1 i rONIA DAILY 0 ETTE LocarCotton 17 Cents GASTONIA, N. C, SATURDAY AFTERNOON, APRIL 22, 1922. SINGLE COPY 5 CENTS VOL, XLIII. NO. 06. GAS Weather: Fair SHOP CRAFT EMPLOYES FINANCE COMMITTEE OF VOTE TO SEND OUT STRIKE. THE SENA TE T0A TTEMPT DRAFT OF A BONUS BILL BALLOTS TO MEMBERS Question Involved Is the Farm ing Out of Repair Work by the Railroads Many Com plaints Are Co ml n j In. PARIS SOCIETY LEADER FIRST WOMAN MEMBER OF ACADEMY OF SCIENCE. i.f tin- railway ; "If there 's our men will In- in protest in ignoring states l,:i!ii'r (By The Associated Tress.) CHICAGO, April 22. The Railwi l.iniiloves Dciiartmiiit of il 1 . Federation of Labor (simp crafts -.doves) has voted at its volition to send nut fiUU.OlH) members. Tin- (jiu-st ion intuited is tin- farming out of repair work liy the railroads. 11. M. Jewell, t.r.-.M.li lit employes lt-:t rt imnt, said a .strita; an.! 1 fid sure vote Holiilly for it, it v i I of the action of railway decisions of the I'mtvl Uouni. Complaints of tin- railtva.v i-1 1 : 1 1 v --i ia connection with the farming out system are now pending before the railroail la'bor board. A l 'i-iioii is i xpei ted inx' month after the conclusion of the pro mt wage hearings. There are now several tto,i,:iiel limn on strike on the Western M il..' .nr., I Hail way against tin- fanning out of mainte nance of way work. Mr. Jewell declared that the prci-i-.-wording of thi strike ballots is yrt to be determined. The tiuestitii, he said, is simple whether fi strike or not to strike. The ball it s probably will he sent out within a short time ami the rcalt Hhotild he known within lin dais, Mr. Jewell added. The vote to will ti.it the halloK was taken yosti-r.la.t and officers .;eiaie,l that it was a ciiiiiiter me,.- 1 "an ell 'rt ta erusli our i.rgani.nt .en . ..11 -;-! Iv . ' ' "The carriers have :r...; iliiced wages in .Ielia a. e of 1 1 said Mr. Jewell. "They bat the pieee Walk s stein ami resi. farming out system whi.h i Experts Have Been Set to Work to Evolve a Measure That Will Put Real Dollars in the Pockets cf the Soldiers With out Taking Them Out of Anyone Else's Pocket Position of President, Soldier and Public Same. American ' J'.v (.'. W. Grbert, in ('reeusboro News.) happy ideas have been met hy a aigni- j (Copyright li)22, by Philadelphia l'ublie lieant executive gesture. ! I.I'dl'cr. I T,.rn TJ a .a. DloHO eninnl eon I . ti... .... .. , . . . . ...... . ., . ., , , . i - r" i j tie new inn is 10 issue ceninciiie-, strike ballots to is .,,,, tin .!.,... .... Itt it ; .,n n,! , , ,. . . . , ., ... .i: ".. in... .i ... .. sot. tiers on wiuen nice can norrow experts today and set them at work to , r,.,.t v frm t. gjveriiinent without the evolve a bonus bill. All that the ex- iti rmedi.u v of the banks. The soldier i do : In. in' el las ,1,1 torfuge hy whieh th decisions. A year :i(.' oi overwhelming! test against t he I 2 per ready then annoiao-d last Ju'y. When the elate came fired pence Im-iu iis' of 'by the labor board that no I reductions would be consider, time. "Hut this lime, I am -or will come t i a sl.uwd'.w n. S I'e ii'd," tared !e I la the mere suli l.or board ij, was III pre . t it hi al rtV. le Alter. lira la' fav- v. a SOlll tl.e far are concerned Mr. Jewell , "dodging the ting out shop not technically the r ci the re a ' it is a ti'! charged tl boal l 's rulini; ' ' by s to con' ra. t ,.i w n within the jnrfsdiit ion of labor hoard. ' ' The carriers I with it t has fa r. ' are goinej to tin. I onlinuo to do so "The board, has no real pott Jt must rely so public opinion. no l -aid out Ming tell, r lie l Ihllsl r to , of 'y opou White. Morris and Parker To- j gether With John M. More-' head Win Shooting Honors at Pinehurst. .l'i.i:iii'l;sT trained for N., pi"d the S"itlii when th Moiishi p and tin shot . I.. I' (ill top See th. el .lid !: N..1 impi. . 11 of lel. e the li, - i-: .loud. j-'tate c!iampioMsli,, w , closely followed by J I. head, of ( 'ha riot to. v.if. s! 'ol. John Motley More!,,.!. Morson, each of .h,,'n '.i" K. White, of lias;,. iiie. iield at th" end of tie targets y. sterdat . !iu'.-h: d today which placed him : at 17V The 200 target, ie ;,, pionship also c.oisl it a'i I ; the champion club of was won by the lia defeated the liuil.aii fortablo margin. il M. Morehead, II i Morris, and K . il. 1-1. 1 1 1- I 7;i. t la .tmii .tali ti ; cv'. be A. Mo . Wh.te. I "a rk r c d t! till I .hie chain t for T I i - I. Will ports have to do is to construct a hill that will p't by President Harding, not anger the taxpayers, and make the form er service men feel that they aro getting' something. , It is the same old task that the house ! ways and nicaiu committee undertook in ; the -ame manner ami failed at eonspicii- : oust'.-. Tin- position of the I 'resident, so th - senators who have talked to him Bay, ! remains unchanged. That is he will Mgn i no bill which does not raise revenue to pay the bonus. The position of the tax- , pater remains unchanged. He is unwill- ing to provide the revenue. The position of the soldiers remains unchanged'. They j want tile substance of real dollars, and j not the shadow of some political hocus pociis which will be no more than evi- I deme of the ,cire of the politicians j for their votes. I All the experts have to do is to put real dollars in the pockets of the soldiers i without taking them out of anyone else 's pockets, not borrowing from the govern- i men! or the banks and not by making the i public pay taxes, at least so that the I public will not ice it. I I'he senate leaders who have set the ex j pert, a' vvotU are optimistic. Mark Top h v had nothing on them. They arc sure they will get a bill that ( 1 ) President Harding will sign; that. (2) will result in their triumphant reelection next No vember. What about President Harding.' f-igni-ticaut'v it is whispered that not once, no not once, did the chief executive use tic j word veto ill talking to the gentlemen who are employing the experts. Veto m er crossed his lips. The house bill.' An emphatic presidential gesture con (signed it to the limbo of forgotten hum I bug but not the word veto, no, not the J w iir, I veto. Selling of bonds.' an equally significant presidential gesture left its fate no morn in doubt. ! Awkward For Bonus Maker. It is awkward for the bonus maker i that the President continues to be ohsti j nate about borrowing. All Congress number whet her of the upper or the lower house, like to "borrow, l.amh wrote ; his essay which divided mankind into I the superior race, the borrowers, and the , inferior race, the lenders, before Con i gn-ss was fully know n in Kufope, He 1 uouM now add to his two classes a itldi.l. the super-borrowers, among whom '.'ie all members of legislative bodies, tspciahy American representatives and I -en. . tors. It is a blow to the superbor I rioters that Mr. Harding makes signi ficant gestures whenever borrowing to pay the soldiers no matter how disguised i is propo-cl ta him. It is a proof of his 'long MilTeiiug, Ids capacity 1o get on wiMi Congress, that he contents himself Jtvith gestures and docs not use the hate ful word veto which strains re'ati'.'is. NataraMy one of the plans which Hie eyi. rts are evolving is a borrow i nij plan. 'I he ai perhorrow ers would not be happy unless they were working upon some seine, e which puts eft into the remote future paving for the good will which they h ipo to aeipiire for next November. It will be recalled the house plan pi -dm ..I by va-t efforts of the experts is s'l.'d ci rt ; til ales to the soldiers on which hey could borrow from the banks, ulti mately Hie govt rnmcnt was to pay the leans to the banks, but only ultimately. There is uiu. h virtue in the ultimately. If you only make payments ultimately enough nobody not ices t hem. Ami it was i handsome idea to authorize harrowing from the banks, which tile government leeild r. pay. Ta the siiperborrotvers this i .oked like gitting the money out of the ski's, lint as 1 have .said before these can borrow 2U per cent of his bonus j only 2ll per cent, a mere trifle, nylxidy j will not ice it f rum the noveriiment the j first year, some mure the second year j and so on until he has "burrowed- two- j thirds of it. This is what is known its i in hing your way into billions. The sup- i erborrowers know that if you put your hand into the pocket of that inferior i nice, the lender, gradually enough he I grows Used to it, he likes to have it there. Another plan is an insurance far veter- j nus. a policy nrovidiii'' for sickness, lie- , cidciits, death and unemployment, pay ments to the ex service men. Probably tin y could borrow a little on these poli cits. No scheme is c nnplete whieh does not provide for a touch, dear to the hearts of the siiperl.oi rowers. That the i sortie, men who ask for va.sh will he content with insurance poli cies no one believes. They know that ( engross is afraid of them and that all ithev hate to do is to keep on demanding and 1 hey will This is the enterprise, t.uat activity of "rc.it contiden.-e if the siiperborrotvers. It is known, it can be said with perfect 1 as-ii ranee on the highest authority, that there ttiH be a bonus bill ami that I'resi, 'dent Harding will sign it. For isn't i i now a matter of the highest sign i Meaner ;that he never, never once, speaking o bonus bills u-cl the word veto.' i BENDER SENTENCED TO Sounds Warning Against Evils Of Speculation As Business 20 YEARS HARD LABOR -''.''. " ;' y . ' ,V tt v TO'- sv.- : ,: ...' .: . White Man Wkn F.nt Prpri 1 eZLtl J"onppt. o" i Conditions Begin To Improve Guilty of Second Degree x Burglary, Sentenced to Pen- .11 r ' TllDi r -r.j... iCorriDtrolIer Crissinp-er I ells Kanker to K llCtlllCll V i UuiV. I tf v,""s tjt rjri 'Si,s''C-v- BW0.i;.?5..;;','. '-. i'"V:f M wt The ca.s,' of Ar'. uir 11. nder, young Iit!i4'e man who was arraigned for trial in "Superior Court this vvei k on a charg"' of burglary, was concluded Saturday I I morning about I 1 : .'.u o '. ! k w hen J udge ! j T. It. I'in ley piou.niiiceil tie- judgment lot the colllt thai toe del cm la lit shoiihl j be cuiilMied in 1 1 ii- fcttatc piusua for a Ijenn of twenty t ar- at I. a d lain.r. i When airaigio'd P. til.-:-, tlii.u'h his J attorney, It. tl. i herrv, ntei.-. a plea of svcoii.J degree liurgiaiy, to.. h was ac cepted by attorneys for tie .--tale, liti deuce was heard by Ju lep' Pulley for the purpose of ih te! inning the diri.e of gui t and the bxiug of paui.-iiiu, m t . . r the ! tj-'lllle. Witnes-. - for the -- p. vtere Ih.ar.l Wednes-dav . wni'e tin .;. t. its.- was I given until l'i..i.,y to s. ore e. rtain mm . J wiiin -sics from Ci.a rlotte. line of I li.-i- I I fail, d to ar. ii. i'li.lay, s . tliat linal I..,,-, uninnu AMiTrAT ! hearing f th, ,as, was not led , I fjil i MtMUHI h N h Careful About Lending Money for Specula tive Purposes Says Country Is on Road to More Prosperous Conditons Has Turned the Curve, He Says. FROST PREDICTED FOR CERTAIN SECTIONS TONIGHT WASHINGTON, April 22. There were frosts this morning in the Atlantic States as far south as Northern Virginia, the Weather Bu reau says and there will be frosts to night in the middle Atlantic and New England States. w?---.''' .1 . ;y Saturday nioru.ng. v tu-n another ttitue.-, j name I Illai k, t.s.ided to ha t i ng eoaie ui I (ia.stoaia with Hi nder and Johnson op 'Saturday night, February II. Another , - i v.itii. ss was ill so I card as t.. I tender's ; Large Crowd Present for CIos- CLOSES WITH FINE CONCERT (By The Associated Press.) (;ai.m:s li.!.!:. n.,.. Aiii -j. A warning against a groui.rg tendency towards spi cu la! mu throughout the j country as busiin ss i-ond it ions improve i Wits sounded here today by Comptroller i of the Currency Crissinger in am d (Iress liefore the Kb.rida Hankers' As sociation. He urged the bankers to ad vise their clients toward sound invest ments ami to use tlcir influence "to prevent fly by night sih.'ines." 1 Keceiit reductions in interest rates, -" , Mr. Ci issinger declared, have Is-en too J generally regarded by the speculative public ,-.s a sign ot easy profits in sight when at tlu' iresenf time it was of su preme importance that money and cred it should be available to sustain renew ed hu-incss activity. '' The present,'' he said, '"is a most Countess de Noeilles, novelist and lie ntly I a, plot inent with the contracting lirius , jng Contest in Music Memo-' '"ppropiiate time for bankers to admon ' for w I, mu he had worked. All test iiinuif , c . tl it1 ''' "c-ir cin nts against over-confidencj was along the liiie I W . . '"" in speculative investments. The world defenda lit recei ve. present .state of the bonus in at activity of experts. CONSIDER RUSSO-GERMAN ; INCIDENT NOW CLOSED j (By The Associated Press.) I LONDON, April 22. Mo-t London newspapers today were of the opinion that the Herman r ply to the Allied do ii i :i nils at (ienoa was in agreement with Mr. I, hud lieoige's position and con . s'.dcrcd lee incident close. I. Some hos tile critics Were still di.s.ilistie.l nith the rep!'.' and oppoM-l Pi t igorousl v . I The Russians received i i-in . Tic Times ca lis and a-ks to what purpos" delegation is encouraging , ing the belshet ist s to t he ' ing a break v. it h Pi.'iiiee . The Morning Post thinks 0.. si. in- hate iii.-ide a good barg-i motes it - corr.s. on-lent at (. predict- tic- Russians will win d , re. ogni' oei . This newspaper t ori sc. s ; tluii tie- bulsuriiki are using this re.og ni'ion ti iropagate here ' ' pi si i lent ui I jcre d and i ai ry on world wide plots of COlMlllliilislll . ' ' The H.iily Telegraph, while holding thai th-- lv"ssian reply is "h-s pre leader of Parisian society, v.. elected a member of my of Science in E siuerable opposition She is tl:e tnsf woman to be so honored bv that wuild famous society. j tn.n of vv but he wits doing, an I that u! i . ti-,. ,. :i:t ot' good character. rt Alt. i- hearing tesiinionv and a plot T the ' R..v ' i Acad ' '" '" ' ,lv "lnl" '"' Contestants tor Knzes. I s ., r.-sn.ration of opportunity to russfls dismtcon" ,"'!" "U de night of the burglarv h.-Y . .. . - . . Iprodme and consume things needed for iusscis, nispitc ion- i ., ,. - ,. I I he Music M. morv contest which has i,, , .,, i,.,i. i,i.i 1 iioroiigldt under th.' mlluence ot r or drugs that he had no r GEN. PERSHING MAY BE li. ii. li e def. o laiit "s attorney for as , V:'! a --iit.il. . as he t ould cotisisti nl !y IN CHARLOTTE M 20 ;S .lad- I i n Ie rt tl pillllsllllll III i I 1 1 1 1 1 : 1 1 progress and bankers should been in progress in Castotiia fur the past 1 keep it in mind that the first call for four weeks canie to a successful coiicltl-! '''I"''1 ,!,l'i,!'1 "IUM ''-' in b-'half . . , ,. . , . lot the farmer, the manufacturer, tilt! sum I- in lav evening a Hie First Iresbv-i , , , ., . , . . , I x ... it . i . and in general, the industrial terian church wh.-if a grand concert f und commercial community . It is 12 numbers was git.-n. More than I ."in i equally important taat banks be kept ontcstiints took p; The entire I from ou r etend ng themselves by too liberal .11 eoiiiliiodal ions to sneculntivn tin o twenty years in the peni-i churcli iiiKlltoriiim was tilled with eager i clients .' I tintiai y, intimating that in so doing he contestants and iuter.-st.d spectators.' Mr Cris-inger declared that he was Hornets Nest Pos American 'f ',lvi"- " ","i""u ' 'llU'"' , ",v""f The affair was of the , .st enjovalde '". ,,ri"K ' "!" s"",!l :i " - . n r r,. I li -- h -1 . n-unit a 1 1 I he i ii-ii.-li I that lie coin,. . , I sage ot assurance that the couutrv was Legion Preparing For Bl3 ,.,,.,,,,,. ,,., , ,-,, ,he , u, mn.-lau, r I ll;ls ,"',, '""M in 111 mll,,v ,,,,1,-01 anmnd the curve and inocing Day HantOrd MacNidsr. :f. ,,ni in .;. ,tid,ne, . jdays. A great deal of good has been I steadily and surely forward oil the National Commander, to Be i accomplished in teaching to children and 1 '""'" 1 '" """"" prosperous conditions. Pi-.nt Al I ADAMS NEGRO GIVEN 1 ,, ., r 1 'The business outlook for the whol Present Also. TWENTY YEAR SENTENCE ' ,h" fam,1,i,r . .mi.tr.- he continued, "is brighter That General Join, a. P. r,,I1:.-. , , ,..,.;.. Sll ri,,r Court lo.h.v i'' ; ' '""" encouraging thai, it has been , . f ,, . ,- ,, ; . , ,. ,, ,. , ., ,,' ' Tin- committee from the Music Club in j tor the past two .tears. We are well ",i,"t,,'r f "" ""' ' - l:' ""Vh"!- ' l.l. I-"' "' ' charge of the con.es, was composed of rid of business and industrial froth, lt.,,1 world war w,ll c,: , . ,-, ,-, t.- and e tu.nty .-;,, s at ha d lab.., "n,, ,.,. M,ss ,.,,.,,;. ,.isl.r I in a position to get on sound and sub- deliver an address on M.,y 'Jo, anmv.r-i . ' ,' '", , , ... . ., , 'man and Miss Marie "I'orrence. Judges 1 stilt :i I lines. We are ready to start siiry of the signing of the Meikh-iibui I lei- la ra t ion of 1 li h I ,. leleu partial assurance protest si ten- .-ril . ,t disturbing 1 ' 1 t he I rit ish and support point o f risk- l.'iis and it ho jure the St.ite iii'.sun on the negro '.v.. lam-, who ,iii-:i,, ,1 gniiiv in inecnaigc . - 'i,. i... ,,it t, i. a, i.,,,,:,,,,,. : lot s,,i,d degr.-e bu.glarv. Owing to , "': evnn.g s cn.-ert were ,i ' Z."".""'. lit.". I,. I:,.- lie :,M tl cvi.ie.,.-.- oeiiiiisi , bat Armstrong, ;. . Wagoner find Mrs. . ' ' 1 .-- ' . . ., . ,- . ,ih ' ' 1 ill', llllll-K. '' v-;l'; l-an d a,, -.a his own i courage and imitative to insure the re- n, attoin.ts fur p.- S'ate :. . there were 12 numbers plated at las' , stal.iislimeii! of prospei itv ,,; t,-d this j.l.-.t. alt'iMiigh it was , tid, lit , mglit 's concert. In. luded ill these w.ve, . . '. ,.,s ,.,;. ul,t.r ,y !i Ms ii a it coi, ies,;,,M that ! !,, in gi". plan", organ, violin and vocal soiccti sUI n..j i i!,,- main are in eondi- I;., ! entered a I., r of I is in the.Th. t.dlow ing is t he list of numbers plat I , j,,,, ;,-,, prepared to finance every pro- ,i! t;rio,is tiims with fel.-nioiis in 'id: Iduelite enterprise, but .should have tint. ! I. Tiiiumei-ei, ,Sch,,,naun. i nothing for speculative adventure. 1 There has been wonderful improvement j in banking and financial circles; money i is si' :iit.l i-l,i -in .ml lis in flu. imuf ' ' f ..o I. Intermezzo, from " 'a v.i lleria lius-lthe banks again will be the bulwark ! of prosperity and tin' sheet-anchor of ' nut i 1 1 1 1 1 progress . ' ' Comes rocona. cays ur. ivreps, ij. p. MORGAN TO ATTEND eived l-v ni'-tnbers - i .,- . I of Hornets Nest Po-t of the Alltel ica n ' Legion, sa.t s cs.a t ur.la.v 's (iiarh.tie (ib-j''i " server. Hanf ord M e N i-l.-r, nu I ion., I cm nder of ;h Amerieaii l.egiou, will be ,, . r th, a-iou, u- , or ling to .an anno. ueiit lu.ule by ictor Shaw, commaii of the local po-t, I'd a long disiuiii e telephone . oiivei.s.-ition yestei.'at with Thomas . Hird, ;f Ashevill . iiiiiiiiiiin.li r of ti..- dep.i 1 1 men t .f mi-iIi .-irolin.'i of the American Le- I ft giou.. I Comes Second. Says Dr. Krebs, ' Hiue itanube Walt.. -Straus Marehe Mililaire, .Schubert. Ate Ma rla, Hai h Con nod. S 6JST0SKI ONE OF CLEANEST GlilES IN UNITED STATES tJ,,' 1 1 iiinoi esiiie, I lv or:i k. post, aiti'i from iind .1, .ni tons tl.au id", says the being mi. h ileclan-s that on tie- bas:- ,-il whol, The 1 1: site t it'll, tl.e Puss! obst ellee pha ban her amount ilt hi lt the l.ussian s new proposal as can be ac ' " no business of a flagrant . to dcliam e. ' oiii.de takes an the belief oves a perilo,:- of the confer the objection t- former ' is far -..tel." can b, I ropos oppo that greatest eelel.rat ions et.-r held 1 I III . mo city, lias oei n n-o :ii-i ' - i'"'.i gion in en and the oil a i;,l ..f the leg post are almost sure tle t ..-e woi Id 's greatest mi'i;;, r . t ; , : in CParlotte on that day. f'artiiil assurance that (" ueiiil IVrt-li- WiVh'f.i. Kansas. Rtinr Con-il 7. I.argo from ".erxe- ing will come for the et.nt, ttlnu he j Jere th8 First Retail! M ''":""S:IV Ameriean U gnm is pi:ii.niag on.- lor . r:.. ri.-I s. Prom the Hand of the Hkv Blue , xpeded to come to Paris next month to Handel., Rir. BANKERS MFETINfl PA li I i, April 22. J. I'. Morgan is in j v V of tlnV .'.ill l,"V tl i ii "A io. , of the It'assiai'S The lie ti s .ii j -i r not pressed 1",) bts and support - expresses rcplv reii ll.-li- tf) the s-.cces- . and takes away coatinned presenct the con ferine ' . Is that l.'u i-in In I regarding her d caims for a loan. j Sir 'forgo Iiaish, (inancicr, t-h graphs the Westminster Haz.cttc tiom 'o-aoa in ilefens.' of the Itusso ( 'ertna n 'agreement. lie urges that if (iermau.v .and Russia i;re subjected to politic is'il.-it ion and economic pressure gi, - t hari'i vtiil result. lb' insists the' ! ( i r. :i t Hi'itaiu must give llussia reus.. a able terms. I c i ..j jj .iWalir. (adman, .attend the international liieetinir ot ... to. ii l m l P. Triumphal March fioiu " A ida. , bankers called by the Allied reparation fl-'gn OCtlOOl Last ltlgni. i I ei'inmi-sion for the purpose of endeavor- Willi llil Tel! " ' ."'.'...'.' i "t- "us "I mi iiiiiiiia- j t i t 1 1 . 1 1 loan for dcrmiiny, according to in formation received in American circles here. Whih toe reiiarati ins commission hits 12. Toreador Song from " Carmen, "' not yet had definite word that Morgan iu j coining, it is believed here it is almost icr at ! certain that he will do so. must citt 1". Ivcrt ure from ii a ft, r a n en liossi ni. r.-l I'r. Stan-! n s..l.P....-s i'l..,r,. fP I ioiltlod. I'.lllst, : l!.-l .!l lilt O I . iiii.n II. I'll or,- :,ls,, . I let lotali . ... K licit'. will be able to ob'uiii t!. a-- nt of I-. Iti. !-s. of hi.-g", ui his a. I ! lii.veriior Cameron Moiiiom t-. n. n s ;-lr--. I te the n.ett.l.. r l.tp of tlie, . i .. :. i ii. ..I i i. ..-I -i i ' I.-1 in I .ec of ( .iioiiier, .- nnil I I',, , , . . Olllg it I II III .- .1 l I,. , i- - . - . , giiai , Ism. i! 's band ai d pt..sil!y a iitili- i 'l.e Last :i W oma u s u a al the h mh , ""' r.,,-.- I,.,.,, I fpi.Mi W'.xhbo. ton -.,.i,.,.. auditorium pridav niglt. His! A t otal of ""io i n cash a nd a '" ta , . .... .-, . i . l-.'....,. i . i i xt..ta ti ! -1 : : j ct t:is t o 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 , i 1 1 ,-ni ra 1 1 za 1 ion niercnaniiise artnies Were onereu as "o "i ' ..toiijaii nerc iinjini- ... i .... ' -l'.. ...li . ..: . . I ...I !.,. l.i,., I.. V..,.. V,.U l-v;,!..,. K.,f I... II , j . ,111,1 . .lil'l lilt. 1 lii- U'l'lll-S CMllipil.CS. ,' ". .....V,-. IUIB I tl'HIJ I.I.IL IIU l.-d th I ia. r. i,t - in-tilui'i ri PriA Winnpra 'was cims'idcring from u standpoint of The Tl.cllt let il of M ... in.-, rk I'll,- of t lie g ri , ' - t hat n ii.orabh- in . i io i , i- v. 1 1 .rations oi it has i vi r ,11, ui i oOl .1 . S Powers Begin Actual Work On The Reconstruction Of Russia b, , a hi id in t liis ciiv. t. it i, 1 ii - - P I tit.ii. possibly, of the iv :.M. oil t .. il ! I'risnl. nt W'oodrot, Wi. -u gra ' !.' city t.itii his prest'iit-e. , r ti, - oc -i-i.il 1 when President Tl r i'" I.'-' '--' ve.t 1 cam. 'o spetlk at tie- ei i, i.i.tti. u. ; Ti lining of (it io .1 IV. -dig wid be ill iiue with tiie ii - :':- H.i -M.- k I. i.buig historical et.-, ; : : or--, -'.'it to tiiis city a. il that la- ' 1 dr.-.ls i.f v isitor- f r..iu a ! belief ,,f t hose ia c !:., : I The legiollU.lir, - I ie li ' 1 .a full big day oi t tie i- , I fade will be one ot tic- - -i bit- including in i-s in, , sort i'-e men, of 1 i; - -f i wars t l: i n has ev er form ,1 I in ao.lress cm i pri.cs, .-, ui s instil in : I ui Id I. ei .- t !, pa t! wi . k under t It. I i ,,cc - id lie !. p i ri mi ii ! of n i ca i.l i ' .'-iTilllS Ot li-e ....-! ( 'oil, llieri .-. The ill-'it sUecesMt t he nt . nihil I t li roil glu ut . lb- ". s night by I'r, sid, I the CesPin'ia- t In i Hi- Kn l.s 'nlisi.lerablo difliclllt usefulness the incitatiou the Morgan ,,,!,. ' i,v tin; .pniges in nwnr.ling iin- priz. s. , . . n . tr i. ., . . .. i. ...ii i te,- highly I '"-'"y oi iiie pajiers ttcie pi.-o i o-.i o t " rotil r.!tioi cominissiun t.. consider tho h,.jli'r .ire,, ' it'l l ;iihi piiiiiiiiiii inn ;tx in.iuc tn tie i ' ' ' linn hnl r.'ii'i -i i'tl t t-i :i f-i'jt it tnntlu'rshin ttiihiittrc ln'ifi oranizi-tl by th i i i . . - .i . . ....... i i. i ......... ...... i. . . i , , I I m 1 1 It p 'i 1 l;i s i ' "i il i ui cini ii H't'imi. ,u rums 'in n t -i , ; , ,: ; i 1 t , ,. .1 1 . 1 t S. A b'-.binson, f . , s spelled words, omission ot quotation ,, hmv,.v,,r- t,,.lt jf ,,-, ,.f 1 !-,,,- marks, mcorrcct pnin-t nat ion, '''. I"""t : .Uv r ,-, , ,. !m., ,., iu r0s,,on0 ,-,l ,;,t In- .o.isi.lers ere. iH-.titf given s.Uo tor neat ness. . , ( ', (. ;,,;,,; u:lM )H. Mr. Morgan I " 1 c u si city in I Ins was the case in all Iliree classes Moating of the j; main loan, but that no" 1, mi- 1 1 Wichit bails- is the ! I A meri a but ii.a' ; next . Hollowing is the list ,,f prie-winiiers: i liims A.- the (iiistoiiia club un i a troihv via warded each member of the winning team . H. !'. Walls, of Wi'.s.ui. ,,'. North Carolina handicap in th - i iifT of a tie with Hazel. ltotii sh. Heated Politics Have Been Cooled by Note Accepting Allied Formula Stating Terms of Renewal of Business Relations. ( harlot', -, ami th.it t.:. I- :i wonder- i ht. ,,,),'., .(.. io:-! afigh liioiit.- t- the H.v. its j r A , :l.(ult-s ) : First Miss Flossie i WEEK'S RECORD KEPT UP lav, I ,, ' ,' ; , ', .-.Jn-nny, -wond Mis- Fannie Wnrr Mit ON WALL STREET TODAY a. A I'll- 1 , sund-t , l and church '"" Mi"s ,;ebe,-ca tlark, fourtii NP'.V "l;h. pril 22. the final .. s, pro!, a 'ltp.h, i ' ' "' ' I Miss Marie l.ittlejolin, fifth Miss iSara n ' ' we. k in the stock market r.- foiinerj ,1l(!:, . 4 V.H -,,.,,',. ...,i, inter -st : 'dwartls, sixth Mis, Mary 15. Mit cite' I. began wi: 'i :i cfitiiuiamv of the recent mi fmi'ier - , '..s, et !,,,l th. ' a! 1. ,: urn of dis I seventh Miss Katie Kanivin, eighth Mi-, n.vat!.v. Sp.U were the strongest fea- a one Jiae ! ' ' ,; ' r,.ii,.,,; ,.r i ,.,,, .-iisl.,,.. I Nell (irecn. ninth Mi-s Joseiihine Miller, tuns, Hidf Si.-it-.-s. Stoss Sileflield, llll'l iters I shot from the !! yanl tin,, and broke !'2 in the main event. Walls broke I out of 20 on the i hoot off against for Hazel and won the trophy. The championship doubl , result.-, a victory for Fred W ashini'ton. a 1st Wilson, who oroKe .'O out jiairs thruwn. il n". ia of of the 2" work on ion of iius.s'.a rts represeii t. tir.-itt Hrit aa. Il.igium, o ,1,-d g in ,ti .-rs It might be stii'id in connect hm with; the above story that Messrs. Morchea 1 j and Marson sire IhiHi bnnafide members of the tJ.istonia u n Clulv. There is no gun club in Charlotte and the two ' gentlemen belong to the Hastcmia club, j - i MISSOURI IS FALLING. ST. LOUIS. April 22. Apparently j ending its rampage, the Missouri river today was reported to be falling (trad-I lially from St. I.ouis to Cairo, Ills..! leaving in its wake more than 2 0 0! ' -i . - ... . . l .... 1.. .. i ... ' Square nuns in ttiiuiuaieo taint tiiiiti mi tsouthern Illinois, causing a loss of over 2,0W,(Ji (. in vri.pJ( prr irt ami iiro Btot-k, ami tlepriviug approiijiiatcly 1,- t mil . , .- 1. . iv I uvu jiriwua vi iiim h-jimio, j i . !-:.()A, April 22 - ' ti .-! plan for the roc. .n-l ria I m w:is started tutia.v by c ing the soviet (.ovcriin,- i ain. F ranee, Ita'y. J.i' aa. Cz.-. he Slovakia and H" ' , a ' The heat -il poli'ics tnu"1' Ril-sian pr .l.lcms has been M. Chitcherin 's note accept i main the Allied formula st terms on which the great i vtiiiing to resume business re!a'.:,-:i Kussia .. Sir Edward Crigg. p.'na'e to the I'.ritish Prime Miuist.-r. ai ers prominent in the eon fi r. a. -. made it clear that no propositi" bet n put forward for government to Hussia, nor government guarantee r.f laons. The idea of the financial and economic experts is that, when Russia reiiches a position where she can give investors assurance that there will be legal basis for undertakings in Kussia and that foreigners will have protection under proper courts, abuad ant crtslits will be forthcoming for the development of liussian resources. The single important point of differ r-nc' between the J?u.sslaiis and th" a'b nl representative is the unwillingness of the former to restore the free bold property which or ietiiisit ioiied they are tonne r the by the the are with .-tart' oth hat" i has loans title of foreigner been iiatianaii.ed Kussia. although re-tore it to t'i tle-ir use. In the case ,f doubtless be on a concession to lies which ,;,ve hitherto boc'iuse the former owners operate them unless assure, tit'e would be restored may ed if the soviet concessions willing o-.v in rs I i.l line, win 11 t he pas' t . r. railed . Then the adtlre-s. , i, ... ing, if he comes, and el ; iiiandt-r MacNid.-r. who I s iollllt l d that he will i ' iu- . I ,,.v . 'anu-ron Mot r i - a . a ., consume the gn a'- r i ' ' grain of the morning v 11 The afternoon is at -,. . ii. pending f urt :.. l at. .-.iil.S . I fu,i..,l,e.l'a's lii ' Ian ' l-i'i- of v. I. at a in , ral Persh- ! spir.ii ion , I and pia-'i, a iotial Com- jn , ,,i,ip;i,i, nt , i i....ii!i dr. ady an- ,,f t. , ,u- tu.,-, . r :,, ag with expected the pro being left - pin, lit of fact or'es. this It. II basis. F. st,.,,.) -; ref used I that tu be reo p. are git. THE WLATHEB North Carolina, fan teiiinht and Sun day, rising temperatuie Sunday. real nasis hy the I'ciioa negotiations The International Harvester Company and many other hirge corporatitui- lu.v ng factories or mines in Kns-i.i hat, dtsdined to consider eoilcesi..ns t i ran the proiwrtic they vigorously contend are theirs, antl not owneil by the Soviet Goverunient . The concessions hitherto offered to American ami Hrit ish promoter- by Leonid Krasxin. Soviet romniissar of trade, have Wen too nebulous, to at tract capital iu the opinion of the pros lift developers. FToquentlv this lies' ration has been liawd on tlie fear tha' the former owners of the proerties may some day claim them. This fear, the lio' hevists believe, would b- largely .lis Pd!ed by international iwogniiiii -f their right to national -property. ' .ruii.eiit au-l .-. greatest n.-.-d ' tiar degr.-e . i . work i Itro'i.; ii " niaki.ig i' i i oig aiiiatioi .- i weal . tr-ii'i certain 11 is oul I be was in II.' referred to the work . r ' In' City goV- , : i .-a ti urged as the f .. a I, at ion to a fur liiHiiii I'y i litcrest s an I , in in'., r of , umiiieree, -i, 'all.,- of all other sag t'.r t he fit v 's WINSTON-SAM M TERMINAL CO. ' WANTS TO ISSUE BONDS' A .ril 22 ad HONEST ROBBER IS ACQUITTED BY JURY SAN FRANCISCO, April 22. John M. GUroy was releastd today as an "honest robber." Gilroy told the jury he had been out of work, his wife and his children hungry. He needed $6, so he took his revolver and held up the soft drink establishment of William Moorman, taking the Stwfrom the tilL He found work next day and out of his first pay he paid Moorman the $6, then surrendered to the police. The jury took a standing vote of acquittal. The companv asked . . 'omiuission to issue $7t)fl,00U ill i ie iii 1 100, and to pose of raising ' pasM'iiger terminal rioik & Western, am riilt'ui Souiii I I to guarantee the j if the principal on I WASH I N 1 Wins-ton .-a the Inters:..' day for a i. ta li ve per . .-', i sell t In in I a j money to ' ; in tiui- . Bouthviti. 1 w" ' Hound b", . : ' ! ag-' ' interest i p.'.t ii ' ii! I the ,e, a. I .L- ; A s.-, "ii'l iiiiai" . ap plication to the I Coniniissiei!. from the Centra! of Georgia Ritilwav, ask 'I approval for an issue of ' :;i,;.iiiio in bands, to reimburse the treasury h- railroad for exiK'ndituresi alreiidv i..ade on betternieiits to its line. Authority was also asked to use the se- furitii s if ntsessnry as collateral in pro curing leans from the Unite,! States or j from jin.Hiiv-i.tl institutions, but not for 'the !.. j Class H. (ages 12 to IS); First Miss , I-;, p:,,,li-- -,, ai using one point or more. Margaret 1 nd.iwood, second Miss Sara Cils ,,".., were very strong. esieeiall' Hlenn, third Miss Flleti Morris, fourtii S'.-n , v i Oil ." California and Royal Miss Carrie Mel.-an Taylor, fifth Mi-s I ti'.ci,. Studeoak. r, which led yeater- Ileh-n Chandler, sixth Miss Kdith 1'ark lay s aia rk. t . r -e a fraction at the out- cr, seventh Miss Margaret Warren. set to the n- w high, record of 1243-S. Class .( under 12 years, of ago : Fir-t i "... Ic-s v, re u,sp: -u hh among thrt pri.- Mis, Susan lilenn. (Tther class C. higher 'ail-, .'.'ii.-h also included Chicago prizes will be announced in Monday's Nor! it .t . -p ra, and Minneapolis & St. (i.-izet!,-. Louis, to. peis and utilities, natably Almoin., t-iuent will b, made in Mo'i- A merit .in Tel, , hone and Hrooklyn day 's ( iael te as to vvln-n and where the Union were si'.i.siaiit'ntlly higher with prize -.tinners may secure the pii.es. ctanihais ;.,..I in-itor accessories. WON DESPERA TE BA TTLE FOR LIFE AGAINST BIG DEVIL FISH (By The Associated Tress.) TAC0MA, WASH., April 22. Battling for his life fifty feet be neath the surface of Puget Sound, Walter McCray, a diver known in ma rine circles from Alaska to California, came out victorious here yesterday over a giant devil fish. The monster wound its tenacles so tightly about McCray that the diver was unable to reach the knife he car ried for protection. When one ten acle threatened to cut off the air sup ply, McCray, through the submarine telephone called for a short steel wrecking ba r. With this weapon hev was able to pierce the body of the devil fish and at last, with man and monster still struggling desparately, McCray was drawn to the surface by his assistant and other men called to help. ? While Richard Burnett, a deck watchman, stood by with drawn pis tols, unable to shoot because the diver and devil fish were so completely tangled, others attacked with what weapons there were at hand and final ly the devil fish released its bold and disappeared beneath the water. Th devil fish was one of the large.it ever seen in these waters. '-

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