ETTE Local Cotton 17 Cents Weather: Rain GASTONIA, N. C, WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, APRIL 19, 1922. SINGLE COPY 5 CENTS VOL. XLW. NO. 93. i1 ONM DMLY OAZ LADY ASTOS, ONE OF THE FAMOUS LANGHORNE SISTERS, HOME FOR VISIT Is First Woman Elected to Membership in B r t i i s h House of Commons Her Husband Is Member of House of Lords. (By The Associated Tress.) NEW YORK. Apr'.! le. Vivacious Ijuly Astor, Midline;, chatting cimtinu ously, and joshing those ul.out hcr( ar rived from Knghuid aboard lliu steam ship Olympic today on her way to 15ul timore, where nlie will address the Pan American Conference of Women. To greet Laily Astor native of Virginia, wife of a. British peer, an. I the first woman ever elected to tin; House of Commons wore of friends anil ad mirers gathered at the pied. As the Olympic steamed up the hay from quarantine she Rave reporters Hashing roiiiiiients on all manner of things Lloyd Oeurjjc, Mappers, prohild t ion, Margot Asquith, the labor situa tion, the tienoa conference, the servant problem and her own children six in number. 'The only remarkable tiling about me is my children," she said, holding to the arm of her husband, Vis-ount William Waldorf Astui . "Lloyd (ieorge slid has bis head a bove water and its some head too," she replied to a .piestion. La,J.V Astor said -l.e wanted to make it clear that she nas in America on a mission. She is h-rc, she sail, because she received : n invitation to attend the runv i-nl inn at Huh ii. cue to ,lisciiss matters of interest to women all over the world. Alter ing to Virginia, where Laiighoriic, and I hen to Chicago, and oic or before rctnrninj'C home and her job in par'iae. ispeakine; as a Virg'.ni a trace of Hiitish :n . t in Sic she "as Wa- billion and ,;i (it tier til let. to iir children -., wi'lloltl ,;. As: i.r hi.-' r acted some' hi 11 ehiMren is--three I said she was southerner. " "And he ii happens," sin stll I I dded. II. I !lllle;r. I the she desi-ribid a fuiirths American. As to women s said those of her ilividual as men . "One can't woman do t hat , cause they don't more than men . "I am just a s. , -he is in- , and " lie -t i do this eiuurko.', she do things uib.d, led (like anv lender," her po she declared, lien oi sition at t In" bead who are taking eapil .1' Hind. ll rnics v. omen the at' in v it a fairs of the world. At this point her hud a remark that Lady 'just showed what a; "Sur." she reiuarlvi nil ordinal y woman, e think what we can cxr ordinary women . The clothes neniiy u.nd As.., II" . lc.n 'li do i! from I. .in-: t hi a et ra V.lll: ,; una' re wearing nnvviinys her point of view "Nothing let- t iiing about half i ale 11 jll . Lady lie -e .;lhe.i." f- Astor said, own li!c run she nt en "There is no use i-mality, if we ii'y show our hideousm wore a dress 1 hav If von keep your talking our HI List i .ed sinci at rl v lit 1o hi I 1!M V bod-. the time, you houI . ' ' ' II oiv a bout uniform '. ' s! clothes are mi their mothers' a woman ought obedience In running in I keep it ,d e re ; or! mini fa dt . tO tc.lC . ated . .'. i lit The lil !l her cl' that t i. In for m to her ' nniii, ,- one plank iy diy but t . place in Parliament u Astor said she would in her phitfown was eertainlv il would not t , lot . a be .She had never seen a man or who was made more uiiseili-h o by drink but she had seen 1 ruined by it . " One of the lnrrcsf urmips ot woman bitter .indreds report ers and photographers thai ever swarm ed aboard a tseaiacr down the bay si.r rounded Lady Astor. "'Help, help, Kct my hii-band. get my husban.l." she cried. S one fetch- eil the Viscount in a jiffy, and they were taken to the boat ii ik for photo graphs. "Look natural." s"iin -in ..Iy shout.d. ' -h cried. cranking a movie macbiae. "Look out for a.'." -1 "If you think 1 look foolish y to look at yourself. "Here you." she spoke to raincra man. '"look here, I use a ough.t mot her to run a hospital for men. behave yoiir-elt." Then her belt became untied and fell to the deck as she removed her coat. Her companion to the Lull iinore conven tion, Dame Lyttle'.on, widow of former Colonial Secretary Alfred Lytt letbn, and a cousin of Lord Lulfour, shouted: "Tick up your belt. ' "Wait a minute." L:;dy Astor sail to the semi .'circle of photographers, that kept closing in on her. She took hold of the Viscount "a arm, winked and said: "Married, though happy." Then began the interview with the usual topic prohibition. "I don't be lieve what the Lritish papers say about prohibition in this country," she said. , "I wouldn't say what 1 thought of its effect until 1 had seen them. "Margot Asipiith's view-? As re gards her views 1 could tell you a lot of things but I won't. I am not going to discuss Mrs. Asiiuith or any other in dividual. All I can say is that she is not more a typical average English wo man thau she is a typicai average Am erican woman. T might nay she is u ni'iue and I would not be far wrong- " Lady Astor said she had not come 'to try to bring America into better rela tionship with England and Europe, nor to tell any one of their duty, nor to tell American statesmen what to do. "I have not quite lost either my head or my sense of humor," she1 add 7 ed. "I am not on any mission." 'American influence is Deeded- to . Coa'tiaBed oa paj iL). i RUMANIAN SCHOOL CHILDREN WANTED TO RETURN FAVOR TO U. S. JUNIOR RED CROSS BUCHAREST, April 19. Chil dren in a village school near Bucha rest have contributed $3 in lei (Francs) to aid the children of fami lrfes made destitute by the destruction of the Knickerbocker theater in Washington, D. C. Unable to visualize the vast extent of the United States, the youngsters believed the collapse of the theater was a disaster affecting the entire American peop'e. Rumanian children have received much help from their little American brothers and sisters, through the junior Red Cross, and they choose this method of showing their appreciation. EARLY 60NUS MEASURE IS NEW PLAN FOR THE 0. 0. P. SENATE LEADERS Party Conference Is Held and Republicans Vote 26 to 9 For Reporting Out Bonus and Its Enactment Soon. iRv The Asaoeiated. fress.) WAS i.'epubli f.-i, lleo. passage SeSs'.Oll sil IXtiTON, April is. Senate ins meeting today in party con vote.l L'H to !) in favor of the i : a soldier bonus bill at this I ( ingress. The finance com mi! tie imijoi -ty was requested in a for ma! n solution to report suc h a measure "wituiii a reasonable time." Senator Wit son, of Indiana, a lie linblie.ii member of the finance coin 1 1 i 1 1 . said the bonus bill probably w Id be taken up m the senate and out through immediati dy after it was its consideration short time, but In the form t lu be the iiiinniit :. envied . lie thought i.ii,i!( icipiire only a was not so cei't.-iiu as measure to be drawn !( would take. 1'iider the pre.-.ent plan the tariff ., hi, i is to be called up Tiiurs K'.uM Ii laid a -'.de temporarily fr vderat ion of the bonus. There a .-viggi s! ion that the means of Ii ring th' bonus might be provided ia an amendment to the tariff bill No Revenue Provision. l,ji p, v' i-on-was lan for There is a moiig the ma.) whether the m am- ). ne. i .ion becaus' of the division ot opinion a ority .-.euate leaders as to n.i'.e could attach a reve to the bonus bill itself renuiremcnt that revenue me,,, ores originate in la- house. 1 lie j be, s in. ne passed by that boily car i.d no means of lin.inciag. Axhle from I il..- h .a-e bill, which was referred to it la a mouth, the senate commit too has; h -fare it the beim legislation v.hie!:. was us o'umilted by the senate last j .lab.- at ! In- remies of President Hard-i iug. T.iis likewise has no revenue rais ing proi-i-iti. duly one member of the liuaiu-e com mit tee, Senator ('alder, voted against the cou feromv lVMolut ion declaring for passage i After ( l;a ' rma a the bonus. io relul'll Mi ( 'umber here Thursday of of the finance members of that to determine piu li'ei.rescul.'llives oi.uo.ttee, majority . 1 1 . ii it t ee will meet c lure on ihe bonus, of I in- Auicrii.iii Legion e.'iuiat ions of veterans and other or of the world ci! be heard, po-siliiy late this . but it is not ii'narde.l now as that there will be general hear- bigs Wants Bill Rushed. rotor M -Cumber desires to j t.. fore the senate as soon as lie and several of the in ibi is a re ineii nod to favor t hi with its ad. jiisfid certificate "I the pos i jority house bank ii ion n pro', ism ii.).ie'!t inn t but I this Here is consi measure bv derable ot her rummil leeuien . liefore the committee conies to any j.i isi.ui a number of its members plan o discuss the 'lUestiou with I 'resident Harding, who has been insistent that any bonus legislation should carry a no aus o. nan ueing mo options propus led the veterans. The I'residi-nt ab h.-.s lAptcssod a d"sire that the tar !1 I i ! I..- given preference. In ee, idiug to proceed with the tariff ill Thursday, the liepublican senators re agri i to that I that every effort .should be in'd a Uorum continuously measure was before tile sen hiie .it.-. They Democrats i - 1 1 ; f i . 1 1 i i . i . mild be pi Collar s ,h t'.'.een the 'lUestiou of aiiticipat and some as ex pre ; through soile ;h" ' e a fight by 1 he , llepiiblicans, but .sod that the bill; at 1 his session of j hreatened split be j senate ;.r,'! v douse iluat ion on the PORTUGUESE AVIATORS ARE UNABLE TO CONTINUE (Bv The Associated I'ress.) I !!!) J ANKIltO, A.iii 1 Tin. Portuguese aviators who wire .-.'tempting a flight from Portugal io Ibad. will be unable lo proceed in their hv -i i "ai rplaue from i-t. Paul rocks, a few him-irvi miles short of their goal on the Am. r'.. an con tinent where they landed In.-! night be cause of damage to their ma. n.n ac-'er- cording to a Ha;. despatch from nambuce, today. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. CALENDAR. Wednesday, April 19. 7:30 p. m- Retail Merchants Institute. Thursday, April 20. 4:00 p. m. Board of Directors. 7:30 p. m. Retail Merchants Institute. Friday, April 21. 7:30 p. m. Retail Merchants Institute. ; RUSSO-GERMAN TREATY MAY AFFECT MATTER OF GERMAN REPARATIONS Ouestion Is Whether Treatv Violates the Versailles Treaty in Respect to Ger man Owned Property in Russia To Be Put Up to Reparations Commission. I (By The Associated Press.) 1'AKIS, April lb. The reparations j commission is to be asked to consider whether the Ku&so-t ierman treaty signed at Hapaalo on Sunday violates the treaty . of Vtrsailles in respect to the German owned property in Kussia. This proper ty, under the Versailles pact, is pledged to the commission fur payment of repa rations. The French government will await tin action of the commission before taking up the ipiestinn ollicially with the Allio--. It is held, however, in official circles here that 'there is a distinct violation of the Versailles treaty, and it is declared that whatever action the Genou confer ence may take, the Allied powers can not toh'rate the pact. The resources of the allies against the pact is the same as that against otlo r violations of the peace treaty, and the j present case is regrdeil only as aiming lone more to the other cmises of action on the (ierniau question which the Allies will take up immediately after the Genoa ' conference. Il was a mi iiiiiced this afternoon Premier I 'oi m ar.- had requested Louis Dubois, French member of the repara tion cauiiui -si in. to place ollicially In fore the oiumivsion the question of the validity and legality of the Kusso-Uer-mau pact. The premier also has asked tin ether Allied governments to give similar instructions to their delegates on the commission. "omiiicii! ing on the Hole Rent by the Allies to (iermaiiy yesterday the entire Italian press is agreed in declaring that the note suggested bv i'resmier I.loyd. 4 - teorge was much str inger than the note ' act ually sent, containing a much more violent protesi. 1 ho note, Iney say. was dignified in tone, due chiefly to the con ciliatory efforts of Foreign Minister Schanzir. of Italy, who pointed out that the chief object of all the delegates was to prevent the breaking up of the con ference and the conseiuent failure of its aims, with results the gravity of which wa dillicult to foresee. llaron Romano Avn..ann, as secretary general of the conference, called hi-t eve ning on I'hnncollor Wirth. head of the lierinau ile'egn I ion, I) deliver the no'e, but Pr. Win a l- i iiej absent, the Han i wa 1 he l'e;. U l fel en. of received by Mr. Walter ,i t heiia .: (ierniau foreign minister. Aft.-i bug the note, Mr. b'athenaii said it b.l be in-possible for the tie! man dele e to attend the gala dinner bcinu of- I d by 1'rejnier Facta to all ine ci.nfer cs .li'legat-s, in vieir of the receipt -mil a ntingiiig coiiileinnstion of the (ic.iiiaiis. FLOOD VICTIMS ARE IN FAMISHED CONDITION Mar.y Negro Families Are Ma rooned by Flood Waters of Mississippi. CAIItO. April o. The sieaunr Three Htale.s will leave here to day for '.ho Dog Tooth bend district. In -tween Cairo and Fayville, Ills., t i aid bin negr.i families' marooned by tl nid waters of the Mississippi river. Relief investigators declare several families' are in a famished condition. Food, tents, ami medical supplies will be taken by the strainer. A civic relief committee and representatives of the He I Cross will bring the more seriously ill refugees to Cairo after moving the nia- roone.l families to higher ground am supplying them with provisions an. shelter. It was said the district was inundated so unexpectedly that must of the inhabi tants were unable to the. They became refugees in the highest parts of their shacks, which are in danger of settling. At Future City, an 'ther negr.i svtt'o- i mi nt, thirty families were reported ,lri. n t.) high ground by the flood, ! Five drainage districts in this citv s'ow'y are being inundated by flood wa ters let in by lev.-.- breaks. Thousands of acres ,f agrii'ii't nral land in I. under, I'liioli and .1 a "k- in counties are covered. Refugee cnm.- have be. n establish In ('air i and north uf M.-Clnre. SV inents of a I in y supplit's are arriving h. 'rim ti:,, adjutant ii ringti. Id. Ills., t. uiffercrs. ueral ' are f j URGE NEED OF FEDERAL FUNDS TO FIGHT FLOOD I.ITTI.K ROCK. ARK.. April 1!'. An urgent npp'al to the Federal '."', r inent for an emergency a ppi opriat : m ' 1 he used in fighting flood waters "f ' " Miss'ssippi river in Arkansas was t. l, graphed to Washington by lioveriior M Rae toduv. MINERS ARE DEPENDING ON CHARITY SAYS REPORT I'HILADKLPniA, April 1!. Mal nutrition and destitution are general in the West Virginia coal fields." do clansl a report by investigators for the I American Friends Service Commit!.-. , who have returned from a tour of the j district. i , iore man I'S.OOO families, with an avemge of three children to a are dependent for support on charily, the report added. family i Three Moros Killed. i MANILA, P. I.. Ai.rll 19. Three ' Moros were killed am two wounded by constables in a fight in the Tali part dn trie! of Suit) provinee, according to ad- I vices received' at headquarters here BABIES WERE MIXED UP AND MOTHERS WERE IGNORANT MONTREAT, April 19. A cou ple o ftwo year old babies who got mixed up in a hospital four month ago and have since been living in the wrong households, without cither mother realizing it, were properly re distributed today. The babit3, Pansy Dyge and Myrtle Barlett, both web-footed, were given to the wrong mothers upon their re covery from dipthiria. Pansy is fair and Myrtle is dark, and while the parents now say thty had their doubts all along, it was not until a third mother began an investigation at the hospital that the mistake was reveal ed. JILL ARBUCXLE FILMS CANCELLED, SAYS HAYS 10,000 Contracts Affected by Action of t!ie "Judge Landis of the Movies." (By Tito i-:v voi:k. As A i 1 'ress. ) of all contracts titles in ulueli b' pears. uk annul 11. I!as. head . I'lo.l ueers ' A ssi ii he s.-ll.l, afl'e-V, tract - . ' A Iter i in I i t 't.i'o lit ilie II. 1 . I l.e Sc bench. ro i. .. the irodlU-i'l s. Mr. Ijmkv. ot' I .any Corporation, M r . II. i s' siati in state that at nn t celled all shovi'.; of the Arbnelili ! that the i bid,, teat Midi-ration that i' s mid the :n tinii is inir the fact thev i I I i tiacts in fiove :'. j tur.'K. '' When Mr. id. action ef the r h.-l'l remoe.l A.'o the list of -e I -i . ' ' We sinipl hands of Mr. Ha I to decide in t li nt . be jiropcr to pictures. ' ' Mr. Zukor Alba, kh :,' tin'..' .1 been of Un it of 1 e 'II, ' f! -r Ar M,e ;!-. -,:' piibb. id r. Ai buckle feat nr. completed before comedian on chare, death of Miss Y producer a nnolinci buckle 'h acquittal . would be reiacd a (pinion. enell th. II VI e . e I o u i I , I- 1 1 1 : : t lb i sliorl :y that o,.e , s a ' ' I -si ARBUCKLE HAS NOTHING TO SAY OF HAYS' DECISION . ' 'IS AM'KI.KS. Calif., April I'd.--,s.,, ponding fer'a.r developments i was .. vowel 1'i.ii. y lo.i.iv oi ooseoe if. Fat:.. Arluickle, whos,- loiitrvls I have been caiic lied and linMnd screen j pla.vs iv it lid rawn. ac ei'irng t" an an uiiuiicemeiit in New Vnii. l. -t night b.v : Will II. Mays. I "flush, " was Aibie k1 eemnient, j when informed late last night of Mr. ' Hays ' announcement . the comedian add'. I: "This is a ; complete surprise and I might s;,y a 'shock lo me. It is tin liist I have heard of it. I d"u': Kt o,, wha II is all about, for I t e-ugl.t I I started on inv coiue l ack ' . "l on see, S heneck, of my pictures, morrow. Hi matter. As far as being content mys. it Nei t his .1. I' V. !'' idlle Will be in le will know I am intir. able to cxpl Aug a about at si a i il. I hall t witn remaining sit BUFFALO OPENS SEASON AGAINST NEWARK TODAY NEW YORK, April 10. The International Baseball League opens its season today. GamC3 scheduled are: Syracuse at Jersey City; Buf falo at Newark; Rochester at Balti more, and Toronto at Reading. Mn. Peter Olesen, of Cloquet, Minn, has been nominated by the Democratic - ' Convention at Miir-.eapoha as candidate for United States Senator. She ia the ; first woman to be nominated for this office by a major party. M. Ole- en is a native ot Minnesota, a speak er VI UULCf 1UU u xA-r wds vent tO Washington as the delegate of the gov ernor of Minnesota to the International Child Welfare Convention. MINNESOTA NOMINATES i fondant to p.. ihe .t,-.-is ami the r.-la WOMAN FOR U. S. SENATE.!""" " ha to.-k pi v.h.-ti be w.-r j taken le,- th.' i T i. .-is la h'.u- s wl id he . liaf.'ssed lo having ei't. r d. Tin 4'i-tjA ''wx 4' V'; "lily witn.s.-s i.!.i. ! on in.' s-.-uui o.- jfTj. '' -VVX 'hi- ti ffieers e re Mr- Moereaml . a-:" '-v4;r..:- lla was interi l si.m. niv in .vian ii. ,. I Thev t.-t ; (!.' t to tie .i-t.iiN of t he v ' ''''-1 i"-'-iirr .' aiid a Is., i.-ntl- -I the testi Xffii - k.V-A inonv of i.fl'i.ei- as f ,' i's cm. , 11 -- iy I fes-i'iH when I ,' s 1. l.-l, k to He'1 l&T: SfS? H' 4 ' J ..-,..- after I. . I. tjTWa - V . I (l ,i,s, ,;:.,',.. ,1-,.. rs admit. V I "J t-d that .! a! '' I "I Ihvii PHt y:J&m tk JT through a -f .' "'tofd degree," i, otli. e at V I a ti -tr M'jJT i which a- w )-.. "' 11 U-ctne cut the il 10 1 -4 iiftfrim. f ! rent, to ..!.:..- "';!--'"" " . .r w ; .-r i i-" ed'. I"- a.vieg struck th -f,. ' Uefendai' ' g J-." -eer.-t exainiiia ;:4a I-;.... i 'la,' he can.,. l.iV rff V il ..-.stoma 'ru, ik s.une lime last J a va. - - jlail. and . '-m '- ' 1 " ' "-'s in- .NS. H f err-d lo . 'f arrival of some I a" :i a;:;.-: . ' .1 ,.;,,.,,,.. .. .,, i k ii. rough which the in pYf ' JZiA Idef.-uv v-: - -r .stablish that. , V7 ?d i Ada,,,, ' - tharacter when he " .M 1 HERO OK THK MARNE ft ARRIVES IN WASHINGTON ; t 'fSrrX'jr 7 b: ill VAsHIV Tu. 1. -Marshall .!.! I 1 i : Jf r. ' .,-.v 1 1 '" Washington to i I ' 5 s' i i I 1 r, ;,, - .- -I to renew the ac r f JTLJK . , ' 0 I liie ..... ' - i 'i.nes as iiea'i , CM? - ,f th. rr. i. ar Mission. j I fce" m. 4 -LJ lies e.r.ii ess of the hour at I ' -Ai ivvhie'. le jir.-iv.--i and a drizzliug rain; GERMANY WILL DEBARMENT AS TOUCHING THE RUSSIAN COMMISSION PLEADS GUILTY TO SECOND DEGREE BURGLAR Evidence For State Heard in Case Against Arthur Bender, Who Entered Home cl J . H. Scpark on February 12 Pressley Adams Pleads Guilty Al so Judgment Not Yet Pronounced. iaston "uperior I'uurt Wednowhiv niurnlliK testimony fur the. .Slate was' heard in the case against Arthur Hinder; you lit; uhile man ei Inulary n ' The eiitcriii',' nf the resilience of Mr. .1 . II. CSepark on the nioinine; of Suiulay, February I-. Attain s A. l-h Woltzaml A. i'. Jones n preseuteil the estate iu the absence of f-uli.itor Wilson, while At torney K. d. I'lierry appeared for the defendant. Uefeiidant through lm at torney enter. '.I a p'ea of K"i!'.v "f second decree luiry l;i ry and asked that the trial of the be pu-ipoued until Friday, .liaia.ler witnesses for the defendant having been siihjociiaed to attend on that day. I'pnn insistence of the iStute'.s at toinrs Jude I'inley ruled that evi-d.-ie e for the relate iniht bo heard to :n, anil iitiii s-sos for the defendanf as I.. , bar, rter i julil be heard Friday, after .M.i. Ii the court would lender a decision. 1. 1 idell, e presented in ; the same line fa in i I ia r with I ho case today as as expected the occurence, leers ti tilied that having re-I call lie ti .Mr. S park's residence i morning, of February 1 J, ' I'l-spiilldi- 'I III. I were shown the di Ihe burglar lied. After . Ii I hey came upon lic'i sleen on t ne st ar'o oft he , i a l ilic i ollsi-l. r.ibte se; lcr a ppa i ent ' and it oriiiui in the Villa rl taken to the id. u! ili.-d I e man with ?-htol buil.l S'park home y Mr. Y. C. whom he had in. He was and i. .is ther line. ii, r ,-,s 1 1 niggled ill the hallway of the home af r being awakened by Mr, llauiner'j reams. Mr. J. II. fccpnrk and Mr. Y. 1 1 ii M i lit' i testified lis to the details of e house having been entered. I tender as well ku.uvn to Mr. fVpurl;, having en engngi.l around the building for in.' meiillis dining it const met ion as skiih i painter. Il was shown that ii. at .Noveiii'.er of last -.ear he had en sent back by the i oil lact ii s. Clen, and Com .a ii ;. , to .; i some further ii ating ill tie way of letollching iiT ii :. a. es iv here the building h:.d h'ake I. , was the:, fore familiar with the ill-ri-r oi 1 1 I -e. i i ex.'i ii, . na ! ion of tie Hate' wit- e. i,y at'ereey for the eet'ell l.'I'll . ., oi:g a i me u liieh indicated I hat :. ''. n, I.i I ; ' w ill admit i nlering the uiie Mil w i I plea I that he was under Ii the in;!ai in e uf some tlrug or dope to the nt ! hat ii" did not know w hat he ext i w a " t Ii; I a at idegr !m . . I in.!', 'he 't.b I had no f.'loni. f the fad that plea ,,f guilt;, us intent. the defend- of second e.e-sary to was heard i ib-tei niilie pn nishmeiit iv. i.r tare. i was not i 'id ev idem l the judge t ill all! the i ,i vv a ii.. . of go i.'t'Sl. ,l:i t he , as,, have In iuie Was lgua n! will lint be reu nil' i I w i I less, s for t he n heard on Friday. ei,n-iime. at Weilnes Ian s .ne iv in the ',o u g 's session h. a i iug ev idence of I'resshy Adams, colored, rre-t'd siiine weeks ago on urge of having intend a number dwelling bouses city. Through ai'jienter, the a of guilty, he'ie ; 1 . Kv idem . VI in various parts of his attorney, John efeiidant entered a 1 there was no jury heard to enable u; on t he degree of the punishment to llioliy collsisteil in i made bv t he d. was shown the! ... ,. liipitol of an officer of his rank. i ravairy naviux in-en Jassieiieil tn cci.inpauy linu Iroui the""" to 's hotel. i art,,, marshal expiH-ts to spend about five Invs in " asningion ana wiin tne Vashin visit hereto eon.-lnde his American tour nhich is a part or tim return tny irom ju.cjiad th.J JFar astt . the court to tb . nle guilt and deter":ili. be inflicted. Tr I : tir.-h i,f f.'ssin the trenti n..i.i....- I hearty wei-fine. He ' ,;;, lionors tlut act i i riva ' in t . PROTEST FROM GENOA Dr. Rathenau, German Foreign Minister, Con fers With Lloyd George While German Del egates May Protest Against Action of Confer ence They Will be Content to Remain. KIWANIS CLUB FAVORS MAKING NEW HIGH SCHOOL A SOLDIERS' MEMORIAL The (iastonia Kiwanis Club hold itM reeuhir semi monthly incetiiiu; Tuesday evening from C:'Mi to s-.:',t) oYlock in the basenieiit of the Central school build ine;, the 'luncheon heiuu preiare.l and j nerved by the I'oujvstic science depart- ) inent of the (Iastonia llish Hchool, under t'he direction of Miss bue Kanisey John-' ston. j I'les'ldellt lb M. Jones presided and. I he liist Hpcaker was Dr. Stanley Kri bs, w 1 1 iy conduct iiief ii merchants' iiistitntej here this week under the allspices of thft rhaniber of Commerce. I'r. Krebs spoke very forcefully and interestingly j of tin- forces which are at work for ihe steady improvement of business condi tions throughout the nation, and Ihe i (roundx for lonfidciux' in their continued! improvement. The matter of greatest importaii'e 1 lirought before the club at this meeting was a resolution eieiorsiiiir a movement to niaki; the new city high school which if to be erected in the near future u sol dier 's memorial. After considerable dis cusvion of an interesting nature the reso lulioii was adopted, as follows: ''When in fillies Jiast .the greatest service demnmleil of mankind, the offer of life itself, has been aske I in defen- of country, and has been given patriotically and without stint, the nation and the btates, the cities and towns have erected monuments ami memorials to those who have offered their lives. "Whereas in the F.uropeiiil War this snpri me surrender has been made both 1..1' i' . i ..c i I Ill 11. lour' J VOIlllll HIUl OI II II III.. II I l , on tiie pan ot many men or uasionui, twenty in all from (lastou County, and " irrcas two tiiousaml otliers otierc-.l in Ihe same spirit to make tins supreme i surrcniler il nee. I ne, 'It is resolved that we, meeting in our 1 1 'ent r.'i I School House, do urge upon our School Hoard, and the citizens of Ibis foni.i, the lilness of dedicating and nain- iug the new City High School, to be erect ed, as the Memorial High School; that consent being given, further step be en emu aged for plneim; some bronze or inalble figure of the American soldier of this great war near to portal of the said school, and list) that twenty native trees j be planled in the ton-ground of its site (as a living memorial of our .soldier and sa i lor dead. I ' b'es-olved further that the movement look to the raising of funds for a suitable monument tn be placed in or ah nit the building. ! '-And Hint a committee of live be ap pointed by tin- Kiwanis President to present this entire proposal fx the (Ias tonia Hoard of education and othcrwis-e tlx bring it to the attention of the Amer ican Legion ami our citizens gem rally." The following were appointed by Pres ident I). Mutt Jones: W. T. Rankin. I). A. (iairisim, lre(Tg Cherry, ts. N. Buyce and ,1. W. C. Johnson. 1 Inasmuch as the meeting was being held in the high school building and the luncheon being ss rved by the nenior class of the high stchool, the program was largely devoted to school interests. Rev. .1. W. C. Johnson was in charge of this feature of the program. Mr. Rav Armstrong, principal of the high school,' and W. P. (irier. city superintendent ' of schools, both ma le short addresses an th- work of the public schools of the citv. Two members of the senior class, C. K. Marshall, Jr.. and Hen Ratchford, so on the program, the former speaking on the iuis and ambitions of the . las-., th- latter bespeaking the interest of the ub in th. future enlargement and im provement of our city school system. KINC1ID DEFEATS QU1N FDR COUNTY CORONER!'; Official Vote of Democratic' Primary Gives Kincaid 1980 1 and Quinn 178& Total Of ficial Vote for Each Candi- i , date. iv ,n- is yiven the total otlieuil vote Moiil.iv s Ieiii.)cr:itic primary for a.-ii of th. i ini.i.l:ttcs. The only chnnire diovvn l.y tim otlicial count was as to the candidates fur coroner. Monday's uu ofli. r. port showed Quinn nominated !y a vol.- of l.l'.OU a against a vote f 1.1 S.1 fur Kincaid. However the uflicial vote stands, Kincaid lil-so and Quinn ITsii. Follonrint; is the official vote in Mon day 'a Democrat ie primary as reported ! to the t-oiintv convention: lloiim- of R-presenttives : Oaston, 2457, Jackson, 19!0, ti'llers, 2182. liVgister of Deeds: Thompson, 34:12, '"'. 14 ' (oroner: oroner: Quinn. lSb. Kincaid. 19st.w Treasurer: raig, .1844. Clerk .1076. tuiM-rior Court : Hendricks, Commissioner: " Dallas township Sumtney, 332$, Puett, 1625; Gastonia township Beal, 3420; River Bend town shipDavenport, S.'lbfi. . tliesfer A, Black, waa eomlnntwJ for,' county 8urrvyorf ' - ' 1 AGAINST HER CONFERENCE (By The Associated Tress.) CK.NOA, April in. Dr. Walte Kalhenau, the (ierniau Foreign Minister, eoiii'eired with I'rime Miiiiter LIoyl (ieorge, of (ireat Hritain, ami Foreign Minister t'hitcherin, of Kussia, today, regarding the barring of the Germans from the liussiau commission of tha conference. The Germans will proba bly submit u formal reply tonight to the Allied note on this subject. Many other informal conferences weru held with legal exports of the various delegations iu an effort to bring out tho exact scope of the entente note. ;i;OA, April 19. The Genoa eon fereme apparently has Ix-eit saved. Foe the last two days it hail been tottering mi the edge of collapse, due to indigna tion of some of the more important lea. Los over the action of the Germans and Hussions in secretly concluding a treaty covering the principal and moot delicate points under consideration Ljr the conferees. ' Now, however, Ihe ilelegateH are ("0 go fniwnid with their work, but the derma ns are barred from participation in all deliberations concerning the Kuk- si:t n iiiestion. This venalty was laiil :,ev. n in a note of censure sent to the j llerlin delegation yesterday after all lay consideration of the situation by representatives of the five inviting pow 'ers and the little entente. ! '-Whilst the conference wns flitting and whilst (lermany wan represented oil j the commission ami sub-coiuinisflioit I charged with the negotiations of Euro j pea n peace with liussiu," gnid tho j note, "the Co rin.'in representatives oil that commission have behind tho back"! lilt their colleagues, concluded ill seeret a treaty with Kussia mi the very ques tinns which t'lev- bad undertaken tn :,.,,,, - . i..,. j., loyal (injunction with rer r, s..iii-.i hit of th, - other nations Whether Cernumy will continue at tho conference is problematical, hut her delegates are engaged ill drafting a re plv to the note of censure,' and it ii Mnuight that, while protesting their de barinent from the commissions dealing with Russian affairs, they will bo cou tent fx remain. Their reply is expected to make tho point that only the full conference has power to oar tnem, ami in tins tney aro .supported by the neutral nations, ho Denmark, whose delegates aU added, bv ready have protested to the coufereneo leaders. Furthermore, Dr. Walter Rathenau, Ci nil. hi Foreign Minister, maintains tho conversations with Russia were not ae . ret, as he says Prime Minister Lloyil (ieorge, of t ireat Hritain, was notified last week, through another member of the British delegation, that the Ger mans --could not agree to the program contained in the report of the Allie.l experts, ami were forced to negotiate! with Russia ilireit. Da. KREBS ADDRESSES EXECUTIVES IN MORNINGS Conference of Executives Held This Morning Another to Be Held Friday Morning at 9:30. i .. -i in any capacity in Gastonia i i . t: nl the executives' eoiif : tie let ail Merchants Institute "n ine .,. : li o'clock in the of t ommerce auditorium will thin of intense value to both - an, tii .se who work und"r ,!.; l.y fiie similar conference mine; and attended by about e ,'e. II! ives. nice I.. Krele, coiidiif ting tho in a l.rief forty niinutes gava "ii' a eoinpietely new angle oa elu.en einidoyer and employee. . ii. less praeticy! than new. is a id res t ou psychologieal Fx Who f ' I el Fiid: 'nan llli-s th. a 1 t! t u, Dr. -tin r alto Ini'.i ntals l.rieth- but clearlv laid vn he r:ipi iiy iniiit up a structure ot uni. '.le ia. ; of most practical value. laid d.ovti fundamentals, often felt the , x.vative perhaps but never clear en.. uoi worked out to Ix plai-ed in i ff . t on his own initiative. As brought out l.y Dr. Kr. iis the- fundamentals' are easily uml. and at ou.-e stand out as indi-p u.-il.'e where relations betwtt'i eiiidi'V.-r uiid employed are to be th iH'St. . e Kvervoti. present gained greatly from the eonferen.-o and every executive In tho city is strongly nrgis! to iHTmit nothing to interfere with lieiug in attcndau.-.i promptly Friday morning at 9:J0 o 'ehx-lc for t hirty minutes. i Kitchen dishes made of glass rein .forced with wire have been invented. A new mechanical blotter for book : keepers also eopies entries in books for i comparison. A luachino ' that does th work of Id nun in planting ptpj ermint roota Michigan inventor's idea. THE WEATHER North Carolina, rain tonight, cooler o-i the coast; Thursday fair and cooler irt rrtreir ontheast yortton.