdiip drive and to take part in the1 (iitertainment of the state oflicers who! ! will lie present. COLDER WEATHER IS PROMISED FOR THURSDAY j (By Thii Associated I'ress.) WASHINGTON. March 13. Advi sory northeast utorm warnings were dis-! played today on the Atlantic coast from! Norfolk, 'a., to Atlantic City. N. J. The disturbance was central over North Caro lina and moving eastward. It will te at tended by strong north. -a st and north winds, diminishing toui'lit. Jlie UistiirlKinee that was1 central qver' Oklahr.ma Tuesday murn'.ng ha moved i lifectlv eastward an1 its- center was over North Carolina this morning. It' has Wen attended hy general nins in the Ohio and Middle Mississippi valleys; Mis-, souri, Arkansas, Tennessee and, the mid-; die Atlantic. .JSi-utJi Atlantic and east Gulf States. The rain fall wasi heavy Mississippi va'.- in the Ohio and Middle leys and in Yirginia. . fair weather will prevail to- Generally night and Thursday in the States east: ,.f Mi..!.,.!,: .....i...l ... ... : tcslay in the middle Atlatntie states, and . e : . i. - ... . .. . , along tho South Atlantic, roast. The temperature will be lower tonight almost generally east of the Mississippi river except in Ohio and portions of the lark? region and it will not change ma terially during Thursday. ; i ' CHAMBER OF COMMERCE CALENDAR. Wednesday. 7:30 p. m. Textile tendenU Club. Superin- Thursday. 4:00 p. m. Board of Directors. 7:30 p. m. Pythian Band. Friday. Z School Superintendent!. ' 7:30 p.m. thamber ot tom- mere Glee Club. JOHN TEMPLE GRAVES RECOMMENDS' TRQU?E , .. . Noted Orator and Editor FraiS- es Montague Company Ap pearing Here Tonight - in rLyceum Attraction. Hon. John Temple (iravis, delightful-, ly remembered in (iastonia f ir his great1 h-cture, "The Modern Armageddon,", several wet ks ago. 'has highly recom mended the Montague Light Opera Com pany, lip pea ring here tonight as tliO; fourth lyceuiu attraction. -Mr. (i raves', writes: i Washington, I. ( '., March 1 I. ll'J., My dear Mr. IJuery: ! With the Imppiest and most grateful recollections for The Cazelte I am cor dially commending to your kind cousider atioti the Montague Light Opera Com pany which is in (Jastunia on the evening of the loth. Von will rarelv have heard a more dc I trust some of your delightful ioop!u will meet Mish Montague ami leave up .n her mind a part of the delightful im pression that I am carj-ying along iu my lien rt. Miss Montague 's husband. Mr. Fichel berger, who is a thousainl miles from a Jew, Inis a lieautiful tenor and a beauti ful spirit. The other two members of the company do hot know so well as they are new. but I have heard them highly spoken of. With cordial and grateful regard for '. Gazette , Sincerely Yours, JOI1X TLMI'Li: Glf.W F.i. ANTl KU KLUX KLAN ORGANIZATION FORMED. (Hv The Associated ''resiO HlvLITO, Okla.. -March 1.1. - An anti Ku Klux Klan oi gaui.atioii known as the Knights of the Visible Kmidre, ha i been fenneil here. John J . Hyde, one of the organizers, i announce. I ii, a statement today that tho j purpose of t ie society is "to protest a gainst mob rule, as exemplified iu the teachings of the-Ku Klux Klan. '' Hyde it a local attorney. "There is no! one line iu the consti i 1 nt imi that cannot be unproved by ev ery liberty loving, law abiding citieu," Mr Hyde said. "We . ledge allegiance to the law of ; (Tie land ami ask only that the laws be ' enforced by Ih.se empowered to enforce them. We will work bareheaded in the Mim l.ine, not -masked at midnight . " CHAUFFEUR HAPPY BACK BEHIND AUTO WHEEL 'By The Ane'.ated Press.) DIXMONT, CALIF.. March 15. Floyd Glotzbach, chauffeur, whom Mar agrete Matzenaucr, grand opera singer, married because he Was "lilt) per cent man'' and whose separation from the diva because sin; didn't wUit him to get up for breakfast, drive his own automo bile or enjoy jazz music, became known yestenday, was hack behind the wheel of another man's automobile last niht and presumably enjoying himself. , (ilotzl.aeh 's duties took him so fur field that his first knowledge that his wife denied his version of the separation probably will come f rom tolay s papers, Carlos Stanley, hotel manager, who u'"'l iiotznacii a lew nays ago i orivo a sight seeing tar and otherwise make himself useful sroiind )he hotel's fleet of automobiles., said, however, that Glotz- bach had rnfirflied the stopy of his ad- . ... . ... .-..I. . i - 'venture in niairim'iiiy hs puuusne't Associated Pres newspapers. STORM WARNING. WASHINGTON. March 15. Warning of a storm which it was predicted would effect the territory from "scuth of Norfolk to and in cluding Hatteras, was issued today by the weather bureau. The dis turbance was central over the ex treme southeastern portion of Vir ginia at noon, the annoucement said, and will cause strong north and northwest winds this afternoon and tonight" Cotton Market CLOSING BIDS ON THE NEW YORK MARKET N'KW YORK. March 13. -r Cotton fu ture closed str.dig. March 17.H3; May 1 7.119: July 17.09; October I6.1W; December 16.34. TODAY'S COTTOH MARKET Cotton seed ........... SUict U Good MiddUnjr 7 .5tC 17JCto ONSLOW'S SHIBBOLETH MS LESS OFFICERS, MORE WORK AND LOWER TAXES" Would Eliminate Wastefulness of Money in the State and the County Fewer Offi cers, More Work and Lower Taxes, Is the Cry Cry For the Old Days. (Hy W. T. Host, in Grecnsloro News.) "; IIALKIOH. March It. "Fewer of ficers, mi. re' work and lower taxes'-' '.,,... II,., u,;i,K..ltl, in ... .,!,, ,., f.. . - "Nt, r.. r, and the candidate who can not frame his tongue to say it will miss the ntcj., aitording to u communiea tion reaching Kalcigh. The action of Onslow is but one of the scver.il ciuiity "vocal uprisings'' tvhich hate One idaee test. was time Ix-en Ktom b.Hi, recorded daring hitter days.l ot these "v,Hai" revolutions to. ""- 00P or aowniown district, witti a loss estimated in Mecklenburg, the cradle of pro-i at from - $10,000,000 to $15,000,000. The fire started in the The home of Governor Morrison j center of the block bounded by VanBuren, Canal and Clinton T'u'-tl kings' have"81,1"6618' an(l West Jckson boulevard of unknown origin, burn Boi,!g on wmi, i"r"!e,,t . w A ed structure in that area, leaped north across Jackson , director of the North Carolina ! and wrecked the 21-story Chicago. Burlinirton & Ouincv Rail- railroail, by gubernatorial grace I .. : i: ai.iuiK mightily in the manifestation of (lovernor .Morrison has confess wrath. d his' 1 1 1 M disappointment ,-it tin farmers hac treated his truatnicut of them, according to some of the writing I boys, who musi see the governor every day when he is in town. Onslow's; "vocal uprising" v:is not of farmers'! unionists; it was a row raised in part 1 by ex ISenator Frank Thompson, Deino-i cratii; brother of Doctor l,'y, who onco, gave the 1'emocrats very iii.nli trouble, i The Onslow "uprisers seem to know exactly what they desire, and it is eieutdi:. . They n re n down t hero bv the sea. There is no way for them t0 kick except toward llaleigh. Therefore they hit Kalcigh good and hard. Tlicy demand that the stale superintendent of j every piece of fire fighting apparatus I public instruction turn to the taxing de-, within five miles was called out in a se parmeiit and that the ourts leave the ties of ten alarms . j legislature be. They whuld return to pre-; The rapidity with which t'.ie fire war salaries and would eliminate the ex-i spread was astounding," Marshall Hnck- I travagant and wnsHeful expenditure of , ley, assistant fire chief, raid. "The! money in state and county. Then after fire actually seemed to run from us." they resolve to go ito the primaries the That the original blnzef romw Inch the candidates who fret these people will ; coiiflagrtion grew possibly was of iner-n- liavo to sing: "Fewer oflicers, more ! diary origin was tlie statement of Hhir-! work and lower taxes." The malignant will sec pnclic .justice. The governor has returned the govern ment to the counties ad put a local self governuientalisf in charge. The tax business ami the schools Were to be sent back to the counties. His excellency wrote letters against any high riding set in Kalcigh, ami in the high riders who had been the tax romiiiisMlon were, di vorced from the taxing depart lient. Horizontal slashing began 'before the lPL'o taxes were actually paid. ' Assault On Taxing Powers. i And there is far more assault on the state t.aing powers than, ever has been; the Mate Miueiiutcndeut of schools is being made the Ileiaocmf ie goat because the legislature hasn't the nervu to under take what il laid on liini; the taxes ale higher and conditions infinitely worse ; under the local self government mono mania than they were before. Kvery piece of tinkering with revaluation has hurt and only the counties which re fused to (jo back on their '.allies under revaluation have avoided trouble alto gether. It is hard lines for Govcrnoi i Morrison and I'evenue Cniniiiissioner A. ' II. Watts. And the stale i-i in the feder al court on tax i-snes. The Onslow people held their mooting .in the court house l:it week. Here is tl.eir set of resolutions: ' "Whereas our taxes have become ex 1 ceedingiy grievous and heavily burden some and in ssmi" cases almost confisca tory: we. citizens of Onslow (ounty in mass meeting assembled, do heieby set , forth the following demands; "I. We .lemnnd a fair, equitable and just as . sxment of our lands, which iu many instances are rm the tax books for more than twice their market value. '"2. We demand that the levying of. I taxe 1.e taken away from the state superinteie the courts nt of. public inslruifion ami iil rent o red to the general as ml.lv. wh -r- taxes just ly Iielo the right of levying mgs. ' W. niA.nd a reduction in the put t ing officers number of ofli. e' holders, ami a of the salaries o ;lll necessary on a pre war basis. " t. We demand that the extrava gant and wasteful expenditure of money in the state an I i-ounly be stopped. '3. Ami we pledu'C our support only to those candidates in the primaries of our party for office who will adopt for their platform, the following: "Fewer ollicers, more work and 1 ss taxes." .BUFFALO CLUB REACHES HERE SUNDAY MORNING I-.mmI fans will Is- interested Ju the an ; nnune. nient that Geargo L. White, form 1 er bi league star, and his husky bunch iof atheletes, the ISuffalo dub of the In " teriialion.il League will arrive in Ga toni.i oil No. 1H7 Sunday liiorning at 10:0'.. This club, an has been previously ' anouiiced. comes to Gastoni.i for it spring trjining. Among the exhibition games to be seen hero during the training period will tie ;th.se on March 24th and 2Vh with Con nie Mnk's Three ! Pennant Winners ! who are to train at Morgan ton. General Car Better. (Br The Associated rest IU KHAM, March 13. Continued improvement was noted today in the condition of General Julian S. Carr who is ill at his home here kwith . pleurisy. General Carr Bent fl yery comfortable night ami his general vendition ims said be decidedly belter, this morniug. ORIGINAL BLAZE THOUGHT TO BE OF INCENDIARY ORIGIN! FIREMAN KILLED, OTHERS KURT Full Square of Business Buildings Just Outside of Chicago's Loop or Downtown District Burn ed Early This Morning Blaze Spread With Marked Rapidity Flames Visible 20 Miles -Spectators Are Burned. CHICAGO, March 15. A tfiflav rl Pf rnvorl a -full onnura , ,, i . I - L. luau Kfuerai oiuce ounuing, lrusi anu savings rsanK, ana, . flinnPf! nvpr Van Kiiron ctroof . . , through to Harnson street. The fire was trol until nearly no! brought under cou 'clock and even then firemen were righting a dozen different (ires and others broke nut intermittent ly as the wind wafted sparks about. One fireman was killed, another seriously in jured, ten or mores lightlyh urt, and an unknown number of the hundred thous- ami spectators who thronged the burning " , .i:...;.. ..i:,. ..!.. i i... n:... i.-: ... 1 " "' "i uncus, ; binning timbers or sparks. j The fire for a time threatened to a. ! mime virtually unlimited "proportions am ley P. High, city tire attorney, who ear ly today announced the arrest of an un named iniiu on information supplied by II. T. HchifT, president of the Confec tionery Hpeciiilty Compan.y, at Ml West Jackson boulevard, where the fire start ed. Mr. High refu.eil to divulge tlie name of the man arresled.b nt said that he was beingi) uestioned regarding threat ening letters Mr. SchifT said the .man, a former employe, had sent to him, Mr. IScliifT told Mr. High the man was dis charged when he became incensed over refusal to permit him to purchase stock in the company and within the past two months had made a series of threats. Mr. Schiff placed his personal loss at ; ?.)i,00.) ( M. . High suinnioiie.; several of his aidesw hile the fire was at its height, and said an investigation would be begun im- ' mediately. He placed the total loss at I from if lh.WIO.liOH to .flo.OOO.OOO. I Traveling the main burned urea, the Metropoitau West Side elevated line to-! day was seriously handicapped iu de- , liveriug its thousands of )atrous to the I dowiitownd istrict usw as the Aurora & Klgin electric luterurbaii line which also used the four tracks trucfure which was, caught in the midst of the fire. j The huge Itiirliugtoii office building, call. . I a fire proof structure, held tlie file from spreading westward, extending j the full block on West Jackson boulo :.i I between Canal and Clinton streets, while progress of the flames toward the south ;i' ended by the access the fhie iueii had to the smaller buildings two tos ix stories which bring south of. Van Huron street. The Chicago river runs ,i block east of the burned district but v.ould have afforded but little pro- ; te.iioii had the wind veered the sweep of' the flames toward the main business sect ion . , Heat from the burning building a- i cross the sine! .racked out the win . dows of the Mercantile Trust & Savings ' Hank before the Hurlington building it KEPT YOUNG GIRL PRISONER : A T PISTOL-POINT TWO DAYS Tom Davis, Alleged Assailant Marry, to Face Trial For Him After Long Chase. Charged with one of the most heiu-, til ous cnines ever commuted m tins sec-' m and positively identified by hia vie-1 tim. Miss Prella May Kelley, an attrac-i Davis left Gastonia Inst Tuesday eve- ' five sixteen year-old girl of West Gas- ning iu company with th girl. They touia, Tom Davis was landed iu the Gas- i left "On the 7 o'clock I. & N". train for -ton i-ounty jail at I) o'clock this morn-j Charlotte where, according to his proni ing after a chase which carried local of- isos, he was to marry her. Arriving in fleers over a considerable portion of up-j Charlotte, Davis, it is alleged, took her per South Carolina since last Friday, to a cheap rooming house, the exact loca Davis, who was going under the name of: tion of which is not as yet known, to tht G rover Med ford when caught last night-local officers. Taking her to a room bo in Chester. S. ('., admits that he ia the! went out, she says, for tho punoseof ae man wanted but maintains that there arc' curing a marriage license and a minister mitigating circumstance and that thej to perform tho ceremony. Returning in crime is not the serious one with which a short time he told her the minister I he is charged. i Two warrauts eta nd against Davis, one j charging assault with a deadly weapon, inally assaulted her at the point of a pis j and the other criminal assault, his vic-i tol nnd compelled her to remain with, j tim in 1oth instances being, Miss Kelley.j him throughout tho night. . " It id a gtory of tho trustfulness of aaj According to her story tbey went t. unsophisticated girl and the villiany of j Statesville WetLiesday rnorniug, sjndinK' a 1rute who betrayed'' the confidence i the day .there. Da via, he says, Waye-l piaced in him in that, according to thoj right with her and gave her no oppor story tohlby the youug cirl and which is! tunity to get out of his priiieiiw at nisy j believed by tho officers, he criminally i spectacular early morning fire rimivir.nri km'U.... - j. i .1 . uuncco """uiuKa jua UUISIUB , , . . . " wnicn also nouses tne Mercantile under burden of a strong wind uaiiHih.o A nvwl, u..- i j. . , I self was alire. 'A heavy police guard was thrownrbout the bank but was .driven away quickly when the building i caught afire. Cash and securetiea valu :d at approximately 8,0O0,000 are said to be in the bank's vaults, and it mav be several days before they can be ex j umiued. : , t ! The Hurlington buiiding caught fire at about the eighth story and burned up , i and down.' No stream of water wa powerful enough to fight the lire in the' i upper stories. j So intern; was the heat in tbcb uruing distric that the steel support of the olevattjd structure could be eeeii at white lieat, 1 -. ' .. 1 ' ' ' Despite the cnlliuir out of extra no- j liceineii, automobiles of spectators quick. , ly jammed the streets about the burning 'district. The flames,' leaping' high and. j puffed by the giusts of wind were visible ! for more than 20 miles. i Tne YpnUureu street tunnel of tho ; Chicago surface lines, under tho river. '. debouches just at the burned area, and ! for hours a stream of water poured juto . ! it until the tunnel was tilled to street llevel. '.'' - .' ! The I'nioit depot mail terminal 'was j not reached by the flames but postaPcin ploycj hurriedly removed nil intiil when it . : appeared that the fire district could, not be restricted. , .': ' t The Mercantile Trust, and Savings ( Hank later nnnounced that the cash and ; securities in its vaults was-lumply pro : tecte.l by heavy t,teel, ceinent and asbes- . ', tos walis and that it wa quite safie. Ar- j r.uigciie.Mit Were made to have another' 1 bank take care of its business until new! !(iiartcis could be obtained. The new Hurlington building with-v 4 stood a h'a so terrifh that the fire es- jCiipe on the side facing the flumes nJ .cross the street became red hot and bent"' on its own weight. . ' I It was estimated that more than 2ji- -li(i persons were made jobless through , the fire. . ;. . COART CASE TO GO TO JURYTHI AFTERNOON. (P.v The Associateil Tress.) TALHOTTON, (ia., March 13. With the cumpietion of four arguments to bo made by attorneys for the t ate, which' were begun this morning when court re sumed, the case of Major Lee II. Coart, charged with murder ine omiection, with the fatal shooting of A. Ii. Me Niece, is expected tog o fu the jury lato this af-. tcriionu . , ' ' : . ' LADY ALICE WHITE KILLED BY BURGLAR (Hv The Associated I'resa.) LONDON, March 13. Lady Alie White, who was found unconscious in her room iu a London hotel yesterday, morning, died this morning at : thrco o'c'ock. A burglar is believed to have inflicted the fatal injury, a fracture of the skull. of Girl He Had Promised to Life Local Police Officers Land assaulted the Eirl at the point of a pi tal and held her euntivo for two nights and a day. would be on hand in a few minute. Shortly thereafter, she alleges, he rim . . '.Continued oa givn S.J