GASTON A DAILY GAZETTE LocaLCotton 17 Cents 7 GASTONIA, N. C, MONDAY AFTERNOON, APRIL 24, 1922. VOL. XLIIL NO. 97. SINGLE COPY 5 CENTS Weather: Fair MB. GEORGE W. WILSON HAS WITHDRAWN HIS NAM FROM SOLICITOR'S RACE John Carpenter, of Gastortfa, Has Entered Name H SteDhen B. Dolley and Mi vin L. Ritch Are Entered- Mecklenburg Situation. (Charlotte Observer.) That George W. Wilson, 6f (ia Vas withdrawn from the race for in the 14th judicial district ami of John Carpenter, of Uastouiav tcrduy filed his uaie as candidate by wire, is the information received from Mr. Carpenter, through some''' of his friends in the city. Mr. Wilson, who lias been solicitor for the past 12 years, is said to be in a kh.i itarium in Philadelphia, taking treatment , and is reported as having sent a tele gram yesterday to friends of Mr. Car penter in Gastonia, announcing his with drawal because of the condition of his health, ami in favor of Mr. Carpenter. With his wiflnlrawal ami the entrance of Mr. Carpenter, the race will doubtless become a warm contest, since Stephen It. Dolley, former service man and captain of the Gastonia military company, has been in the race for some time. Announce ment is also made from Kaleigii that Mar vin L. Hitch, of Charlotte, has also hied hU notice as a candidate for the solicitor bhip in this district. Mr. Carpenter ha been the Inch r it tin- democratic party in Crt-don ..unity for some time, .-civing as chairman l the county executive voininit ! He 's a lawyer with a splendid reputation, par ticnhirlv ill eriiiiina! luacticc. hnrlnttc friends predict that In splendid race, saying t known and popular i'i will it Ii" itii (. ma se is stun hi- c and Mecklenburg count i. s. .Mr. Dolley has been a,'iv i puiTn for several weeks ah I Jieved that he wiil have a -pi lowing, pnrticiilar'y an."!';, t endi.i fol ic'lll T I a cau ie ha vine, service men. Mr. liitch di-iate for this posili .1 oppo-ed (Solicitor Wilsu lie was also a . .1 i-1 il:itt I I.. I l' Oil ill la tic. primary f..r the 11 iuati 01 Congress in the nintii .ii.-ui.-t two lor . ai s ago. ludge W. V. Har.;ii:g. will not lie opposed in tin judgeship in . this dist ricf , democrat nor cm 11 a repi. an opponent filed iii name f 1 race I'., neither iii:MI. 1 11. I it c, the mails 'before the filing notices, and hio office of the board of eijih nt sundown e-i thought, however. 1 hat Inslll not i,-. r ia v. 1 1 IK' d 11 l.ol p: ve'op t 1 liiin. The withdrawal of 1'". .1 son, of Charlotte, and the ment of John t'nipeiiter that cau.lidate for s di.-itor. leav, man A. 1.. Hulw ii:kie a lone i cratic field for C-.ingr-- in ti trict, unless anot her I 1'" h".. which was nut ..n der d hk Havel :i nil vvii I hi PUN TO ERECT HUGE GSENTIF10 MUSEUM Washington Building Where Sun Spots and Rotation of the Earth on Its Axis May be Observed. (Hv The As, WASUIM.Ti IN. for the ere tiea i I, II 1,1 11 m l.uihling .National Academy "1 I A..ri' Was : 1 I'I , d National I.' 1 1 for scien. w ere announce I 1 ... Walcott, presi.lei.t Academy, at the op. meeting here. The expected lo be eoini 1 next fall. Dr. Wale an. il ,i l'r. bv 1 Nali.ii Ss'llHi of g. Which a year fit I. is a g I llii mi !t s.i it 1 of the Carnegi" Foiiul York. Facing the Fir in Fotouiae I 'ark. from slrmture, it vvas said, wi of New 'a.'IMol north. 1'. of si 111 j I .lies ft'oli I fronta". I. classical style, rising thr " a broad terrace and having : of litlO feet. In addition to serving as elite center for scientists, the will be designed, it was s; , ,i tating inuseum'' of th. progr. cress of scientific achievement 1! It III a ' ' mi. of s. i A larg on the auditorium and a lecture room main floor will be surround, exhibition rooms, in which scientific discoveries will be d by sev en newe-t us' rat . .1 for the benefit of the jmlilic One of the most interesting feature., of the building for the visit, ir will be a coelestat teleHcojie mounted on th. dome of the rotunda which will throw a large image of the sua on a white surface ami demonstrate to the actual vision of the layman the natural phe nomenon of sun sjiots. He will so" the Sots ehanfte in number and form from day to day and move across the disc as the sun turns on its axis. IIecatinK the celebrated experiment of Foucault, another phenomenon the rotation of the earth will be shown by a 60-foot Js'iidelum imspcii.h'.l from the center of the dome. Swinging in n long arc, the .endclum will mark an invariable direction in sjiaie, and as the earth and the building rotate benath it this will be plainly shown by the steady change in direction of the js'iidlenum 's swing over a divided arc. Many other I'henomena, it was said, will be clo moustratod in striking form, including magnetic storms and earthquakes. S. A. L. GETS NEW EQUIPMENT. (By The Associated I'ress.) WAfcHINfiTOX. April 24. Flans of i the- tsratioara Air Line Railway to c i-i""- . " .Hjiupmcnt by th issue of Finj.:rient cer- tineate inrftiigi. n insi-isr tion were ppro'M today by tiic Inter State Conunerw CVmrussion, Plaintiffs In The Hospital Suil File A Long List Of Complaints f Irregularities In The Election Alleged That Election That It Is Not a Necessary Expense For Gas ton County, That the Manner of Conducting Registration Books Declare Their Property Will Be Injured by Establishment of Hospital in County Attoi r w w m m mm WH nevs Ask ror Dili eard Before Judge A Ull oT coiiiplaint containing some 12 or l." articles and charges has been filed with the ch-rk of the court against the board of county commissioners by the plaintiffs, .1. Math Armstrong, A. V. Gaston, W. H. Ford, K. K. Huin tney, J. A. lihyue, K. L. Stroup, A. F. Childers, J. V. M. Jenkins and L. K. Dickson, in the suit instituted !o contest the recent tuberculosis hos pital election. The complaint is u I lengthy aic njt Jiy an. I voluminous legal document I of some in nr 1 2 typewritten ,aRos. A j full text of the complaint will appear j in tomorrow 's paper. The summary of file complaints is that the act ordering the election was unconstitutional, in jtliat it ii a local and special act rclat 'ir.g to health, that it is not a necessary .expense of (iaston county and that the ! commissioners are without authority to i levy tin- special taxes imposed, that the 'rev, aue which the defendant board can raise is required to pay the necessary epeu-.s of the county, that the board tailed to give due and proper notices of Mho election and of the registration for 1 same, that the board failed to publish 'notice of said election at some place in the several townships of the county, ithat the registration was conducted i! ilee-a'iv in tnat the books were not kt pt . .. . .: I .1 open at the proper nines iiau i.i.ei-s, 1 1 ; 1 1 many were registered by telephone aiol that the wives of many electors wi i-e registered by proxy by th'ir bus lainls. that many were placed on the bonks who were not lawfully entitled to register and vote in the election, etc., etc. The concluding (.aragrajdis .t the 'complaint read as follows: ! That if the defendants are permiltid J to issue said bonds and (o levy said tax 1 es t lie same w ill constitute a cloud upon 'llie titles to the .ropcrty owned by the 1 plaintiffs and other jiroperty owners or ' ( iaston ( 'oimty and I 1 a rable injury and . Mi. t ne jilaint iff s an serious and lire amage will result I other ju-opertv j ...v in rs and tax .vers of said county. a lid wiil numerous essitate llie institution ot lions and suits by the plain ill's and others to jirotect their lights. WIlKKF.FOKi:, the jdaiutifis pray .iu.l'.iiieii! : I I 1 .That for the alh'K-d said election and the Mailing am 'iie defendant Foal'. cause heninbefore be adjudged void, determination of of Commissioners the result thereof 10 set aside va.-at. I and annulled. ' 1 That a writ of injunction be I preliminary, until the hearing ot this cause, and jicrniancnt thereafter en joining and restraining the defendants from proceeding further under the Act of the Legislature hereinbefore cited I lefeired to, ami j.a rt i.nla rly en joining and rest raining the defendants fr.-i.i issuing the bonds horeinlioforo de sert bed, as will as from levying any tax for payment of the interest upon s.-nd bonds and the thereof, , : j . ,i 1 their maturity, or any tax for the sapport and maintenance of said tuber r.llols hospital. i ,. That the plaintiffs may have Mich other and further relief in the premises as the e.uily of the case mav require . In answer tbeieto, the linn of Man gum iV llciiny has requested a bill of , . ! . 1 i..:.. . . . 1 1 .... . I 1 a ri ;c u ui 1 s lium ine .iiii . .hhm- i nevs, Messrs. l.'edd and liobinson, of ' ' 1 1 a r I oi 1 1 . Their .answer reads thus: ! stale of North Carolina, County of j i.a ton, 111 the Superior Court. .1. Math. Armstrong, A. I'. (iaston, i W . K. Ford. F. F. Summey, .1. A. b'h.v .1 soli. F. P. ,l . .1. II. tills. st roup, A. F. Childers. nkiMs and L. F. Hick- w : fi. Vs. Tie Hoard of (ouiKy Commissioners !' i.asli.u Cnmity, and I! . K. Haven -. ri. K. F. From boi g.r, K. L. Stowe, W. Sunuu, v -, P. If. Mauney and (.. K.inkiu. as individuals of the oaid of County Commissioners of Cns im Countv. Pefeiidan's. Tin 'oalt il.ov" defendant s to require t entitled ncti' (it fully ask plaintiff's in. to furnish to ,f particulars i,i to enable : !y ;.reare ... '., the said the t i li the to the an let. in hints, a bill their defel SW rr complaint in da, its to in!.'! and make d.-f such bill of j.. tion. siah bill of parte : prayed as follows: 1 . To paragi ai n N complaint, furnish the a.,n '-. '.'f ""' s ot the r.-K- r. gist ration uicd the f'- istrar and the jiia. is ' ,r where it is alleged and . istrar failed and neglected registration books op n f. r tion of electors, aiel ii-ucv. istratioii book from the pia. ed by law as those a' should :jliy for registratioi 2. The names of the r canvassed their rcsiH-ctivc j.r keep the rcgist i a -aid Teg- icsignat- lectors: who with the-, pro .nets said registration books, tuvnring registration of th"' eh, tors who I''d to vote in favor of the :.:' fu be submitted hjihi said taction st ions i. and names the names of such electors were canvassed ami secured f..r i'-g traiion. as alleged in Mich para grip .'1. . The names of the qualified vol. '"jhn were allotted to have lfn do; ii OI the ojiKirtiiiiirv and jirivilcg jstering to vote in said election et r, g b. cause dee ". defendant l8rt failed to give ti-e of the registration of said ehsti 4. The names of UW electors ' Was Unconstitutional, Was Illegal Plaintiffs or Particulars lo Joe Finley in Charlotte. are alleged to have been opposed to the establishment and support of the said Tuberculosis H..silal, and who are al leged to have been deprived of thejr to register and vote in the said elect ho.i by reason of the alleged unlaw ful manner in which said registration was conducted . o. And in pa rag ra Jill No. Iii of such complaint, the names of the registrars who Were alleged to have jilaeed ujion the bunks the names of many jicrsmis who were not rightfully entitled to reg ister and vole in said election; and the alleged names of numerous jiersoiLs who were i;n-ed upon the books by such registrars without any upiliratiou of sub persons for registration; and the nanus of the registrars who were al legcd to have 1 .!;,- 1 sucli persons on such books who did not apply for reg ist rat ion . ti. And the names of the registrars who wen alleged to have registered wo men at the instance of their husbands and other male relatives, without them presenting themselves for registration; and the nanus of the women who are alleged to have so registered. 7. The names of the registrars who weie alleged to have jiermitted others to register by telephoning to the regis trar of their respective precincts, and Hi. names of the registrars who were aiieged to have registered such other I'i rsons by P i, -honing . V And mi paiagraph 11 of such i- m j la in t . the names ot the registrars who talle'l an. I negleete.l 10 alien. 1 ai the jelling plao i of their respective precincts election . Saturday j. receding said MARVIN RITCH GIVES HIS VIEWS ON SOLICITORSHIP the Savs He Is in the Race to Finish and Will Deal Jus tice to All If Eleceted Re fers to Recent Mill Disputes. Nvith tie ill! 1 1 1 iott". into I IP a .1 u.ii.ia 1 iii Solicitor NVds .n (i. I a rpi liter, o sit nat ion has I tag. Another 1 ine of Marvin Kite!., of ; solicit or '- ra.-c in 1I10 trict. the w 11 h.lra w a I of .il l I he eiltian f .l .hn (.astonia. 1:..- politic:il mill' decide ily iff. rest aslouia attonav, Cajit. v, is also a candidate, ved on the str. . ts of S.ep,H ; Wh.11 I lia st on 1 Candida af thai "V.- n. ior i nterv ie this noiniiiij jiertaining to Ids for Solicitor, Marvin !.. Hil.h. ,11.'. had the following to say: I have decided to allow my nam" to ! placed on the l)iiii".-ii ., ticket ; Pistricf. ' for the! ins; it in ,.n and I d. in I ,- ! for Soli. it. 1 It has not pill. Os (,f r ill the Fourteen been placed ther 'lading or any p way. The light is mil in it the liuf-h. If clot 1 1 v . pita!, labor, officialdom 11- 1 pul. lie. will receive at my hands a sq .lea '. and not h ing ! !u 1 i'i sc t a alwa v s Mo tin- but torn of , and find out w h ic ; should be done in ' Yes, jn case I ! roubles. I hereby uior. eu.le . It will I ivor to trv t . all tiie I he quoHlioiis r.ris truth is. and v. premises. III P' serious indasf r'.'il dge myself to su h safe-guard tie best as well as that of the good people of credit for knowing ! .Iras' ic ad ion as will j interest a of t he mil's i the workers. I', rhap I (Iaston wil! give ine a lilM, subject. bout the valiolis angles of thi ll oguht t. be made .rrfe.t char at t'n'n time, however, to lxth ra pi tal and labor, that in their vari no he.ivals which are sure In dine in :! - ' com. nullity in lie- fa' are, . them have anv cm u r on that neitl the solicit the district. 'Lav eiif. i cem. i,' : it is no rig j catch and try one man for same jfigninst the laws of the land, an him to th. rack jd'o. an I then no; j l- nla'iv ninety and nine worse 'tors to free. It is this Vie 1 of ' forcOMieut whicli is . .-.using all i I heart aches and Pangs, poverty. trial troubles and a'l. T think 1 i said en iugli fur the public to .jn.lgo as to where 1 stand on all o , vital questions. ' ' Ier. LITTLE HOPE FOR RECOVERY OF AUGUSTA BALL PLAYER (Bv The Associated Tress. J I (iBKEWll I I" f i..r;t M wile attending j.hvsicians ami i' , rTi-ial av that . ,,J1Ssod a vrrv i -' , fu nil)lU j-,,,,, if .lMV li j!( ,.,ir,.r- ,,,, I r, that Herman V.,-;u !.... . ,n on the Augusta baseball team of !' Smith AUautie League, can siirviv, i' injuries he had suffered ,-arlv s a hr niorninz. when th hp a,i four 01(,r ,,!. ,' ,;.. gusia nut) were proceeding from city to AiiKiistn wa wrecked. Mr. suffered a broken back, and while physiVians say that he mav linger or seierai weeks or even a mouth, tiny see no possibility that he mav recover. An oiKration prolwiblv will not ! at teiiij.tixl, physieians said nothing . :' ' ls a.-com.lishe.l as a result of s.a h i ration . wi Davis, first bawmnn. An Tr.-f l rv. left fielder r yi.. . :. i .t left ,,,,i Wa;,i..n .. ' - , 1 1' (I .I.IINLI I S. . 1 s-nioner. other noruoan I the car, escaped with minor bruits ami s.-ratches. aJthnugh it is Mid that P.vis may tx out of tlte game for so-.-ral Ji,vs as a result of hia injuri-. DEACONS CANCELLED ACTRESS' APPEAR ANCE IN CHURCH. NASHAU, N. H., April 24. Vir Einia Pearson, motion mcture actress jwho was to have spoken at the First (Baptist church last night, was pre sented at the last minute by the dei- tons. They instructed the pastor to kit noun ce that ttie action waj not for 'the good of the church." A crowd that filled the aditorium tfor the first time ia its hntory had ap- peared to hear Miss Pearion teU of vuvna i (aiac 10- iiiuiai, Butauaiu of the stage." Sh? said afterwarjj that he was invited to speak by the pastor, adding that the action of the deacons was "apparently the work 01 people who think that actors and actresses' arc damned forevir." nrnttiut it 3 n srrA ITSELF AGAIN TO TASK OF EUROPE PROBLEMS Announcement by German Delegates That They Would Not Reply to Allies' Second Note Is Received With Re lief Had Begun to Despair of Success of Conference. (By The Ajciau. li.NOA, A 1 ni ' I - 11 t he gv rai i ng (cm- ., Ii has been a' rn,. sO ! .lav w In 1 1 rs ami hopes, ., 1. I 1. .. . political crises u'lirh ;.; si ruy it a ltogi 1 1. ci , set 1 : . the task of readjusting life of Kuroj'o. The aniiiiiinei in. -ni I. ia egat"s la t night thai ti,. reply to the Allies so ..nd they did not wish Jo end; cess of the coiifereii. e. w. erywliere with frank', utt relief, for almost 1 , r I... ning to desj.a ir so 1 , ' i ference would end m l.g. r 1 11. that , n,(.hf 1Mirls In all iiiart.Ts ..,i of .raise tor tiv 1- h. i-if. f tk. Julian ,.;,d , i;,rlMOI1 v S(, tj.,lt , ! ren. e ii'ight prol. concent into ii.ou the niii-i ni. I i ileum tor which il u..s ni-gn 1, ii d . Six sub-coiiuiiissinns 1,1 re s. Ii ! j to hold meetings todav, tl..- .- Mail tee of experts th,. I!i,si:m t I ti.iu mad.! jilans to take i.p m-i in inn I reiiort on the recasti net nm of b'11 I piepare.l Py I lie A lli.-d cxp. 1 ; s "' '',""'on- This ie,(.ii en. met Ills 1 111 1 ine .piesTiou or i.aim.iiig da's debts, but also mat ten oreigners in their relations a, bearing on the legal .rote of lills v.tal .. ith Kus lion fur a.iug in . ithrow 11 ia 11. 1 no erts, be are U hav. their .1. J;,s. Ti,, '. ' delegation for the .en! its not i sue I as .hi answer to cause ' is in later b'lissi.iii note a. c. ; terms as a basis 01 .1 sian spokesmen explain. d 111. atiol tll-g .iih All I lie-it the mem orandum, which the "" palp:. table, merely vol. . I of the Soviet delegates .1' of t lie negotia I ions, w h. 1 have decided to modi!; opinions . They were careful, how the reservation that In, was contingent upon s found iiu ' !o ,q unions ie Ills, .;,g, ,s 11, nv they their earlii leak -Ini, at ion , ssf',,1 , rs. 1 SO III, , , pa, i f ihe ..ale. une ot the pt.sei.' Out the confereioe has in, any shocks anil si i,s .i 1, ''' 1 aara es 1IO long,! a i . a e ic whicli they old ..' the deliberations. 1 ems ' ., .. ing it. 1 en te results and it 1 f. cling that at I th. : mug has oeeu ma le il the deranged ecoii.ui. , I'd ! I, ; Kurope . Suc!i seems ! In opeiiiug 01 tlie t til I'I week ..It. I'elice. COLUMBUS CITY MANAGER VICTIM OF ASSAILANTS Mayor Receives Threatening Letters Demanding Remov al of City Manager and Su perintendent of Public Works. i il.I'M FFs. between noon ac I i limit " of -is 1... I,: -ic-eived by Mav,. and ( ily Manag, r as the "dead Iii.. " the latter, will hav The letters r.-civ the heads of tl hn-alened the Ii'. . s -li..ii.l the mayor . ,'y manngcr and ; .a lutemlent of ie.1, -To-lay. ''lime letters 1 1 moii . tin 1h, Iier ion Illllkle. removal of .sscd. . tnrday by'i nment, : ,. offi.-ia Is, : -. hargo the j,. .Mas-ey, 8u s. wi'hin irs. The : missives is link:: .', cording t 1 1i, ,'' rs, they v. or o n hour, which i, . v. force ti as liiii, i t i j'ire during t Manager H'nkle . f t ae main streets v cuing by lim e in, ' ,,i ning to his hot. automobile in a gar: 1 n.uisly injured, th" le-k today with his Adding more to ti I villainous letters is directly refer to the ine i. ager Friday. The i'ity has of!, a-saiiants of lie' ci'.', si ildillg OI . s' a ii. p on the : around the - i,., a I detect - !,' nine limit .i;y f ternoon . - ' , ked mi one i mil. biw Frblay u v.' ale he was re- ..:.r jdacing his e, . While not so la .i agi r is at Lis ii. al in bandages. , s. rioiisness of the te fact that they a't.i. k on the city e. jvl.tnio i, ...n iger. for the THE WEATHER ; North Carolina, fair tonight ami lues May, liht front tonight. France Will Undertake AloneTo Enforce Treaty Of Versailles If! Germany Fails In Reparations, So Declares Premier Poincare in Speech at Bar Le Due May 31 Is Important Date For France On That Day Germans Must Accept Conditions or Default in Their Payment. (Bv The Asso'LitM Press.) I'.Ai; IK IH'C. April 24 Premier I'' am;. an,! y. in a speech hero to day that it' the Kr. 11. Ii d.lejfntion at (ieuoa ci.u'd no! cm, alien. I with its work limler wool. I pat ini tho r.'K" agreed , t fully I1.1 . I'I it inllS France case pnrtici- Apiil .'I - -i.nd. l take a et . rsailles is .tcf a lilt in .:. I ' render -pee. ll before j .1.1 .1 i t ment ! in the etui ; 1 1 ' 1 1 I ai: 1.1: ii-. . if lie thai II. I'i Fi a nee will lone lo so- I is i-ee ut 1 I II I he ! t hoi r roj a r , : ion I I 'oi ilea re 1 11 1 1111 . t - I I he genei al con n. I of the Mens - leda The thirtv liisl .f Ni. when the I he loe, . iiitti 1 I ie : ma as 111 iisl Iher v Hi. I ions laid .low n o mi ssinii or .I- f ill' an iinpoi laut iat. ' j 0 em ier . 1 1 i - I a r 111 1 a. 1 1 ; ia in. nt is I'i: ..nd the . I o said, sun., the glitv ,,f in full 1 1 i --p. duty of main!: : tin- treaty. Ail w, ,;,v. 1 1 . 1 -11 inn.. I lie int. 1 aske.l an .1 II . tie.. I . sk 1. is the ix M. I ' and sli.,1 depends .1 natioii; .cation ..f th IV, no. ..f tar i'i" sa d are, "'and thi! I have. The p upon i . I )nr ' havi' I In rope - and 1 II it . 1 1 is 1 t a end 1 1 j.rospi 1 i: y .1. liot b .le It hoot 1 el It Is I. Ijotat . cliol per- 1 tl hi or l. that we wil v el 1 llg a II 1 1 must ,11 1 I, rr. m the , rinai the .1 he II of !. d. the .as, ardent the A but ' I n-alv v ho lies 111 .1. t'.llll I. -col d ' III tel III may in .as, of need, re ach measures as are .leemed in. I we s b:i 1 1 not suffer it, .;. 1 , our the f a nnforl unale country succumb bin. leu of reparations along Illld. I a Crnianv that does not con make the no ess.ny effort to .lis ,1 I . llge her debts. ' W. shall .h fciid. 111 full re, 1 he French calls, , and w and. ,11 any arms the treaty Kef. Ming to the charges 11 ai. l ini per. 1 lism mad illdep.'lid shall not ;i v es us . f liiilitar against a I a 1 , e, M . 1'iiiiu a ie said : Th, . nt imperialism of Fran, e is a 1 heine iii some oiiiitrn s, 111 ate charged with ulterior 1110 . uiiques! . I do not know of French public win) lias iinul of I. rritolial a iin.xat ion . it sing! . r dr. :t wh. do, b'ap s not understand today af ilh- ac, or.l i The I.'nsso li. r the leiice liar, would is;, l ining 1 0,1 la j al: .v . .-.nd I, rings out into the : in EUROPE FACES GREA TEST POLITICAL 'STIRRING DAYS OF 1914 Not One But Several Wars Are Within Easy View Process of Disintegration Ia Steadily Going on Russo-German Pact Threatens Ruin of Smaller States Lying Along Russian and German Frontiers. . . j 1 1 . W As! ii.-.- J .Ti N. !'' I 1. Not ' I isis the pr, that as ac N"..t alt and V ! t h. qa a. in cer . tilele IS ,1-Oces.s nl ily. Mor s; ra inia ; ill l! ui-lle, all I the v. Tien plac- I I" li:i 1 is! lit : a Ki i gra ' ' for at I pr. Ai. Fi; I sing I ab i e. No.v. d a bred the Ii,. en. I it ' v Fral Aust i :a ca ris; i, 111 1. the ( 'on . i. -at. u- en .::raiiiai' it n nt v Ol bv Ibis I r' 1 1. j iv a h one call-'d Ii- appeared with .-.. I here was no e action then ho- ' en lir.n lossly di- he winie sit unt inn , to (ioijua to , ;..:iev of asH-ia-1 .'t alliance. It i an 1 the Kasso- nated means War i w hi.'h has 1m- n la r tiie Rustavi -Cer lepudiated or re rs. the fact of the . nat ions hai tM'en fact threatens tw ' ruin of all the along the Russian . and tha lUtiinate tin' eon.iii pO'-sihiiil IUH41 t ia vid.s'. T f-bta ins. i.l.s-id b. . I tion all ; has d. f (ieman r . The s o n a 1 . I min : affirm, ass... i i est.,!, ; I thing I snu ale an ! dcsti ! Fit and Death Struggle. s a matter ot life and - r,'. . Foian.l, little entente : ,. !, ..nanin ami i'zechnRlova in : . j.robability Jugo slavia. . .,:.,' ':-. of their present i T e.y there is nothing to Ft ' , :, .-i.-in'nss f ronrMrti minning t cmpletins the task iinfia- st: i. t war. If this is Uonp, a iii'ua Krar-c always full light the synijiathies which have d. . l.i.,. in the darkueRs between the bolslicviki and the Cicmians. How inanv .. rsons, wrested from their con liden. . ,,f yestorihiy, will not now ad mit that the Cabinet was right in desir ing to insist for the moment ou eight een mouths military service f" M . I'oineari referred to the discover- ies of stacks in Silesia, the in of arms and munitions formation of jioliee or- iermanv composed of former lion commissioned officers, which he said, were su easily transformed in to a framework of military force. Ho instanced these things, as well as the t pan ( lerinan agitation, tii,. 1 precaulions of Fiance. I '"Tilings are going on in (ierinany,' ' lie said, "as if the jian-t iermans were watching for an opportunity to foment trouble sooner or later, 011 their east ern frontier with a view to getting back by force the l'olish regions taken from (ierinany by the treaty of Ver sailles . 'What is going on in fienoa." con tinued the l'remier, ''singularly con firms all we knew of the state of mind of too great a portion of the einire. Mow long hack had (ierinany prepared lie- treaty with the Soviet government and are we sure the treaty has been n 'tiroh .ulilislie.l f Is if or is it not ac coinianied by secret clauses I Is it sim- : ply a shield for iolitical and military j conventions f ' ' i At any rate, added .f. Poincare, the i coming together of (ierinany and the Soviets was a great menace to I'oland and an indirect menace to France. HILL HEIRS MUST AGREE OR COURT WILL ACT ST. FAFF. MINN'., April l'I. IVti , (ions of contending heirs of Mrs. James 1,1. Hill for appointment of either the MNorf liwestcrn Trust Company or Louis ' YY. Hill a administrator of her .? ll'.mm,- , nun ,.wt:ite were denied by l'rovate Judge Howard Wheeler in a decision hied ' today. I Judge Whoe'er held that the contro versy among the nine children had dis qualify ,1 both applicants. Fnless they a giec ,,n an administrator or administra tors l,y May ") the couit w ill make il s ow n selecl ion. The con! roversT resulted 111 a long hearing ill probate court here, with one 1 out. 'in ling group of seven heirs of the 'ate empire builder, headed by James N. Mill, of New York, the el. loot sun. and with Louis W. Hill, chairman c llie Croat North, in Railway, joined will. 'Jie sister in the opposition. CRISIS SINCE italile mav l d f. a ;ein t least. t Iv the same i: situation obtains for If Fo'.ai.d and these inarch with France, a double attack com ii, I from Kiissia may everyone in Furnjio a Washington know, ii offensive against in ,ropration. If i at. wail, then ulli- inesca,abl, . i "ii in (ieuoa is not r. o related to t la the conference was he economic phai- :s little entente. Ier states now n the danger of from (.eriuaiiv : postponed. Hat 'Wsi. not a f. w i 1 a great Kn-si and is already iin-e and the . at I'ol I'll mate disaster w id h W hat is now goai in tiie slightest .1. ; purposes for vvliirh .a iginallv called T over it, it . a 1 1 n , . t hi restored. What is taking j.hic is the frank manoeuvre on both sides !.,, :, Ivan'. age in the juibde o.inion of tic vv..rh in the clash w b ; i i is now wed night inevitable. The fa. that the French has n,, .. . ; w it hdi a v, n "nin iictioa has no ohor sij nitieance tie, n t he recognif ion that t: Ku-is.i-l 1. riiian move ha bestowed up m I Fram e an ciioinious advantage, whi i: can; in' exploited ujion the m.o. Threat, in d a few days ago with isola tion in 'he world France is now assured of th. ,-,; of I'oland, of the little entente and of Fe'ginm, als.i menaced by a fresh I h rma n a 1 1 tack. French Can't Withdraw. F v.ouid bo a mis-take, therefore for p . l'r. iieh to withdraw J.recipif atelv . I.'.erv day is a iding to sttrength of the French s.sition siiu-e it tends at om ion. to (lis. (M,e the extent of the C. r man itrutejry and the magnitude of the .. rils nhicii this strategy ha 4 for other m.'it.n. You may hav,- a further Jio-t j.onein, nt of the collapse of the (ieno.i conference, altiiough it is clear that in Faris the whole French public opinion is ciumoring for a drastic action, but what is now practically out of the question is any restoration of the economic reality of the Oinoa conference. Tiie German and the Russiant hu.e destroyed Lloyd George, not only at homo ) but as a political h'ailer in Kurojie. Ho atone migiit nave urougni some semoian.-e of eoneord between all the rival nations and at least have made Genoa a plaee of fleeting, of eon ference. the iwuit of de jprture for later eo-ojieration. But the i Germans have supplied confirmation 10 : everything the French have asserted, in-'bo'h ?s to Gsnuim and Eusin purpose. S M'LEAN FOR GOVERNOR IN 1924 AND GARDNER IN 1928JS THE SLATE Everybody Now Whooping It Up For Governor Morrison Bailey Is Disheartened Not Believed That He Has Any Intention of Running For Governor. K NI.KICll. April " Two unions affiliating awhile ago for j.olitii-al pur pose, were smack. I fad and fair in the face bv In.- s(;,e I icuioci acy in the statu cun vi ill ion Thursday . If there i-. a wer l af comfort in tha , Domoi-ratic' i-ih for the frainers of 1 the qiiestioniiair.- which the double union I fixed up for candidates, a dozen jif-rusaU do not disclose ttie s,i. Tht. Kejiub licau party aiuw.-r. d iii.ft of the ques tions as the unionists would iiave desired ! them. Those w hich were dodged were tl ) prouehed in nun h more friendly way i than the Wemoer.icy came to the I scratch. The Democrats have ignored the t wo unions. The convention sat down on the union in more ways than by writing platforms. It not only refused to cry calamity; it ordered the shout of prosperity. An. I nearly everywhere in the oust the Deino- cratic leader, are going before their peo 1 pie . I, fen. ling what is called "evtrava gaiic. '' in the iiublio business and can didly telling lliem that government never will be cheaper than it now is. Bailey Getting Disheartened. So saturated with this xjdrit has be come the iuldio thought that there are thousands of possible wagers that J. W. Haihy wiil never run for governor but he will turn in and champion the Morri I son administration, as he ' worked for I, mi I.efore the lftJo election. A notice' labie loss- of .lit husiasin has lieen Uis ,ov, red in Mr. Bailey's recent utterances. lie has said a lot about reducing taxes, but leduciiig them is something else. , From men rather close to him come hints thai I'.ai ay lMg.-tting disheartened; that he knows the futility of attempting-to cut government revenues or pruning jiub ' lie otliccs. Nobody in the Morrison ' Watts ruling element of the jiarty le 1 li. ves thai I'.ailey is going to run for governor. They never did believe it and events have so shaped themselves since jlhe convention thai one with difficulty i sees where Haih y .an get into the race. (ianlner's retirement at. the conven tion complicated the thing for Bailey. Th. Sin !l,y man. instead of a i pen ling to llie dissatisfaction of the state, definitely declare i agaitis; ' l.aek pedaling and re action." .Lindsay 1 Warren, who is to represent ),;n,f.,rt in the 192,i general . conferred with Governor Mor rison, and li. F. (iiies, who fought him Ii an , . rlast ing- finish hi lyll, seems . n mor,- deeply ei.mniitle l to Morrison. irdii. r as. their field marshal, gives tho order to advance, ami rimmier Hurgwyn s up I mm the deep east to tell tho e;.ie that he has ceased to promise any cut ia taxes. Mofins Two Things. -Nil this i, said to moan two things: The first is tho A. NV. McLean will be ma.lo governor in FlL'.l and if any big thing will happen to unv biir man in , the east tiuveriior McLean is not going to forgot that Mr. Bailey has been good, and in I ! Max Gardner will be gover- : n ir without, ojipuxition, so far as the I disposi! ion of anybody at present a re ' sionsible agent of the jiarty, will fur , nish it. It xerms to mean even more than that. Tinre is goine; to be no attention paid to (hose kicker. who offer to re ;.lu,e salaries of public officials and tv cut t'M, hers ' wages. It will be from now mi an open issue ' between (he two parties. The element i within ti e Democracy will give no troiTlile. The tax question isn't going to :lu,rt badly. Those who pay the state ! income tax g. t away from Colonel How 'NVatts feeling v, ry much better than ( .they do when they t:,k. leave of Uncle Sam. The stae tax is vastly loss than the federal. Then 7", ,or cent of the cltlZcllsh Ies tax three ye not iiiini Ni W, the i'i N, vv ! - II ' h c.-.i-njn,-! jd j.aying it did a year, two and i h revolutionists ara o'.i lo start anything. taxing jiower treated ; ie farmers' union .iii'tiiadvert on it. Fur -, . the lem,n rnoy has ::' that would be hard it '.; "-'I railway and a t Italians have been . ,i a never. CANNOT SURRENDER THE PKOPPERTY OF BERGDOLL WASHINGTON. April 24. Justice Bailey, in th? Supreme Court of the District of Columbia, today ruled thai the Alien Property Custo dian cannot be required to surrender property of Grover C. Bergdoll, valued at $750,000. if the Govern ment proves that Bergdoll has been convicted of desertion and is now a fugitive from justice. ERWIN BERGDOLL MUST STAY IN LEAVENWOKTH WASHINGTON. April 24. The Supreme Cuurt today denied the ap plication of Erwin R. Bergdoll, of Philadelphia, for a writ of habeas corpus. Erwin, a brother of Grover -Cleveland Bergdoll, is now serving a sentence of four years in Leaven worth for failure to perform military service during the war and contend ed he was illegally convicted. OVERMAN RECOMMENDS COOPER F02 BOARD "WAs-HIXGTON, April 24. Appoint- . ment of Lieutenant Civeruor W. B. tC'oo - r. of North Carolina, to the Federal farui loan board to take th place of A. Lever, of isouth Carolina. n-sib'ne.J, was n'oniniende.t to losi i, nt Harding today ly- tienator Orerir,..::. r thai ttafe. Mr. Cooper in a i.-.-r WU. nunc ton, V. C, . . . i. . i SKI..."

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