r A tlF. TWO the gaston i a, (N. o, daily gazette vVZDilD.-V, A?f4iL 10, 1922. Fifteen Minifies of ' fcadio Each Day (By. Edward N. David, formerly technical electrical ex pert for the U. S. Government.) Lesson No. 38. Deceiving tuners, the' etcombe" coil. ( The eonirtnictjon of single lnyer ooils j for Teeeption of king wuve-longtha hint- itates ooils of large met-liaiiie.il ili- meosions., ,To overcome these jiliysii-ij j disadvantages, ooils jftay be so nomul as to provide the neeessary amount of in- I tlurtanee needed to conform to long i wavelengths, nnl at tin- same time afford the Advantages of eompiirativelv small dimensions. . A type of tuning roil, widely usrd in receiving circuits, is known as the : 'Honeycomb" eoil, nnd consists of mul tilayer eoil in very eompnet form, po designed as to fnm tion wit h low energy losses. These eoila may be constructed in units, each with a presoriiit'il numU-r of tarns, antfc the various sizes so designed as to present a range in wavelength ho- tween 200 nietrrs nnd 25.0(10 meters. The coils may. be wound with solid wire or with a stranded conductor such :n "Litiendraht" or "Lirz" wire, as it is eonunonly known. In the ordinary type of oii with several layers, other than the honeycomb type, the capacity effect between turns onuses ronsiderahle loss of energy. The mechanical arrangement of the windings in the honeycomb coil in such that one layer cro- the preced ing layer at an angle, which reduces the Josses, due to the cajiacity effect, to a I minimum. A certain type of honeycomb coil hn an inside diameter of two inches, nn out side diameter ranging from two and one quarter inches to four nnd one half inch es, and a width of one inch. An extremely flexible regenerative re ceiving set may be developed ly the use of three honeycomb coils in a three coil mounting in conjunction with a vacuum tube detector. ' One of the coils is con nected in the primary circuit, another in the secondary circuit, and the third con- ( nirted in the plate circuit and lined as HON-' "tickler cuil." Hv tiiis arrangement. an inductively coupled tuner is developed winch lias an inductive regenerative cou pling lietKces the grid and plate circuits. A diagrammatic arrangement tit' the cir cuit i -lioivn herewith. OLNEY LOCALS. j (Correspondence of The Daily Gazette. j OLXKY, April IS. Mrs. John El lliott and little Mis Martha, of Charlotte, j were the guets fur the week-enil of Mrs. i Rob Howe. If. H. nendrix, of Cliar i; nests of Air. and Mrs. '. and were .Mr i T"s v i i - Mi lotte Howe. Misa Artie lege, was gr HlO WaS Mliellilillg I with her parent-, j binelierner on l lie Our luiftor, Kev. In this inductive regenerative circuit one ct the honeycomb coils (1.1 ) is con nected in the primary circuit and shunted liv the variable condenser (CM). Au nt her coil (l.-S), shunted by the variable condenser (('-l.'), is connected in the sec ondary circuit between the nHd (( ar I the filament (V) and the remaining "d (L-.1) is used as the "tickler" ri.il and is connected between the plate (I' I and the positive leiininal of tie- "I;" bat tery. If a coil of ."i tin lis is used for (L I), a coil of .'!." turns for ll. L'j, an I n coil of 50 turns for (!.-.'!) a range of wavelengths up to .1" meters will be ob tained, thereby including the wavelengths used by amateurs and the iliiil meter wavelength on which is radiated the pop ular " I iron dca "tin " features. In this circuit coupling is varied by swinging the primary coil (I. 1 ) and the intensity of the signals is regulated bv adjustment of the "tickler" coil (L.'l). I5y jiropcr selection of other combina tions of units containing n greater num ber of turns, the receiving set is easily adjusted to the longer wavelengths. .in -berger, of Lenoir 'ol-j ting ord friends hund.'iy. ' her Luster vacat ion ' Mr. and Mrs. W. L. i I'liioii road. . T. Ci. Tute was called i jaway hinnliiy to preach at Armstrong! J Memorial church uml our puljiit was tilled ' thy l!ev. .1. M. McUiin. lb,. I hr.-tia.i L,iidt-iivor gave us a most c. eiu nt program iSabbatli evening, t.'uder the .-plcndid letidersliip ol' Miss Violet I hi'ster ami with the hearty co operation of each member we feel this new organ. .at ion is to be a great jia- , er for i,iid i'i our church. ; A Junior Knbnvor is to be organized - I.'IM. j Olmy has a treat in store soon, l!ev. A. 1.. Stanford, . pastor of .M.nn oikti , Met hodh I eiiurch, lias proinised to i;i-.'i Ins leciure on "The Holy Land." ' i t j J -i lir ilU;sirate with ,-iidi -s. Date will Is- aiiuouui'i'd later. I lln yesterday the Ministerial Ailiame ; of t lie county met with us. (I'm v rson this An I wo feel sure cwiy .suffered a great li-apium ineei i.'ig. .Not ill the prigiam, for the program committee bad d'He tlirir In st. l.-,.e.-ial-ly fine was the talk in tin- in.iriiiug, by Mrs. .1. W. ( '. .loiiii.-.nii, alter hearing this 1 feel sure i;.i one will eer again say. "Why still give tin. to y to the Cross the war i over. We all feel sue and (ia-bm county IJeu Cross are doing a areas work. One of the I i .---1 laiix of the day was made by lev. K. I . long in t li af ternoon. His Mibj'-et "Ihe Church and Her Vooie; IV tV. ' ' Jim l,e talked to us ab nit iio. .).. t boy. with all their lilt It- badiie-.s. Hist addris was brim full of good ideas advice to parents, church workers, fiDGET OF UVE NEWS i Miss Clara Armstrong, have returned ! home. Mr. N. I. Cannon, of Atlenta and Mr. nnd Mrs. K. K. Cannon' and Mrs. Kobey Surraf, of Charlotte, visit ed Mr. and Mrs. J. I). Tucker I'ri lay afternoon. Mrs. Julia A. Cannon went to Char lotte Haturdny for a visit to her son Mr. ('(.lie Cannon. Mrs. Klin Huff man, who underwent a very serious operation at the new Chnrlotie Snnitnrium Friday, is report ed as having stood the operation well and is doing as well as could be ex- i peetrd. j Mrs. Logan Roper, who has been sick for some time, entered the Mercy j Hospital . in Charlotte Sunday for n i course of treatment. Mr. Henry Linebcrger returned to ('Tin pel Hill Mondav uTter spending Utile II in I'd with one thing th MT. OLIVET SCHOOL TO CLOSE THURSDAY The closing exercises of Mt. Olivet school will begin Thursday night. I'rimarv and Intermediate crudes. The I program : j Friday Ki:.10 a. m. Addresses and Keeiters' Contest. ! 12:10 Dinner on C rounds, j ;!::;0 Haseball, New Hope vs. Mt. Oli vet. S p. in. Play, "Home Acres,'' High School. All frivnds are cordially invited to come and bring big. full, baskets. , tBy Mrs. Adelaide 6. Beard.) Messrs. Honigman Bay Building In Mt. . Holly. Will Open Department Store. ' Messrs. II. and J. Honigman, owner of tbe Leader and Globe stores in Bel mont and Gastonin, have purchased the Ilutehi son-Davenport Building in Mount Holly and will operate there a first class department store to be known as the Leader Department Store. They have also 'boog-ht the bankrupt stock of the Noles-Beep Co. - Tjje store will open next week with, a large bankrupt sale. Mr Louis Kaplan, a member of the firm will liavg charge of the store. Cleat tip To Continue In Belmont Again This Week. . " Clean. Vp Week" which has been staged here by the Woman's Club lias been continued on through this week. Owing to the illness of the city sanitary j officer the trash could not all be hauled i off last week, and the wagons will be out this week to try to get every thing taken f away. It is the aim of those in charge of Ihe clean up campaign to have Bel-! tnont the cleanest town possible, and the ladies sre asking the co-operation of I every citizen in this endeavor. If you liave not already collected your cans and liurned your papers will you not get busy fend help them make your town a pleasant nnd healthful place in which to live. . y , Personals. Mr. Walter Hall went to 'Rockinghnin last week to attend the funeral of Mr. "Walter Lee Campbell, who died a the j result of n fall out of n window in Wash-! ins-ton. D. C. Mr. Cnmobell n. rnon- 1 Timer rate-of Mr. Hall's at Davidson College. 1 pb'ase. Mrs. A. C. Lineberper is having Wed- I Waiter: I have travel iiesday night for Wondberrv Forest j worM' .v0 1111 vt' 1" School, Woodlierrv Forest. Vn., to boo j "P' i'''. iivkkI,. Tales. tier son, Mr. Hirold Lineherger, a student at the school, ho has not lieen well. 1 Mr. s,nd Mrs. John B. Halliburton and Mr. Howerton Alexander, of Charlotte, svere" Easter guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. If. Stowe. . Mr. and Mrs. Louis Kaplan, of Balti more, are visiting Mr. and Mr. H. Hon igman, Mrs. Kaplan is a sister of Mr. Honigman. Mr. and Mrs. Kaplan ex pect to stay (South and will make their home in Mount nolly. Mr. and Mrs. Falls Garrison have re turned from Easley. S. C. where they spent Easter with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Gar rison. Mr. GastOn Hand, of Xew York, and niece, Mrs. J. G. Arnold, of Spartan burg, whom Mr. Hand had been visit ing, were guests here Friday of Mrs A. F. Hand and Miss Lottie Hand. The following Baptists Attended the I Social meeting of the Fourth District if tbe Gaston County B. Y. P. U. S held . in McAdenville Saturday: Kov. ! E. A. Ttague. Pan! ami Ira Culp, A. I W. Paysour. T. L. Bnmgnrdner, Fred ; Kirby and Clarence Stewart, Mrs. W. ; I,t Kennedy, Misses Cora Yount. Grace j Ftirewalt, Mabel Thrower, Artie Mae ; Honser, Eva Culp, Huth 'ato, Flossie Jenkins and Inez Little. ! Mr. and Mrs. Mocoy Meretz, Misses; F,dwina and Louise Moretz. of Charlotte, ! Mr. John Craddock, of Charlotte nnd j Mr, and Mrs. K. A. Link, of Lenoir, ' nere guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. j James M. Armstrong. ! Bora to Mr. and Mrs. Troy Smith j at their home in the Point, a daughter, on Monday, April 17th. - t . Miss Flonnie Hand, who is a student at Flora McDonald is spending the Kasfer holidays at home. Mis Lela Wilson, of Gastonia, is ; Visiting Mr. and Mrs. Grover Stewart, j the latter her sister. j . Miss Modena Durham and Miss Lelia Durhnm, ef Dallas, who were guests dar ing Easter of Miss Melva Gullick and n:i lids :! and Kill it will In have a good on splen iiii play- worth 1each- Which Country? Ham and iggs, country style, all ovi a little r the more Lament. Words fail! The bootleggers (live me a conniption. The stuff they are selling Beggars prescription! Ways Tab was lit. i ' ' You may spend did school buil lings '.rounds, p.viuii, etc. untiling if you don " ,cr. The teacher is the vital thing, some one who understands boys and girls, and 'loves them. Other talks were made by our county workers. Misses Fay Davenport, Nell Pickens and Mr. C. l.ee (iowan. Mr. Fred M. Allen who was to have fiU n on " nidation of Church and Chamber of Commerce," was prevented from being prcsviit by sickness. F.aeh of the county workers told some thing of t heir work. With till this you iwk "why were we disappointed," why, because so few of the ministers of the alliance were present. We had hoped for a large attendirice every minister if possible. And I must say they did not set us a good example for attendance We had always heard Methodist preachers' were fond of chicken, so wo had it, baked. Toasted, fried, every-wav. I We heard Presbyterian ministers were fond of cakes and sweets, so we had baked every kind of cako imaginable, beautiful pound cakes, layer cakes of I every ilesenption. , we iimiorsiooii uie I Baptist, F.piMcopnl an. I other denomina-; I t ions, like.l nil good things so the house-! wives of Olney, trie. I to prepare every i toothsome edible imaginable ami they ! were just so disappointed that there were not enough ministers present to eat I it nil. ! One brilliant woman, a speaker of the 'the day said, "Well if these men pres t ent are all the spiritual leaders in the ; county 1 am sorry for Gaston county. ! l'.ut it as a very happy occasion, the ministers seemed so very appreciative '.'f every thing done for them. Thanked us for the dinner, the church decorations, the music by choir, evcryt hinr; in fact. We can only say Olney will he glad nt 'anytime to again entertain the Gaston j County Ministerial Alliance. ( , The children who attended the Faster egg hunt at the chun-h Saturday after- nuen report a splendid time. About 4o were present. After hunting the eggs, games were played and ice (ream and i cakes served by Mrs. If. C. Robinson ami Miss Craig Dixon, ten. hers of these classes. : . 3Si Mmniii-i'i" nwui.1 u...l,ii, ,fnvvm ivrw-iriX-WtTXiTP . ,'v.i. iiii.m , i ii I. i...i... .g..... kikjISj i-ii - wiiiim mm i 1" -' " lamJimiTi . ii. JrsiY I flyr-i 'fm i Y tH'i VELOUR FINISH ti ll I "OVER THE HILL" IDEAL THUR.-FRI. Hi Walls that keep their "newly painted" took Washable Walls I Walls that hold the charm of coler and retain their freshness for years with the help of soap, water ord a rag. Such are walls finished with Devoe Velour Finish, (a flat oil paint.) The soft, fiat tints in which this product is manufactured, are always artistic, lending an enriching background to the furnishings, and an air of gocd taste and dignity to the room. Devoe Velour Finish can be applied C r any interior wall or ceiling. Devoe Products are time-tested and, proven backed by the 168 years' experience of the oldest paint man ufacturing concern in the. U. S. Founded 175. Ware Hardware Co. Gastonia, N. C. 1 fi 1 1 1 4 jjf Lopyiifcht l'JJ2 irtVbchaf.ncr Oi Marx Good quality; style high get have depends the best for spring it at low pi Hart Schaffner & Marx style We're establishing a val ue record for spring that wont be surpassed any where. We're giving you the best clothes made; Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes at prices that ap proximate pre-war levels. The new styles -are here; the latest and be3t models; great variety cf color and patterns; sport suits; over coats; everything you want SCHNEIDER ivicfci aren Tires Are Expensive Unless you figure them on a basis of service cost per year. There is only one way to get tirc-econnniy, that is miies against netcost on par quality. We are legitimate tire dealers. f HE BRADFORD CO. 122 S. Oakland St. Phone 884-J Gastonia, N. C. McClaren Tires Vulcanizing . Accessories lIBWISIialV Cocker Machine & Foundry Co. lers oi Textile Machinery Gastonia, N. C. Soft r Vial BJM Clean Grey Casiirigs Iron SENTIMENT An unrecorded item in the asset column, A potent influence in cementing business relationships, A promoter of good will and closer understanding Reflected in the' services we have to offer. "OUR SERVICE MAKES FRIENDS." SUBSCRIBE TO THE GAZETTE