i ' 1 THE GA5TONIA, (N. C). DAILY GAZETTE SATURDAY, APRIL 1, 1922. Ada W WEH ims lave AV Q VE 0 OUR NEWi-OFFICE M A iilete .inds o 1 atlenal YOUR INSPECTION INVITED o Y r eeerai Lontractors n n o CAMDEN, S. C. Phone 145 P. O. Box 116 GASTONIA, N. C. Phones: Office, 736, Warehouse, 186-J P. O. Box 338 Maternal fls FAYETEEVILEE, N. C. Phone 5202 P. O. Box 14 ? I , ; Y IN MEMORIAM, MBS. LOU GALLOWAY WEBB. Like the ilver dew drop on the brow of morn ' Sl.t sparkled, was exhaled nnd went to Heaven. The subject of tliig sketch wan horn on the 15th day of March 1870, the daugh tei of A. J. and A. M. Galloway. Mar- ' tied to Edward Oshorn Webb on Octo ber 15, 1894, To them were born four daughter. May (Mr. II. R. Sbuford), "Willie, Lillian and Jessie Gertrude whom 'the angels cluiuied in bnbyhooil. Enter ed into rent on Monday morning, March the 27th. -AJKI At 1:30 o'clock the following day ira firesirive funeral service were conducted at the Baptist church in Dallas by her 'In-loved pastor, Rev. J. L. Vippcrman, He had made preparation for a funeral pernios from 1 6am. 14-17, but wai deeply inclined not so to do because of the heaviness of hi heart experienced in fcer going. Therefore he aim ply read Phil. 1, 18-29 and Proverbs. 31. 10 31. After which the funeral cortege slowly wended its way to Lowell where the be loved form wna reverently laid to rest be side that of her little baby girl. " The floral offering were beautiful and the large number of friends accompany ing the atricken relative bore testimony to the respect and affection for the de parted one. The husband ' work taking hira from . Lome most of the time, the care of borne nnd children fell principally upon her hand and beart. First a devoted wife, ehe then poured out her affection npon her three young daughter giving them unlimited time, care and attention, mini tering to their temporal want, entering into their lires and interesting herself in all their varied employments and pleasures. "Her home, the embodiment of neatness, comfort and cheerfulness, was a nifltt inviting spot to them. And as mother daily hold up to them the im 0 April 1st i n I ki.-'Wa III I I I 1 IP l ' I ' portance of ' the dilegent performanee of j 5n the fineness of lirr soul, there was n-.t duty and the value of the virtnes of in-1 n'" fr coarse alloy. dustry, tcmjersnee and economy. t-aej In her manner, straight forwerd, far always found time for their simple re- did, innocent, thinking no ill, fearing v.a creation and the rendniseent joys of I wrong, she went through life as unsullied WESTINGHOUSE RADIO PROGRAM FOR TODAY .1:00 ii. m. Concert by Mason's Or" cehstrn (Rnliert W. fimith, piano; Wil liam Mason, violin; William J. fcrvder, liano; Kdwnrd 1.. Harthold, saxophone; Frank Dursi, trumpet; I'iinrlew iAiundcrs, tromlione; Earn 'I W. MeCaunhey, drums; and A. .1. Curry, operatic liari tone). including tl following selec tions: Medley of I'opular Airs, orches tra; Aivl Child, son" by William .1. (Snyder; .linimy, orchestra: Kentucky Home, orchestra ; Hon-1 loo, Messrs. Hursi and Saunders; t'ooi'lyc, A. .1. Curry; Dapper I ;i n. sung ley William .1. Snyder; J'icU l I'ii mo I Lay Me Down in Dear Old Dixie Laud, orchestra; Korgotven, A. J. Curry; Medley of I'opular Airs, orchestra. ":1." ii. in. "Agriculture,'' by Dr. K. W. Kietcher. I'rof. of Horticulture. 1 Vniisylvnnin .State College. ":'!(l p. in. Imitations of Hirds anil Animal!', bv lr. Carlton K Antli mv, 1). D. 8. Bedtime story for the children. " S:iH) ). in. "Helping the I'nor to Help Themselves," hy .1. II. I'luherty, Secretary ami (ieneral Manager, I'itis burgh AssiH-iation for the Improvement of the I'oor. H : :; tn il:.!0 p. in. Music. !l :.".") ;o 10:110 ii. m. Arlington time signals. Music Program. tilee Club, (ieneva College. I'rof. Karl Moore, reader. Paul Water, tenor soloist. Mr. Calhoun, violinist. Selections. 1. Ilvmn Before Action, Da vies, Olee flub. , ... 2. Rip Van Winkle, A rr J by Joseph .Ii n'erson, I'rof. Earl Moore, i .t. Mother Maehree, Kail, Paul Blot , er. 4. Cavotte, Mehu, Mr. Calhoun. ". Nocturne, Jonen, Varsity (Junrtet. fl. a. bunrise and Ymi. lYnn: h. Catastrophes, Parks, (Jlec f.'luii. I 7. a. Katy-Did: b. A Mule Story 1 liy radio, I'rof. Earl Moore. H. n. When Shall We Meet Again: h. I Want My Mammy, Varsity Quar tet. !. Souvenir, Drdla. Mr. Calhoun. 10. a. The Oypsy Trnil, Calloway; ! Ii. An Irish Lullaby, fShaimoii ; c. The .Campus Song, Jlee tlub. TO INSERT FEMININE ; GENDER IN CONSTITUTION FRANKFORT. Ky., Apr. I Ken tucky voters at the congressional elec tions next Noveniliec will have n chance tn insert the feminine gender into the '( oust it ut ion of Kentucky. The (ieneral ; Assembly vested to sulunit n constitu tional amendment to lift the last limi tation on the political rights of wo men from that document by passing n j bill amending .section 145 of the con Istitution so that the world "male" ' viil be stricken out and the word "or she ' ' inserted . The section, when amended, would j read as follows: "Every citizen of the T'nlted States I of the age of twenty one years who : has resided in the state oue year, and , in the county six months nnd the pre cinct in which he OR SUE offers to j vote sixty days next preceding tlie elec tion, shall be a voter in Mlid rrecinet nnd not elsewhere. " weakness In ti;em witho;- cneerf nl ciiiiutcnaii tcrs, even as the odor of roses clings to the broken vase. liome life. Her efforts were duly re garded by the implicit oliodience and the leep devotion,' love and admiration of Iter children. She rnado the borne a happy gathering place for neighbors and friends and will t sorely missed in her own neighlor iifiod. Mrs. Webb possessed a very pleasant personainy. i inonum m-miu, siir- fol, erect carriage, witJi beautiful soft a sonl as ever-lived in this sin tainted world. She was trong-ly drawn by the tic of kinship and was loyal and true to all her relatives and connections. In her, her friends found a ready sympathizer in their joys and so tows nnd in hrr the noor and needy met a wise counsellor and n generous helper. Whie decided and firm in her own rown lir.ir i.n4 eye of the clear limpid ! convictions, she was fair and courteous. idue seldom seen after childhood. With a mot' wnning amile, she attracted all who came within the phere of her in 'f'irnee. With ehildrea in particular he esivlal!y svmpathetie and thy readily yielded her their respect and -affection, hence ber mieecs in the aehool Toont where sb so ably erved at differ ent tin"", when home duties would per mit, fche tvoMUMsed tbe girt or pen ana was kind to the human fa mil v. with an almost universal benevolence. She ad ministered nhns in the true spirit of charity. From her lin no account of olf claim ed merit was ever heard, itor did she seek the applause of thepiiblii'. Hhe had been ' for years n devoted mem!cr of the Baptist church and her regular at tendance npon it service, her labors in to her f:il c f 'avior flower (in the 1 To 'nr is the friend fv. tv; ene 1 tin but to porfr; ir!i;cs o" !:c more t li: ti . at to do. A a unit le delight ni.. me Jier jiortioji, he bore a murmur and with ever n and a hopeful word i , , .. . i 'T nint an- T will wf c m r That she is dnad, she is just away. With a cheery smile nnd a wave of the ho lid She h.is wandered into nn unknown land. And left us dreaming how very fair It needs must lie since she lingers there.'' inxious household, alwayj forget elf. Mi:- wns ready to answer her ia)l and gently, softly as n roiips et eve sae sank to rest np- rnal Room. of her and to do her justice r.f her many re.atives anl thronged around her and fhnde of her last hours, y adequately the cardinal r remarkable character is jire-cnt, I find myself able r I can safely say bo w,in,nii could rxccM l.er; as a friend thel WAS PART OF PROJECT TO SEIZE WHOLE CITY (By The Associated Press.) LONDON, March SI. It is widely believed in Dublin that the armed raid on the plant o the Freeman's Journa. there re he of lis who bav among i ita behalf, her work in Sunday school our treasured keepako many of her i and her rict jierformr.nee of all her poem. . religious duties are known of all fellow There w about her lire a fragrance) church members, end hare often been to tliat made one couple her in thought with t fewer, and tinted elonda. and soft, trit music. By the bore fact of Jiving end association ab ennohleit fvery one nl.ow he came In eoirtrt. Phe C-i and said th right thi, vbecans t.Hm an example nnd inspiration. For hersriber Arm faith and unwavering trust infi-Hiereiful fe&vior were a part of br 1ailT lfic.-thought and eonrersa- i memories of it will remain with the tion. . ' Thus it ira vlhea phymcal paiji and iiigh recard in wljch she was held by nil J yesterday morning was part o a project' for the sriKure of the whole city winch; failed through the lack of force, say The Daily Mail correspondent, i The raid created a sensation, and: there was considerable uncisiness last I night, the people ejecting mim fresh ' coup by the repubiicans. - The latter'! claim of big secessions fiom the Free' State section of the Iiisl. Republican; army, including 'half the force guard ing the Bank of Ireland, has been given wide publicity, and aeemo to have added to the nervousness throughout the city. her neighbors here in Iasn county and hrr beloved "Mountain Home," Toxa v.av, siifrii ie'itlv attested the' hospitality of her soul. As n woman phe combined the greatest energy of Jiaracter with the mot refinci and eultivsted tenderness ot disposition. Ready to forgive the frail ties of her sex. she nised for fcerstelf an elevated standard o female excellence up to which she most exactly lived, di charging every duty idiich in her eti ination was proper ta 4 praetiaed by the female society. ' ' , t Her life was indeed Seautiful and th Call 50 and The pazette'a ad inaa wiQ bereaved husband, and precious dartgh icome to aea you prompuy about that M- ters, the aged mother, brothers and sis vertiaement, t mm We have just received a fresh car of Horses and Mules We have a good lot of second-hand mules, about 50 head in all.iand can suit you. Shell & ,. - DALLAS, N. C. Rhyn e MOOSE LIFE INSURANCE MEANS PROTECTION FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY AT MINIMUM COST. $40,000.00 For Family of Six $9.00 Sick Benefit $100.00 Burial Expense ALLFOR $10 Fee. $14 Per Year Friendship, 'Fellowship, Social, Communion a n d Brotherly -Love. MOOSE STANDS FOR PURITY, AID AND PROGRESS. ASK A MOOSE? II VULCANIZING CO., Tira and Tube Repairing and Retreading All Work Guaranteed, Auburn Tires arid tubes' Fully Guaranteed., Phone 250-L : 118 East Main Arenuo, NOTICE OF SALE OF BANK RUPT STOCK OF GOODS Notice is hereby, piven that until Tuesday, AprU 4th, $)22, I will receive sealed bids for the entire stock of goo-Is, wares, merchandise, fixtures and book accounts, aad also' two Ford trucks, of the Xoles-Keep Company, of Mount Holly, N. C. Bids should be mailed to me at Castonia, N. C- For further information apply to the nnder s'gncd . ; - ' i' J. WHITE WARE, ' ; ": Trustee, . Gaitonia, R.'C. i