Not Join The American Lieion? Local Cotton 17 1-2 Cents VOLi XLIII. NO. 65. CASTON1A, N. C FRIDAY AFTERNOON, MARCH 17, 1922. S1NCLE COPY S CENTS Buddy; Why mm mETTE Weather; Cloudy YOUNG DODGE, DESPITE MILLIONS, GOES TO i jAiLFORJPEEDIPfG Geti Five Day Sentence and Fine of $100 When He Gets Out Will Face Charges ' of Transporting. Liqiior andj Also Damage Suit . DETROIT, MiarcU 11.r.1ohn Duval J Podge, millionaire son of fha lute Johaj F. Dodge, automobile manufacturer, to-; flay was serving the fir.;t day of a sen- j fence in the Hou' of Correction for vio- j lution of theruffic Jaws. . Dodge plead- t " cil guilty Into yesterday ta exceeding thel speed limit and was ordered by Judge! Bartlett, along with 21o titers convicted . " of the same charge, ta speud five days in tho reformatory. A flue of $mi also - ai imposed on Dodge and hi driver's . licouse was revoked. . v When Dodgd completes his sentence lie is to face a charge in Kalniiwtznu of il legally transporting lienor, ului a suit for $10,000-filed here on behalf of a news boy alleged to hnvo Jiecii injured by l)odge's antomobile. At the House, of Correctym, where. tc " ccption of motorist.! of all funding, has become a common occurrence, since Judge Bartlett lnunehed a campaigu a-1 gainst reckless ilriring, the formalities I . were not altered in any way last night to admit the youag millionaire. He wax ! registereil, donned the prison garb -n - i isting of a striped shirt, a pair of over- i ' alls and heavy sliocs, ami nssignc'l to a j cot In tho cell block. When the lights- ! out signal was Bounded lie was listening j ' to the sympathetic conversation of a I fellow prisoner. Loss of his cigarettes apt rently was the only tiling that troubled Dodge. "You will have to wait until you earn your tobacco here," the receiving officer told him,' in he dcf-rlved t'.ie prisoner of his cigarettes. This morning, lifter h -Ii vai ciliated u ning his young smokes J)odge S"t .about DETROIT. Mich., March Hi. .John I). Lodge, millionaire sou of the late John F. Dodge, the Detroit manufactur . er, was sentenced 1 i five days in the house of correction and fined $100 by Judge Bartlett, in recorders' court here today when he admitted driving his auto mobile ;l mile:) an hour three miles in uxeera of the speed limit . He was im mediately taken to jail. v Judge Bartlett also recommended Dodge's driver's he revoked U year, Airs. Dodge wept when tenco wrs passed. ' As Dndire was Indue csiorteTl to that far son the county jail to spend the night, prepara tory . tp being transferred to the house of correction tomorrow, h- whs served with summons' in a damage suit for $10,000 instituted in behalf of Kdwin Hehillt., 12-year-n'.d newsboy who is said to have Veen tun down by DodgeV fnito mobile reveral weeks ao. The case is the outgrowth of a ride following a dance, eaHy Sunday in which Dodge. Hex Karl, of Kulnmoozo, and three girl students of Western State Normal participated and whit h resulted -la Enimeline Kwarkerncek, one of the irirls jumping from the automobile and "... i.. 11... .re 1 70 bond ton, ar for hearing ill lui rt. . i i ii. ... there Marrli 21 . CKEST TO .BMMTE Would Bunch AH Subscrip-1 tions tO Benevolent Causes! . rt i c . -rui j 111 w . " J Calls on People. Proposal that a community chest or welfare chost le created for (iastunia beginning with next, year, so as to iim ' iuatc tho more or less continuous "drive" for fumta was made to the di rector of, the Gastonia Chamber of Commerce Thursday, afternoon by Rev. CI. R.' Gillespie. Mr. Gillespie made a I strong presentation of the matter and it j will be gone into thoroughly by the board. . " j Many cities have found the I'lan works out in-an excellent manner. One M.ig drive is put on for the raising of funds and all other "drives" are then -.denied sanction. 'People nibscribing cAli then dovtheir best.-with the knowl- edge that they will not lie called upon -further during the year, ' . ' SPRINTER WILL RUN RACE AGAINST HORSE .SAN .'FRANCISCO, March 17. Mor ris Kirksey. Stanford University , (sprin ter, one of the fastest men in the coun-i . try. wl "rUn 6U yr"8 K" a ' horse at a ciris to be given here next week for the benefit of the community service work. Man and horse will go rom standing start. HELP LEGION, FIND JOBS ' FOR THE UNEMPLOYED WASHINGTON. March 17. "Fullest co-operation" with the Am erican Legion in its "employment day" drive next Monday to nnd jobs for 700,000 unemployed veterant of the world war was urged in a state ment issued tpday by Secretary or Labor Darif. - ' ' " '. "During the emergsncy,' he said, '"they served us, oilering their all, and placed the national interest above their own. It is now the duty of all good American cftiieni to see that they are provided for. They ask no charity, but only a chance to render further servics in honest employment "Work makes the flag fly. Help the. American Legion to hang .it as high in peace as in war. PRESBYTERIAN PASTOR CELEBRATES 58TH :. - v: ANNIVERSARY SPARTANBURG, S C, March 17. Rev. Thomas H. Law, D. D., and Mrs. Law, of thit city, celebrated the fifthy-eighth anniversary of their wedding last night They were guests of honor at a dinner given by one of their ions, and later drop ped in to congratulate a neighbor, who was celebrating his thirty-eighth wedding anniversary, and went from there to a musical concert at Con verse College."., They were in the best of health and-rpend much of their time walk ing about the city. Dr. Law has been for many years stated clerk of the Suthern Presbyterian General As-eembly.- HOUSE LEADERS HOPE TC REACH A FINAL DECISION flllTTIir ntlKTIIP fill I TflniV!'0 waive claim to $8,000 Mrs. 'Gayle is UNInt dUNIJo dILL IUuAl'f'I,t?,hav.1: n:r!.'r !::::: v:l Speaker Gillett Returns From Florida Day Earlier Than He Had Expected. But Is n . n . msiapuscu w nuie "K' Suspension of Rules in House; to Bring Up Bonus Bill Mon day. (By The Associated Vress.) WASHINGTON', March 17. House leaders hood to reach a final decision today, with tho return from Florida ot Speaker Gillett, regarding" the question I of procedure in calling up the sjldiers'l bonus bill on the floor The speaker; j w ho decided la e yesterday to return to, Washington todav instead of tomor-l row, has indicatcl that he was disposed! I fo rule adversely on a motion to bring j ,,,, the bonus legislation Monday under j a mispensioii of the rules as conteni. ! plate.1 'in the-idan of same Hiuse lenders, Vf.lnev. nf tho House Wnvs ami, Means Committee, who favors the rules suspension program, said that the Speaker held against it at today ;r hcl.t against it at today s he would proceed with plans e measure up under a special conference tit lrmnr tl,.. iiinuuupn mi iinilii a UIU rule next Tuesday if such a rule couM be obtained. Speaker iillett. in discus sing the matter before leaving St. Augwttine yesterday, was said to have; favored tho latter olan in expressing his belief that the importance of. the bonus. i bill was such that the House should have i j time to consider it and entertain amend ' meats. Upon the outcome uf the conference between the Speaker and House leaders 1 depended whether these members who I waat the bill ooen to amendment when brouirht up wouhl ak for a conference , ' ' ' , """i l" I e ti ,, ,7 . . 1 coiitiuuetl up to the last but tailed, J res- of House Itopublieai'.s to consider the,. . i , , f t i i ideiit Harding having refused to iiiter- whole question of procedure. llepre-1' . .. ft ., . 8. , , i t ... i - i:r '1 .. Lmeberger, of (al.tormTi. a former service man, who so-j !cnred sixty signatures to a petition for ; tfxwh n eoi.n.irenci or U;ii mn? than re-1 quired under the rules, said the peti ion wouhl be presented if it was decided to consider the bill under a suspension the rules. or; j' j MnMfT RPIjlAH TO HAVE - " ------ People of That Section Decide to Give Other Communities Run For Honors L. A. Bar bee Heads Organization. Enthusiastic, and determined to make the older" .onmumity fairs hustle fur honors, the people of the Mount Beulah section lielil a we:i aueiiiien meeting Thursday night in their fine new srhool house and organized a community fair. The people of the Landers Chapel neigh licrhoid will co-operate ivith them and tho intention is to next year let tho fair i CO to that school, tht .Mount Beulali folks backing it up. An interesting il-j I nitrated lecture on club v.ork and farm, work was given by County Agent (,. Gowan. ' Executive Secretary Fred M.l Allen of the Bir Gaston County Fair aided in the work of organizing Hie1 community fair. K. H. Biggerstaff ' sided over the meeting. ! j , U A. p.v ... L"- I"1' .. berger secretary-treasurer. (.mmittees will be announced soon. The vote to I bold a community fair was unanimous i and the movement appears to have the j baiking of the hading citizens of that entire district. STRIKE SYMPATHIZERS ADOPT NEW WEAPON. 'By The Aoc:ted l'ress.) PROVIDKNCK, H. I., March 17. Textile strike sympathizers in Paw- tucket adopted a new weapon i 1 . i . 1 II..., in hrt today ' i..i'. ' oe eireeiB ' o. "... i ii iac . l'unncih plant or tae inueu ci,ih-b i m- ishing Company in that city was strewn with talks.- Workers from Fjist 'roi- n...l A.l.,. til'iiiiia lull.. Iiocll roll- 'IVIII. tfll'l U l 11, I llllll' ...... ...... , , . .i . i..:i.. i.. omA. .,iiiin inch thick. lo ri gc a1 1 WheZ- r s.-k the j tack eStanelements today the tire casual-1 ties, wercn timorous. The tacks had been thrown on the street during the night. I cr a vcD nir riPfTT5 MAN SLAYER OF CIKtUs WA . ' (By The Associated Press.) RIVERSIDE. N'. J.. March 17. The -j ' board 7t freeholdeTi of Burlington eouu- , ty will be asked today to offer a reward Urri.K XE.IVAKU IUA I I for the anon hension of the shiver of John T. Bruuen. circus froorietor, who .' was shot and killed at his home last Fri jday night. - Carl Ward, a Lajlyhoo man, formerly employed In the circus owned hy Brnnen, l who wns questioned last night, was uua- ' blc to throw any light on the ease. PARENTAGE OF YOUNG -VIRGINIA BOY GIVES TROUBLE IN COURTS ,. . - i Father Wants to Have Boy's; - Name Changed and to Re-' ' ; strain Wife From Ever Using j His Name Again. ; XKW YOKK. March 17. The par- ! jentage ana 'guardianship of Robert! j lio)rt Gayle, a five-year-old boy declared 1 ilo be the sun of Dr. Robert Fin ley Gayle, of .llichmoiid, Ya ., 'provoked a, stormy soioii before Hnrrograte Colin-I 1iiii yesterday, when Mrs. Knla .1. Kili- son unylc, t lie buy s mother, refused to . enter into aft agreement providing fur the lad's future. Dr. Gayle is seeking to have the bov's j name changed to Hubert Uope, and tor' jevor to restrain him for using Jtlio name: !of Gayle. He also asked that Mrs. ; ! Oayo be similarly restrained from using J his name. In return. Dr. Gayle offers I III pi A uaiMt .ill n'liiii itiiiui a the education of the boy. William It. Wilcox, former chairman of the republican national committee. was uppomtcd guardian last January by kill 'uri-oK11'. i-uilit unn-t Ull ajiPiii n 1 iuii 0f Mrs" .Gayle. Nhe now asks that this guardianship he vacated on tho ground i that a section appears in the order which wns not there when she signed it. This! section sets forth "that your petitioner does not know tin father of the infant," ! aud was inserted,' Mrs. Gayle alleges, by! Martin Cutts, attorney for Mr- Wilco. Mr. C'ntta characterized this allegation as "false and malicious." Surrogate i ,-,,,,.. ..,.r...i , i, .,.::,, v . . J. ggjjxEC OMMITTEE TO VISIT MUSCLE SHOALS 25TH. , WASHINGTON March 17. The ! senate agricultural commmoe uecuieu today to start its trip oti nspection of j the Muscle Sholas water power and m trato project March i 2. The tour, ("hairmail Norriss aid, would occupy proonmy nve or , six uajs : it was not HSccrtaineti uv Mr Xorris a,,- ' ... . . . . i , '" '"- but David Barry,vho has charge of the arrangements, stated that ' ..000 worth how many senators woulil mane the trip, i I'"' wiiators" wouhl go, tire Having j been that amount of money set aside for the expensnes. . vottth CONNECTUT YOUTH HANGED IN DISTRICT JAIL WASHINGTON, March 17. John Mcllenry, aged 21, former New Loudon. , Conn., youth, was hanged in the District of Columbia jail today for the murder of tt Washington city detectve and ' automobile dealer. j Efforts to obtain a commutation to I i!ff.. :.. t. . ti... I vt'iiu in ine inn ici . -in HiLi-iui'i i'iv- . was. made by , ,)r;im., of the Sons of Irish: wnl8,. offices sai.l the taking e x. u -mm ,,.,.1Mit ' ; fWt(m of tho ft,.,Mt uf iManit la'roii saint. CHICK SPRINGS PLANT TO CARE FOR 200 SERVICE MEN j j WASHINGTON, March 17. Facili-) i tics for two hundred former service men ,-will be provided at the new Veterans' j I Bureau training center to be opened a-j t bout May 1 at Chick Springs, near ; Greenville, K "., accordimj to plans made j '. public to.dny by Colonel If. 1. Rees, assis-, j taut director of the rehabilitation tlivi-, I sion. I "This school." he said, "is establish ! led for the purpose of giving vocational : ' training to men who have received mexi i mum litnefit from medical treatment but who are not as yet capable of entering 'into full time training. They, will he: , given highly eeialized vocational train-( ! ing ami th best of medical treatment.; j The installations of the sdiool give the! best of living accommodations to our ' trainees iu a large sanitarium which has f all modern conveniences, located in ideal ! surroundings and the best ot climatic conditions. "Th shops for the training of our men will provide practical courses in tho various phases of the automotive mIus- tries, nossiblv live or six in number, the pre-'.building trades, including 'house con - st ruction, plumbing and sheet metalj work. FOUNO BIO BUWttl Ut ! BAR SILVER ON FARM BUFFALO. N.v V.. March 17.1 Tho police ami the .sheriff's office today were- trying to solve the prob'em of how barj i silver worth between flp.oOO and ,000 ' camt1 to bo burietl on the farm of Lewis i &ilmon, on the east bank of the Niagara; i river, near Lasalle.t , ! Salmon called on a Buffalo jeweler j yesterday with a sample of the metal i which lie had turned up with a spade ' i : .i ... l 1. ..!!:.... U..1...S... 1-earning nun n was n-ui uuiuuji ktuuiii, reported his find to the police and ac- ... ... . i . compaiiied by an ollicer returnetl anieu uy an oincer returned id the - farm They (lug up forty four bars, each six inches long, three inches wide and half The sou showed no signs that the bul.ion had been recently rW The bars were found at varying depths from one to four feet below the surface of the gTOund. - j AIKEN. S. C. March 17. Sheriff Howard this morning began an invest i- gallon or Hie nre wnjen laic lasi nigni I eotton warehouse and. 17 ljM,les of cotton on the farm of E. K. Woodward, irt the Millhrook section of Aiken county. The fire is thought to; (have been of inceudiary origin. j - . . .. ..... ... GALESBUKG, Ills.. March 17. An attempt was made to rob Atchison, To peka ; Santa Fe train No. 17 near Wl liamefield, Ills., last night, when rob bers threw several packages from the ei-. press ear presumably with the intention . of returning later aud rctoveriug them. i, - . ' i-t: i :i mm GEORGE WILTSE Manager of Buffalo International League Team, Who Arrived in Gasto nia This Morning. BISONS' MANAGER ARRIVED TOOAY FOR Manager Wiltse Precedes His Team, Who Will Arrive Here Sunday Will Have.! Quarters at Armington Ho tel and Use Loray Park For Training Ground Buffalo Newspapers to Send Sport- i ing Writers. George Wiltse, manager of the Buf falo, accompanied ly Mrs. Wiltse, arrived in the city thin morning t i make' preliminary arrangements fur the com ig of his men fur the Spring training i n. Mr. Ailise in tumpanv witn I 1.. Smyre, chairman o the local coniMi.i is this afternoon inspecting! the fl.or. .. Mall Mark, where tin' HVui w ill -.uelld the next tevei al Wet k getting in sh.ioe for the 1 nteina! iyiia I League season. Wilt-ic's learn, aiiout thirl v in number, are expected tti arrive in the city Sun day morning. Those who are in Mufl'.ilo were joined there today by the men from west of Mufl'alo and will have that city tonight. Others will come direct fion, their homes, to airive lore at tic same tiiut . The entire team will be iua itt retl at. the Armington Hotel during their stay here. Gastonia fans ai; looking forward with much pleasure to having a big lea gue team here for their spring training, which will include sevt practice games with other teams which are in training at nearby points. Two big Mufl'alo newspapers lar representatives hi re tire training H-.-asiiu and city will get a good ilea a vcrv valnaole kind. or more of the will have regit during the en in this way the I of publicity of THE WEATHER North Carolina, fair tonight ; day increasing cloudiness, not change in temperature. Satur-' much-. WIRELESS TELEPHONE PROGRAM FOR TONIGHT 7:30 p. m. Music and Uncle Wig gily's bedtime story. 7:45 p. m. Government market re ports, and a report of the New York Stock Exchange. 8:C0 p. m. "Making a Will," by S. L. Dale, attorney. Music Program: Denis A. McCarthy, Irish tenor. Miss Bcrnice Quartz, accompanist. Lino Bartoli, violinist from the studio of Margaret Home. . Leo Kruzcek, violinist from the tudio of Margaret' Home. Mrs. Millard, accompanist. Selection : t. Irish Reel, Scott, as rccoided by Harold Henry on the Stcinway Duo Art Reproducing Piano. 2. Believe Me If All Those En dearing Young Charms, Moore, Denis A. McCarthy. , . 3. Serenade Espagnolc, Chami nade, Lino Bartoli. 4. The Ould Plaid Shawl, Haynes, Denis A. McCarthy. 5. Gypsy Airs, Sarasate, Leo Kruzcek. 6. Kathleen Mavourmeen, Crouch, Denis A. McCarthy. i 7. Maxurka, WieniawsKi, Lino Bartoli. 8. The Kerry Dance, Molloy, Denis A. McCarthy. 9. Irish Tune from County Derry, Grainger, as recorded by Percy Grain ger on the Sleinway Duo-Art Repro ducing Piano. 10. Silent 0'Moyle, Moore, Denis A. McCarthy. , 11. a. First Duo, Godard. h. Second Dso, Godard, Lino Bar toli and Leo Kruxcek. 12. Killarner, Balfe, Denis A. McCarthy. , - t ! V Chamber of Commerce Dinner isPostponed One Day To Mow J 1 -JBfeM B mmm v: i . li 1.1- .k ii .1 in i i i vu m a r u i ri I . i On Account of Pacific Treaty Question Coming to Vote in Sen ate Friday He Is Unable to Be Here For Evening of March 24 Will Come Next Day. Senator Thomas .1 . ri i ; i i 1 1 in Wnsliingtiin ili din must next Friday because of the fact that the l'acif. ic I rent it s issu? conn s to a' vole iiu 1he hcnate oil that dati'. T herefore it has been iiecessjiry for the rhaiu b' i of Commerce to completely i h, '.litre plans for the annual dinner. Decision was reached by the board of director Thursday afternoon that it bo held Saturday night, March "Joth, at l!:t. n'rlu.k in the Baptist Annex instead of the i'i i of Commerce uuditoriuui . Sen ;.t'i Ib lliii i ;in come then . It!.' oli'i.i.s of the chamber dis like i cry iinu li to have the dinner on Saturday night as it will incon venience wiiiio members perhaps but ii resolved down to the iuestion of Saturday niclit and Senator iletlin or Milne other night and some other DAVIS HELD WITHOUT -! BAIL BY CHARLOTTE JUDGE Gastonia Man Given Prelimin ary Hearing This Morning j on Charge of Criminally As-i saulting 16-Year-Old Girl at Point of Pistol. Tom Davis, the man arresled at Chcs ter, S. '., Tuesday night liv Gastonia i police olliccrs and brought back here oil a charge of criminally assaulting Miss Miella May Keliey, of West Uastonia, was given a preliminary hearing in the recorder's court at Charlotte this morn ing. He was held for trial at the-next term of M kloiibnrg Superior Court on this. serious charge and was committed to the county jail there without bail. It is understood that several witnesses went I t i the trial from Gastonia and that I ,-Davis' alleged xietim established a good character by persons who had known hi i ' Cor several years. As will be seen from Die statement made below by Davis to a Charlotte newspaper reporter last night he does not deny taking the young girl1 away and registering with her lis man' and wife Imt claims that he did so with 1 consent. Savs The Observer: , , Seen in the police station last night Davis gave a different version of t the affair. He admitted i in in oral conduct between the two, stating that these rela tions had existed for at least a mouth, ' or ahoitly after the girl game to Gas tonia from Georgia, and I'ved at the! h .me of bearded his aunt, at which plate he also lie staled that neither one of tin1 two' had ever spoken about getting married an I that he never had a pistol in his pos session during tl entire- time they were together. "The trmililo with her was" said havi.i "that she got mad at me when I sent her back home. I accompanied her as far as Belmont and there gave her a ticket h'yiic. She wanted to go on with me instead and t'ot mad at me." 'She's- told enough lies about this thing to electrocute me. She states that she is only Hi years old; if is true how dje her younger brother .work every day ill the Iimv mill, when tin law says l.e must be Hi to do so. There is , to be two yea rs different e bttweeu lu r anil her brother, and In; is supposed to be 16 so she must be 13 years old ' ' Davis i inn here from Whitticr. .lack son county, :n has been at Gastonia. ahant ." nunth, l e said. His fatli r and sister were killed about one years ago at the Gr.nes Mill, in Gaftonin, by a Piedmont &. Northern traiu. He came hero after t'mt and has lived with an aunt in Ga-toniu. Ho. is an i x -strce man an I served in the Seventh Field artillery. He has iinptoyed Attorney Kignrm.if Gastonia, ; 1 1 . 1 another attorney, w,hose name he di-l not last night, to r. re.,ent him. The alleged victim of the affair came t ) Gastonia, Davis said, more than a month agn and Isianled at his aunt's home until a few days ag: when rh-y moved into a home of their own. : He stated that slit' came from Pont ile!!, Ga., and that she was an operative! in the Loray mill. Our relation began shortly after I she came into my aunt's home," said, Davis. "Anil there never has been any j ta!k of any mairiage between us." Francis O. Clirkson will prosecute! DaM, representing city solicitor Thus. I ('. (iutherie who will not be in court to-' day. I Davis des ribi-d the victim of flic affair ! as being a tall, iight haijial girl, of fair-, ly go-id looks. j C0ART GUILTY WITH A RECOMMENDATION OF MERCY t Bv Tho Associated Press.) TtMIOTTON Ga. Mun-h 17 The jury returned a verdict of guilty with ; rtvommeiidation to mercy in the case of Major U-e H. Coarf. wlw has been on i trial here for the last .several d.ivs in ! Talliorts erior court charged with the' murder last fail of A. B. McNiete. Undert he laws of Georgia a verdict of iruiltr with a recommendation for mercy carries a sentence of life ia the f IK-nitentiary. Major Coart received the verdict calui-' lv. Several women, niemlir'rs of his fam-1 'i.. - i. - .i , . ...,. ,1.1 liv, w no wen" in tor coiirirwun, wnen ine verdirtw as retained, collapsed aud Co-; lut tried to comfort theni '. . .; 1 ' i " v u j. aw m u u sr mm speaker. Tin1 liicmltcrship has been so insistent in its demand for the senator for several" months that it was deemed best to make the Satur day date and get him. Through the courtesy of (.'oiigres'iiiaa Hul w inkle the change in the senator's plans was conveyed to the board lust In fore the regular session Thursday so that prompt action was taken upon it. The dinner will Is- served by the ltapti t Ladies' Aid Society, which in-uies a splendid menu. It was found that they could provide a much better menu at no additional expense to the Chamber by holding the dinner in the Haptist Annex where they, have cooking convenien ces and so it was, decided to change the meeting place there. PROMINENT NEW YORKERS ; MAY STOP IN 6AST0NIA Party of New York Business Men En Route to Mexico May Stop Over in' Gastonia in May Chamber of Com merce Helping. If efforts of the Ga donia Chamber of Coinmerc:' are successful a party of over one hundred leading and wealthy busi ness men of New York City will stop over here in May for at least a few hours oi their way to Mexico City to study business conditions. If the efforts are not successful the city will gain some pub'icity f iiiii the New York Commer- cial anyhow. ; At the regular lneiiting of the board of directors Thursday it was brought out that the organization through the secre tary's office is working to get Gastonia on the itinerary. The party if foster ed by the New York Commercial and in cludes some of the wealthiest and most noted business men in America. New York City members of tluj chamber have ; Iwcn asketl to exert all possible pressure ! personally in mlihtion to that from the GsNtniiin, end: Many iimtfW of great importance were brought up at the meeting, l'res cut were l'resitlent S. A. Robinson, Vice President K. Grady Kankin. Treas urer S. N. Moyce, Directors G. C. An tlrews. Ira K. Hayes, 1). II. Williams, H. M. Van Sleen'and the executive sec retary. President Kobiiisoii niiilounceil the appointment on the new Fann Relations Committer of W. T. Kankin, J. White Ware, T. L. Craig, John L. Deal ami i D. T. Out.. A committee con-isting of A. G. Man gum. T. L. Craig ami P.. W. Garland was named to entertain Senator iletlin iluriiig the day he is here before his ad dress . $2,000 FOR EXPENSES OF MUSCLE SHOALS TRIP WASHINGTON. March 17. The K.'ihn resolution asking authority and an; appropriation of i)ii!,(Mi() for members ofi the Hon-- Military Committee' to visit Muscle Shoals, Ala., was favorably re-j ported t;) the Hums 1 today by Chairman Ireland, of tin: accounts committee. I Mr. Ireland said he would ask or im ; mediate consideration of the measure by i the House, probably today, so tin; -com-j liiiMcrmen who have bet ii investigating oftcrs from private interests for coin-! pillion, purchase, lease and operation ofj tlv government's Alabama projects' coiiid plan their trip without delay in the, event the resdution was adopted. j Chairman Kalm, of the military com mittee, announced today that he expected Secretarv Mellon, of the Treasury, and a representative of thj- Department of .Justice, possibly Attorney (ieirt-ral Daugli i rty, to nppeiir before the committee, Car- ly next week. As mooii as those two: witnesses have been heard, Mr. Kahn said, the committee will begin prepara tion of its report to the House on the; offers it has been investigating, and it! :ii honed that a report could lie coin-! pVted in'tiule for its pres, ntation to thej House sometime during the week begin-' ning March 27. j 24 LIQUOR RUNNERS ARRESTED(0N SCHOONER ( Bv The Associated Press.) NEW YORK. March 17. Fifteen spe cial revenue agents today arrested 24 men after a pistol battle aborad a two masted schooner, said to have been load ed with contraband liquor, in the East river at the foot of Tiffany street, the Bronx. 1 More than .'III shots were exchanged. The schooner, whose ca-rgo of liquor was said to Is- worth nearly half a million j dollars, was seized together with two automobiles ami a large moving van, I which the authorities were said to have been used iu transporting the coutra- ogii"1 . Gastonia Man Geta Contracts iu G"b of this city was jester Ja.v awarded by thettaje Highway Com-i i mission a contract to build four miles o, j.ronJ in Alexander county. Mr. Ginn' I is now completing a road contract ncari WalhaHa, 8. C, from which place be willi move ins lorces at nn eariy nate to iay- lorsville. He has also secured a contract: excavate 5,000 yartls of dirt adjoining! ,1... Vo.lW".., 1......1 . ' t. ,;:..i. D-i 1 j hwiti- m. tcianutj m,crri j lxty-room addition tu this hotel is to bel bai.t at ncc. , . hbm hk. JULIAN S. CARR, JRM DIED HOTEL FAR Y t m MnRiVIWr. m j M m ISISBSaiBIIBSfl w " , jgr w Had Been Suffering F r o m Nervous Breakdown Hi - Wife and Brother Were With Him -Father, General Carr, Is 111 With Pleurisy. r j Dl'IiHAM, C. March IT. Juliaa js. Vim, president ( - DuHiam ho siery mills, known as the "hosiery ' tkiiig,'' died at the l'rimsyiviuiia . hotel -I In New York city at 7::i nVinck hu morning,' according to a telegrum receiv- ' eil by his family here. ' Mr. Carr had been in failing health for several months as a result of a aery- ous breakdown, it was said. . He was the son of General Julian H. Carr, comuiaiitler-in-chief of tho Uuited Coiitederate Veterans, whi hiinself ban (been very ill with pleurisy at hia homo j in this city. Mr. Carr's wife and ' I brother are said lo have lieeu with him, ."? when he died. ' , ' 1 ; Mr. Carr was 43 years old. He is sur I'il'Cfl 1 ir liiu u-tjnir u-li.. n .1... ...... - .. - .. ..... . . , .n n n viilll lll it of tho late James Cannon, cotton uianu- facturer of Concord, four children, two brothers and his father. General Carr received tho news of hi son '.' death "as well as could have been exDocted." it was stated at his home. . ' Mr. Carr, had been suffering from , ' heart diseasu which cause his denth. I ROTARY MEMBERS GOING TO WINSTON-SALEM MEET .' ' . I . .. .'.... l : S. At Least Sixty Rotarians and , Wives Will Attend Big Dis trict Meeting at Winston-' Salem Next Week -Max Gardner Makes Speech , at Luncheon. ; Thursday Rotary luncheon was given-. over to a discussion of tho roads t Winstou-Salein. a shop talk by Harrv ; Rutter ou 'Why A l'lumber Is Neeei- sarily A Robber," a Short speech "by ' Hon. O. Max Gardner, and two delight- ful Irish- songs by Miss Blanche Heiser-" ljian, who snti "A Little Bit of Heaven "'.V '-' and "Mother . Maeree." : Mr. , W. M. McConnell ft traveling 'representative' of l' i nn Akrtjn rubber nnif tire fabric com- . .' pany, the guest of Mr. W. T. Love, a W ,' math) a short talk in which ho vomtili-. mented this flection on tho progress it is making. wonderful ine program mr tna tmy was in charge of W. L, Balthis, . who took -charge after vice-president 8. A. RolAn- :y son flnisfiY-d the preliminaries. Harry '" Jiutter gaye the members some good ad- . vice tin plumbing and heating reguln-. . Hons and interspersed his seecli with several good jokes. Max Gardner, as usual brought down the house with on.' of his good .iokes. - This time it -was on ' the bankers nnd since he was the guest of one at tint luncheon and sitting next ! tti two more, it was ull rieht.' 1U Invite,! all of Gastonia to ' conic to Clevelaiitl Springs. : . . Last minute plans fur the ; Winston c meeting next week were discussed. At ' . least CO Gastonia Rotarians ifhd their ' wives will attend the District meeting there, most of them going through th;1 country next Monthly afternoon. ; ' BOY'S DOG FOLLOWS v PRESIDENT TO HOTEL. (Bv Tho Associaren i're.J N4 ST. AUGUSTINE, Fin., March 17. I Mr. Harding caused a small boy to "' worry yesterday when the boy's dog diy, scrti'il him and followed tho President who was passing along the street; Mr 3 Harding had patted the dog's head anil . when lie .resumed his walk the dog de -cidetl to accompany him. much to tho consternation of his young master, who-, until that moment had believed no one': could lead his fotir-f ;oted playniato a- way from him. Tho .log followed the president to his hotel and the boy follow- ed th. dog. Kverytiiiiig Anally turned. out all right bceau-e the "log was return-, to its owmi-, who went away satisfied,. J. ' HAS WITNESSES TO PROVE ' , THAT VICE CLUBS EXIST (By The Associated Press.) . .1 v ST. LOUIS. March 17. Sevedai wit nesses to nipjiort his charges that vice clubs exist among the student body of Siildan high school, were to be presenteil. to a committee of parents of students of ' that school this afternoon by Victor J; -Miller, president of the board of.polieA '.-" commissioner. Committee members : said today's hearing probably would be,.-: the last for tho purjiose of tukiug testi mony unless Miller reports that he is un- able to produce all his witnesses. " NEW YORK, March 16. Jack Dempsey iH ready to meet Kd Strangler Lewis in either a straight wrestling bout, or a mixed doubt of boxing -nnd ; wrestling, Jack Kearns, the champiunV j manager, declared today when informed j of tho challenge by Billy Sandows j "Lewis could not throw Dempsey. in 0 minutes straight iwrestling,," he add- i-d. m, Cotton Market I CLOSING BIDS ON THE NEW YORK MARKET NEW YORK, March 17. Cotton fu. tures closed steady. March 18.11; May 17.95; July 17.33,- October. lfl.So; December 18.7. TODAY'S C0TTG1 T.:A"XET Cotton seed :.'.... .. .Sie 'Strict ta CcoH Mi41ij , :. 7-,.; . . ' ;..:;--: , - .'.

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