ETTE LocdtCotton 17 Cents GASTONIA, N. C, TUESDAY AFTERNOON, APRIL 18, 1922. VOL. XLHI. NQ. 92. SINGLE COPY 5 CENTS QASTONIA' DAILY G Weather: Unsettled Tornadoes and Floods Irk. Middle West Take Heavy Toll; 50 Dead i Storm Brewing n Rocky Mountains Sweeps Over Illinois, In- diana and Ohio Swollen convenience. Rv The Associated Tress.) CHICAGO, April IS. Sweeping northeastward through tin- middle vms! eru states a storm, which hud its ori in the liot-ky mountain region Nund; liml unused over Ohio tmlav. Jcjivi tisr Im its uku death mid much lev t rm-t ii.l A Ins nf ncnrlv 50 lives wits attribu' ed to the storm HiiK li developed ( on siderablc cni'iif.v us it progressed over Illinois und Indiana, taking in many i places the form of tornadoes. Damage j to property will mount into millions, it ; is believed. j Accompanied hy rains which sent j utrciinis, then swollen, touring far 1m-- I yoml their usual channels, the storm j 'drought added suffering and iiiconvcni- , nice to Mime communities which for wv eral days have hccii iinecte.l hy flood conililinns. j mi" 1 ,v - to holow seasonal normal add'-, discomfort of families uIiom having Im-cii destroyed hy iml liniiihiihitahle hv Hoods, ate m. to till homes ( r made u living in tents or improvised shelters. Indiana apparently felt the full - fl'ert of the windstorms yoator th. state 21 l.ersons ar," kue.'.u to have net death in different coiuinui.i'ies yesterday .-nine the Mono 'in Illinois. Striking a nni-be hires in the darkle s t 01 i.:e nlcn d f v'd nn'L'i ' havoc to m::ny homes :.a-l I' rc ports as were available from .-igr'iiTi'.tura I .cm inutlities which had b ea str:, pi d ot nearly all means of . .1. m u ; i i . :i I ion indi cated that -- persons had he. -a killed. Missouri, Jow.-i and Kansas, had tilt the storm early cdi-iday. hut ' these states it lacked tie. mi n-:!.v "na I. marked its sweep .1 Indiana and into Dim As it passed over I two distinct tornado in the souther pari su ago, , tit across the the state there was a in iiii-h the loaS ot I liii.o: mli." oa to lt . -taiuo, iii-rt In- wind life 1 Ik to were Tiie one some dani- P- rt ot si 1 i p c a- in av . 1,,--, of I.' a.lisou I olill I the siate. to -ft ill ci li ef Irving d'y wrecked Warren county repoit lives. Four met dcat h I a M tv in the central portion " The death toll v. :ss gn iral Illinois. The iilng ton and Plainficl' ' and several persons fatalities in this sta ral communities. Wires were blown h. k'.il . Other small ru- 1 ! 1 v 11 by eli-iadi 1 MI' pane Wit and telephone and W hurried today to ipm reslored communicat -1 !e re)', i I a ered i.lohable that the cunilde r- I' lisa mi;;ht indicate c ; than was indie. del ri a ' HOP OFF FOR 900-KiLE FLIGHT ACROSS WATER Portugese Aviators cn Last Leg of Flight From Lisbon to Rio Janeiro. (My The Associat'-d MOHTO I'UAVA, I'Al'1: bANDiS, April ' . 'I '" Atlantic aviators. '.-ijita'a-f-acadura. hoppe-l of! at iiinriiiuL' for W. I'.iid re- I o uni; is- l'urto-a. -e t! third and pr-.bahly im ! -iai Lvr l -' of their tliuht from Lis. .0:1 to Ian dan- eiro. Their route lay over '.''" iu ' water, devoid of ma 1 la r. er gin 1 ot i". and they expected 'to r.-.-o h t i. Mid Atlantic, i" ten t i 11 Hying. Tin. Ill hit ITS II U t heir I' r- k- e I . 1,1 from JSt. Vincent y.-V. id.' e in p" p tion for today V sturt. .-oinliti-ns I iK'ing more favuratde for a mic es getaway. The landing at .t. lil links 1- pected to be dilVuuIt, as small bay or i'cniu-z l inlets on the in. rile -;s! s or rove is on'v a-'i yard- I hi re is only a t ween t he t i 1 ide. This hay . :u r .ss at tic- rntraiice and one luin lr d y ami presents some difficult n veRspts, except in the nest weather. The waplanc is awaited a by the l'ortugiuse cruiser which is carrying a snpp'y and oil, and which vsill bro rds long, even to m.ideia'i the rocks Republic:., f gasoline idcasl the news of the aviators' arrival. From St. Paul Urx-ks the intrejiil air men plan to fly to the island of Fernando Nerenha. approximately 'i-"1' miies off the Brazilian coast, and from there to Per il arnbuco.. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. CALENDAR. Tuesday, April 7:30 p. m. Retail Institute. 16. Merchants Wednesday, April 10. 7:30 p. m. Retail Merchants Institute. Thursday, April 20. 4:00 p. m. Board of Directors. 7:30 p. m. Retail Merchants Institute. Friday, April 21. 7:30 p. m. Retail Merchants Institute. Streams Add to Danger and In -I MERCHANTS' INSTITUTE IS LARGELY ATTENDED Dr. Stanley Krebs, of Retail Msrchants' Institute, Draws Big Crowds For Opening Session of Institute Will Continue Throughout Week. inspiring, interesting and lightened by frequent anecdote, the address de livered by Dr. Stanley L. Krebs, of Chicago, at the opening of the Ketnil Merchants Institute ill the chamber of commerce audii oriuin Monday night won over at once tin- large audience gather d to near him. His subject was Ways That Win'' and was masterful iy haielhd. Over 1"'H merchants and s.ah .people wen- in attendance. Presi dent S. A. liohiiiKoti, of the (iaslonia ('haiiile r of Commerce, presided and in tro ia. ' I Pr. Krehs. The institute is coo.liicted under the auspices of the le ailment of .Mercantile Affairs of the l.aMoaia Chamber of Commerce. Il was decided that the Heatings ev cry night will begin at 7:1111 o'clock and all unending lire, nr--'l to be present i ramp! I.v on time. Tonight's topic v id be "The (lends How to Kimn Th-ni and Show Them." A. -I. Kilhy wi'l preside. Ail mep-hants and pio f.ssiona! men -hoiihl attend the si ries as all will benfit. Cards may he oh 'ained any time at the ofl ieis of the -1 1-1 1 1 1 ' n r of commerce. It is expoi ted that over L'on will he in attendance t 1 iiignt. I r . Kicl.s is a foiet fid speaker ki en ly understanding the psychology of liis audience. He is an international ex pert 011 salesmanship, having among other things addressed the sales forces :' tie cry in. 11 t;re;it mornin't Inliii Wanauiak' r for four years, an M . 1'.. a stores 1 1 11-i liti. al i list d a t.iiiiuie isy i hoh'ict . ui.b- the ;-tten-ciiisely for v nd a half ad 1 1 manner of 1 hlil 1 1 y I t .111 i f cm IV 11. lc Tesi at er minute of his hour ; dn-. 11 urir d the interest viid.vint: their res', in it t hat I pl llf essioll . hv which cus of the sales work and tak will ch vate it His dlM-llssiiui :onu-rs are lost ,,e,,,!i fin an into a ot uue 1 and hv d.- a 'most iiis if. I 1. 1, 1 : i ! si's The which they ::re gained was of value, he apparently hnvii.e; an uncanny know ledKi- of the feel both 1 leik and ciislnmer. liis I deliverv is easy In fnllow an his ut!craiii"-s to sink h 'me b.ilaiice of his program for tne i k i- ; as follows: Tuesday Evening. I':"" -Kiuanis I'lnb. 7 :.:- I nst it uti - ' ' The - ' How 1 Know Tie-in and Show Tieei." One the telling secre's of sal -'i.;iiisi 1 p . Weinesiiax. t:;;o A. M.-i'.r i:A,..-Tv.-.. Milije.t, Management." i:eniog -- Id. iil.'ing ha i s at tin i.i.ntir." A business luiilibr ami to1 ie sat 1 sfact ioa and delight of custom- I Tien lav, Nnoii. Kotarv ( iuh Ad 1 ..... ma 11: ,-id f. I V IT I 1SJ1II ig.TS, in r all v.l it..lii:g r " For T.haiits. 111:1 o want to le: letter or 111: 1 I, let III! I s, v, to V. ' cffe.oe Iriday, 'ilil.-et. lanag 1 " :.'hi The A . M . For execiit i ves . I'OII Itlll 1 llllil I..IU1 liell t . ' ' - ( ioininuiiit v (' rali.a t mil .d i lard v F i ai ulminati .g Ad classes iui: discuss the two es and pract 1 ai lie: .f the week. d. It. Kr.-bs will s, n ut die prim i 1 1 Ida rules for siiciess for the iudividii a! first, and then apply them to the community life and progress, which af fects and concerns every citi.i-u and fanner in the community. Tin- sur rounding agric id: lira 1 districts will be .pi t as much inter, sted and concerned in a bu. -bless way as will citizens of l.aslonia. lr. Krebs thinks in terms of the Fntire Ceiuiaunity, which means city and country surrounding it. Ai Larue.sMtle, Ohio, Lion farmers attiud AUGUSTA MERCHANT IS SUSPECTED OF INCENDIARISM (My The Associated Press.) AFGFlSTA, i.., April K hire dis covered in a store at ll"i Bro:;.-. street at 1 o'clock this morning and the .I'lig- d subsequent finding of c-bit id 11 s; and l !..aked with oil resulted in l. liiaii'o.v sky, proprietor of the store, being held by the authorities for fur. In r in. estima tion, (irahlowsky 's business is known as the tar Pry (ioods and Clothing .-tore. Quick work on the part of tin- lire de partment checked the fire 1m fore any ma terial damage resulted. Assistant Fire Chief Battle said this morning that the firemen found tl table piled l.iga wdth hildren 's clothing and saturate I with gasoline, a clothes rack tided with con's sprinkled with gasoline, and boxes of loose- paper scattered in different parts of the store. (irablowsky was seou hy ofli.-ers at the s-ene of the fin-, an.l after mcsti-ming the proprietor, he was placed under ar rest. A family lives over the store end officers fay tiny were all apparently asleep at the time of tht fire. No charge 1 has ben preferred against !rahloky , early to-lay, but be u still in custody iand tlj Ttoiiee cstid thev had daniaginC evidence against the man. HANGED IN AMERICAN MADE AND SENT PAJAMAS SCUTARI, ALBANIA, April 18. "Gifts of the American people" read labels on the paj&ma-clad bodies of two notorious insurgents which hung from a tree in the center of this town for several days.. The incon gruity of the labels evidently did not strike the Albania authorities, who carried out the executions, as the pajamas given out to the poor by American relief workers, are so mark ed, and these garments evidently were the only ones available in which to clothe the condemned men. WILL ATTEMPT TO FASTEN OTHER CRIMES ON JOHN HONEYCUTT, GASTON MAN May Be Prosecuted on Anoth - er Marauder Charge, Says Clements Verdict of At - tpmnt to rinmmi't Murder in Second Degree Carries One to Five Years. n attempt will be mad.- to link John ine.M-att up i:h other "midnight .anhr" crimes in Knoxvillc, Assis- Hour ma . a tant said vide. dcKrc Attornev t.eiieral Hal II. Clements ye-iterdav. ,-ici -ordiug to The Knux Jmiriuil and Tribune of Hiindiiv. was ;i ft r lloiieycutt had been eon I of attempted murder in the second e by a jury in criminal court. The jury was out 1 loueyi ut t tried on u 1 the S) ice i In shot fai.t.-iii her r.1',. At was on duty mill distrii t. the lionie of street and ci 'lift on, a!.- I only lifted! minutes. had been indicted and haijie of felonious assault, allegation beint; that lie .1. .1. (Schneider on Xovem-thi- time Cajittiin Hchneider as a special ollicer in the A man who had been in Arthur Vounjj ran into the iiountcrod ratrohnan Uruce on dntv in the district. Clifton 'ti siiutun .lauimed and he could not tire it. The man ran on. IS hm-ider called to him to halt. Instead he lired on tSchneidi r from beneath his ar'u. S-hiiei-ler still carries a bullet in one luiikr. The inai. escaped, lloiieycutt Has later a r rented as hi 1 111 the man. Three More Charges. J iiicr.-i I Clements said yesterday that Honeyi utl would be tried on threts other charges tjjuwin out of the incidents of the 1 1 i 1 1 1 in iiiestion. One is a char;:e el asau't on I'atrolman Jlruce Clifton. Tin- sii-und is a hart;e of entering tin home of Arthur Vouiik. -''"'1 tin- thud ' a 1 narge of cairyint; weapons. Jloin-y i iit t is al.-vadv under indictment foi then Cllts ;ed od'ens that the s and (icneral charges u,il ( Vm 1 hi ai 1 pli-ssi : ( H IM which : to a! I a caT in tin- tim est was We al '.e nnnts named om- case ill said an atti nipt would he made a it to II oney nut. This was J whiih a death occurred and at of its perpetration iniuli inter ( xeilcd. 1 -i 11 1 to the fact that 110 mid niglit 1 :imes haw- been i-omniitted in Knoxiil'e since lloncycuU has bci 11 do tailiel." (icneral Clements biiid last night. tin' penaltv f -r the crime for which IhuiTviiiM was eoinieted yesterday is fro'ii on,, to tile ears. The jun re tire. I at to. oiirliision of argiiniints by 001:0s. I y.-terday afternoon and its deli berations were brief. Bcfense Was Alibi. The theory of the state had been that lloiieycutt juid lelt tin- null where lie n.-.s on the night rv-hneider was shot and had been ab-ent at the hour at which the crime was committed. Against this Ibiiicyciitt offi red an alibi. He pro luci i a large number of mill work, rs in an at'impt to show that he had been in the mill at the time. None of these W it 111 Ses eouid test i f r ill, re at t he exact In. or nun , L-si of it. The ali not -iiinplete iua-Tii m h niirr t in- ful I in riod of that he v.:i nr within thirt Id therefore w: as it did li' i laps, d time. To niirr this ninth el that lie had Ins 11 i Honevcutt off an unfrequented for a gear to n pa it of the in ill looking pair a broki 11 nun hin failed to get from am a statement 1 1 at Horn i the mil! on t'.- night ii viously S hnei o r ami i The defeii-'-of its witnesses itt did not leave lueslion. Pre lit'ton hud pnsi- tlVely ill . lit itiod llolli yeutt, the fir-t as t lie man who bad shot as he ran and the second as the man win. had run down tin street from tin Voting home. Deputy Testifies. f. M. Illaiook, deputy shiriff. was on the stand arday afternoun. He r.r.-i that on the night of the shooting Clift- n had described the fleeing man as being a low, heavy set man. Homvcii't i tall. Bialnck told of arresting aimtlc r man and of taking this man h. i'i.r-S.-iim-idi-r. The captain, he said, !::!-! j identify tin- man arreste I. Patrolman J. II. L irsf ir i. on t'- -Stand, denied that le had told .Ian -Kernel, night watchman at the mi ' a Unit the shooting of Schneider. Ken., had previously testified that Lunsf..r.i hand don this. There was other t.-s-i mofiy along thix line in an at'empt : . show that Honeyrutt, in some un'-xplai ed way, had come into poss-ssion i t knowledge that Schneider had 11 si. before that knowledge was genera!. i.-ueral Mynatt, for the state, i f fired to snhiiiit the -.-is- without argu ment, but X. Fred McMillan, counsel f.-r iioncycutt would not agree to tl.K .irgumint were therefore present' the jury. The jury retired late iu aftemwn. T', THE WEATHER North Carolina, showers and probably thunderstorm this afternoon and to i night, cooler tonight; Wednesday fait and coler in east portion. WQODROW WILSON DENIES THAT HE ISSUED STATEMENT SUPPORTING SENATOR REED Signing of The Between Uermany ana Kussia Was Like Bomb Pact Constitutes Recognition by Germany of the Russian Gov ernment Delegates Are Dazed Germany's Action Denounced. t - 1 -1 k a : 1 1 Lf ;;.,;, ,.011,-t.r;.. . anizers m re 1 1 elil it inj; t ti k'rnpo He ; !' I debris and confusion i p'osion of t he (ierma n K of tin i I i the secret isiuiuiiir if pea treaty hetweiTi the tw. Kapallo oil Sunday. The judicial expi i t which oi'Uaiiized the c consider whet her the 11 ..f tin 1 : i la w pa. Illi-I va.Iat the st ipulat iocs of tin- t r es-l in- cnntLicts with the the supreme council at ' at . r. . inn. the present con!- reiir, which all the nations were expected to accci is I'm 'iiiiiii.: as t,. I. 1 ami ! the meeting. The experts later were to n-p assembly w hich iio 'u n I net 1 chief representatives ut the th. powers tireat luitain. I Japan and Kdniuin --but nice. -II the Kilte,, i II it - '. of Hu rts p. ine delegate! of t in- I. ! I, tions, who were especially cause of the vital cliani'ter tion to be dealt with and efforts on central Ki.ropc Without exception, tin- dele it : the Uiirty four c mntri. - n in--'ii are wondering what the nal el! the surprise treaty will b.- nu tie enco. The jiact , cunt -r u' i s tion by Cu-nmniy of the Kussia'i ment a question turn. in-' oiie 1 t lie chief points of the conference- agenda. Hence, the terms '-dishonorable" and j disloyal" employed by the J ' r i 1 i -s 1 , spoki-sinon in referring to ( iniiiiiv'- a tion, and the words of warning utter- . significantly- by the French that, it tin conference wee employed t ) 1 i.ns'ract secret -oiiili nat ions one against another, then fienoa, iii-t-ad of proving a boim, vould develop as an obstacle In rc-estah-hmellt of an era of confidence and , .. . Louis Martin. a, head of the I'r. 1, ' h -atioii, la-teh-giai . Premier the situai 1 11 and .re- t night lit a long out iini ng 1 ' are t.t'ng his personal hat C.r- t he i (111 .parent ly the con . as the .. rm.iny l! v. as V. of tlie views, many : forces, do not I'espite tiieir .ted behind tin t. 1, of es a r of the British del, -a-foresi-e any dangei terence collapsing, even 1! -11 authorized spokesman 1 ban broken lonso from stated that, ntfer a full treaty at Mr. Lloyd 1 . delegation ' ' divided t h ingly diflictilt to imagii it I it the action ot the minus Some of the younger French deli ga'ion t hong and Kussia kIiouM I.. Prance's attitude will n he until M. Barthou receii. ii lri.iii his Premier. Nothing bett'-r than this t r. have been devised t'. siippmt t attitude toward Bus i 1 and ; tin- opiiiion if lhe Italian d- ' spokesman for which .hilar., great political mistake." I'r The lierinans 1 Mire the Abies should risen .1 hat the lie i f I a led a perfect lv logical ,sJtii.n previiiiisly ma i.g .1 : a' . d j Pr. hatiii naa declare 1 th.V j ' ' does not i "1 t he h a st i .. c r : ratal lolis nf linsi'l .11!"! '.. any ot in r ytati b pad with regard to l.i iiin" If . is and lays the foundation f i construction. M. Cliit. In -i s;s-cial significance shoua! completing the treaty a! 1 fi retu-e rather than oN t. i contemplated long ago. no ! o SENATE REPUBLICAN'S WILL PASS THE KROWN BILL VMSHINGTON. Ap:;l 18. De cision to pssTva sdd;e:s' bonus bill at this sessionof as reach ed today by Senate RcpLbhcan in party conference. The vote was 36 to 9 on a motion offered bv Senator Lrnroot. Republican. Wi-consm. The onfervnee i as made ( ui f-ren-e -1 - s session ml that the 'in. -in cc Coin : such a bill follows : It ' ti is the -oiis.- o : c Senate sh"..' I a , , -is a soldiers bonus : r- ; .'oican members of : l. t U- request, d to r. iiit un a reasonable true The conference also : ,-s. nate slmuld pro. e. d ti of the administ r . ' Ti '.rs.biy "without fur., n . a are will lie ea'ied : at.-i it m annoin h :i tiiU rshifi H'.iil.l make iiohl a quorum ci.ntin eoi - r. e I that the t ne eonsidcra- I tariff bill Tin r.l. 'ay.'' The j at t.-iat time I t he majority ! . -.cry effort to ' ALLIES TELL GERMANY AND RUSSIA WHERE TO GET OFF PARIS, April 18. A Havaj dis patch fronr- Genoa this afternoon says the Allies are drafting a note to the Germans and Russians, notifying them it will b impossible for the Germans and Russians to continue to participate in the sessions of the Rus sian affair commission cf the con ference if they persist in maintain-!-f th Pn-vJC-eTa3 treaty. Secret Treaty To Conference l,VMShlSTEHS OF THE COUNTY HOLD SPLENDID MEETING Mill Executives Called on to Co-operate With Ministers in Suppression of Vice Quarterly Session of .Ali- ance at OIney Was Largely Attended. TI ;.i..ton unty Ministerial mi I in regular (iiarlerly sessi . y I '1 esi.y tei ian church .Monday al. e one of the best meetings of i' ire. Many of the ministers, ;. tilling weather, enjoyed the 'y and bountiful dinner o is' auxiliarv a.nd the Olney lele, in large iiiiiiiIhts. liov. it ! a- nam eu.nal id 1 in-i ry vi lie, preside. I a exerei es were coinlucti T. Itaiik-s. Mr. C. Lei ia tee interest of farm ' wmk, Mr. .1. V. C. .loluis 1;. iwan I ea ki 11; rat ion d On nm k, M iss I lavenport for wi '..I., walk. Misses Nell I'ickcUs for halln- I. .i.eii -: rat i.n and Kit. U. t '. l.'.ng for Vu.i.g p.-oi'h atVoided one of the most inter sne nieetius of tie' a'liancc. I! v. Mr. Long, said, in the course ()f a splendid talk, that the iiialicual.le right of sehi TV bo and i tile o was a good home, a good good chinch and these of sulci 1. el of yetting ac tio boy spirit and making i fen w It I, in In .b. r ot the hun h and 'ing man torh-s in with till !e. A s el Toll 1,1,1 ail Is and In co op. rate ii ii ii t y to s ill elm, in: on our in. i g care in .f ipn st ioU I .:is iinan.e tl.e local . !;: i-s was ! . ...ign I'-r t 1 IP 111 S a hiv ing vn e and iminor- n. i a y - in i in ii ii i t -es a n I li the iliij.oi ! i ng of ill. ai i ile reputations to our 1 1 . : : . . . nsly adoi'te-l. . aa pter of tie A in. i a n n I. .-lily oeman n led and 1 1 . s ;i ijiorl ot a public wort, el lb . I r the i a hen It h the inn ,-lllee. The ch II' . h as pla duly. Hie pa for lie luei tin; ll'se t put oil in .Ma.v receive. I iidai s. ment ot t lie alli- ai . 1 I Men. of IliA : : si ie; .:- an I . , i i r i 1 1 1 Armstrong ia I Park wet Wi u'Tia I chosen ling in ipia iter of Ih: 1 1 1 . uks was ( line-.- risen la. 1 1 oire ' ti IVorl i ii aiak i WOULD MERGE THREE BIG PACKING HOUSES UK i,(l. -,'ioiis tor g flVe" ,. I lll,ll..'l I e. bV .1 . auir Io . Fvamiiier M have as April a in. r n k i ng irpoTa' IS. s'T Vol inn - Informal no nf thre. f the it'.-iiii. s into a lia.e Ill-ell Ci'll .,H dne Arn ami oa Wil tgd- ii Arm. according to today. Tec its . resell nt nl of Wilson . oi. Id be ehai head of ie Herald ri-oration i. mas r. . no . pre l l run. nr 1 of .III In. Hid Mr. .' board ia Ms;.: Tl.e a of the eg t. Ar-im ! nf .' i'h a tie linn . Mil a t. il : si ' 1 stip; Wil in t l.V iV i.f --ill. eat I Co.. I'm of 11 'nil. II, i. success s:t id . Pits, fami ia ne-.v lia osit ion Id pr. of th. it b. .lis ing say no . pn.p- o. ex nf the ; to the spa per II. j.change i' 1 ot hi r v : news;,;.., r ! Mr. Ar: to be sin ; mot i V e nf ; presiden, y Itio-: hand Having ia he is f,.r Mr. Wi -idiistiv ;. -idii!.-.' -.av 'out tha' ' iniiiir is ' t-otnpan.v . I bv the - .ssnr to the .'. t o . . a posi by his father, n the business ' t.-e family ' packing hi- ' louionl camli I'liicb points A sou Mr. Ar Mr. Wilson's ROLLER SKATING CONTEST POSTPONED TILL THURSDAY ... :a n today the com e announces that the Be mittev n i Roller Contest which was d to he held on West Second avenue iti -venmg at 7 o'clock bis beta postponed until Thursday eveninf at the same. hour. All the vojr.g t'o-ks interested are asked to Mire nntf ef thi toaaje, i I 1 hosjuV f the 1 . . . . . lieli.d,. I I . -, V D. F. 1 ml di- si 1 ( !. mini .011 for I- MISSOUKI SENATOR CLAIMS WILSON ENDORSED HIS WORK FOR FEDERAL RESERVE Former President Makes Sweeping Denial of Any Such Letter or Statement to Jim Reed Says Reed Has Forfeited Any Claims to His Confidence and Will Never Willingly Associ ate With Him Again Reed Furnishes Letter Purported to Have Been Written by Wilson. 'DEMOCRATS OF COUNTY PASS MANY RESOLUTIONS County Convention Held Here Monda All Democrats Are Authorized to Attend State Convention in Ralefgh Saturday Pledges Loyaley to Wood row Wilson, Congressmen, State and County Governments. eirrm rats of the county j,atheivd in in (iastouia, heard county prima r-., coin cut 1011 Monday 1 1 ne reiiori s ot n pledged anew their loyalty to the tenets of IVinoeraev as exemiililie.l in National. 'State and county adininist rat ions, passed resolutions endorsing and common. ling iWoodrow Wilson, Simmons, Overman, Pidwinkle and the entire .Norlli ('aiolina iloVat ion in Congress, and retiring chairman John i. Carpentir of the county exevutive cominitttH-. The oui iventioii whs harmonious throughout. The 'successful candidates made short talks, ijih.lging their work and support to the cans of Oemocracy in the coming fall elect ions. livery I lonioi rat was author , ied bv the convention to go as a dele- gat. to the Slate convention at h'ahig'l, ' Satin. lay. April gj. I The following n solutions were offer ed and was unanimously adopted by the convent ion : 'p.t it rosudved that th Democrats of Bast on county in regular convention as semble I do heartily endorse and com ! mend the action and services of lion. A. I I.. Iliilw'inkle, 'ongressina n from the '.Ninth District of North Carolina, during his present, term. ! "Further that we as hi.-i fellow Demo crats of liis home county extend a vote of thanks for Ins faithful services and untiring efforts and direct that a copy of this resolution, signed by the .'hair I man and S-cretary of this Convention 1-e i for wa nled t o him. 'pes dved by the Democrats nf lc 1 .ii county in convention a-seml.e I, !hat We endorse the readership and t in ideals of Wood row Wilson, the records of our able and distinguished Fi.i'c 1 Slates Senators. 1-'. M. Simmons and Lee S. Hvi niiiiii and of the entile North Caro lina membership 111 the House of Repre sentatives. The contention passed a resolution in dorsing the readership of Mr. John li. I 'arpeiiter, who for the past years has been chairman of the l'emoiiatn- is ciiticve committee. HEARS JUDGE KRAPP HAS SUSPENDED INJUNCTION ( Hy The Ass-slat id Press.) .-PlflNOFILI.n. tLl.s , April IS. .bo. M.i, hi a L. LevOs, ie Work. r-. .. had reci iv ! res, .j. of the Fnite i. ..'iii''1 d In re last nigl in forma t ion from h ion. I, Vn., tluit Julg deral court of appeal lawyers at Hie Krapp, of the I ha I "in all i inp peinled the in, a t i prevent f ..rln t.. Hi-union !!.' : i i.le coal st ri K. . ottant j.articulars, " - , ct ion i ivently ob'a i : r attempts to pi r- ... s to join in the tia t ion han evident ' Suinma r-o a '.ken by the court in the 1 i - t : - r ! i :,s,.s uphoid ng our conten'i hi-, .-.n ! i. eying nrinamncy to the i n j i -ti. Mr. I.- wi- said, lie added that m- i.a ! r-.-i ;.. . i o particulars, but h. I ..-s.-d '!,- i.-i . ,' '- ...vy-rs. William A. iii,-.'.i ..t. ! I. nr. W a r. .m. who are in Washington, 1 1. r.. ! ..; f arther informal ion. DEMPSEY IS IN EUROPE FOR HOLIDAY. NOT FIGHT i Hv Tin. AssocT.-Ued l'rcss.) 'Ii '.Kin 1 If i .. FRAN. I.. Apr.i Is. - pr. .lack D. i engage i to Ktip. pOlleht S "1 ha linlhln v, ' it. Toi. not j on iiis pres. : . turn if suita trtn di t ii 't come to tight, but f .r he to: 1 t lt. correspond! when asked as to tin- trath of a n that he was to meet Cnrixntier ag j while here. ' "lf I find opponents worth while i shall aoeept, but for the next voyag h I he added. BUSTER BROWN AND TIGE . TO BE HERB TOMORROW Throuch tie rmirtvtrv of the Brown' fho CVunpany, of !St, Louis, Mo., the I ri . I : s-1 . i , . i i . vs.nii.ny vi mis cuy a j secured a real live Bustor Brown and lis j famous dog, TiiTP, to give a rweptinn on I the Craiff lot. Main avenue, just in front j of Craig & Wilson 'n, Wednesday after-j noon at 4 so clock. AD invited to be present. the children are I ; Lor April IS. Woo. I row president, in a letter I a statement printed fornn i ght denii in The :, uked S (ilobe Denim-rat that ho m-itor .lames A. Reed. rat ie candidate for nomination elc-t. for "great service which ei.ator rendered him in perfecting ; tne I ederal reverve bill. ' nt was issued by Lee Mcr. toin.y and supporter of Wilson's letter, prints another which a purport from Wilson to letter from tha ws: issue of April 12th i I her, is quoted as seen n letter from. warmly thanking i rvi.-e the Senator in perfecting and passing the r. si rye bill. ' 1 have no recol .f evi r h uing written any such On the i outran- 1 clearly re member that Mr. lb ed. as a member of tin- committee mi banking and currency, interpose, every possible objection to the eoilipY: loll it it -1 adoption of 1h(3 bill. His obj. c,, iiioccd, were so many, bo' varhd am I so i in .insistent w ith one an oticr thai 1 n end speaking to him a-bo-,1 t'.m in cm ..rsal ion . Having spoken nf rea.liiig a certain parody on a well known novel, 1 told him that hin course in the committee reminded mo of the idiidiict of the hero iii that parody who, win n rejected by the heroine, ru hed from the house, mounted several horses and rode off in every direction. "Statements -n. It .'is the olio quoted from Mr. Mi riwctlu-r appear to be in tended to create the impression that Mi p: i I and I have held the same les and 1 Hid fiat id vein ted the same nol- he is entitled to and I.. l s s 1 1 1 1 a ;i can d to have my endorse lidate for re-election to ,i th, tin Sellal Phis is far from being those who have closely lfeed 's career in Wash- Ti M r . ne he h: is shown himself incapablo of -a or an felted Ie- In ha. - , tn ai I la I in I allegiance to any person eaii--. He has repeatedly for iny claim to my confidence) that . ever have been mipposed to i d I shall never willingly consent tn '-I her association with him. eg that you will du me the eourt I uOli-.ii this letter. VOOIiKOW WILSON." fer ami statement given to a A slin:o:! re i r. si nt a t ive of The (iloho noiTa! hy Seiuiti r l.'eed says in .art: 'I did have a difference with tho sideiit. cntir. !;, good natured, over Pr, the P." k'-rm l i Pros -he bad or; !. r:i! .-ne I ink bill. Tho f lie a ' rove! isis-el :hat a, .,!,-. I ,. ami y was that tins the bill, which .ci ii .passed by II . . s' . . . : Le reported out C.f e and passed very -.'I..;.: g'. ing an opportunity j ! i - sfcl t hat hearings g'-i i and they were grant a r si. : , f the hearings, tho am ail hundreds of times. " :;,, r t ' lay repeated his state- ie 1 - . n a copy of a let - d ii! Wilson j.rais- .. '.pole nu the Federal re- -r v..-l he al-o had seen a in Wi, ':ain (.. McAdoo, son -in-.Vi '..!. written when McAdoo 'i.ry of the Treasury, com K i i's work, ou the Federal ltement follows: ague of Nations fight and while there was Senator Heed in pub of his opposition to 1 asked Senator lleed s.ay in reply to tha s always knocking tho !'.!:'. is:n ni bis-:iii-. pa.'.. -I to he w h '.at iiatnr mentioned several im-i-ures iu which lie had cih porti'lt a. with the President, one of . tha the Federal reserve ct liic t his secretary, Don Hunt, him to 'show Meriwether thgso .si:n lb' In ...!.st:u.ti.-'tiuit of S.'uator Beed'a i iai in that he iai 1 received the approba tion of the President for his work on tin- Feb ral reserve bill, Hunt produced from tin- !Scnator?s files, first a. letter from Sisretary of tho Treasury Me Ad.i hhich warmly commended and thanked Senator Reeil for his work bo had done in perfecting the Federal rr- i starve Pill. Jlunl tlieu anoiii- v- written on Wnit Houm stats, g;gl,d ty Wooirow Wilson, 'I made the same sta' 'and i:r speech Coliseu befcre P,i"" P' Coliseum durinc t y" L fight and I ss never lay fotiff. " ST. '.Wilson last ni i)ellln aiei ' the S .-ne I I The i et 'i Peed. Accompanying Mr. j The (.lobe ' Dei Tat I from Sen.-, , , - If, e l. In ed col v of I he letter i L'ee.l is j; i ell . Till i funic r I 'resident fo!b ' ' I note in y our that one lac .Men. saying that he had . me tu Sena! or Key. him f.-r the glea r.oeh red . h . d. r i! h-i t'o.a i letter.