(MS ONI A DlItY GAZETTE Weather: Warmer Local Cotton 17 Onts VOL. XUII. NO: 70. GASTONIA, N. C THURSDAY AFTERNOON, MARCH 23, 1922. SINGLE COPY 5 CENTS THE REPUBLICANS ARE TO REPLY TO ATTACKS MADE ON COL HARVEY 'They Are Angry Over Demo- cratic Minority Report "Democrats Too Rough" E. W. Pou Expected to Lead Fight Against Suspen ion of Rules Today. (By The Associated Tress.) WASHINGTON, March 22. Indica tions were today that the Republicans of the . house tomorrow irill devote a part j Of the oratory over tne bonus oiu m an attack on the minority report on that measure prepared by Keprescntativo Claude Kitchin, who wrote an unusually severe document in excoriation of the bonus program of the majority. ' Certain ttepubiicaus are reported to ho indignant over the fact that the Demo cratic minority report drags in the name of George Jlarvcy, ambassador to Great Britain, and are peeved because the Kitchin minority views makes such references to Colonel Harvey as "bibu lous" and "bootlicking" and a " ban- ' quct babbler." The minority report on the bonus, signed by five Democrats headed by Representative Kitchin, not only dis cussed the bonus ami the Republican plan for financing it, 'but assailed the record of the administration generally and brought in the name of Colonel Har vey. It is reported today that the Re publican think the opposition has gone too far in its denunciation of the admin istration and there probably will bo to morrow a hot discussion of the Kitchin report - This was forecast today when there was a brief flareup in the house over the plan to take the bonus bill up tomorrow under suspension of the rules. Tho rule will call for an extra suspension day, four hours' debute and no amendments. "If we are to be forced to vote on the house bill without opportunity to amend it, why should we debate I" demanded Representative Sears, of Florida. Democrats Too Rough. "Tho majority members probably will want to make some comment on certain features of tho Democratic, report on the 'bonus bill," sharply interjected Repre sentative Nicholas Lungworth, of Ohio, a Republican member of the Ways and Means Uommiteo. Jt is understood that Mr. Longworth and other Republicans think the Democratic report was entirely too rough and there was no excuse for referring to tho alleged personal habits of Colonel Harvey, who is in London and not figuring in tho bonus row. Democrats will bo on . hand .to defend themselves nnd Mr. Kitchin himself may be pTesent if the weather permits him to leave home. He is recovering from a long illness, but his bonus report was not that of a sick man without a kick. Representative Kdward V. l'ou, rank ing Democrat of tho rules committee, is cxpeeted to piny a leading role in the de bate tomorrow. Representative l'ou is the logical man to voice the Democrat protest against the "gag 'rule" under which the bonus bill will bo considered. The Republican leadership, not wanting . to open the bill up to mnendment, which Would bring on a record vote on substi tute plans such as a cash lionus, have framed a rule that will make amend ment impossible. There cannot be even a motion to recommit the bill to com mittee with instructions to modify it. Jhe house, under the suspension rule, must pass the bill just as it came from . committee, without change of so much as a comma. Republicans say they have necessary two-third vote to suspend rules and pass the bill. Row Over Dunn Office. Still another postotlieo wrangle in North Carolina is brewing, it is learned hero today. It is that of William D. Holland, selected to get the poxtoffiee at Dunn and is to have stiff opposition. E. C. West, the acting postmaster, is understood to lie forwarding charges against Mr. Holland which will be pre sented to the postollice department. It was also learned on good authority that the postoffice department, has been re quested by Mr. West to send inspectors to Dunn to investigate tho situation there. The nature of the charges against Mr. Holland is not yet disclosed, but of ficial circles have been notified that they; arc en route. Mr. Holland's nomination has not gono in as yet, but Mr. West, acting postmaster anil a lawyer at Dunn, is trying to forestall the appointment. ! Eleventh Hour Attempt MadeTo Halt Nation-Wide Coal Strike ..... , , t . Anthracite Miner and Operators Behind Locked Doors in Conference to Decide Whether They Will Join With Bi tuminous Miners in Strike Called For April 1. (By The Associated Press.) wage demands are given consideration. NEW YORK, March 23. In an elev- The miners' representatives enter the en th hour attempt to halt preparations meeting with little expectation of reach- for a nation-wide strike in tho coal in dustry, the arbitration committee of anthracite miners and operators met be hiud locked doors today at the Union League Club. Tho committee was composed of eight men, four miners and four operators. With them sat two non-voting neutrals, a chairman and a secretary. John L. Lewis, president of the international or ganization of. United Mine Workers of America, headed the miners' delegation. Tho apokesmau for the operators was 8: D. Warriuger, of the Lehigh Coal tnd Navigating Company. Upon tlie conference will depend whether the 200,000 anthracite workers Bhall proceed with their 400,000 breth ren in the bituminous fields and prepare to drop their tools April 1, while their ing an agrccmcut to avert the strike "Of course, we have hope," said Mr. Lewis. "It would be impossible for us to conclude an agreement within 40 min utes. Huch a thing might happen. But I recall that similar wage arbitrations in previous years has taken from four weeks to several months. "There is no reasonable doubt but that the general strike will be called I April 1, as scheduled." ; Representatives of the operators de- j cliued to make any predictions as to the i outcome. They continued to maintain j strict secrecy concerning tho program j of wage reduction which they will of j fer as the basis fur a new contract, as ; opposed to the wage demands of the I minors. I YOUNG STAGE BEAUTY COLLEGE B0V: wdttm; 14 DISTRICT CONFERENCE MEETS AT KINGS MOUNTAIN Begins Friday Morning and Continues Through Sunday Presiding Elder H. H. Jordan to Preside Over Ses sions. The Shelby District Conference of the M. E. Church, South, will bo held at ROTARIANS DIVIDE THE SEVENTH DISTRICT L A" . . . PsX MTT It v . -r. ' - f ' ' " - V - II Jr. V Ljf. i Governor Robertson,Oklahoma,j AMERICAN LEGION HOLDS a big district rally IIU RAQTHMIl TnniV ii unuiutiitr muni Charged With Taking $25,000 Bribe In A Bank Transaction Had Placed $150,000 of State Funds in Bank to Prevent Foreclosure When Bank Was Insolv ent Is Released Under $5,000 Bond. I (H.v The Associated Tress.) money from the bank while an officer, j OK MPEG EE, OK1.A., Mircl, 2.S i , T1'8 Guaran,y Stat Ban wa Pur- Governor A. II. A. Kubeiston. of Okla- e,w'1 on Ja""ary 3 1921, V tho k,flul'i hoinu, and several ollicial of Okmulgee V Ji&nk ot Commerce and the failure; banks were un.ler bond lodav for trial on! ?f U? lllt,or brouK''t about tho grand indictments allegm illegal transactions . f.ury "fetigstoa into banking transac, liivoli'imr tun i.,iiL,., ;,iiti;. i tions here. " ...... .,.,.. ..- ' ducteil tho grand jury investigation, started off on a vacation today and hej annnunccd that tho dato for trial of de-j fen. hints in the banking cases would not be fixed until ho returned in a week! or ten days. (iou'runr ll(.bcrtiou is charued specili i:i!lv uith accepting pint of a $Uo,000 bribe to idaee 1 oO.DOi) nf htti; funds in llio former (iuaruiity ritato liunk to pre vent closure when that biink was known to have b. eii insolvent. Tin' Htate ex ecuMvc c ame In re hiMt night from Okia ln'iii.i l ily, iicceptei service on a war rant, t'urniylied loinl uf $j.imiii and left hi a lev. Iioi.is to return to the iStnte c; pital. lie nail I his iit was to meet the issue without ili'lav. The (iovernor de- JUNIOR SPEAKING AT ! DAVIDSON COLLEGE! Interrupting his sludies at Milford, ' ''"'J further cninment mi I he charge, do-; Conn., Preparatory Academy, Roboit ''hiring the caw Has in. the hands of his' D.VVIINSON', X. ('., March 2.1. On Savage, former Yale (rtshnun, married i-ttorneys, !wv advice he would follow. ; March 24th and 2oth tho students of Geneva Mitchell, pretty member of the ; Hesides thine arrested yesterday, a I Davidson College will celebrate tho thir- j "Midnight Frolic" and ''Sally" com- warrant is held for Krod Duinis, former i tieth annual Junior Speaking. It was; Farmville Club Win Cup for Pn,es ia new Yor't- he is only 17 Mate bank cmninissioiier .jointly indicted back in 18l2 that tho faculty of the eol-j r . A (I-ah j ' iuic sue , wiin iiiiviTiinr iionersron. lieunis is "gu uecmea to reguire, as a prercqui-1 EteSl Alienaance nOKcr , Anirnr cnppi.iltv "mwn ttirlr" ' .1 1 : .4... ...1 1 I..i... t... !...:.... i.. n t.,;... . , rv6v mju- 1 u.iiiii iii iiii- iieiiei ineiiL will! liavri nun mr k i an uii nun, iiiiii. uil iiuii.wiaj Moore Ejected LllStriCt tOV-. ces on the stage and sought an iatio- i shared the 2'.. nun l.rilin with tho (Ijv-' should deliver an original oration. bo ernor. duction. Savage is a son of the late 1 rnor. Heimis has b. en missing from) it was that on the 22nd of February j John A. Savage, wealthy steel manu-; Oklahoma City since ho resigned several I 180.1 tho Class of 1894 celebrated the: WINSTON -SALEM, March 22. The facturer of Duluth. In addition to ; months ago. A rear eh uili be instituted I first Junior Speaking. ! Kings Mountain, commencing tomorrow registrations, left tonight for their re morning at 9 o'clock. Rev. IT. II. Jor- spective homes by train und autos. The Ian, of Ciastonin, presiding elder of the ! donation from tho eastern Carolina . .. ... ... j cities and towns departed at 11 o clock two day session of the seventh district 1 being an athlete, he is a writer of poe Hotary conference closed this afternoon, ! try, a volume of which is about to be and the 1,179 delegates, as shown by the j published under the title, "The First Koaa a lurmng." district, will preside at tho sessions which will continue through Sunday. All o the pastors, local preachers and charge lay leaders and four lay dele gates from each pastoral charge con stitute the membership of tho district conference. It is probable that many Oastonia Mohtodist who are not members of the conference will attend tho sessions. NEGRO KELO FOR TRIAL -ON CHARGE OF ARSON tonight on a special train which will go through to Kaieigh. it is unanimously accepted as the greatest and most suc cessful convention in the history of the district. The selection of Koger Moore, a suc cessful uud live wire business man, of Wilmington, as the nominee for dis trict governor, and recommendation of a committee to divide the district and create a new one, to be known ua the eighth, were among the outstanding fea tures of today's sessions. Supt. S. B. Underwood, of the Raleigh city schools, was placed in nomination for governor, along with Mr. Moore, but RED GROSS LOCATES RELATIVES OF REBB ";i I 'V 1 '"li-t.-.K nt returned by thei As was done in 1S!).1 tho Junior Class : ilistrict court grand jury against Cover-' this year has been divided into two' . nor Hobertsoi. and the former state j groups literary society men and non- . banking comie'ssioner cha-yes that Den-, society men. This is made necessary be ins, with the knowledge of the governor, cause of the fact that only society men' j niiide an examination of the Guaranty j are allowed to compete for tho Juniorj I State bank in SiMiteiiibe. . 1920. which Orator's niednl. mm of tin. nuwt nrizedi disclosed that the institui ion was insol- honors that a student can receive. All! "t. i ready nil but. sixteen liuve been weeded! he lloMiniir and the linking coin- nut bv :h. i.ieliininarv contests. These! ; miss om r, having the power and authn.--1 sixteen will speak at Junior bpeaking, i it y under th- law to detcnuim.. the sol- ami four of them will be chosen to, speak vency or insolvency of the l ank, the in-1 at Commencement for the much prized j dietuient alleges, took from John 11. Ke-j medal. The sixteen men still in the run-; ! bold, wealthy oil operator and vico niug represent six southern states ami! president, of the brink, a.lribe of $2".-two foreign countries. Their subjects j mm pursuant !o an agreement that $lo.-1 range from: "The New Love" nnd I '.'(M ;u (date funds would bo deposited f i . "About Face" to "A Tribute to Her," In line with its policy of doing all pos-; 0 V'nveiit luins mid that 'through. l,e last being a patriotic Tar Heel's ap sible for the relatives of former servi Body of Ex-Soldier Killed by Train Here on March 11th Will be Shipped to His Former Home in Columbus. Ga. Dave Perkins Alleged to Have 1,0 l''Dtiy declined to have hiS name C f j. i - it 1 considered as a candidate, aud on mo- oet rire to Mis House ii.,., n.. ..nt n. ciat teatures ot tho occasion have m creased in importance until now Junior Speaking stands out as the eala time of lie spring -ni( ittr. ilun for an nJl too short period the fair sex rules "the; Hill," and even the honor roll grinds! forget their oooks touicke merry with Postoffice tliclr lighter hearted fellows. And 'thol Hid" resounds emtii.ui.lly with tho i the I'llnen.e of these officials tilt ; nreei.ition nt hit tumm utiitii "l ill! Ilk would lie all. me. I to i,,ntinn,. I.iwl. . ... men. the local Chanter of the lied (VS. .,i.;,.e.,. ;.w,.i,. :.. . ! . 11,0 l'""'ig of the years tho so- has been successful in locating relatives' the Stale laws. of William Kcbb, a former service man1 --"'-"00 delivered by Kelm.d ,.i, ., .,,. , .,, . . , 'to Goieniur Iloberlsoii and Dennis bv I no was instantly killed by a train here , . j , . , ... , ii cans of a cishier s hei-K and they re- Where Thr Wr Twn '7,: ' , r Z " "M J""' Efforts of the railroad! eeivcd cash in lieu of the cheek it is Helpless Persons, One 76 who is one of the leading members o.' ''als since Kebb's death to get. in ' -h: Tg.M . and the Othor MYm OU the Wilmington club and has been especi 'ouch with any of his relatives had been' . ''nn'H ,("'k ,.'l','k 0,'"'r'''l ''V It'- ana tne Utfter j Years Old. ai.tive in bl work in his bonie .nvai,illgi bo,,v ilt still ., '' . hMosite,i . ,t m ,, okiahomo oiy, Dave Terkins. colored, was tried in y. ' j H,... to awaiting word from some some X I of. re the 'ra, ,1 p"ryWpnrported to ,aI' cf '' Mh' Municipal Court this morning on a! The report on redislricting was refer-1 of in., . 'atives. i,.v i :..v,.r,, ii..i. ..n.. . , i ''"' ut c Usl"'. tllp ":" lllf" as been want Takui, :, the matter on March 17, , haV(. miV(.,, a check for .'l.iur"' grCCl "8 Ia,r non Mrs. .1. W. C. Johnson, secretary of the an,l Dennis a similar amount with which' T1"' (las9 of ,9-3 ha arranged a mostj local ihapter, wiled the Hoimi Service u. mirehised -i t'-irin N'n recm-, 1 of tlm interesting series of entertainments; fdr Secretary in Columbus, Gn., requesting' (iiird check was produced, aid in the search. 1'apers on the- body When u legislative investigation of tho showed that Kcbb had given his birt u-' transaction was made lust year with a place as Columbus and his place of en vjt.w t the iinpcai hineiit of Government hstmiuit as Biloxi, Mis. As u result of Jiobcrtson, Dini.is admitted receiving tho this move the following telegram Was re- ijej.onO from Heboid but said it was ill ceivea ijy .Mrs. Johnson today: Birmingham, Ala. "Have railroad prepare body of W State Commander Bird. Adju tant Burgess and Other Of ficials to Speak Banquet at 6:30 in Baptist Annex - Public Invited to Meeting: Tonight at Courthouse - Local Post Closes Drive for Members. Beginning this afternoon at 7:30 ' with an executive session, tie Aemr ican Legion district rally being held in Gastonia faces a full pro gram for the remainder ot the day. At 4: there will be an auto ride over the city. At 6:30 in the! Baptist Annex there will be a ban quet served by the ladies of the Woman' t Auxiliary and War Moth era organizations. Following the, banquet there will be a meeting in' the courthouse to which the public is ' invited. At this meeting State Com mander Bird, of Asneville, will speak. Adjutant Cole K. Burgess, of Raleigh, is also on the program. At the banquet at 6:30 in the Bap tist Annex the following program will be carried out with songs and ' monologues by local talent inter spersed between acts: Victor Shaw, Charlotte "Post1 Entertainment." ' Joseph L. Murphjr, Hickory "Club Rooms." Thomas L. Alexander, Charlotte ' "Post Finances." S. S. Candley, Marshall "The "Ninth District." Julian B. Ryan, Davidson "Get- "' ting Members." -? C. A. Sloane, Oteen "Local Publicity." Nollie M. Patton, Morganton "The Legion and the Community.' Will Plesa, Marion "Service and 4 Compensation Campaign.' Every former service man in the " county is invited to attend the ban quet. The general public is also in- ? vited to attend the public meeting at 8 o'clock. An especial invitation is : extended to all the members of the Auxiliary and War Mother, Red Cross, and all others interested in ' the activities of the American Legion. , MiV DISABLED VETERANS Department Finds in charge of arson and was bound over for red to tiie international association for trial in Gaston County. Superior Court adoption or rejection. The liroposvd dis in the sum of $.100. In default of bond j tricts lino up as follows: he was committed to the county jail to' District number seven: await trial at the next term. In North Carolina Durham, Fayette Tuesday night Perkins' hoiiao on ville, Goidsboro, Greenville, Kinston, Oakland street caught h're but the blaze; New Bern, Jtaleigh, Wilmington, Wash was extinguished beore any considerable; inirton. Wilson. Prospect in North Cur- danuiste was done. The house caught in I olina Elizabeth City and Henderson, two places, at the front und nt the rear. In Virginia Covington, Hot bpringf. Investigation by the oflieers later tlis-, Danville, Lynchburg, Newport News, closed tho presence of kerosene oil ut the' Norfolk. Petersburg, Portsmouth, Pul- ponns wncre me nre onginaien. asKi, Jdclunomi, JioanoKe, Btauuton, liam liebb, ex soldn r. and ship to Colun- Kvidence in Municipal Court this j i narloltesville, Winchester, llarrisburg. bus, Ga., immediately for burial. Men morning tended to show that Perkins-Hampton. Prospects' in Virginia Had- tificntion mark four inch scar on cheek. had engaged in a family quarrel whuhiford, Lexington, Bedford, Big Btone lasted throughout a largo of Tuesday Gap, South Boston, Suffolk and Freder night nnd that following this quarrel he ieksburg. went outside the house. A few minutesi District number eight: later the fire was discovered. It wag al-j In North Carolina Ashevillc, Char so in evidence that ho had asked W M. I lotto, Gastonia, Greensboro, High Point, Hardy, from whom he recently purchased! Salisbury, Winston-Salem, Mooresville, the house, whether it was insured and if j Statesvillc, Concord, Hickory, Lexington, so whether the insurance could be collect- Prospects Koidsville, Hickory, Lcxing ed in case lot house was burned. ! f0n. In the house at the time, besides the. In South Carolina Anderson. Charles members of Perkins' immediate house- ton, Columbia, Florence, Gaffney, Green- holl. were his father-in-law and mother- ville, Greenwood, Newberry, Rock Hill, i UfflAl UCCCCI Q Tfl it. law,' the former S3 years old and the Spartanburg Sumter, OrangeburK. Pros-lllnlHL ILOJlILO III DC hi: or 76. Both were praetienlly help- pets Georgetown, Chester. Laurens, le s and might have burned to death had Tno recently organized Farmville, N. he fire gained any considerable head-1 c., club won the silver loving cup on al- vvny. l-crnns came to i.asionia mree , tendance, a gilt from tho Winston years ago from .Macon, ua. consideration of an oil leasn which he S.'iM to t lie oil lieui (l.'ivern;ir Wiitierl . . son v.a'. paid one third of the 2.J,0U0 ""''K1' nB'1 Saturday night the Class will for his interest in the lease, Dennis ,e. present a carnival in tho College Gym c;lri., I nasinm which has been lavishly decor- A rejiort of the II me coiuniittce. rec ! atl'' f"' the occasion. ommcndinir iinpeachiiieiit,. which failed ' of adopt, on by a tie vote before tho f nil ! MT DCIIJ IU CIID .house, dedared the land in ouestion ! l I ULULMII I Mill "was not worth . 1 per acre, and that! division headquarters of the South.e'ii the sale of the lease, if nn.v sale was. hallway tor authority to send the Lody made, was to cover up a corrupt trails-1 to Columbus uud it is probable that it action " ! . . . .. Uei.nhl at the liiu- averted he paid Meeting ot All Committees IS die .fL'.-itNio to Dennis or the oil lease, ' Called for Next Thursday but said he had never examined the prop-' Eveninc March 30th. a! I Srhnnl Ilmito That . Many Agencies Country Are Cheating Serv ice Men by Promising to Put Through Claims For Aid. (By The .Associated;' Press.) '.. ') their guests. Friday afterndon there! " .-VsiU-NulO.N, March 3 .-rPostof-will be a baseball gumc between David-1 "'' "Pnrftrient .inspectors havo ha! son and Oak Kidge; Friday evening the I rlu',r attention called to many eases of Dramatic Club will present a program1 of "Rencies throughout the country adver-" three one-act plays ufter which tho fra- tI!fi"K .tIlft tbey were able to obtain' ternitieH will fender a reception the uomcdiato action on claims by disabled Class and its guests. Saturday after veterans ponding before the Veterans! , noon Davidson will again play Oak n "Pca"o Known today. Many Wire me -.'i nineteenth St., cVumbus, Ga." W. V. I'RVOH. Local railroad oflicials at ome wind will be sent toniulit . Jt i.-, nit known: what relation Mr. Pryor is to the deeeas ed, but it is presumed that be is eitlur a close relative or acting for tne fainny. ' OFFICIALS ARE NAMED SEARCHED FOR GQftTfMKG BATTLE OF ALAMANCE FARMERS ARE PREDICTING A GOOD FRUIT YEAR Exact Reproduction of Histor- 8a!cm organization to the club making! All Ships Except Combatant Craft to Be Mrictly bearch ed Before Entering Hamp ton Roads. the best record. It was happily present ed by former district Governor II. E. Uondhaler. The committee on attend- j nnee contest reported through Chairman Fred Clark, of Winchester, Va., the winner hi ing determined by multiplying the membership in attendance ,by the erty and did not hold title to it. Governor Uobeitsoii 's name did not appear in tho lease as holder of an . equality. Heboid and John P. Cooke.'1 former president of the Guaranty Htate Hank. I aro under joint indictment for tendering ; the alleged bribe. Hoth are charged ! with aecpting deposits in an insolvent j bank, and in addition, Heboid is charged ! with accepting bribes and borrowing Organization of tho new Mount Inula h Community Pair is now comp'ete, committees being named at a meeting of the i, dicers Tuesday night. A meetinsr of all the committees has been called foriterests of of the (igoncies maintained elaborate nf. fices and advertised that within a short period after receiving a retainer of 110 to -toO, they would secure favorable ae tion in the settlement of any pending claim. - ' The postoffice department plans to conduct an investigation into the opera tions of Biich concerns, it was said., with a view to determining -whether fraud orders should be issued against" such rgencies operating under fraudu lent claims. Officinls intimated that possibly thousands of veterans or mem hers of their families had paid into tha coflYrs of irresponsible and dishonest agencies considerable sums in the belief their claims would be immediately set' tied. . The Government means to exercise ev cry possible effort to safeguard tho in. the men who served in tho (By The Associated WASH I Mi 1 OX. March L mileage traveled. Kach of IS members Pj,.:n '.,, ,iii. ,,,,.,, li'.'i i y wi rs i icai occurrence now of tht, Karmville club was present, the Prepared for Stage. i number of miles traveled being 183.04. Press.) Ail na i.l craft ar naval lcis irih'd for Relieve All Dancer of Killinrr Fr.t. I Nw C,r F 1! f r the reproduction of the in Northern Sections. (By Th AssocTaten Press.) WASHINGTON, March 23. The outlook for what farmers call "a good fruit year" is promising in most parts of the United States, according to re ports made public today by tho Weath er Bureau. Although fruit is not out of danger from freezes . in the north half of tho eountry, the general belief is that now spring is really hero the American pcop'e can look forward to fruit in abuudanee. Home harm was done to fruit trees in the western lake region by the glaze storm of March 11 but with the weath er favorable early trees arc coming into bloom northward to North Carolina and tho central portions of Arkansas and Oklahoma, the reports show. Citrus fruit trees continue in splendid condi tion in Florida with- a heavy crop of bloom holding well. The California or ange crop is reported better thun was expected, . ,n TK. i.t,., two i l? ' "V"le' C'm, W'!' "r- sued by Hear Admiral K v...., . ..v. i gatnzeu r arm i ue, came secona in Hie .., i.., ,),, urin ive.TOV M.,..i oo K,.m, n ,. . .' inandant of tin battle of attendance co'itist. Alamance in photoplay form has licen prepared by a special agent cf a mov- ing picture corporation. A meeting of men and women of the county who are; authors of historical works relative tJ f the battle of Alamance will be called at ; an early date to assist in a revision of; this scenario. The Chamber of Com-j meree will soon begin sending out propa-. ganda into all parts of the United fcitates' for tho purpose of getting recognition! of the spot where was first fought the . battle of tho American revolution. I Plans for the production of this pic-: ture include tho reconstruction of the l rv .1 . ...... f paiace ot uovernor irjou, mc chum no--; tion of which had much to do with thei oppressive taxation suffered by the men' snd women of Alamance. A prologue to be prepared shows the settlements of tho Scotch-Irish in the Hawfields section of the county, the Quakers and Germans. The promoters of the enterprise are de-j tennined to have produced a picture CLOSING BIDS ON THE which will be authentic. f NEW YORK MARKET CHAMBER OF COMMERCE CALENDAR. Thursday. 7:30 p. m. Pythian Band. 1 Fiiday. 7:30 p. m. Chamber of Com merce Glee Club. Saturday. 6:45 p. m. Annual membership dinner. Hon. Thos. Heflin speaker. iters is n, com- fifth naval district. "Recently cases of lii'ior leive been found concealed tinder the coal in the bunkers and under the tie n I chain in the chain lockers". Admiral Kodmaii's 'letter of instruction said, adding "bills f lading and the cargo it ell should ialso be scrutinized for suspicious pack i o ' ' i The order dint ted that where such f Cotton Market The battle of Alamance has been prov- Through a typographical error was stated ia Wednesday's Gazette that ! ed by historians to be the first battle of it the revolution. Mr. Howard Patrick was injured by a THFWFATHPR Viaaaholl Kof ihrntrn from' th hail.l. nt . 1 II L II I II L II baseball bat thrown from' the hands of his brother at a game. It was not Mr. Patrick's brother, but a participant in tho game. Mr. Patrick' condition con tinues to show iuipr enieut. . North Carolina, fair and not quite so cold tonight; probably light -frost to night; Friday' lair and warmer. NEW YORK, March 23. Cotton futures closed steady. March 17.50; May 17.69; July 17.24; October 16. 86 ; December 16.7$; January 16.63. TODAY'S COTTON MARKET Cotton seed Strict to good middling .Sle .173 nay ships jere compelled to anchor in (the stream before doikiug at the hav 'that "no shore boats" be allowed to ; approach the ship except sm-'.i as carried I authorized (ioverument agents aud it i was further directed that an officer lie kept constantly on watch on each ship against liquor smuggling and that ad ditional sentries lu: posted in port. "The commandant," the letter said, j " is determined to prevent the intro ! duction "of contraband into the United fstatcs through naval ves.-els coming ! within his jurisdiction and upon any j instance of such coming to his atten tion, the commandant will hold the com -minding officer himself of the vessel concerned directly responsible. " A piny entitled "The Poor Married Man" will be presented at the Willis school on baturday night, March 25, at 7:45 o'clock. There will also be-exercises by the school. The price of admis-, sion will be 10 and 13 cents and the proceeds will be for the benefit of the school. Tho public is cordially invited. Mrs, F, L. Lsiteuby is the t'.'!t:hT, ' WESTINGHOUSE RADIO PROGRAM FOR TODAY 12:30 to 12:50 p. m. Noon hour services from the Trinity Church, Pittsburgh, being held each week day during Lent, under the auspices of the Brotherhood of St. Andrew. Rev. A. Rcshall Van Meter, Calvary Church, Germantown, Pa., will be in charge Thursday and Friday. 7:30 p. m. Uncle Wiggily's bed time story. 7M5 p. m. Government market re ports, and a report of the New York Stock Exchange. 8:00 p. m. Address by Honorable Joseph Buffing, Judge of the United States Circuit Court of Appealx Music Program. Selections. 1. Yoo Hoo, Johnston, Quintet. 2. While Mia ma Dreams, Whiting, Quintet. 3. a. Dream Song, Warford. b. The Nightingale (by request) Ward-Stevens, Kathrene Louise King. 4. Hawaiian Waltz, an. Kamiki, Miss Leona Lutz. 5. When We Meet Again, Whiting Quintet. 6. The Poompadour's Fan, Cad man, Miss Evelyn Soellner. 8. a. Slumber Song, Gretchani now b. A Little Grey Blue Dove, Saar. c Ah, Love But a Day, Beach, Kathrene Louise King. 9. Aloha Oe, Kamiki, Miss Leona Lutz. 10. danny, Akst, Quintet. 11. Orientate, Herbert, Quintet. Thursday night, March 30th at theiorlil war, it was explained, and all Mount Beulah si hool house. Every mem-i " mushroom " institutions which are her of each committee is expected to be found to lie preying on the men or present at this meeting when final plans j those dependent upon them, will'-bo will b perfected. j prosecuted as soon as sufficient evidenct Committees named are the following: j ia t-Nted. Live stock K. II. Higgerstaff, chair . ,, , SVS,!' S. GOVERNMENT HAS and Hen Carpenter. ! Field crops: J. Pink Allen, chairman. : J. A. Hager. W. A. isherrill, 11 G. Davis,' ' J. 8. Abernathy, W. B. Carpenter-, J. N. "'' Patchford, j. D. Uudisiii, t. E. Beam. ; Declares Note Addressed to. Homo canning and cooking: Mrs. Ben; Carpenter, chairman; Mrs. Polie Lynch, j Miss Koon, Mrs. flay Kiser. Miss Mary: Kllcii Kiser, Mr. L. A. Bar bee. Mrs. J. A. Hager. Mrs. V. B. Elam, Mrs. W. A. hherrill, Mrs. L'. II. Higgerstaff. Fancy wi.rk: Mrs. Luther A. Kiser, : pressing the conviction that'its tight to chairman; Miss I-.pi.ie Rudisill, Miss avmciit of ttm cost nf t,intn;:.,. Ethel l'ayseur. Mrs. K. II. Clark. Miss, troops ia Gennanv imon an eoual fot. RIGHT TO EXPERT PAY Allied Nations Concerning Cost of Maintaining Troops in Germany. , (Bv The Associated Tress.) ASitiXGTON, March 23. Ex ; Hazel Carpenter. Miss Oru I roneberger, jng witli tho Allie.1 power was "not , Mis Annie May Payseur. Miss Audry oi.ly a clearly e,uitablo right, but is . ' r-'R" viiciucr, Aim iu-;rree trom any teebmcal objection,' th ! me lord, Mrs. Carrie Bell. j American government, in identical com- ; Entertainment: Miss Koon. chair-! muni.atioiis addressed to tho govern man; Miss Hyde Carpenter, Mrs. B. H. intents of Belgium. Great Britain, Itah. Carpenter. Mrs. Forest Allen, Miss Win-j France and Japan, has informed theiii nie Thornburg. Miss Pauline Carpenter, j that it would welcome suggestions for i the suggestions for "reasonable adjustments of thLi Mrs. Ben F. BarWc Premium list: Grady Carpenter.) matter. " chairman; Lawrence 'Carpenter, Lutheri Asserting tha American government Lynch, E. II. Clark. J. L. Farris. i"is unable to conclude that the iustien 1 I of its claim is not fully reetfgnmvl, " Stanley high schcKil girls basketball ; the notes mado public in text hero lata team defeated the Gastonia team Wed-1 yesterday, state that the United Btatert nesday afternoon by the score of 12 to 'upon "receiving assurance of payment" i at Stanley. The local girls played i would be "only too happy to proceed exceedingly well, considering that this to the consideration of suitable nieaua was their first game. All of Stanley's by which its just claim may bo satU- : points were scored in the first half. The! fled." Pending such adjustment, th. (iastonia line-up: Mamie Clenimer and notes said, the UuiteoJ States Govern Mary Lee M.-tsin. forwards: Bachel ment "hones that tho AUil eovern. Uenderlite and Pearl Craig, centers; jl'auliue Clenimer and Elizabeth Parte', guards.' The playing of Mamie ri.rA- ...... H... , 0 . i : . -: 1 1 . ., i inn-t nns 1 119 At-muir. illiwm.l im .uii McKulu arc eoaches- of ths nieuts will bo disposed to refrain from ii"i..g oiicit 4; an." srraiigements fur .ho Ciut.-iuiiUii ct ca.: pi.ynieiit re reived from Gcruiauy tir Ihn c!uiion cf the claim ef the Cuitcl Spates. ' .' ' ' '